Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 11, 1904, Image 4

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All Advertising under this hoad atrial' live wnt per lino. Pq
Mulier A Grouch pocket knives at
1). P. Atlainson's.
A brand ne line of fancy Granite
Ware at Jolioaun, Booth & Co,
Wurxweilor & Thomson have a i
conplote line ol fishing tackle. I
Mason Fruit Jan at Johnson,!
Booth A Co's. i
Buy your Fishing tackle of Wurs
weiler 4 Thomson,
Expert Ranted.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bitU will be received by Crook County
! Oregon, for the exporting of the
jollied book of aaid county for the
j six years ending July 1, liKU-
Bids to he in and oiioiuil and
contract awarded gentpnibar 7th 19W,
at 11 o'clock a. in.
The court reserves the right to
eject any and all bids. Ione by
P.tir.ltnn h Stowart;onler of the county court of Crook
"and Hudson at the Bee Hive. I c'"'. 0r"S". M' ,
itneas my band ami the aeal of
' , said court this Sib dav of July, l'.HK.
J. J. Smith,
Specials in ladiei' Shirt Waists,
white skirts, parasols and fans at The
Be Hive. "
SOW P Forest Reserve Certified
Scrip for sale by W. A. Bell, at lowest
The latest and best fruit jar on
earth is the ECONOMY. Jolinson,
Booth A Co. sell them.
Smith Jt Cleek have the famous
Olympia Bottled Beer for sale at 25
centa per bottle.
Have you had a look at those steel
fishing trunk rods that Wunweiler 4
Thomson ha. e? If not )ou should.
A big line of Crash and Straw Hats
being sold cheap at Johnson, Booth 4
est Reserve Laud Scrip for sale in
large and small tracts at lowest rates
Anwly to oi write to Palmer Bros.,
417-418 Oregonisn Building, Port
land, Oregon.
Mrs. Ed. Bradford has secured the
services of Mrs. Burt, of Sioux City,
who is an expert trimmer and dress
maker and those needing anything in
this line should avail themselves of
this opportunity. -
Are you going fishing! If you are
you will want a good oumi ana
something you can land the big ones
with. Something that sill not break
at the critical moment. Wuriweifcr
A Thomson have the things in fishing
W.H. Young has purchased the
blacksmith shop formerly owned by
C. B. Swalley and is prepared to do
horse-shoeing and general repair work
of all kinds at the lowest prises. Quick
and satisfactory service in all lines of
blacksmith work guaranteed.
One of the greatest blessings a
modest man can wish for is a good,
reliable set of bowels,. If you are not
the happy possessor of such an outfit
you can greatly improve tlw efficiency
of those yon have by the judicious J
use of Chamberlain's Stomach and j
Liver Tablets. They are pleasant to
take and agreeable in effect. For
sale by all druggists.
Notice is hereby given, that sealed
bids will le received by the County
Court of'Crook County, State of Ore
gon, for plans and estimates ,.t the
costs and fixing of the twnks of
Crooked River, above and about the
bridge at and west of Prineville,
Crook County, Oregon. Said bids
and estimates to be tiled with said
Court, on or before the Stlth day of
July, 1901. . - .
Bids to be opened on July 30th,
I'JW, at 10 o'clock, A.
The Court reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids.
Done by order of the County Court of
Crook County, Oregon, on the 8th
day of July, 1!K)1.
Witness my hand and seal of said
Court this 8th day of July. l'.HM.
County Clerk.
All horsee hrnnded on left nhuulilor
wtth diamond, formerly Minikins
to Mrs. Hash, are my pmiierty.
Perry Read la now pitherttij; the
bunch and any peivun knowing the
whereabout of these horses will
kindly notify Mr. Read or the under
signed. T. F. MeCnllister.
Wurzweiler & Thomson will
pay highest cash prices for I
1 1 1 1 1 inn iij i iii tin ii"H
An Open Letter.
From the Chapin, 8. C, News
Early in the spring my wife and I
were taken with diarrhoea and so
severe were the pains thfct we called a
physician who prescribed for us, but
his medicines failed to give any re
lief. A friend who had bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy on hand gave
each of us a dose and we at once felt
the effects.. I procured a bottle and
before using the entire contents we
were entirely cured. It is a wonder
ful remedy and should be found in
every household. H. C, Bailey, Edit.
for. This remedy is for sale by
Brights Disease
We desire to place in the hand of,
those afflicted with Brihts uiKeane and
iJiaiwtes a UC-pa pampulet that is Having
human lives. It is not an ordinary pam
phlet, unci) ae is common el y used to ad-
Yrrtise medicines, but ia principally mad'
up of reports of wientilieally conducted
tentniu a large variety of cases, showing
R7 per cent of recoveries in these hitherto
iticurali(e diseases.
The specifics employed in these test-
ac known a the Fulton Compounds and
the results obtained prove coiieluMveJv
that mete dreaded disease so Ion ratal
(the death trom Bright Disease alone art-
appalling, over lOU.Onu a year, starling
kainey troubles) have at last yielded
medical science. The pamphlet is free.
Write to the John J. Fulton Co.. Wash
ington etrwt, Han Fnuieiwo, Cal.
When to suspect .(rights Disease:
Puffy ankles or hands weakling without
a parent cause, kidney trouble after third
month; frequent urination, (may show
M-diiucnt or cloudy on Handing); failing
TisiHi;day drowsiness one or mure of
I find ThrifonVs BtaclvDranfrht
rood median for titer disease
it cured mv Lon ifUr ha had in. nt
iwniuaonora. ji au u; men
Icine I take."-MR8. CAKOLINB
MARTIN, Pukersburf, W. V.
If tout liver does not act rep
nlarly go to your irupeirt and
Kfure a packajfe of 'fbetlford'i
Black-Draught and take a dose
tonisriit. This great family
meuiiine free the constipated
bowels, stirs up the torpid liver
and causes a healthy secretion
of bile.
Tbedford'i Black - Draught
will cleanse the bowels of im
purities and strengthen the kid- ,
nevs. A torpid liver invites
colds, biliousness, chills- and
fever and ail manner of lick
nessaniiuontaffion. Weak kid
neys result in bright' disease
which claims as many victims
as consumption, A 25-cent
-irackaire of Thcdford'a Blatk
pT&neht should always be kept
in the bouse. v
"I oed Thedford's Black
Draught for liver and kidney com-
flaint and f'.ond noihioK to excel
blehead, ill.
TlnilwLaiid, Act.Iun. ST
NOTH'M Kttlt IM'Ul.lVAT.oN.
1'ntted 8tt(B Uuid Oltle.
The Hallos, Oregon, May a, IlKH
Nuttc la tiorehy k tvoti Hint tn cuniplt
muf! wUU tho prn-biii of thu aot of
CV'tiRtww of J;ine S, brs, tMititUd "An not
for Hip alt tif tlmtHT l.'iiutti In tin hit on
if t'aliforntn. or-nni, Nrrndn, ntut hnIi
UiKtin IVrrliory," ext'inlHt to nil the
Pulillo l-!HHt SUit(s hy itrt of A"s(ttt 4.
Wiunn MiMkrkik
of rrttievillc, rounty of Oivok, state of tr
KoiJ);. on July it, V.m. tiled huhin oiV
ice hi mini stHieinent No. for tin
pvm-hHM of tot of Swtion .HI Tp 12 South
of Krinjlo W Kttl W M and willotler prtnt
t xhow that the laud sought if more vaiu
ah!e for its tim!er or stoiu than tor agri
cultural pnrpws, and to etutlih hi
claim to said land before the County- Clerk
of Crook county, trctii'ii, at I'rinevitle, ttr
Phon, on the llili day o( Octoltor. -
He names witnesMW: AiijitiM II, l.ipp
tnan atut William 1'n'ichal of 1'riiievillf,
itroiron, and Samuel Coiupttitt and AMri-n
U. K:i-IwihmI wf (irimly, trfui.
Any and all jnyons vlaiminjc adversely
the akne dccrilnHl laud are n,nll t
iili? their claiiup in this otlic1 on or In-fore
s;iid Htli day of (k-toher, lih4,
TlmlxT t jtn. A't June 3, IX
t'ntt.Hl Slate UxnA tKtic
The IWie, frv-n, June 10,
Ntillcp Is hcreliy plvcn that In compli
ance with (he provision of the act of
Conirrtwa of June S, lsTS, entitled "An
act for the ak of tlmtHr hinds tn the
8t;u'3 of California, Oiykii, Nevada,
and Waliiimton Teriilory," a extended
to all the l'jt'Mc ljut 8tittv9 by act of
Aust 1, ls2, the follow iim nanoxl (n-nioiifc
ttaw ti!Kt tn this urtlow ttutr unorti uteiiifiil.
Ada M. KMi.ttt, of IMueville, co.ity of
CrHik, idate of Oreptu, awoin itaWntfut No.
i.Vk oliAi lVcemlwr i4, 1W3, f.-r the pur
chaw of the 1, 3, 3 A. 4 uf Section 4, f t
L S. nth, Katu W K. t V. Mv
AllwrtT.ltoa.nie, of Triueville. county ol
Chxik, tae of Orepm, sworn statement Xn.
;"J4(i. fiM Mairh I, for th pun-haw of
the SWj, XK', SV) A NWJ SK'i of
Secti.i M, Tp. 12 S.. llsux It! K-, W. M,
Th;U they will otfer primf t show thttt the
land Mih'ht is more v.iliulte for its timlw or
sWflf than for agricultural purie, arid to
euljlih Uieir cUiui to wiid land twforv ,M
It. liivT, 1". S. CoaimUioner at hixolbce at
Prtnetille, Oregon, on September ird, VM.
Thtfvnanie m witusea: ,1. W. Klliott, C.
A. tiraves, S. H. Lyon, James Hitwkitts, T.
XI. O'Coanel, Albert Kwtwood, Frank White
and Charles K. tlmvea, of rineille, Orein.
Any ami all itenitina clutniing advers
ly the above-dcaoribt-Hj lands ore rwiucst-
ed to file their clalma In this ottk-9 on or
before the aid 3rd day nf September, l;n.
jnaOdo .
Tor Sale.
ItW Hero 3 mile vast of Triiii'viHe,
lo5 of which ia plow lami,. fit) utulor
cultivation, Omfortnblo 4 room
lumxo, woil water, out btiilditis nod
barn. An itlottl nmn rutu'lt. $ HUH).
A Imrgrthu Adiiivw, J. 8. Wimler,
Cm mm AWAY Is Users of
1 KOnTtaoftim,atfa)fH ltuiti titniorir
rsjration ditch (ntcthpr with on
eighth intercut in ditch. Also Ititt
tcrWof IhiHuui lt nd, i0 ncroa under
onltivHtion, nil fenced, 'x room mulcts i
kirn and Cutliviillins. Will sell
Udh urojHTtiw at a baiiiin nricts ;
Addreda, Tho .loi'RXAt..
lHi HALK-The 11. J, IVhKni ranch
itt La vti, lrej;oti, 120 Heicn meadow!
laud, nil feiu'nl. limn! idock ranch.!
Ht-Ufc and twopHkl I m ruts Addrcw!
or call on -
W. J. TKMlli v, I
7-U-lmp Lava, Orcein. I
Notice For Publication.
Ijind Office at The Iatles, Oregon,
-July loth, I: ml.
Notice is hereby iveu that the followinir
named settler has tiled notice of Im inten
tion to imike tinul proof in support
of bis claim, and that mi id proof will Ik
made liefore the J. J. Stuith. County Clerk
of Crook county at lYinoviile, Urepm, ou
St-ptetidr7th, 1!U4, vi:
of Latuonta, Oregon, H. K. No. TbVt, for!
iheK'i SK'i Sec. 3 ' ' tkc, 2,
Tp. 13 EHuihf Hange U Exl, W. M.
He names the following witneyt-i to
prove his continuous residence upon in id
cultivation of wnd hind, via:
Juiim-sS. McMeen. Jerry Acliey, Fivd
rick W. Sann and Joseph Wei'and, all of
Iiiuonta. Oreffon,
jlnclo " I.citer.
Ji'lUl iSALK, Atnuit iitHMJ heml ol
shoep consist inj; olowen, yearling mid (
Uiul'S; about one third of rite It, !
Uauj;y poou wilh uluvp. Will
icfldy for side alnnit the IjiIi of May.
I'll is hunch is in tiiiecomtition.
J. l (ini.ios,
HifiiKUS, Our..
l)H H.U.K. A vcrydtwrfthlcnineh'
consisting of If'O itcrep. Alnml nf
which i lirst olio's yellow jntw tinilcr
:iud 01 acres of No. 1 rigrieuttmiat IuihI
enclo5iit by fence, 8 ncres of which i 1
three year-old nlfalLt and J cre i
clover-. A In rue stream of tmre cold
water loeming with trout running
through eeutt-r of plncc. tiood ditch
fur irrigntiou Mir(mses. Tliis in &
h rgain. For futhcr i:i'Iicuiiir md
price write or mil to the jorn.u.
Oltiee, rrinevillc, Oregon.
Cured Hia Mother of Aheumatisiu
"My mother bus Iven a sulTcrer for
many yearn with rheumatism,'' stt vs
W. II. Howard, of Htiidnttul, IV "At
times she was unah'e to move nt nil
while at all limes walking was pain
ful. I presented her with a Udtlo of
ChuinU'rluin's Tnin J'ulm and nftcr
ii few applications she decided it wan
the mo.-t wonderful pain re'iever he
Imd ever tried, in fart, she in never
without it mov and is at timet able to
walk. An ncciisiomit npplicntioii of
I'ii in Iialiu keep away the pain that
she was formerly troubled with," For
sale hy all druggists.
In Addiikn to tha Regular Free Premiums
"" m . ' I
worn smo,, ny,c
e aChecK UKe This?
We Have Awarded (20.C03.C3
Presidsnfial Veto Cooissi
Cnih lo Ion Coffee nun In i',ir GiTiit WurW's Fair (mitit
21. t) eoilo i't vlmkk, .'i.U mwu Wlil gvl thi'iu lu Ilia
fcotw"' etc
What will bo tho total popular voto cast
fur frrslJcttt (votes fur all can-
dldntcs cumhlncil) at tho ejection
November ft, 1004?
In I'HM election, l3.tlSI,i"iS:l people vnteil
(of I'rrNlilrnl. l'ir lU'itrtJSt l onrel vli
liimi j icioive,! In WooIikio Spli. u t'oni.
pjiuv's orlu-ti, Toledo, u.. on or belore
NovtmOcr 5.
price tor the
nolo! loue
.. uft tounv'j:
liAM, wo will im-o tirat
ncartml eorretl eslimnle,
tltu ueat urarevt, etc,
Five Lion -Heads cut from .Lion
Cuflce Packages and a a -cent
atnmp entitle you (In addition to
the regular free premiums) to
one vote. The a-cent stump cov
en our acknowledgment to you
that your eatimnte l.s recorded.
Vou can send as ninny ctl
mates as desired.
Grand First Prize of $5.000.03
wilt be awarded to the one who Is nearest
correct on both our World's l:alr and Presl
dentlal Vote Contests.
We alio offer IVOftl "0 Siwd.l Cali I'rUc to Groccn'
Clerks. ll.rtkuUrt In aatri .... ol Lluft Cu(to.) ,
How Would Your Mame Look on Ono of These Checks?
Evrrvbodv uri cntlee. If vou H nv M.V fOWXK 1"H cii t" K"t eiulnipd It, V" 'U rw tulled and
convinvcil tlit-r ist n oi'.r m H v,ntic ir tla- innnrv. Ttun r will tale nuuftiT-und V.-.m (, wdvrrt,. And
wt urcu-iinKJurdvcrlis'uK uiwtiey nt tl.ul U.tU utv-yuUtOi well s wc-will - t it nuu'lit. lU'iim lr yuiir .M lltatta
1 rtrM rrtfu , ly,rt.(Ki
J finoond Fs-tce . l.tHMiuy
3 Prlin KiihiflO tail 1,1 if KM HI
fl rrlt ynn LU " t.OOd.lK)
10 Priifit - ton,!)') " ..j.oon.ou
tnii nuoi) " l.tion.oo
5(1 Pilsen - y.uK t .OutMH)
'.' ".O frmrfe iui' " y.noo.irO
1I.IOO Prlicn- O.iO " , y.UOfUM)
5u:m PRirM. Tot At., v,o.tKi,nn
Complete Detailed Particulars In Every Pockngo ot
rni rnn num
. - 1 m
1 SKiCLtvi W festal UCr I.
Tlrnbrr Und. Act June 3. ls;.
Tbr Pulles, Urt-tjon. April at, I'M.
NittW U htiivliy uiypn that in cnii-plincf
with tlit? provUtons of the act of Ccnrnu nf
Julie X , tiititlttd "An act for thr sudc uf
liniU-r landB in the Sutf f Califuniia, Drr-
Noticoof Final BcUlemont.
Deputy Stock Inspectors.
Nutice ii hereby eiven tha I have
appointed the following named person
deputy stock inspectors:
J. P. Cartwrinht, Hay Creek.
Jim Wood, Ash wood
E. Sparks, Sisters.
A. Morruw, Haystack.
F. M. Smith Paulina.
H'rscoe Knox, p,t
J. S. H..yue, Roland.
Ales Mtlut.".li, farilin
J. K VanHouten, Hay Creek.
I. s. Covin. iJay Creek
jo iJirikie.
Stock Inspector Crook County.
Notice For Publication.
Land Oltin' at The Dalles, (Jrt'Kon,
July Tith, l'.HH.
Notiee is hereby given tbat tbe MluwiiiK
named settler has tiled notice of bis inten
tion to make dual proof in support of hU
claim, and that said prf will le made
bt-ture J. J. Smith, County Clerk, at Prine
ville, Oregon, on September 2nd MM.
uf rrinevilJe, Oregiin, H. K. No. 7072, for the
XSK.SWSKi HKi SU'i St-c. 14,
Tp, 14 South, lianife Hi Kant, W. M. '
He nime the fi.UowiiiK wittirwaeij to pmvr
his omtinuoui reniden u:on nd cultivation
of xaid land, vis: .
William Kirkham, Frank Kay, P. (). La-
follette snd L. A. Watltiiw, nil of Prinetille,
Elys Cream Balm
This Romody is a Specific,
Sure to Give Saticfuction.
It rlttailMM, Hootiit s, b'.-aU.niid prot'tn thr
di-a--d im-mbriiie. It runs C.ilanh and a CM h i!, . Ib itd rti.
Itostore tho Kiiie.t of T:i'to nml
VmJ to Use. Con! .ias no injuri Us tlrii;'
Apjtlied into t lie ii'.stri!i and b.irbt-d
luTt Hm, r,! cc-ili at I'm y'uu or U
mail; Trial Six, lu- t ds !.y 1; I
ELT BROTHEHS, 66 Wa.rtn St., Nt York.
Notice For Publication- Isolated
V. S. Land Ollice, The Dullrs, Ore(f.n.
July Kith 11104.
Xntics hs hereby t(Wen that in pursuance
of intriicti..ij from the Cuimni winner of th
(eneral Land Office, under authority vwtted
in him by section 24",, V, S. Itevuel Btat
nt, a amended by acUfCungrewfapproved
Pebniarj 2(i. m, we will pnceed ft otf-r
at public nale at the hour of lOo'clock, . ii.,
mi the yih day of September, li(04f at Dih
office, the h.llowinjf tracts of land, t wit:
TbeSKiofSKMofSectitm , Tp. 13 H..
Kune 14 Kart, of W. M.
ii.n, NVvnda and Wwdiiftijtiin Tt-nitury,
extended to all the Public L-ind Stateo bv
act of Au'Uit 4, lHlfJ, the folio wimf'Uamed
jH'Dfin luie tiled in thin of lice their swum
tUtemeiilN, twit;
Iyinie It. Heath, of Applebn, COijuty of
DntaKRiiiie, uliite of W icoTwln, sworn tate
nieiit Nu. 21:W, ttled aptetnber 2Ti, VM for
the purchase of the NK'f HH'i. Si;i
and SKi KK'i Sec. 32, Tp 11 8uth, linnet'
1! K, V. M.
S.nutiel M, Kilson. of Portland, county nf
Multnomah, state of Orwn, xWorn Ute-
taent Xo. itto, llled dantiary lis, MM, fur
the purchase of the NKf SK',' Sfctb-n 32.
WSWndSWNW'iSec.A Tp. 1..
.South, liaise 1 K., W. M.
That they will offer proof to cho w tliat
the land sought U more valuable for lift
timber or rtonc than ftr aurieultural pur
poM S, ami to establish their elainih lo iai.i
bind More thtt ItejfUter and Keceiver nt
The Uallei Oregon, on A?.tfut ltlth, MM.
To"' Ditine a witneiMeat; Jumei I!.
Heath and Moyd F. Smith, of Prineulle,
Onnfr-n; Ih Mitchell, of Seattle, Wb-
imton; Mai tha Mitchell, of Ap.leton, Win
omtiin; William Pout, of, Oreon; A. K.
Mattliewii, Jneph Willwr and Jamea Iiijjraiu
uf Portland, Oregon,
Any anil all pernon claiming wlvernely the
alKive-dexcrilied lands; are repieted b file
thfir claiuiH in thi ottire on or before aaid
I'ii 1 1 day of Anoint, 1!N4.
ml2-dp Keffiiter,
lu tbe mailer of the ebile of Ward K.
Notice i berrby jjivmi that the under
ik'llet ildiuini?tratf of the etale ol
Ward K. Laniftoii, d-fcad, ban lile-l lina
aivoiiut & Mit h adiiiitiL'trator in tbe
County t'omt of ihe SUM- of On ((on, b-r
j Crook County, and tbat naid Ciuirt bol
lixed iui'icluy Sept. litji, al In
oYlnrk, A, M. lor the heariiur and liital
Mcttleiiieiit of naid iieciiiltit.
AHptTtoiiw iiiter-led are hereby notified
to apjM-ar ou naul dale and hIiow ejUMt in
and w hy naid reMrt nboiild not be rn-riveii
anil tbe naid r-tate etlb i up and thi al-uiiui-arntor
II. W. l.lM-il. '
Adminl-liftorof tin- Kftale of Ward K.
liniMott, deecnM'd.
Tim tier I-and. Act June t, IftTH.
Culled States Iand Otf)ef,
Thi Uallkk, Owejoff, .tune 24, MM.
Notice 1h hereby given that In compll
i nee with the provlalona of tbe act of
Connreaa of June 3, 17. entitled "An act
for tbe aale of timber landn In the atatea
of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Wash-
I rip ton Territory," an extended to ail the
Public Ijintt fltatei by act of Auffuxt f
lf&t the following named penoiw have tiled
in thin office their nworn statenientx. to-wit:
Any and all persons claii'tin fcKentHvthe
alxie desciiljed lands are adiined U file their Phoenix Iluildinv, MianeajMilin, county
elattwt in this uflicc on rr lf.ire the day
afxjve donated for the c-.mmencement of
the wile, otherwise their ribu will b f....
Mw'Haki, T. Nolan, Keller.
Assk M. Lasis, lieceiver.
lor C'httlee j
Desert Landjs
Prineville, - Oregon,
of Hennepin, rttof Miuneanta, iworn it ate-
' n.ent No Jlno, filed November i 1!03, for
' tlie iiitebuMe of the X NK and UU 1 k '2
Sertion , Tp 1" South, Haime 21 W. M.
if Lamonta, county of C'nnk, nt ite if Orem, .
ttworn wtatement No. 2UH, filed Oetolwr tl,
1WJ.1, firthe purchase nf tbe HV SW
of St'ctin X), Tp, Vi Houth,. ita: e lu Kwt,
W. M.
Tbat tb-y will offer proof to show tbat
the lurid nought la more valuable for Its
limber or etutie than for agricultural pur-
nm, am) to earnbllHti Ibelr claims to
( aid laud before J. J. huiitli, County
j Clerk at his office "l Prineville, Oregon,
j on October 12th, 1104.
! They name an itnene: James H elf rich,
:Kllen'l, Tuyl'ir, ltlert ArniKtrtaiK. Allen
llimb and Juc,b Stroud, of Iainonta, Ore
!(.n; John W. Dee, of Vmziiy, Oregon;
j Perry It. Poindexter and Prei T. Hi-Kiiw, of
i Prineville Ore'm,
j Any and all persona claiming adversely i
; tfie alvdetterlled lands ar requeated
J to (lie their claims In thla office on
; before the uud liith day of JetoWr, MM.
I'liited Stilten Land Ollice
Tbe Dalle", Oregon.
Xntii-e tn hereby jtiven tbat the fnllowin,;
named w-ltler have lih-d notice of their
intuntiojin to make protif on their respec.
tiverluimH, and said pnaif Mill be
made l'fre -I. J. Smith, County Clerk of
Crook county, flrey.tii, at !'rine ille, Ore-
Kuti, mi Heplember 21, at the (.einty
court boil!1, vis:
JAM KM H. LA WHO N ofCulrrr, Onrn,
11 K Xo.fttaj, for the h.ti. SW NK','
and NW'4 SJ-; Heetlou I, Tp 13 South of
Itane l.t K W M
HKNKY W. LAMSON of Culver, Oregon
II K Xo. n?lf,.f.r theSW'4 of f.-ti-Mi 1 Tp
l.'l South of ltaiirc i;t K W M.
Tbev name ns witiie-teii to prove tb'ir
euiilinuotiR rcideuec upon and cub I vat ion
of said hdidri, tti wit: tieore II. O-boni,
.laniert 1L Win. bun, W.tlttr KuLle and
Robert MorriM, nil of Culver, Orem.
Timfrcr Land. Act June 3, !-"4,
l.'niled Slte LafuJ Ollice,
Tbe Hallen,Ore4,u, July iht, M,
Notice ih bereoy jiiveii lli;it in coin-1
pliulKc with the proviiollf of the
Coiijie.-s of June .', J,H"rt, entitled "
G T &t i tT ? i?4 t T A sT( A s sT sTi T s?i
Melted into 5 pound bars
Prom Old Type.
Just ciiiiiii,'Ii iillnv lii make it nsnro iliimliln
tlmn ordinarv ni'mlc. nml still mil hnrtl
oimutrh Ui licat v 1 m ii in use.
Threshers and Mill Men
Slioiilil tal;n uilvmitnirn of tin's iifl'cr.
liiiiitcil. I'ricii lnwcr limn an v (iiintatii.n nil
lialiliit Jlchtl in I'l iiii'villi', ' l!uy uiiw fur
tin? cumin'' season.
You will find
HICVCLLS of all good makes
. Imperials, Ideals, and many
A L'ood line of llicvcle Hiiniliiea AT HIIIPP'H.
1 WvNJNjSw'V
'An act
for (lie naif of limber hind in (he .wt n ti m
of Califoi niji. Oregiiu, Nevada, and Wnsli-
i:Mon Territory," u x tended lo all the
ublic Laud htutt by act of AuifUi-l -tsj
' Irtri, A ntit II. Lippmnn, of Prineville,
county of ' k H i n le of
Oreifoi), ban on thi.- day May MrJ. filed
in thin ottiee bin nworn Male-merit No, (11
for Hip pureba-e of the NhW1 nd
SfW4 of Section No. a,j in Towiiftbip
No. K'H., KatiMe No. Mf K-, W. M.p ami
willoll'er proof to rdiow tlmt tbe bind
noujrlit in more valuable for itn tim Ikt or
Mtone than for agricultural purMi-H'i, ami'
t establish his claim to hit id laud Im lore
tbe rounty clerk of Crook County at
Prineville. Or won, on, tbe lftihd;iy of
Hepletiila-r, MM.
lletianieK na witueMnfs;
Ceortftt O'Neil, of Prineville, Oregon.
Waller O'Neil. of Prineville, Orepm,
Hairmei J. Newwnn, of Print'vitlc,OreKui.
IVrrr Lou, of Prineville, (rej(ii.
Any and all jhtcoihi cbiiniinn adverM ly
tbe ttUivc-dcirribed IiumIm are reipie'-ted Ut
tile tbeir rtaiuix In Ibis olllee ou or before
aid liflh day of Sepli jnU-r, MM.
Ki-kuut. ,
Daily Between Prineville and Shaniko
I,i'vi Hlmiiiko, fi p. m. Arrivi'irnt I'l inovillo It n, ni.
Ihuvib l'rncvilli 1 p. iii, Arrivi's nt rilianikii I a.m.
First Class Accommodations
Watts & Baker, Props.
.Marble and Granite Monuments ,
All Kinds of Stone Work
Second Street,
The Dalle's, Oregon