Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 18, 1904, Image 4

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    mJMUimgmL-illJ LLJ U'JL.- -! Ul'Ll-U.'- I-J-! ..
Xocal and yifiscellaneous jfds 5
All Advertising umler this huad atrfcUy five emt per line. rM
Expert Wanted.
Malier 4 Grouch pocket knives atj
ii i j. '. i
' I Srtlico M hereby given thul tll , Isu.
A brand new line ol fancy Urantts hy, wl be received by Crook County
Ware lit Johnson, Booth tt Co, Oregon, for the exporting of the
Wutmeilor 4 Thomson bve s officers book, uf said comity tor the
eonolett line ol falling tackle. ix '" '"')' I
viua tu to in ami openeu
TlmlxrUmi. Act .lim. a, ISM.
kotu'W run i'ihlu-ation.
linitcd mat taunt omc,
Tin? l'Bllw, On-iron, May SS. VJ04
NVtlr It hpri'by glvn that In wmi'll
anc. with tti. provisions of thw ai't of
Cixuittm of June 3, IfcX mlllle! "An act
(r th Ml of timber lamia 111 tl stales
of alif.iriila. Orpan. Neva!, ivut Wasl
Initton 1Vrrilry," as xt'ii1Hl to nil 111'
while 1-amt titsles by not of Aiiinmt. 4.
Wuin MrMxRKlN
Maaon Fruit Jars at Johnson,
Rnnlh A (Ve. I
Buy your Flailing tackle of Wur
weiler A Thomeon.
Pure Loaf Lard put up by Stewart
and Hodsun at the Boe Hive.
Specials in Indies' Shirt Waist,
white skirts, paraaola nnd (ana at The
bee Hive. j
SCRIP Forest Reaervc Certified
Scrip for (ale by W. A. Bell, at lowest
The latest and best fruit jar on
earth is the ECONOMY. Jomison,
Booth Co. sell them.
Smith 4 Cleek ha the famous
Okympia Bottled Beer for sale at 25
cents per bottle.
Have you had a look at those ateel
Balling trunk rods that Wurmeiler t
Thomson ha. e? If not )0U should.
A big line of Crash and Straw Hata
being sold cheap at Johnson, Booth 4
est Reserve Land Scrip for sale in
large and small tracts at lowest rates
Apply to oi write to Palmer Bro.,
417-418 Oregonian Building, Port
land, Oregon.
Mrs. Ed. Bradford has secured the
services of Mrs. Burt, of Sioui City,
who ia an eipert trimmer and dress
maker and those needing anything in
this line should avail themselves of
this opportunity.
Are yon guing fishing? If you are
yon will want a good outfit and
aoniething you can land the big onea
with. Something that will not break
at the critical moment. Wunweiler
4 Thomson have the things in fishing
W.H. Young haa purchased the
blacksmith ahop formerly owned by
C. B. Swalley and ia prepared to do
horse-shoeing and general repair woik
of all kinds at the lowest prises. Quick
and satisfactory service in all lines of
blacksmith work guaianteeo.
Qin of the greatest blessings aj
modest man can wish for is a good, j
reliable set of bowels,. If you are not j
the happy possessor of such an outfit
yow can greatly improve the efficiency j
of those you have by the judicious J
use of Chamberlain's Stomach and j
Liver Tablets. They are pleasant to!
tak and agreeable in effect. For
sale by all druggists. (
contract awarded September 7th UHU,
at 11 oVIock a. m.
The court reserves the right to
lejeet any and all bids. Oone by
order ol the county court of Crook
County, Oregon, J uly 8, l'.HU.
Witness my hand and the seal of
ttf Friiieville, enmity ofOiHtk, siate of llr
yo, lias on July IT, l!t$ tiled ill this oil',
ict hi tworu statement No. SJM for the
purvliaw of Lot I of Section ,11 Tp 12Sout!i
of Kdtiav Hi W M aiitl will orter proof
to sliow that Hie land aoualil is more vain
able for its tiinlter or stone Hum tor airvi
etiltural pur...', and to etabltli Iti
claim to said land before the t'outity Clerk
ol'Crvok etnmty, trv)T.M. nt Prliieiille, Or
eptn. on tile ttth day ol IVtober. Plot,
He name a aitnenw: Auaut II. I.ipp-
man alut William Trricllal of Prineville,
said court this 8th day ol July. l!.4 I thvKOiv, and Samuel t)m,.t..ll and Alarm
J. J. Smith,
Notice is hereby given, that scaled
bid will lie received by the County
Court ol Cnk County, State of Ore
gon, tor plans and estimates of the
costs and fixing of the hanks of
CrooKed River, above and about the
bridge at and west of Prineville,
Crook County, Oregon. Said bids
R. Kalw,ol of liriuly, Oryon,
Any and all persons claiming ntlvvrsrly
llie atwe described land" are rcpicted to
lib? tln-ir claims ia Ibis office oil or before
said Hlli day of October, P.m.
t TtmU'f ImV Act Juno 1 1SX
. NOTtVR FOK rritl.H.'ATHN.
Tho IWtaik tnr" Jm X 1.
Jfntloe Is twrvliy iivtn tht In wmi'tl
latve with the proviUiii of th ft of
Oonfivsj of June 3, lK, enlitlttl "An
act for the m ot timber lamli la the
urn! estimate to he tilwl with m) j ctuiee r oitrorrti. orrnon. Nvntin.
Pnnrt .in nr th hli d-tv nt ' nJ Washing ton JVrrltory." an extcmlrO
July, m.
Bills to be oontHi on July 30th,
1904, itt lOoYlnok, A. m.
The Court resents the right to re
ject any ami nit bid?.
Done by order of the County Court ol
Crook County, Oregon, on the 8th
J-v ot July, ii04.
Witness uty hand and seal of Mid
Court thw 8th day of July. lltOI.
County Clerk.
All horwi) hniiuhtl on kft shuiilder
with (limi.ond, formerly U'lutiinp
to Mn. Hnnh, rv my nirty.
Perry Head In now pitherinfr the
hunch ami any iHTBtoi knowing the
wereahoutu of turn hormv will
kindly notify Mr. Head or the timler
isijrmTl. T. K. M.K'allister.
Wurzweiler & Thomson will
pay highest cash prices lor
and 1
fl HIflDdThdford'iBlackIretifht
E afuod m rli cine for liver diMaVM.
W It cured rav od after be had ewnt
UWwithdoinore. It iiall the mwj
tcine I Ulte.--MR8. CAHULISS
UaETIN, Parkenburg, W. Va.
If your liter does not act reg
ularly gato tout dniffffiirt and
secure s package of Tbedford's
blai k -Iraucht and take a dose
tonight. Tbia great family
medicine freea the constipated
bowel, stiri up the torpid liver
and causet a oeaithj secretion
of bile.
TlH-dford'i Black - Draught
will cleanse the bowels of im
purities and strengthen the kid
neys. A torpid liver unites
coldi, biliousness, chills and
fever and all manner of sick
ness and contagion. Weak kid
ney! result in Bright! disease
wbicb claims as many rictims
as consumption. A 2&-cent
package of Tbedford's Blaik
braught should always be kept
in tiie bouse.
"I mwd Tbedford's Black
Drmngbt for Ifrei aod kidney com-
filtviBt and found nothing to eicet
t."WILLlAH COi-FMAN. Alar-
, Hi.
An Open Letter.
From the Chapin, 8. C, News:
Early in the spring my wife and I
were taken with diarrhoea and so
severe were the pains th&t we called a
physician who prescribed for us, but
his medicines (ailed to give any re
lief. A friend who had a bottle ot
Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy on hand gave
each of Uf a wose and we at once felt
the effects.. I procured a bottle and
before using the enlire contents we
were entirely cured. It U a wonder
ful remedy and fhould lie found in
every household. H. C. Bailey, Edit
kr. Thin remedy is for sale by all
Brights Disease And
We desire to place in the haiidn of
those afflicted with Unfits lnni un!
Diabetes a ati-papc pampulet that is Baying
human lives. It u not an ordinary pam
phlet, such as is coinniomfly used to ad'
vertise niexlicines, but U principally inftdV
up of reports - of scieutiiically cunducted
lestc in a larfFv variety of cast's, hiiowinp
87 pur cent of recoveries In tlicse hitherto
iltcurabte di-cawn.
The speciiics eniploywl in these U-sts
are known at the Fulton t'oinpouiulf and
fh reMills ohtaincl prove conclufively
that ihew dreaded disfawM so Ioiir fatal
(the deatlm tnim Brights Uiwase alone an
appallinic, over l),0Hi a year, BtaniiiK a-
kUlney trouble) have at last yielded to
medical seience. The pamphlet in free.
Write to the John J. Kulttin Co., toi Wufh
intrUm street, Han Fram isco, Cat.
When to vuqpect Uri?hts Disease:
Puffy ankles or baud; weakneu without
nppareut cause, kidney trouble alter third
month; frequent orinatioti, (may show
MHtimeut or cloudy on standiiiKf; failinji
vi!n;day drowsiness-one or more ofi
thtw, -
Tor Sal.
If) acn 3 miles want of Prii.evillo,
IW of which ia plow land, 60 undor
cttllivation. Coinfortithli' 4 rottm
houao. woll water, otil buildinB and
Writ, An ideal grain ranch, $1000,
A bargain. Adilre, J. i. Wtnhi
100 aeree of tine alfalfa html tindorir-j
rigiiltou ditch together with one-
eighth iutereet in ditch. ANa H''"
acre f Itottom ttmd, 80 acres under j
cultivation, all fenced, six room houw, !
ktm and outbuilding!. Will sell j
Intth prverties at A bargain price-. 1
Addreaa, The Jocrsau ' j
1AU SALE The . J. JVngra rauch
at Iava, tregxm, t20 acuw meadow
land, all feuctl. tiood sttnk ranch.
Houwp and two good Iwm. Aildrew
or call on
V. J, I'KStiRA,
7-IMmp Uv, tregon.
pi (FmOO'-OO'
to atl the Public Land St a tee by act of
A umn f, W.1, the follow tiiff named pvrti
have died lu lliis ott)r their sworu Ut;mtuti,
Ada M. l-Uliott, of IVineville, aunty of
CnnA, Ute uf Oren, win tUteuient No.
ZZk filed Deivtulter lWCt, for the pur
cheiftheL 8, 3 A i uf Secti.a 4, Tp.,
i:. S- vith, RjtDiT It) K., W. M.
AltertT. l-vne, of Prineville. county ol
CrtK.k, Ut uf Oiem, sworn aUtetuent No.
tiled Man-It 1, lH, for the pnrrhaM of
theWSSWl.NKSWl A NWJ SKi, of
Section it, Tp. li 8., Range lb E., W. M.
That they will otter prtxf to hor that the
land nourfht i more valuatde for iU tiudier or
stone than for agricultural mriM, and to
eatahlUh their claim to laid land before M
R. fti&py V. S. ComnnVoiotier at hu ortice at
Priuawlle, Oretfn, on Septender 3nl. l'AM.
They name u witneMea: .1. W. Klliott, C.
A. liravea, M. H. Lvs. Jamea Hawkina, T.
M. tt'Connel, Allwrt rUatw.u!, Frank White
and Charleo K. (irate, of Prineville, ret;oa.
Any and all persons clnlnUnir adverae
ly the above-deacribed lands are request
ed to file their claims In this office on or
before the uid 3rd day nf Heptemlwr, VMH.
Ite inter.
Notice For Publication.
Land Office at The Ualles, Orejron,
July 15th, m.
Notice U hereby given that the following
named settler haa bled notice of his inten
tion to make liual proof in support
of his claim, and that caid nroof will be
! nuulc before the J. J. Smith. County Clerk
of Crook county at Prineville, Oregon, on
: Septeiuher 7th, 1MH. vik:
1 of Iimonta, Oregon, 11, K. No. 'pit, for
theKS iK Sec. 3 ' HW'4 tk-c. 2,
Tp. 13 South, Kuiikc U Kat, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his eoiilinuous residence upon and
eult nation or aid laud, vn:
JuniesH. McMeen. Jerry Achey, Fred
rick V. Sann and Joseph Weipand, alt of
Lainonta, Oregon.
Jl'JUt'lo Register.
1K SALE. About 2tHM head olj
stnvp ctuiiitiug olewca.yearlinga and
lamlvs: a Unit one third of each,
Range ge with sheep. Wilt he!
realy hr sale abu the 15th of May.
This hunch ia in tineconditioti.
J. I), liinmtj,
Sl.-iTKHit, OliK.
llR 8AI.E. A very desirable ranch !
consisting of CM acret. Alnuit IW of
which ia Ilrst clacs yellow pine lintUr;
and 01 acres of No. 1 agrieuttuaat land !
enclo'! by fence, 8 acres of which is
throe year-old nlfalfa and 3 aorva in
clover. A Urge stream of pure cold
water teeming with trout running
through center of pluce. Hood ditch
for irrigation purposes. This ia a
hirgatn. For futher particulars and
price write or call to the Joritii.
Office, Prineville, Oregt u,
Cured His Mother of Rheumatism
".My mother has Iwen a sull'crer for
many years with rhomu:ttim(" sayi
W. II. Howard, of HusUmd, Pa. "At
t;mea she was tiimb'e to move at all
while at all times walking was pain
ful. I presented her with a bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Ihtlm and after
a few applications she decided it was
the nnit wonderful pain rc'iever ilie
had ever tried, rn fact, she is never
without tt now rt ml is at times able to j
walk. An accuidonal application of
Pain Balm keeps away the pain that
she was formerly troubled with." For
sale by all druggists.
In Addition to tha Regular Free Premiums
- - ' ' - Mil fr a
J!" otntt. f-oiijm,,
ir in " ii S t ft i At t
like a Check like This?
w. j.j einnnnnn ct i lion cff r in r r
ns nan RMiruiii 4WUuwiwu
2l.t! l got clink., :i W ninio will gel
trot W.itlil'a FalrConlmt
thoiu iu Ilia M
Presidential Vote Contest
Five Lion .Heads cut from Lion
Coffe Packages and a a -cent
atamp entitle you (In addition to
the regular tree premiums) to
one vote. The a-cent stamp cov
ert our acknowledgment to you
that your estimate U recorded.
You can send as many eatl.
mates as desired.
Grand First Prlis of S5.000.00 ,
will be awarded to the one who Is nearest
correct on both our World's l air and Preal
dentlal Vote Contests.
W. fttio offer tS.MO.UO Sptal ta.h PrtM. to Qrocrt1
Ctirl. tl'wttcttUriawli:.i.tlt.tuanM.)
What will b the total popular vott cast
fur President (vote for all can-.
dldatca combined) at tha altctlon
November 8, 1004
In muicvtlou, ia,l&l.KM pwtploted
fir Prenltlent For nenrt vorrwrt rtl
iniitr m rivel hi Wo"luu Hpu t iuu-
pany a nfhre, Toledo, y., on or twt'to
Itiot, wo will glvv brt
m-atLni t-otmt eMlniaiif,
second priir to tha neat Heart!, etc..
etc. 1 u follow:
pruj (nr tl
rtrt frlf
Inrond Prlta . . .
frtsta ItiOOOO tfertt
Prliea- U'tOtM)
0.00 " '
rrti -Prliaa-
,Ot HUH)
!.ntn 1.00
a 1.0 raixn,
TOTAt, tjri.tmonn
How Would Your Name Look on One of These Checks?
KvcrvlxHly n.r. cotl. H vuu .ill uf MO Itirt XK !riR .noaith to R-t a. u.lntc,1 wltli It. v.ra ill b. .ullr.larid
aru.iOBiur.ivili..nlt owu.y u. taal lU ul it.-yuOMll ..wo-nl -t a Ikikm. Il'm lr )r..ur ..k !.
Complete Detailed Particulars In Every Package of
Notice For Publication.
Ijiritl Office at Til1 Uallt-it. OrKon,
July l".th, IWM.
XitiiU bcrelty (fivt'ti that Wie fiitiuwing
name) KttliT hai filnl notice uf his inti-n-tion
to make fnuil proof in fiiprt of hid
claim, aol that aaiti pruf Kill lie maile
bclore J. J. Smith. County Clerk, at Hrine
ville, Orfiri.11, on September 3nJ V.A.
of Primvilh, l)reon, H. K. No. IKi, the
XK!4,WliJ HKJ Stt S. 14,
Tp, 14 South. ILnirt Hi Kut, W. M.
He Dan the fill.iwiiiK witneue. to prove
his eontinuou. reniiieoM iit-on Ahd cultivation
of aiJ laii'l, vis:
WillUu, Kirklum, Frank lty, P. (). L
hillette and L. A. Watkiua, all of Prineville,
jlSKcO . Iteguter.
Deputy Stock Inspectors.
Notice ia hereby civen tha I have
appointed the following flamed person,
deputy atock inapectora:
J. r. tartwri((lit, Hay Creek.
Jim ttooili, AhoofT
E. Kparka, Suter..
A. Morrow, Hayatack.
F, M. Kmith Paulina,
ltoac KlutX, p,jt
J. . B..Kue,
Alex Alclntonh, flanlin
J. P. Vanliouten, Hay Creek.
V, S, Cowlea, Hay Creek
Joe Hinkle,
Slock JnaMictor Crook County.
DMA. r.rnin
Ely s Cream Balm
Thla Remedy Is a Specific
Sure to Cive Satisfaction.
It cleanses, Roolh,, Leul.. auj protect, the
diseaawi nwml.rine. It mrex Catarrh and
drives awny a Cold in tli-. Ilm,hmiklv.
Iteatorea the Herihes of T..-o end
ICaey to OM-. Couluit,. n. iitjuri.-iw dniir.
Applied into the nostril and al,.-.,rUd
Lurife Size, oil c..-iii ,,i I 'nii a or I,
mail; TnaiSize, I't ot- a l:y .:u J.
ELY BROTIIEHS, E6 Iti.-rta' St., lit York,
Notice For Publicatisn- Isolated
V. S. Land Office, The Dalle, Oreifon.
July 13th 1904.
N.rtice ii hereby xivea tliat in nirauance
of instructions fnim the CommUsi.iner of the
lieneral Iuid Office, under authority vwteil
in him by section 2455, V. H. Keviaeil Hut
utea, aa amended hy act of Connreaa approved
February 211, IKK, we will pr.;ed f. if-r
at public sale at the hour of lOo'clock, A. a..
tm the !Uh day of September, 1!4, at this
office, the followinif tracte of land, t.-wit:
The HK1 .rfSP.x of Medina 8, Tp. i:i S.,
Kanne 14 Fst, of W. M.
Any and all lemon, claiming alersely the
alxive decrild land, are ad ised to file their
claims in this oflic on or liefore the day
above ilesiKnated the commencement .,1
the sale, otherwise their rlht. will be f,.
Mlt'HAuT. Xou, UntialiT.
Ann M. L.sno, Iteeeiver.
j for Clitilee
! Timber
Desert Landjs
Prinevillrj, - Oregon.
Timber larxt Act Juns I. 1."S.
The Da! Irs, Drt-Kon, April s.
N.ttirtfi. bt n-hy uiyen thst in c-iu-IUiios?
with tti imivUi'aw (ft tht act ( Citjirw nf
JtuteS, 1K7, ontitled "An act for the ml uf
tinilir laiiiia in the HUtt i Ciilifnii, On,
ifn, XvVavda and WavahirtKtirn Teriitmry,"
fXtfiidfd U tvll the I'uUie Un.i HUtn ly
st n( AtiKunt 4, lyi, the f.litwinnaiiiid
K-mtn hstvt fildl in tliis trlticc their xworn
sjUkmeritd, to.wit;
Luie It. Jlekth, f Ailitn, cmntjr of
IHitotcaniir, tt of Wtcmin, swum ntata.
liieitt Xo.'JKla, til(-ilSwi.t'nibprrt. Ui. It
t)ttmn-haw ol thf NK'i HW1, NS Atij
andSKi RKHm. ft, Tp U tinih, KaiiL
IU K, W. M.
Kmifl M, Filnon, or Portland, cituiity of
Mtiltiimiitli, Htat nt OrvuTi, wmi tale
niit N.i. 2-J3JO. illfd Jrtm.ary , IINH. f"i
thf ((iirrliatw of the XKH tii'Ai fectUi
South, 1Uhk1!1 K., W. M,
Tliat tlit-y will olt't'i1 iiroof toslmw that
the land ."ought in more vuliiulilt fur its
timbfror slo ue than for axrirultiiral pur
jMjtM-n, ami to eftahlifh their cliiiniH to Haiti
land Wfor thu ltei;intcr and Eccriter at
Tlit Dalles, Orcein, on AiiKim lWh, Juot.
Thy nam u witiiMHra; Jiiiikhi K.
Heath ami Moyd K. tfinidi. of 1'rin-villc,
tTrt-ifon; D MHrh-H.rif mtk, ,h
intft.rti; Martha Mitchell, of Apf.leton, Wi-cfti-'in;
Willlmn Port, f P, Oren-m; A. K.
Matthew. )tmtih Wiliwr and Jatue" Ingram
of Portland, Ort-non,
'Any and all wrHina clainiiiitf advvly tlif
ahovc-dt-NCritsMl landi) art mue"txl to tiU
tht-ir cluim-t fn thla nliioe on or Ijffure auid
Ililh day A AtlKmat, VMH.
nil2dp ItPKiUr.
Notice of Flnnl Bottlomont
nf Ward" K.
In tlifiiuitttToftlir fotuli
LlllllMtll, llet l'tlrtCtl.
j Nutiri-if In reliy fen tliat llie undr-
i ituft) U'tmini"lrHlor uf Hut i-Mute ol (
, Win I K. I,niii..tii, dn-cufii'it, limt llli'tl li on 1 1
iitt'onut a "in h admiiiixltuior in
I Comity Cntirt of thr Stitte nf ln-t;iiit, for.
("rtttik Cniiniy, mid that '-aid Court lnw
hixtd Ttieiuluy S-.t. (ith, liM, at I"
i oVIm-k, A. M. lor thr tii'rtritiK ami Dual
1 M-tllHlirtlt of ld HLTMtlllt.
I All (K-riMliia iiitfrctlt'd art- hiTi-liy notlHtnl
I to apjM'ar on natil datt ainl allow tvuuw In j
I and why aid ivHtrt nlnnilil nut iH-mpivt il !
I and tlit ttaid fiutf wttifl up and tlil
I tniiiiarntor tlifH.'hii rK-t.
H. W. LiaiMiN,
Attminintralor of I lie Ktnti of Wunl K.
leitiiumn, dtTitt't'd. I
Melted into 5 pound bars
From Old Type.
.Itist onoiifrh itlltiy tu niiiko it nuirc tlurublu
tliitn tirdinitrv i;nuli'8. and still not linrd
rnoiii'li tu hi'itt when in iisc.
1 !
TlmTr I-and, Art June 3, ITT.
Hn I (erf Btatei Land Oftl.-e,
Thk Daj.lkh, OKldiO!,.lune'sM, 1!04.
Notice is hereby fflven that in compli
ance with the provinlona of the art of
t.oiiKrfsm of June 3, 1K7S, entlllwl -"An a't
for tin Male of timber lamia In the atntin
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wun
ItiKton Territory," an (-xtended to all lh"
Public Ijtnd Htatea by act uf August 4.
IMfJ, the f'dlow ifiK naiuetf ieraoua have filed
in thiii office their a worn rtftteromtJi, tu-wlti
of '.fit Phoenix HtiiMin. Minneatolla, county
of Hennepin, tat of .Mjnneaota, aworn atate
H. i'iit N'. 2110, filed 'November 12, HflJS, for
Lite purthiwe of the H and IU 1 k 2
Section ii, Tp Ul Houth, Kure 21 K., W. M.
of I.QinonU, cmnty of Crook, ativte if Oregon,
nworn ntatnien. No. 2101, tiled Octolser 'li,
1!WI, fir the purchase of the HW4 KWJ
-rf Seetio,, Tp. Vi iitli, Itar.xe Jli Kaat,
W. 51.
That th-y will offer proof to nhow that
the land fU'uaht la more valuable for tta
itmbvr or atone than for aaricultural ptir
potiea, and to eatubllah their clalma to
uid land U-fore J. J. Hrnith, County
Clerk at ItU oftV at Prineville, Oh'-n,
f-ii Oct'.lsi-r 12th, HM.
They name a witneone; Jauiea lielfrich,
tll-n 1. laylor, Itohert AruiHlronK. Alien
Hasdi, and Jac-.h Htroud, lAH;nta, Ore-K-n;
John W. Dee, of Oiwly, Orenon;
Perry B. PolinleaUr and KreJ T. Illtfifiiv, "I
i'riueviile. Oretia
Any and all persona claiming adveraely
tn am,v-deix'ritfJ landa are rwiueatad
to file then rlalma In thla office on or
More the Maid 12th day of Ortolier, li.
jllMclo 1
Not UK Folt PI'lHJi ATloN,
ruilrtl Hliit- Laud Otliiv
The Diiltca, On-Kon.
Notice is luTi-by irtven that the fr.llowlni;
mimed wilier have Hied tmtiie id' their
ititentioun Pi make proof on their repw.
live cluims, and tlmt suitl proof will he
mmle lt-fin J. J. Hmilh. Coititty Clerk of
t'riok ctiunty, Orejom, at Prineville, Ore
Koii, on Hrpteinhcr tl, PWI, at the county
inrt lioiiHf, vis:
i JAMDH H. LAMSON' nfCulrer, Orejton,
j II K No. K'sjH-J, for the lut Ml, ' SV,Vt
I nnd NW SK Hection 4, Tp 1.1 South ..f
' ItHtiye III K W M
HIA'HV XV. LA M HON of Culver, Oreffoii
II K No. W, for the HV of Herthm I Tp
l.'t South of HaiiKe 13 K W M,
Thev name aa witne-mca o prove their
roiiiiiiuuiii refill. mv ti m 1 1 ami cuhtvatioii
! of unit I lamlH, to wit: II, Ofhorti,
iJiiitivM II. 'rVimlom, Walt-r Itiihlc ami
Koliert Morric, nil of Cuher, Ort'KOii,
Threshers and Mill Men
Slimilil take fi(lvniititf;o of this olfi'i'. Supply
liiniti'il. Price liiwcr tliitn any piiitittiiii tm
liitliliit Mctnl in riincvillt', ' liny mw fur
till' tMlllill'' sriisnn.
Sk. Sk. av av aV aV aV flk Sk. aV Bk.s Bk flk. Bk.! a'i
Tiinlmr LiuhI. Act June 'A, .17,
United WHttea Land OHlei',
The Iiitllea.Oreffon, July lal, Mm I.
.'.!, ... m hi.raal.V vlvi'll til fit Itl Coin.
pliaiiif with the provisions of Ih- net of
i"..ti,.i-i..ti nt iiine ixm. c l i 'f ii ii hi 'i
for tlie Mile of timtier Imida in the Ktitten
of California, Orpon, Nevada, and Wnfh-
inirtoii Territory," as exteimeu 10 uji urn
piihlio Uml Htntea hy act of AukukU,
lri. Anirunt 11, Liiipinaii, of Prineville,
t,t Crook Hmle of
Oregon, lm on thin day May 2K, l!i02, (lied
in this ofRce lii Hworn atateineiit No.
fur the pun-hat of tha NSW'.i anrl
NHK! ofMeetlon wo, m in jowiimnp
No. 12 H,, ItanK No. 1,1 K-. W. M., uml
...:n ...f... ..r..f tit taliiiW that t.tiP Imirl
i.. i. ...,.n. vnlinilil6 for ita tinilsur or
Ktone thun for agricultural purHWH, mid
ti' ectiiullNlt ii i h ('till in vt wnu iitoo wiorc
the county clerk of Crook County al
Prineville. Oregon, on, trie iiriu unj oi
Heptemlier. lifH-
tleorKt' O'Nell, of Prineville, Oregon,
or li'Va.ll ,.f I'rlio-villi- On if nil
Huliiutl J.Ni'WWHU, of Pritieville, Oregon.
Perry Illtg, oi rriueviili-, wregon.
a .... a,.,l ..II ru.rniiiiu dill III intf Hfl V(TH('l V
the aliove-deacrim-d laltda are re(iiC!iU'l U
to. ihf.riMf.iii.ii in thia office nn or before
naid lirth day of Heplemher, 1!KX.
M I' II AT. 1 1 a . ,
You will find
UICYCLLS of all nood makes
Ramblers, Imperials, Ideals, and many
ntliiTM. A bihhI line ul Bicy.-li' riitiulri AT HIIUTH.
Daily Between
Prineville and Shanlko
I.nav Hltanikn, (I p. m. Arrives at Prini'villr (I a. m.
Ix'iirca l'rinovills 1 p. tn. Arrives at Hhuniko I a. in,
First Class "Accommodations
Watts & Baker, Props.
Marble and Granite Monuments'
All Kinds of Stone Work
Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon