HI ; Xocal and Ttfiscellanoous Sfefs EH All AJrtrtihit nmlpr Uiia uoad strictly H cnils rr lln , I I Classified Advertisements Mahcr (iroucli pocket litmus tl 1). F. Ailainson't, Forest Rcsorvs Certified Scrip at lowwt rate ly W. A. -Boll. Wunweilcr 4 Thonnon have i aairilvte line of Asking tackle. Buy your Kuhing tackle ot Wun weiler & Thomson . Pure Lent Unl put up by SU'wart and Hudson at the Dee Hive. I IN TDK ClHCriT CM'KT OK THK j STATU OK OUK(ii!i, FOR I'liOOK H'OtNTV. I Atu-U M. .I..ly, 1'l.intilf, i Jivlin (J. .My, IVfrrulant. ) j T.i J.iSu Vj. Jolly, the natiistl !- fftuUtit: IN THr XA.MK OF THK STATK OK OKKOON :-A'.iu are lwtiy tttjuhvil to ap waramlanwrllt. clililttint tik"! aijainst I jmi in th aU,. mtitMl suit i la'f.irs tit? jltmUaiolJulv, A. l. lm. ami II you lail mi to answrr, for want thereof tlif llaiitlitf SORI P Forest Rnmc Co: tifil "i" "ll'l? t Uw i I, tlw MM ,irman.lnl Scrip lor sale by W. A. Bell, at lowest ' """l'1'" fc"i'; p ' Kor a Jnw IitMi .4 Ihe marnwo contract rates. now .Kitting- tetacen th phinliff ami ik1- Haveyouliadalotk at tbtxe ttcel j ,m'1nl- ' lh " "' ' ' a" "a , 'l , 4 t hekl fur nauthL anil fm a iu.tijuirnt fishing trunk rods that ur.we.ler A , J SJMUXI. Thomson hare? If not JOU hIJ !wlafornichi1thran,lfulhrrvlk.ra. to tlw Smith & Cleek have the famous j'rt"1 ; yn i"tai.a mt iu Olympia BoMU-d Beer for sale at 25 j 'J,,, u lltlTO1, wwJ , ,,, ,,y cents per bottle. ; pviMirati.ni tli.reof for nix cotiwcHtivi wwks. USD fCBIP FOR SAl.E.-For-''""Mv !'th "J ' f''1- 1v eel Reserve Land Scrip lor sale in large and small tracta at lowest rates Anply to oi write to Palmer Bros., 417-418 Oregonian Building, fort land, Oregon. Mrs. Ed. Bradford has secured the service, of Mrt. Burt, of Siom City, who is an eipert trimmer and dress maker and thoae needing anything in this line should avail themselves of this opportunity. Are yon going fishing? If you are you will want a good outfit and something you can land the big ones with. Something that will not break at the critical moment. Wuriweiler t Thomson have the things in fishing tackle. W. H. Young has purchased the blacksmith shop formerly owned by C. B. Bwalley and is prepared to do horse-shoeing and general repair work of all kinds at the lowest prises. Quick and satisfactory service iu all linea ol blacksmith work guaranteed. One of the greatest blessings a modest man can wish for in a good, reliable set of bowels,. If you are not the happy possessor of such an outfit you can greatly improve the efficiency of those you have by the judicious use of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are pleasant to take and aereeahie in effect. For aale by all druggists. - For Sale. 100 acres II mile ea.l of Prinoville, 1M of which is plow land, SO under cultivation. Comfortable 4 room bouse, well water, out buildings ami barn. An ideal grain ranch, 1000. A bargain. Address, J, (t. Wimler. Notice To Creditors. Jutlir fur t'nmk t'ounly, Oityio, made ami dated at The Hall. Unv, April 7. '.M. M. K. Mt;t:s. AUimey For Plaintiff. in thk oiiicriT convr ok thk STATK OK OliKHOX, FOR CKO'JK OlfXTV. Kmma A. Hammond, Plaiutilf, a. Hrur U Ilamninml, lVfrmlant. ) T Hrnry L HtunaiouJ, the abeve natmnl deftinitant: IN THK NAMKoKTIIK STATK OK tlKKt;rN Von are hereliy reriuirevl to ai pear and answer the nimtilaint f-lt aaina you in the above eruitlnl auit uli or betotv the 2nd Jay of July. A. I). l'AX, and if you fail m to answer, for want themif the plain tiff will aiiplr to the court for the relief demanded iu Iter ciaiplaillt te-wit: F'ir a diraoultioit of the marruu.'e contract now existiiur between the plaintiff and de fendant, that the same may be art aside and be held for oainiht, and for a Judgment against y mi for bee v4t amldiliutaeRienta, ami for such other and further relief an ti Uie court aud etjuity may seem just and meet in the premise. This summons is ortknk-d served on yon by pnblicatim thereof for six consecutive weeks, from May lltfth to and July 2nd !'.!. by order of HiinoraWe W. L. tlradnhaw, Cir cuit Judge fw Crook Countv, Orex-on, imvle and ilati-d at The Dalles, Oregon, March, Kith, MM. XI. R.KHPW, Attorney For Plaiutilf. IN THK riUCl'IT CUl'RT FOB CKOOK. I'Ol'NTV, STATK OF OKKCON. Peter Uelore, Puintiff, Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been this day appointed Administratix of the estate of Pendle ton Blevins, deceased by the County Court of Crook County. All those holding claims against the estate are required to present them to the nn de reigned at Prinevilie, Oregon, within sii months from the date of this notice properly verified as re quired by law. Nay 24, m. JULIA A BLEVINS, Prinevilie, Oregon. An Open bettor. From the Chapin, 8. C., Jsews: Early in the spring my wife and i were taken with diarrhoea and so. severe were the pains th&t we called a physician who pTescritvd for us, but his medicines failed to give any re lief. A friend who had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand gave each of us a dose aud we at once felt the effect.. I procured a bottle and before using the eutire contents we were entirely cured. It is a wonder ful remedy and should be found in very household. H. C. Bailey, Kdit for. This remedy is for sale by all druggie ta. B. Delore. IMemhut T B. l)lorf. the nlx-ve named defendant: I IN TH K NAM E OF THK STATK OK OKKCON, You rt hereby required Ui ai- larnd answer the c-rmplnint tiled aiina you in the above ntitli l'urt imI caus in or before the la-'t day f the time piP!rited in the order fur puMication made herein, tft-wit; Juoe-ttth, and if yo fail t answer, fur want thereof, the ilaitilf wili take judtjinent at,'ai"nt yn an a pioiuU ory note made, execuU! and dt Ueml on the lb day of July, I'-'O, wherein you iX(tD)inl, nil m'tith aftenUle to pay Ui the rderof plaintiff th buudred dtdlars with iuttres; therwn at the rate of live wr ant ptr ancunj fnm dte ULtU poid. N" ut "f which aaid note has brtn paid. Judgment wil! be tak-n atraiot yim fur the amount uf wiidmite, to-it: W with 5 per Cent in terest per annum fr ui July IWh, and the cutti and duburwiiienta of thii actin. Thb sutniiKina is aerred mon yu by nrdr of tlm Honorable M. K. tiit, Omnty Judfjeof CWk Cor.ntr, Oregon, datel the 13th day of May, li'M, by which order it wan prescribed that thi Summonii te publinht! six weeloi, and the date of the fimt publi uitionof thiu numiuoDS u the lltth day of May, WA, and the date t the Iwt publi cati.in will expire a the 30th day of June, M, It KbLIOTT, Attornty For riaintitf. NOTICE. All parties are hereby notified either to sell nor buy any horses branded with an inverted U on right shoulder. Same have been stolen from me off the range on liny and Trout creeks. P. SIcGkath, ml9-St Hay Creek. CmRRH Wi Elvs Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. GIVES MLIEF AT ONCI. It rleannei, soot ben, heal, and protect the diaawd luejubrtiM). It t-tires Cutarrb aud tlhvfS awiiy a Cold m'the Head 4iriifkly. JXeatoraa tjje fii-xtf. ot Tastn and Knu'll. i-AHf to a. CotiUhw no iujuriuus dni. Appliud into tlie nHtrilit mid Hlirtn-d. laMj-tfw Hii, ffl cents at Dru'ista or by mm; Triai Kize, IU oeiita by 'm il. ELY BROTHCRS, W Warren St., Nsw York. Timber Land, Art June 3, liTS. NiTiCB FOK 1'UBLiCATION. Til JJalleti, Urcfron, April IP, liW. Notiee u hereby uiyen that in C'iiM'hnce with the proviii.ni of the acfof Concur uf June 3, lsTrt, entitled "An act fur the le of timber landa in the State of C'alif'niia, Ore WQ, Nevada and Washiu'ton Tenitory," an extended U all the Public Land State by act of Aiih'urt4, 1HU2, the fullowiiHf-named person have filed in thin office their awurn utatemetitu, ti.it: Louit K. Heath, of Appleton, county of Outagamie, itate of Wwcniwn, sworn 'taU melit No. 213H, tiled .Septemlwr 'l for the purchase of the NK.KU'i, S riKj and SKj 8KJ4 Sec. 32, Tp U ts-mth, Ksnye iy Kr w. ii. Samuel M, Filn, of Portland, county of i Multnomah, tstate of Oregon, nWorn state-1 went N. iCWO, tiled Janmtry 2, VM, for the purchaw of the NKX HKVJ Hectic WHWindSWHNWSec.a, Tp. 15 Sfiiith.Kannein K., W. M. That they will oiler proof to show that the land nought is more valuable fur it timber or stone than for agricultural pur-pow-s, and to entablift. their clainiH Ui aid land Ijefure th He(iW and Receiver at The Dallea, Oregon, on Autfmt Hith, l'J04. Th-y name aa witnetweti.' lame' K. Heath and I loyd V. Siuith, of I'rmevilie, Oregon; De Boia Mitchell, of Seattle, Wa-h-ington; .Martha Mitchell, of Ap.letjn, Wi onnniii; William Vimi, of l'.t, Oregon; A. K. Matthew, JiaHfph W liber and JiHiien Ingram of Portland. Oregon, Any and all pernon claiming adversely the above-dettcrilfed lamia are rwinent-d tu file th-ir claiimt in thU office on or Jefore aaid Hith day of Auciwt, V.M. Ml HAKLT. NOLAN, ml'J-dp BegiiW-r. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons knowing tlicmwlven in debted to the C. L. Kalonio.i estate are requesUtl to cult and settle, either bp cah or note at the earliest possible date, as I must settle all estate busi ness immediately. Mkh. Naomi Balomok, Administratrix. lt'-Oaew of line alfalfa land under ir rigation ditch toother ith inu eighth interest in ditch. Also W0 acres of bottom luml, 80 aensi under cultivation, all fenced, six room house, ham and outbuiMings. Will sell both pmperties at a b.traiu piiee. Address, The Jovkai 1A)R S.VI.K. AUntt 2tKH) head uf sheep consist in); of ewea, yearlings and lambs: about one third of esA'h. Hangn ptH's with sheep. Will be ready for sale about the l."th of May. This bunch is in tine com! it ion. J. 1). (.IKftON, JR SAI.K, A very desirable mneh consisting of lt0 acres. About W ol w hich is first class yellow pine timWr and tU acres of Xo. I agricultuaal hind enclosed by fence, 8 acre of which ii thn-e yenr-old alfalfa and .1 acres iii clover. A large streitm of pure cold water teeming with' trout running through renter of place, tiotnl ditch for irrigation purposes. This is a birguin. For futher ivarticulars aud price write -or call to the Jui ftNU. Othce, Prinevilie, Oregon; Cured His Mother of Rheumatism 'My mother has been a sulTcmr for many years with rheumatism," says W. H, Howard, of Huslmml, I'a. "At tunes she whs unab!e to move at all while at alt limes walking was pain fnl. I presented her with a bottle of Chamberlain's Tain Balm aud after a few applications she decided it w us the most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried, in fact, she is never without it now and is at times able to walk. Au accaitional application of I'a in Balm keeps away the pain that she whs foimerly troubled with." For sale by all druggists. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I ii id UHit e af The Dalle, Oregon. April Hi, 1!XM. IHMERT LA XD. SAL rOOS Notice is hereby jfiven that Frederick W Sann uf Imotitu, Oregon, ha tiled mtice of intention to make proof on tm dtwrt land claim No. U't for the Ut No. ic, 2 Tj. 13 South. HangeUK. W. M. More J. J. Smith, County Clerk, at I'rineville, Oregon, on the 10th day of June, l'J04. He name the following witnenv to prove the complete irrigation and rtclamati'ii of wiiii land: Andrew Morrow, of (iriuly.Ore .1 a uiss S. McMeen, J. hn H, Handly, and Jowepli Wiegand of Lamontu, Oregon. MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Ap Kegwter. Notice For Publication. Land Oltiee at The Pallet, Oreffun, May in, l!Mi. Notice la hereby given that the following nunrHi aettler haa tiled notice of hU intention to make final pnMif in support of hu claim, and that aaid protf will be made before J. J. Smith, County Clerk, nt I'rlneville, Oregon, un June 2Tth, V.M, vi; WAKHKN IlltOWN, of Culver, Oregon, H. K. No OIC, for the WNKHand KVj Htellos 'M, Tp. 11! South. Kange 13 FmX, W. M. He iiaiiies the following witnesjH's to pn)ve bia continuous renidenee ujin and cnttiva tioo of said land, viz: Colonel V. Smith. Edwir. O. Ikdaoiiof I'riiieville, Oregon: Jellenon I). Harrill and Ahmzo W, Itoyee. of Culvtr, Orefrun. MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Uegi.iter. ml!trI - . - . HEALTH "I don't think we eratd keep bonne without Tbedford'a Black Lraught. Wt bave ued It in tlie family for oTer two yean with the bet of reflulU. I have not bad a doctor in the boaas for that length of time. It ii a doctor in ittfilf and al wayi ready to mat a peraon wt II and i..py."-JAAiU MAI.b. Jacif aoaTiUe, IU. Becauw) thii (rreat medicine relieve! itoiuarh pains, frtH the cormtipated liowela and invtcor atetr the torpid liver and weak ened kidneys Mo Doctor is DVMiary in the honro whwe pedfurls Hlack-llrauirlit is kept. Famili mg j t(,e cuuntry, mil' s from any nlivsi cian, tave lwn k.-pt in Li-kltb foriari with thi, nwlicine as tliMi only dtor. 'ibwifords tla;k-lrau(flit cures liiliMf n-s, dy.pi, colUs.chilU and lw Ud hli, hlhp., diarrhea, cumtation, colic anU almoht MWy othnr ailmnit bet-auw the stomach, towels m-r a,,, I ki.lney. so nearly cua trol the health. THEDFORD'5 BUCK- AUGHT Tlmtwr Land, Act Juuv X W. Notio for PublK'ntlon. I'nlted Statw Umiotrl. Th (talhA dr., Mrvvjuth, imU. N iti U heudiy lvnn that In ooinpllaitcr nitli tha pmtiliii of the act of Coimrwa of Julio 3, Iti.'S, entitliHl ' Aa avl for the ..le ul tlmlvr taihU in tlw Sutwt o( t'alifornia, Oitt- jp'n. Nevada, and WanliiiiKti Territory, " am ett.dnt t UI tW Piihlii' Und Stalea by aet uf A u. I 4. ttt3. JOHKI'H K. nKVlTT, if It.vaetnont, county if tUkotA, utattf f M iimecoU. Iiaa on Ootolntr 17, MS, filed In thUofflj hie nwoin Ntat fluent No, Vl-l, foi tlw tutvh(M.nr the SWH of HiTllon SS In IV. ti S Kahkv I" K., W M. and will o(T.m proof to how that thu lunt Amht I nioiv alualde for iU titular or U-n than for ajtri. eultural piirpotia, mid lo pt,t!lih hU vaUv. to aaid 1(10(1 liefor thv Klxtor Aud Iteceiver of thiwothai at The lalli. Ont-n, on the Mhdaynf AiiKtinta 111(. He namea m witufwuM; Lit to llvi-. T M OtVmnet. of IVinevilk Ui,v'ii; Annie Hvikh and J.ilia Hvh.a, of N.npuiont. Mitl. titt.lik, and liolwrt Wnll.ee, of MiimeHpolit. MinneHtiU, Any and all pentoiw tlalmltit, al vainly the Aliov-dincrilvl 1miiU arw miin"itel to file theit'cUhua in lliia oitiw on or (n'(nv naUl Uthdayttl Auniwt, HUM. .MU'tl.VKl. T. Not. AN mitt n lte;iter. Notice For Piibllontiu Iaolntod Tract IH'ttLlO LAM) SALK, Ni'tlcw (a hereby Riven that In nratiaiter f iiiTttnictiotia front the ConiuilMdoner of lti. 'ivutTiU Itind Othee, nndir authority eatvd In him by Mftlm'.M V. S, UevUvd tat atf. aa anientteil hy art of CotiK'rewtpn.ttl KelHwary s lJA wen ill ir.wtl to otfr U putilic ! tm Jmi IMS, tSUH, at tlii- Itu-e. at the hour .if IOo'cU'I., a. M., the (-1 lonihff U-ni t. of laud, ttvwit; TlwSKtof NK't of Section al, T(. 1'i lUite 13 Kut, of W. M. Any and .til jk'Moiw claiininj; advenwty the ahove descrtl-ed lands aiv ailviwl to tile their ttaitiiH in this oflW on or More the da.) almve deniftiiitel for the coin me iic.-lueut of the aale, other win thvir rii;hu will h f,ir- K-ite-l. Mh hakiT. Nous, i:ptxer. As sit M. tsv, Hfceiver, V. S. Laud (tttloe, The Dallea, Orrxon, April 'Ah, I 4. NOTICK r'OH rt'Ut.lCATtoN. (Isolated Trnet.) 3 ri'Mtir t.An hai.k. Nolive it herel.y jvett that in purM.nnee f iiutrttetioii!' front th roi.,miier ol the lieneral t:til OtHce, iiu h-r authority Vestiil ill him 1-y m otion '.'i'i, V, H. Itevin- eii Stilnte a;. ameiidel ty art of Conhfrv upproviil r'eliruarr 'Jlh, lKl; we will Ji ffl-ed lo offer at pitlttleniileiit tin utHeo ut the hour of IU o'elKk A. M.. on the lljtli iU)' of June, VM, the rdlow intc tnu t of land, towil: The tV. ol SV.; ot Htflitm '31. Tp. l' S.iulh, Knne 17 K.i l, ofW, M. Any iuid ull pf-riotiK-ctnimiuK adversely thenlHivetleM-rilred tr:ict id land urendviv- etl tu Hip their elainis on or In-fore the day aM)ve detdciialt'd for the eomineiiceineiu ut the ule, otherwise their ri)il will 1m1 t'firfeitt-il. MICIIAKI.T. NOLAN, ItegMer. AS N K M. IXSU, uYeeivcr. L". S. Uli'l tlttltv, The Ihllle., Orein Atrilmh, If a Notice of Publication-IfloJntod Tract. 1'I BI.IC LANIi'SALK. N.-tice U hereliy tfiven that in u nuance of inlnnietioiia from the CuiiiiiiMfotier of the Oenrral la.indOH.LW. umler authority vented in him hy aet-tion 't-Vl, V, S. ItevUed' atat utea, an amended hy act uf CoiiKrew approved Kehruary 31, we Kill jwoetd to olf.f at pul'llc aale no Juntt l'ah. VMH, at the hour of lUo'elrek, A. itt thia othce, the fo.w intr trart of Laid, to -wit: The MVJ of W, SKi of SK'i Scfioit U (indSW.dMWi-icf Hrition 13, Tp. Ii H.. Halite IU K;irt, of W. ,M. Any and all peraoiu clalnilliK ndvrmly the above-deiciilafd lamU are adiiJd to file their claitiw in thU office on or Wfore the day Uive designated for the comiiiriicemetit id the aale, Oktwrwiiw their lihtH will h for feits). MichaklT. Nous, Kenl-ter Aknk M. L..XU, lUoiwr C. S, Lmd tMlite, The HalK Oregon, April irth, !N1. Notice Fur Publication. Land oiHce at The IalUr, On-ffon, May tith, m, Notice i hcrehy plveit that the folio viiift iiatnetl settlor haa Uled notice of her in- ttutiuti to make linal proof in nnpHrt of lierrluini, and that aaid prrxif will be made Ix fore I). I', iti-n, V. S. (JonuoiMion cr, at Mudi:yir Oregon, on June lrd( viz: LACKA A, KKOWN, formerly laaiira A. HihIhuii, of IfayHtv:lt, Oretfim, II. K. No. tor the H HW'-i Hecti. 17 and Motion It. Tp. Iii S.mtli, Hasvw 14 Kaat, W. M, he liniiiet the following wltneie-ea to prove her continiiouN reaideiice upon and cultivation of uid land, vii: J. IK Harill, Charlw N. llatita, W, F. Hammer, ull of Hayxtack, Oregon, aud Frank Htroud, of I.ainonta. Oregon. 3IICHAKLT.N0LAN, ReKitfr. iiij-l-'lp ' Da CITATION. IN THK CO.' NT Y COUItT OF THK hTATKOK OliKOON, For the County of ('rook. In the matter of the ratal of HALO MA ALIil'ICH, CITATION. To Mary Klliott, Mm. ii. K. Jlopklnx, A. M. Cet2, ,i.ho HtVi. aud all unknown heir. IN THi, NAMK OK THK HTATK OF OllKHON, You are herehy cited to appetir in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the C'.ti'ity of Crook, at the Court room thereof, at I'rinevlHe, in the GVinty of Oook, on Moielay, the litli day of June, 1!JM at I'lo'elnek, in thff foniKfOii of that day, then mid there to ahoW rj.uKe, If any there lie, why Mary Kill' tt, Administratrix of the u tate rf Haloina Aldrich, deeeHed, athwll Hot lie ordered to aell the real en t ate of laid de-! ceaoed, t4.-wit I-ota eleven and twelve in: Mock eiht, aeconil adililion to Prinevilie, : Or-((on, WITNESS, the Hon. M. II. Bitfsfn, Jude of the Couuty Court of the Stat of Oregon, for the Con:;ly of Crook, with the aval i t Maid Court affixed, thin Z'ni d.ty of April, A I). l!t. s ATTEKT: J. J. SMITH, Clerk. ! Gash Give!) Away to Users of We are iroinc lo lie more lihcrtil llinn evrr In V.m In tisprs of lion Coffee. Not only will too Uon-llcails, cut from the paiktue';), bo uooj, -m heretofore, for the vultiaMo prenilimn we have always: r-iveti our customers, but In Addition to ins Regular Free Premiums ttia name Lion Head will entltla yon to .Miniates In our liiywa.oo Cranil Pra Cnnfr' which will uakfl konio ul ourjKttromt rich uiPti aud wotucn. You tun wtid in h many oatutiAtea an tleilrctl, There will l TWO GREAT CONTESTS on the Jul 4th otti-n.lam-a .it th S(. f,m IVnri'n Fsilr; llic surond ralalua la Total to tiacakt Nov. II, I'M. 9j4,(".'" will i'C illslnlmtril In cwli ot t'ontimt, iMikiuJ The rirst contest will bo i Vole For I'mttlxut to ! (i,ihhi.oo on ilia two, aud, lo iunk.il slill uio iuiviisiiiik. In ailditiun to this amount, wr will rvr a n J r!.l l-!-. .1 tE fi!ir nH to tin on. who la iiparrat rorm'f on lint uiana rirsi rriiB oi oa.uij.wu wihmis. and thu. y,mr .niuir h.u. to aasjaaiawnaiswsaamaawaTjaTaaaMaMasa 0por(uultloot winning a Iiik cai.li ptisa. Five Uon-Heiu.9 cut from Lion Coffee PnckflRes and a 2 cent stamp entitle you (in niklltjon to the reg ular free premiums) to one vote In Printed blanks to vote on found In every Lion Coffee Pack age. The 3 cent, stamp covers the expense of our acknowledgment to you that your es- either contest: s,, I tlmate Is recorded. WORLD'S FAift CONTEST . PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CONTEST Whtwt be H lout July ("Ii aiirrt Uii e V.n ?. Worlrt I'alif Al On- w'o. J"!y . I -'1. Hio ai i ii.l ,mt n.s Cor timrtmi trorurl caM tmi iv I'lvt-rl m V'i-iUtin Si . pitnv'i iill'n-e. Ti'lf"lo, t thio, ,.n or ln'iur lunw I h gtvm (It t ,rii for Ote Rtarvt rrout olimii, K'uut un. 1 rtral Prtue , , 13 f 1 SroiiiJ rr.IB ... . I i 3 Tri Kion.OO aaeh 1 O rruei- ui ihi .( 10 Prtiei- i()u.Oi ;iv) priiei - ro oil no miM- ao f af-0 frlU'B- 10-iJO 1UOO Priaaa 6.0U aia rutin. Dltfrlbufod to the PubllQ-aggrisafinK Sb,003.CD-ln iddlllon to which shall tm S3,Ci0 to firocors CUfki (M particulars In HON CtiFf lE tm) making i grind total ot $53,003,00. I U293 r 'wa.iauaiMaii:g TOTAL, I'jO.tXtn OO w lf lh lofnl I'-'tnttit Volt, rait t.ir h r tU 01.l'i..'fn t fiHil.tnnt' thf Bl-w'll.'ll KiojT I . l h ft I ' ''i, (.MtH oiii voffil !r I'miifctuf. If i r xt'Ulrtl" tt.'ft.fd Hi Woofr.ii Mpim fn i n nt i i i .m Nuv 1. I'l, wp will ilvn ilmoilm (! vitil'Otlr, frt i ti l it uv lu litu licit Ml Bit.tli; 1 rintrrltn . Bnrona fr l ... 3 frt;i Ii, OO.nO Mcb 0 PllIf-4- JtH) Ot 10 Yri,v$ 1DO Of " 'fc!0 frlfio - ro.oo " ,, f ll rut - tM Oi 1V.0 Pritfi - K no M 1.HK) PrtiLt - COO f,.i n rr-m.-,li:p.li..o,. lie Bi-nivi i 'ir- .iiICi luilfWtl 1 (H'O.l'fl (M-ri "rt ,iu mi i O ,tM tl (H .ci.fi.dO . . . , W ftrilVllO . . t,ooo.ty jti iti rnur.i. TOT At. lJO.OtX).f0 4279 PRi: 4279 COMPLETE DETAILED PARTICULARS IN EVERY PACKAGE OlJ WOCLSON SPICE CO., (CONTEST DFP'T.) TOLEDO, CrfltO. fi M.Tl.'K ruli IM'IU.H'ATION. Lu tul (Uliit? at The )iit, (rri?.ni, April 111, llW Nut In is Iht.'I')' jf I veil tlutt fht tntlowiiif; n:liiicl KftlN-r Iiew lili il natin- ( tij. t n ti'itt to niiilfi-titiiil )Huuf In t.ii;x)rt uflni I'lnitii, iiml Unit Miiil (irtniT will lw iiitt'lr U l'tv J. Jit!tlh. I'.ninly t'lcik til I'rin.' villc, ( VU'tn, tin June 10. .tM, vi,: WILLIAM It. KKI,!,V i-l P.ml, (tn'nii, II. K. No. lllfJf, f..r U r't.il3. -I imHhW'i NV't tnr. II, Tp. i; s.. it.atK. w. si. lit ntuiM'H l lie fitllowiiiK witiu-wni's tu pDVir hia riilitllilliiUH rr-iitriirc upon innl i-ultUniioiinrxiiiil IiukI, vn: tr. 1. .Mlll.r, llHUy Un-lmnl, Ji-Hrrwui MlBWiin, t MifrK' II, lira?, all cif l'.-.t. ' K"n. MICHAKL T. NMI.AN, Notice For Publtrntlorj IjiiuI tUtin nt 'J in' Iiilk"t, Hir"ti, April Hi, l!H'l. Nulii i' in licit'liy (fivt'H tlmt tin-follovriiiK ! nauit-il Btiiler lm filet I notice nf lii tritrn- tiun to in uk' linul inir in -ii.jn.rt (if lii rluim, oii'l lliat Kuiil prixr will Ik- tnmK' lieln? ,). S. Smilli, futility CU rk, at I'rijn' villc, On'tcn, im .1 line 11, V.K)i, tit: OSCAH H. lilSllOP " if 1'Hnc.lllK, On-K-.n, II. K. X... IT'iuii, U tU- Y. SWK Hj-c. ZM, HKii HWltf mill llm A 4 SKW .S. 21, Tp IT H. It. 17 K. W M lie n.iit' thi' MlnwiiiR wltiiMHi'i l-i .rnve bin cintinii'iiM rri'lfn?t' uj m tui ctiltivatiup of nuiil laml, vis, J K. HolNTtn, Cwirxu .'.HHI'trn. Willlun M Shu-n. K.lwsul Harris nil of I'llUfvillf, lr- Kiill. aH-ip .MICHAKL T. NoLAN. It.l-'l.trr. Doputy Btotik InptxttorH. Nolice Ii Vri'tiy yivuti lliu I linv.i ;ii;iiit'(! tlie f")l')witi(; immiil (nTrntin di;iijy stock tnnn-utori; .1. I'. Cartwrilit, Hy Creek Jim Wood", AvliwtH'd K. Sparks, Hutm, A. Murrow, Hsyntuck. F. M. Niiulli rnuliii. Itonfoe Kiiix, l'"t J. H, H.u.', IIuOaii.1. AUf .MdnUwh, ll.ii-tm J. V. Vnulloutuii, Hay t'rmili. U. H, Cowln, Hy Cro.'k fou HinUu, 8 lock ItiHi'L'ctor Crook County. & A ?4 oTl ?4 1?4 ! 8?W A 1?4 1?4 l7f v4 A tTl 9 ! T it- Babbit Metal Melted into 5 pound bars From Old Type. ?! .IlWt than 1'inmgli alloy to nuiko it more duriiblo nnliiiarv rmlcH. ami alill not hard Ii to heat lieu in uno. Notice For Publication. Land Olllc-i' ul Thf liillr, Or, kihi, Mny Sli-t. V'li. Nuliti- is Iti-n-liy iriiim Hint t Is- following naiiiiJ sellliT lm liU'il iMili'-- 'if lii" iiili'ii- timi tu ln:iki liual iruufin support ol lii. laini, innl tliiil hiiiiI prim!' will Ih iiiikIi' U'- furi' tlii- Cuinity I'liTk uf t'rook i-uiinly at I'riiievilli', Oiwm, mi July 14, HUM, viz: COM'KIl A. NKWIIII.I. i Orizsly. OrT'"i. II- ),;7. f"r t1" Vi'i MVJ Ki 4 Ti 13 Hmllll, iuiilfc 1.1 K. W .M, He muni's tlin fullowinn witm-HM-s t" prnvo his iMiiitiiiil'iiiN ri'siili-nci' upuu ami uttlvulluu of mill laml, vli: ricnry MuiitKomiTy, N. A. Nrwl.ill, .Iuhii-m Hiniile ami Jiiai-pli Hmitli, all ot OrizJy, Ori-ion. MI011AKI. 1. MILAN jltud lU'giskr. Threshers and Mill Men Shonlil lalio iulviiiitajio of this olItT, Supply liiiiilcil. I'lico lower than any (piotution on Ilaliliit .Mclal in Priticvillo, liny now for the foniiii ai'iimin. : DDRESS: CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL You will find UICVCLl'S of all koocI makes I AT SIIIPFS! i Ramblers, Imperials, Ideals, and many otlicrs. A koiiiI linn ol llicyrlv HiiiiiIiks AT Hllll'P'K, 'rineville-Shaoiko SIm'c Lino swvvwwwwvr Daily Between Prinevilie and Ht'llKDILK Shanlko l.navi'H Hliituiko, fl p. in. Arrives nt Prini'ville II a, in. I.fitvos I'riiii'ullc 1 i. in. Ari'ht-s nt Sluinikn 1 a. m. First Class Accommodations WATTS MARBLE M GRANITE WORKS Watts & Baker, Props. Marble and Granite Monuments All Kinds of Stone Work FIRST CLASS AV011K AT LOWEST PRICES Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon