f c b L0Q2L Mlltim Yiiiinu mini' hi limn IIiwIhMi'n MhihIii)' mi n lirtiMiiifilni'HH vIhII, rliMiiiiiitiHhi IImmi'IuiII irmiiti fur ii flmi iini'xi', .lul.v lili, mi 1. 1, nl III) MIIMI'l. (liiii'i-('.m'iih iiml will', u( I'ulvi'C u ''iv In ilir cliv i lil.i niH'k vlxlihiu Willi 11'lllllVI'H, ' , Ihl'l Itllr.V HIIHH IiiihIiii'hh vIkIIiiI' Irimi lii'w'liiiti'H wwrnl 'lii.v.n ilurlm.' till' UIKl WlH'U. - Itniiil.' Iliinlli Ml Sini'liiv niiii'iilim fur rurllutiil wlii't'i' he will Hii'inl tin iii'H iIii'ih' rti'i'kn vIkIHiik, I'!, V, Ni'Uhii, nf 1'iml, wan ii liimllii'oa l- I. ir In flu' illy ilurlliu tin furt' I'lirl nf ' llii' W'ih'U. WniTi'h llruw iinniUI-li'l' Mli" l.llln WI'IV III lilt' I'll.V Mil" W'fli frill llil.vMlni'k vMiIiik Willi frli'inli ,Mm. .1. W. Ilinviuil nii'l mm, nl I'nmillU. ii iv III tin- I'll.V Ihf khi'kIb nf Mr. iiml )ln. I'ul I I'. Hinllli. Mitt. M. A. Miiuiv iiml iliniKlili'r. t mh lilatlytt, nf I'lirviillli hit III I Ik I'liy vLtHlnit Willi fi'i'iul iiml ri-lnlU'itt, ll.Si:lt.M,l IIA-I.IIA l.!.. IlllH'llllM. July l-'iuirtli, mi rrlni'illi' illinii'iiiil. I'. A. A. (', v. Ilnvi'itn, IIi'hI uiiiiif Of llll' WllfHll. II. V. li In, "I Hit' lii'w hiiti'it lrrlu'tlliiii tV I'nwi'f t'iiiniiin,v, i'liini' Inli'uiii I'lirtlmiit I-'i'IiIm.v Inn Iiik 111' Hi'Xl iln,v fur lli'iiil. I. I'. Whunr, nf I'imt, wiw In tlii' i ll.v ln-l u ii'k mi ii liiii-hit'KH 1 1 l(i Id' tviiirlH niut'k In tf'inil riimllilttii In dint iiirt nf tl"' i'imiiiI.v, Imt hii.vh I llli tli'l' Ik mill I'lKlulVH HIV III lln'il nf ivlii. J. ('. Until min lii llii' vll.v frniii I .iiiin nit it iln'liil nf Hit' wink. Mr. Itllll Ittltl'll tllllt till' llt'l'lll fl'Mltlf llll vt' ni iiiwmI ruliitlilti'rilili' illllinmt' In III "I'" III Hint mt'tliiii iiml Hint Ilir wrnlii lint unnVivil n wv'iv m-i lllli'k. !Au Invtiiinitiiiii ilrink fur Sum hut. It i h 1 1 1 1 I ) i 1 1 u: III w in I'rini'villi'. I). IV ADAMSON iHlTVl'H It. Henry Wlndom, oft 'ulver, wn hi theeliy tnniaiietlnghtininewn -'-ft nf tin1 wd'k. Mr. Wiiuluiii nayn Hie mo,te ra t n In I lie vteiiilty of hln rnnt'li llUVe In-eoHM Homelllillg DHM-i' tlltlli a iiiilnuhrt tltlx enr and have ruined nearly I" aeren of grain nil hln phiee. I Mi k Vnndeneri nnvnfroMn never vUll Iln- vl.-inlry of Powell Uutti-. An evldemo of Ilir flirt In hh Might hi town tin Iiml of ln wifk' nome rye ntnikn luennurtug over neven feet In height. And they wi'iv Hot elru Ut'lllllMl-y nlH'H )rki'l 'Hit ful'fXlllhtl. : hut were taken from 'a rye Held in llii- Unit. -H whone entire yleht will average up pretty Hell with them purtlndnr Mt iiIUm. J llt'lltl eiiu't Willi. II IIIHHt IlllVe; dlreet eiiniieriiuii with the railroad.! lln Iwwinem leiiuiii'lH U-tler Mervlrej timl i nf Hiitllrleiit vnlunie iiml Im liiirlanee 1i eiiiiiminl nltenllnii. I.ntiil pin at the rate of .",ihhi im-ivh ii wiH'k, liiiiiU'i- tfnhin fruni the miiw liitu hiilhlliiu-H KHUMH) feet-nil thin MM'tiU of oetlvlty tluit Ih tieynntlj Mti llilnu ever iH'fuiv knnw n lit t hene i jmrtrt iiml the new tfntwtli hmimI ! hi-unlwil niut pruvliled fir. I Itllllellu. j ,1. ('. Ciimitltell, who linn n lnhu" rlnne tu the Dixie Meii'lnWM iiihV wluiHe leilue In the khuic ih that lie-: lug wnrketl hi the Ii!I-t. arrived In theclty Muii'lny fnuii I'rahle t'Hy. ! Mr. M'aiiilH-ll hm.vh the lllej MeiiilnwH, In whieh ho many Crook rmiiily people are IntereMti'd, In n jiirnl producer of the prerloiiH metal and Hint theln-Ht ore In (lie l'dp in h1 111 to Ite Hlriii'k. ..hiHt now Die nine Ih Working out Ktinie heavy pnyhiu rock and II Ih expirteil thai IIiIh will Im kIiowii to he ItH pooivr-l ' ipinllty hi'il deeper work lam Ikh-ii tltilnhetl. , 0. I. Ilidf, Htnle roniinlKriltiiier of lid mm, arrived In theclly from Uuniw In Kt Sunday and Hpent Monday lu nMH'tlnn' Inhor eondltloiiH liert. Mr. Huff Iiiim teeii traveling for two wiH'kn III the Interior part of the hUHi' and Iijih viwlteil every labor center of any ItaportaiU'e where he eould gather HlntUlicM of general iH-nellt. ThefaetH ami H,iiivm which lieu'atherH will he compiled Into a Klate record of reference Hlnillar tit tlioMe iMHiied ly the labor bnreaiiH in I'aHti-ni Ktali'H, Mr. Huff left TueM day for I.akevlew by the way of Iteiid. ThefondeMt hopi'K of Hoine of (he local HpnrtHiucn were rea-lled lat wivk when J. II. Templclon ni eived ail automatic, donhle-joliiled, take down eaiivas fotdinu lion I to iiw lliU Hinnmer on the IIhIiiii- c. ur Hloim. 'rhe boat In a twelve fooler. Iiiik four hcm t h mid (lie eiitbv whoon er, oai'M and all, came In a tftmny Hack and weihn m poiindH. The bout waH ehrMciii'i! and put throiii;h u trial tent on Crooked river laul Siuidny and I'. II. l'oln iexter and .1, V. Spinning- wli" condneled the eercmoiileH, nay 11 iiioveM aloiiir a Kraecfnlly an a duck. The boat will Im' taken to the lake thin Hiiniiie'i' ami mum' remarkable lUhlng Hturkw will In' fort hcoinlnK. MENTION Wiirivn (Haw retiiriied Monday niornlun from (i brief lnibieH vlfli In I'oilland. V. K. Ihn hlen, of liny (Vwk, wan In Hie cl v on Iiiim! iu'M maHer4Mii'nl dn,vn IliU week'.' Heyrc Dny returned Hiiliirday from McMlitliVllle wleiv liehaHbeeii attendliiK eollene. It, l rinreiiiiiedownfriaii llenver rhek Ihe lli'Mt of the wi-ek hi nlleiid hi IhimIiicmh mat tec. A. .1. Tetherow win tniliiiaetliiK bilHlneHN In Ihe city uevei'iil iIii.vk dlirljlH; lite plIMl week. Hoii'l fall lo we the bull uame on Inly Itli. iTlnevllle v Hnyntack for IhccliainploiiMttlp. .1. I. Ilarrlll and A. W. Iloyce were Imih1iii-hm viflloiv fnan llntiick dm lim Hie pant week. Hcormv Nnltle ninl hoii, Albert. were In Ihe t it from Haulliifi dnrluc Hie pant week it I h iidillA to iihH'n mat I co. .toliu Hh-ldl. of HcMchnle!, m In theclly Halnrdity on IiIm way hoiiie ffont a I rip In 'the eaHlern pari of the coinily. I,uu Alllnuhnm 1 tinted the o-t of ihe HiH-k from a IhimIikvm trip to Nlhi'i Lake, He exjMftM to move IiIk tamllv to the IU-ihI mooii where they will -H'inl ihe Hiimuier. C, .1. .(ohiiion a meivtiniil of I'rlne villi, In on Silver eni-k (hi Kiient of hi brother, V. M. .lohimon. Mr. JolniKoii eanieout to look after hU horwf lit IiIk wetloit.- Hiirim llcrtild, Itev. H. C. Clark and wife rehirned ihe Mr I of Hie wiH-k from a leu day'M nbwiice. Mr, Clark wiim at Sidein to HI lend Ihe irraduatloii exeivlKCH al J lie Vllluiicite?'nlvendly, M i. Clark ivninhiliiu In rorlluud to vl-liuiili filendn. Work on the new Preahytcrlnn liiirch In prorcKwIutr rapidly, the lunlde wall of the bttlldlnLr lmvu liiH'ti eouipleled early thin week. TheHlrnchiiv U now ulinont ready for the niHilc Hldbiu and it U cximh-i- ed thai Ihe hIiIiIIii- will br-ln hiinoirow or the day iiftec. Twenty eluhl thousand pounds of wooj lH'lotiulii(f to V. It, HonaliUoii of lii-finl roiitiiy pa4wd throimh the. city Suiulny on ItH way to the Shnulko wmfhoiirie. The haul Im a lonu ouc and the dlNtain t Imi wei'ii the two pulnlH n ahnoHt UNfnr from Silver Lake to the uitlroiid. A clip uf lit.mw poinidM ido came through the name day from Huuh l.lflerV ranch at I'aidlua. Cli'iileH I.tftei clalaiM the nvonl for liavlnu rnl-cd the ialet alfalfa tlilh year. Hebi oiiht wvernl Mialkh lu to fheJoiiriinl idtbe Ihe hint of the. week which meamiri live fii-t and He veil liicticH lu height. They are from a crop produced nti hU ranch at the jiiuctloii of Mill enrk and Ihe Or I loco. HenayHhe would have let them urow taller but w an fearful of partcrn by lakluu: the Held for a JtinlM'i' forent. The LailieM Aid Smdely of llie I'trnl I'lvubx lei'inu chuivli met with Min, ',, W. Cominerfi.rd last Tliurnday afleruooii. There wiu a u;ond at- telidtlllit' of the llteitlU'tK prewllt. and after the annul bun lint tneetliii; tinii'iii.U uaiuett were Indulged lu. ItcfrcMliniciilH of kherttet and cuke were nerved. The nm-lely inljoiirued to iiHi't the wcoiid Thnrnday in Sep I em her, taklny: vaeallon durlnji July and AuuiMt, r ice Cream Soda Ah) Ice Creatii, Plitiii Kudu Crushed i'mil iiml oilier soft! Iriukti rim be lmd nt D. !' luteivst In the liookotit niltihitf llntrlcl du'n uol wein to abate niiy. Cniinly clerk Smith ban hecu himy iheptint wti'k with nunrtz liM'atlonM, lylit of them Iwliiu- tiled hint Friday and Saturdny. l.(H-atlonn an now beinjj; made a dint a nee of A mile away froiu the original clumibar dlneoverlen mid it In evpeeled the entire eoiinlry from the mountain to the Ochoco will have liceu ntnked before Hie Miimmer In over. (ulte a lurp' crowd iinMcnibled hint Saturday nbjht to wllnenn aj production of "Alabania' by Hie Maruell company, but then wnn trouble hivwlni; back of the wenen and the annouiicemelit wan imident eurlnln raisin;; time that noine other play lienlden Hie one nchednli'd would lie prenenled: Thin annuuncemcut wan followed lu a few minuten by a necond one Ktatiny t ha I no play would lie juiven and that Hie ndmln- hIoii money would Ive jflven back. It Innald that some of 1 he actom lie came unruly and refuwd to do their Htuntn before the footliulitn. Trial of the caw of the ntnle vh I. II. Taffe to condemn a riejit of way Hirouiih Mr. Taffe'n bind for Ihe nlilp canal him btnn wt for July.th. A million for n-eoulimuiiice ol the en ne uuHl the water of the Columbia nhould fall ton ntap' where the jury could view Ihe laud to tH'condcnmcd wan argued befoi-e , ndyi' Uradnliaw today by S. II. Wilson for the dcfemhii.t and District AHorney Menefee for the white. The motion WfliOTTiuled and the date irf trial Ketana'toxe . Htated. Dnllen Moun-talueir. 1 J, K. McMeeii wuKfl biinlneHM vlnlt or from LiiuiohId Monday; The I'rliievllle llootern Horn linml Will he there. Al the hall K"iue. Willed Karnen piny bull. When',' .Inly Jlli. Where? I'rliievllle, Clarence -Vr;iinim ,wm In from the ranch on iiciirCrcck TueMday, !'. M. HmlHi wiua bunlnenH vlnltor from I'aiiliiia the fore pnrt of till week, 0. 0. Collver wan In Hie cllv front Culver trutiMiicthikc bunlitenn dtirlh the pant week, Jcori;c lloiliuaii, of Culver, win lu the e'.jy on biiwIuenM mallern diirluu; the hint of lite week, Cbarlen 1,1 1 la id wan a liuniiienn v Inline from I'aiiliun wventl dayn during Ihe panl witk. Jiuiien Dyer and wife of rpjier Ochocn were In the city Tui-nday vImIHiih frlendn and nltoppi'1 Minor l-wln caiae In from I'ort laud hint l-'rldny to look after liiml liew niatlVrn for a nhoi tlliae. W. (, CoiiKh toii iihiI W. II. raulk uer, of I'atilluu, were 1 immaet hit biinliienn In I lie city wvcral dayn durlllK the pant W(el(, Tlleodoiv Ciulle rehn'iitil 'i'lhwlay from a ycar'n uhncureiu Harney and Malheiir couutlen where "be weni for Ihe bciii'lll of hln heMltli. At via llorton arrived In the city from Con allln TtleKilny and ban ac ccpled Ihe ponllioii an pii'wrlpt Ion 1 clerk with D. I'. Adnnmou. Coil lily eoui'l conveiieH next Weduenday the tllli. The newly elected coniHy JuiIkc, W. A, Hell, nud thejtew ciinuilnHoner, S. S. Sh-a run. will be In attendance. I.ove ('.alley wan In the city on buinenn mallern the lirnt of Un wed;. Mr. Italley uayn the I'nuliua count r. v In In need of a henvv rain to frenticll (he yj; iwilUf cfOpn. I!d Crab) ne left Ttienday for Sum mer Lake w here lie in locntlntc Hem mi homentead laiidn. lb ex nvtn to In in that vicinity more or lenn dtirlnix the i'nt Ire niiuiiuer. loliii l,cw in and wife, of Willow creek, were In 1 he city Tuenday. Mr. Ii'win nayn the yniin In that wclli Hi in mill Ii lu juinI of a uood rabi and uiilenn one In had that the yield will fall hhort thin year. TlllotMon left Salurday for I'ort laj id ewclhm to return noine- time In JifTjt to look after Hie iuIiiIuk pron'riy on Lookout inouiilaln. Hln nou, It, It. TIlloiKon, will reuiniu Itert to Kiiin-rylni' the ifevelopment work which will Ite carried on through nn;Miiminer, I. W. Sinllh. of Crook, wan In Hu ll y Welnend:iy iitteudhitf to biirdiichn mat lern. Mr. Suilt h In nuoiherof Hiom' ruiichei'H In that part of the count ry not ignite reMirloiiM ciioiiuh to oravfor rain. but he wouldn't kick If hi neili born tried it nucccHnfnlly. 1. II. Meer, or Hie firm of Meyer & Hrow ii, of I pH-r Crooked river wan lu theclty Tuewday ami Wed item I ay. Mr.Meyer report their cattle to In' In flivtclann cotidilloii and tlieoiit nlde liiuue In uoodforthln time of the year. The hay crop Hmuuh will lie nliort on account of cold weather. Service at the I'liion chuivli next Sunday morning and evening: will lie conducted by Hie pawl or, llev. Z. W. Comiuerford. lu the niorniiuf the Haeranieut of the l.nrd'n KiipKr will lie adtulnlnteivd. lu the evenlnu the li'nular pivachitiy: nervlce. All are cordially Invited to t hew ner vice Knox lluMtou hint wivk ni'ejved from hln noil, hwley, who Ih in Manila, a copy of a proclamation which wan recently inniled by the Civil tioveruor of Hie Inlandn. The text of the article In printed In the charactei-n of the Moro laimuap' and in a contortion of linen, enrven and aiiKlen w hich would make a Chlnew lienuiuu bliinh. . Mr. and Mm. Kd Itradford contrm plntbiM tuovlnu from I'rineville In a dniil time. Mr. Ilradford'n health which ban bcin poorly for no many montbn in not K'utly Improved and a i liniiue of climate In made mven nury. Mrn. Ibadfonl intendn ti dispone of her millinery and ilrenn unodn Mttn-k an noon an possible and leave If ponnlble before I he hot weather In over. FISHING TACKLE! Jlefore lluying Your Out lit (or the Season" Have n look at tlmt Line at D. P. Adamson's. A ivport, which originated nome jilaee on the Hurnn ntnu,v line, to the effiH't that ntock trouble In the vicinity of Mitchell had led to an other slaughter of nheep and the killing of a ntockmnn, wan circulated around town yesterday. The Journal wan tumble by diligent neandi to Hud any foundation for the ru morn. Hop and Mix .1. X, Wllllamnun and their youngent daughier, Minn Fdra relumed home from Washington l. ('. ywterday morning. Hit their Journ ey homeward the Williamson Camily vinitedlhe world'n fair. MlnnvHJeu uleaud Katie slopped In Chicago to visit relative and we uiulemtand that on their return the family wdll visit I'rineville where they w ill nieml the niimiuer. Itallen Chronicle. V: B. Wndc of I'ont w'jiw In the city Wedncmlfiy, retnruliiu home Tlium day, . Aif'lilc 1'owell relumed liome I hln' WH'k from a buniie'nn trip to I'orlland. Minn Nellie Mclmulel left. Wedm-n. day luoniiiiK foi'Slmniko where nhe will vinlf frlendn for n nllorf time. 1 Mrn, M. It. IUrrh ret urneil Monday evenbnf from a thm? wwk'n vlnll wllli frlendn uud relHvin at Hurnn, Mlnnl'mi Ktewart relumed home Huinbiy from Corvailln w here nhe han! Ih'cii atlciidltiHT tUi; AHciilMinil cotli'ite. TlieMcinle nhow company In-uinn a week of jilayn here mi next Tue- day. Tim company conien well recommended with a ood t of playn and no doubt will receive ood piitroiuiue while here. Till' nest llieelllltf of Ihe WoMU'll'n Auiicx Hoi lal ami Alld-iic club will In held at Ihe el lib building Tiierulay nflcriiMon, July Tilli. at 2:'Vt n'chn-k. The afternoon will be' i;iven up to the illnciirinlou of Hawthorne, hln 11 tern ry ivorkn and life. iharli I, Inter came down from I'jnillna Wcducnduy nti bin way to Shnulko lo ath-ud the Wool nalen. He bcDeven Hint wool will hrlut; a better price next year tb:n II did Hifn wanoii. Itecetitly he nold Hull ewen to A. L. Mclntonh nt riulina, , Shearing Plant Gives Big Rfturnf. Some of the nhrnrer have returned to thin cliy from the Jeukitm lEam h and male that the niieariiiK (diint han been shut down for Hie neanon. They report a very Hmecnfful ncitniiii audnny Hie marhinen clipju'd more than 1'i.uun nheeji In exi'i-nn of last Mcnnoti. Anaueiieral tilling tin wool this M'finnii In ntiH'rbr to former yearn, Mini cleaner mill linir, fill IhmiIi not weifdifiiK on an overall an uiucli us! hint yen r. Itiirnn Herald. I Raying Seanoo Bejins. itaiirhern In Hie northern part of Ihei-oiinty In the vhiuity of Hay ereeji hint week In-yan to harvent their day rropn am) by thin next week nearly every hay field w ill In ready for the jnowem, From preneut luillratioitn the crop thin year pioinlwn to be a heavy one altiioiijfli the iv In talk unions Hie irodueem of anlilny l(t per ton for the yield. The wet nprlnyr thin year, together with freipieitt ralun Inter In the neanon, lain provided alniiidiinl riHip', and If In Hinted that llii fuel together wild the promiseil heavy yield of liny will make up for the nhnriai;e whlrh han ex!ted during tlie punt two yearn. The pant neanon han alno ni'U many more uen-n put into uruln. the hay from w liieli w ill alno help to overenine Hie pn'nenl ftrltiyeiit t'onditionn. Says Find Was Rich. U. i). MH'ulltH'h. father of.l. L. Me CulliH-h of Ihin eity, who in In the real enlute htininenn III Josephine enmity near the wene of the reeeiit old llnd there, writen to hin noil that the ntrlkeinthe Kivah-nt ever known In Hmt part of Ihe eonntry. Mr. Me CuMocii luin vintted the rreek wheir the yomitf hoy w ho wan trailing a wonndi'd divr hapiwued to ntumhle aeronn a proJii tiiiK iedy,v of old and nayn tluit It In a fabulously rich piM-ket of pmdoiin metal, lie writes In Ids letter: "There wan one of the yivatent Hndnnfjfohl ni SiU'kej- creek ever found hi thin eonntry. I na,w tile tin1: It w as lumpn of rock and full of I'hunkn of ivold hiiiiip of which were anlnriMinmy haml. I think they have nimply ntriiek a pn'ket near the niirftiee an the quantity and rlrh- uesnofthe oiv in too y:ivat for an ordinary mine. The areitunt in the Oretfoiiiun dewrlbhijj how it wan; found h.v n boy in eorriTt: He wnn following n wounded divr hv the I biniul on the rouiHl and uoeidentlv iliiK up the jiold with hln foot. Ihe rock lookn like porous brick. The: hllln are full of prosgnvtorn. I vu men have tnkvn out alt rhe;old thev , can curry siwny In a day. i Crooked All Around. A tciinmter who wan nt.imling holding a hnndnoine pair of hcavv draulit lioi'HcHiin the tipper deck of a stemnhoat dm-k yenterdny. wnit Ing (or hln wagon to be pimhed up the incline from a Ha lien boat, whilr hln wife and neveral chubby cilildivn stood ournide Hie door till he should have hitched up the team, wan asked what part of the country he came from. "I have Iteen living In Crook County for the pant year." Van hln reply, "hut eomdudeil to continue emigrating till I readied I'orHand." "Weren't you united with Crook County'.'" "Well, not exact ly, I have Ihvii hauling ore from ndnen and doing general team-work, and have concluded from my experience Hint It Is the crookedent place I have yet been lu. The roads are crooked, the riven are crooked, thecllmate In cranked, mid there are a good many crooked people tliere. Why, I have driven my team ncrons a river twice and lundcd on the side I started from both .1 linen, and the town I ! lived lu wan called "Iteiid." "And w hat do yon propone to do here?" "Oh. any kind of teaming: haul ; wood or bulldliig-iualerial, or hau lier or nnythlng." "You have n ' very line pair of hornes. IMd you get them In Crook County?" "No, the horwH ralwd there in about the erookedeMt thiiiKM in the county, I hroiiffht my team and entire outfit from llliuoin. The only product of Crook County I Imve In that baby, 111 my wife'n iiniif, find he han n crooked ankle. The how of Ket tlnit it ntmitfbtened for the little fellow wan the chief object of my moving to I'orHand. O reparian. K, II, Carey wrlli-n from San ,loa- ipiiu that hewillleuve there on t)i flint of ,nly , join hln hum Mark .lohiiiienburK, South Africa, 'e be w III elitfnife hi hllnhienn. Kdar Stewart returned Sundny from I ,n w ton where he nM'iit the j punt ten dayn attending to hiinluein t maltern. I Mirried. John W. Demarrin and Miitk Minnie Ifirdnont; were united fn marriai;e at the home of the brlde'n pa renin on .Johimon crii'k hint Sunday. County .finite M. , Itiirpt H'rfonned Hie ceremony. Only nmnll company of frlendn and relativen wan prewnt and the coat ructing couple were Hie reclplentH of many uwfnl and jindty tfiftn. .Iliilll HlllIllllT Hwi'nrliiBfii nt I' .liini' Jii. tn Miwi KtlU'l irtlnml, Mimiln.v, Died. At IllH lllllllC llll till' lll'HI-lllltl'H. Jimci'i, I-'ivil, huh nf Mr. iiml Mrw. W. II. Slnnti,, Ili'iitli wnn iiiii- tn tyjihniil fi'vcr fruni w hlrh the .vnuni: liny Iiml liii'ii unffi-rlni; fur wvmil ki. Iiii'i'iisiil wnn 17 vi'iir nf W. $5 Reward. Will In Klven for Information lending to t he iivovery of one chestnut norrel home niinwerinu the fidlowinu; deneriptiou: Kiylit front foot han barb wire cut down through both nlden of Hie hoof. Itranded X mi the left nil He. white npot on face. J. 11. Helfrhh. hamonta. Oregon. Notice to Creditors. All M'-noiin kiiowiii(! Hiemnelven indebted to Hie firm of Smith & (livk a iv reuenu-d to make nett!eiinnt either by note or otherwim on or In'foi-e Anunt 1, litn4. Aceoimtn outntandhitf at that time will In plael in the hands of an attorney foreoileelloii. Ino.U Ct.KKK. Notice. All horwn brandnl on left shoulder with diamond, formerly heloiij;iu to Mi-n. Hash, are my property. I'erry Head in now uratherinif the bunch and any pernou know ing the w hi'ivaboutn of tluw hornen will kindly notify Mr. Kent I or the under niyned. T. F. McCallister. Notice to Persons Supplied with Water from City Mains. Any jM'monn who shall use water liefore or after the Inuirn provided for will have the water cut off at the curb with aline of $1 attached for turning n ngaln. No excunen ae ceptetl. P. T,. & W. Co. Aiuiian t 'noohs. Supt. J. W. BOONE 1 . i ! 4 . ft -V J'ine Stock Saddles fas. S. JZelley J hotographer POTRAITS, VIEWS, - ENLARGING AND A SIT PKRIOR GRADE OF WORK ELKINS Reliable Willi gooil mails almost in ?i;.'lit anil yon, pcilmpp, lockinij fur k light wngnn, built with ttyle ami fur comfiirt. It Ih-Iiiiuvim iw to ri'iiiiinl you again, that this store makes gri'at chiiiim nr it Vehicle Kxhihit. HERE IS THE ROSTER . Farili Wagons with eitlier box or rack beil, rrifttlnr, half trunk t halt trunk gears, Light t'onconl Wagon, platform spring wagon?, with canopy or exlention tops, Heavy Mountain Hacks, with or witout tops, I'uggiefi, with pole or shafts, lignt or heavy. Some are mnile esK'cially for livery trade, others for stockmen, BUOUIES FROM aS.OO TO I29.00 8PRINQ WAO0NB AND HACKS .ROM lOO.OO TO SIM.0O Ami at, in ami between prices to suit all person. ELKINS & KING Oyster Iealnofullkindn v-rved to (a'der. J And Lunch Gounterj 1). C. K0;I:kS, Prop Bakery Goods of all glacksmithing That Is 'Ihe Kind You Get at- J. II. WIGLE'S (Successor to) . CORXETT & ELKIXS'S A Stwk nf Farm Machinery alwavs on hand 0W IS THE TIME To prepare fur harvest and if you are in need of anything in the line of Harvesting Machinery it will be to your interest to inneet our stock before purchasing. Here are a lev- of the old stand-bys that we are selling this year. - "HZ WHEELS WILL NOT The famous Champion Draw Cut Mower, Holier Hearing. Champion Hinders, the most durable and easiest draught of any Binder made. Champion and Steel Hand and Self Dumps. The Improved Buckeye chain or case gear. Jackson Forks, Hay Carriers, etc. REMEMBER We carry a complete line of Extras for every Machine We Sell. Johnson, Booth & Qompany (Successors iSalomnm, oAmsom &Co. I & KING Vehicles ELKINS & KING House ()IM:n all hount Dny unit Night Kinds Kept in Stock Pleases IT DRKWS THE BHR NO PUSH. S5ff Tills Drum the Bar, Ailild Trucliun. LIFT FROM TH GROUND. King Hay Rakes, .Mower, either