SI , -" jt Xocal and Miscellaneous jfds I m Alt Advertising nniler Litis hsati .trlctly the nnu per lins. i Malier A Grouch pocket knivea att P. P. Ailainson't. A brand new line ol fancy Uninito Ware at Johnson, Booth St Co, Wuriweiler A Thomson have a conptcte line of tishing lackle. Mason Fruit Jara at Johnson, Booth A, Co'a. Buy your Fishing tackle of Wurt woiler & Thomaon. Pure Leal 1-sirJ put up liy Stewart and Hudson at Hie the Hive. Hpeciali in ladii's' Sliirt Waists, white skirts, paranoia and fana at The Bee Hive. J. F. Morris lias shingles, doors and windows for sale at prires that will suit you. A. H. l.ippman has several choice pieces of city property for sale. Seel him. SCRIP Forest Reserve Certified Scrip for sale by V. A. Bell, at lowest ratea. Die latest and best fruit jar on earth is the ECONOMY. Jonnson, Booth i Co. sell them. Just received a lull line el carpet, mattings, portiera, lace curtains, etc. etc. at A. H. Lippnian A Co. Smith & Cleek have the famous Olympia Bottled Beer for sale at 25 cents per bottle. Hare you had a look at those steel fishing trunk rods that Wuraweiler i Thomson ha.'e? If Dot you should. A big line of Crash and Straw Hats being sold cheap at Johnson, Booth A Co'a. Prices on doors and windows drop ped 20 per cent August loth all along the Pacific coast. See A. H. Lipptnan if in need of any. J. F. Morris has a line of the cele brated John Deere buggies and hacks for sale. Anyone wishing a. bargain in this line will do well to call and see him. Mrs. Ed. Bradford baa secured the services of Mrs. Burt, of Sioux City, who is an expert trimmer and dress maker and those needing anything in this line should avail themselves of this opportunity. Are you going fishing? If you are you will want a good outfit and something you can land the big ones with. Something that will not break at the critical moment. Wurzweiler &. Thomson have the things in fishing tackle. W.H. Young has purchased the blacksmith shop formerly owned by C. B. Swalley and is prepared to do horse-shoeing and general repair work of ail kinds at the lowest prises. Quick and satisfactory service in all lines of blacksmith work guaranteed. JHi ill it1 Jul I ill it ill I I ili il S lull I I il nl ill I I X Wurzweiler & Thomson will pay highest cash prices for J SHEEP PELTS J and I DRY HIDES HM-HHI I I i I I hHi . I I UK An Open Letter. Frem the Chnpin, 8. C, Sews: Early in the spring my wife and I were taken with diarrhoea and so severe were the pains that we called a physician who prescribed for ns, but his medicines failed to give any re lief. A friend who had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand gave each of us a dose and we at once felt the effects.. I procured a bottle and before using the entire contents we were entirely cured.- It is a wonder ful remedy and should be (uund in every household. H. 0, Bailey, KJit for. This remedy is for sale by all druguists. CATARRH 0 60 Elys Cream Balm This Hemedy Is a Specific, Burs to Cive Satisfaction. QIVEtf RSLIEP AT ONCI. It rlon s, aooihea, henltt, aud proteots thr dseaMd muiibrtne. It mrt-n Catarrh ant' drieejtaaay a Cold in thn Head (initklv ilestor? tho rkiiwi of aiul tvuit Kaer to nut. Contains no injnnum r'l ' :' A pi die 1 into the n-i:ilfi aud id- S..d lrn Hit, ,H vf.ilt Ht r-ro'VU or lj tuail; Trial Sie, 1U wil. l.v 'rai. l. ELY BROTHERS, 66 u.T;n SL, New Yb.k. One of the greatest blessings a modest man can w ish (or is a good, reliable set of bowels,. If you are not the happy possessor of such an outfit you can greatly improve thyeilieieney of those you have by the judicious use of Chamberlain a Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are pleasant to take and agreeable in effect. For sale by all druggists. Expert Wanted. Notire i hereby given that seahd Lids will be receivinl by Crook County Oregon, for the exporting of the officers hook of said county for the sis years ending July 1, 1!XU' ' Bids to lie in and opened and contract awarded September 7th l'.HU, at It o'clock a. m. The court reserves the right to leject any ami all bids. lKme by order ol the count v court of Crook County, Oregon, J nlv 8. UH4. Witness mr hand and the seal of said court this 8th day ol July, HSU J. J. Smith, Clerk. Brights Disease And Diabetes We (K'in? to place in the limiti of those attliVttia1 litti Brichis lMsetis ami DiatViesa fti-pain pampolft is roving human lives. It u not tin ordinary vmi' llet, u'h as is common -'ly UmhI to ! vertiw medicine, but is principally matte up of reports of sciemiiieaity romliu'ttxl testsin latye variety of rases, slu-win-i S7profntif rAvvfrics in thw hitherto im'ural. uWasw. Tlis speeiiie? employ?, in thew tests are known as the Fulton Compounds anil the result obtained prove conclusively that ihese iirvaled disease so luiifj fatal (the deaths from I) rights Dii-easc alone are appalling over ion,1"' a year, MarwiiK a- kidney trouble) have at last yielded to medkal wience. The pamphlet lit free. Write U. the John J. Fulton Co., WVh inpton street, .niu KraiitiM-o. Cal. When to sueet Jri((liis IWa-e: lu(Iy ankles or iiaiah; m-alciieiw without apparent fitu.e. kidney trouble after third month; frequent urination, (may show H-dimenl or cloudy on standing; failing vision; day tlrowxinew one or more of these. Notice. AH hutSftt hrniitUHl oil Ht Hlmulik-r wlth dlaiiunid. formerly Irfluniiijj; to Mr. HhiIi, nre my iimin-rty. Perry Heul now jrnil.eriiii; the luiu;h huiI auy imtxou knowing the whereabout of these horse will kindly notify Mr. Head or the iimJer- H.jrnetl. T. F. Mn'ttllinfer. Beautiful Columbia River Folder. The mjemrer department of the Oregon Kailroftil & Navigation i'oiu iany has just iKMiie,. a beautiful and roHtly pauurainU- folih-r entitleil "The Columbia River, through the l'aale Mountains, to the Pacific Ocean." From Arlintfrn tit Port land, and from Portland to the Padtic Ocean, every curve of the river ami every point of Intercut are liowu, while Mt. Ifnoil, Mt. Adaim and St. Helena, iTtunlly covered with Htiow, stand out In all tlu-ir beauty. (Hi the back of tin? map U an itnen-tliiir tory in d.-tail of tin trip f mm liunthmton to Portland, and from Portland to the ocean, not overlooking the UmlHt and ihe Sun I raiiclrico trip by ocean. A copy of thin folder may be wt-ured by wnd luffuureeutt in Htamw(to pay pfwt agtMto A. L. Crni. (iencral Pan wnpT Awnt of the On-ion Hailroad & Navigation ('ompany, JNirtland, Oregon, liy Heading the ndIn.t.n of wane friend in the Kawt, and four cent in pontage, the folder will ! promptly mailed. TROUBLES h .. k r unu iqruiuni HimcW-UTMTlVai food medicine tnr lim dtt-enuj. It cured raj on miutr he had ( nt I1fwithdf.ftoni. Itiialltt.fiDM-d-Icme I take."-MR8. ) AKOLIXK UAKTIN, Parkernbnrt, W. Va. If your liver does not act tea ularly go to vour drupyirt and secure a packaire of Tlicdford'i fciai k-Orauyht and take a dose tonitlit. Tiiia peat family medicine free the constipated buw"ls. stirs up the torpid liver and cauuea a healthy accretion ofhik Thedford'i Batk Dranpht will cleanae the boweii of im- purities arid utrrajrthen the kid nfti. A torpid Jiver invitei coldi, lilioijness, chilli and lever and all manner of tick new and contagion. Weak kid neys result in ilright't di.ase which claimt aa tuany vHimi at eonaumption. A 25-tent Mekairp of 'IhnJford'i Black LTanjlit should slwmya be kept in the "I oed Thedford'a Blark OrauKht lor livrLd kidney t-oin- THEDFOEID'S DLACK- DiiAUGilT LIVEl CONTEST NOTICE) DKPAKT.VIKNT OK THK tNTKItptli I'liitrnl State Und Odiee The lUs Own, AmM 17, 1904. A iuftiownt arttdarit havdiK been tiled in thUv.rticeby KliKl) MiKKMAN, f U ukoota, t)rvon, cotiteatant. nsiiist iilm?- tead Kutry N.. lOtiW, ma le ApHI W. W2, f.w Kit SK Section ISA K' NKv Swlimi 22. Tp. IS Smth. K.tKf UVm, W. M. by Albert L. Haldttin, emtete. inwhieh it i alleM that the mi. I Albert U lUktftitt )im wh illy alvtmb'ittHt the taitl Inet; that he im chKT?d lit rtwideiio therefinin fr tuure than i uumttw nine niAkiiiK the Mid entry; that aaid tract t not rttleit iiKn and eutth vated by said party an miuih-d by Uvv and that the) coiitiMitee hat Mally failed to build a hotiwe on the land and h.ts made no iiiHmtvemeubt wlt.itever, and that audi failure till i)it. and w nM due to taval or milj. tary frvicf in the army, navv or murine ewtwof the I Hitrtl Suttet. Said pu'tie are hereby n. tift.-d to apjH'ar, rvitpond and offer evidence touchhw aaid albxlin at H n'cl.vk a. m. on Octol r 6, lM, before M. K. Itixx". I'. Cominisioa- er, who u antiioriu'd tu taka the tewtiuioHV in thecal at hw ulliee at PrinovUle, ttnv!. tand that tiual )iearin wilt le held at 10 oVWk a. tn. on tVls'Ur 15, pAM, More) the HiUter and Keeeiier at the Tutted Platen IaikI t'ttice in The Itallt, Iheymi. The Mid contestant haiiw, in a prnper affidavit. tiliHt-Imw IT, l!Ot, wt forth faeh which allow that after d- dtlincw peiou;tl wrvkv ol thin uotiue can nit be nta.le, it i heretiy irvlered and directed that atK-h n.itW l j,'iei by due and nropr mibtieati.!!, MlCHAKl. T. MdaAX, KekjUler, Notice For Pitblteatiou. Uii.l Om,-e at The l;tlles, Oreron, July 16th. l:Ot. NotUv is hereby xwmi that the followinp nauicd settler, liaa lilet uoiic of hrt inten tion tu make linal pnnf in support of hi- claim, ami that said proof will w uunle More the J. J. Smith, futility t'ierk of f rook cutt nt y at tVineville, Ortoii, ou September 7th, IWU, rii: JOHN W. HAS LEY of Lamontii, liri'on, H. K. No. 7IM, for the K1, SK. See. 3 A W, SW See Tp. ISskmth, liaiiice U Ka-t, W. M. Me names the followitiK witneM-a prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: James S. MeMct'ii, Jerry Acht-y, Fnl rkk W. Sann and Joseph Wenand, all of lnionta, Oreifoii. M It'll A KL T. NtiljkN jl-.Nelu . Keitter. Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. July 1.1th, 1W4. Notice Is hereliy nivenlbat thefollottin nanieil wttler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make tinal proof in support of his claim, ami that aid prjof will lv made betoir J. J. Smith. County Clerk, at Prine ville, Ortn. on September Jnd livt, WILLIAM ,1. W ATKINS of PrinevilU. Oreifnu, H. E. No. 7072, for tl -ViSE.SW'aSKii SKJ SWJ Sec. U. Tp, 14 Smth. Kautte lti Eaat, W. SI. He names the billowing wituetmea to prove hia continumu refiden. uj ou jik! cultivation of &tid land, vii: William Kirkham, Frank Itay, V. O. I,a toilette and L A. Watkhw, all of I'rineville, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN. jl-'Sco KejrUttr. NOTIOB TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given, that fcaled bid will be revived by the County Court of Crook County, State of Ore gon, for plans and estimate of the costs and fixing of the Lanka of Crooked River, nhove and about the bridge, at and west of Prineville, Crook County, Oregon. Said Lids mid estimate to be tiled with euid Couf t, on or before the ' 29th day of July, IIMM. Bids to I opened on July 30ih, r-IW, at 1U o'clock, a. m. The Court reserves the right to re jeet any and nil bids. Done by order of the County Court of Crook County, Oregon, ou the tJth day of July, 1!X1. Witneaa my hand and aeal of mid Court this 8lh day of July. 190J. J. J. .SMITH, County Clerk. Notice of Meeting of Board of Equalization Know ai.i. mi; iihiik i'iif.KTi that the ISimnl of Kqualizatlon will atKMiil at (lie uttlre (if tin' ciiiinty fli-rk of Crook County, Oregon, on the -M ilay of Auuimt, 1!hi4. and plililli'ly exnnilni' the aswHMinelit roll for l:K4 nail comrt all crrorx In valniitlon, ilew rliitlon or riinlilliK of lanil, lo(n or other iroier(y, ami 1( shall tip (he duty of isthoiim lutere! to iii arat (he time anil plaei. ap liollitiil anil If It shall nplieiir to (lie said lioaril'l'iiialuatlon that they are any lamia, lots or other troierty asxelwed In ke, or III the inline of 11 lieinou or jstkoiim not (he owner thereof,. or anwiwc(l under or lieyoml Itmietual value, or any lands, Iota or other iroierl.y not imsi MHed, wihl Hoard shall make (lie in'o.ereoi r.e(- tons. ii. V. .lou.vHov.CoiiidyAHHesKor. Xide.- All parli not iisMiKHed for Iheyenr l!H will pleaw rail at (he eourt house or wild In list of awtexH- lllile proHrt,v lllllllHlllllely. It, T. .Ioiinhon, County AMwusor, Deputy Stock Inspectors. Kiitie is lierehy Biicn Ilia I bave iiniiited the fiillnwin nauieil persiiiii ilt-puly stuck mBiectijrs: J. V. Cartsrixht, Hay Creek. Jim Woiids, AbIiwikkI E. Sparks, Sisters. A. Murrew, Hsyslack, Y. M. Sniith I'aiilnia, Kiisciia Kiiiix, t(4j J. H. Biwue. It,..l..l Alei Mclutib, Hariiin J. F. Vaulluutsn, liny Creek. U. S. Cimles, Hay Creek Joe Hitilde, Slm-k Iiispectur Crunk Couuty. For Sale. llW aeres'8 mill's oust ol Priiipvillc, 1ii5 ol siliick is plow liiml, iM nmler uultiatioii, Oomhirtaliln 4 room house, well water, mil liuihliiits anil ham. An ideal grain much. JllHM). A hargain, Addn'ss, J. 8. Wimler, llU) acres ollliii'atfalta hiiul iiinlei ir rtpition ditch together itll one eighth inturcst in ditch. Also Kill acres ol Uitloni land, W acres under cultivation, all fenced, sixniom house, hum ami outliuildiiii. Will sell Mil properdin at a turgnin pric. Address, Till! Jot'KNM. l'iK SALE Tli It. J. IVniira ranch :it Iiva, (tregon. tltt acic ineadow hind, all fenciHl. Uood stock rsnch. Hoimc and two giiod liarns. Aildrcss or call on V. J. I'KNIIKA, 7-U linp Lava, tlregon. SA1.K. Atanit 2tKl head ol filuvp consistini; ol ewes, yearlings ami lanilia: alxnit one third of each, H.Mige goes niili shwp. Will l' ready for sale atMitt the 1,'itli of May, This luincli is in liuecomlilioii. J. I. (iinsox, SlSTKKS, OllK, For sai.k. a very desirable ranch wittiill of ItiO aereo. AU'itt of which is tint ca yellow pint timlr dud tU cre of Xo. 1 arieiiltnaal land eticlinHl by fence, 8 aire of which 1 thre year-tdd alhtlfa and 3 aerea in clover. A Urge tream of pure cld water teeming with trout riiniitiij; through renter of place. (hkkI ditch for irrigation puroae0. Tlitu is a ItTK iin. For futlier trticttlara and price write or call t the joi knai. Otliee, 1'rtnevillp, Oregon. Cured HLa Mother of Rheumatism ''My mother I. us Iven a autlYrvr lor many years with rlieimiatUm," aayn W. h, Howard, of Husband, IV "At tititea she wua nmib'e tt move at all while at all time wnlkinn W:f pain ful. I presented her with boltle of riminherliiin's Pain Hitlm and after a few iipp;ieiii"iunt( he di-oiditl it wh the mot wonderful puiu re'iever ohc hud ever tried, in fart, ahe i never without it non and is at timet able to walk. An application of Pain Balm keeps away the puiu that she wan formerly troubled with." For tale by all druggist. Notice of Final Settlement In tht- tuatur uf the i-mtc of WatA K UiDiiti, dwi'a'd. Nutict- is hi-rehy g'm-n that the ntiikr- nixnl adiuitii-tratur of the islat o( Wiird K. J.ruii!Hitit diH't-ani-d, hti tiled Hi mi arii.imt at mi. h iuhiiinbirntor in tin' Csmitty Court d the Stutr if OfTKi-n, fur Cr.w)k County, ntid that .taid t'ourt h: Iln-d Tui-fday tpi, mil, ni, at 1 o'i lock, A. M. hr the Iti-nrin and linul M ltlt-meiit of .ait Mmmiit. All KT-uiis int. rvtcd an- htTi-l.y nniifiVd U apn 'r n taid datt- and ihow caiiu' In and why smd rv)rt nhuiild not In nfcivtil and the said i"t;ite settled up and this ad- mmi-ratisr dihnrKw), II. W. Limnon, A'lmiiii!tral)rof thr Kntate uf Ward K LaiiUKHi, ihTt-ai-ed. Timlwrlaitiid, Act June S, Itffa. NUTM.'K Knit pl'fiMrATION. Uiiltd S iate IjifhI ontre. Tin- l!iit,-H, Ort'KO", Wy l!t Nutf(e li her;!iy Rtvrn that tn c-omi-l ance with the provlwlonfi uf the art of t'MiiKruun of June 3, lhTX, Mitlth-d "An act for tho m.1 of llratx-r landH In ih Mat uf faliforniii, on-Kun, Nuvaila. and Wiinh- miftun Tcrrltorj-." aa fxt?iidfd to all the iJulllc I -a ml 8 hi ten by act of AugiJHt 4, William MlMkekin of I'rineville, rounty of l'nMk, wte of Or- Kon, haKun July T, filed in thin off ice hit woni utatt inent Nov 'L'4 for the pun-liaw of Lot 1 of Hifitiori 31 Tp 12 Mouth of lUlijr Hi Kaat W M and willorti-r prnof to show that thf land sonxht h mon1 vulu alih fur it timltt-r or ntorn- than lor UKri- ''iitlural piit-M', and to enlidtlinh liin rliiim Ui said hind Iwfore the bounty Ch-rk of Crook county, Or.n, at Prineville, (r e'tn, on the I ltd dny of OctoIxT, 1114. in- mwiHM H witumtri: AiiKii"t M, IJpp- inan and Willmm Tiru lml of I'rinnvillc, Onyoii, and Hnmu I I Ion it. toil and Aldn-ii K. KaHwoodof (Jrirxly, Otrnn, Any and all wtmoiw ehdmintf adverwly the alKtVP deHcrilK-d Undt ure n'ijw".td to hW their ctnitiiti in tin office on or In-fore said Hth day of ik-uAnv, 1HH, MIC'ilAKI.'f. NIH.AN Notice For Publication-Isolated Trexit. I'l'liMC LAM) HALE. I'. H. Land Olfiee, The lralK'Ort-K'-n. July i:tth liioi. Notic U hwhy j(ivi that In ptinmnnce of intiuHioiiH from th of th JenKrd Ind (Jffiw, under authority vetd in him by ection V. H. Iteviwd HUt uU, m niiieiiiletl by net 'if Oni-fnn ,itdM Kchmary 'Ji, we will prow-ed to offr at at th hour uf I0o'tlckt a. M., ii the lh day of SuiUr, li4, mt thfx ottic, the fllwinjf tractc of land, bwlt; TheMKjofHKoI.S)U.n 8, Tp. 1.1 S Kaac 14 Kut, of W. M. A ny and all pttnumn claiminif lvernely the ahoe deNcriled landH are adtiwd to tile their clulinn in thia oflic on or btfor the duy aljuve dfit(naLed for the ooiiiuienteiiient of the Bide, other wh their ri(hU will he for feited. MkhaklT. Nouh, ItiHider. Atom M, huna, lleveiver. HtiMKSTKAll t'tNSOl.liATKn NtilU K rtHt ' ITIILH'ATION. 1'idtml HhtleN Land ttltlv The halh'i. Onoii. Notice U lifn'hy uiven that the ful lowing iuihhhI selllovf huvp tlltnl noltr of their intctitiiiiiH to iiiitk.' proof on (lo-tr re.oni'i'' tlv claim", aud that atiid pttHif will ltv made iH'fure J. J. Stutth, County Clerk of y imok tHtinly, tht'Koi), nt TrliiinlHe, Ore im, un H.'piemnor W, ItHH. at the eumly Miirt hmitf, vitf JAMK8 H. I.AMSUS ofCulifKr, Orvi;oii, II K No. nana, for the Iota hV'J, Sl X K, mid NW SKS Mivtioii I, Tp Sotith ui Ititnife 1st K W M IIKNItY W. l.AMHtiNal'Oul'r.thvoii II K No, STiiV, fortheHW orSet'thm 4 I'p 1.1 Smth ot Hhiikc i:i K W M. Thy name im wltiirmtt to prtive their rimtnuioim nldriKH1 Uun and riililvtitlon of aaid Ltlidft, to wit: (h.rW II, ttlmru. .latiu-N II Windom, Waltrr Kuhle and Huln'rt Morris, ull oft'iilver, Ori'itun, MK1IAKLT.Nitl.AS, lt.'it.r. TIiiiImt ljtnd. Aet June 9, ISTJL NOTfCR VOH I'lMtldt'ATltlN, (tultt-d l-aiut odii-f. Th halhn, ritu Juno fit, h4. Notice in hendv Rlttn tlmt In romi)l .iuo with the pnivlnloim at thti aot uf iNmarfM of June 1 INX vnilthd "An ai-t for th tl tif timber in the null of '(Mfirhlii. ort'aou, Ntviitltt, oid 'alnitauii IVritlory," mm Ktciultd to all thi IMUifi' Laud Hiitliw hy act of Vnmil 4, ilo hsllwttiua IibiiuhI (u-rn'tn tiavt fllct III I'll uttlof thfir nwuin tUtrmrnts, it: , Ada M. KUiu, of IMnevillo, t-oanty Cnkik. tt o trfp.u, iw.iin ttrinent No. 'ilWl, tiM l-iHi-tiiUr SI, l!a, l..r llw pui- ohtm ol the I, S, 3 4 of SvtWt I, Tv, laSt uth, ItaiiH 1W K,, W. M. AlWrl T. IIoku. ( I'riuet illy, county ! Croi'k, t.t'e id, wrii a)Ultnont No. Hi, tilnl U.vli 1, im, tor the pkiirhuM ol theWSSWLNKSSW'lA NW SK, ol Heti m W, Tp. IV I., Uaii Hi K., V. M. That Uh-v will oHr (- dm thnt thr land Attuht U mir vahiahle fr it thuler or i!itH than fr wrk'idturat purif, and It,li-h tliviri-laiui tuuid Innd Udr M H. I'm;, I'. S. t'oii(iuiiintr at hUoihw t Hiiiitjiillv, trKMi, on Hfpteiidx Srd, VMi. TheYUAine m aitnMswa: J. W. Kllitt, C . (irate, S M Lvoiia, Jniiim HnHkina, T. l, d'Cinnfl, AlUrt K,uii, Krmik Vhitr tnd C'tutrlit K. liratea, of 1'iineilll, lirotMi Any and all tmiiM claiming: adver. y thr 5tN)ve-(VnTlbiHl latuli ar rmiumt tl to tile tto'lr chtlma tn Ihla ortlte un or hefure the nid .Ird dr d Srftviidxr. lll. MICH AKLT. NoLvN. l.rUtrr. Timber land. Act Jun 3, Ihit. NutlCK rH IM'HLll'A't'U'N, I'nlird H(al luind m-. Thr ItAUKtt, DhiuioK, .lune W, l!-ut. Nolle la hereby given that In comiH .ince with tho pruv iKsiimi of the al o! iViirrt'aa of June 3, l7 eniltl-d "An ad tor the anle of tlmlMr lamia tn the ntnte f California. nn'itn, Nevada, ami Wnnn naion Tcrriiorv," n rxiemlit to all thr 1' nolle tind Htatrn by act of TuKUHt 4, IhWi, the ftdloWiflK named prnunM hate filed in thu "rtit-e their nwoni itttUmentji, tw-wit: HON Alt!) If, CIIAMHKItLAlN o('i-J I'hoetiii llntldiiia;, Mlitni'apoli,e'imt uf Hennepin, Ut- id -tiime'U, worn ntnte- went Xo VIM), filed November CJ, ItKO, Ir the purrhue of the H1 N Kv ami UU 1 k 'J SntissnH Tp I'-South, lUna 31 If.. W. M CtiKNKLIl S.I. MILMUAN if lutiimntA, oumtv uf Cnrk. ut ile 1 Hreic'ii, -twisrti iUI'meli. No. 31W, hlrd (MolHtf .', litft, fnthe urcha- ut the rrf Sectin 3", I p. I'J S,.ulh, lUitfe lu rlat W. M. That lliry will (iff r (in.of to nhi.w that ihe loud luuiglil In ni"ic valualili fr im uinlM-r or xtoiiv for uKrlt-ulhirnl pur ixwt a, and to (-itiiihllHh llo-ir clulmii to .uid land Utr J. J, Smith, County ''lerk at hw oltic at Trim-viHe, (iri'ifn, on Orb.Ur ll'th, t'.IH . They imme m witne4K'4: Jaine IMfrich, KDen I. Taylor, Kolert AruiMtromf. Allen lliuih. and .lac-.h Ktmnd, of Iaw nta, tire. K a: John W. leet of iirmly, ()ntcn; Perry H. l'oindexter and KreJ T- HinKt", "f I'riuevitU, Drew )D, Any and all (n-rnon c-lulmliiR adveraely rfta above-Hleac-rlbi'd lamia ara retiueatail to file their clalma In thli office on or tiefore the Hald U'th day of Jt UAvt, 11KM. MU HAKL T. NoLAN, ttetttcc. jUMrlo Ufudvcrlim-iuent, Tihilar Ijind. Art June 3, ltfS. NtH ICK Full THLICATION, L'nitcd NtHtcit Lund Idth it, The Jalltn,Ori-K July ht, Pt. Notire in hen-hy (iven that in nun- diuure with tlie proviniorift of the md of Coiikkhh nf Juiu-3, IkTh, fiitilli-d "An net frir tlie mile of tiiulter lnndx in the Htaten ol'Culifurnia, trex. Nevatla, imd Wmdi- iiniton Territory," tut extetidi-d to oil the Puhlic l-iind Slulea hy act of Au(cut4, IKfJ, AiiKii-d H. Lipnuin, of I'ruieville, county of Cnmk Hiute of Onyon, Iiim on this day May l!, filed Hi thin oftlrc hlx NWorn attiteiiicut No. 4iil lor the pun ha- of the N'fKW and X.'iMKK ofHcction No. 2T hi Titwinddii No. VI H,, Kaufie No. hi K., W. M,( HJmI Will oll'cr proof to ahow Mint the Innd sought in tiioru valunhle for it tiniher or Htiiue than fur aKHcuItnrul purpow, uud to e-taldih hirt claim to raid land Ix lon the rounty elrrk id Crmik County nt riineville. Iim-koii, on, the J (till day ol ScptemlH-r, l!i. Me nann-t. iia aihiC'M'.H: (ieiirfre O'.Veil, of I'rineville, Oregon. Waller O'NVil, of IViiieville, Oreiron. Muuiuel J. NVwuorn, of I'rineville, Or'K'ii- Perry Mnjr, of Prinevilh, On-Koii. Any and all p'-rnon i-lniminir, ndvernely the alHivi-ileicrihiil lamU are reipiehted to tile their irlniuia in tide office on or before, Maid pnlt day of Keptember, hH. IH HAKL T. NOLAN, Heltfiur. j I'tir L'ltoieti I 14 i Locations Timber JUTD Desert Lands WRITS ROBT. SMITH, i rn Prinevillo, , Oregon. ) VrV- Scicra ffiiacksmithfag lliirsi'sluM'iim, Wood iMlii'tlV ilonr - Salomon Siitlsliu'tloM Will lie I'rineville, fj) iTi Ti T4 aT 7 T Ti & If Babbit Metal Melted Into 5 pound bars Vrom Old Type. Just t'lmtiyli iillnv In nialio it inui'o tlurnlilo than onliiiiiiv lm;iIi'.s. aiul iml Imnl oiiniiuli tn lii'at hIh'ii in uwc, Threshers 5 li Shmilil lnki,ailviinlin;i nf lliin iilli'l'. Supply it J liinitt'il, I'rirti lower than niiv iiiiitiiiiuii on . T Hahhit Mel a I in I'rinovillo, liuv nmv for $ Ki tluMwuniiij; Hi-asnii. ' $ ADDRESS: CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL ? r. 'tr You will find ltlCVCI l S of all pxiil makes Ramblers, Imperials, Meals, and many iillii'm. A (!'! Una "I llicyrlf Hiiiulrirs AT Nil HTH. rriiKivilc-Sliiiii) M lino Dally Between Prineville and ShanlUo HTIIKIH'IJi Loavi'a Hlmiiikii, fi i, m. AnUrs ill IVinvilllf (I a, in. U'avrs I'riurvillii I p. its. Arrin's at Hliniiiko I a. in. First Class Accommodations Powell & -lonsorial Photography for the AMATEUR at Half its Former Cost aw ? fit a American Jr. CAMERA With Doubl Hole llulder $1.60 Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. Send for illustrated catalogue telling all about our 27 styles and sizes. Free. AMERICAN CAMERA MFG. CO. 946 St. Woili, lU',, nmilly ami lirn il h iluiii' liy & Moore (lu;iivtnlocJ Alwiiya Orcuon. A A ? Tc ivT Ti aT ilU $) and Mill Men Cyrus Artists. The famous Poco, Buch-Eye and American Cameras. Genuinely good In every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. Paul St., Rochester. N. Y. if 4x5 POCO