K Xocai and Miscellaneous Jtfa'j All Advertising mi'lrr this head atrlctfy five cent lr line. 1 A brand now line ol fancy (iranitc Vre t Johnnun, Booth Co, Million Kruit Jure at Joliniwn, Booth A Co'i. Anew, extra laiiry line ot meiw j hirtt jiiRt received at the Hoe Hive. I Hnecwlt in Indira- muri nii, white skirts, panuoU and fun" at The Bee Hive. J. F. Morris lias sliinejcs, il.wrs and windows for sale nt prices that will suit you. A. H. Lippnian has several choice pieces of city pro,eity lot sale. See him. The latest and hest fruit jar earth is the ECONOMY. Both 4 Co. sell them. Joliiuon, ' ! J tint received a lull line o( cupel, nittinc. IHirtiei.i, luce curlain, etc. ; etc. al A. H. I,iiinn ci I'o. A big line of Crnsh and Straw Hats being sold cheHp at Johnson, Booth A Prices on doora and window!, drop ped 20 per cent August l.lih all along the Pacific coast. ioe A. II. L.ippnmn if in need of any. J. F. Morris ha ft Hue of the cele brated John Deere buggu-s and hack foraale. Anyone wishing a bargain i in this line will do well to call and ee him. Notice of Final Accounting W.N. COX Estate. Notice U heir hy (riven, by tin1 umtfr aignnl atlnunistratur of the E-tate of W. N. Cox. thveaM-d. that tlie sai'l a.imihi txator has filetl his final actimiitin of his al mi nirt ration of said estate with tilt t'lerk of the County Court ami tht Court his appointed Monday, tlie Tth day of November, 1MM, at one o'clock p. m. at the County Court rxm in Prinovtlle, OrcD. as the time and place for hearing such linal accoatitinjr. at which time and p. act all pcraons interested in said estate may appear and object to said final accounting. F. E. HYLAND, AdminiMrator. 822 up CATARRH JrVItfa. Orefm Wi. -c flAT-fWER VWif Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. CIVE3 RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses. Boot bes, heals, stu! proteHs the diseased ineinbnn;1. It cnri-i Catarrh and drivf awuy a Odd i:i tli- Ih-nd ipn-k!y. Restores the fvuse- of T.Me ini-l h-n- il. Kisy to use. Co:.Uins no iny.:n ns dr-i::-. Applied v !o iY". n -.t.-i;s ati 1 nl-v-Hnfl. Lir'e Sia r- " : t , or bj luaU; Tr : - . - ; ELY BROTHEho, . ... Timber Land, Act June 3, KS78. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. The DalleH, Oregin. May 'X, laM. Notiee hereby iven that in cm-pliance with the provisions o( the act of CotiyTe "f June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the rule of timber lands in the States of California, gun, Nevada and Washington Territory," na extended to all the Public Land Staten ly act of August 4, 1KI2, the foll.-vi tiu'-uaiiifcd persons have on March 23rd, VMA, tilnl in tliis otfice their sworn statement, to-wit; Charles Jochem, of Goldbar, county of Snohomish, state of Washiu'.'ttin, swoni nt;ite. ment No. 2279, for the purchase of tht Kt KWi,SWiNKiandLoUl4 2 Seeti, 30, Tp. IS South, r!anne 'JO Kast, W. M. Thomas Darrow, of Seattls county of Kiiu;, j state of Wachintiton, sworn ttateiin.-nt No. SMO, for the (.urchase of the Lot 4. SK' tfWI of Section 10. NKU NWJ & NWJ NKj of Section 30, T. 1". South, lUn-e : Eatt, W. M. That they will offer proof to rdiow that the land nought i more valuable for itc timber or stone than for agricultural pur-; poses, and to otablfsh their clainif- to .said I land before the Hester and Receiver at The Dallea, Oregon, on Decemler Uth, l'.u4. They name as witl 1 lnnniw Iairw, of Port Angeles, VaMhiutn; Krnert Mar tria, Ole Olson and Charles Jochciu, ot (.old Har, Vfashiugton; C. A. Duncan, of 1'rine ville, Oregon. Any and all iiersotis vlaiming mlvertely the above-described lands are reo,iieMt-d to til. their claims in this office on or before said 14th day of December, 1004. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, oc&dp ItegiiU-r. Timber I-and, Act June 8, 1KT8. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United States Iand Olltce. The Dalles, Oregon, Mty 23, UOt. Notice la hereby given that tn comi-11 ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands tn the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all ihe Public Land States by act of August 4, 1MM, the folloaiii iiHiueii petsus hava on March 23rd, 1104, fah-d in this otticf their sworn statemeuU, to-wit: . Ole OlsoD.of (Jld Bar, county of Snoh miab. state of Washington, sworn statement No. 2277, for the purchase of the MK'i of Hection 24, To. Ift South, flange 1 K.. W. M Ernest Martin, of Hold Lar, couuty of Hnohoniish, state of Washint,tn, sworn state ment No. 227h fur the purchase of tlie N '14 of action 34, Tp 15 8., K. 1'J E., W. M. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought U more valuable for its timber or t..n than for antioitHural irv, and to eitUt!iK their claim Ut uM land Mn tht Urvi.trr Mid Hrcmer at Thf Oalta, tHrtf.1l. , Dmnilvr 13th. WH. They nanir aa witminHi: Kmaat Martin, ! Oharli Jwhrm and Ole OUon. .( O.dd Bar a.hirt..n; C. A. I'uiicm, l'rinaxille, iirww Tnonaa larr, .if Snub, Waak- HItt"B. Any and all persona clalmlna adverse ly the iibove-.l.wrlbed lands are reinnil cd to ale their claims In thla olrlce on or befre Ihe said lMh day of IVoeinbcr. MH IIAKI.T. MILAN, licjlister. Brights Disease And Diabetes We d.-ire to flare in the band- of i ,l,oselUi,-ll .ill. RrUrhtt a,,, ; IliaMcs a .'SHvii.-.' nampol. t thai i anrin human lives. II is not an ordinary ivam-! h.lilel. Mich a.-iseominoii. lv US.-.I to ,. vcrtiM- nu-viuiiic, hut is nrinciiially ma.lc up of rciwns of si ienmUaUy n.n.luctnl UM in a lanre variitv of oft'S, stliowint: 7 jht ivnt t'f Ti'Writ's in ihvw liillicrto iiH-unil'? JieMM1. TIi sjHVilics t'mtloviil in tliw tfls an' known a? the Kulum I'oiiiikuiii.Is ami t lie wmiIu ollai iuhI prove iMiiclusivt'ly iliut ihow lirt'jutcil diMitM' to lon$ fatal (the ihatlis trviii liriuh li'ac .ilmie art1 aj'paiiinj:, over H.it a yfttr, tartnir a kitincy troui'Ust li;tve at last yioMtM to tiilii'.il "tipiH-. Tin' laiujihlcl is frw. Writ- to tho John J. Fulton WWasIi iiifiton -tnvt, San FraiwiMV. t'al. When Ui Mi.-iHi't Unslit. Ihoase: uHy anU r liaihl; weaktu1.-! without 4.... .e, mmo.v.,.r ( montb; fm,uent unnatum. (may .how . Atlimt'ni or cloudy on .-tandiiijtl; failing vision thee. lay drowinc-one or mon- ofj j . IN THK ciiicrtT coriiT of thk;" STATK OF OKKttOX, Foil CKOOK CiU'NTY. Clam U. CalJweU, Plaintiff, vd WintriceO. Lai well. Defendant ) To Wintnce O. CaldwelI,bov named de- fendant: IN TMh NAMS OF THK STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to ap pearand answer the omiulaint tiled a;aintit you in the above entitled suit on or befors the first day of the next regular term of the above entitlwl court and if you fail s to answer, for wnt thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court f.-rthe relief demanded in her eoniiliiit, to-uit: For a iwschti-n of the marriaire cntract n..w evi-tinr betwi-en the pKintitf and de fendant, that the Mine mavlie set aaati and : W held for natuht. and for a iu.l.nnent i against you for her jots and disbursements. and for such other and futher relief aa tti the ftntrt and equity may seem jut and meet in the premise. This nummi.iK, U ordered served on you by publication thereof for nix cnecutiVe weeks, from Spt 1st to and tKA i:uh I.4. by order of H-norable W. A. IVI1, CoUittv Jude for Cnmk County, Oregw, made and dated at Priueville, Oregon, s?pt 1, VJirt. U. V. BAliNKS, Attorney For Plaintiff. Tit!ilrlai)d, Act June 3, 1C. NOTJCK b'OH IH'HLICATInX. United Slates Ind Ottlce. Th Dalles, On gon, May 2$, 1!4 Notice Is hereby given that in comiilf iiice with the provisions of the art of 'ogress of June X 17. entitled "An act or the sale of timber lands in Ihe siatos t ''alifornla, uregrm. Nevada, and Wash !ii,"on Territory," as extended to all the 'uHie I-and States by act of August 4, 1 WtLLMM M.MEEKIJt -if I'f meville, county of Crok, mate of Or gon, has on July 17, l!c, tiUil in this off c lii- sworn statenient So. ' for the pun bae ol L of Section SI Tp 12 South if liafiif- Hi Kat W M and wilt oiler pnwf to f-itow that the land sought i1 more ralu-t!-!f for its titnU'r or stone than lor agri u turaf purpo-es, and to etabli'h hi !..im baid land liefore the County Clerk if i't k county, Oregon, at Priueville, Or g -ii, on the Uth day ot Octolwr, :4. He i;:iiiH." an witnce-: Augu-i H. J.ipp inati and U iliiam Treirhal of Priueville, On-L'ott, and Suuinel Comt'ton and Aldnn II. Ea-lw(nni of lirizzly, Oregon. Any and all per-ons claiming adverely the aljove de4-rilx'd tandr. are n-ijue-tl to M their claims in this otlice on or liffore ai-J itlli day of OcWls-r. l!tM. MH 1JAKLT. NoI.AN llejrii-t r. TROUBLES ft "IflndThMfoM'sRlaV.nrstiffht ' aroort metticine lor Ji er disease, H f- reii my 'fin after im hart sp-nt IWwilhOorton. Itisallthemed' Icttie I Uke."-MRS. AP.OL1NB MAET1N, Parkersburj, W. Va. If your liver does not act reo ularl v po to your "iniypist and secure a nackaiTB of Thedfdrd's Dlack Drau'jht and take a dose lonspiit. lii is (rreat family Diedn-iiw frees the conBtipab-d wjw.-ih, Htin up tlie torpid liver and causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford'i Black - Draught will cleanse the bowels of im purities and strengthen the kid neys. A torpid liver invites cohla, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of tick nemandiMitygion. Weak kid neys result in brigbt'i disease which claims aa many victims as consumption. A 25-cent package of Thelford'i blwk prautfht phouid always be kept in the house. "I tifwj Thedford's Black Draught for liver acd kirtnfy com- filsiut-. and r-und uoOiinr la tu il 1"-H1LLIAH COkkSiAU, alar- THEDFOHD'S BLACK- i ll u LIVER CONTEST NOTICE WCl'ARTMKNT OK TIIK INTKKIOK I'nitnl Slate Land iMtm Th Oailra, Ompw, Auinat IT, IWN. A urtioit-nt affidavit hvli, ln Mnl In IM vffiw hy KI!KI Y ItKKMAN, .d hi luentA, thv", amtwUnt, kftiimt Hni. t.ad Kntrjr No, ltM. made Airit H, ltl, f..r K1, SKi Swtl..n IJ A KS ,K .XU. a. T. IS Smth. Kif II Kaat, W. M, by Alliert I.. Italdwin, emirate, inwhti'h it it allyJ thai the aaid Allrt U lUldnln ha. wh illy abandoned the uM tract: that he haa rharured hit rvatdence tr.erefr.un for num. than six mntha aince making the aaid entry; that aaid tract i not arttied tin. and vnltl tated by aaki party aa re,iiirrd bv law and that the wnteatve hi totally tailed tu biiihl a hoiiw n the land mi,1 ha made no inilmivrnienta whatever, and that aurh failure attll evnta, and ia not due to paval or mili tary nen ice in the army, navy or marine cor)M of the I'uited Stale. Said pirtie are herel.y n. ttffcl to appear. re(.nd and offer evidence touching aaid alK-stion at 10 o'cW-k a, w. on tVtotier ti, l'.it. More M. K. Iticn, I'. Ooiiiniisaion, ."" wthoruni u. take ine lc.iiii.aiy ' ce at hi. oltiw at I'lineville, Oren. land that tiual heariim ill he held at It) "''l' ' ' IM'" l M')' the K'HiO'i-aim i.eceiverat me i nn. .-.lave. Und Ortiif in Th l!., tW- The 8Aut tNmtiyiUiit hnunv. in a irpw AthtUvIt, lilrtl June IT. liW, M-t forth UcX which show that nr tu ttilu?nc r'UAl wr kv if this, notic 't lw mii(. it t hetrhy trvlfrvil Mitt Jinfctt that mk-H notice Iw v't'tt by ilnf ami vr )iiti)ii'ftti m. MICHAKI.T. NOLAN, Kvubter. Notice For Publication. Land Office al The Dalles, Oregon, Notice hereby given that the MIowinK n-uned seitler tuw filed notice of hi intention U mke tinal pn( in u)nrt of fan claim, t.ti.1 tht id i.r,yir will Im nml. t,.n. J. j. S,mth. CWv Cikt .t lWille, ( m BitiiVi a K TKtirii ,j pnneiille, Omn. H. K. N. S3. lor the SS SWt NK SWi A XWck SKS Sec "- ll t- name? the following wit neae to prove his continuous reilcnce ujwm and cultiva tion of said land, vii: Jarnw Zeveily, W ilium H Kirklmm, Alexander Hiuhey and David Hod worn), all of Priueville. Oregon. M1CHAKL T. NOLAN. Register. slap NOT1CR FOR FL'HLICATION. Land Oftiie at The lallea, Oregon, AugiMl '.li. UF't. Notice is hereby given that the following imnit-d settler has hteil nutice of his inten tion to niake linal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be- ,urv J' J-", . oumy urn ai 0n"n m via: of Culver, Oregon, H. K. No. 10117, for the NS XK; lion 19 A WS Ntt Section Ji. Tp. 12S., R. U K-, W. M. He na tnes the following witnesses to pruve his contiuuoui residence upon and cultivation of suid land via: Jonea Kvin, Dave Rogers, Frank Hun ter and Wiiie Hunter, all of Culver, Ore. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, f slpd Register. ,Vlll'MrTKAI) OiNSOI.IIIATKD MiTH'K KuR ri'BI.II'ATIDN. I'liilrd Static Iaud Office Tlie Dallrs. Onyim. Notice ia liercliy ifiven that the following named wltlen. have tiled notice of their intentions to nmlie proof on their respec tive claims, and that aaid proof will be made before J. J. Mnith, Couuty t'lerk of i 'rook county, Oreicun, at I'riiieville, Ore H'.n, ..I. Septeinlajr a, V.iH, at the county court houe, Til: JAM M H. I.AMSllX of Culrer, ()r.on, II K No. R!SJ, for the lula HV S . and N'W'i.,' HKy, Hertion t, Tp 13 South of Kanr 13 K W 31 HKNRY W. I.ASISIlXofCiilver.OreKon II No. 7i. for the rtV', or Metlioli 4 Tp 13 South ol Hunge 13 E W M. They name aa witnewiea to prove their coutinuotia residence upon and cultivation of said lands, to wit: Ocirge H, Osboni, Jmiic 11 Win.ioiii, Waiter Kuble and HoljeK Morris, all of Culver, Oreiron, M 1CJIA KL T. Nul.A N KeninUr. Pelilien lar l luar l.lrcnsr. 'Hi THK HONOllAliLK C'Of NTY COl liT HHi ClHMiK COI NTY, OliK- W. the underifned leul V(-ters of Kntchtrr iirecinut. in Cnn;k County, Oregon, resist fully pftiti-m your Hunorahle Court U rant a lictmse U M . L. L ,ucks U sell sptrit-u-ius, malt and vim his li-juors and hard cidsr in ijiiantitin less than one ifallou, in I'al main, Kutcher precinct, Crmik County, Ore X'n, fr a period 'if six in-ntli from and after the lit day of November, VM, NAMK8 H. C. Ilore. Fwl Iaw, W. .Sumner, Hen. Sniiimers, White, J. il. Lot-hard, A. I Williams, V. K. Whultmian, V. W. Htotw h-K-ker, (;. V, Dillon, Milo (iard, It. It. YounK, Walter Loniey, L. A. Yoiiiik, Yiilus i;i.UO. . L. Hohlfeld, It. M. J.4HS, L.i HaUrstah, F. O. Hutchinson. Kd Kutcher, It. Ioncks, .John Hatins, Jofan Pal midtii, James Williams. Kum Williams, Joe I'ar-Par lat, Thomas Chaihs, Frank Winnemhut. (ieorjfc J'itt, John O'JIorr, J. K. Camj.tM-ll, L. 1. Patton, Al lilanclw-l, L. Lundery, T. M. lioorlun. Don P. li, V,, H. Mayes, C, H. Cowhs, It. H. Ve.t, Kamnel Hal.erstuh, W. Thiclman, J, A. Aniey, C. liaiiisey, J, Hatldism, A. il. Parker, J. K. Church, James Lee, Chas. Jfarp, John Dil lon, Wm.Oiokley, Douglas Mci.rsth, E. V. Doty, IKuletf, Peter Katava, J. M. Mayes, 1. L. Huffman, W. I. Manlus, L. B. Tiurka, It. T. Jones, F. J. ISrook. J. D. JUyes. John Mitm, T. J. M alloy, tin. Kirk. ti. W. Itechum, C. K. Utaclu, M. L. lymcki, H. K. .N'in, K. H. hue, N. fi. Jennings, E. Uuhlin, C. C. Fos, Ira Miam, J. W. Jack w.n, Maitin T. l'rstt, H. K. (Jray. Notice is herel.y piven that the above letition will )e prestuU-d to the llonorahle :onnty Court of the .State of Oregon for Crook County, at the next reKular term there of, Ur-wil:na tlie 2nd. day of .November IHW, or as soon thereifP:r an the said 0,nrt t-Mi h-ar the same, and will then and there ask that such petition lie jrranted and a license issue to tlie said M. U Loucks, to sell spiri'u. ous, malt and vinous liquors and hard cider in 'juanities less than one ifallon at the I'recinct of Kutcher town ui Palmaln, Cn-.k County, Oregon, for a teiin of six montlis. Sep 11. law. m. L. IjOL'ckm, ass, For Salo. HHUorrof liiu'HlfsIf liuul uiulorir riH t iun ditch togol Iter wit li onc oit;hth intrwt in diteli. Atu 100 iuir o( Uittoiu km), 80 sort umtor cIlivtion( all fenctxt, ix hkm houw, turn ami oulttiiililin. Will id I Ml. prowrti ni a Kirguiii prim. A.Mrww. The Jihknau VK SAI.K. Ahwt JUKI licail ut liw'i conaiating of ewe, ycHrlinc," mnl Istiitw: alKiut nne Uiinl of t-oli. lianiio gitea nilli lnvi. Will U' tiwily fur mile about the Kith of May. Tliin bunrh is in tlmmiiuliiioii. J. D. (ItlUHIS, rJlSTKkS, Okk. l'R 8AI.K. A vtry dosirablo rnwh 1 (vmistitix of ltH) noroa. About 10 n(! which is lirnt class yol low pino tiiulvr and (U dcrvaof No. 1 arioultuaal laml enohwMtl by fetiw, N aorw uf which i thrw yoar-old alfalfa ami 3 acre in clover. A large atmtm of pure cohl water looming with trout runt. io ihrouh tftiter of pUc. (hnhI illicit for irrigation purpose. This ia a Inrtiiu. For f u titer purticulara ami pric write or call to the jui kvu. Otlicc. Priueville. Onmi. STRAYED. One hay pud one black in a it. Black om tiled with triangle and 0 on left shoulder; hay branded with old Kickwald brand, 0 X on left shoulder. Strayed away from (lie Milling turn Friday, September 1 jst seen at Ka)le U ck. Finder will be paid suitable reward. j Kit Ukadkokm. ! Deputy Stock Inspectors. Nlic ta hereby given th I have appointed the following named persons deputy stock inspectors: J. V, Cartwntthl, Hay Creek I Jim Woods, Aohwood K. Sparks, Siaterm. , A. Mmw, Haystack. F. M. Smith Paulina. R'isciHS Rum, Post J. S. Botrut, Hmland. ' Al' Mclutih. Hani in .1. I. YanHi uton, Huy Creek. '. U. S. Cwles, liny I'ret'k Joe H inkle. Stork Inspector Crook County. Timber Ijind, Art June X 1STS. NOTICK FOIl FUHMCATIIIN. United States Uind om-e, Thk Daixkh, Okh,o.vf June 24, VM. Notlcfi Is hert'by given that In rumpll unrc with the provisions of the act of Congress of June X IhTs. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds tn the stale of California, Orejn, Nevada, and Wash 'melon Territory," as extended to all the I'ubllc laand Slates by ai-t of August 4. 1W2, the fullowiug named person have filrd in this office their sworn statements, to-wit: IIOWAKD a C1IAM11KKLA1N of '.fl Phoenix lliiildiiikj, Minneapdis, county of Hrnnepin, Ut of Minnesota, sworn state menl Xo Jim, filed Notemler VI, lUUt. (or the purchase of the St', ami Lot 1 A S Section ti, Tp 1.1 South, Han 21 If .. W. SI. COit.NKLII S J. M1LLK1AN of laimmta, cunty of Cnwik, st:ite if Oregon, swtrn statement No. 2H4, tiled October ti, ISOI.f.rthe purchaat of the HW'.; NV' of Sectkio -t, Tp. 12 South, Marge Iti Ks-t, W. M. That they will ohVr proof to show that (he land so unlit Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur noses, and to establish their claims tn suid land before J. J. Huiilh, County Clerk at his office t I'rineville, Oregon, (inOctoher ILIh, VMrt. They name as witnesses: James H elf rich, Kllen I. Taylor, llolwrt Armstrong, Allen Hash, and Jach Htroiid, of IaiiH.nta, Ore if n; John W. Dee, of firUily, Oregon; Powell & -Tonsorial i? u i it 1 1 a u i nrunnrr CAun i irv w Sh aa i k , General Storage orwhrdinq AND Commission Merchants Di alers in lilncksmilh Coal, Flour, BnrWd Wire, .Vailn, Cement, I.ime, Coal Oil, Planter, Hulphur, Wool and Grain, Sack and Twine, drain and Feed. Agents for Wamo Warehouse Milling Co'a. "White River" and "Dallen Patent" Flour. Higlient prieo i:ii.l for Hides and Pelti. Siecial Attention is paid to Wool Grading and Baling for Eantern Shipments. Stock Yards with all the latest and best facilities for Handling Stock. Mark Yoar Goods in lWy It, INdmlvitvr and KryJ T. HIuhIus. id Prltifvtllt), tirttcw, Any and all person "claiming advrly rfia alHv-dcsoHlHd lands ars riHjiivatwt to tils thvlr claims In this olflvs on or hhm th said T.'ih day M kUmt llim. MlrilARt. T. MH.AN, ltetitcr. JlWcki Ett. SMITH MAKI K OF Ceimiite YAQKKO SADDI.KS uUo LAUIKS' SAIMI.KS Sniall selct'lcd nlmk nf Uiiriirna, Quirts, Hihlrcth ltitn itml Spun. rKlNKVII.I.K, OltXiS. MEN wanted: To Work on tho CULIMBU SOLTHIRN IKKIIiATlUN ; C0J1PA.NVS 0RKS Also ono BLACKSMITH Main Ciiiup on South Siilt) ot Cline llut tti C F. SJIITM, Sspt BUSINESS FOR SALE W'v re ri'tiritig from Ihik'hii-i'!" ami our entire Mtork ot Mer 'hn.nili.io will lio wiliI ri'unlli'iM of ctwt. Will si'tl enliri1 lniiin-sH lit N'llKnlUlllif tlTIIIK. N. A. TYE & Company for Choir Homestead Locations Timber Desert Land)s ROBT. SMITH, t I'rinevillt), Oregon. Cyrus Artists- 0 regs b. Care of "S. W. Co." Sencral tftiachmithing llorseahoeiliK, Wood Work, t'k' mmlly mill prolnplly dune when II ia donn hy Saloman d Moore Sntlstattlon W ill lie Priueville, - Babbit Metal Melted into 5 pound bars From Old Type. Just ciiiiiii'Ii iillov to than miliimry nnli t'liniiuli to lical when Threshers Shmilil lako iMlvmilac uinutM. i run lower man any quotation on llaliliit Molal in Triiii'viHo, ' liny now for tlit eoinini,' season, ADDRESS: CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL I Wit i nMfm,-ra--TH When in need of I.itin l)er, Shingles, Mould, ing, Doors, Windows or (Jlass see SHIPP For Prices on Them. TJ 1 s I I THE RECEPTION! CHAMP SMITH, PROP. Wines, Liquors, Domestic z i I and Imported - i lupnciui Ul ll I U UiuiUiUiUlUiUiUJitiUlUiil 4 Photography for the AMATEUR at Half its Former Cost 1 mm American Jr; CAMERA Wllh Double Flala Holder $1.60 Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. Send for illustrated catalogue telling all about our 27 styles and sizes. Free. AMERICAN CAMERA MFG. CO. 946 St. Paul St.. Rochester, N. Y. -in (linirnntevd Always . , OrcRon. CL1 10 & : : inaki' it iiinro tliirnlili! - .t. ami Mill nut luinl in and Mill Men I' of tliia offer. Siiily I Cigars. IMICVIIIU UUd W OIKS, - MlMiMMiMMf The famous Poco, Buch-Eye and American Cameras. Genuinely good in every detail. Film or Plates as ycyj choose. Absolutely new models. iFn $4.80 4x5 POCO