THE CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL An Independent Newspaper D. f, STEl'FA. PUHLISHED BY THE JOURNAL I'UBl.ISHINO CO. h'cpnhiicans lo put a frcc-Uado plank in their iutfii 111. J ltourko Cochran is just ns conll- rubli-ihcd every TlmrmUy at The Journal HuiMiuy, Prim-vUle, Oicpon, OFFICIAL PAPER OF CROOK COUNTY. w u inn i v -Ulcnt h tiny thing tliiil this count rylIS Iwrinht kcriUK o (ho vcrgu of l-4 something or nthcr, but he'll hi-.1.- . civilly thmuM it ho k noils vli;t it I riflFVllir, "rT., mi ummiiiiwn iiuviif v V, S. mail u woniti claw matter, THURSDAY, Jl'NK 30, P.XU. The Portland Journal savs P" "Yollow Jacket" IViutors IN TIME TO COME. The Item! Bulletin in rather an nntisinistic manner convevs the information that the Corvallis & Kaslem railroad is the line to which the territory of the Colum hit Southern has recently been transferred; and that a report indicating the extension of the former road is current. It is also intimated that the C. Jt E. has gone over to the Chicago, Mil wnukee & St. Paul. While it is no doubt a fact that a report of this kind has again lienneated the atmosphere, the foundation for the allegations is totally obscure. Reports of this kind have been current for period of twenty years. They have been instrumental in build ing up the district through which the proposed lines were to be built and have served their purpose of keeping both the population and enthusiani at de sirable points. But further than that they have failed miserably in resuming tangible form. Both the Corvallis & Eastern and the Columbia Southern have used the same tactics, the latter to a more marked degrea than the former. It is a well known fact that Harriman controls both of these mads, and a failure to extend the Columbia Southern does not necessarily mean that the valley road will be put through the Central Oregon region. Nor is it probable that Harriman, in view of the efforts which have been made by the Goulds for several years to secure a Pacific coast out let, will be likely to let the control ling interest in the Corvallis A Eastern pass into the hands of an eastern road. Such a move would be nothing less than a heavy blow wJijlW.skatififttieS rtfirtnV state. The Gould lines have al ready forced an entrance into Salt Lake City and are looking now for a desirable point in the Pacific Northwest which can be made a terminus. Under the circumstan ces the Harriman syndicate, which has the traffic of the entire state of Oregon within its grasp, is not likely to let slip an opportunity to increase the revenue of its coffers. Central Oregon will have a rail road whenever the quantity and size of its productions are such that freight teams can no longer be brought into remunerative service, and indications point to ward the extension of the Corval lis & Eastern when that time has been reached. Horse flesh is a ' semi-satisfactory method of trans portation under present condi tions, but the development of the country, with its accompanying larger products, will soon relegate that mode of locomotion to the back ground. Not until then is the east and west line likely to be extended and even then it will be in the hands of the Harriman syndicate which can give it an eastern terminus at a point on the I An exchange remarks that Mr. 'Cleveland mav asiirc himself that Wurzweiler d Uhomson 83 securing of . desirable location U,I talker, and that be work.- bis ! fiS the building of railroads to it., Ewy ,.m ( , JJ nver, agrees , Scribe ! TM reticence, lhowailof the tramp and the nil lie of the soup bowl of; About the surest way lo make the ' s.r, will' reverberate down lVinocratie party insist on a through tW ages when ItryunVj Protective Tariff would he for the vnee will be for;oltcn. the men who are most connects! with the promotion of! the enterprise declare that these tj requirements can and will be met. j L. The conditions an', briefly: A( Defeat has invariable been the I th"' country will not forget him a.- subscriplion of IJ.-iO.OOO of the fate of the party that revised the 'long as llryan lives. It is tine JJ sUx-k of the proposed institution, .tariff downward. Stick a pin here. j that Colonel llivan is a pictlv J.,0 .t : I . . I.e. 1 .:....! I ' cue ami The Assoeiati Denver, agrees to suliscribe other half of the .W,000. A meeting will lie held in Port-1 land on July Hth, to be attended by officers of the Independent I Packing House Association, the tepresentatives of livestock in terests of the stales of Idaho, I'tah, Colorado, .Montana, Washington ami Oregon, and Portland men. Portland is represented in the movement by a committee ap pointed by the city's bodies, coniiosed of R. Living stone, Henry llahn. Jay Smith, I X. Kleischner, J. C. Ainsworth, Col. R. C. Judsou and others whom the cominitte may call in to assist. At this meeting plans for carrying thecampaign to a suc cessful conclusion will. lx? formu lated and agreed upon by all the interested parties. The Denver people will present a definite proposition ami this will, it is exiiected, lie accepted by the meet ing, as its provisions are already well understood among the active workers. , -I . Ill VP u 1 J.w,' w 1 KTiNT WHTiROUT Ss 'tyonejf 3mA" Clothing S.U'KTV Lies in lluving Ctiai'iinlenl Cloihing for Ilovsiind Young Men. Our lewoitment of over I'IKI suits of this popular brand clothing fur Hoys ami Young Men give them (he opportunity never before had in I'rinevillc of selecting a .Iiikv suit which will wear hi II and is Perfection in St vie and Kit 0 KIIAKI Suits For Men And tioys IS (he "Proper Thing" this Scatim-d Su ler Suits. It looks well, docs not cost much :iu I is Solid Comfort on a warm day, We have received a large line of thee soils which til be .old at prices that are lillillT. We Sell Them i:. 11 .MllADE ami his Comedy and Drama tie Company SPrtncvillc 's Sroatcst Store This popular Company of Actors and Aelre stranjers here having visited here before under Company and Southern Stock Company. it. arc not ihc liutlwin w $ 1 Vi 1 A LITTLE TOO RADICAL. The Prineville Journal reports the killing of sixty-five sheep by masked men who appeared at a camp in Crook county, and after the slaughter of that nuinlier told the herder to move on or they would exterminate the entire band. It is not necessary to inquire who is to blame for sheep being here or cattle there. No matter be no justification for these murderous assaults on innocent animals who were on the range because they were driven thither by men who, though to blame, if blame is to lie located, are them stives permitted to go unpunished. The utter brutality of this process of deliberately murdering innocent animals in order to punish their owners is too fiend ish to be properly characterized. The fact that the wretches always make these attacks while .masked indicates the degraded estimate they themselves place upon the act. A man who had the sem blance of right on his side would go to the owner of the offending animals and settle with him, but a coward will cover what counte nance he has and attack the help less anima's in order to assert himself. Offering rewards is a move in the riaht direction, but the Governor should press a little further "on the enemy's works" lest we become Coloradoized in some sections of our fair state. This condition of affairs cannot go 011 indefinitely. Lynch law is THE BIG SHOW" 1 N'ew Plays, Scer.ery, Siecialities Ministrel and 0T:itic Featu.e Performance. 1 P1 1 !a The Oregon .itate Wool-Urowcrs ' Association will imv the above rc- I 1 ' : ward for such information as shall lead to the arrest and conviction of Will Show Six; Nights CommcnciiiK Tuesday. July nth. lines already in Us control. Thelnt'Vt'r justihable-perhaps but if Columbia Southern in the mean- 0'e of these coward! r and brutal time will serve the only purpose for which it was built-that of a local road. And the only agency which can stimulate the building of the Con-allis & Eastern ahead of the country's development is the road, generally conceded as Hill's building from The Dalles to Dufur. That line may encroach upon the territory claimed by Harriman to such an extent that he will see fit to alter his plan of! aciion, nut tlie time is so far re moved from the present prospects that there is nothing exciting in its possible course of development. THE INDEPENDENT PACKING HOVSE. murderers of range sheep were caught at some of their depreda tions, then, .Salem Statesman. The first steps which were taken some Bix months ago towards establishing an independent pack ing house in Portland are begin ning to assume tangible shape and with certain requirements com plied with by the stockmen of the n irthwest, Portland will soon be the home of a ."iJ0,000 packing plant independent of the meat Musical, Vjiiuii villc. intromited at everv shooting, killing or maiming any c3j j member of the above asot'iatiou, ; or any employee of such member, while engaged in their duties in attendance on the herd- of u nieiiw ia her or gniltv oi killing, maiiuini: fesred Seals on Safe at the .L'snal H.ices anil Popular Prices j j'ir"ll'"''"' unlawfully and with a ; malicious intent destroving the -" o 11 it 4-i ,r. anocpni a niemlii r. A'lilress A J. II. tiWINX, sas; I Secretary Oregon Wool-Growers Afsocialioii, lYvw rrox, Oi:ki;h.v 11. C. lioOPKU, Secretary AnteIuK Wool-Growers Aau.k.Uli.w A vnaoi'K. OlIlooN. $1509 REWARD Qhampionship Everbody Gome and See the Fun The P. a. a. C. Rooters Horn Band will furnish the Music. BASE BALL PRINEVILLE s. MADRAS This game will decide the Championship for Crook County and will be a Fast One Prom Start to Finish. The teams will Play For $100 Purse In The Evening A Grand Ball The disposition of home stock men to protect their ranges, where such is possible, by common fencing, nuy lead to the right solu tion of the vexed question. Said one owner who was driving bis exhausted herd through the dusty lanes of Fox vally, "I don't know where I'm going; I started to the mountains, but I can't reach them. I have already paid out more then TOO for grai-s I never got, and when I see a rancher coming up to me on a lope, I pull out my check book and ask him bis name." This goes to the root Of the matter. When the Morrow county sheep- j men can no longer find profit in t unviiig ins snecp in io iirant county then, and not till then, will hefc: quit it. (Irani County News. j it Will be Given at the P. A. A. C. Hall under the direction of the Base Ball Team. Music will be furnished by the Club Orchestra. AT PHINEVILLLE, OREGON Monday, July Fourth, 190U. ASil 6000OV A. S. nilliS, i'roprkliM-. V Our Line of and Fancy Groceries? 5 5 C Cstaple V Can be seeuid at prices, just a little hit cheaper, than elsewhere A A A A A. A A fl. A A , A A A A A A A rt. A A A A j; 5NOV IS THE TIME? buy your Summer I'nderwcar, Hals. Shoes and I'lirni-hiiig ' ioii.Is, laKe a Invk III our Hie of Kmec I n, , rn.i.-r in.,1 1 1,., ' lollt II f have ju,t KKCKIVKD, which is. doubt the lu-sl anil most complete line ever brought lo the cilv, In addition to (be above $IKN) reward offen d by the Oregon U'ool (Irowers Association the Antelope Wool-Oroweis Association offers a further reward of fVKI for the arrest and roiivielion, or for such information as may lend to Ilie arrest and conviction of any parly or parlies who may he jwillj of killing, maiming or injuring any member of the- Antelope Wool limivcrs As.-oeiation, or any person employed by such member, while aiu'iniing 10 uu ir i nun s in earing for the sheep of a member, or for killing, maiming or otherwise un lawfully destroying the live.-toek of a tjicinhcr. Antelope Wool-Grow ers Association. ,f. I). McAMHK, Presidetll. If. C. Kool'KK, Secretary. 2 Hats and Shoes we 4 : 1 : i ICi: CKllA.M. and SOI T DRINKS t We make this a Sisa iall v mo.I .r,, , I i.. mi Ik i ' 't I-..,.., i,, mi imv pr family Ira.le. We aim have all the t nnlers for the i ki:sii I IU ITS 111 SI'ASON neincinber wo have the lleputalioii f carrying ibe choice-t f V assortment f Confectionery, Toluccocs and Cigars in Prim- villo and at prices that are always HKillT. h i N. A. TYE8 Bros. Merchants I irw v w v v w w w vv vv v v v v w v-ii M !1. SMITH Meat, Vegetables, . Produce A Coinplele and Clmicn Line of lleef, Vi ISacon, I.ard and Country Produce Kept al, Milium, Pork, on hand nt Ihe City IVIeat IVIarket FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. I'rinevillc. At TIlC Old Staild Oregon. sriA mm w nosE Povell & Gyrus -Tonsorial Artists. THE RECEFlWl CHAMl SMITH, I'KOP, !i i-'j'? : ('IP V :: A. Kale is the name of 1 a contractor and builder at Bend. Mr. Nale ought not to exiierience any diliiculty in hitting himself the head. Wines, Liquors, Domestic and Imported Cigars. 3; flAKI U OF ,(ienuim; VAQKI'O SAlilll.KS 3, also LADIES' SAIHii.KS Proprietor of the Prineville Soda Works. 3 ,s''';'11 f" Sliaailro, Orcgron ' General Storage, Forwarding AND CUM MISSION MERCHANTS Kircproof building KMlxdOO feet, V,) feel two slories in height.' Special Attention to Wool UradiiiR and Ualing . for llastern Shipments th in liliickriiiiilli Coal KIoiir Ilitrlifd Wire 'niU (Vnwihi t Coal Oil, Plaster, Sulphur, Wool and Cain Sacks and Twine, ' ' " '"F"' " "-pain ior nines anil fells. Stock Yards with all the Latest and Best Facil ities for Handling Stock. Antsli.rW.u., WiiMir,ueMi!li,( ('., "Whil 'Itivrr' mill "llil,., I',.i" u;.. Jliirk imhIn ('iii-c of "S. W, fo."