THE CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL An Independent Newspaper D. F. STEFFA. PUBU5HED BY THE JOURNAL PUHUSHINO CO. S. M. HAI1.KV, ruhlMiiri wry Tliunty at The Journal HufMing, Prlni'vllU', Oregon. Th Jni'mAL k itiil t Ihe vtofflp nf . IMltf vllk, OrR., for InuiMiiwiiion throush 111 II, 8. mfti) m etmd ctsw nitur. THURSDAY, OCTOBKR 6, 1904. TAMMANY'S TAR WATER. Judge Parker's "admonition," addressed to his waning supirt ers, in his speech to the visiting editors, has in it, for all its rho domontade, a window of the pathetic. It is little wonder that there are dissensions in the Democratic camp, as staid gentlemen from the South, East and West, men who have certain traditions of respect ability to reckon with, find that their candidate is and always has been cheek by jowl with Iavid Bennett Hill and hand in glove with Tammany. Judge Parker, recogniiing the dangers of his position, but unable to shake off the political associates and methods by which he has risen, pleads fervently for "the elimination of personal, factional and unimportant differences in volving no surrender of principle." Such elimination, he declares, "is essential to success." But will the Democrats drink the Tammany "tar water?" There is something to be said-ar there was-in favor even of "tar water." Bishop Berkeley in his famous eulogy upon that old fashioned but unp'easant mixture declared: "It is of a natcrk so MILD AND BENIGN AND PROPORTION ED TO THE III MAN CONSTITUTION AS TO WARM WITHOIT HEAT1NO, TO CHEER BIT NOT INEBRIATE." Still, tar water went out fashion! of i held. Anyone who should he I bold enough to take n open stand against the system would be exe crated, held up to derision and his execution would be suggested. While the system is correct, how is it carried out? First, the tax payers are robbed bv a rich com bine of school book compiler and publishers, with an often recurring! change of books," from bad to ' worse, none of which teach too ; nt ....... ,.r it... v....i:.i. i em understand this, and no doubt, K i hut string out an endless chain ol uctoDer Htn and stni,,,. ,:,i i i ,,.: , .... ,. ,.. ... , ... ....... , OFFICIAL PAPER OF CROOK COUNTY. Oregon where there are few now. where grain will be raised on what are now considered pasture lands. The directors of the Ureal South Two Games Base Ball BASE BALL wv , 1 fT Ud Wurzwcilcr cf Wiomson will reap every advantage possible in the advancement of the country. This road will Iw a ornianent laclor of development, and while its northern terminus will be at The Dalles the point it will reach south and east is yet to Ik determined. Remember the Dates Additional Locals First dunce of the season. Athletic hall, October I I. A. L. Mcintosh was a business visitor during the st week from his stock ranch at Paulina. B. B. Helfrich was in the city from Laninnta this wwk transact ing business matters. Opening Fall and Winter Hop at the Athletic club, October 14. Warren Brown liegan teaching the fall term of school at t! the first of the week. 5ociaIi5t Column Editor The Journal: There is a growing sentiment throughout the educated world favoring the amelioration of the condition of the suffering millions of ieoplc who toil and suffer, half clad, half fed, out of heart and discouraged. To better enable thrill to exploit their producing millions, combi nations of many kinds are organ ized by the wealthy, that is those who control large amounts of money combine in the form of corporations, associations and parties for the purposes of adding to their already plethoric purses and to giatify their inordinate ambitions. Those who do not control vast i mounts of m.,i,..i- llo ll,..iin., ! when it is high than The ladies of the Baptist chur.hliriu!ucing h) will serve ice cream and cake next Saturday afternoon at the ball grounds. W. H. Staals was over from Deschutes yesterday attending to business matters. He baa just returned from a summer's outing with his wife and family at Vaquina Bay. mony is the microbe that puts the brake on the system, many school houses are in an unfinished con dition, cold and unsanitary, while; none are furnished as they should lie. Wages of teacher an' so low that first class teachers cannot be secured. I While the system, like many i laws are good, hut woefully man-: I i I ......,, II i .,.,1 lu,. cause there are no dividends ac cruing to the stockholders? j There are large numbers ol vampire and leeches among us who suck the life out of the pro ducing laborers. These "labor not, neither do they spin," except the labor it takes to set traps to catch suckers and spin yarns to lure tools into their nets. I It is a well known fact (lint the leeches, politely called tradesmen,) make more money from an article I In u it is! low. Did you ever slop, you hard , m IS r.i i it .... Have Just Rccieved 03 . . . .... . A new .via uompicie Line or ot :nc. I nitio Children Fine and Heavy Shoes tit fftGet 9 Also .1 i'lnv Line Slippers. of L.idlcs Our (iiaiul Distribution of Dinner Sets is the Talk of e Town. a l ouTY two pn:i:i:si:r of hand AUK l ice to Our (lash Customers P.VIMIl) CHINA- v.u. am)si:i: Tiir.M Gash Ghccks With Hack Purchase Srincvillc 's Srcatcst Store 1 CP J. W. HOONG AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,lj Unions for the purpose of protect- "rkii producer, ami ligure out ine themselves from the tentacles w much you produce, whether of the soulless combines of the rich. It seems when "the poor o'er laliored wights" feel the lightening tentacles of the rich combines all they know, or think of doing, is to strike walk out, itiit work, The ladies of the Presbyterian I meet, pass resolutions, go hungry church will give supper Saturday for a while and then return to evening, October Stb, 1!K14, at .work. The combines have control Belknap's Hall, from 4:o0toH at of all means of production, strikes 25 cents a plate. Everyone is are futile, so far as bettering the The Campaign on the Democrat ic side has been reduced to two contentions; the so-called aggres siveness and impulsiveness of Theodore Roosevelt and the so called extravagant expenditures of the Republican party. These expendituies are credited to Mr. Roosevelt by the ignorant Demo cratic press, while of course the President has nothing whatever to do with the appropriations which necessitate the consequent ex penditures for the maintenance of the government. It transpires that those expenditures, all things considered, are in no way an in crease over the expenditures of previous administrations; as, for instance, the expenditure of 150, 000,000 for the Panama Canal is in no way an ordinary expendi- turej'it is simply the taking of so invited to attend. Base Ball BASE BALL Prineville vs Anteope October 8th and 9th Dance Friday Night condition of the producing, labor ing class is concerned. Whenever a strike becomes formidable, the military nnd the j courts, owned and controlled by the rich, are pressed into service to suprcss the "criminal laborers," J. Collins, of the firm of I.afol- j wlio are only striking as best they lett & Collins, d!ilers in the j know to better their own eon thoroughbred bucks, returned lastlditions, so they may better live, week from his trip to several Cali- j shelter, clothe and feed their fornia towns. He made another trip to the Bly returning Sunday night. Lakeview Herald. The members of the Degree of Honor entertained their friends Tuesday evening in the lodge rooms. A large crowd of merry makers was present to enjoy the evening's pleasure and partake of the dainty luncheon which had been prepared. The dedication ceremonies at the new High school will be con- much money from our surplus and j jlu.te( a wet.) fr0In next Saturday ! putting it into this great under- Ught. Superintendent of Public taking, and there is no Democrat j Instruction, J . H . Ackerman, will with courage enough, if he has the j ije nere from gakm to ,.., anj : inclination, to say that that momb,.rg 0f the local faculty will j weeping wives and helpless child ren. That the sentiment is wide spread to better the condition of the rising generations, is proven by the almost universal favor in which our free (?) school system a high price or a low price pre vails, sticks to the mucous mem brane of your internal economy to strengthen and brace you up for future effort? There is a remedy proposed for all evils that oppress the world, many can be totally eradicated and all others alleviated. So, mv fellow citizens, I implore you to lay aside your prejudice. U-arn by your own effort the only avenue of escape from the oppres ivc tentacles ol the rich that en twine you. All producers of wealth feel the oppression, talk about it, kick, growl and complain. They lee I that something should be done, but never think of how to do it. When the plan is proposed to many, they insultingly condemn it, thereby showing their profound ignorance of the (Risibilities of the remedies proposed, and often display an extecded pair ol ears. "K I hiii your lonlllim's slave, My nature' law designed, Why wiut nil Independent wish F.'re planted In in.v inlnd'.'" K. t ' 'it Jit (no I OH Slock Saddios CLOSING OUT SALE licntlciiu-u Miov-s l.adics Shoes Uiildivil Mine ticlllk'UK-n II, its (ik'nt'i t' Suits Ladle I odd-" cur Suit I .'SI .0 I , l..r l..r for l..r f..r (. . l..r lol for lor lor lol for for lor for lor lor for lor I Mi I ' I Ml I I" .Iio I '-I All Olhr DltV (i()()l)S AT COST IN. A. TYEfi Bros. Merchants I & v v w is w t v w v v 'i vvvvvwvvl P. A. A. C. 1 amount should not have been ap propriated. We are now expend ing 120,000,000 a year for free rural delivery service, and there is no Democrat with courage enough, even if he has the inclination, to ; say that we should appropriate a j dollar less than :!0,1S0,000, which we are to expend this year for that splendid service, and which will no doubt be increased from year to year should tho Republi cans continue in power. also take part. J. J. Englehardt, who came here from Portland last week, has been I doing some very rapid and com mendable work with the artist's brush in Glazes hall where he has reproduced some very pretty scenic views in an exlraordinarv I OPENING BALL I f. a Friday, October 14, 1904. r j Mrs. John Cyrus A m:v I INK lie Collars, Melts Illlll Silk Waists l.ntewl hi'Hlulis In Silver-wan- mid Jewelry. Nollniis ol nil khnls. Willing T.-il.-lels, I'eurlls. NiHi'Ih.Si'H hg M lie h I lies, mid Need Iin. siimi: ( lion i: iiaki.ains In Holiday (iiiodn W'hkh Will he In Stock About November 1st. Mrs. John Gyros X I . I I I I i ii I I' Meat, Vegetables, Produce A Complete and Choice Line of I'eif, Vi lliieon, l,:ird and Cmiulry I'roiluee Kept ul, Million, hind at Pork, City Fifleat Market FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. I'rlnevillc, At Tilt' Old Stand Oregon. PiiocviWiiio Slagc Line jvirwvwwvv vmr Dally Between Prineville end Shanlko SCIIKDfl.K Arriv:'s at IVinevillr II a. in. . A in nr. at Sliniiiko I a. in. Accommodations Leaven Hliilliiloi, fl p. In, Leiivi h I'rineville t p. li First Class In an interview with congress man Williamson by a Chronicle reporter, published in another column, he says that The Dalles 1 is overlooking something if it allows the opportunity to pass of : furnished entertainment for many During lhe short space of time. past week he has confined his work to paintines on glass and is now engaged in doinoil paintings on canvas. Mr. Knglehanlt is an experienced workman in his line, having been the lightning artist a number of seasons on several vaudeville circuits in the eat-t. His work here has attracted con siderable attention and he has Given by the Prineville Amateur Athletic Club for the purpose of raising funds to install Shower Baths in the Club. Friday, October 14, 1904. connecting itBelf by rail with this rich wheat-growing belt," referring! to the lands in Crook and other counties. Our congressman is cor rect in this; and when our citizens secured the terminus of the Great Southern Railway, we believe they made a move in the right direction in this regard. We have been creditably informed that a survey has been made for this railroad through Crook county, and that it will be the great interior road in Eastern Oregon. It has a capital behind it, and it was never intend ed to build only a few miles and stop. The great wheat belt lies hundreds of miles inland, and the construction of the Great Southern will develop a country, build up a trade and pav for investment. who have watched his rapid work with the brushes. This coming week he will confine his paintings to canvas, work which is much more difficult than that which he has been doing on glass. 'A A CordiM Invitation is Extended to All Notice of Cattlemen! Meeting. Tlie annual nuTtlntf of the Crook founty CattlHiicn'H HMHoclatlon will lie held at tin court liouw in I'rlne- vllle, Oregon, at lu o'clock p. in. Saturday, Octnlier 1.1. A full attend ance of all the iiifiiilrerH in denlnil. K. T. Klayton, Kwretarv. TICKETS $LOO FOUND. The barrels of a 12 gauge shot gun on the road to the Dee saw Every acre of land cultivated j mill in the Mckay mountains, furnishes a feeder, and the time is Owner can have the same by call- not far distant when there will be thousands of settlers in Eastern ing at this office and paying for this ad. NEW YORK RACKET STORE J. H. KKI.I.Ky, I'uoi'iiiKTOK. Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Children's Furnishing Goods, Khnes, Notions, Etc., Etc. Genuine Bargains in All Lines In Stock SOMBJ OF" OUR, LBXDHIH.S SN inch White Table llumusk ptr yard :M cent NunsvciliiiK for KveninK Urws per yard 20 cents Indies Kid Crush Hells finest quality fto cents Ladies Hand hags with eliiiin M) centH WATCH THIS All KVKHy WKKK In ''.'-ri U - - - 1 i -V, wit '-'. "if r, v 'Jrfl ' i '!iV: L - . 1 A. - '! H - v , ,v , - i A No. 400, l ull Si.c, Weight (10 Pounds, No Knobs, Price $1.50 No. W0, " " ' " 75 " llrass Knobs ' $5.50 FOR SALE IJV A. H. LIPPMANN & Company Can. Tom TllCCG IFxices?