Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 12, 1904, Image 4

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    m Xocal and 9?isceltaneous jfcfs
La All Advertising under tltia head strictly live wilts wr line.
Malior 4 Grouch pocket knives l 130 REN AKI,
1), P. Adaniaon's. I ' -
For nailing tackle, hooks and reels I l Howard for information load
of all kindi nt I). P. Adnmwn. ling in Ilia arirn and conviction of
A fine assortment of fishing tackle ;
t the Dee Hive.
Foreat Reserve. Certified Scrip at
loweat rates by VV. A. Bell.
Wuntweiler A Thomson have
conplctc line ol Balling tackle.
Buy your Fishing tackle of Wuri
wciler A Thomson.
Pure Leaf Lard put up by Stewart
and Hodson at the Bee Hive.
BCIU P Forest Reserve Certified i
Scrip for sale by V. A. Bell, at lowest
Have yon had look at those steel
fishing trunk nxls that Wunweiler A
Thomson hs.e? If not jou should.
Our new spring hue ol layiomig
sample just in. Call and see them.
The Bee Hive.
Smith & Cleok have the famous
Olytnpia Bottled Beer for sale at 2,r)
cents per bottle.
A great teduclion in nearly all lines
of Gent's Furnishings, Giweriea and
Dry Goods at J. F. Moiis'a.
Stationery. The prettist shades
nd 6nest qualitv of linen and bond
paper at D. P. Adamson's.
D. P. Adamson has just received as
fine an assortment of fishing tackle as
was ever btonght to Prineville. See
him before buying your Summer
fishing tackle and he will lit you out
at prices that arc RIGHT.
est Reserve Lsnd Scrip for sale in
large and small tracts at lowest rates
Anply to 01 write to Palmer Bros.,
4J7-I18 Oregonian Building, Port
land, Oregon.
Mrs. Ed. Bradford has secured the
services of Mrs. Burt, of Sioux City,
who is sn eipert trimmer end dress
maker and those needing anything in
this line should avail themselves of
this opportunity.
Are you going fishing? If you are
you will want a good outfit and
something you can land the big ones
with. Something that will not break
at the critical moment. Wuntweiler
i, Thomson have the things in fishing
W. H. Young has purchased the
blacksmith shop formerly owned by
C. B. Swalley and is prepared to do
borse-shoeingand general repair work
of all kinds at the lowest prises. Quick
and satisfactory service in all lines of
blacksmith work guaranteed.
One of the greatest blessings a
modest man can wish for is a good,
reliable set of bowels,. If you are not
the happy possessor of such an outfit
you can greatly improve the efficiency
of those you have by the judicious
use of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. They are pleasant to
take and agreeable in effect. For
sale by sll druggists.
Notice to Contractors
Sealed bitlt will be received by the
County Court of Crook County, Ore
gon, until 5 o'clock, p. m , Mny 9,
1904, for the erection of it bridge
actons Crooked river near the old
Frank Forest ranch accordingly to
plana and specifica'-ions now on file
in the County Clerk'a office.
The Bridge w to be a combination
Howe trues bridge. Lumber will bt
furnished on the grounds. Al! other
material and work Ube furnit.hfd by
the successful bidder.
The right to reject any and all bidn
is reserved.
Envelopes containing bids should
be marked "Bid for Bridge acrowi
Crooked river at Forest ranch Crook
County Oregon."
Prineville, Oregon, March 10, YM
J. J. Smith,
County Clerk.
An Open Letter.
From the Chapin, 8. C, News:
Early in the spring my wife and I
were taken with diarrhoea and so
severe were the pains that we Cfllh-d a
physician who prescribed for ub, but
his medicines failed to give any re
lief. A friend who had a bottle ol
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy on hand gave
each of us a dose and we at unci ft It
the effects., I procured a bottle ami
before using the entire contents wi
were entirely cured. It is a wonder
ful remedy and should be found in
every household. H. C. Bailey, Edit'
for. Tli is remedy is for Bale by all
For Sale at the Bee Hive
IthejMity or p rho who, Mwccu
Apr. 10 and 17, destroyed by cutting a
mile of the wire fence enehwing my
property. This reward U ollered for
any future depredations.
1). Koopmnu,
Apr. 2S 4t. Post, Ore.
I.nil Olri.f at Thv lalle. Oregon.
Ari; 16, tlW.
okskbt 1.ASO. rtxAt riioor
Ntin its h.wl.r L,i,..n tli:tt V'iv,L'ri.-k W.
snn of haiiiwita". o,vu, ha iilil notice .
iiu.nHn t make poW en hi .Wit latut
claim No. I'-'l'for the 1,4 No. a, S. 3 T-
1.1 Aiuth. H.1111R It K. V. M. kilenf J. J.
Smith, t'.mnty Ch'ife. at r,in-.illf, Orryon.
on U 10th itav- of June, t'.W.
He nain the f. liow iiiK witnese I" lrov.
: the eeimiL'U irrigation anil ivelai,iuu,ii id
satins,,,!: Amlrvw Mrrw, nt thinly ,Orv
Jamss S. McMeen. J.-hn It. llaiuily, al
Jwph Witan.1 of Uimoiita. Ore),iiii,
MlCltAKl. T. XOI..VS,
Ap KrsMer.
Absolutely Pure
Notice For Publication- Isolated
NtAice u ht'by p'neti that in jmrsuanw
uf inat ruction; from th Cfnimiv"er of th.
l.Hral LiiBii Otfitf, uii.ltr mh'.rity verttl
in him by Ttim :MV., U. S. luwl Slat
ut, m meulfi by act ( CoiigreM aininni
February 3, l, vt will pmct'd to 'ff-r
at public Mile i Juttt Wth, at thi
.Ri(e, X Ute bur f lOUk, a. ..tbe U
tuwinfr tract- A Uiul, towit:
The .SKJ of NK'i of Stein 21, Tp. 12 si.,
lUne U J-st, of W. SI.
Any and al! n"n ciam-ini,' ailrt'rwly the
above drwriltwi bn.U are Jimi to hie their
claim in thtd otfice on or before the day
alve ticaUnated for the cniinenu'iueiit of
the sale, otherwise tht-ir ritjItU will be f'r
feitrJ. Michael T. Nol.s, IItritr,
Annk M. I."ti, Kfceiver.
U. S. Land lUfiee, The I1U, Oiewu
April IHh, If
Notice For Publication.
Laml utliit- at TIk Iallc.-I (irt-mn,
Mrrh l', litOt.
Notice U hereby given that the fulliiwinK
nimed nettler h filifd notice of bin intenti'in
to make tinal pm-f in !pport of hit claim.
and that aai) pribtf mill be nirulr before J.
J. r-mith. County Clffk, ut Prineville,
Oregon, on tfliH-stlay, May 11. liwt.
of Prineville. Oregon, II. K. No. ?-TT for the
SK1, Mtion 28; Tp. 17 South, liaitu'e 17 K
He, naincff t lie following wit ru sm to prove
his eoiitinuoii.1 rt-.ii)enee ur.n aa i-ttltiva-
tionofsaiil land, vis: J K IloWrts, Maek
Mows, Alexander J tint on, ami Andrew An
derson all of Prineville, Orcein.
mlTpd 3iK'ilAKLT. 'OU.V,
I fl ail ThpdsVjnl'e Blactt-DrtTicht
Hfjod tUMlrcitie frir li.r tlcaKe.
It t.-irfd tny oa aftr he hart r- nt
tVnvtnhiinrtiirn. It in sll tt n wi rt-
Icinr i taie."-MK8. (AI:(UNK
mak TIN, J'arkerhburg, W. Va.
If your liver do,n not act rec
ularly go to your druj?piirt' arid
Becure a ijackaire of Thedford'n
fila k-f franc bt and tak a 6m
t'miylit. 'Jbii preat family
iittsi.cinp fniM tht; constipab il
bowel?, gtirs upilip toid liver
and eau a Withy Kecrtlion
of bile.
Thedford'i Black iJranpht
will elanae the Wweli of irn
p'lritiea and atretiheri the kid
nevs. A torpid liver invitei
colds, bilioii-ri.-sH, chilb and
fever and all manner of si'k
nejmamlcorit.tyinrj. Weak kid
neys re-ult in Hripbt's (jiH-aw
which claims aa many vktimg
as (joriHtuiipi ion. A" If-Vtent
paekate of Tiieilffjrd'i lila-it-iJrainjiit
should alwajf be kept
in the iiou-4e.
"I nfred ThftdfoM'i Blcrk
Drauirbt for livb( and k dnry c-,m-plBiLl-
a;,d fouiid in U.mif t4,n, (
blehead, Hi.
law a k
1 T T
1 1 Classified Advertisements j
X i'ilii4ilitsat'si
For Sale.
1U aero 3 miles fttsl of PrinoviliV,
I'i,". of which i piow ltuul, M umlor
cultivation, Oomfortnhlv 4 loom
hotm woH water, out lmi.hli.tK ml
.writ. An iilottl jiiniu mncli. $1000,
A lutrniu. AtUliw, J, 8, Wiiuler.
l(Uatn,so(thu,itlfitli) hunt umiVrir
rijpu ion tlitelt together with out
eighth hiterest in ilitrh. Aim 100
itcro of holt out K0 ort ttndor
cultivitnon, nil foncwl, aixnHnn liouw,
U-irn ttitd outhuiUiinyiH, Will wll
Utli pnnHTties t a Iwritin
.(hlrtss, Tito Jot kx U
1AR 5.VI.K. Two K.'nit"' Hero
Um Uuh; ow yoar oM jwst. Owing
to pnwitt ileprivi.itioti of cattle,
prU't "aw rttlueni.
Tlifs? nU c!Ui W mvii l IV A. Zi'U
ranch on milt east nf t-wn.
IS. F. Zrll.
April 2ii4t. Trinoville, Ore,
IAK SAI.K, Ten Shtirthoru
hulls, iwrt r'j;i.,'U,ri(l til iArt un-
rtistortnl, i;rs Irotn otto to six yeur.
rricoa to mill tlw tintts.
L. 8. Litgftti,
Apr. 28 4t. CiHtfc, Or.
SALK. AUmt 'M head o(
invp ctttifiittiiig of ewe, yearlitij; and
lamt: alKKit one third d each.
Katie K'1 w,lu "li'p. Will l'
niulv for sale about the loth of Mny.
Tlii huneli is in tine condition.
J. 1. (illWON,
8tsTKi;!, Okk,
JR PALK. Two farms, both t'l'j;
aereA: 1-IU acres ol"r:teh untlrr ctmi-
atio; lhth fenced; fcO"d barn and
tHtt building! on one. Will ietl Wth
together or operate witit oue-tliinl
interest in present cmp. Hordes and
cattle witb farms and half interest in
threshing lutu'hine. Address,
I). V. Barnett,
Apr. 28 4t. - Culver, Ore.
Pott SALE. One of the U'st stock
ranches in Crook county. Consinting
of acres of doetled land nittiatnl at
the head ol Mill creek and conlrolling
that range which can't be beat any
place. This U an ideal rtivk ranch.
A large part of the land is under cul
tivation. (iiKxl hottsea and outbuild
ini.'!. Term will Ik r?awmab1e. K3r
futher iarticuiars ee u or if. W
Kinokb. Adilre? I'rineville, Orefjoii.
The Willow Cnvk Imrw fide
etinnuetiee nt Willow Crti-k lmtn on
Mjiv -M, All hum-men itilennted aiv
i-itiuoted to meet nt the Hnin on
Ouit date. B. F. Jn.K,
!: kiiy IEkap.
Cured His Mother of RheumatiBm
"My mother ban loen a ("offerer (or
many ye;ira with rheumatism," pays
V. H. Howard, of Husband, Pa. "At
tunes the waa tinab'e to move at
while at nil time walking wan pain
ful. I presented her with a bottle of
Chaniberhriu'g Pain Jhtlm and after
a few application he decided it win?
the munt wonderful pain reliever ahe
had ever tried, in fart, she is never
without it now and f at time able to
walk. An acCiiMonuJ application of
Pain Balm keew away the pain that
dlie waa formerly troubled with." For
wile by all druggist.
Dissolution Notice.
Prineville, Oregon, April flth, ltXM
Notice i hertby given that the. Co-
Partnership heretofore existing be
tween C. L. Koberts and K. W. 'el
con, iti Uns day dissolved by mutual
coiieetit, the said K. W. Neluon
surne control of the busineus and
will collect all dub's owing to tin
firm and will pay any outstanding
iJated st Prineville, Oregon, April
(Hh, im.
E. W. Xklhon.
O. L. Roiikhth.
Ely s Cream Balm
This Remedy Is 8peolfIo,
w urv satisiaction.
'lwiv".l iiicinl.tiip. it uiri-. (.Vitiirrd anil
'lnv.y s :, ,. 11 i ,,,....1,1.
tliu Brti 1,; 'J ,1,1.1 mi.1 hiii.-ii.
I K.wy Hi aw, CooiiUiM iki it-in-i-. irw,
! A jj 'li '1 into tlM li,,lri! n1,,rii.
j tor)! Siz, f,l mi. nt 1 'riiirvri .in or hy
nuiil; Tn.ilHizc, lua il- l.v ii.miI
I ELY BfUTHEKS, 56 Wares St., New York.
t. ... .a. a. . i. ... , a. v. i. a. v .i . a
rTTTTTTTT t . t "i i
Not.U for PubllottMnn. .
I.nitit Otlleo ut TUv ltttlU1, Oivgtin,
MuyltUi, tlXH,
Notion U In'wl-y slvm tlmt the folio vlntr
imm.'it MttU'r Intji tDotl notit-e of lift i
Ifiitinit to waiv I juttitf it mii'Hrt of
Iut fluim. hiiI tli:il Ktiltl pnHit wilt !'
itmde Ix'ft'rv It, I1, IUhi, I'. S. iuntij.Kn.
r, at Mitttm. (tn-Koii, yn Jtute Wi,
fitrtitctl- jtv, A. H'tUutt, nf i$twk,
Oii'Ui. II. K, Nu, tm. for tW M NWS
S-tMi 17 tui.l K SK( StTlU la, T,k I'J
Smth, IUi H K:v.t, W. M.
ihi iutttt(a the I't'lU'wiiiu wltni'XM to
jmiv her euntinuons Rlftm'
ouhivati"ti uftiiiJ latttl,
J. 1, Hftnlll, rhrtM N. lUttla, W. F.
HrtHiiuw, till if Haystack, ln-n, )iti Kmiik
S(initt, ol LiMtumttt. OtvKtm, .
Timber Ijnd. Aot Jun X 1
NOTU'K KttK I'Ulll.U'ATItiN.
Tlie Dalte.H.OreKon, April llHU.
Notutn lutrvby uiv' in eoii'pliniH'
With thv IMisiitttj, itl thf Kl't of tVltlTU of
JmifS, 1CS, iutitbd "An aot fr the m of
timlxtrlaad). in th Sit u( IVIifonda, Or
Kn, Ntivatla and V;whiiit;ta Tfrtllorv," m
vMeiuliHt Uv alt the I'd I. Ik- Utul .Suto bv
act of AuxihH, lM2, the ftllowinu-n.imwt
IH'rwmi have- filt in thli olti their nworw
lsotiUv K. Il.'rtth, f Apphuon, cHiunty of
Otitaac&uiio, atateof Viiciiii,. sw.trn "tate-
nient No. 2l;t u lwl Si'pU'iuUi A HHtS, for
ilie pun-n. of tUo .NK'i hW), H lKJ
mid SCI SK Sec. S2, Tp U, Itantre
S.uuwt M, FiNen. oMV.rtUnd, county of
Miilltiontalt, Mnte of Orvn, MUotn xtalv-
mtn No. lilwl Jnmt.iry 2, tit. for
the pnreliMt of th NK HK'i SeUn 32.
WS SWi, w. SWU XV See.iW, Tp. U
South. Ranirt2t K. W. M.
TUtl ibiy willohVr pmof to show that
lite land onint i- luore valuable for il
ttniWritr ftoi than tor twrtcultuml Yur
r and to oMablUti tln ir elitimt to aid
):ut.l U foro thv UUttT and llm lcr at
I'lif IHllvt trvh-.,un Aunt Pith, IMH.
TIo'j inHin tw witlinwea: Jaini I.
Heath and Kb.yd F. Smi;h of I'rlitfvillo,
tiwKtui: IK lt"U Mitvhvll.of S.'Mit!e, Wnh-
inxt.-n; Mitrtha Mnehell f Ap.Ua. Witv
iiMn, Witlinn p.Mt, of p.m. "twii; A. r.
Matthwn, Wilier antl J .-now Inrttttt
-f P.Hthmd, Dirvn,
Any sii-t all eliuiim attvem'ly thi
;il,ve-d'!crilet laude are rwuetni to til.-
th'-ir cUiiiw in this office on r Ufore ant
tfilb day of A i -ti-t , l!t.
NOTirg roll
( Trart.)
Nutire i ln-rrl.y Kiv' llial in vnrmim'i
r m.tmrti.iiiB fnmt th. t'pmiiHwIiitfr of
("-ii.rjl lull, I drti., ilii'lcr authority
vtletl in him ly wt-tiuii -M-'ifl, V. H. Hevi.-
.il SLtutm uiiH'iliti'.i ly aft 01 t uiiiirww.
niii.ruf il h'hruarjr Jiltli, tf. wr will uo-
c-U toolVi-r at mililH- wileat tlii. oltU-e at
U10 hour of in t'llwlt A. M ul
the lOtli.layuf June. IIDJ, llw fulKiw-
iiii: trui-t nt lanil, t.wit:
Tin- sK', nf Vl-; ol Sti'tioit ai. T.. ir,
H.1111I1, Itanci' 17 K-t. of W. M.
Anv ami all wr-iim plalimiiit IfTvi-rwl)
iht- (U'crllH-.! trart ul lain! ar. atlviiu
i-il to lilftlM'iribiiii on or lifl'irr tlif ilay
,ilniri. il,!iisniitt'l for th. comiiifiic-niriu
ol the -alo,otherwi.' Ilo-lr rlilil IH Im'
MII'IIAKI.T. Nlll.AS, KriKtrr.
AN N K it. I.ANIi, HiKiivcr.
i:. S. I..inil lillUf, Tin' IteMr., (rrj,im,
April mil, IW'I
Notice or Publlcation-lsolitUMl
1'l lll.lC LANDMALK.
Notice h liiel.y (iiti'n that in pttnmanc of
inUriirtitm. from tli. Comiuiwtioli.r ot
I-I.'tifral l-in,l Ollic, iimlt-r autliorlty vwtwl
Nil.lm lr arrti..n 21V). II. S, llevU.J tal
ut, a aiiirmW y act of C.illKrriaiiniyiil
Ktrliruary al, lull"', we will incei'd to offer
At imlilic Mtle on Julie loth, I'.MX, at th. hour
of 10 o'clock, A. at th ollice, th. follow
inf. tract of lali'l. t.1 wit:
The NU'l of .NWJ, SKJ Of SUti,.n 14
and !Wt of StWK of Sccti.m 13, Tp. lit S.
Ilanse 13 Kaat, of W, ,M.
Any unit all pcntoni. claiminit ailvrrxly the
ulMive-d, Kiilil iaodH are adviunl to tile their
cl:.iin. in thi. ottice on or before the day
alwve d,tii;imtcd fur the ciimuienci'liicnt of
the Kile, UihcrwiM tlo-ir liiit. will Im for
MlCHAKI. T. Nolas, llej(iter
ANSK M. Imso, Iteoelvvr
V. H. Land Office, The Dalle", Oregon,
April nth, 1W4.
Notico For Publtcatlon-laolatod
.,tice Ih hcn-liv iriven that In tiumuance
of in.tructioii. from the CotiimMolier of
the (Jon' ral Land Olflie, under authority
w,.l ti, him lv nertion 24."'o. fi.ited State.
Ilcviscd fetatutei. a. iimmdwl hy act of
Oiiicresa npliroved Fi hruary l, lr, we
w ocI ia o ler ut ouiiiic wii ai tno
hour of HI o'clock a. ., on the. Mil doy of
May, VtH, at thi. office, the fulloaing trai t
ol land, ti-wit:
The Hl'.'A of NF,i Cectlon 2(1, Tp. 14 8,,
ILniie 17 Kat of Vi'. ii.
.,,,1 oil roTMiin. claimilitf ailvefwlv
tlo, iilH.eeicwirilml liillil. are ailvined to
tile tlo Ir cluiuid ill thi'. otllce on or Iji'forc
the dny uliove denixiiHteil for the coiu-
iic'iicciiient of iaid aalc, otherwiMe their
riKlits will I forfeited.
MII.IIAI'X T. MILAN, Iteulrtcr.
ANNK M. liAMI, Iteeeiver.
CM. Lund Otllce, The Dalle, Onron,
March -"Jlli, I'.iOl
Deputy Stock Inspectors.
Notico ii hereby fiivn tJm I have
apiM.intid the following Dintrd (wnom
d.-puty sUck tnnfjctors:
J. I. CartwriKbt,
Hay Creok.
Hani in
Hay Creuk.
iiay Crook
Jim WimhIh,
E. Sp;it U,
A. Morrow,
F. M. Smith
IVmate Knox,
J. S. It.up,
J. P. VanUouten,
U. S. Cowli-f,
Jfjsa Hinkle,
Stock Inipector Crtxk Cimtitr,
I i :
ir.rr ' w ! I'l.l' I ''"'- t -if v : ' ' ' 1
r . i.. : nv i i. r . .
twL. c. Mi.--, ur; li ! I) v. -,i t.ilf ;.;;..--, i
Nuaift--tn new it'll i''':"' "'-- '-'"
met ni ii..- Ik.,1 ani i:..i-.o;. .'i. ' i -I-'' t'i
JliiOt rilll SjuJat
H .1H ()' o
ati-1 . a
Thr I.HNr lt
only to ih ttil !
NtvrirK Ktu rritucATUfS.
Und Urtlmaj Tlif lllt-, Or. K..ii,
April Hi, IWi
NJt1(T Ik Iti'h'hy jflvi'U tlmt lite f!ll)l(
iiamttl fM-ttl-T htu iiulirt .ff hi inlcn
Uili U iimki' pruaif in nil'n ofhia
i-liiim, ami Hint wtM (irtrnf wilt br niii'tn U
forc J. J.Hmftl., t'tniitty I'lerk at I'nif.
ullf, (trt-Kiiii, oiiJiim 10. l!Kt, vii:
( Piwt, drcLf.iii, H. K. .N'o. UW, fr tlie
It. 30 E. W. M.
lit- iminm the fullowiiiK wiliuvH "
prove his rontiiiUoUN n"itlei'.i' im Bint
nil tivnt inn urwiiii Inrnl, vd: It. V. Ahllcr,
Henry On-tianl, Jt-fft rton HUwiirt, livtw
II. Jtry, all uf IW, Ort-Kmi.
.MtCIUia T. Nol.AN.
Notice For Publication.
Lmiil oftic nt flic Dalltft", Ok'koji,
Aj.n! 1 ti. V.M.
Nolicuir licrt'ity K'Vcutliat the MlmviiiK
naiticd at tiliT Ijum lilwl notice of liirt iiiii-n-tiou
to iiittke lifial projf in support ol' hi
rlniiii, tttxl tlmt uiiid pr of will Ih-
More J. J. Hmith, f iimty CU-rk, at Prim
vill; (trenfiii, on Jiiuu II, pnil, vu:
i 'H. 'All H. JUSIIoj'
of I'rinciUlc, OrcKoii, II. K. N... II..MI, f.M
tin KH XV!4 An. i, HW'( umi
HW' 11' Hoc 21, Tp 17 S. II. 17 K. W M.
H natiiffi tin fuHtiwliitf witiifi"' to pr.iv
hi ctitiiitiiU4 rri l.-n ti on ,iitl cnllh:iti.ii
of Hiiid lund, vi:
J K. ItoUrtii, Umrw .ilillioni, Willi .01 M
Mum. Ktlwtnt lliirri, all of I'iiite.illu, Or
(foll. aNUp M''MAKL T XoLAN.
H.-i-i.r. '
in Tin-; roi'XTV con:T v tju:
MTATK OV OltKCON, For tlie r.,iinty ..f
In tlwmalUrrvf the rttate of HALOMA
Tl Murf Klli'tit, Mm. I'-, K,, H..pkin., .
M. (U-U, John 'iwtz. mill all utiknowti heir'.
OliK'iON, You art li'rliy tti to uppvai
in tl fJonuty ('mrt f the HUte of Oreifoi),
for tin- (Xiinty of Crook, at tits I'lmrt mom
thereof, at I'rineville, in tlio Co'Jiity ol
Oouk, on Mntuhy, the lth ilny of Jntii', 1!
at l' o'clock, in Urn fori'mnio of ttml day,
then amt tlipn to anew ratiff , f any tlo-rc lie,
why Mary Klti'tt, AdtiilnlMtt-utrlX of the e-
tate of .faloiua Al'irich, d'euwtl, nlmll riot
l ordered Ui "II the real Ut of aail de
teaaHl, to-witi ltH i'pvcn and twclv in
Mock eiiflit, ftwxvd addltlnn to I'riiiovillu,
WIT,NKSS,the Hon. M. It. r.lKj, JiMltftt
the County Court of the Slate of Oron,
for the Counly of Crijk, with the nerd e.
id OjurtattiJied, thin S'trd dity of April, A
II. I'M.
J.J. 8 MIT 11, Clerk.
Dplivertd to Any Rtiilroud Slat..
or I iimlinii ill Oi rtllill
i''ni'(N,h:.w- -
r-c' t to Piifi'ii e 't Jintii.
-,...) t .tr ititiitt(.irot Hi sftrnl
hilrodtiflorv Offer r:r':'
tw-fM i.i.'l l t"v un--'" jJ'' I',
Ul. Oiv-.,t, (.t .... IV.VWMO i
I t 1'. ".. win Oiui. tt'ttlt M ti.)f,
I . "-! --r "'!' F I
I ' ' ii i i yv
I 'i !
rAr f-r-i) s
V ?r -;;
.. -- . - ' r
Portland, Oregon
lmvmmt, Ltlintf Most Jloponlhl V '.rtt l)tln
Waahmgton St. Cor FVk 6-.riu a .'V- Market St.,
Portlind, Ore. in- Wai'i Sin l-no'tbO
tNtnlh nd J AtfB9U. Sc-trrito
Melted into 5 pound bars
From Old Type.
Just ciiotiih alloy to inako it jimro iliirablo
than (iiiliiiiirv (.'fiitlos. umi still not hnrtl
t'iiiuii;li to heat when in uno,
Slioulil tnlir Jtilvfiutjio of this offer. Supply
limited. 1'rieu lower tliim liny nuolntion on
liabliit .Melal in IVitiPvillo, l!uy now for
f 1 1 to (nulling season.
You mil find
IJICVCLKS of Jill nood makes
Kainblcrs, Imperials, Ideals, and many
ntlicru, A nuutt liilt) lit lliryiiln SuiiilricM AT SIIU'CH.
-a wwvvwwww w
Daily Between Prineville and Shaniko
I.navi Hluinikn, 0 p. in., Arrivos at 1'rinrvillc fi a. m.
I,cnvr8 I'liiinillo 1 p. in. Arrin-a at Hluinikn 1 a. in.
First Class Accommodation
C .1
M '
v 11
i - v.
I ....if'! Otrtl. tl t-: lilt
'..i . . ., tt.t Mt. '"itr t. IM tMt
:v i,.iii!u,t. tiu iuii it. m . ity In tt-U -.fB.m. ntkliig ll M
tl.i; t'l'Uf.i Molt'.
(Uvn q( tbtrtftjUliir
""J, '
l-n M I 'Wh
a tliut oitei h lline4
and Mill Men