msbzss Xoeai and Wfiscfllantws jfds All Advertising under this hsad strietlr Are w nts per line. Mahar 4 Grouch pocket knives at I. P. Adamson'a. A brand nK lint ol tancy Granite Were at Johnson, Booth A Co. Wutiweiler A Thomson have Minnleta line of fishing Uckle. ! ileeon Fruit Jars a Johueon, Booth A Co't. Buy your Fishing tackle ol Wuri weiler i, Thornton. Pure Leal Lard put up by Stewart and Hodson at the Bee Hive. Bpeoiali In ladiea' Sliirt Waists, while akiru, parasols and fans at The Bee Hive. J. F. Morria has shingles, doors ami widow for ale at pricea that will auit you. A. H. Lippman haa several choice pieoeeofcity property for sale. Set him. The latest and beat fruit jar on earth ia tbe ECONOMY. Jonnaon, Booth 4 Co. sell them. Just received a full line of carpets, mattings, portiere, lace curtains, etc. etc. at A. H. Lippman Co. Smith 4 Cleek hare the famous Olympia Bottled Beer for aale at S5 cent per bottle. Han you had a look at those steel fishing trunk rods that Wurrweiler 4 Thomson ban? Hoot jou should. A big line of Crash and Straw Hats being sold cheap at Johnson, Booth 4 Go's. Prices on doors and windows drop ped SO per cent August 15th all along the Pacific coast. See A. H. Lippman if in need of any. J. F. Morris haa a line of the cele brated John Deere buggies and hacks for aale. Anyene wishing a bargain in tbia line will do well to call and see him. Are you going fishing? If you are you will want a good outfit and something you can land the big ones with. Something that will not break at the critical moment Wuriweiler A Thomson have the things in fishing taclfie. Wurzweiler & Thomson will J pay highest cash prices for SHEEP PELTS and DRY HIDES An Open Letter. Frem tbe Chapin, 8. C, News: larly in tbe spring my wife and I were taken with diarrhoea and so severe were the pains that ae called a physician who prescribed for us, but his medicines failed to give any re lief. A friend who bad a bottle ol Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera an! Diarrhoea Remedy on hand gavi each of us a dose and we at once felt the effects.. I procured a bottle and before using the entire contents we were entirely cured. It ia a wouder ful remedy aud should be found in every household. H. C. Bailey, Edit lor. This remedy is for aale by all druggists. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Thla Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Clve Satisfaction. CIVE RILICP AT ONCt. It cleatwes, soot bis, heab.bD'l protects tli dUoiutd uieuibnino. It cun". Catarrh ro 'lrivflsaw:ty a Cold in tint H-j,:l qui -l ttestoros the 8eunes of Toio au.1 S-n, Eaey to Hue. Oonudns no injurious r- Apilied into tbe n trils wid sli.wrV Lwrge Biai-, 60 cenU ht fruist cr mail; TriuiSize, 11 -:e:,ts Ijy 'o:'-!. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Wa-rsn St., New V Cured Hi Mother of Rheumatiam "My mother baa been a sufferer for many yean with rheumatism," says W. H. Howard, of Husband, Pa. "At time she waa unable to move at all while at all times walking waa pain ful. I presented her with a bottle of Chamberlain's Fain Balm aud after a few applications she decided it was the moat wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried, In fact, she is never without it now and is at times able to wa'k An aocasioca! application of I'aik Balm keeps away the pain that ah waa formerly troubled with." Fur tale by all druggists. One of the greatest blcttsings a modest man can wish for is a good, reliable M ol bowels,. If you are not the happy possessor of Smch an outfit you can greatly improve thoethcienoy of those you have by the judicious use of Chaniberlain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are pleaaant to take and agreeable in effect. For sale by all druggists. Brights Disease And Diabetes We tleMr to plac in ir IwiMh of those atttitod witb Unpins i.e,isr ami 1,sMm i ;v-vv iwmpt'lti that w saving liutuan lives. It is not an ordinary nam phlet, surh as is commom'Iy twrtt to ad vertise nitdiritirt. hut ia prim'iwilty mmW up of reports of 'ienUIii'.iUy wnuUiclwl test in a larjw variety of caws, showing ST per Ktnt of rwajveries in these hitherto incurart diseases. ThsspeciticaemploytHt in those tests are known a the Fultou Compounds ami the rmilts obtained prove conclusively that ihene dreaded disease so long fa 11 Hhe deaths from H rights Disease alone are appalling, over itM.rtw a yvar, starting a kidney troubles) have at last yielded to medical science. The (taniphlet is free. Write to the John J. FitUon Oo., W Wash ington street, Sat) Francisco, t'al. When to suspect Brights Disease: lufly ankles or hami; weakness without apparent cause, kidney trouble after thinl month; frequent urinat'on, (may show sediment or cloudy on standing); failing vision; day drowsiness one or more of these, Beautiful Columbia River Folder. The passeiwr department of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com pany has jtirtt burned a beautiful ami costly iwuioramk foMer entitled The Columbia River, through the Cascade Mountains, to the Vadttc Ocean." From Arlington to Port land, and from Portland to tin? Pacific Ocean, every curve of the river and every point of Interest are Dhnwu, while Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams and St. Helena, perpetually covered with mow, stand out In all their beauty. On the luH'k of the map Is an Interesting story In tie tall of the trip from Huntington to Portland, and from Portland to the ocean, not overlooking the beat lie aud the Sun Francisco trip by ocean. A copy of ; this folder may be secured by send- j lug four cents in stump ( to pay post .agelto A. L. Craig, General Phh senger Agent of the Oregon Railroad ,& Navigation Company, Portland, Oregon. By sending the address of some friend In the Fast, and four (cents in postage, the folder will be promptly mailed. Ayer's You can depend on Ayer's Hair Vior to restore color to yont gray hair, every lime. Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops Hair Vigor fa!lingofthehair,also. There's great satisfaction in knowing you sre not going to be disap pointed. Isn't that so? restore tt to tn former dark, rtrh color. Sour Hur Vigor certain It doe wbat ou claim lor U.-A. M tkWHAM, JUocattigbani, a. u. i.nabotti. J. C. ATEB CO. fori Fading Hair LBVEI TROUBLES n "IlndThadfort'iBlaek-Drsaerit 4 Wm stood medietas for hvr ditctM. V I1W with doctors. Itistlllrian.ed iclDe I Uka." MB. ( AROL1NB UAkTI.N ruluriburi, W. Va If your liver does not act reg ularly go to your dnffeist and secure a pw kage of Tliedford's Blacli-Drsuelit and take a dose toniflit. This (Treat family medn ine frees the oonslipated bowels, stirs up the torpid liter arid causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford's Black - Draught will cleanse the bowels of im purities and strengthen tbe kid neys. A torpid liver invites colds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sick ness and contagion. Weak kid neys result in Bright 's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A SVcent package of Tliedford's Black praugbt should always be kept in the house. "I riKd Tbsdford's Blsck projbt for lirr and kidney com t. ..' "iif,"? "l"u 1 nS i;a-Jdai;A"co"""'' " THEDFORD'5 DLACit- DilAIJGIIT OONTMT. NOTIOB DKPART.MKNT OP THK INTKKpK I'htted States laaitd Offlo The Dalles, Ortyon, Auut 17, IVUM. A sufficient affidavit hating been fflnl tu nffiby KKKD KKKKMAsV, of U nttinta, Orvg-in, tt-unt, strains Hon. lead Kntrr No, liMM, ntak April 10, W-3, for KV&Kt; Section loft KW NKH aSwtion , 1 IS South, Kangs 14 Kart, W. M, hy Alhvrt U tUMwin, coiitt, tu which tt U llegedtht the Mid Albeit U Haldwtn ha wh dty aluuKloited tht taid tract; that hs ban chuiirtd his rklenc therefrom for mors than sis month aince makiui; th uid entiy; that taid tract is u4 tettVi npin and cultt- vated by said party as mpiired by law ami that ths tntMtet has t-Ully MUhI to build a hmm on thtamt and hat made a, improvementa a htever, and that nurh failure still axUta, and is n4 Am to isvid w mili tary servk1 in the army, navy or marine corps tf tk lnitet tatev Said parties are hereby notified to appear. respond and otfer evident tom'himi said alienation at 10 o'dck a, m. n Octotter , tffM, before M R. BiiK, S. Cmiim fl ee, who it suthttrinvd Ui take the tepttinuHiy in the raw at h office at Prinerille, lregon. land that timkl heariiur will be held at 10 ..clock a. iu. im tVtcher tt04. heforeP the Knitter and lieceiverat the t'nitevi -SUtm (And tthce in the Dtaies, Oregon. The aid crutenUnt having, in a proper atnvtavh, tiled June 17, lftH, et forth facto which tihow that after due diligeno pern-U wrv ice of this ntice can n ;t be maile, it hereby srdered and directei that such notice bt gireu by due and pnw publics!!.!. M1CHAKLT. NOUN, llegister. Notice Fur Publication. Unil OrKi-e at The Dalles, On-oii, July ISlh. not. Notice is hereby given that the (ollowinir named Mttler has hie.! notice ot'hiit inlen tion to ntake liual proor iu sutHrt of his eUim, aud that saiil proof will be made before the J. ). Smith, t'ounty t'lerfc of t'rook ('ouiitr at Prineville, Oreifon, on September 7th, ttftH, vis: JOHN W. HANI.KY of Ijtinonta, ttretron, 11. E. So. THM. for the K), SKt, !r. S . WH KW, :. 8, Tp. 13 8outh, Kanire 14 Km, W. M. ' He names the followinft witnesses to prtre his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Jame, 3. McMeen, Jerry AcUey, Fml rick V. 8ann and Jtiwph Weiftnud, all uf limonta, treton. ' Mll llAKI. T. Nlll.AN jliSU'lo , 1 Regilter. Notice For Publication, ljmt Office at The Dalles, Oregon. July IMh, lot. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of bis intrn- tion to wake final proof in ttnpport of his claim, and that said prof will be made before J. J. Smith, County Clerk, at Prine ville, Oregon, on Seitember 2nd IWM. WILL1AMJ. W ATKINS t Prinei ille, Orrgnn, II. K No. TV" '., for thr NS,.SKi;,SW(4SKJJi SKJ KJVJ Sec. 14. Tp, 14 South. Ksnge 16 Kut, W. M. lie asiun the following witnesses to prove his continuoiu reidvn:e tt).on and cultivstioo of said land, vis : William Kirkhmm. Frank Kay, P. O. U- folletu snd L A. U'stkins, U of PrUe.ilk i)rri4l. Mlt'HAKL T. NOLAN. jiico Ki.gUter. Notice For Publication. Und "(tit 'e at The Dalles, Oregon, Xtioe b hereby given ihit tbe foil'twing- nuned settler hu tiled notice A bin IntentHia tu make final pnv( in sitpport of tiU cUim, snd tbtU said proof will be nisde before J J. Smith, Connty Clerk, t Prinevilte, Orc- (fnn, on Cctoher 2!t, l'JCM, viz; THOMAS K. .STKOl'D of Prineville, Oret;.in. H. K. S. R223, f.r the X SW4, XEi SWl ft SVi HK'4 Sec ti. ao, Tp. 14 &nth, 17 Kut, W. M Hi' names the ful towing witnesses to his continaous midnre upn snd cultiva- tint of Haiti Und, viz: Jsmen Zeverly, WllliAm H Kirkh&in, Alexander Biulieysnd David Hmlwond, all uf Frinevitle, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, R-jfinttr. ulnp N(Tlt'B FOK PIT BLK-ATION. Land Office at The Dullea, Oregon, August 1!H. N'iMirp t hereby given that the following named feettler Tiat riled notice of hi inten tion to make final jirouf in Kiipiort of his rlnini, and that said proof will tie made be fore J, J, Smith, ('ounty Clerk at Frine ville, Oregon, un October 2?nd, viz: LKK I'WK of Culver, Oregun, H. E. No. 10117, fr IbeNHNHK Sntion 1 4 MW, Sei tion W, Tp. UA., K. 13 K., W. M. He names the. following witnesHea to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land vis: Jones iivin Dave Kogers, Frank Hun ter and VVilie Hunter, all of Culver, Ore. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, slpd Register, Notice of Meeting of Board of Equalization Know am. mkn hvthkhk prkhk.nth that the Boanl of Iiialtz(itlon will attend at the of!W of tlw comity clerk of Croiik County, Orou. on the 29 dny of AngiiKt, 1lm4, nnd publicly examine tho nMrw-xHiuwit mil for and correct all emu-H In valuation, dcwriptlnn or (junlltiei of nd, lotH or other iirojwrty, and It tthall 1h the duty of terMon IntreHt- to aM'ar at the time and place ap pointed and If It tdiali apjiear to the Haid hoard Equalization that they are any landH, lot or other property aawHued tv Ice, or In the name of a peron or wrminH nt the owner thereof, or awwwed under or tieyoiid tta actual value, or any landa, lotH or other pro)a?rty not anHtuwd, Maid Board Hhall make the projier correct ion.. It. F. Johnhon, County AHHewtor. Note. All parlies njt HKMOMMed for the year liu4 will plenMe rail at the court house or Hend In Ihtt of atwewt- aide property Immediately, i B. F. Joiinhox, County Aiwewfor. Classified Advertisements For Sal. lflOacrw nhine allalla laml uiulrr Ir rigation ditch togi'thar villi on eighth interest in diteh. Also HM) acres at bottom land, SO acres finder cultivation, all fenced, sii ruom house, ham and outbuildinits. Will sell both rowrties at a bargain price. Address, The JouastL. V)R SA1.K. AWiit 21XH head ol sheep ooiniming of eea, yearlings and latntw: about one third of each. Range goea with sheep. Will be ready for sale about the loth of May, This bunch is in llnooonditiou. J. U. Giiisok, . tUTIK, Duk. a- i . IAR rl.M.K, A very desirable ranch consisting ol ItW acres. Alautt ti of which is first elasa yellow pine timtier and 01 aenwof No. 1 agricultuaal land euchwd by fence. V acres of which is three ymr-oM alfalfa and 3 acres in clover. A large at ream of pure cold water teeming with trout running through center of plaew. Hood ditch for irrigation purposes. This is a hirgain. For (other Mrticulara and price write or rail to the Jot'HNU Office, l'rineville, Oregon. STRAYED, One hy itnd one bUt'k nun. Hlsck u(,drtl with trinl niu- O on left shoulder; bay britmlfdl witli old KickwulJ hrsnd, BX on If ft shoulder. HtraytMl sway I mm the Maling ltrn Kridty, 8(tmter S. Lust wen t Kigle Rock. Kintlcr will tie iid utiuhle rewsnl. . Deputy Stock Inspector. Nitic is heffhy sivvu th I bnr appointed the foll-iwiiig mitinl ertiiis deputy stock inspectors: J. p. Crirtwritihi, Has Cwk. Jim Woods, Ash wood K. Hiwrks, Sisters. A. Mnm, Hsysi tulle V. M. Nbith Paulina Hct kut, l't J. S. rttiiue, Hnslkiid. Alev Mi'iuth. Hardin J. P. aiiH. uien, Hy Vnuk. V. S. CuK It ay Creek J. Hinkle, Slock Inspector Crunk Cuuntv. IX THK ClHCriT COCKT OK THK STATK OF OKKOON, f'oK CKOOK COl' N TV. i;iara B. t'aldwtll, PUinlitf, va.d S WiutriceO.Cal well, Defendant. J To Win trie O. Caldwell, abor named de fendant: IN THK NAME OF THK .STATE- OF OP.KUON':-Ywarthebyrwii(redto ap pearand answer the complaint filed again ynti In the abuts entitled aait on r liefuri thi finrt dny "f the neit regular Una of the above entitled court and if you fail no W answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to iht rort fr the relief demanded in her complaint, to wit: For a diner l-jtiolt of the. marriaicv Contract now etiitin iirtwrsi: the pUintiff and de fendant, that the name may bt wt aida ami lie held for naught, and for a judgment against you for her sunns and diftbur-vsmenU, and for euch other and f ulher relief a to the court and equity may seem jut and meet iu the premises. Thia Mimmoas kt ordered wrvstl on ym hy publication thereof for aix eomterutire week, from Mept 1-t to so.) Oct th, 1W. by ordr of Hi.tiorable V. A. Hell, Crtinty Judge f'vr I'rwik County, Ortgm, maile and ilated at Hrinevilkt, Oregon, 8ept I. V.HH. (. W.UAKNKH, Attorney For Plaintiff. Tlmbei Land, Act June 3, IM. NITICK FOR PUBLICATION. r nl ted Htats Und OflVe, Th Dalles, On-gou, May l(H)4 Not Ire ta hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the art of ConKrew of Juna 8. 178. entitled "An act for the sale of Umber land a In the slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," a extended to all the Hut, lie land State by act of Auguat 4, William il-Mrsm of Prineville, county of CnKik, mate of Or egon, has on July 17, 1X03, filed in this off ice his Hworn statement No. for the pun haw of Lot 1 of Section 1 Tp 12 Mouth of Kange Hi Kast W M aud will otter proof to show that the laud sought is more valu able for its timber or stone than fur agri cultural pur pones, aud to entnblisb bin claim to said land before the County Clerk of Crook county, Oregon, at Prineville, Or egon, on the 14th day ol October, lfM. He names a witnentes: August H. Lipp man and William Treichal of Prineville, Oregon, and Hamuel Compton and Aldren R. Eaitwfiod of Oriizly, Oregon. Any and all pertons claiming adversely the above described lands are mjuefited to tile their claims iu this office on or before said 14th day ofOctober, 1904. mICHAELT. NOLAN Register. Notice For Publication Isolated Tract PI'BLIO LAND HALE. U. S. Und Office, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. July 13th 11)04. Notice b hereby given that In purauanoe of instructions from the drnmiMiioner of the General Land Office, under authority vetted In him by aection 24V, V. H. Itcviaed HUt utea, as amended by act of Coiigrem approved February , Wfi, we will proceed to off-w at puWic aale at the hour of 10 '.'clock, a. H., on the tab day of September, 1W)4, at thia office, the following tract of land, to-wit: The 8K of HF.i of Hectioa , Tp. 13 B., Range 14 Kaat, of W. M. Any and ail persona claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to file their claims in this office on or before the day atMive dealgnated for the commencement of the sale, otherwise their right will ba for feited. Hichail T. Nolan, Register, Akni M. Lawo, Receiver. jl2Hpd H'lMF.STKAr) COX UDATKD NttTICK rttR IMMlhlCATIoN, Cititwi Htales Und OiUctt The Dslles, Orvfu. Noltce Is hereby given tlmt the follnwiitK ntuneU set tiers have tiled iiHK-s of their intentions to make pnwf tm their repee. live claims, ami that ash) proof will he made More J. J. Hniith, County Clerk of Crook eounty, Oivgvm, at Prineville, Ore gon, w September tt, H, at the comity Murt liouw, viii JAMKS H. LAMSON of Culver, ttregon, II K No. KK. for the lots MS, HWl N KS uti.i NVY4 8K 8H'tioti 4, Tp 13 Houth ol Kantre 15 K W M IIKNMY W. LAMHttNoft)ulver,th'gmi It K No. 8Mt for the S W ol Section 4 I ISStmthol lUuge 13 K W M. .They name a w ituemcs to prove their continuum nid4ice Uhiii ami rnitJvation if said Uids, to wtlt tlcorg If. OsUtrn, Jauiea H Wimtom, Walter Ruble and Robert Morris, all of Culver, Oregon. MICHAFI.T.'NOI.AN, KcgUter. Timber Und, Act June I, Mis. NttTM'R foil I'Cltl.lCATlON. CntttHl Hlatea lnd tmce, The tUllea, Onvv, dune Iv, ItsH. Notice la hereby given thai In compli ance with th provisions of the act of tVmgrene at June S, is,, entitled "An wit fur the sale uf timber lands In the aisles of California. Oregon, Nevada, and ahli)itlon Territory," as estended ill the lulllc IaiuI Htatea hy act at Aitsttai tss;', the tullowiim named peraoni have Mli'dtn lliti onlce ihetr iu isteiuent. ltlt: AtUt. Kaliott. uf Prtnetllle, county -J t'roitk, state of Oregon, sworn utfiiisnt Nn utt, nled liecember i4, 1WO, for the ur- is of the I, S 4 ttf S-lU 4, Tp., IA South, ItatiK ID K., W. M. Albert T. Bumw of Prinetille, Munty ol (Vtok, stse of Oregon, sworn tatemetit No. Jl'W, tiled March 1, ll04, hw the pun haa of tbeW4SW.NKtKViA NWI MM .4 Section 34, Tp. IS S., Rang It) K., W. M. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought ia more vahudils for its timber or stone than for attrieulturai HirMMes, and lo esublish their claim to said land before U. R. Hkots, I. H. ConimisHioner at hUornce at IVineville, Oregon, on Septentler 3rd, 1UU4. They Bame as witness! J, Elliott, C A. U raves, H, K. Lyons, James Haakins, T, M. OVomimI, Albert Eastwood, Frank WhiU .un! Charles E. O raves, of Prinevilte, (iretroa. Any and all eraama rial mini adverse ly the above-deacrllMNl lands are requeat' d to f their elaima in thts omV on or the akl 3rd day of SeptemUr, Itt. . MICHAEL T. NOLAN, HesUter. Timber Und. Aet June X in. NOTICK KOH I'CHLICATION. Cntted fliatea Und om.-e, Tax Uausx Onsuo!, June 4, IV04. NotU-e la hereby given that In compll anc with the provision uf the act of Congreaa of Juna 3, IsT. entitled "An act (oc the aale of limber lands In the stales at California, Oregon, Nevada, ami Wash' i nut on Territory." as extended to all the Public laand Hiates by awl of August 4. Mtt, the following named ienona have filed ia this iifRcs their sworn statemenu. to-wit . HOWARD B. CHAMHKKLA1N if Iri-i Phoenut HuiMloi. MinneaKiia, county of Henneii, sAaf of Minnesota, sworn state- taent No 3IH0, 6te4 Novemtwr IX, ltat3, for the purchase of the S4 N t and Is 1 'J Hettbsn H, Tp 1 Honth, Ramre 31 ., W. M. CORNFLM J J. MlLLHiAN of Lamonta, eounty of Crook, stute jf trregtm, worn statement No. 314, tiled October i, liCO, fir the purchase of the NW if Section Tp. l'i Smth, Rar ge 16 East, W. M. That they will offer pnKif to show that ihe land sought la more valuable for Its timber or atone than for aartcultumt pur- posea, and to establish their clalma to Mid land More J. J, bmith, County Clerk at' his uhV st Prinevllls, ttregon, 4iOct4ber 12th, 1M4. Ttiey name an wilneaaes: James Helfrlch, Kllen I. Taylor, Rotwrt Amutrono, Allen Hash, and .lae-h Htrotut, of Unnnta, Ore- g.o; Joha W. Pee, n( Urinly, Oreg.-n Perry B. Poindetter and Fred T. lllgxitis, of Prineville. Oregon, Any and all persona claiming adversely rne above-deacrlbed landa are requested to file their clalma In thla offlca on before the said Uth day -A Uilwr, 1fS4. MICHAEL T.NOLAN, . RegUler. JKMrlo Rcaalvertiiiemi'id. Timber Und, Act June 3, KH. NtJ'J'ICK FOR PI KLICATION. I'niled States Und Office, The HaHes.Oreg.ui, Jnly Nt, IUM. oticr ih herehy given that In com pliance with the provisions of the set of Congrens of June 3, 17H, entitled "An r for the sale oftimiier lands in the Htales of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wush- iugton IVrrltory," as extended to all the PublieUnd Stutea by act of August 4, lfc, August H. Lippman, of Prineville, county of 4 'r.Mik Stale ol On goii, has on thl iluy May 'tit, lm. in this office his sworn statement No, 40tt for the purchase of the N'HW and NMKH f Section No. In Township No. 112 S Range No. Ill E., W. M., and will offi-r proof U show that Hie lend sought is more valuable for lis timlsT or stone than fur agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to wild luud before the county clerk of Crook County at Prineville. Oregon, on, the Ittih diiy ol Scpteuibcr, 104. x Ho names as wflneeH- Oeorge O'Neil, of Prineville, Oregon, Walter O'Neil. of Prineville, Oregon, Hamuel J.Newsoni, of Prineville, Oregon, Perry Long, of Prineville, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the aliuvf-deti-ribed In mis are requested to file their claims in this office on or before -aid lWlli day of September, 11(04 sllCHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. For Choirs Homestead Locations Timber Desert Landjs ROBT. SMITH, Prineville, Oregon. . Seneral fliacksmithing lliirihwlii, W'ootl Work, rjlo,, iicuily itml ) y lioliti vvlidi It la (loud liy Salomon G Moore Stttlsfactlon Will lie (lunnuitwd Alvtaya l'rineville, . Oickou, GisTssTssTssTssTaisTssTssTssTssTssTssTssTssTssTssTsO Babbit J? f Metal f Melted into 5 pound bars From Old Type. si Jtlst OIKUIIl fllloV tt) lllftrtK it fltorO tllll'Illllo limit ortlinary p-tidr. mid not Imnl t'lumh to licnt when in ust, 2 2 Threshers Should take ndvauttigo of tliin oiler. 8iiplv liiuilml. I'rico lowrr tliitn ttny tiiotutiim on Ilitliliit Motal in rriiiM'illi', ' Unv now for .1. mo coiiiiiig soniton, i ADDRESS: CROOK You will find H1CYCLLS of all good makes AT SHIPFS Kanihlers, Imperials, Ideals, and many iilhrrs. A Kiaal line of lllcyclr Huiulrii's AT Hllfli' M. wvvvvvvwvvv Dally Bctwean Prineville and ShanlUo Ht'lIKIUI.K lavt Hhaniltn, 0 i. in. Arrives at Hrlhrvillr 6 a. in, leaves i'rliirvillc I i. ni. Arrives at Mhanilin I a. in. First Cleae 'Aooommodatlom Powell & Tonsorial Photography for the AMATEUR of Half its Former Cost I1 1 American Jr. CAMERA With Doubla ffi f flsls Huldar Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. Send for illustrated catalogue telling all about our 27 styles and sizes. Free. AMERICAN CAMERA MFG. CO. 946 St. Paul St.. Rochester, N. Y. I : and Mill Men COUNTY JOURNAL S r Cyrus Artists- The famous Poco, Buch-Eye and American Cameras. Genuinely good in every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. ,cA 4x5 POCO