THE CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Independent An N ewspaper D. F. STKFFA. PUBLISHED BY THE JOURNAL IH'ltLISHINU CO. S. M. IIAII.I'V 1'ulilMied every Thitntlay at Tlia Journal liuiMuig, Priiwvillc, Onwin, OFFICIAL PAPER OF CROOK COUNTyT Tha Jot'RNAL la anfarwl at the wU.rllc of Prinavlllt, Oratf., ft truuniiaaion Uiioutth th (!, H. mail aa aeciwd cuww UMttr. THURSDAY, JUNK 9, 1904 AS OTHERS SHE US. Those who were fortunate enough to hear V. E. liuerin, Jr. speak at the republican rally last Thursday evening were, or should have been impressed with some of the statements which he made re garding the future growth ajid pro gress of this county. Mr. Guerin did not mince hie words; he spoke straight to the point, and spread over every feature of his address was the mandate: "Crook county, you must wake up." Mr. Guerin has come to Crook county, as the developer of her resource, the representative and possessor of thousands of dollars of capital. That money is being spent lavishly and will be spent until the work of reclaiming an enormous stretch of arid territory is completed. lie sees the faults, the drawbacks, the lack of facili ties, the hesit&ntcy on the part of Crook county, which has never been too ready to pick up with new industries, to sanction a change in her business diet; in short, he sees ourselves as others see us, and he is anxious, as a permanent resident of this com munity, that a radical change should take place; a change in in the history of its (wlitical im broglios witnessed such tt contest for gulieruatorial honors as has been fought in Springfield during the past month. Kach of the men had their strength. Yates with almost the entire delegation of state ollice holders hack of him; Lowden bolstered up in the political traces of ''Billy" I.orimcr, the ward bos of Chicago; and! iv..,.,.,.. i... .1... ..' . I i', Mi II CM.H IM nit- nioiit.?! Republican p.iiers in the latter city, tales was hampered, by a record as governor none too savory for the politicians and people; Owners of the Quicksilver Claims Oct Ready to Push Development Work. The Jtcrnnlu Mining company, which was organiicd at a meeting of eight claim owners at the Poindextcr hotel last Monday nlready been taken from the tun-! nel in the Ilcruola mine is eial lo that taken from the upper mine! when its shaft hud been sunk lo the same depth, The samu for-: nation of blue granite, which walled in (lie enormous vein of cinnabar which lias Ihvii cut in the Tillotsou-l'ram tunnel. has also been encountered in the; lower tunnel and il is the belief of the owners that llieir proiorly is eniiallv as valuable as that ol former. At least it is -not tin intention of the present owners li "acritiiv their properly when con ditions fully justify the belief that with I he tunnel driven a short distance farther into the mountain a body of ore fully as rich as that in the upper tunnel will he un covered, And tint is the course of procedure which will U' ndople wiis summer piwulcil arrange ments Ivtwecn the company and the eastern parties fail to prove Wurzwcilcr & Vhomson I ,ii;.. ii,. .... own merits and the flairs he could ' i ' useu ittr inn nevi, .ii,tii,,ii r,t , parade m the present stale ad-1 . . . . .' salislactnry. "o: Wo,); in ,ie tunnel will I mountain, j lie move is one , , i i-i , . , , , , ; started ill Julv which nas neen muter eontenipla uvu 101 iuiue lime, miluwa 1101,, ',1 II . , , . , will be pushed steadily until the until this week when word Wiis re- : i " , , . . , einnabar deimsil are expired. u nnj it, Htmein lue mcmncrs ol ,u .. , , , , . , , ,, , . , , Ore which has been taken onlv a I the newly formed companv that , , ., , . ',. ! , " .. . ' .' .few feet from the surface in t ils matter upon which the people of: ' , , ' , i tunnel when assined has shewn 1 1 isoontolook over the fed Ib il : . . . Illinois have reason to congratu- , . fi . . a iuanity ol four per cent nier- ... , cury and it is believed that this 1 lie ollicers of the company were ! : . ... ., . , . 1 ; ,, ; is an unfailing sign that a deeper elected Monday night as follows:! . ,. , . , ! ministralion; while IVneen bul warked by an enviable .jvoord as slate's attorney fought on grounds favored by both the press and people. That IVneen has won and will in consequence he elceteil, and during the ; month following Until snow Hies s m f a Pw mem VKfWiWrtl MAIL KMi I WANT KANTWliniWUT J, "lfaney S3ac" Colk.Hf SAKKTY Lies in Itnylng (iiiuruuleeil t'lolhing for Hoys and Young Men, Our iiseortincnt ol over '.'(HI suits of this popular biniul clothing fur Hovs nuil Young Men give llieiu II pi'orlunily never before hnd in I'lineville of selecting n drey suit which will wear wi 11 and is Perfection in Style mid Kit KHAKI Suits For Mai Ami Hoys IS the 'Troicr Tiling" this Scaum for Suiuiuer Suits, It looki well, does not eot much and is Solid t'oiufnrt on n warm day, We have received a large Hue of I bine suits which will U sold at prices thai are KICIIT. Wc Sell Them tPrincvillc' s Srcatcst t$V ore late themselves. Similar to circuit attorney Folk, of St. Louis. in his prosecution of political! corruption and crime, Deneen had a right to the nomination which quickly became strengthened as Ihe dead loci! remained unbroken. j P. B. 1'oindextcr, president; 1). F.i, , . , , ' ,. - Hedge of cinnabar. Spinning, secretary and treasurer. A short time ago when C. C. Hutchison, who was instrumental T. II. Lafollitt will leave next i Sunday for Shaniko where he goes w fa Circumstances later on coniielled I . ... ... ' ,; to attend the Wind sales which ., , , . in getting Ohio capital interested' . . a coniprojuse, and the final "d" jn tle jrrj M(j, M - i wl11 ' held there m xt wci k. The justnient between the IVneen and) ,'e rrlSa Pn 1 l1l'!, " ,lu , tirm of Allen A I.nfolhtt has . , . . , .. i western part of the cuuntr, was n , l ates forces carries with it some!,, .. , , , n.i.lHK) poumls there nt the present . . . . , I the city, some of the meniU'rs of :.- . , :, ., , ,, ' significant features. I., , , , ; tune w Inch will be sold. ., ... , ; the new fy formed comiianv were! ViOvernor, lates, wao secured . , , . , , i t.,,, . . - - ' i CI veil to underst.qnil Ihxt e,ilm I J,K lllllkle his bold in I.hnois politics in much the same manner as did Carter Harrison, now serving his made a trio to Squaw creek last week, returning in time to vote Monday. Mnlwmiln vlil, tl,A ..f il. VPUlVl Ulll J i l,U iWC UUilTII Ul llic .M.VtUVi, iu,v, n .lu muilli . , , , .' ,..,, . . , ,, . ,. . I given to understand that eastern iic w cis ii. iu nuuu VlUUi cuuiiiy "lc U'JIU 111 1.1II1UI9 IV111IU3 III ! .. i ... , ... . . . u i i-1 f caPltl11 wuW le fetm-wl to Lnmlle ,, f ... . . ,IP , .. .. .. I the claims represented in the ..... . .. . , , .ni- Bcmola companv, provided thev I t . 1!. Allen was any man or institution to sav that fourth term as mayor of Chicago . . 1 i . . u i. i i .i i . l. I" . were gonen lino the right kind of' yesterday, be is wrong. He's right. Is now namely, on the brilliant record of I., . , ,,. .. r . ..l;iii i v. . ,ij ...!.. ; '""I ",r '""": i , i i . .i . . . , . i however, w hnlrifi m hta trtvicni viairc nt ilif vnn H have hMin miloiila.I in ut.xi . .... V. i . I i , , , .! when word was received from Mr. situation. Crook county has down from the governors chair I,, ... ., . .. ,. , , . . - , . , ,,. . Hutchison that New ork capital slept soundly for 30 years and and sink into political oblivion. . .,, . ,', , i . f. . , It.- ii . i , ., li,e wl1" experts would lie wme Bwaxes irom me ouisiue nas (ore, inai ue win oe ine from I,ava: He reimrls the outlook No action, 'good for a record breaking bay: however, was taken until Monday 'crop this vear. : J. 11. Wimlom. of Culver was in : the city Ihe past week tran actii.g! W' l """' of this month to examine Ihe proiertr and that a yO day option at a fixed price wu I'nder this instigation caused it recently to turn over on senator elected froui the state in her side. The alarm clock of which his political record has , . , . , . . . , , , . . desired progress nas nau a oronen main oeen aiiogetner uusatistactory vears ego, when talking for voles, I , . , . , , , , ,,. ... .. . ,i claims were drawn up, signed hv no linlraxl hia nima with t)ii( tJ ' ' e p; l ... p ! ic i- i 'heir owners, and sent to Portland u.-iui hi, iniw-rn H, ut'iinru illf ( K. McDowpII, J'ro Tlinnnittnly Ucnovtitnl tuul U- (itltliflh-il '1 Itr.HliitUlt, Auirrinui I'liii:. lialrs 1. $1.50 hik) Jf'i mt At'C'MiiiiHlittiiiin 11 m l'hiJiri.iifc(l in thtM'ity. iunU li.Hunn fur ('tnniiu'iciul Truvt lrrs, l"Mg I'lutHIU'H Tt'lt'l'lltillP St'ttilill 1 1.- i twww jAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA J Vio Poincicxtcr tftarbcr Shop Cari, It'ih I hl I opuhir loiisorial baa been rc-opened under new niiiii.igeiu. iit nuil the public is re.Ttfull' solicited lor a share ol its patronage. i finest Haiti Kooms In Central Oregon for I ji.lics or (kntlcmcn itf'VWVVVViVVVVVVW VVVVVVVVV" II- Powell & Cyrus -Tonsorial Artists. -Il:e Hatice. The elulilh grcle llnal exalnllia- the new company was organized i ll""",vl" llt' ",'1""'1 ... ' 6 ill, lrl,,vllt il,., 11,1, 11'., I. .....I l-.l. , ysars. During the campaign which has Just closed' candidates of both parties have posed before the people as the criterions of economical administration in county affairs. "Elect me," they said, "and the county treasury will be jammed full, running over and spilling out money all over the ground when I step down from office." A promise was thrown in with it that the taxes would be the same or a little hit lower. And there you are. There's! the logic, there's the reason, there's the wisdom and erudition which lias occupied tie throne in a campaign just closed for a county whose resources are capable of plating it among the first ol the state in wealth and population. A county out of debt with thou sand of dollars lying idle in the treasury and candidates pleading for more economy! Has this boarding proposition become so instilled in the populace that public institutions will forever go to rot for the sake of showing five or six figures in the hank account? It is to be hoped not. Spend that money. Not recklessly, or It is expected that the eastern parties to the transaction will In Prlnevllle the t.lth. Pith, old I7lh I June. v . Wii.i.iau lloiaii.i. School Sn lerhitclii lent. position on state questions, which i ( f;m ,.:. l i.t.. . ariiveIl,.r,aM1,,t hefl f j , .. moment, carried the election, and i , , ., ,, ' . Wlien Ihey will inspect the c aims is now pushed out from the oflicel , , , ' , , .. I , ,. ia,,d millie known whether thev after a term which has been a dis-l- , ,. , , iiiicnu ui uuy hip projierites. BARGAIN SALE credit both to himself and tlu head of the nation. It is fitting that he should be elected to the United Stales senate in order to cover up his record or make it more marked. It is the second step in the management .of political Intricacies, and Governor Yates as senator will he in a position where his right hand knoweth not what his left hand doeth. On the other hand Illinois will 1 relieved from the burden of a republican governor whose acts have kept his own party in a thoughtful mood of suspense. Ueneen, as a republican state's attorney, has been tried and not found wanting and it is altogether probable that the caliber of the man and his traits of firmness and decision will become instilled in his office at tin head of the state's affairs. His record as a Tin; Salomon Kstutu ha in ll.n ,.ii.,.. .C . i i ll,.. i. ii. , ....a 'I',,... i:.,,,,. lonsidered a reasonable figure.! ' ' and it is not now the intention of I'I,)W'S al11' 011! Harrow, the company to let go their hold A whiill am to bu wild on the bunch of claims unless the ' sum mentioned is forthcoming.! The ten claims are in a compact : group only a few hundred feet I below (he tunnel in the Tillot.-on-! Cram mine and the ore which has I at a harifain. Iniiuiici ol I'olj Monro at Blackmail h Shop. Naomi Saloman, Executrix. nan, Executrix. ...Cily, Meat Market Miller S Crooks, Props. FRESH MEATS and LARD. VEGETA BLES, FISH and GAME IN SEASON X hut lleallhy Animals Killed, Which liiMircs timid Wholesome Meats, ONE DOOR NOKTH TEMPLETON'S 1 4 0F I 3 1! - J; j SNOW IS THE TIME, i I. Hi. I..,. u - ! i Ik I T" '"'.V your Si r I'n.lerwcnr, Ifals, SIiik-h ami Kurnishing , nouns, lake a lick at our hue of hihey I'nderw.ier and the r Huts and Hum we have ju-t KKl'KI VICP,' which is, will, out . doubt the best nud mol coiupleli. line ever brought lo the city. 4 ici: chj:am, We iiiuke this u Sneeiiillv no,l nm i,r ..l .. mi orders for the family trade, Wc nl-o have all the FKI-SII I KIMS in Sl-ASON injudiciously, but with a view of ! prosecuting attorney is such that Vhc Ttfarncll 2 ABTISTS Ii) a Kvpctoirc of liastcrn Successes Six Nights, beKinniiiB Monday, June 13th. Prices, 25, SO and 75 Cents. Reserved Seats on Sale plating Crook county upon a basis which will call forth commenda tion and not the reverse from the hundreds of people who are coin ing in to populate it. What earthly sens is there in having a pocketful of gold and the educa tional facilities, the bridges, the public highways and the dozen and one other county institutions surrounded by the same lethargic conditions? None at all. But instead there should be emblazon ed on every tree, in every highway, in every operation and institution under the jurisdiction of the county the intrinsic truth that Crook county offers to the outside world inducements second to none in tha state. RESULTS OF A DEADLOCK. After a protracted struggle, lasting many days, during which it was necessary to cast 72 ballots, the deadlock over the nomination ol a governor for Illinois was broken last week and Charles S. Deneen secured the coveted prize. The Sucker state bas never before no man, class of men or institu tions in the state will he able or anxious to tamper with or attempt to undermine his position, a condition of affairs which has been unknown for many years in Illinois politics. A single glance at the returns of the election hut Monday fully convinces anyone that there were more murders committed that day than on any other occasion held in irook county lor a number of years. Nearly every voter who went to the polls slaughtered I, ticket as is evidenced by the fact that with the county nominally republican by nearly 200, a single uemocrauc canuiuate received majority of our 450, The butchering process was strongly brought out while the local votes were ueing counted wlien one man's ballot showed lie voted first for a prohibition candidate, switched off onto the socialists. hit the democrats a clip, wound up on the republicans and then voted against local option. NOTICDTO THE PUULIO. i riu.vKui.i.R, Oi.'i;., Alnn h K I'.ml. On llllil after tin- nbove ihile we w ill si ll nil Ilni;, Patent Mcill- i cillus mill Toilet Article at 1 I nil Marked Prices. No IliscoiinU I or KehutcK (liven. Till; Wivm'.k l'o. I 'erf. I. WlWIK Ti:m'm;to & Son II. I'. All.lMHO.V. and SOFT DHINKS I IN. A. TYE G Bros. Merchants I A neiiicinber we hnve the Koptilntinn HS of carrying the choicest ' assortment of ('onfoctinuci'v, Tobiieeoe. mid Cienrk in Prion. villi- and at prices that are always llllillT. Vhc Jfotel Scott European Plan New BuihllriK, Elouantly Furnished, Oomtrally liocnted. FlrntOliiaa ReHtiuirant In Oonnoo- tion. Htenin HoHt. Electric LlKhts. Rooms 75-lcnt.i to$joopvr day. l-'ree Bus UjCiritWICWitfOaiiJOl Meat, Vegetables, Prineville, At The I 3 SorKehateKl.lvell. ! L7i I TlllMV.VM'.Kl'o. 4 IS 12 i lit J. VV. BOONE j I ' .--..! Produce i j. ai a f iirf a i n i , ' ,: I ' .. u n$IV SHaniiro. I I A Complete and Choice Line of IVcf, Veal, Bacon, Lard and Country Produce Kept on REHOUSE City tVleat Market FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. Stand Oregon. miE CASH BRflCEim V A. S. FlttDS, Fropritlor. ) V Our Line of y VStaple and Fancy Groceries? V Can be secured at prices, just a ? " little bit cheaper than elsewhere ? Ozcg-on . I OK ino Stock Saddles s ) J'or t'huive. Homestead ' Locations Timber Desert Landjs ROBT. SMITH, rrinovillo, - Onon. ) r 1 Pj. r enera Morage. horwamiiKr - - O 7 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Fireproof building lMxdOO feet, 1.10 feet two stories in height. Special Attention to Wool Grading and Ualinj; for Eastern Shipments. Deuters in Ilhieksinith Coal, Flour, Ilarbed Wire, Nails, Cement lime Coal Oil, Haster, Hulphur, Wool and (irnin Sacks and Twine ' (Irani and Feed. Highest price paid for Hides anil Pelts ' Sotck Yards with all the Latest and Best Facil- iwos ior mnaiing stock. Arl. Ir W.c Warakmue Milling (.',, " Itivnr' and 'Halle. I't,t" ,. Jlui k (aiiutU Cure of "S. W, Cu."