Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 12, 1904, Image 3

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    tOeZ. MENTION a
II, II, flllllwt'll V.IIH M llllllllli'WH
visitor Ii'iiiii lli'iiil Hie IiihI nl Hie
A. II, lll'lllll, till' lll'W pilHllllUHlcl'
nt llcnd, wit ti'iinwnellnit IiiihIiii'hp
III I hi' i'lt,v Hi'Vrnt iIii.vh hint week.
Arthur HoiIkcm rettiriiiil Hnlnt'iliiy
rrnui it leu days IiiihIiichh vlnll In
I, H. Mi'Mihmi and wife, of Lniium
In, were vlnttlng In lln i-lly Hcveritl
tiny durliii' Hie Inst cil I hi' W'i'k.
Kd Kulchcr tt'iimi IiiihIi imm visitor
Inim llii.v Creek fur several days
iliirliiK pul week.
T. J. Is'iuli wiih In llii' rlly Innl
Hatiirdiiy (mm Culver where hi1 siiyh
llii' miiIiik crops are In ii llnurlHlilim
DANCK, Dunce, lor the huiitiflt
ul Uio llimu hull ( liilv I', A. A, C
hiilltlhiK, Friday I'vciilng, May
IttilHTt 'AVltllllee, III Cllii'llan, WIIH
lutherlly liiil week to iiuiki' lluiil
liriinl mi ii tlniln'r mill stone rliilm
iB'liiivCuiiiiiyi'h'i'k Hmlili,
Kriiuk At wood Iiih week took
rhium' jil the I'rliii'illli-Sliiiiilkii
HliiKt'riliilliiu nl Hclnler, IiIh place iih
nift'llt ill Khlllilko Ik'Iiik ml, I'll liy
Juliil Niinincr.
Warren Ilrnwii w.i In Hie illy
Niiliirilny Ii'ihii ilrlnzly where In' has
)llHt cltwi'il llll I'ltflll lllnllth'H term III
Ht'tiiinl, Mr, llriiw ii will iiuw iMitfiiio'
In fitrttiliiit nil Ids liiiniinli'iiil In llii-lliiyMliu-k
Henry futile u us down Inst Mnt ur-
ilay limn hl iK'Ikhmi rniirli. IV
Oidle creamery I iii'W turiiiiiH mil
I'.ll iiiiiiiii nl liuller n wivk nil id
which Is disponed ul lii'i-i' Willi llii'
ili'iiiiinil mill excivdliiK llii supply.
W, K. (liii'Hn, Jr. liml II. C, Wrlue
iniiii, nt tin' hi'B. lull' Irritation
riMiiiniiiy, were iraiiHiietlin; 111111111101
In the I'liy llii' Inst nl llin week. ' 1 ' I n
trip nvt'r Ii'iiiii tlti' Head wiiH luiiili'
In 11 rarrlnuv Hit' Iiiiiiuiih until Ih'Jiiv
I11I1I up Inr repairs,
J. W, 1 1 emit id arrived Ihti' lut
wti'k (ruin I'nrllnit't and Iiiim Itecti
Iniikliiu iillir hi extensive cuttle
Illli'lt'olM. Hi' li'll TtlfHiliiy Inr Hill',
riitni'iitu, Calif., ralii, v. here hi' Im
fcedliunilinul mm lli'iiil ul heel mill'
Inr tin1 nut I'M.-Mil wr Lili'ilrrpui
Inn. V. V. Iti'nwii, the wi'iillliy Hlin-k-lllllll
III Kid', H'llt 11 few tliiys In
Hums this week. Mr. Itroti 11 set in
11I tnl well siiIIhIIhI with tin' re
milt nl tin' winter, niitwItliiiliiiiilliiK
there, are reports flint lie lost lieuvt
ly lint h nl sheep innl In imv4. I s ti rn
.Indue llnidliuv it ml liUlt'lrt nl
Inrui'y l'rnnk Menifee li ft thi'limt nf
tin' week Inr Tin' Dulles nlti'r cloning
lhi Mny ti'i'ni nl circuit ruiirt. ThU
HeHll llllM iHU'll llllll III till' Mlllll'll'Ml
III tlti' hlntnry ul tin ciiiiuty, prnn
Ih'riiiiH tliuin evidently keeping
M'ttplt' lit N'lli'l' Wlttl I'lll'tl llllll'l'.
The Dimco I'rlduy. Mny '2mh In
ll'ilnu tit he I lie hcut vrur mid ynu
hiitilkl ha Ihcrc. I'riiiti'iiiiiiiiiiH
n il! he Klvcll mil lit H::t(l blunt.
Mm. rriiiik Atwiinil wn wviTly
lujuri'il liml 1'rhliiy liy tht' ovt'rliivti
Iiik nl 11 Mtnut' much n li'W inllin tlilN
Mhli' ul Auti'hiH', Hht wiih llirnwn
Irnm In'rwiit ni'Xt In tlw ililvi'r 1111
(11 Hit' urniiml HiiHtitluliiit InJurli'H tn
lii'r lili' 11111I nrnn." Ttit" Injnml
wiiiuiiu In Ih'Iuh I'liri il Inr lit Hi'IhIit.
AlU'rt rniiuliiK, thf I'rniik enunty
nhiH'iiuiiii whn wiih nvt'Wl.v Ititllrti'il
liy llii- ki'iiihI jury nl I'nrtliinil Inr
wtllnv lire hi llii' CiiHi'iuIr ivwrvi', iy
tiirni'i) hniiii' hint wii'k ufltT nix'jir-
nu III rniirt. Hi' plt'tuliil Kiillty tn
thi'iiuirp;!' nml wiih llnt'il find. Ili
Htutiil llint I he Hit.' wiih HUirtril IH'-
cllll'lltly llllllnllich hi HIIVH hi' WIIH
unini'vvliiil cnri'li'HH In lint wiili-lilni:
It until It Wl'llt out.
A. V. Jnhimnii. nl I.iilirnniK Ml
hiHt wii'k Inr IiIh Iiuiiii' tiftcr milking
IiIh IIiiiiI imnl 1111 n IIiiiIht nml ulnur
t'lnlui. Mr. .InliUHim, wiin 1h with
tin' II. It. & N. Htntiw Hint I'M ni
I'lini'hi'H tin' Mutt run ni'iui.v i'vit.v
tiny tn lu'eniiiinhiti' tin' lurio' nnniU'i'
nl I'liHtcrn luiimtHi'ki'rn whn lire
fiiiulnu; wi'Ht. For ni'iitiy It'll ilnyn 11
Hhnrt tlini' iirii tho trnliiH wiif ruii-
uluii: Irnm li'ii In ItnirUt'ii I'nnrhi'M all
nl whliii wi'iv mini with jiaKwnmTH.
Jnnii'H Tnninli, a ri'iinwrntiillvi' nf
lilt' Wi-ycrliitUHi'i' tliiilifr H.vuilk'iiti',
anivi'il In Hit' lily Sntiirilny Inun
Spukniu'. Hi' It'll llii' liiit nf tlit
wiH'k Inr Hit' Hint' MntinluliiH tn
Innk liver 11 trmk nf 1 IiiiImt In Hint
vhiulty.' Mr, I'urriHh Ntuleil 1 1 lit I
the Wi'yerhiiUHi'r H'iiU' are prepiir
I11K In eret't a million ilnllur mill In
the I'nlliiliii I'nuiitiy In lilalin whkh
will out 'iii,iii fwt nf IiiiiiIht 111 11
tiny. The mill when I'oinpltit'il will
he one nf the Inru't'Ht whiiii Iiiih ever
lltl'll liullt.
A ytmiiK Hlrnnuvr, who wiih re
tiirnlnit with 11 party nf Walla W11II11
iicnplt' (mm the IrrlKiillnii IiiiiiIh
near llenil, wiih iinlitfiilly Injured hy
tlie iii'i'lileiital illHtiiiiritt' nf a rllle, at
the llnrliln rniiiii InKt We.liuwhiy.
Ht'venil nf tht'trnw il Innl Ihvii hIiiiiiI-
I11K liiek-riilililtH (mnt the wiikiui
when 11 rllle wlilth wiih hehl frmii
the wiikoii wan netiiletitnlly iIIh-
tiinrKt'il. Thei'hnrKi' Innk elltvt In
the left I111111I ofniM'oltht' party till
liall iiiihhIiii; through three IIiikith.
Hy a iiilrniie none nf the limit wiih
lirnkeii. 'I'ht' Injiiivi! mini eaiiin uu
tn AnteliiH wheiv IiIh hum! wiih
tliTHHtil hy Dr. Kln. .nttioit' ller-
Kreil WHhiiii nml wile expet t In
li'iive Hnliii'ii.'l.r lur 1 1 iii ill 1(1 ver.
,l. H, Mnvlli'lil wiihii IiiihIiii'HH vWl-
nr frmii II i-hnnl the htnl of the
MUm I, liy Itciiil i.M'illvi'r wiw vlnll.
Iiilc III In In Hie lily 'hirlnit' the
piiHl week.
I', I. llriH'k wiih nver Irniii Hen-
liiiili'H Moiuhiy iilleiiillnii tn liuil-
iii'hm luittlerH,
J11I111 Mi'Ij iiiiiiu. nl AiilehMH', wiih
InillHiiiilliu' IiiihIiiihh III tiff tit.V Hie
fnrt' piirt nf t IiIh week.
lleiii'Kii Mli'veiiH wiih nver Iroin KIh-
tel-H Hie Hint nl Hip wii'k tl'illlHllel lull
IiiikIiii'hh lii'lnre the I'liuuty eiinrt.
Wnller liny li'N Mnmlny liimti fur
Ht. I'niil, llivunii, whew he will t'li
itiiKi' In IiiimIiiphh Willi IiIh lirnther
II. Dliiwhhll.i, ili iniH riillf eaiull
lute for enmity Htiuml Hll'rlllti'lnl
inl, wiw In Ihetily nil IhihIiii-im Hie
IflHt nf the Week.
Iir. W. V. TnitKiirl hit Moinluy
orKt. I'niil Minn., where he explain
tn reiiuilii Inr wiernl iveekn IriuiH-
ilcilll,' lillHllieHH lllllllel'H.
MlHH.MiiiHlKI'lilerwmlii the lily
IhIHiik thin wn'k friini llayHlmk
tt heif nlie hint hitui leiuiiliiur wiiool
liirliiu the it ttiuler.
l K. ,oveli, nl the lle liiHe lr-
rluiitloii foiiiiiiny, wiih In Hie rlly
hint week nil IiiihIiii'HH enniiitietl
nillthlH I'liiupiiny nl DewiiuleH,
I. N. Hinlth, a lirnlher nl 11, l. nml
I'niiuty Clerk Smith, w ho Iiiih Ihiui
lu re vIhIiIuS fur wveml week., left
Hie Hint of the week for IiIh linme In
I.. II. 'nihilHiiniitiil B. W. Ilrnwii
urrlveil In Hie tit.v hint week Irnm
oiiliunl nml It'll Hnliirilny III eoinp-
nnv Willi lleiiiy ( rniii tn Innk nver
llielriiilfkHller inliieH nt l.onknul
f. K. Hnynl, til Hie linn of '. I''.
Ilnynl ft Sun, hiiilm' riiiitriietiim nl
Slilelil. wiih In theoliy (IiIh wivlt In
Hiilmilt it hid Inr Hie eiiiiHtriit tlon nl
11 lirliliteaernHHCrniikiHl river at Die
Kurent rniiiii.
('oiinty eniiii t'tiiiveiieil Mini
tiny Inr llii' Mny tern wiih JiiiIkii
IIIkkh mill ('niiiiiilHHlniierH llenly nml
l'nwiil pri'Hetit, to lake luilnil nil
I'tiiiiily uffiilrH.
('. ,1. MllllH, IIvchIiii k iinmit fur Hie
(I. II. A N wiw In the city Hie llwl
nf the week. Mr. .MIIIU In hinklni;
ufler I he llveHtiH'k liileriwU In the
illHliirlH tiilniliiry In Hie rnllrniiil
nml wen t'en hiiyern Inr Hie Hliu knieu
iih (ur iih imnnllile. lie led .Mniiilny
Inr lleuil tn Innk lifter the entile
IiuhIiii'hh In that HtrHnii.
Nntlee to fiiriliei'H, nr tn wlliiln it
mny t'lineertt, the I'liiievllle fliiuiintt'
mill will tinHi'itiiwu on May lh tiu-
III nfler IntrveHt for llniirlittc piirpiHt-
I. nil who have wheat they winh
iiinile iutii Uniir mi' reiiieHteil to
hrliiK II In liefore that ilule, iiIhii
Hiiihi' nhn liavtt Hour Htoreil In the
mill iiniHt ttel It nut iH'fnre Hint ilnte.
Sti:waiit k Hiiiihun.
l, IfiiHtliiifn, n former HtiH-kuiiui of
liny I'riH'k, reliiriifil hint week from
I'hiH'iilx, ArlKiiini, where lie Iiiih
H'lit twn whiter fur Hie liellellt nl
IiIh heiilth. Mr. HiiHtliiKH wiih In
t In elty .Mniuhiy nml Htntiil thai
y IhiieH nre uiiknowu In t IiIh purl
ol llii iintry. In Arlmim where he
wiih there hail Infii iiii ruin tn HjH'iik
oIhIiii'i' hint July, ami 11 lew iiiniitliH
IlKii HtiK:klllltll Inllllii it IH-eeHHltry tn
kill nff Hnuie nl tluir ntnek tn prevent
1 111111 Irnm ilyliiK Iroui lin k nl witter.
I1. T. MnnriH', nf Ci'iihh KeyH, at-
temleil the t'ollllty eniirt HiIh week In
iiiuke nrrmiKeiiieiitH to Het-ure IiiiiiIh
for mail ImprnveiueiitH In that wie-
tlnll, It Ih the n Hie ivhIiI.
etitH III t liu t i ll-lull y tn liulhl ih'i'iiiii-
iieiit ttiuler ronilHhyt;i'nvelliiK tlietn.
Air, MnnriH' reportH t-rniH In the
t'rnHH KeyH tilHtiii-t In lw three wifkH
eniiler t IiIh year. Alfiiltn, tf.irileim.
fruit innl Kl'lllll HIV the nni he Iiiih
everneeii itlilfe iN-iitlliK there, anil he
Hii.iH he will Ih' In the tity thU year
with Hie lllleHt lot of InelnliH everj
III (.ill In I'liltetille.
Win. AilaniH 11ml Hon, llnyil, left nil
the hIiikp Mnmlny iiihiii for SI. I.oiiIh
wheiv they will alleml the exponl
Hon ami vlnll with relutlveH in that
Htvlloii. They exHt l In In Kline (nr
a 111 lt t Ii or hIx wirkn.
A llrm o( tiiliiiitn hor' liiiyei'H
llvently lioiutht nver SIKW heail nt
riiiiirt' liniHei In Miirmw eoiinty, nml
iniiny limn' will pmlmlily Ik' pur-
linnctl liy IheHiiinetlrni. TliehnrHeH
iiif(jmileI,HhliH"l tost l.mihi hiiiI
Iht-n hi 'hi tn Iih'iiI ileiilerH.
Win. Kh lle. nilhvay 11111II tierk In-
Iwtvii liluiiH ami Sliiiiill.n, Ih In I he
Ity 011 11 vni iillnn. He Ih here Innk-
11m nver the enuntry 11 ml It I Haiti
will ivliilill-li mi airline ninll H.VHiein
when the iiiiIim pi tn riimiliiu I"1
twiH'ii i'liiievllle anil Slimilkn.
Itev. W. ('. Ilnli led Moiulay lionii
Inr home III l'niilnnil nller iniuliii t
liiK the enriu-r Hlmie ifremniileH nf
I he new PreHliyterlnniiiurehSiiiiiliiy.
Itev, Moll exUiHi'il hlinvelf iih iiiiuii
pleiiHetl wiih I'liiievllle innl He
peopk' llliil Hiiyn he lielleve there Ih a
lirluht (ntlirelii Hlnre fnr thin net-tlnn
The Happy llnnllpin liaHelmll
team IlKlllll went ilnwil III tleleal
IiimI Siiuiliiy iiioriihut. Hut imtliliiK
iinilaiinteil they will Hlinnhler their
liatH iikiiIii next Sniuluy In an effni't
to totally nml efdiiiinlly rrtioli their
nipniieiitH, At imwnt the lluppy'H
lire alinllt an Hllt't'eHKlul I1H the l'mi
tnuil teuiii. nml pluy nlinut the hiiiiii
kiml nl n Kiinie, hill their 1m n liiuniii
tieiiertil mmiuirer J H. JnhiiHtiu, of
the DcHihiiteH IniKiitlmi & l'ower
I'tiiiipmiy, urrlveil nt Heutl hint week
In IiIh niitomlille, the lli'Ht to Invnilt
( em in I (Iivkiiii, He tame In Irnm
Slinnlko hy the way nLTrall CroHH-
lUK nml liml mi him Utile illlllt'Ully In
niakliw the trip nwhiK tn the IhiihIi
Hie renter nl the roiulH wlilth liv
iiiently t'litannleil ltwll In the Keni-
IllK nl the mm-hlnt'.
Wnrk nn the telephone lino whleh
!h to I'oniicet llnwiiril with 1'iine-
vllle Ih rnphlly tlraivlnu; to a flow.
The lli'Ht ol the week the post llolt'H
were nil tiiiK ami the work ol HtithiK
Hie itoleH Whliii TucHiiay. The wh-e
ami nlher i'iiilpiueiilH 11 iv 011 their
way la here ami I'liHtiniwIer Suin
merH hii.vh Hint entiimitnleatlnii will
he fHtnlillMhei! Iielweell the twn
pntittH liiHhle til ten iliiyn,
Mnrtln 1'ralt wiih In the elty tiil
week Iroin the llnyHintk enunlry
where he Iiiih heen with (he enuineer
liifj; erew liiylutt; nut an autninnhlle
rnml near HelHler'H Htntloii. Only a
Hhort illHliuieemiw ri'innliiH utieoiii-
pleleil anil It In e-qict'teil Hint the
mail will Ih' In rcnilliifHK for the iiinl
run nf IheCnillllnt'eniiy next week.
Mr. l'ratt It-It Monthly Inr DemiiuteH
to iiHHlHt In Hiune Htirvey work on
the rniinl line" there.
The inililie HtitnnlH ehwe loinorroiv.
1 ' 1-1 if. Si i nline, nl the !!Ik!ihc!ioi! anil
wile will HH'inl the Hummer In 1'ort-
hmil innl vUllhin Willi Mm. Strniin'H
relatlve'H near I.11 llranile. . .J'nif
Strnliiie hii.vh the IHkIi Htitonl Htuil
entH have taken hnltl of their work
with ciiiiiinemlnhli' "enl iluiinu: the
year anil an a renult have covered
ciiiiHitleritlile Kmiind III their MtttdleH.
Next fall with a new hulhlliiK and
iH'tter liicllltlcH at hum! their work
will lie inaile much mure lnlereHtlnn
than It eniihl lie under the preneiit
Object to till DiKsntinmnce ol tbi Hiy-
tuck Mail Stue.
JliiyHliiik M'n)ile iih well iih the
iiicrchiiiitH In thlHiity 11 rc up In uruiH
nver the recent tinier nf the I'lmt
nlllce depnrtmeut which will iIIhciiii.
thine the trl-weekly Htaue nml mall
Mcrvlce iH'tweeii that point mid tlilx
Ity. The order wiih rtHtiyed hy
PiiHtlllllHler SlIlllltlerH 11 few iIiivh
ilKn mill It liit-olileH effective the UHl
l thin lilt Hilt If.
SlepM have liii'ii taken tn rewind
Hie enler ami allnw the trl-weekly tn
'iiiillmie iih well iih 11 Iti-weckly hit-
vlce iH'twtH'ii 'llu.vHtnck tmtl (irixxly,
Hit' latter Muk the chmip' pi'iipnHci!
hy Ihetlepartnieiit.
.Mcn hmilH here fivl that If the line
IH'tweeii liini'vllle nml llnvHtnck Ih
dlHcntit limed they will 1h till nff en
tirely from t'timiniiiilciitlou with the
lower t'ouiilry. Uitem have Ihi'ii
ivrllteu tn Hie fntirth intHlHtaut pitHt-
maler ami ('nnjj;reHHiuaii WHIIam
hiiii wim iHHtllt In WnHlilniftonnml It
tKfx'Htifil that the tlepart meal will
Hit' lit In recmiHlilcr Hh nnler.
Nvid MidelBit.
Thi'iiiiiateur actnrH mid niireHHeHH
who took part In the tlrmtia, Ne
vaila, which wiih produced at the
Athletic biillilluu; hiHt WeilllcHihiy
nml TlnirKtliiy evetilntot, have miiile
a recni'd for theniHt'lveH ami eHtuli
llHhed nnce anil for all Hie fact that
iikoimI pluy can U' prmluceil hi tldH
tity Hiippnrtttl nnly liy Iik iiI talent.
Ah nne mint Iiiih put It, "1 have hccii
ii'iinte pluyM thmi thin tme nil the
.Mnriiiiiin (Iraiiil Htne in I'nrt-
htiid." Sn thoHe who took part
have reiiHon to feci fluttered, anil
Hiohc who wlttieHHt'il Hie H'rforiii
nnce were more limn hiiHhIIikI wiih
tlie itKiillH. The paliiH Hint were
tnken tlirniiKh the hIx weekH n( re
licarHnl tn make n Knnil preHeutn-
II' hi ul the piny hIiiiwciI plainly In
the extriinrdltiary -jrond tpmllty nf
thu atiinu;. All three sceueH inovetl
itlonu; ipiickly ami with a touch nf
lirnfi-HHlnnal prtvlHloii, and luinttHof
iipplnuHc wen fitiiueiit mid of Ioiik
JudKt' lliu'pt iiiiH'iiiini;aH Xevadu,
the old cratl miner, carried out IiIh
part ailmli'iilily ami wan well Hup
ported hy the ten other tiniiactein
In the piny. MIhh Addle Fiinter iih
MoHclle, the waif, met an apprecia
tive aiHllenee with her clever IniiM-r-Htuiiitlim
of a yotniK Klii Jiint re
turneil Irniii Htiionl. The love nink-
litir iH'tweeii Vermont, Mr. T. M.
Iluiilwiu, mid Mnlher Merlon, Mm.
J. II. Wljiie, did not run iih Hinnotli
ly iih pnHHllile mul It met mi cipuil
111 the HtreimoiiH cotirtHhip carrletl
niilH'twti'ii Tom Cnit'iv nml Akhch
Kahiee, two liiiiractem well taken
hy .I0I111 l.tickey ami Mm. Carey
FoHter. Julie nntl Win Kye, a yellow
innii mid 11 lilui-k mail, whn In ivui
llfeuiv Itruce tlray nntl Jih Lamnn,
nUvayH apiH'itreil at. the Heat nf any
troiilile. They were tlie luti maker
mid pi'i'HlHtcnlly imwnt when they
hltould have Ihiui elHewitere. Dnmly
Dick, H Hweetheart nf MnHelle, wnn
well HUHtiilnetl hy Harold Hnliluiu.
Henry Smith iih detivllve Jerdmi
very cleverly endeavored top't hlni
Kclfniitnf tliicrnci. and finally hiic-
cetHlcd hy kllllnu hlniHelf. I'rof.
Stiunire In IiIh role of n health iiiIm-
Hiotinry tllHpluyetl Home Intent tnltiit
an a liiiinlpnhitnr of the paint hrtiHli
and n mini nf tlry humor.
The manic furnlHheil liy the nrcheH
trn wiih well ivnileretl anil appreciat
ed. Two HeltrtloiiH were plnfiHl Ih
tween eatii of the act. Tlie receiptH
from the tw o cvenlii.'H nmnuutetl tn
over -1K) which Mill lie iiHttl In
HnlHhhi'j- the tennlH coiirtH and pro
vidliiK nhtiwer liatliH for the Kymiia
titutu rooiiiH.
An 0n Ltttn In Support of Judge- Booth.
Viicmht mul Tiixpnyem, ynu who
hnie lo lw, nnii nil other (irf'thiit:
I winli to plnce my reiiinrkH where
I cannot o Inn k on them and will
eertnliily Klve ynu nil cn dlt foryoum
and recollect innl prollt liy them
nr titlierwiw.
(lilt nf old Wnwol'iiillity Iiiih Ihiui
foniieil nil ol Crunk, Sherman ami
lllll't ol (illllillll mul Willl'ler eolllltleH
lellvhlK the old pllivilt, Hiikcii, hiiiI
died with iill neccHHiiry liulelitiiliieHH
coiilrin ted lor the Ineviliilile exH'iiH
id, lureHHiiry In the rtllililliK ol hiii it
1111 exIeiiHlve nreii ol HiniHely Hrtthil
country made up ol a wild mid of
eourw InwieHH population.
Then, when hy lier exerlloiiH, I IiIh
viihI nreii wiih iiiellcd and InwieHH
iiihh I'linie to Ih' a mailer ol lilntory
only, the net Hern nh)if ted In hnvliiK
tn travel mieh dlHtiinti'H to reaeh the
enuiity" nml circuit enurtH, all ol
whliii I linlnrHt'il, and havi! done ho
up to Hie prcMciit lime, lint, when
tlllll hllHeeaned to Im' an llolli-Ht ex
piiHlilon ol our Hliiintloii, I eoiiHlder
It time to Klnp. mid time to eoiiHlder
IiIvImIoii now Ih only iiKltateil hy
the iion-tiixpayerH or If otlterwiHe,
hy iIIxki-iiiiI led ntllee Ht-'kem mul
IhoHe who Iuihi to iMvnine ollicerH
In ther new hIiiIih Ihut acr propoHtd
tn Ih' cut off Irnm pnncnt tOtlHtlnit
hoiinilnry line. Our IIihk. iih well
IIH thorn' ol the I'oiiIIkiiouh enunllcH.
11 1-0 tiiidelKlnntl mid well defined, the
Hinue with oiirriiud'and Ht hool iIIh
trlii. OurcX'iiHlve enmity Inillil
Iiihch eninpleteil and paid for; oar
hrldacH are hnllt hii im' the Jnll mul
eniirt hoiiHe. And the new SI.iviii
lllltll Htliool hllllilllli: Ih III active
t olline of entiHlruiilnli mid 11 liccew
ary ievy placed upon olirlitHl iihhi'mh-
nieiit tn pay for the Hiune, county
wnrraiitHii Utile Ih'Ihw iar ami h
very hrliiht lutiire In proHvtive.
The Coliiiuliht Soiilheni will hi 11 111 Ih
a laxpayliia: laiinr, hhmiIiik l the
llloHt exteliHlve IllllllM-rlllu illlrli't ill
the I'lilted Stall. Canal line are!
In active colirHe ol coiiHtrilctlilll, ol-
lerliut mt atlraiilve lliid In any In -diiHtrloiiH
inaii who will put hi lion
et Inlior In the endenvor to adorn.
heallly and innke linppy and pro-
IH-rntiH home nut of wlint wit mice
ailed the "Ureal Aiiieilcnn Dtwert.
KaiiHiiH, the two Dakota, Wytmi-
Ini;. M. iiitiiini. Idiihn. WiiHliliiitoii.
(Iivuoii mid it I If 1 11 11 lit . Arizona, and
liali have taken la a part of thin
ureal mill territory until lint com
paratively a Hinnll amount IhhHII nn-
liiliniil. There Ih ol Hie denert prop
er lylnii In Crook futility iw much it
LlHi.tHHI acre, every Ml uen-n nl iviikii
wiinhl make a hnppy, hcII niipport-
IliK Innilly home.
l'lilteil we Htaad, tllvltleil we
lull." can lie 110 letter exeiitplllietl
than In the iIIvIhIoii of countleH, for
the iHHtiiiUK l' of piwItloiiH for
would Ih- ollh-e ncckem who wnrii
tt (tn out anil work for InineHt
wajfe eiirneil.
The averaiw tux payer hhcm not.
nor Ih hiuiI. He mny Ih eitllttl up-
tn nerve a a Jurnr nniv In thiti'
nr four year. Our county wat Ik
nearly itcos;riiphlrally cenlrnl and
no uni nl mid valid reann exlHt why
Crook Hhniihl In? dlfldcd.
Now, of limine inly HeiiHilile 1111111
wilt any tlini wiint hn Iiern nlivatly
Hiild Ih only a prelude to a puriMiHt',
anil lie would kuchh It exactly. My
pnrpoHt' Ih to iIIhmuiuIc any voter nt
onrelivtinii Hie lit It of next month
from Hiipportlnu'ii inmi who would
favor Hiich an unhuHlneKHlike pro
portion more t'HHiiiilly a malt
wlio may l' cnllctl nil tn repreeiit
iih III the lenlhiture.
I have a man in 111I111I whn I know
tn Ih- In a every respect worthy and
well tumlllied. A p'litleiiinii honest
nf pnrpiiKC, a Knod IniHlneHH 1111111 and
honi'Ht taxpayer all coiiihlued. I'n-
HelliHh tn a reninrkiilile den'ree, Imt
linn a a rot k to the In'st intereHt
olthe iH'ople when culletl upon to
act. Thin man has Ihi'ii ended
In take the nomination (or
Joint HtMiatnr (nr Crook, (irant.
I .like and Klaniiitli ci unit lei nntl
nntl-ilivlKioiilHtH I call upon ynu, n
Kiinlli'SH o( political nllillntloiiH, to
vote for W. A, lloiith who Iiiih ex
preHHCtl 111 lllliplitlltlt-d oppoeitloll to
county division. S. J. Xuwhom.
StocluiMD Will Get Piiiei.
Audit V. K. Nixon ol The Dalliw,
in III receipt ol liilormalimi tn tiie ef
fiii Hint the (I. It. ft N. and nlli'T
trniiHinrtatlnu line will Ihhiii' return
triiiiMportaHon to Htockmen under
thi'Hiiiueeomlltloii, iih were in effect
prior lo.luniliiry 1, l'.mt, mid dlwmii
tlmiiil at that time, KmnthiK return
piiHHe tn nhlpiHTH for every two cam
nf Htnck HllllljH'll In.
TIiIh iiniioiiiiceini'lit will lie koihI
lieWH to the HtiH'kmeli nf the enlllltry
whn weiv Kn'aily liicoiiveiileni'ed hy
the rulhiis. Thl I tlie niitcnme nfn
conference nf iH'kineii and trnllle
m'iniiK''rH held in ChlruK'i on Keliru
ury STith for the purpime of iIIhcuhh
Iiik the nuttier, and the rulliiK will
nn lulu I'ffirl Moiulay, Miiyllth.
'I' HJ1 H31 ifi HJ, faC 'I'iI'1 '1 "I''j''Hj' V
Slit (Otill
S. jr. 9fnH Wll: Prop'a.
Sieidble Vehiccs
a New Up-to-date
Fashionable Gate
Choisest Meats and Delicatessea
Heals 15 cent anif upwards
. kopt tn gtoek
Sficial Cttktt pyl up It trdtr
Soilu tlaltr. Set Crtam Jo-,
Sot Croaw,
olhtr Soft "Drimk,.
With giKul roatla almot in fight and you, peihapf, lodting for
h light wagon, built with ntyle and for comfort.
It behoove uh to reminil you again, that this etore makes
great claim" for its Vehicle Exhibit.
Farm Wagons wiih either box or rack bed, regular, half track
nntl half truck gear",
Light Concord Wagons, platform spring wagonir, with canoiy
or extention tops,
Heavy Mountain Hacks, with or iritout tops,
Buggies, with Hle or shafts, lignt or heavy. Some are made
esjieeially for livery trade, others fnr stockmen,
Sprinq Waoohi aho Haoks IRON 1 00 .00 TO OlU.OO
And at, in and between prices to suit all person.
c Proprietor of the
?.iiiiiilUiUiiiWuiiliJlilUlulU iaiuluiliiuJiiUiiUJUJaluiiiu
f rc- rt Hrtttca
Meal ol all kimlH vj.j. " " " " l)ien all himnt
Servetl to Order. J w m...4n.. SIa' an(1 W1'
t S
'Dinner at 12 m. I
, iSfrvtJ in Court, 35 cinh I
; S
r- ti l' tt itu 1
C I 1. 4?lll I I 1
V.iV.'f I
Wines, Liquors, Domestic
and Imported Cigars.
rineville Soda "Works.
Lunch Qounter
1). (i. KOKEKS, Prop
Bakery Goods of all Kinds Kept in Stock
Regilt ration of Voters.
Small selected stock of Harness,
Quirts, Hildreth Bits and Spurs.
Prineville, Oiif.gos.
glacksmithing That Pleases
Is The Kind You Get at.
(Successor to)
A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hand
lielow Ih Riven the total renlHtra
tlon ho fur this year uh Hliotvn Ity the
record kept liy I'nuiily t'lerk J. J.
Smith. Tlie 1IKU lint will Ik' clumped
wieh week it the rvirttriitlnn in
ereuHeH up tn May 15. At thttt time
tlltiiH' who do not winli to have their
vote Hivorii In ttt election imiHt have
their nuiiie on the rculHtcr liy
o'llot k on that day.
l'.NH . llKli
I'rlueville l.MI dull
AhIiwoihI Ii.'. Ik.
Hlack Unite 117 (V.
llret'He 14 1.1
Hear Creek 27 ;
lleaver 7 44
t'nnip Creek :ill
Cherry Creek Ill
CroHH Key fi ... 17
HityHtmk Us 121
Hardin 11 20
liny CrtH-k 31 .Ml
Ireland 7 .tt
.iollUHOll CltH'
Mill Creek 1.
Maury 4.
McKay ."ill.
Willow Creek ffl.
NeWHoin -II 44
Summit S.
L. A. Booth having bought Mrs. Salomon's intorest
in the firm of Salomon, Johnson & Co. wishes to inform
the public that he will continue in business at the old
stand under the firm name of
One and all are invited to tall and inspect our
stock of Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Hard
ware. Farm Machinery and the
Famous Mitchell Vaons.
And we wish to call your special attention to our
line of SHOES, the Best and Latest Styles and the
Largest Stock in Crook County.
Gall or Send. Special Attention to Mail Orders
Very Truly
JOHNSON, BOOTH &. Company.