1 THE CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Independent Newspaper An I. F. 8TEI FA. KUtLISItliO lV THK -KH'RNAI. PUM.ISMINU CO. " S. M. HAll.1V. I'lilill-hnl every Tliurl.ijr ! Tliti Journal lliiiMinR, t'rineYilte, n-(!n. Tb Jii'vai. In wlwit i Hip ,"" 'I""'' IMnai III. Or., lur Inui-miMi.m thumtth tlie U.S. mail m -inil flu" . OFFICIAL PAPER OF CROOK COUNTY. CON NET IS HELD KM. THURSDAY, JI'I-V I'l.KAN THK RKSKKY01K. A matter which i receiving con aiberable discussion lately pertains to the city water. The question is raised to the number ol J"'1'1 rodenta in the reservoir and the proportionate thickness ol the a,ia pnr which is being forc ed upon the user ol water from the city main. A etierticial analysis of a glasnof water (he other day showed a eonsisteiicy about equal to molassea on a cold winter' day. Tlie bacteria was there also, but the thickness ami deep hue ol the water prevented an accurate estimate of the number and quality of it( many leased in habitant. Seriously, it is about time that the reservoir from which the city mains are fed should le cleaned. The water which is drained daily through the facets testities strong ly to the fact that the big tank is as in an extremely unsanitary erudition, and this condition is due to no other reason than that the reservoir has been full of water week after week and no thought given of once cleaning it of the derbia which must consequently have accumulated. When water begins to give off an odor there is something decidedly wrong in it makeup, and the city water at invent is not possessed of a tragrance akin to a rose. Its riley appearance, loo, is strong evidence that an unhealthy sediment ha collected in the reservoir through which all ol the citv water used must pass. Summer weather is here with its depressing atmospheric conditions Draease germs are propogated fast enough without the assistance of stale water, and especially during the hot summer days when the human systems am the most susceptible to fever is this true. Hygenic measures of the strictest order should he recognized and imposed to avoid a possible epidemic of typhoid or some other malignant disorder. Not after the disease has broken out and its rigin has been traced back to the use ol impure water, but right now while there is an opportunity to greatly improve sanitary con ditions and perhaps stay the hand ol death. menu have taken place can justly feel proud of herself. The territory iimnodiate'y surrounding will follow closely in her wake, and the settler of loday in a year's time will Is" permitted to see as great advance as has the earlier resident A slow hut steadily increasing population, capable of i keeping abreast of the times audi conditions, is all that can he desired. And that much is nl-l ready assured. The future willj can' for itself, i "HOl'K" CIU'SllKl) F.AIiTH KIW TO As to railroad tin-one Tlvl.KI'llONK 1,1 N K TO 1UCNI) Members of Ooschutcs Irrigation t'onfpuny Will Ineorpoiiile ' and lUiild Hello I.lne. ll is exivotcil that before the 1 summer is over I'r.neville will be;' conn, tod Willi Hond by telephone This is a move which has long hern invdt'il and a corporation is I now bi'im: ovganiA .I to further the project. The incorpnrator.1, who will .soon tile their papers in the name of the I'ontiat Oregon Tele- I phone Company, are A. 1.. Ilond-; Ivullio and W, K, dueiin. The capital stoek of the new company will ho placed at $.!liXl which is believed is a siillicieut ,-titn to construct and equip a lira of thirty miles between the point-. j Smith from Anlelo)io yesterday ,,uer on it is intended to branch ' morning conveyed I he inforuialion ' out in difievcnl directions and lav that voumr Ira Council. io!" !l ,nd on the klepl Icscaped Iron, Sheriff Huston Jal the point, in the wealon, part i l.inn county while the latter was AT ASIIWOOD Young Prisoner Who h caped from Sheriff Gives Himself I'p. A telephone mcssuiie to Sheriff Wurzwoilor & Uhomson M l I , ---- 1 m 12 . i you pay . . . , , .. , ' " ' ' your monev and take your choice. ; . ,. , , i , iiau nru uiKvii atiun ni rtsnwoou, mole wilh the racilic Males and was being held their pending , phone company which will The Bulletin presents such infor mation as it is able to get on the subject from time to time. While no official announcement is to 1h had, it must 1 conceded that evidences aw multiplying to the! effect that the lino now known as i the Corvullis and Hasten, will be the action of the authorities. After Conuett made good hi: escape ju-t as the stage was reach altoi, with rortmml ami wav points, and also set Ihein in touch with the district lying between ing Antelope he struck out in' a here and Howard' southerly direction. He walked of the county where development Yj JSV5 m h. Teh' mm v .r . -.y f-nMfTijniAr K'ANTWIumOUT i ' ( lc. ( h CoMi'iiy SAI'KTV Lies in lUtvimr Cu itanleul t'lulhihu for Itoys niul Young Men, (ir a-utni.nt of over -""fill Moils nf llii omaihii' ht'uinl i teili ict fnr Iho m unit N'nuhe Men give them the i'i'i.i I in n v never before had In I'rineville of .eeetim?tt dresv nit which will wear wi I u ml is Perfection in Slylc mid I'll KHAKI Suits Pr M n And tloys ;D3 1 93 IS the "l'ioor Tiling" this ;-'ea-oii for Summer Suits, v Ti l. ...I.. .....ll .t ... i i :.. u l: l i ' r...t VI n'.'i.w neu, lilies ntu I'd 1IMU n all I lh f-uiiu iiiiinill biyj I'll a warm day. We have received a large line of 1h-m Yl suns wnieu win ne sold in pncis tnai lire iuhiii. We Seli Them r)..i Ui tn) iixiiiln it! met I'amtniini- Lnillun Willi T'ttt'thlllit Jltul iPrincvi'ttc's Srcatcst c5V ore 8J the tirst to reach Bend. There is all nielil Sunday and reaclnd The Oregon tate Wotd-Oruwern I Association will pay the above re 1 ward for such information as shall I.. N. l.i;; tt I. a- taken Kied won. tot the suspicion that it will A.-hw.Md at any early hour Mon-' i-,.vl"1,"s l'u'. . 'T-J Iw ill other hands when that time I dav morning. Still wearing his'"'1"'- M''' 1 -'W'1 Ww next weeK lu asuiue uis new SUC-!'.,,. .... I .,., i: I-,.,,!;,,,, coeelcd in wrenching lmi.-e Irom lom,pay. his wrists, he walked to a ranch y. . M p,,,,, x.Mu6 House ami gave hunseif up. Ap-',.l,ler of this district, will be in the pan-ntly he was in a demented city from The Utiles this week ' lead to the arrest and eimvictintn condition from his long tra.up'and will bold services Saturday j any person nr persons guilty of without food and over the heavy ,ul s"lul''.v at ''""j sluading, killing or inaiuiing any roads, liuring the night a heavy Mctho.list church. menilwr of the above as-wi.ition, storm struck tlut part of the coiin-l U.K. l'ingr:i, of McMinuville, i or t,lnllv,,,, j fni.t ,m.Uher, tyandtAmnett was dren. bed' was h, the city lhit week on bis j w i,,,,.',,,. i( .;,. ,,ui h, isiieriii o nne ol i,inn county : wav to bis Ml tiers r.i net. in i.aa. was notii'ted Monday that the man He is making arraii-'cinents to be wanted was Wing held and the di-pose ..f the place which is one former left iuiiuediati ly to take ; of the he-t stock ranches in that the young forger in charge. ; part of the ivunlry. arrives. but that is not iinpirtant. hand-cult's which he had not The railroad s the thing; let ! whomsoever will build it.i Bulletin. May wall it. I'oumt awav. Nothing succeedes like success. The Irrigon Irrigator and the lone Tost are still indulging in matrimonial parleying which ap parently fails of satisfactory adjustment. Perhaps the young lady editor of the Po.-t would ac cept an invitation to her own wedding. Yes? $ieoa REWARD I'P TO THK FKOST. Forty-two killwl and over thirteen hundred injured is the rtvord from Chicago for the cele hration on the Fourth o' July. The small boy's toy pistol evident ly was the same kind that went off last year when it wasn't loaded. The Othoco bridge, mention of which has lieeu made in these columns Iwfore, is looking very sickly. A heavy freight team crossing it now at any time is likely to seriously injure its spine. It is hardly prolwiblc that the Hearst boom at the convention will equal the one that over the country on the Fourth Sonera ZRtacksmithing Hor'h.-iii;, WikhI Work, cU. matly unit promj'tiy done wbrn it U done ly Saloman fit Hloorc Satisfaction Will lie (iuarantecd Always I'rineville, - - - Oretjoa. spreadil?. attendance nn the In ids of a mem ber, or guilty of killing, maiming or otherwise unlaw fully and with malicious intuit destroying die sheep of a member. Address .1 11. (iW'INN, SiH-retary Oiemi WiHil-tirowers Association, IY.MM:rti.N, lia:iais. II. 0. KOOI'KR, '. Sis-relarv Anleluni Woul-lirnwerc i - 1 ; Association, Axtwoei, Uuij.iin. j In udditail. to the llb.iye 1 1 X M 1 reward offered by tin ( h e.;. in W.n.l . i tlrow. rs A-iri.il:ou the Antelope VVool-tirovvcrs Association uiiers a 'further reward of "em for the , I...I, .,r f r ,i, l. i, to the S Sill i S. l'!i:i.l)S, rr.tprklor. Our Line of VStapIe and Fancy Groceries? (f (ran he secured at prices, just n ? little bit cheaper than elsewhere AA.V.VAAAA. A.AA A.VAAAAAAA 3 NOW IS THE TIME! j To buy y : 1 tiood.-. -.j? arrest and yictnill. iiitonnatiiiu as may ICi: CKKA.M, We make thi.. i ord. rs fur the f. niily trade nu:sn nuns and . SOU DRINKS .icial!y and are prepated to till any J your Stunne r I'nderwear, Hal, Shoes and Kurnisliini! Tak" a In k nl our linn uf Kaney I'liderwai r ami the Hals and Shoes we have ju-t It lit'l'l V Kit, which is, without a doubt the be and most complete line ever brought to the 'iiv. p also have nil the 9 IL in SEASON R; member we have the llepnUI earrving the ehoicest i . is-nltnieiit ,,( ('enleetianeiy, TiihiieiiHH and t'ii'iirs in I'rine- i Vtlb- and at prices that are always li It I IT. The public will now 1 compell ed to Swallow all the jokes the punsters make about the piohibi tion candidate (or the presidency. Plilliii J convictinn of any pirtyj IVvelopnient in Central On'gon seems to have taken grvwter strid.-s ol late than the most sanguine anticipated a short lime ago. The progressive spirit which has taken j "Yellow Jacket"' IViiuters J bold ol the country with the tenacity ol a faithful bull terrier does not appear to lie hiking in any ol the detail and a greater em has dawned lor the district King immediately es?t of the Cisde. The ''old" settler of thrv years ago, yes, even one year ago. can see many remarkable chance which have taken plaiv ill that short space of time, and his memory does not have to be particularly retentive to mark tlie wonderful advances made along evruiu lines during the past twelve mouihs. Particularly is ttiia true ill our own county with the irrigation enterprises, prujevtt which are destined to be come widely fatuous and prtxitiit ive of Iwnencial reulus both to the community- and the state at lar.-e. fj ! Rd m I" II 1 IS t A Cli I L"u f f A killinv. maiming or injuring any HVvR t' U. 0, ' letil-r l the Antelope Wool-! 0 W Li 3 El X) S$fA MU;r .rsAs.,s.,a,:o,ori!,,y,rsonlr I IS. A. TYEG Bros. Merchants I V - V V'V V V w- W -V V V V V V W V V W l .MtADIi and his Comedy and Dramatic Company You can't always judge a man's (S rJ strang rs heri having visite ilili.al strength by the siie of his appetite for office. s Mr. Cleveland is said to favor This popular I'ompanv of Aetors : n l Actresses are not 1 here 1 i"re under the Iludwin 6-1 & Company and Southern Stu k Company. short platform. MajU- this would suit: "We repudiite evtnthit to which we poinli-d with pride in and VW." THE BiC SHOW'i New ri.iv-, S,, Mintrtl nu.l IVrlorstwUii-'. Feat,!, Mii-'nal, Vaude introduced at iile. rv bsi fry ll l,,rp.Frvd Williams aaystUe! J -jr.., (U 0Sv TySAi, newspa,rs are l.ars. None ol Lr?J yijjj OHJff UL llVIIIOpJJ 1 Jril employ, il by ,-urii member, while I attending to their duties in caring , for the sheep of a member, or for! lliiit;. maiiniiig or o'.hi rwiso un-1 ! awfllllv desll.o lug the livi'-tm k I of a nienii-er. , I P sAntelope Wool-Grow-! rrl era Association. J. I). Mi AX I'iK. rresi h-nl. i if. i r. inria;, st, i irv. Meat, Vegetables, Produce A Complete and bacon, ,ard and , City j I'rineville, iwiiaa im,' Choi.e I. Counlrv in- ,,( :, I'roduce i, I'urk, at the nn is eat riarket FOSTER & HORFvlGAN, Prop's. t The Old Stand ll M. SWUM Oregon. Commencing Tuesday, July Sth. migion is perna tbe nxvltj U4tIm inv ,ini, a(:w nvJ markevt feature in the wonderful development which has signalled tlie birth ol a new empire in East ern Oregon and nwre particularly, . l. r... .i. ". liwik 'uiiii. itui iiir luovriueui, j in M,e timber, the mines, settle ment and cultivation of new tracts in new districts, tlie establishment '"iC'' ol new lines ol varied industries, mall to 1 sore, but growing, all these are "fiMicalive of thai new. rj spirit ol progress, the development The ej. tor of an vit i.ii g. manent buSldingupo them that lied didn't mean to do. pi it. Thev w :e jest rei. atinj al.at ! fju 1 1 - t Cr.7i they heard tierge Fnd say, . ; hsinJ Sii in fck at Ik P!ixs ai,d Ppti!ar PrUi A young lady artist advertiser! ,1?n:T.:,;. . T that slu- wants to cet a rcc-ln itii.:. enpr?ion of suf5, ring. She tan , get it lv eoutg to ISuuvraiK eifVtion dav. ; . 1 Wr continue to hear it rutuorvd : that tlie lVm.vratic nomina'.ioi. tuav yet co to som- nun who l never U'en ineniiork-d K.r ti More trouble f ll.Kem bv W.1V. Powell & Cyrus-"! -Tonsorial Artists- rouh.e f .r t;,e -.a-. ttfltlWWtf fttfimff 1t-flfW Wl?f f fff WirWW J-rs." IV.u-r kp , ' -... . I THE RECEPTI0X1 tr CHAMP SMITH. I'HOI. i h "V'M V1 $ mmmMmm j Slianilzo, Oicg-cn .General Storage, Forwarding j A XI) COMMISSION' JIKlifflAXTS ; Fir-pr.f LuiMinj: hhm) f,, t, V,0 U vi two uw in llt-i..l,t t t Special Attention to h (.ratlin,. ;,d uaIin ! for Lantern Shipments. and ivru country's lateut resiiirce. of tl' s-urprwl to ku. w tlul the local : , IV:t in I5i.'.i ks preavlwr i displeasnl. Ik. The lirwt and most dilticult tes annoum-eim-ut in his t wLkh 5. hare bvn taken, the rest will i read as follows: t ronM easier, nuicner ami with j ext Suuoay rveninj the K.t. tr MtaM snivlv as tlie future reveals ' Mr. I'ars'ns wi'.i iak tii.vn li.,. .r- n . , ... tW coontv. an empire I devil. The address should .!: " v" Wines, Liquors, Domestic and Imported Cigars. itsell. iteell, where these initial luove-iwvrth hearing, as Mr. ('arsons I always full ,vf hissb.. i:" S MAktKOl 3 (iennine VAQIiKti S' I'l'IJ.'-1 3 also UI'lES'SAI'M-ES 3 Snuil s.'.t':e. -i.xk of lf.mii-. 11,,'r,. li.i.!,..i, u;. .,..1 -.., niith t'oal, Flour. I'urbeil ;,., V..;t, , 1 1.... Oram and red. H.ghe-l pme paid for llnles and IVlis. Stock Tarda with nil the Latest and Best Pacil ; ities for Handling Utock. : a,.,.. .... w w . M!l,,; ,,,,s ,.. n, uJ , m;Wt iiiiii Um yiiwU VmnU Cmo nf "S,