Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 24, 1904, Image 3

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V. I''. Illlisuti wiim H liualiicaa vlall.
r front Hitter Niittirilny.
Ak'X Smith wiim n I 1 1 m 1 1 1 -mm vlallur
fl'illtl Nlatt'rM I ho lllMt l( I III' week.
W. K, liiiypnul, itf Hlalera, wua ii
I'liiii'vllle liiHlitcnM vlallur Mumbiy.
J. W. limine relumed Sunday from
II llHl'l tlllHlllOMM I flit In IHwhiiliK,
I, N, llunli'r, nf Hi'Mchiiica, wna
tritiiaurlliiK liualiicaa In I Iih city Inal
Mi mi In
W. II. Ilniiiii wim over Irniii Mister
ihla wifk nili'iiillnu In Inialneaa
Ili'i'l lliilli'r Ml Smiiriliiy mnriihiK
fur M'irMliili'liI where hi' will mikiiki'
In Ihii-Iiiiw wlili IiIh brut her.
.1. K, TiiKKiirl li'ft Wi'iliiiniliiy fur
Iti'llll U here llf l'XM'tM III Mpfllll I III
Ilei'f llllll'll lllllt MlllH'tl H'tlH Wllllll'll
Will I in.v lii Inruv tjnittitlt !.
I. 1''. M on him.
Knlnllllltl, Johnaiih A I'll, Inivr
C. (IiiIhIiiii'ii fiiiiiiiiiM lli'iiltli mill
wulkciiay alua'M, i lit' i'iimIcmI on earth
t.ll. lll'lk'k. III IfcHK'lllltl'M, Wlla
trullaniilllu hllallll'aM III I III- I'lly t Itf
fiiir purl ill iIih week.
.1. II. Illlrhrlat WIIM II liualiicaa vlall
nr In I hi' i'lly frimi I'nat wvcrnl ttiiyi
durliiit the pital week.
II. V. Zi'll mill wife were In tlii til;
tllla Week from In ink vlalllllK Willi
fcli'iiilii mill rt'lutlvcM,
ll'iln'rl Miiiuwnii li-f I IhmI mi'k fin
lleachtilcM wlii'rt' ho Iiiim dimue ol
MOllltl llf llll' CtlllMtttlf tlllll ftlll'CM hi
work mi llii' II. , A r, compunys
Mlaa Tin Mnt-tiuiiiiit returned tin
liiMt nf llii w'i'k from Mc MlnuctiHc
WIh'IVnIh illlll Ul'U llttl'tllllllK Ml'lllllll.
Shi- li'll Mittunlny fur her In inn' m
Jn K. fuller anil wlfi- wiw ilnwii
from ilii (leaner much mi Crooked
river llic IiikI of Ihi' wivk tUllltiK
vvllh Irlcink
M A. Ic.'limmi, of Aahwooil, hna
Imi'Ii In I lie illy iltirliiit llii' iiim win'k
vlalilnu "llii (I'lcniU null hla brut her.
Knit laiiiiiiiu.
hoiil Wiiithl anil wile k'll lhc Inat
nf llic week lor I heir Iiiiiiic un Crunk
l river nfler Mevitrnrdii.vM vlnll with
frl Ih In llic illy.
V, I. Vuinlcvcrt fiiul iliiiiKlitcr.
Maude, were In the city IIiIm week
from Jjivii. Mr. Vniidcvcrt In ttinl
luu hlti rnt t h nl Heml nnil returned
i iti'iT iiic nii.1 of iIih wivk.
J If. Tcnii'li'l W. It. M, I'nrhinil
mitl W. A. Ik-ll led Friday for I'lnc
inoiiiiiiilii nlttn- I hey cxv in
aliiuulitfrrniialdcrnhle jfiime iliirhtic
tin-next ten ill! H.
A. M llmki' wim In llii illy the
llrt of llic week on IiIm way In Tort
Imitl wheh' Iii'uoi'h to mtikt arranirc
tucnta nuiinlhiK Ula townalte, itml
lllao to plllvllitMi' aome Hew Kllw Illlll
tunc hlttcry.
I. K. NiiiiiiIiik mill I. Slewiirl
rel nnii'il Inat week from n two
w ti'ka liniilliin trip III the vicinity ul
llorae llhlw. The liiiiilt'ra ItroiiKlit
Inn k n itivnl 1 1 1 1 1 ii I H-r of eniily ahella
iiml Hoint'illrty rllle.
Mniali Awhn'.v wim In the city:
from Headlined Die Ural of the week
InokliiK lifter i l 1 1 It-ill uuittera. Mr.
A hrev an I he Hi'tiil pnvlllct will
wlili two iciiiitl Wllllninaoii ileleKiitea
to I hu county convention.
W. K. (Iiii'tln. Jr., nnil wile, of
Smiilnaky, Ohl'i, went ri'itlateri'il nt
the I'l'Ini'VlHe 'lueatliiy. They lefl
.vinterihiy for 'ktnlniteM where Mr.
Iliierln la one nf the aliK'khnlili'ra In
the l. I. & I'. roiiiimiy.
A Utile inure Intcreat IhIm'Iiik iimnl
feali'tl 111 n'ulalrntoll llllltlera. Ho
fur I'rlnevllle Iiiim m niiiiieM on the
clerk a Hat nnil lliiyatii.k 511. Many
of the onllylnu illatrlctM linvn renlat-
I'll neiirly their full llala of votera.
Kvltlently II iloan't piiy n county
to luive lla tiviiHllnT kill lilmaelf.
The anlcltle of ',. ,1. .1irtlii lend to nn
liivcallifiillon nnil MiiliHiiiiient ex
pert Inn; of Itla In itikH, the latter pro
ci'mm fiMllnn (Irnnl t'oniity the mini ol
I. Mli liel iiiiiI w ife ri'tnrneil Inal
Oweek from mi extentli'tl trii (hrniiuli
theenat. New York, CIiIciiko nnil
iniiny other puliita wen vlalteil Mr.
Michel aliitea Hint theenat iMcnvcreil
with aiiow In nil pnrtH nnil Hint the
nevereat klntl nl winter went her la
Ik'Iiik t'XMiiriii'eil,
Altollt i'iO invlt'Nl KHeatH Httl'llilcd
the pnrty nlvcn hy Mm. Lillian Jonl
n n In honor of her mm, ltnlpli, Inat
Thiiratluy eveuhiK. Klliich ti ml 1'lt
ft tic I ninny other giuiieM were enjoyeil
ilurliiK ihe eveiihiK. Ice creiini mid
;nke wen' m'rveil ntler nn evening of
V : Um nnil liuiK'liter.
V f'luy A. Shiipaon nnil wife left Inat
Thiiratluy fur' Hot I,nke 111 l'lilon
enmity when' Mr. Nliiiwnn will !
tn'iitetlfor I'ltenmiitlaiii. Mr. Slmp
moii Iiiih lat'ii la'ili'hlilei) Willi the nl
lllctlon for alx inonlha mill lila niniiv
fi lenila here 1 1 m for n Hrmmienl re
The Moilcru Wootlmnii uf Ainerlcn
will hnvoHiin'ii imi'tliiK Tneatlny,
March 111 nl which time h aliort liter-
nry iiroitrnm will l irlveii. Dialrlt t
ileputy ilnhhiiril will iiiltlreHM the
meet Inn. HnxketH will lie aulil nt
n mi Inn nnil every'laily Ih retim-alfil
tolirliiK one. The prettleat liaaket
will la' n vviiiili'il n pilje. The imi't
liiK will la' liclil nt Iklkiinp'M hull.
W, K. ItuKiic, ufj.nvn, was iruiiM
Hi'lliiK IiiimIiii'iw In llii' I'lly Wi'dnca
ilny. .IiiIiii Cuuilia Miirneil Wi'dneaihiy
Irniii mi I'tli'iiilnl Hip In I'lirlliinil
Wllell' hi' lllin lli'fll Itll'klllH" lllll'l'
Illlalllca I ItllflVala,
The l ) 1 1 tiiwlui It chili will kIvi1 "
itninil hull In Ihi' nriir future fur Hie
purpua.' of rulalnu. ftunla Inr tin pur-
clutae ill new tntili'i'hil.
Tlmr.i Thmiiaun wna down from
I hi' MnyllmviT niliii'iil llinvnnl llii'
Ural llf Ihi' Week Itlll'lllllUK t'i I'""!'
lll'MN ItllllU'l'H.
.1, ('. iiml (I. II. .in , of McKay.
were In Ihe lily Kntiinlny on llnir
way home from Ihe tlcaeii where
III",!' have liii'ii lookliiK nfler the
'raylor alita'p.
C. M. 1, later ifliirni'il Ihe fori' purl
of Ihe week (nun lit" aotilhii'ii pari
of llic county where he recently took
at'i'i't'al llioitaanil heml of III" alnvp
The lunula w III rniiKi' Iht'iv tlniiiiK
Ihe next few lllolllha,
llt'orac Milllriilt laai wk aohl mi
henil of lloraca to 1 1 Illlll O'Knlie, of
DcMchutcM, llll H ill I. it. ik III. -Ill nnil
rcnl mil (ciinta In ihe Iniuntloii anil
llllllla'r compallli'M OfH'1-lll lllic IllnliK
the river, 'litelt' la aollte llllk, loo.
if Hllother alnw line lainu eatalillah
et hl'IW.a'll I'rlllevHlt'ltllil lllf llellll.
The niaiiillata are prt'pniini; for n
Urnlnl lillliMa'lle mill elllerl'lllltllellt
the Inat of April, the event to colillli-
tteovcr tivo tlnya lite -7-'. A api'llk-
r la to la hen In the llilcreala of
the paiiy nml a ronalnu time will la
Iiml II alltlhiclit llllnla cull la' ralael
tocarry the niiitler tltrotii;h.
The Ural ii it 1 1 it 'i I mccthiK of I In
Aniiilciir Athlelli: chili will lie heltl
lit the llaaoiiilllotl'll hnllilllitf on
Motliliiy. April 4. Kluiloll of olllt era
for Illl'Cliatlllitf yenr Will III' llelil Illlll
Inialneaa of lliiltil hnpurtiilit'f la to
nine la'fnre the iiieiiila'ra. It la ile-
alnil thai ii law iiltenihinie la'
The new ilmp curtain which will
la llacil oil (he alnp' 111 Ihe Athletlc
lllh, mrlveil the llrat of the week
anil la liinn pal Inlo iilii.r. Tin
'tin it tti la iiii Immi'itm' nflnlr itml
very ttretlH.v iha'oraltHl. .Itnltfe M.
Ilrlllk la the an hltect who tlrew
Ihe tlealifit which hna rccclvt'tl much
Tile hnily of Hiram I'ltliner, w ho
wna ii Valient of rrlnt'vHIc mitll A
ihorl lliiic nun wna InliTnil In the
(hhl I'Vllowa ei'liietery nt The llallea
hial Tncatlay. Mr. I'nlnicr illetl
ahoiif one week nuo nt Ihe up' of s!
yeara. 1-ive chlliireii aiinive til tit .
They lire A. t'.. Win. I.. II. jNiml
.Mra. ('. A. Iliiii'lolplt, of I'm 1 1, mil,
mitl Mm. ('. K, lry, of licnver, Colo.
HI. I'ntiii k'a hall at the Ajhlctlc
-In It hrotiuht out italic u hit'to' iinin-
la'rolilancera who heltl awny In the
hall room nut!) it laic limn' lnxt
Thiiratluy ulht. Atnnit .V) llckcta
were atihl. nml Die eveul wna the
hircrtiiiner of wverul olhcra which
Hill la Klvell tlniiiiK Ihe aplinit
inonlha. It ii 1 1 1 1 r haa It thai n I'ullco
hull will Moon la' Ifivetl when It la ex
lavtinl thai overalla nml mother
hulihiirtla will la' much In I'vltlcnci'.
(Irant Maya retitrni'tl yealcnlay
fi'oiu reitilletoti where he uttentleil
Iheaale of the ('. II. Waile tllorcliKh
hretl cuttle. Mr. Maya anya It wna
lite laal anle of cat tic ever hclil hi the
norUnveat. The entliv Itertl of-Ml
heml aohl nt mi nvcrnirf of IlIHI. One
hull hroiiKht f HKKI. Mr. Maya went
to IViiilletoii Willi the liitcnllotr of
huyhiir. aome of the cattle, lint he
'onaltlereirthe prleeM too Itlich, hence
Htl not make any puri'linac, liulfea
Haililler Hiulllt chilma the tHailuc-
tloti of tin I tiu" mnik' the aiualleal
aiiilille ami pnlr of ahapa which have
ever liii'll liullt III I'lilievllle. Ilolh
ntv on cxhlliiiloti In the window of
hla aathlle almp. The tree hi the
aaihllt' lllenatirera nlHiiit aeven lllchea
ItileiiK'th ami the Hiiihllc from one
enil to Ihe other la II Inchca Ioiik.
lite ahapa woiilil tit n very orilliiary
alictl iloll nml pivaeut n hiH'oliilii
aiia'nrnnco. The leira of them an'
111 Ilichea In leiliilll with llll the
iiti-eaanry liimiiilui;ti.
lite illaapiH'nriince of ,1. r. Conn al
Hllver Lake aonie two win-ka alio
atlll rciiialiia n niyatery. The hluh
water In the creek pit'vcuta n
thoroiiKli aemrli In the hctl of Ihe
alivuni wheri'il latlitinuht Mr. Comra
hnily will eveiitllnlly lie foiinil.
There la Mule tlonlil nun' In lilafiicuila
inlnila that the mlaaliiK man cointnU
Ictlaulchle nml tluiUhla hotly wna
waalicil ilown Hllver ci-eck. ,An In
veallKiilloii of the nieiv'iimit'a hooka
Inat week ahoweil hla Inialneaa to lie
In the la'at poaallile ahnK'.
ThcColiiniliiit Siiiitherii Iri'lKatlon
('onipmiy hna inaile n cliuiiiiii In the
anleaniti'itl for Hh m'mvifiiteil hinila
iintler the Tiinicllo tlllch, II. S, I'ook
aitfctvitllitf I'otUT A (intpln. ,1. .
Cook, hrother of II. C. niTlveil thla
wta'k In take chni'KV of the work al
thlaenil of -the line, though C. 1'.
Iltvkcr la not lllapluceil In the flehl.
The Cutika pi'opoHe to innke an ac
tive ayateuintlc caui)nlj;ii for the
at'ttlcnii'iit of tin- I'nliiinliiii Sntiiherii
hinila. A niiinlH'r of fniulllea from
the lnklnin country will lie Itrouniit
over to theae luiitla, purtly for the
purpoae of tcnchlni; how 'to linnille
Iri'ill'lileil lamia to la'at lltUuutuiiv.
Thla laexavtctl to W of Rivnt nhl In
ItettltlK the new Metlllllellt In llour-lalllllKcoIltllthili,
I.iiiiIhii lliiriiuril, wliofoi'iiieiiylh'eil
III li'hievHIi', Wna plckeil up oil the
Mlrifia ol I'oiilanil nahoii. lime nun
by one of the ollhera of I'roltrllvc
aaaiaialloii. Hhe wna Inter Inken to
ihe Inaiiue noun ami inljiuluvil In
aaiie nnil will If Inken lo Hiil.-m.
I'. A. Ilray, a coiilruelor of Hnlctn,
hna clnat'il a colli rnct with .IihIki'
I'.litt-'a for lliecoiiairiiiiloii nl a nlone
ami Itiit'k atiiool liiil.ln A rcpiv
aeiilallvt' of I he com met Inn linn will
la' here I he llrat of next week In h.'-
Kiu Inii'iihiK hrlck fur the
Aiiioiik Ihe cultli'iiii'li who lime
llnlahi'il li't'illnii their henla nml lime
cil litem mi, the raime arc W. I',
Kllloll ami Henry Critin ol ihe licln,-
I'O Mcrlhili. They lefl Hllinhty Willi
their rt'B't'iln' lunula, each iiuiahi'i-.
ht aliniit i'lii heuil, for Ihe Itoi-rt'
I It'll veil rn litft-, whl'l-e the Illlll.. will
lie I llllll'll Innac lo rtialle (or t Ill-Ill-aelvca
Ihriniuli Ihe coiiilnu ai'itaoii.
The new Kiuaa la aulil In lie liltilau
ully ttooil for I lila tlmn of ihe yenr.
ami iicniiy all caltli'iiien either liuvi'
tiirueil Iht'lr atia k mil or liileml tln
llltf mi III I llf llcxl lew .In I a.
If the illffi'ivnt pinna of the varloiia
relluhuia oi'uaukuthiiiM In IIiIm city
iiiittciiiillzc, Prliici Hh- will hi the vert'
near fnliiiv lai'inne a i lly of churiii
ea. The HnpllalM linle neiiliy nil Ih '
fiiuila rnlai'tl lorn new church Inillil-
lllk' ntl.l III.' It I In t 111 II ilellollllliatloa
haa rit'iivcil a alimie iloualloii ol
"iiai for n new eilliice. The 1'ivah.v
lerluu church la alreatly ituilcr cntirai'
of Cllliall'lll'lloll mill W hen colllpleleil
will muke a total of live church
atritcllirea In Ihe city. The Culoii
church la Ih Iherof three of the
leiiomlllullnua, the llapllala, Chrlat
hum anil livaltvlerhina nil iillii ieil
Ihelr orun aim ih tita llrat la thai
I.nat Vi'ilni.aihiy to Ihe wife oUoe
Wlt'ifiiliil. ol Culver a itlrl. The 111 lie
one la h reeoril lu'enk-'r for wekvltl.
VM'lltlilllff lit III" llll Ilia '..'.. 1 1. .Ii
Into ihla wnrlil )tiai n m. nml ami u
half ami while ilimliitiilvi' la pi'i'dti
l.v heallhy. ami hna a rnlct which Im
anltl to la' lite hlsijMt thing iilioiit It.
Ill thla city to 11 wife ol
H.vilc KHiilcr, a itlrl.
Trip Around the WoilJ.
A run' iippurtillilly In vlalt the
Hoiitlilatnl, livlaml, llerniniiy, .la
pun nii.1 rel urn to America. On iiica
iln.v eveiihn;, .Muhil 211. All toliiiala
liuvi nt llic lii'itlnl I til, n ih'iuti.M.
I.. Chimin ul 7::m I'. .M.
Itniiuil I lip
tlckelM :
ccnia. Iiiclutllnu liiii. h nl
nil Mlattmia.
Tlcki'tM mi wile at
To Buy An Autoinobille.
C. II. Vcuttlly tnok lilt) departure
.vealcrduy niurnlnit via Cnnvon for
I'oiilanil to la' ahaiuit Miune twn
wis'ka or imire. Mr. Via-Ktly Inforni
etl the i'liniK IIitiiIiI fie wna uolnit
tin Ittlalueaa t'lilillirteil with Ilia hurtl-
wnn'Mtoivhnl II tain thlnK wna
to Innk nfler Ihe piirchnai' nt mi
llltloinobllc fur the I'K'lll C'llllliauv
recent ly nrnnulicil hen'.
The iiini'a-llernlil did nut Iciirtt
(lie kind of tuuchlue they coiiteiu
platii buyhiit, hut uml. 'ratitn. la nuly
nne will he Iniiinht at preacul
uml that one wpiTlnlly adapted to
the roaila nml niuiinlnliioiiM coiiiurv
lliroiiKh which It will be inn'riilcd.
Mr. Via'Ktly mild he would ride buck
In lliii'iia In the nutniiiiiblle If the
ruiltla wnllhl pi'l'lllll. Illil'lta Tlmca-
Cuttlt Sill For Good Prict.
K. Stewart, nt Hiiytllle, was In the
Ity Mniiilny, on liualiieaa. lie
rivettlly returned front a trip to
Shunlko when' he ilrnve urn car
li.iiila nf Ini'l cuttle, from which phice
they weiv alilpH'd to l'oitlnnil.
Theae entile were aome thnt wttpc
tin! fit! fin mull to turn off for beef
last full, ao he put (hein up nnil ted
litem alfalfa liny iluiitut the winter.
While (he bund nverniretl him ubnul
mi a'i-hmtl, Ihcy ilhl nut net him
aa much iih one would aupiiae. lie
fed them cunlhlllollaly allli'c Inst full,
uml the hitch prlii' liny wua held nt
ilmiiiu' Hie whiter, rentier the trnna
itctliui not the moat pmlltiible. At
tllla ai'itaiin ol llic yenr, lirlllle lai'f
ciltli'iirealwayaln ilemuuil, nml If
a la-rmiu cnii fivtl nenr a rnllrninl
pulnl when hay la cheiia'r tit price.
there la ii prullt to he niiule In feeil-
tnur cn tile. I 'liny on (itv ICnuii'.
Socltliat County Convention.
Th SiK'lallat C.iuiitj' ("uuventlnii
fitrt'rouk (ounly, (Ireuuii, la hereby
ciilletl tn nuvt nt the circuit Court
mum nt liiiicvllle, Oivunn, nn
Wcdiu-ailny. April :Tth. at 1(1 A. M
fur the purpoae of iiomliiitllnjt enntll-
diiti-Hfitrnll tin' enmity olllcea to be
tilled nt the next Kcnerul I'lccllon.
nnd fur (he Iriinanctlun nf ancli nther
Inialneaa us may mine lainre mild
ctinventlnn. The conveiillun will
eniialat nf nne tleleitnte at lnrire fmai
each haul and one ml. IHI, .mil dele
mite fur every three :i) iiK'iiila'in. nr
mnjiir friuilnn Ihcii'nf.liiKiiotlMtunil
ln at the time of elcelliut aulil dele
liat'. No proxies will hp entertnlneil
The l.ta'illa nif nipieatetl tn elect
anhl ilelt'irntca not Inter tlmn April
111. 1!U.
Untie by order of the Siainllat
County Cent rid' Commlttce.'.Muivl!
21. 1!"4. Ksnx Hi BTiix,
.1. It. IlKMiAM, Chiiirniun.
Snowfall Ciuiei Lou of Sheep,
'Jiie receiil anowfuH hna reanlteil
111 Meliulta Inaa to lla' few of the
ahi'i'i'iiit'ii who lire now euiinjfcil In
luilllilllK Willi Ihelr II.H'ka. I'.n'l nn
nlely, hut lew olthi'm ureiiiiwennujf
eil In Ihla pl'oceaa mil la-fur.' IiiIiiIiIiik
laoluea neliel'lll II la to H' h'.p,ii
thai Hie weather will have luo'ler-
lltetl. Ill fllli, II lila line la pl-olulaeil,
jtiilRlun from the weather oullo'.k,
nnil If I Ilia occiira the -r cent of
hiiuliaaiiveil, Inken aa a whole, may
he nliove the, a venire.
Auitinn the protitliti'iit alicphii'ii,
uilohuve lieeli lltjtirt'tl li.V the Imi
(lurry of allow la T, II. Lllfollell. who
ri'purla aerlolla illllliaue llolie to hla
lloek'ol new Iiimpa. Keveral of the
other aheepuiall, w ho ret i nlly utov-
I Ihelr lillllila mil., the ileacrt for
the lumlilim perlotl, ure on ih.- nu
liiua ai-at owiun to the rati that ili.-ii-altei'p
have lai'li fell iliirllw tile tilt he
whiter, nml the move wiim imi.le on
nciotiiilofii ahortnne nf hay ji ml
lhelioH' that aprltttf Int. ul Inal
llo'.V 'Ver. til riMllU ol IhiiiI.Iiik In
till r.iiiii v can nut Imi net curalely
eal!ui,.li tl fur al lelltt Iwo weeka.
hill If l.illih'ltn C' iiiim llelir to the
ne::et'iil esiH-lit'lolia. the otitaiile
inn rk"l for wool uml the priunlacil
hcuvy clli In thla coliul.v nlvea the
t'liaiiiun yenr mi air of proaa'iiiy fur
Die haul alfepiueti.
A "Lost" Hiniiter.
Thla la a alnry nholll one of Ihe
liiltevile inliilatera. You ilon't
waiitluaay anytliliin aliulil It la,
ctlllae he willila to keen If lla inilii ua
poaallile. nml Unit la a very iroa'i-
way In tin.
It waa only a ahort Hun- airo thai
llic inialater Willi n party of acveral
ulhera weal nut nil Ihe ileaert Irolu
llcachiilca on ii htllitfiurtlitl. Ilitlinu
Ihcimurac of the tlay he wiinili-rt-il
till hy hliuaelr In an effnrl to liuj.'
anine liin niime, alltl iim nlnht cntue
ill III hi 111 eontllitleil In wiiii.Iit.
Culiip wna nil In r illlllrlllt to lltnl.
Kvi'leucc later ahow.'.l Ihut he hat
wulk'-il aeverul thiiea art tilli'i ii circle. '
Ahnlil II o'cha-k Iwo iif Ihe pnrty I
alurlctl inn lo Iiml liliii ami at I n I - I
vula pluceil their lunula to ilitiri
iiiuiilhauii'lcallei Iouk anil totally fur
the luat one. ' I
.NuW the lllllllater ua It ltllla-lleil
waa very eloae to the camp lit t ho j
llinc (he aeiirehluir parly atarted. ill :
a atnhlell he hcartl In front of hint the
howl of two co.Vuti'a. The lllllllater
Iiml lieurtl nf lite fenaimia aiiiuiiila'
mill he luat no trim in luruiuu; hack i
nnil triivellui; fitMt In the ilimiioni
from w hich ti" Iiml jiial come. The ',
l-o.volea lltiwieil lli;uln: The mllliHtcr
iplli kcneil hla piu'e lllllll he llll I nunc
II mile. Then he atupiaal ami llaten- 1
ill. Thla time the huwi waa f.-ttnl I
autl-waa lolloweil by Iworllle ahnta.
At tiral the lllllllater tllulinllt Hie
co.vutea linn iiipruuciieii the cuiii
mill hail Itivii kllletl. Then he iltvli- I
ill null Hie nowl aniiiuletl more as Ifj
It liutl ciuiimitetl front a two Icn'il
co.vutc uml alioiii the time he hittl
tllltrollRllly convilleeil hilllach ul Ihla;
luct he heiird anniii a rifle ivpmi and j
n Iouk draw n yell. The minister. I
nearly kmv ili-p In the anow, k li ke. I
hiniacirfor laitti;' atlch a gnosf uml
li'tliun Ilia iinanlmitioii run uwity.
Then hcaiiirti'd buck iiL-aiu.
At 11 o'cha-k they fiutnd lilm. Kx
cllBca were 1 1 It'll t i f II I. He liutl laa-n
trnllliu,' a deer, two or three hiiffa
ha'a. acveral rhluia'ernaea, hall a tlttz-
J'll kunnaruoa, twn euyutea. iitttl
lllinaelf. I he excuaea were well tuk-
The lllllllater wua token to
camp, wrapiaal In n lilankct. nml
put to tail to tlrenui of hla huiii ami
I he wtiliili'i'liil iranie w hlch he said lie
had accn.
Notice to Voters.
Xnw la Ihe time to rciiiatev. You
Imve only until 3 o'cha-k p. in. May
l.'tto rt'iiiater. and It la Imia'rutlv'e
tlml rt''latt'iitlun la nccumiilialicd n
aai'tlll.v na poaallile. He aim' nml
have your l.a'iillmi, lot anil lihak,
or iiumlH't- of mom when in hotel.
or aectlon, townahlp nml rnuire,
when out of town. Thla la toliuill
tale ri'itiatruthin and will la' n time
aaver lur the eltrtnr na well aa the
Ciniiily Clerk ami all precinct otlicers.
iiila rcftiat ru Hon la for two yenrs
antl covers the coltiUie; preaitlcntiut
election, lteuienila'r mid lirinji with
you your liHiitlou iih the clerk w ill
not Im ve time tu luuk up the pints
ami nvortla lis there will lat aeverul
liuatlri'd votera tn rcniaterin the
next two months. J.J. Smith,
County Clerk.
Democratic County Convention.
The DeniiH'ratlcCuiinty (,'nuveiitloii
of Crook Ctutnty, Oivunn, Is hereby
rolled to meet nt the Circuit Court
room tit I'lilievllle, Oregon, on Snt
urtlny, April II. lmU. ut 11 u'cltK-k, a.
fur Ihe piii'pnse ol nnuilnntinit
cnuilltlates for all the Coiiutv olllces
to Ih' 'tilled lit the next Keliernl elfc
tinn; tu elect fiilir'dt'leji'ntea tu the
HellliaTiltlcStiile.CniiKresaliiiiiil. mid
IHstiirt Cnnvcntinna. nnd fur the
trutlsactinll of ailch other htialncaa aa
may contl' laiiire anhl Conveiitluu.
The Conveiitinn will cunalat ufiai
Ih'li'mitea whlcii have laiui nppur
tlnneil amom; the acveral votlnir
pnvhitia ua follows:
Aahwooil IMIttwiinl 2
llcnrcm'k IivIhihI
Heaver 2 .Itilinaun envk .. 2
Ik'iul Kutcher 2
lllncklliille 4 Manry i
lliwae 1 MeKiiy..; :
Cniiipcnrk 2: M 111 creek 2
( iierry cni'k liMiinlirnliicry 2
Croaa Keya 2 Newsnni :
Hnnliu 2 I'lilievllle
Hnyci-eek 2 Summit 2
Huyalui'k 4, Willow creek 2
Total HI
The mime belna; one Ucit'ijate at
law for each precinct ami one for
every l.'i votes nnd fraction of M or
over cast In lrj fur Hun. (leurnv K.
(iimiilM'iinlu fur (iuveruur.
The Cent nil ( 'oinmlt tee nvi iinmenil
etl that the riiinnrlea lie lititt In the
several pmincta ut the voting pluce
therein on Salttrday, March 2ii, 1II4,
at II n. in. .
Dune by order of the DeiiiiaTtitlc
Couuly Central Coitiiulttee, March
5. HUM. h. N. I.HIIIKTT,
M. It. Illiii:, Chiiirniun.
Cuimtf Conventioa
Thi' lii'inilillriiii County Cnii
veitlloii for Crook Couuly will he
liel'l ul I'lilievllle Ori'noii, April II,
lim. nt III ii'iiia k A. M. nml ilclc
I (.rnO a hnve ia't'll ittpuiilonei one lit
luri;' fni eiitii iini'hiii ami one , tide-1
Uiite fur each 15 votca ami iiiiijori
IriK iluii I lii'i't'ul aa ciiMt at tlte hint I
Kcll nil eliii loii fur the Ifon. II. H.I
f len.t fur Hupi'i'ine JiuIki'.
11 im l-ci'uluili.-liilci! tlutt tlte n.
iiiaiiea he hclil March llll. l:ai nt Mm
I'. ,M. ami Uml all prnjtli-a alliill la
ri'Hl'h'iiia or volt ra of the prei lnt t
for rt hli'h liiey hul'l atiiii proxiea.
T:ie itip;irlloiiint'ul of ilt-li-nalea la
na fullowa:
Willow Cr.vk L'Siiniuiil 1
I'lilii ville pi "Waolti 2
Munluuuii-rv 2 Mill Creek l2
MeKiiy 4 Miinry 1
Klltrliei' 'I I.. 1. I'-.... I, 'I
llii'tli'l a.llnwaril ".. '
ll.'i.iaia. k II lliiycrei-k 4
llal'lln I'roaa Keya 2
I iierry I ita'k '.'I'lilitli Cct'i-k
lina-Mc :i iihick Kiit u- :i
li'-inl 2 lli-iiver -1
Ik'lir Cn-ek I Aahwooil i
I otaf ilelt-nntea Im.
J l.v onler of llcpiilillcan Cuuiity
iVntral Cuinuiltlu' forCrook County.
Miiile Keltrtiary 27, lmn,
W. A. ISixi,, Chnlriiiiin.
h-tarro Iine
JOHN' lil'NHAKKIt, Prop.
Uiivea Prineville on Monil.iya,
VnlntMliiy anil Friilaya, arriving
nt .Miti'lirli Ihe itiiiue ilny.
J-eavw .Milcliell on Tiiefilayn,
Tliuraiinys nml Satitriliivs.
John Tciiijilcton, Aent.
Meat Market
Miller I Crooks, Props.
Nunc hut Healthy Animal
Killed, Which Insures Good
Wholesome Meats.
Our MotiO"
"tiulc Seles
and Smalt
With jiooil roiuh) almot in eiglit and you, peihapf, lookini! for
ti liglit wngon, built with ttyle and or comfort.
It tii'hoovin us to remind you again, that tltia "tore make
Ijrciit cliiinm for its Vehicle
Farm Wagonn with either box or rack bed, regular, half track
and luilf truck scars,
Light Concord Wagons, platform spring wagoni, with canopy
or exh ntion to),
Heavy Mountain Hacks, with or witout tops,
liupejefi, with pole or haftf,J lignt or heavy. Some are made
cacially for livery trade, others for stockmen,
And at, in and lttween prices to suit all person.
Wines, Liquors, Domestic
and1 Imported Cigars.
B. Proprietor of thel Frineville Soda -works.
Powell &
Tiie undersigned hefts to announce that he has nought out
the interes of Fred V. Wilson in the stock of merchandise
of Simpson & lJihon, nnd that as soon as the weather
permits will he at home with the largest and best selected
Stock Of 0ry Soodi, furmistixft, Jiiots, and all other
kinds of Wfnclmniliit that have ever been brought to
Thanking the patrons of the old linn, and inviting the
same kindness for the new firm.
X. ?. Simpson, Prtntrilh, Ortyta.
Remember M Old Reliable,
Tiio "Old. Eiiclr Store."
We WW Give a Pair of Shoes ABSO
LUTELY FREE to any Person Who
is Now Barefooted.
WE Have Just Received a Large Line of the Famous
C. liOTZIAN SHOKS, and these added to Our Already
Large Stock make us the .FINEST and' LARGEST Assort
ment of Shoes ever shown in Prineville.
Visitors to OUR SI ORE are not asked to Purchase but
we are confident that if you inspect OUR LINE and learn
OUR PRICES,. You will become OUR CUSTOMER. We
are ottering some special values in our lines of F. MEY'ERS
line shoes and Washington HEAVY' Shoes, as we must make
shelf room for our new stock. -
We Have More Than 100 Different
Styles to Select From.
Our Motto
'OulckSalom mm Small