Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 28, 1904, Image 4

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    EJ Xotal and VftsceUaneous jfds
KJ All Advertising under tills head Irlotly live Mils lr line.
. . .!
Granite, jiorcelain and tmnre ai
Wurcweiler 4 Thomson's.
Jir screen duora, pawl doors ml
windows go to A. H. !.ipman Co-
eieaouiKtl rustic ami flooring can I
found only at A. It. l.ipimian 4 Co.
Go to Wunweiler 4 Thomson's lor
guns, ammunition and steel trajta.
I buy prime coyote hiJi, paying
(Kit oah. C. A. Salo
mon, Johnson A Co.
Smith 4 deck havt the famous
Olympia Bottled Beer for sale at 45
cent per bottle.
Ail kinds of the latest McCall dress
and cloak patterns can lie had at Mil.
Ed. Bradfoid'i Millinery Tarlora.
Photographs are worthy of the name
when they are good likenesses and
nothing else. Mrs. wiigand has them.
The famous Marshall Wells hand
made ai at Wunweiler 4 Thomson's.
A. H. Lippman 4 Co. sells best
Linseed Oil for 90 centa per gallon.
Pioneer while led nine cents per
Smith 4 Cleek now have the famous
Olympia draught beer for sale, at 5
cents a glass. That's the place to get
a good beverage cheap.
A complete line of camp stoves,
tents and wagon sheets at wuro iler 4
Parties knowiug themselves indebt
ed to nie will please call and settle
their account immediately.
O. A. 8TKVESS, Sisters, Oregon, j
Wunweiler 4 Thomson carry a
coirplete line of contractor Mid car
penter's tools.
Wunweiler 4 Thomson's hand
loaded ahot gun shells are unexcelled.
Ordinary photos can be had at any
place, but good photos, the results ol
good work, good material and at good
reasonable prices can be had at Mrs.
. Wiegands gallery.
Salomon, Johnson 4 Co. ha.e just
the shoe for men for winter wear. It
ia high top rubber shoe with a
leather sole, guaranteed wet proof.
J. F. Morris, the ruercnant, baa a
12000 line of men's and boys furnish
ings, which he will close out below j
cost. You can find some genuine
bargains at his store.
ft. H. Young has purchased the
hUckamith ahOD formerly owned by
.-1 a n . . a :. , Ar,
, , ,
,anre-Mioeingaiiu gt-urri rrmu win
of all kinds at the lowest prises. Quick
and satisfactory service in all lines of
baekamith work guaranteed.
J. W. Kitter, of McKay, has a
choice lot of cut shingles at his Mc
Kay Creek mill, which he will sell for
It per thousand on the ground,
Lumber $lO Per M.
After January 1, 1904, we will
iell lumber at our mill on the
Othoco for $10 per M.
Hawkins Broh.
160 acres of fine alfalfa land under ir
rigation ditch together with one-
eighth inttreht in ditch. Also 1WI
torus of bottom land, 80 acres under
cultivation, all fenced, six room house,
barn and ou t bu i Id ings. Will sel 1
both properties at a bargain price.
Addrws. The Joiesal.
est Reserve Land Bo rip for sale in
large and small tract at lowest rates
Apply to 01 write to Palmer Bros.,
417-418 Oregonian Building. Port
land, Oregon.
Benefit Entertainment.
An entertainment, the proeeeds o
which will be used in repairing the old
Prineville cemetery fence, will I
givtui by Warren Glaze, assisted by
fcis pupils and local talent, on Frid.iy
evening Feb. 5. The program pro
mines to be an entertaining one and ti
gwd audience should lie present. The
committee in charge in comoed of
Arthur tiodges, Mark Powell and
Win. Drajter.
For Sals.
Three head of y(nnj( ataliion (one
4 yre. rdd.) Alt are well bred trotting
tUKk, One a gisndaon ff Htin furti'
Electioneer. The other are line
Crow ou sire side, dames Hredeicenditl i On Ayer' Pill at bedtime tnaures
fmm Uhinnle'i HaiAhlrtotiian. Al.l" natural-action neat morning.
2 good driving teams. There are 17
head in all. Will tell at low price a
I am going nut of the business. For
further information, address,
0. 8. Boabdiun, Mitchell, Oreg
Notice is hereby given that we have
purchased the camp and equipments
of C. A. Patterson at Lookout moun
tain and are now prepared to do as
sessment work on mining claim in
that district either Mere or alter ' I
i i !..,. i..iri., ....-. I
.IJtllUlli; .. t"M V..-....
ment work done leave word at Twnple
ton's drug store with J. F. Spinning.
Oaiiy 4 Ckaiitkkk.
With ft
All umbrella, black silk.
white ivorv handle, MomulV.
Jan. 4th. Finder please leave at 1 action of any other business. Suvrmt, u
The Journal office ami receive rt-1 h-ndem s. t itanrum will U- present with
KvllrMrrlrM'rl)r l'r Salr
C. A. Vhit?elt has a tour room
house with ovithuildinirs Ami two
lots, which he will fnI at a Kr
:un. N-e imu t Niiomun, jonn-
son K o.'s aton.
Notict to Creditors,
Notice ia hereby given that the im
derfismnt having (HU1 one-haif iutor
et in his li buinosw in tins
city tt L. E. Allinglmm, nil cretlitnrs
of the old firm rv requested to call
and settle at their earliest wiiTenienpe.
Bill payable to me at the shop in
this city. J. H. Wmi.K.
Pr'meville, Oregon, January 12, l!HH.
Xittice is hereby given that I have
sold my entire business inlore.'-t in
the Crwk County Journal to I). F.
Stella. The obligatians of the Journ
al Publishing Co. will be n.-pumed by
him, and alt accounts due s.tid com
jny will be collected by the new
W. C. Bf.AK.
For Sju.
UK) acres 3 mil emtt of Prineville,
15o of wliich ia plow land, 30 under
cultivation. Comfortable 4 room
house, well water, out building!) and
barn. An ideal grain ranch. 1000.
A bargain. Address,. The Journal.
Found a Core For Indigestion.
I iim' OiaiutM'rliiinN f?nai-h and IJvt-r
tatdft" for imlijtefttiin and tind that they
suit my ea.e hettr than any dy-jn'iwin
ifiufdy I have ever trird and I have uanl
many diltt-mit n-mwlii. lam
-it yearn of ane, and liave niir.Tel
deal from indict ion 1 c:iu eat almost
anything 1 want to now tin). W. Kmury,
Krk Mills Ata. K.-r a)e by al Inist-U,
Temparance Revivals
As the winter approaches tetniK-r
ance revivals grow in ioptilarity
throughout the land in their annual
efforts to dethrone King Alcohol.
Omtors have argued for agrs ngainst
the drinking habit, but admit that
the Wrongest thing they have tu con
tend will) H the IM ltlTV :md tnnlth
fullieits of PoKTLANO CL B WhIHKKV
fnr sale everywhere.
Mr. John il. I'ullom, Kditorof tht mr-
l.iiid, Texas, twn, haj written a letter ofj
i unmiuiauofi'' m uiv iiiBiiunit iurcru hi
rhaiithcrlainN t 'outfit Remedy a lolnm":
"Siitcen years ago when our tim child ;is
a Itahy f vw nuhjei-t to i'rjnpy upeil- :mil
I we would hr very unca-y lmut liim. W
jim, uvin ( hamlHTlain'nCoinrh lieinedy
in IkkT, and lindiiiK it sm li a reliaide n-in-edy
f'T trfd and err tup, we hare never
lioen without it idine that time. We n.tvr
five rtiildien and tiave given it to nil ol
them with iptiM remiltn. tine pood feature
'if tin remedy b that it ii not diareeahe
to take and our hahicH really like it. An
other in that it it not dirnerouB ami no
riik from gifinumi overdeK1. I eoiiKratu
late you iijwm the sncccft of your remedy'
For pale hy all dniKi-tw.
Doctors first prescribed
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over
60 years ago. They use it
today more than ever. They
rely upon it for colds, coughs,
bronchitis, consumption.
They will cell you how It
heals Inflamed lungs.
I hid rrr bitt outi fnr three tmt.
Thau I mad Aji-r' i licir I'ertfiml. My tun
Iuuki wcimmwU tuultyl sUid luy cuub dtuppMl
JIM. riitu. UIUB, uuiui i i-cnun,
lie., Mr f I W.
i r AVER '.O.
for i
Old Coughs
a ni'nitli
Kit In- mul-
lull).-- hIiu irfii tiiK-si trnm 7)0 to j.V0.
(nx Kavtern inveftor mailt-Uk.'i.oon, in YMtt.
all r wiitf (or mrtiiara. THK VM.
U. tt HITK VK '1- I'iutf St r.trti n-l. (rr.
A PrUlMt in Hr 04 Biiiu.
tt W It tm-ha nflllll &ll Alii t
"'"' itna. ol tout Aiiios ve
Kiiim.. City, Mo,, ha for .rveial yeah, heen
IrotiMetl with wvw hocueno" and etieily.
lime, a li.lixl much. hoi, .he mv "Would I .
Weep me ill door, for days. I wn. piew'
for by pliy.icisuis with no nolieeulili- rvsultM
A fi'iolhl tfaveuio Jiarlol'a Mtt of Cham
Ihm lain'-. rouli Krinody with iti.trnj'tioiH
lo closely follow the directions nnd J ili
to state that arter ttie frt day I eoitlit no
tice a doeided change for the Mter. and at
this time alter usiiiy it tor two weeks. 1
have no in ayiii(l 1 realiie that
" entirely eitml
I'liiN remedy is for
"al' by all ih iitrit'KK
Notice h Iicrchy (jiven that a nieelint: of
the t'hvd; Comity stock limwer's Atown-ia-tion
will le held at the 1'ourt IIoiim in
Priliei ille, .m Tuewlay, January lit. U4. nt
1 o'clock, p. m., for the pui-pce of hllitiK out
Monk aplilieations foruraaiutt privolene. in
the ra.eado Komt lw!m and tin- trshs-
iiiaiiKa. a tun atlelntnnee ol ail ivn.i want
t'i irrate their tm k in the Ca.cade Fote
Ke-erve in neivssarv.-" all Hpuliealini!
lnut he in ly February 10. t!MI.
T. H. l.vKoi.i.inT, Pre;.
W. A. Urt.L. See.
(tolU'. Tract.)
No tiff U he rely vn that in mrsanr
, f iiitr(u tioii! Iron, thr rmuin iwitwr olV
th. iiftir;tl htiiit orti.v. uti-lor ttu'linritv
visiHi in liim ty vlum '.'VsV S, Kivi
nl rutmcs hi ampiuinl by actot t'otiirress
(tlnv.Hi Kitiruary 'Jh, will n.t-
ciit to otter m imu.hc niiio at tin?" utiiie i
th hour uf 10 ocUH-k A. St.. "ti rrnidv
lli,1 fitli day of tVttrimry. HW. liw r-IUw.
na tr;u t ut' (Hint. t.i-il:
MV'i oftlie NK, of Stvtion U, T..wir-
hip i:iNHllll, lianitr );t K-t, WlllttmrUi-
Aiiv iiini :ilt iwrs..n rlaimtnit atlvi-rwly
tlu-aUive tt-tTitiil tract ol land art a.tvt!-
M to tilo tlirir i-lntins tin or ifforv ttie day
slfovi1 tit-nix n Htni for t liv anniiivncfuit'in
ol tht vilo, otlmrft i-- their rti;lils wilt lt
ANN K M. LA Mi, K,vcm
t. S. liim.l Ottitf. The!"-, ttrrp-n
IKtvmU'rHt. l!w;t.
Jas. 8. Kelley,
Highest Grade Work
I'niM.ii' Ghaiiam. Proprietor.
A new lnvthp-oin d?vi4J miwially t"
t!i Hue of Luliett.
tiverythinji tiuto-dat and
fimt cbw.
Deputy Stock Inspectors.
Notice is hereby given tha I have
appointed the following named persons
deputy atck tnspecton:
.J. I. Cart wright. Hay Creek
Jim WotnU, A-hwood
E. S(rks, Sisters.
A. Mrrow, Haystack.
F. M. Smith I'aiiJma.
It t(.'i Knox, Post
J. H. Bogue. Holland.
Alfi MitntiRsh, Hardin
P. YanHi uten, Hay Creek,
t. S. Cowles, Hay Creek
Joe Hinkle,
Stuck Iii8ector Crook County.
Ml I t Confreaa fit.
PottrtAKD. Mum, Oet.17,1001
I eomnlfr Wtoe of ('nlui tapenor
to ma doctor medicine I evtr ued
anil i know wberouf I apeak. I mf
tered for mn raonttu with supprmMtd
nwoatraatioa wtuch cumpletfllv pron
trat ;d m. Pain would Lonl through
mf bayk and noie and I would have
blinding headachft. My limtta would
well u; and I would feel ao weak I
Ciuld not aland up. I naturally felt
discouraged for I nocmed to be beyond
tue hi p of phyairian, but Win of
Cardul came an a Ood-aend to tne. I
felt a cha iKe fnr the better witbin a
wrek. After nineteen day t realm nt
1 mr;ii atruat 'd without uttering tne
fcini J uHuallv did and aoon became
r'K'Jlar and without pain. Wina of
Cardui n Mimply wonderful and 1 with
that all go Bering women knew of lU
good qualiiiea.
Treaaurar, Portland Economic Leagna
Periodica healarhe tell of fe
male weakness. Wine of Cardui
curwt prmaneijt!y nineteen out of
evpry twenty cawn of irrt-Hular
mcrii, IfATiua down pain or
any female weaknew. If you are
disrourafii'd and doctors have
failed, that is the iwt reavm in
toe world you should try Wine of
Cardui now. tViupmber that
hea'lachea niean ffmale weakness.
Secure g li.00 Imttle erf Wine of
Cardui today.
V OtaiGNi
i free
itiT-ii'i(i ia iirt'tiNHf fnu-iii hMp f iinimuliii".
U'rtiiMnftljT.,i,fl.i.,nii. HANDBOOK Mil'ainui
aent Irt-e. OMeat aitfiicf fur n- uiuig Mtetna.
I'nii'nui Ucn tlirouith Munn & (bracelet
rywl auflca, we horn ctmfite, to ua
Scientific American.
A handtrmiory tllnirtnuwl weekly, I-arreet etr
cniatiun of atir !? nil He i'.urtial. T-rcn $3 a
'ir: four nr-iiiba, SL 8om1 liall newadealera.
IKUNN S Co " New York
Jliaocb umoa. m W tU Waahlnai(. 0. C.
Kaliel 14 CrSltdN,
All those kniwliv thfiiiHf IhMnl tu
wnrmnt Booth IWWII Will HBIK IN-
,,,,.,,. , , ,,
iv,i.viiu. Stone uoinnanv'k otllee in llil
wi l ITilli'Viue, uiw,n
I., a. 111 ini.
Notice to Creditors.
In the mailer of the p-nali
of Wn
ill, oei'an'.t :
Notice U hereby Riven by the nn.ter.
stemsl eswutor of the estate o( Vm.t'.
Wills, ,leee!i-eil, to all person hilling
euillli - nsitill - l ine iTOiie oi who un eii-eo.
to evhltnl Ihoill. with the neee.wiry
vouehem, wiilnn six months from
the lirsl loihliealioll of lhi not
said exeeuior ill llie otttee ot M, It. Klllott
at rmievllle, tln'itoii.
tlatisl at t'rmeville, Oreeon. this 10111
lay ol IVTt mlaT, liio;1.
I. .VI. O.VI.011 l..
Kveentor of the estate of Win. t Wills,
iliH'eaMHl. illtf
atallee at ihe AiMliliiuriii l Ad
In thet'omtlv t'mirl oftrc Mlate of llre-
iPai lor t'rook eoiinty.
In the matter of the bstnte
S. P. Dunkd. llereaiasl.
Notii"e is hereltv given that the under-
iiiniit ha Iweii ttu- 2.VM1 day ol eejile
Ut, A. IK tihtt, liinnl Ai'luiti-nirtUorof
the KMateot S. v. IKmiKi'I, diHvaml. nud
ill iK-r-HHei IttvtiiK claim aKnia!l the r
-tatt1 nf thf S. V. lKiikt'l kre tiervhy
iinrrtl ait'i titil to nrfwut thf miiw
to me at mv re-ule-tui nt litHvhuti,1
t'nmk cuimiv, Orvon, nr to teo. W,
Hiinien, Ht Ins ottlte in rniH'viMc, t nmV
iMunly, On'Kon, within nix mutitlm trom
tlu Untpof ihit notitv.
Aiel ail ii'rxonit imiyg the raid K, V.
IViiikel rf iH-ieliy noiitiint tu nmku itmni1 jmyttujit lo me.
rrtm'viili t'nKik euuuty, ttreifun, S-'tv-
H. W. IK.nkt-I
AdmintHlratorofthe Kstatr ol B. 1', (Kill
ket, tlwM'tld.
In Iht Cln-uit Court for Cnwlt County,
Sute of Oit'K'n:
Tho. Haiutu itrtwlnx Co.. plaintiir 1
Aujfii't IVttTSitn, di'ffiidant. )
To Aui,ti(i tYtfrfetn, tlu atktve natmsl
In the Ntiineofthi" State of Oron. you
an-htrvtiy nxiiintt to ni)var and aiti'wtT
the eompluint liltt) HHinut you In the
jiUivf tiititliH itnirt and vatife n fr iH-fon-thf
ltvt dav wi th timf im-mTilH-d in tin1 or
Iff lor ptihlieatioii, inadf herein, to-it
Jamwrv 'ith !Wt, and it you tail to o an
wrr, tr Wiint thfrt'ol, the daiutii1' will
take judgment ttaiaM you UIhiii a prtimi!
m.rv not- iiiti'ie, t xwuted and dtdiveml lo
hlttititiH on thf'ith dv of Novfiutfr, t.OJ
ttln n in you pn"iiiiwt, on or liH'ore the In
'day t JiiMiary. liSfl. to miv to dM)ii(itl
! )itty I Khan with uiterffl tliercvn at tut
i rale of pii mr t'cnt Kr anniini Irom dan
nittil imut ;Um. IWrtltv rue atil ti'V
lill;ir, hatiiiiet' dut for ifiwNK Wnrei and
and invrtlmiidifH' mdd by one tit unit
Itloi'ker to vou and hteh Mid aeeomit wiv
ourt-tiiLel i.y plailititt froiii the said Wil HioekiT who l- n. the owner thertstf.
The ti'ial amount of mid n .te and nro'tint
if One Hintdretl and Five and iVl) Udiar-
witlt iiitere.t at sis )n-r enit ht iiiiiiiiiii
UlN.ii Fifty lHdlartt llivrc'f troin the tilti day
of NvtiiilHT, lltri. tor which itut iianutl
Mini iudiiim-nt will lw taken ai;nilit V"U-
This ituiiiiiiou.1 i s(-rvetl u iti vu 'y or
der of the II..H.M, U. Ilii!, foumv Judne
if t'rtok t nuitv, iluttil the llth dav of !'
eemlifr. Mi. and I tie dale nftlir lir-t ptihlU
cation tl IiM--ftUHT li, VM4, and the d'Hc i
the laH mllieatin will exire on the ;Nl
day of January, V,i,
.117 Attorm-y hr itaintiil'.
IAn ihrKM AT The Itallm, (Ihkoov.
lM-.-mlK-r If. l!.'t.
Nilice ft fherehy ivrii that the ML-wiiii.
tumeii nettler tl:t tllwl iinltce t hi" Itilrtiti"!
t i make tinil m"( in itiiiMrt M hit rltiiin
ami ttiitt Miiil riMif will ! m;nle Morv W
A. Hell, V.&. t'omim ii.iMT, at I'mu-ville, on M m-lay. Ffltriiarv 1. HM. vii
tiKOKtiK W. (tlHStiN,
ofhmt. tm-jron, vii: H. K. u. l"4:M for
the NSSW4 N K K ' ami r-H
NKStf. 7. Ti. 17 H.. lUr.flt riat, W . 31.
liv the folium intf wilnefM" t
prove hin continuous rvidciice m m in mill
'-iiltivutnm ol am Mini, tu: mk
Hooton, Williiliu A. hth, nf I'rilieVille.
Ort-Kon, Cah h 1'avi V;ilhii'e i'.mt. I'oxt,
Nt)TlCK rOK rt;iU.ICATIt)N.
Kiiud 'MHlc at The Dullr, On'uii.
L)-ciiil)er il, WW,
Not ice i" licri'hy Ktvin that the fullnwiuif
tiaiiHtl M-ltlt-r haa riled notlri1 of hl intt-if
ti -ti to make final proof in miMKrt ofhm
i'Ijihii. anil lliut waul iriHi will ih- mane nc
fort- 1. I'. Kea. f'. H. ('oiiiiiiinnii'm'r.
Muilr.w, tln-fton, on Wi-duclay, January,
fi, i:it. vi:
ofHuvtark. ttHT'Cil, II. K. N.i. WW, for
tin- VU NKW. N K V. N VM ' II iitul
NVU SW' 12, f . VI M., ItaiiKF 13 K
Jlc naiiies the following witiU'fH's hi
provi' hiit foiitiiitiuUM rcjil'iicc uon anil
( iiltivutioiiofMiidliia'l. vis: K. M. Iturnctt.
It. II. llariiitl, J. II. Harnett. I. W.
Harnett, ol HuvUrk, Oregon.
MKJHAKl. 1. Nni.AS,
It7 UeKlter.
I..uid Orbce at The Dalle, Onwn,
II.-.vimUt II. ma.
Notice U hetehy irivuii that the followiiur
natneil hettler ha h et notiie jf hut lnt-'iili
to malts final pr h f in anpp rt id liin claim,
anii that naici proof will tie niade U'ture
J.J, himth. County Ueik at rnnuviue, ure-
on, on Weiltienilav, Jiimmrv 21, lH, via
of I'riiK ville.OreKoti. 11. K. No. iI7 for
.NJi NK'Ni-. II. and rxjclimi
K, V. 14 l, ft. Ifth. W .M.
He naiiKu the followiint wilnccHfs U
prove Ink rontiiiuoii-4 remiU-iM-e upon ami
cnltiinli.m f Miii I land, vir.: Daviii Kvaoa,
Arthur rj'-:ir, Jiinu-n W. Klliott, Hirhiinl
Klhott, o rriin'Ville, t)nKoii.
ill7 lleKi"tT.
Lainl nittve at The DJIes, Oreicon.
January IH, HUM.
Notii'e ff herehv ifiven that the tollowiiie
naiiicl iteltlvr Iiuh tiled notice uf hit in-
t. -nt urn to nirtke iinal proof in i
txirt of lii" fluiui, and that wiiil prtHif will
n- mailt lei'irc hi. li. iliK"t I' B. hiiiiiu
ioiiei, at 1' r i n v i 1 1 e , Oregon, or
Kiuinv, Mai(,h 4, 1!, vis:
of tUiiii'M'ta, ( niton, on II. E. No. MM, tor
the S NK'i, S MM, Hee. 10, 1 p. 19 M.
It. 14 K.. W.M.
He nit 1 1 if the following to
prove Ihn eontinuouw rennleiiuc iiihiii ami
Lt i vti)m of iai(l land vis:
AllM-rt 11. He', Waltr O. MUmw
Walter K. IMfneh ami Oacar Coi
tfi'itti, fretroii.
jVjK llegifter.
Not.oe For Publication.
Land Oilier at The Ihille-, Oregon,
-4-tuih-ru. iixa.
Notiec 1- herfhv eivn that ttie fotlowinif
tiHiiiitl neith r ha" riinl notice of It i m in.
t ntioii to iimke tiiml pro-.t in nport of
I-ik i-iiinii, iiihl Hint fliHl proof will Ik- iiiade
tn fore J. .(, hmitii, County ' lerk at 1'rim-.
ville, Oregon, on ThurM.ay, January W,
of Prinevill.-. fin'g'W, on il. K. Nu. Uti7.
h.r the NWw NK'4, S4 NW', ami HWj,
!c.a4 i. H ft. f-ant. w. ai.
He nauieH the following witnenwx to
prove hin ei.ntiiiuotiH n-fui' tiee upon and
cttltivalioti f ruiiri laml vis:
hamuelColliiiM, MuiionTeiupletoil, Joint
M. Klliott, tieorjra Circle, of I'riiieville,
l fregon.
ill 7 Keginter.
Q. Springer,
khikhkk or
Coach and
Carriage Jiforjej
Youiitf otultionn nml nmn-H,
u I so a frw yiMin tfiuuK fur
w i lo.
Haystack Bltwd Stock Kmich.
llttyftitck, Onon
C. K. McDowell, Prop.
Tlionutjilily KiMtovnftil iiml Hi
fttrnistitMl Tltrmi);liiiut.
iuicricau I'lnii, Itntos $1.
1.50 ami mt ila.v.
AtH'tiiitintKlittioiiR nrtt VttsttriHsst'il
in the city. PuimiU' Kihhiis for I
I'omtwrciiil Tmvt'li'rs,
l.oiiK nititf Ti'lt'i'limie Siiliuii
ill I tin l...ll.n
TlmbT Land, Art June 3. tK.
NOTH'B rtR I'lmi.U'ATItlN.
t'tiltwl HI IIP lind imi.f.
The Pnlh'. (rv(on, NtivndMr 11HK1.
Noil''- l hrn-hv ivrti Hint In inipll
wwf with lh imtvlHioit f th m t of
t'otiitn'iM of Jinn" 3. IMS, -nllliVd "An art
for thf Mile t tindwr latitU In I ho ntnU'it
.if t'ullfoniht, Orvaoii. Nr-vmtn. and rt)i
hKt'ii Territory, ' as cxli'tnlt'd to nil thi
I'ohiie iaw Htatos sy t vir aukuni i,
Al.ltKKT tl. I'KTKliHdN,
of KvrrWt, county of Sn.dioml-h. Hrttf of
W:ol)inKlon, Into on M y tt li'st in IhU
olHtv iu twom MatcniVnt So. ImnH, lor I lie
puMia-H-ol the N NKj, HV NK, NK
NW ol Smticn in T. I'.'Hi iitli, 1Uhm
ItlKaM. W. M..
And will ifr phmf to nh-i (hat th
Umlmht U nton vnlnnhlr (r it tiinLr or
ntm than tor iwricultural mra and t" m-t.ltli-h
hi clftim to Mid Inml Mont tin
Ki-lj.-Mti-r and Uti'ivtr ol thin ollii at Tin
lullin, tlrtoii, on Tnwday, tin--'d day of
Krhnmrv, H"M.
lt nnntiti at itn"w"": Adclinr Savidi-,
Sio.ii. V. lUwrll, Kloir tVrrrll Hi
Krm-ft W, iWrle, Kit-hard II, Ha! 1 1, of
Kv. r. lt, Wn htitKtoii,
Anv and nil iH'riHitw rmlmtfiR aiTviri-
Iv ih ttlMtvt-diL'rilMHl Ijindtt ar- tvitiwl
il lo ni uoir fiaini" in urn tinuf on r
U'lori' Mid 2nd dv of rV'.mai y. lHt,
nl.1l MU IIAKI.T. MM, AS.
'limU-r I niiJ. A''t Jun X 1ST.
Notice fur Publication.
I' idled Mlatea ItAlwl Otlirt,
Tlw lUllea, Or., Novrmlirr -(. IWW.
V 1. ll. ..!.. tl.t is. li-s.
with tht- i-ruUUiii nf the art f Cmntvwi il !
Imie :t, S?S, rntill-'d ' An art for the ule of
tindwr Uml" in tli Stti o t'alifornia, ttre-1
iini, N "d. mid Wmiliiitiiloii Trrttiry,"a:
.xteiiditi t-i all I'm- l'u W Ijoim ntntw ny ael ;
.if ni;iint 4. Juiiie It. Ileiith. of
I'tiin vil r inlv "f '"nn-tr, tatc ..f Drriron,
!.:ln mi M.i) ItatiUl in Ihia oilier hu
Hwom t;it.iti.-iil V.. t'.ir 'he pnrrhaae n
the Nr NKi;. NS V,', midHK', SrW
niiH 1 1 -ii -. in f"W!tiii- N.i. II South
i:t.-e N-. 'l r, W. M. and will otlr
.fiK.M" "low til it llli-lUl'l Nllilt I" lllMlf
i i.nuil.h' lor it tlml-rr "f itt"n.' tlxin for ayri-
cidtiind viiri"e ilit'l I" it iMl.-h Id l Ultn
to H.iid f ind h -fnr I. .Smith
C.-.ntv (': rk it 1'iiti-t ill . tip-., on tititur
Uv. the ,'h dav ol frVhrwii , I1"(.
lie n'H- an wiln. Jii: itvroii ('adv.
KhI H'kkMik. harl K.hka'n, I'. It.
'itindKii-r d I'riue.idi', On-ir-'ii.
Any ami nil i it' i m 'ii claiiniliu ndn-r-ly the
alxivr-dfcrilH-d lalida are reipieatnl Ui filf
thfirclaiuw. in thia nttice on or Mora said
-rth dav ol rVLruary. IWt.
da Hegi-ter.
1'nitetl Htatea Lnd Offii
The OiHe", Oregon, Nnvemher HKfil.
A Hurtkiriil con teat atlidavit having Iwcn
tilet in Ihii oltice hy
cintatJint, avainut Immwlead tntry Xn,
ni7i), truMkr March 7. I1WI, lor Lot 2, Wlj
N K 1 1 anil nee. n aim r.--,
k lUi u u T. . Il: a I, If-,(.,, it
hv KnVi K. Il'iiKHi'. cull lei Ue, In which it
alleged that aaid Karl K. Hinea liaa wholly
aUndoned aaid tract; that lit) haa changed
In resilience therefrom lor mom limn alt
timntlm -inn mnkiiiu aaid eillrV: that nil
tract ia not nettled uam and cuilivatwl hy '
aaid party a miuirwl hy law; that aaid i
almlldonnient haa not htvtl ftaitaed hy arr-,
vicex in the I nited .itntea army r
navy tlunilg time ol war or peace; aain
parties are fieretiy nouneti apjiear ,
rexltond and onVr evidmea totirhtug anid .
allrgatioit at Id o'eliN-k A. u. on .laiiuarv 2,
;l. More m. it. tiivga, c. a. ;- i m-i
er, at hia oHice at 1'riiieville, Oregon, land'
that final hearing will h hHl at IU onum
a. N. on January 0 I'.KM, lielcrv the Kegi-U-r;
and )(wiver at the ('idled Htatea land
Ortice ir. ihe DalUrM, Oregon. I
That aaid cotileatant having, In A temper j
amdavjt, tiled Nv. 'I, IlKXt. net forth fact i
which allow that after dua diligence teranal
Her vice of thia notice cannot lie made, it 1"
hetehy ordered and directed that ain'h notice
lie al ven hy due and proer puhlieation.
nl& Register.
Timber land. Act June I, lffifJ.
Culled Hiatea Ijntd Olllcc.
The I)lli-, Oregon, Ncvciulier VI, VMS.
K,,t,-t. I si hir.-ln- iflvi-n ttuil In eoinilt-
;ince with the irovieona ( the net of
CowfreMM of June 3, lh7N, entitled "An net
tor Ihe kh! of tlinher landn In thit atiilen 1
of California. Oregon, Nevndit, and Vafh
ifiglfiu Territory, aa extended to all the1
I'uhll land Htatea hy Hi t of AiiKuat 4.
Irtri, the following named perm.ii have on
May 14, VMKi filed ill this otlh-e their aworn
Htateinenta, to-wit:
of I' 100 Dunont Ave. N., ftlinneaooliM.
mnty of Hennetii", atale of Minneaota,
aworn atatement Nn. IMH, for the pur chaw
of the NWM Hei-Hon Tp. ISlSniltli.
itange 1H Kat, W. M,
of KWl Dupont Ave. N.. M intienp-ili,
Houiity of Henaepin, ftale of Minuewita,
worn htatemeiit N. 1HI!, for the piirehw
of the Heclioii $2, Tp. M tttnith,
Range Hi Kant, W. M.
K AT H Kit I N K Co V K V,
of MiOO Ixipont Ave. North, M i tt nen jw1h,
county of Hennepin, atnteof Minnenota,
aworn hUiteineilt No. iKVi. tor tilt pur"-hiie
of the U'Vi Hii-tion 'JU, Tp. VI Mouth,
Range 10 Kant W. M.
of ICKi Ihipfint Avenue North. M iiineaM,llf,
county of Hennepin, atiit of Mitinccoln
Hwoni Mtatetiieiil No. Rrd. lor the purchime
of the hh'i hetlo ai, Ip. i roll III,
Itnntfe UiKiit, W. M.
llitit tiiey win offer proof lo ahow
Ihe land nought Is more valuable for II"
llmlier or alone Ihan f-T aKrieulliiral pur
to'M. and lo eHliihljxh their rlalma to
.-aid land More the Hegiaterand lte-e(ver
at The Datleti, Oregon, on .Monday, Fel
runry 31, !C4.
They nam aa witlicwn: Ilridget Coveny,
KuCierine Coveny, William I. Coveny,
Ouiiicl K. t'oveiiy", of Miniiean lin, Minn,
i nd T hum as M. O'tmnell and Hcolt Hath
away, ol Trineville, tln-gon.
Any and all xmona clwimlna; adverae
W the iilmve-di'Scrlbeu In imLk are rfiieat
ed to ill" their diilma In thin office on or
la-fore the naid tth day of Fchrtiary, VM.
n38 itvgiter,
S3aanll-o, Oxccoel
General Storage, Forwarding
Kiri'imuif ImiltliiiK lOOxdOO dt't, l.M) fi'H two sltirli In Wuhl.
Special Attention to Wool (.radian and Haling
for luistcrn Shipments.
Ot'iili rK In liliu kxiullli Ciml, Flmir, Ilurln'tl' Wiro, Niiilw, Oini'iit, Lima,
I'iml Oil, I'lttslrr, Sulphur, Wool tint) (iniiii Hm kn iiutl Twlnt',
tlrntit iiml Ki'i'il. Highi'st irii't' puiil fur lliili iiml I'l'lln,
Stock Yards with all the Latest and Boat Facil
ities for Handling Stock.
Asifiitu for Vr,h.iii.ii Mllliiik-1'.', "Wlill Mm' nml ' 1II" l'lil"
1 Murk UumU art of "S. W. V
jfttamtf mi Jam,
J, St. 3)IS3
PltlNKVlU.K, (MtKUoN
H. rr. hici.kxai'
Belknap S d wards
tPhfitctans mmm $rf o,
Odiic- Firnt Ihmr of WitmekV
Urun lori'.
CftlU arwwerrd promptly day or night Of
Hut with lr, V. (iralier. Itealdemw
Corner lat ami Main afreet.
I'itlNKVII.l.K. 0!KliO
W. H. SNOOK, M. D.
rhysiihin uimi snt;i:o
Am iroariil In nnsin r prof,
UlHitHlJll Cit 1 If prilllllitl
. . ... ... ... ... ... . . ...
Maker ot tho (ntlubni.
m i, mm: of
Latent Improved Ladien
Bide and Stride Saddlog. Uitx,
Spurn, Anvora Ohnps Quirts
and Hackamoren. Write for
I'riwvilli1, - Oropm.
Elys Cream Balm
This Remedy In a Specific,
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
ft. dramam, aoot hn, lieu Is, and prntwfa tlio
uiHeaxiMl liieiuorutiA, It rurea tJiitnrrh and
drivmawiiy a ld In tlm Iletid itiieklw
HeHtoriM the Hmntea of Tiito and Huieii.
Ktty to nae. tmtaius no inuri'tia druf-t.
Appllod into the tnwirila and ntiruirlied.
IiirgH Hlze, 50 ecnta at IlrugtflMta or
man i l rial niza, in eenra ny luaii.
ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warrtn St., New YorL,
1 riiiovillc'-Silvor
I'jtiko Sttvuo Tjino
Irtvos frlni'vllli' Mnmlnys, Writ-
niiliiy ml Kiiilu.vs. Knilil unit
ui'iiK'rn v)l.illnl fur biltir l.iilm
iiml wn)' Hints,
I,. A. lliTH, A(;l'llt,
1 'tiucvillo-l turns
Stnyo T.itio
'. (i. COllSICT, l'rpri. tcir
l'iivi s I'riupvilli' fr Unrim Mini-
In-, Wi'iln.-HtliivH nml KritluvH.
I., A. tttHrr it, AkpiiI.
Stuyo Lino
b'nvi l'rinrvilli mi Munilnys,
Wt'iinrail'iys nml Kriilnys, nrriving
nt Miti lii'll tin' 'iiiiii1 ilny.
Ijmivi'k Mitili"ll mi Tumli!),
Tlnirmlnvn nml Sntiinliiys.
Juliii Ti'iiili'tni, Aiii'iit.
(ii'iiiiinn VA(ilCIU) SADDI.KS
Snmll dcli'cli'il Htiu k of llnrnnui,
(luirtH, llililri'th liitn nml Hw.
for your new Fall (jarmenti.
It Is the only proper tnd sat
Isfactory way of buying your
clothes, belnir that "(;())
your selection from the tail
orlng line of
Chicago, Est. 1877
Oood tailors or over a quarter esa tory
You'll find a world of pleas,
ure In wearing the clothes
made by htrauss Bros.,
faultless In style, fit, finish
and materials. They're ao '
much better than the ordi
nary run of clothea, yet
pricea are astonishingly low,
and your perfectly aafe In or
dering, because if garment!
are not satisfactory, you
needn't take them. wB
Saloman, Johnson & Co