Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 31, 1904, Image 2

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Independent Newspaper
1). V. STKFFA,
S. M. HAM I V.
ruMMieU ewry Thursday at Xh Journal Building:, Prineville, Otttn.
The Jol RXAt. U r.lrfd 1 tlie )-t ttto of
Vrimvill I Tn.t Ux Uiiou-fh Ui
t . S. mail Mconit clw tiifttter.
Editor The Journal: "A prophet
ii without honor, save in his own
country," is exemplified by the
long persecution carried on in the
early WVs against John H. .Mitch
ell, the most brainy man and the
bent friend that ever raised his
voice in bchalt of the people of
Oregon. The only once now, who
still carry that old howl against
Mitchell, are men of very mature
age, and "know anything to be so.
because tliey know it." But their
ranks are becoming thinned, their
liaire an! gray, their howl has be
come quavering and indistinct,
and a few more years will hear the
last faint whisper of the childish
and demented minds who put in
their time anathematizing and per
wcntiniL the man who soars so
high above them, beyond compari
Now a younger class is being
educated to point its malicious
shafts of envy against our youth
ful representative in congress J.
N. Williamson. Williamson hai
shown his perfect fitness for his
position, and his very earnest wish
for the good of his people, and of
his country, in the masterly effort
in his speech before congress for
assistance to'the Lewis and Clark
Centennial to be held in Portland
in 1905, a better speech I never
read, bearing on its own subject
It is short, entirely comprehensive,
and to the point. I know whereof
I speak.
I came to Oregon 53 years ago
and know that all land lying be
tween the Missouri river and the
Pacific ocean was a vast stretch of
grass, timber and desert plains,
and the only inhabitants were thi
wild untutored savages. But the
march of empire heeded not thi
hardships and danger, but pressed
steadily onward and forward.
never turning back, even when the
stock was killed or died of thirst
The father would improvise a cart
the few indispensable household
effects placed thereon, often with a
small child, on top. The mother.
the father and all able children,
either male or female, harnessed to
the vehicle, trudging, trudging.
trudging through the hot, dry
sand with parched lips and weary
feet to their goal. Dear, dear Ore
gon! where was planted a nation
of heroes, and a country of vast
extent and fertility, which, with
its wonderful resources, will yet be
acknowledged the bright occident
al star in the galaxy constituting
the American crown.
Knowing these to be facts, w hy
do you Btone your Stephen, execute
your Pauls, or crucify your Christs?
God forgive them, they know not
what they do.
Were Mitchell and Williamson
known to be avaricious and dis
honest men who were organizing
and controlling trusts and grind
ing the poor while their dividends
were swelling their coffers, it
would be another thing, but such
is not a fact neither being rich,
nor wanting to, only in great works.
Htop kicking and go down to hard
thinking. Balance your scales of
justice, "do to others as you would
t done by," and you will find
that political demagogary and
snarling, envious vituperation
weigh hut little in your scales.
I have always been a democrat
anil until I found that hard money
was inadequate to the wants of
business in our country, and that
the whole pile would not run it a
week, I no longer endorsed that
part. And when I found that
nature hail not furnished us with
open canals, and dredged our
streams, Jiuilt our jetties, our pub
lie institutions, equipped our arm
ies and navies, etc., all to numer
ous to mention, I finally bethought
me to try them in my balances,
and lo, these myths and fads and
primitive and penurious littleness
flew up in the concave, passed in
to thin air, and became very
small motes in the sunbeam.
We are a nation of progression,
not retrogression, milk and light
food will do the infant, but dedi
cated food for adults few words
and brave acts. Just as our
friends J. H. Mitchell and J. N.
Williamson (the David who left
his flocks and meets all enemies
with daring honesty, and has bis
sling and pebbles to pierce the
hard skulls of envy and ignorance)
are doing.
Education and enlightment
should change the saying "A
prophet js not without honor in
his own country and with his
people." to "A prophet should
have all honor in his own country
and with bis people."
Elsewhere in the state are steps
being taken both for and against
the local option measure which
will be submitted to the voters in
June for either their approval or
rejection. Inasmuch as the bill is
to be voted upon, it should receive
an intelligent vote and those cast
ing their ballots either in favor of
or against the law should under
stand thoroughly the provisions
contained in the law.
The law itself, as supposed by
some, is not a perpetual prohibi
tive measure. Its passage does
not mean that the prohibition of
liquor shall become a fixed fact.
It means simply that in the event
of the bill becoming a law that
every community, either large or
small, shall have an opportunity
every two years to say through the
ballot whether the sale of liquor
shall be allowed in that communi
ty. In other words, to every pre
cinct, town or county once in every
two years is given the right to de
cide by a majority vote whether
liquor selling shall be allowed 'in
Additional Locals
T. M. Baldwin left Wednesday
for Portland on a business trip
. F. King and wife, returned
Tuesday from a two week's visit it
Portland. .
: W'm. Arnold, of Sisters, was at
tending to business matters in the
city yesterday. ,
(. T. Sly was down from his
Roaland ranch Wednesday attend
ing to business matters.
Mrs. Baldwin and daugljer,
Maliel, of Powell Buttcs, are in
the city visiting relatives.
Dr. V . C. Belknap, formerly of
this city, is one of the candidates
for mayor of Prairie Citv.
Kctiirns ot Mturday s I'ri
niarics as Sent in front
Various Precincts
II. Slants, of
over from the
on a business
Deschutes, came
river Wednesday
C. B. Dinwiddie, who took the
teacher's examination in this citv
during the institute in February
has been granted a stateeertihcate
The basket social held at La
nionta last fridav night was at
tended by a large number of merry
maters, unlv a tew baskets were
put up for auction, the proceed;
amounting to over (17.
II. C. Means will take charge of
the Hamilton hotel at Ashwood
the first of the month. It has just
been repapered and finished up in
the best shape possible to accomo
date the traveling public.
The many friends of Clay A.
Simpson will be pleased to learn
of his safe arrival at Hot Lake
where he went to take treatment
the district involved. The following for ,lis f beumatism. He is report-
extracts from the law itself will eu 10 De considerably improved.
probably enable the voter to gain
a clear idea, of he question upon
which he is to vote:
Section 1 of the law provides
' that whenever 10 per cent of the
registered voters of any county,
precinct, or subdivision of a coun
ty petition the county court, said.!
court shall onb-r an election to be
held at the time mentioned in
such petition, to determine
whether the sale of intoxicating
liquors shall lie prohibited in such
territory." A subdivision of -a
county means any precinct or two
more contiguous precincts desiring
to join together for this purpose.
N'o subdivision less than a pre
cinct can hold this election.
hut a subdivision mav embrace
the whole or parfof any incorpor-' fl-vin8 triP was made to several of
ated citv or town. ""eniai countries during the
Section 10 provides that if a course of the evening. Luncheon
majority of the people of any sub-! w8 si-rvei at each of the stations.
division have voted for it the court A of KM tickets were sold
consisting of the county clerk and and tlie proceeds amounted to :J5.
two jusuces oi xne peace, snail mi- j There wa8 Mme liv,v ,,;.,,,:
Charlie Swalley came over Tues
day from Picket Island to buy
provisions for the working crow
which will begin construction
again next week on the Deschutes
Reclamation company's canals.
The main canal will be extended
two-miles farther' besides being
broadened. A lateral one and a
half miles long is also to be built
this year.
"A merry party of young and old
"tourists" boarded the cars Tues
day evening and took a trip
around the world taking advant
age ol the excursion rates offered
by the Methodist church. The
Union depot was crowded when
the first train pulled out and a
mediately make an order absolute
ly prohibiting the sale of intoxi
cating liquors within the prescrib
ed limits. If prohibition carries,
Tuesday night for the Baskets
which were put up for auction at
the Modern Woodman's entertain
ment. The highest price paid for
no sunsequeni e.ecuon can oe had : a) Palin)! privilefe wa8 tum mli
before the th-t Monday in June ol Mi,s Unw pf,wp, nJ Mrfl Kffj(.
the second calendar year following t.llHvhlt rw,ejvHl . ,;,,
Section 14 provides that when ,,e pettiest basket. The
prohibition has been carried at ana aion ,rmi,,,,t t,-M
eleeli;.,, held for the entire county : w,it, wi."use,! ,y ,he
no election on the question shall j Il)V x,.i(;,KirH anj ,, j, V
thereafter be held in any subdivi-j r,mit,. IluI,l.anl. of Pendleton.
sion or precinct thereof until after ! d.-li v-r.-.l an address e'arlv in ll.
prohibition has been defeated evenin. w-)lif.,, wa, ,,,.;, ,
at a subsequent e. 1 e c t i o n I ,.;,.!: i i. i n l- i
I .-.,1., ii . ,1, jxciiiiru.
for the same purpose, held for; ' ,
the enlire county; nor in anv! ""u lr""''"1
ca-e where nrnhiliiton has carri.-d ''"',,"l" come out. It
ill any subdivision of any county happened not far from Prineville
shall all election on this question j and the hero is pretty weil known
lie lu-ld thereafter in any precinct
of sui'li division until prohibition
has been de feated at a subsequent
election held for such entire eub
)i vi.-ion.
Thus the petition may be for a
whole county or for any subdivi
sion one or more contiguous pre
l incls at the option of those desir
ing prohibition.
Ashwood, March 5S. The prim
aries are over and Williamson
delegates were elected to attend
the county convention. The Moody
deleites were snowed under. It
is the wish of a majority of the
people in , this precinct that the
representative lie nominated' from
the southern end of the county.
James MeMeen is the favorite
for sheriff. James Wood for coun
ty commissioner.
IVlegates to the Republican
county convention are: T. S.
Hamilton, S. S. Black, C. S. Mc
Corkle, M. A. Lehman.
Deschutes, March 20. At the
Republican primaries held here
Saturday the Williamson dele
gates were elected over the Moody
men by a laree majority. A. 11.
Grant, the prosjiective postmaster
and an aspirant for that oilier
under Mr. Williamson's incumb
ency, together with our friend,
Truthful James, headed the Moody
aggregation, and at the opening of
the primaries it was evident that
they came well arrayed. The in
creased activity of Mr. William
son's suporters at this juncture,
however, "caused the aforemention
ed gentlemen to lie beaten so bad
ly that they left in disgust.
Pitied against Grant and Truth
ful were Ovid Riley and Frank
Glass, two old residents, and the
result showed plainly that the
newcomers of the Moody stamp
were little thought of outside their
own ring. The vote stood aa fol
lows: Glass 19; Riley 1ft; Grant
11; Lawrence 10. Grant's outfit
nominated both Steidl and Awhrcy
lo divide the Williamson vote, but
we had tin in withdraw and then
walloped them. Mr. Grant's ac
tions and fight against William
son is not very likely to find favor
in' the la Iter's eyes in the face of
Giants wish to hold down the
postinastership at Bend.
Democratic primaries resulted
in the election of Thomas Triplet!
and W. II. Staats as delegates to
the county convention. They go
uninstrui ted with the exception of
a uminiimous vote to support
Staats for commissioner. Scnti
ment in favor of renominating
present Democratic officials.
L'p to the hour of going to press,
The Journal bad received reKirts
from tire following precincts:
The Republicans elected E. G
Bolter an ! A. R. Lytic at Cross
Don P. Rea, Milo Gard and U.
S. Conies will attend the Republi
can county convention Irom
George Lytle and Alford Tipton
are the Democratic delegates from
Hav Creek.
0 Wurzwcllcr 8 Thomson 0
The Unwrapping of Wrapped
Up Prices in WRAPPERS
We Are (Joins To Offer l or
. Sale Our Entire Stock of
Wrappers, Values $1.25 to .
$3.50. Your Choice of The
Lot For 4f
0 Prinevllte's Greatest Store 0
ilCVI I)
el hi
C. K. McDowell, Prop.
Thoroughly Itenovnted and Ko
furniftticd Throughout.
American rim:. It at en 91,
$l..'0 anil ' mt day.
Accoiiiiiiislntions ate t'ltstirpasseil
in tlie city. Sample Kooitit for
CiuniiR'icinl Traveler,
Long Ilintance Telcf'tone H'ttion
in the houso
Speak it softly
anytliing about
Southern lately?
Have you heard
the Columbia
; in town. On the day of the prini
larieshetook his place as chair-
j man and after calling the meeting
to order and stating that iiomina-
tions for delegates to the county
convention were in order, he im
mediately, post-haste and without
losing any time nominated him
sell. "All those who are in favor of
me as a delegate to the Democratic
county convention, signify by the
usual voting sign, "aye."
There weer no 'ayes' but, lie it
said, there were several winks.
The self-nominated delegate rose
I'd Ivory is in the cttle bu
iitts at Alturas. Mr. Ivory al- to his feet, swelled out his chest.
ways treats a man white. 'and in a very austere voice an-
It liegins lo look as if the pres- 'There being no voir cast I de
cut sheriff of Multnomah county '''"', myself duly elected as a
would have a sad Storey whispered j delegate to the Democratic county
in his ear in a short time. convention. Meeting's adjourned."
McKay, (Hep.) Tom Powell,
Oliver Powell, Hoi McCord. (Dem.)
I. W. Sar, John Klliott and
Henry Grimes.
The Haystack Democratic dele
gation consists of T. J. Leach, G.
Springer, J. V. Cook and W. F.
Hammer. The Republicans elect
ed Jerry Ackcy, Perry Read, Geo.
unborn, .Moore, 11. W. l-ainsnn
and Frank Osborn.
Montgomery, (Rep.) C. C.
O'N'cil, .1. F. Hanis. (Dem.) J. B.
Merrill, and Sharp.
Black Butte, (Dem.) Guy Al
lingham, Boh Jordon, K. Person,
E. H. Sparks.
The Afhwood Democratic delegates
are Joel McC'ullum and Frank
From Lava will come C. B. Alien
and Joe Whitfield to the Demo
cratic convention.
Willow Creek, (Dem.) Wm. Jos-
liu, W. McMeekin. (Rep.) An
drew Morrow, James Keenan.
Johnson Creek, (Hep.) J. 8.
Winzler, Henry Crain. (Dem.)
J. W. Elliott, John Watkins.
Mill Creek, (Rep ) W. II. Cadle,
Jack Cadle. Dem. Douglas Law
son, C. O, Grain.
Xewsora Creek, Dem. J. H.
Gray, Wallace Post. j
Meat Market
Miller 5 Crooiis, Props.
None but Healthy Animals
Killed, Which Insures Good
Wholesome Meats.
vrvrvrN im
N. A. Tye and Brothers
Big Line
(ents Furnishing:'
Hats and Footwear
Special Marked Prices
On all Goods
Now in Stock
Special Discounts
On Overshoes
And Rubbers
Ladles Mackintoshes
N. A. TYE and BROS., Merchants
1'iiiNKvii.i.K, On:., .March In, ltml.
On ami alter tlie nliove date we
will sell all Drugs, Patent .Medi
cines anil Toilet Articles at Full
.Marked Prices. N'o Discount
or Kcniites Given. ,
I'er ('. I. WlNNKK
Tkmi'I.kton & Hon
1). P. AllAMSON.
Just Arrived
A. E. NATHAN 8 Go's
Custom Made Clothing
i ; ;
Jino Stock Saddles'
for Vhnln
Desert Land.'s
n n n t o i t ii
hud . am n.
I Prineville, - Oregon. I
Tho Hest Wearing and Kitting Tjirie of
Kver Brought to Prinovillo. BTRlCTLiY
VAhh ar)d
Dont Forget the Special Sale on Mens and Hoys
Clothing. Greatly Reduced Prices..
...rianutsctureri of and Dealer In,..
Lumber and all Kinds of Cuildin? illaleml
u ------
For CASH Only
TJhe jffotel Scott
European Plan
New Building, Elegantly Furnished, Contrally
Located. First Olua Restaurant In Onnnoo
tlon. Steam Heat. Hleotrio Lights.
Rooms 75 cent to Si 00 per day.
Free Bui
! tT