Xocal and Miscellaneous jds All Advertising under Mil head strietly rtv isms pr lin . Mahtr A Grouch pocket knives at 1). P. Adamson't. V. I i Classified Advertisements II mi t 339338 " " IX THK CIKCl'IT CtHRT OF TIIK STATU OK uKKiiON, Fill! litlXlK A brand new line of fancy t.irnite 1 l NT . Apisla . J.JIy, rtautif, J,.lin y. J.JIv, WfmataM. J To John Jolly, the .bov. nonwl -). femlailt: IX THK XAMK OK THK STATK OF ORF.OOX :- Yo are hwretly rsqulmt to ap pearand answarttw coniulatat liM a-ainst you in the anew entitle unit mi ur M.irs the Ware at Johnson, Booth Co. Wntiweiler 4 Thomson haw I connltte line of fishing tackle. Maean Fruit Jars at Johnson, Booth A Co'a. Buy your Fiihing tackle of Wuri' weiler A Thomson. Pure Leaf Lard put up by Stewart and Hndaon at the Bee Hive. Specials in ladies' Shirt Waists, For Sale. ISO acre it miles oast of I'riiirvilh, 155 of hich is plow land, .V) muVr I'lillivation. IVnifortulilr 4 room house, well water, out buildings and barn. An ideal grain, ranch. flout.. A bargain. Address, J. S. Winder. It') arm of line alfalfa land undcrih ' y '" j nation ditch logeiher n it It Mianri, hit main IHflWM .)miin one- Also ll' Tlmher Land. Art Jitas I. Isri. Notice tor Publlontlmi. Vnltml Slsts. l.se.l tlltUsa, TV lilies, Dr., May Wth, IWH. N 4iw is lipiv'iy irium that In oniitpllaiiet I with the i.lnns .if the act ot Wnnivas ol June it, lsr,. enltlM ' s et (. the m l liuilwi lamia in Uw Wtl ,J ralifnrala Ore s-oli, Nia.ts,an.l WasMiKl.n IVnitny." M eilruifcd to all IV IVliv Un.l Stales liv set 'it Aitit 4, IStW, 10FI'H V OFVITT, I Noseiiuait, ixmnly of list,, stats of Minnesotv hssee tVl.4er It, tW. hlei In M Wm w.sMteaat X.V SI .Ms, tat tlsa nnv)is il the S i, of win (, fn Trs 12 S Kaiue l' R W. M. ,M .ill rater Irts4 hi sa.iw iliat the Untl w4rht is mrv valuable lr its (twitter o stone than for astrt- ! eiiltmal pirssws ami to establish hi rlaia-. u mi.I isn.i More the lieswtet aiul Keeelte' j t this ottW st The lUlhs., ttreK4i, tat lite ! Address, Tito Jot ttNAl. prtee. in her onniplalut, te-wit: cn 01 " ". w acres under i !ih day .it A unst, Itut. For a .iisselatiolt tvf the ntarriiw Contract Ctllttvattott, all fetutsl, Sly tom house, i "e namt as iliieBe; now esistinit lietaeen the plaiiititf and de-i hiirn and outbuildings. Will sell white tkirta, paraaoU and fans at The j '. " the anieniayle ei akl and; both propi'tties at a Ivtrga Bee Hive. ' ". m ,mfun-m attains! you for her rst and disbursements, Pont forget that the Bee Hive lias and far such other and fmher relief as t. the the niceat stock of candiea, fruits, ni "l"1'!' T " )"" ' . . the jireuiises. ' ' 1 This summons is ordered served on you hy , shwp consisting of ewe, yearlings and SCRIP Forest Reserve Certified : paMioarkm thereof f. siK msculive snks, ! latubSL aKutt one third of eaeh Scrip for sale by W. A. Bell, at lowest rates. , The latest and best fruit jar on earth is the ECONOMY. Jonnson, Booth A Co. sell them. Smith A Cleek have the famous Olyntpia Bottled Beer for sale at 25 cents per bottle. Have you had a look at those steel fishing trunk rods that Wursweiler A Thomson ha. e! If not you should. A big line of Crash and Straw Hals being sold cheap at Johnson, Booth t Co's. LASD SCRIP FOR SALE. For est Reserve Land Scrip for sale in Urge and small tracts at loweat rates Apply to oi write to Palmer Bros., 417-418 Oregonian Building, Port land, Oregon. Mrs. Ed. Bradford has secured the services of Mrs. Burt, of Sioui City, who is an expert trimmer and dress maker and those needing anything in this line should avail themselves of I this opportunity. Are you going fishing? If you are you will want a good outfit and something you can land the big ones with. Something that will not break at the critical moment. Wursweiler A Thomson hare the things in fishing tackle. from May lh to and July Said, Ism, hv order ol Honorable W. I. Hridsha'. I'ircuii Judtrsfi Crook I'mmtT, Orejtm, made and dated at The IallesOreson. Aeril 7, VMM. M. K. HlliOS. Attorney For 1'laintilf. Uuie Mines, T. M. OVoiinel, .il IMnrvtlle, Oieui; Annie Hrn. sand.ln.ia Hviies, .4 Kosem.wit, Min nesota, and li.-bert WalUee, -d Minnesslis Minnesota. Any and ail rsssont ctaimiiiK adiwdy the 8'oie dVierd'.xt laikls am MiimiJ t.. at SALE. About StXHt head of their. Uims in this olhw .ai or bi-lore said wh .lay .d A iut, Mlt'HAKI. I'. XOI. VX np lioguter. IX THK C1RCI IT COVKT OF THK STATK OF OKRtiOX, Foil fHOOK eofXTY. Kmiua A. Hammond, FlaintiA Henry It Hanunou.1, Defendant. Range gw with sheep. Will be. ready for sale alanit the loth of Ma This bunch is in tine condition, J. 1. litnsox, Sistkks, Okr. nrw enctml Fin enctttl FIRE CRACKERS! AT THE BEE HIVE JR SALE. A very desirable ranch consisting of ItiO acres. About W of which is first class yellow pine limber and CI acres of N"o. I astiriilinaal land te Henry U Hamai.nnj. the named ; euclo.sl by fence, 8 acr, of which is defendant: i .. IX THE XAMK lF THK STATK OF yenr-oid allalfa and 3 acres in OKISO.V-V, are hereby required to ae0,,,v"- A large stream of pure Cold war and answer the rs'iniilaint fled airainat water teeming with trout running yoa in the above entitled suit on belom j through center of place. Uood diudi r . i f,'r irr,l!''," purwses. This tiff will ,dy 'to the ,rt f, th. relief '"rK,,i"- . Kur "wt l"i''"'' -d demanded in hee complaint to-wit: . prifs? write or Call to the Jot UN II. For a dissolution of the mnrriaw contract Orlice, Prinerille, Oregon nowensting between the plaiotilf and ite fendaat, that the saute nuy be set aside and be held for naught, and for a judgment against y w for her costs and disbiiitements, and for such other and further relief as 1 1 the court and equity may seem just ami meet in the premises. This summons is ordrrded served on you by publication thereof for six consecutire weeks, from May lith to and July 2nd I'M, In order .if Honorable W. L Bradshaw, Cir cuit Judge for Crook Countv, Oregon, made and dated at The Palles. Oregon, .Minh, 16th, 1STX. M. R. PKI'iS. Attorney For Plaintiff. n . H. Young has purchased the blacksmith shop formerly owned by C, B. Swalley and is prepared to do horse-shoeing and general repair work of all kinds at the lowest prises. Quick and satisfactory service in all lines of blacksmith work guaranteed. One of the greatest blessings a modest man can wish for is a good, reliable set of bowels,. I! yon are not the happy possessor of such an outfit you can greatly improve the efficiency of those you have by the judicious use of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are pleasant to take and agreeable in effect sale by all druggists. IX THE CIRCV1T COURT FOR CKOOK COl'X'TY, STATE OF OKEliOX. Peter Dttore, Flaintid, ) , B. Delore, IMendint. J To B. Delore, the above named defendant: i IX THE XAMK OF THK STATK OF j OREGON, Y.iu are hereby required to an I pear and answer the complaint tiled against ; you in the above entitled Court and tause on i or before the la-t day of the time prescribed I in the order for publication made herein, to-wit; June 30th, llnuj, and if yon fail to answer, for want thereof, tile plaintiff will take judgment against you upon a piuuiis- sory note made, executed and delivered on the loth day of July, HSCt, wherein you promised, six months after date to pay to uie Cured Bis Mother of Rheumatism "My mother has been a sufferer for many years with rheumatism," suvs . H. Howard, of tlustsind, Pa. "At tunes she was unable to move at all while at all times walking was pain ful. I presented her with a boltle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and after a few applications she decided it was the most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried, in fact, she is never without it now and is"at times able lo walk. An accusional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerly troubled with." For sale by all druggists. Notice of Final Settlement. In theniiitter of Frank Allison, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under signed administrator of the estate of Frank Allison, det eaxsl, lias liled bis tiun! account as such admiiiitrat..r u the Coiiiiiy Court of the Stat, of Oregon, for 1 1 rook I otinty, and that Mid Court lias ! lixed Thursday June Sub. tlsil. ut to CITATION. IX THK tVl NTY COI'IIT OF THK STATK OF ORKtlOX, For the County of Cijsik. In the matter of the estate of SAI.OMA AUil'ICII, CITATION. To Man Klbotl. Mrs. It K. Hopkins. A. M. tots, .loha Oris, and all unknown hrirs- IX THK XAMK OF THK STATK OF OCKliOX, on are hereby rltril to apieai in tte Count.,- Court .4 the State of Oregon, for tbeC- iinti oi Cns.k, at the Court room thereof, st Fiiuevilis, in the County ol Cnsik. on Monday, the tith day of June. Itasa at to oY!.s:k. in the !ren.Hn of that nay, ths.li and tl.ere to show cause, if any there tie, why alary Klli, tt, A.tmiiiist ratri X ol the e tale of Sak'iiis AMiirh, dereased. shall not ls ordered to m-II the ml estate of said de- CeSMsl, to-ait: Lots eleven and twelve in 1 lock eight, second a.ldition to I'riueville, I 'regon. WITNESS, the Hon. M. II. Mara. Jud,e of the Countv Court of the Mute of Oregon, f.-r the Con::h ofCrtsik. with the seal rf "aid Court affiled, this Snl d.iv o A.ril, A l. Ill. ATI'KST: J.J. SMITH, Clerk. : I gt OOfO K-.T V" T Ml. -"ttlliw- ias- SJ.K,le tHmf rtf- GASH mm AWAY to Users cf LION Ck pia Rsa rsa pssa lov Would You En Addition to i!ia Regular Free Premiums ; . - - - s7'H tt-ar.T Wil'"Vi"l -'WES? w wI?VIM''v.. ww ".t-ixs, otm" ' "'A's-ta v sstaxuUM,... 'j(,sY.e i 4 Like a Check liKe This If Wi Kivi Iwardnd 120.000 00 '" Lott r"."w' ,n ""rnrcit world's i-airCome.t- pevne gei tuecss, t.iu morn win get llirtu lu His Presidential Vote Contest order of ).aintiff six huudml dollars with ,J',l'",k. "-I"' "' hearing and tiiial interes; thereon at the rate of live per cent per annum fnun date until paid. Xopart of which said note has been paid. settlement of -taid arcoiint. All persons are thenfure notilied will be taken against you for the amount of said note, to-wit: fliot) withn per cent in terest per annum from July lbth, 1IV3, and the coats and disbursements of this action. This summons is served upon you by order of list Honorable M. R. Kigijs, County Judge of Crook Countv, Oregon, dated the 13th day if Mar, 1KU4, by which order-it was prescribed that this .Summons be publislied six weeks, and the dute of the iirst puhii- Judgment ! PrB" "leir bje:tiiis to said ace it, il uuy uiey riave. at sum tune atol place. AlirilCllllolH.KS. Adniini.trutor of the estntc ol Frank Aliisyn, diseased. for j cation of this summons is the huh day of iy, loos, auo ine uaie 01 xne ntsr puuu cathin will expire on the 30th day of i line, An Open Letter. From the Chapin, 8. C, News: Early in the spring my wife and I were taken with diarrhoea and so severe were the pains that we called a physician who prescribed for us, but his medicines failed to give any re lief. A friend who had a bottle of Timber Land, Act June , 178. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. The Dalles, Oregon, April 2H, 1SCII. Xotice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1?, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory, extended to all the Public Land Stat.-. I.v Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and lact of August , I'M, the following-named Disrrnoea nemeay on hand gave each of us a dose and we at once felt the effects.. I procured a bottle and before using the entire contents we were entirely cured. It is a wonder ful remedy and should be found in every household. H. C. Bailey, Edit lor. This remedy is for sale by all druggists. Si, R ELLIOTT, Attorney For Plaintiff. Not.ce To Creditors. Xotice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been this day apinl'.il Administrate of the estate ol Pendle ton Blevius, deceased by the County Court of Crook County. All those holding claims against the estate are required to present them to the un dersigned at Prineville, ' Oregon, within six mouths from the date ol this notice proierly verified as re quired by law. .May U, 190.. JL'LIA A BLEVISS, Prineville, Oregon. CATARRH Elys Cream Balm Thl Rmdy m 8 pacific, Sura to Civ Satisfaction, oivia at lie p at ONCI. It pontes, rot be, brain, and protertB th thm9tnl maiijntue. It cur. Ciitarrb aiitl .lrnftwuy a CM in llm Hwl .iHfklv. jKttHarwi tha Rcnw of Ta-t nij S-ite-a hvtj to ww, Oimtiiiii mi injimous drtit. 4 P ') into tho ii'hr.lriN Hiitl nlrforlit Iirii Hixe, (SO cftt at IULt--t tr bj liihd; Trial Hi 20, 10 -w it by iu l. LT BROTHERS, 56 Warrtn SI., Niw York. penona have tiled in thw otfice their swom statement, to-n it: Louise K. Heath, oi Apptetun, county oi Outasjraoiie, itate of WiKfiiwin, nwm state ment No. 2138, died H,Umr Z Wtt, far the purchase of the S dKJ and BF4 BE Htc. 32, Tp 14 8.uth, Ifange 19 E, W. M. Bruuuel M, Filson, of Portland, county of MuUniiuah. Mate uf Orvtfon, aworn aUte- meiit No. ItiEiO, filed .January 2k, M, for the purchaite of theNK HK tvctl-n .Tj, WW nd SWJ4 NW Sec. 33, Tp. V South, Range 21 KW,M. That they will offer proof to bhow that the land sought In more vuluahle for iti timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to ei-tabhb their claitnh Ut ttuid land before the Kejfinter and Receiver at The Dallee, Orem. on Augut lth, 1!W. They name a witneweM; Jameii R. Heath and r loyd F. Smith, of Prineville, Oregon; De B-.u Mif-hcll, of Seattle, Wh inifUm; Martha Mitchell, of ApJeton, Witw concin ; William Pjt, of P.t. rejn; A. K. Mutthewa, 'eph WiUetrr and Jamef Ingram of Portland, Oregon, Any and all persona claiming adversely th- above-dracrihed landa are reqi.ee.ted U bt their claims in thin otfice on or Mure uid 11! I day of AiiKpint, 1MX. Ml HAKLT. NOLAN', m)2-dp Ite-jfiiM-r. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All person! knowing them wive in debted to the C. L. Haloino., estate are requested to call and settle, either bp cash or note at the earliest possible date, ai I mute-ttle all exiate busi ness immediately. Mkk. Naomi Salomon, AdiniiiUtutriz. Tlmh-r Utnil, Art June X IC. .NoTft!-: K'-H Pl'ilt.li'ATIiiN. t'liilc! 8(te Ijitid lm.. The lullr-, Orn-'u .linir 10, N"l!.-e in ,i.r.'liv given that lit compll nce wllh Ihc tri'ViofiH of the act of CoriKr.-rW nf June 5. l7H. eiKitled "An f.r the fcitv of timber lant la In th cH.ili'x of r.tlh'oriilil, nn-dt'ii. NVvntlti aittl W;t..ii,pti;i,.r, Tt'rrliorv," n exii-rnli',1 I 1li I'lhiif Knuen by a I ol Aiieim, t, '. tlie (..iliiMliiK HHnird lrxonn hstvi (lK-tllu tin itllft' (heir KMrti ninti iiii nl l'"-l; A.U M. rtlliott, of Prinrville, ct.intr of fVh.k, Utf of Oreh'.m. wnn t(.Wiuitt X.i. 2 rK tilHi ltrceHifr -'4. iWi, f..r the pur ctuuie -f the 1, a, 3 A of Setti-tl , Tp,, r.Ss uth, il..iia:e lu K W. M. AlltrtT. Htniiie. of Prine.ille, Countv nf Cnk, t.e of Orev.ti. V.irn itUteitieiit N"i. i.'W. tiled 1. for the i.nr. Kn-f of 1 the W'-i SU'. NK'i SWjJ A XW'J SK ( j Ss-dioii ;W, Ti. 12 6.. liatiKe Hi K.. W. M. 1 Tiint they will offer pr.-.f to h.-w that tbe land itoiiKht imiiore vahi:tl.e for itn timiier r tne tlmn for aricultm-al purjxtrii, mid to j eUfjIi-h their claim to Mid liunl M,n M It. liikv, 1'. S. t'otniiii-ioner at hi .ittice at Pruitritlle, Or.m, m Seplemler 3rd, 1!K1. They imiiie m wctnwwet: .1. V. KHiott, C. A. Ofrtvei, S. H. Lyoiw, JAinea NnKkiiu, T. -M. (i'C'iknne), AHert Kntw.l, Frank While and Clmrle K. Orate, of I'riiie, ille, ((rt-on. Any and ail rwraonn claimtnf adverse ly the atKivi -dtw rliiea lunrtu are reiinnt- -d to filu th. Ir ctalma In lliia office on or lwt..rv th.' ulii Jrd day of Sej.temlwr, l!H. MlCHAKIsT. XOUX, HeKi,ti.r, Jfl.lo . Hi . ,,1 What will b (he total popular vot caet lor I'rcslJrnl (vote lor ill cans dMatci coniblncil) at the tlKtlon Novemlwr 8, loo, V In I'.sK) slrcllvn, l:l,aI.B51 psnpls vnti-rl fur 1'rsstiliMtt, Kor nearest vunwiosil. oiiiirs rrcciveil In WiiIhmi SjiIi c t ..in pany s nllur, I'.ilnl,,, t)., 1,11 ur Mora Nnvrmlnsr S, IKK, we will lv lust pilsr lor th niairat mntsl sr.iim.ip Kc,.n.l iiijr lu dig nut iiratr-i vie, as (ull'iws: Five l.lon-Meads cut from Lion Cdlfrt Packstget find a a -cent damp entitle yuu (In addition to the regular tree premium) to one vote. The 3. tent alanip cov ert our acknowli-dj-iitciit to you that your estimate Ih 'recorded. Vou can send -& ninny e.stl mates as desired. Grind First Prlza of $5,000.03 will be awarded to the one who la nearest correct on both our World's I air and Presi dential Vote Contests. W, also olt.r IS.iTO ou tp lal Cash piliis lo (lrats, Clsrks. Iksukulsii la saLb casa ul LUia CullM.) How Would Your Name Look on One of These Checks? Enrvtualv nsrs cwlte, II v.m will u-r VOU f t. li.nif a.Hteh In st m iHintrl Willi it, y.m will Is- amtsit and couviBi;ril Ihers Is no oihi-r stu a vsluc t-.r tilt- llitiury. 1 Urn yuu will laki-o.iillirr-atia dial s wliv sjm ailvrn.sr Ami wtara using uurailvcrtisiiiK iuuikv so Itial UUU.il us- yuUas as we-will ncl a tx-uclit. Ilrucc lr ynur ( ton limit WE GIVE BOTH FREE PREMIUMS AND CASH PRIZES Complete Detailed Particulars In Every Package of LION COFFEE WOOL80N SPICE CO.. (CONTEST DEP'T.) Tfiifc 1 1 ii mmm m m 10 5(1 1HOO riri rni , ItK-tind Frliti Pr IBM moo I'M) tftrb flllea- yiUMiil rriaea - lm tit) " Prima fit) (ii) Prima - 'jo u) " Prliea - U) oi) ' PrUot - fi.yo , jy.fnt-u.tMJ ,, .(HMKOO .,, .(lIMi.lKt , ,. .1HMI.OO ,,. ,IH0(H) ,, ,(HHI.()(I .IH)U.(M) ,, y,r.tMMi - U.OtMMKJ a i sin r iir.s. TOTAt. TOLEDO. OHIO. NoTH K Kuft IM tll.h AThtN. t Luixl OrtU 4i"Thf D.ille. itrfpttit. Jniit :itti, I'l'l, Nolicf i In rt liy (tieii t lt.it (he MLm tnK lltUIMHl H-UliT hit iiotki- of III- 1,11.1,. titinfoiiulafflii.il pro-.f in ui.orl ..fhin flniiii, mi. I ilmi j,nnf will U- iiib.- If. fun-J. .1. Siniiii, ( .hinty Clerl. at 'im-. Oreifoii, on Allsin.l .'ml, lltn, t; WII I.I.VM W. JitMl.lX, of Miivi rtt'k. itnji.ii, ii. i'.. Sn, id.' ti't- W'S NW'i H,v. ii A I'-'j NK-4 ihi ii, T. 12 Sourh, IUnkt : Khm, W. M. !( iiuini'M tin- fi.lloHitu t,iitiiH-ii I.. (rive liia roiiilinit.ut n-lilt ncv iiH.n mi( culiivaiit.n uf Mini tiA vii: l-oiii flwV, ul I'liin-vlle, liri-,,ii; Ju,n I.. Allt-nof liny rn-.-k. Onou; Miui-i-l Wiieoler und lli nry MotiC.ipi,i, ry, u iirlily, Orfon. .MICMAKI. T. Nol.AN, ' J"'1M ll.-KlU.-r. ' 5 Ji Babbit Metal Melted into 5 pound bars From Old Type. NOTIOB. All parlies are lii'ichy imtiliril neither til sell nnr liny any liurses linimleil with an inverted I' mi right sli.iilliler. Same linve been stolen ironi me off Hie range on liny and J rout ereeks, I). Mid HATH, mltfut . Hay Creek. Notii-o ! aj r jfifk i m I havt hatl oaaiofi to u W UUc.DrautM Stotk and Poultrv M.rfl cine and am pleased to lay that I never used anythins, lor stock that jVe hsll at Hoog Mtiuactloa. I heartily imn suss owners ol slock. J. B. BELSHER, St UuU, Mo Sick stock or poultry i,JU, not eat cheap slock food any more than sick person, slioulil exjiwt to be cjred by When vour stuck and poultry are sick give'tlieni misl icine. lion t stuff them with worth less stock fooils. Unload the bowel, and stir up the torpid liver and the animal will be cured, if it 1. ,i. hie to cure it. l)la.:k-I;rauSht Hiock and Poultry Mnlicine unloails the bowels and stirs up the torpid liver It cures etery malady of stock if taken in time. Sicre a 2,n can of Black-Draught Htuck and Poultry Medicine and it will pay f,,r itejf ten timesover. Horses work lastter. Cows lire more milk. Hogs irain fli-sh. And hens lay more egm. t solve Uie problem ot niakmKM nKh bliaal, flesji and energy as possible' out of the smallest amount of food con sumed. Buy can from your dealer Fur t'holtt Homestead Locations Timber Desert Landjs ROBt. SMITH, I'rinnville, OrKon. ( C F. McDowell, Prop. Tlioroiimily Itenovnteil and Un furnished Throughout. tnii rlnin I'litii. Italt's 1, $!.." mill '. per day. Accommodations are Unsuriassed in the city. Hamjile Rocims for Commercial Travelers, Long Distance Telephone gtttion in the lioosc. Homeatesid OuwtolldHtod For Publication. Land Ottlee ul The Halls.. Ilreuuii, June IH, It. 1. Notice Is hi-rehy iiiveli Hull I ho rolloaina mimed selllers Imvi llled tmlice of .i-r inlentioii. to niiikeei ulalioii prf In -iipirl ol Iheir res'i lise ids , umt Hint said prisils will he maili- Is'lore the I'oiiiitv I'lerk ofl'pn.k eounly, ut I'liiienlli-, i:ri-l-'oli, on the 1st d;iy ol August, tlsil. to ail: .NATIIANIIX A. XKWIIII.I, orilriiily, Dref II. K. Xo. Ii:ts for Hie K! NKX, KlsKi, s.sti.iui! mv; of Si-ctioii s, Tp I .'I Mouth, Uhiibi' l.-i K. W. M. JI'I.IA V. XKWIIII.I, orilriiily. Ilreiron, II. Y.i Xo. Illiii for Hie NIW NW K ,K rttt'sf und HViy, HK1 of Nis tion Tp. l:i s.iilh. Kunire l.i KM'. M. They mime the lnlloHiiix witne.-i-s to prove Iheli eolilllitioils re-idi nee iihiii iih,I eiiltivnlion of said hind, vis: Joseph Hmitli, f. A, Fewbiil, .luiues Hitikle, Henry .Motile ry, ul of firii- i ly, Oreiron. NllrllAHl, T. XUI.AV, lleaister, .isl s Deputy Stock IiMpoctors. ' Notice is hereby Ilium Hill I hale appointed the fo,mn,g tiHineiJ persons ilepiuy stocK inspectors. .Fn.it imiiiii!1i nIUy to miike it iimtf iliirnlili' tlntii onliiwry n'rmlfii. ami mill not Imnl i'nnii;ti to lit'iit wlii'ii in use, 1 Threshers and Mill Men Slioulil tnko iiih iiiitii'fc nf lhii ull'cr. Supily , lilliilcil. I'rici) InwtT lllllll IIIIV imtlllioll mi lialiliit Mtititl in rriiicvilli', ' liny imw lor ,tlio coiniii sntxnti. DDRESS: CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL S A? r; M'''afVkNsssasvVarSarV C I llllll DlilhAI'lll A 1 inmi . nc u, j. v, ('artwriulit, slim WrxKln, E. Hiiarka, A. M'lrri-w, K. M. Hmith Htmcm Kimx, J. H. Ittiifu, Alex MtliittMsh, A. I. V'Hiiifdulen, H. Cow let, Joe H inkle, Ktock IiiRpvctor Cr.x fifty Crrck. A.llWn.i.l Stan-r. 1 1 lyHtack 1'aiihnn, I', .at Iliiidin liny (Vt'i'li, J lay Ci ft'k V Countv. Notice For Publication. Und OlHcc lit Tlic O.illi'-., On-K'iii, Miiylllht, 1IUI. .S'otici1 In lifrchy K'"'H t lint Hit- folluHin t named netlltT ItaH liled not li-tf of !iU ind ii tiou to ntukiM'diiiiiiUtutioii pr(fr in Niiitrt ! of hi iflaiiit, und tliat wtiI priof will In- ' iiiMilf Mow On- bounty I'li-rk t,f .'rojk (Miirty ut I'riiii'villf, Ort'tfon, mi July II, i V.M, rl:' COKI'KK A. NKWHIM, !o(Orizly, Or Kn. H. K. Hi:.7vfor tlio KSj ! hKJi UrcSA WHWHHw I l 13 Hoiitli, ! Itiinife IS K.WM, ' He n a men the rolUwiiig wilm-NMf, o provf IiIm contiuuou! rcHi'lciici' tijmu nutl : cultivation of nUl lanl, vii: llfiiry , MonlK"icry, S. A. -Nt-Hliill, Jitnn llinklo and J('rW'li Hmitli, all ot l.Mxely, Orffon. j MI01IAKLT. XOLAX j il.-Ki.lcr. You will find lUCVCLKS of all uood makes Uamhlcrs, Imperials, Ideals, and nlliers, A goml line of llieyrle Hnnill'ies AT Hllll many Dally ifsVfUVVWVVWVVV Between Prineville and Shaniko HniKin,K ArrivcH ut Prineville fl , in. . Arrive tit Hlniniko t . m. Accommodations I-cftvivH Hlinniki, p. J.ciivi'M Prineville 1 i First Class WATTS MARBLE m GRANITE WORKS Watts & Baker, Props. Marble and Granite Monuments All Kinds of Stone Work FIRST CLASS WORK AT L0WKST PRICKS Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon