Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 28, 1904, Image 3

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Tsachsrs' Examination.
W'insI fur Mull' "I III'' I!"' lllvi'.
Tinwurn, (Iruiille Wine, Mini f nry
crockery ill I lie ilea lllvi'.
J. A. (Imliaiii iiimI .1, 7 III, i,l
Ciders vi i'it' In I lie clly Mniulnt,
I, K. I'nug'ai ana a l'llmniHe
l.i.niiil'Kx vlsiliir tin" flint lit I lie niii'li.
J. II llitrtklna, nl llttwuril, wim n
hnalncaa vlallor in I hi' 1'ily llin hint ul
tlui week.
Mm J (I, Hiniihi'l la cinilinid In li
Imhiiii In dim rlly allli h severe allnck
nl In Kii'l'"'
Our new spiing I""1 nl luyliirlue.
aiituplea juat In. ('nil mill ace llii'iit.
Tin' II lliw,
Win, It.inii'i)' mill wl!ii, nl Humph",
were ree.laleriiil ut llio I'rliieville lintel
almoin)' nl thin wiiik,
Alex Hinilli, I hi' Hialcra uwiuuiater.
mill John Kilivarda with linii'iii'iint
ImHincaa In the city Mmi'luy.
llonry faille whu In the rlly
hU Oi'Iiihiii raunli tlii Iiit nl Urn week
looking after boalncaa matters,
I.w MeCalllater mill P. 0, llirior,
nl Hlalcrs, were transacting tuaiue.s
in tlm oily tin' Hot nl I he week.
C, M. Klkina Kl Riliiiiiiiy fur Purl
Innil wlii'rn Ini will 1 11 1 tlm ni'ii
(w weeks transacting business,
F. II. Wilt la, I lil' iiilitl iiiniiunicni
maker ul The Dulles, hna Iki'D Irnna
acting husi ii' in the fily thin week.
It II. Ciililni'll n' In tlm city tin
hint ul llu' week. Hi' lilt Ttn'whij
lur lii'iiil where lie in engaged in tin
inritt business.
Mayor Wuixweilor relumed Hunilu;
Imm I'orlliiiiil wh ri' ho hna lacn
pn'ii.Iim( llir past It'll iluya nltctuline.
In biulm-as matter,
E. A. I'arki'r, nl Ihn linn ol Wigle
A I'urki'r, thi' Cjiii creek atiu'kniri.
win in tin' city III llrl t'l lli week
Httl'llilillK 111 bliaillesa mailers,
W. V. Ilrown ri'lnrni'il Friilny frnni
I'nrllund where he wii' in niteuilunci
at Ihn livi'nim'k ciiivcnlinn. Hi' h'li
Halunliiy fur hi. ana-k much in Filr.
llmry ' Huiiiii" untl O. (I. (iruy,
Hkaiir liinWr I , pnaaiil Ihrmixli
rrhmilld Tmwl.iV mi llii'ir way i
Silver Luke In ni'iir n wilnee.
(nr seveial limU'r rlaim una,
Mian Cinli' Hiuilh entertained n
parly n( young pimple At her home
Inat Friiliy evening. A dnaen Im).
and girls were entertained willi guinea
l.iltlil rcfroahninni were reived.
Warren (Mitre's la'ticflt entertain
ment will la given Fiiilny evening
Kebiusry 5. An liilcrostlug program
incliuling larca coiiiiily, baa ln'i'i'
arranged, awl It ' ux mh-Ii-iI that a
giaal sited crowd will lw in ntUnuliiiice
Tin- procecila will I lined In iemii
lug tilt cemetery fence.
Airniigcmenls nrt being made In
tho Ladim Annex nl the Athletic rlnh
in give their heap Year parly the hial
Friilny in February. The evening
will l In ken up Willi tlnnriii, H'i'
Imlii'a tu Inito pnllrv chnrito nl thr
nlTuir, cvi'iilhc rhnnaing nl prtnrr
for llif ilnnoinj nninlipri.
Hairing tlm nt wwk 411 Minim
flnimnnla liiivn pnaawl llmmgh llw
city nn llii'ir wny In Hi!vnr l.nkp In
inukt' Hiil prnnl nn chiima. Mnat nl
thpin nunc from MinnrinlA nnil
Wiacnnaiu Kiinl mill (ixprcaacil tlicm
ai'lvca ii mncli pli'avvl with llio mild
winter they worn experiencing,
A portv cnniHWiil nl A. K. OiHik
J.ilm A. Ingmm, Mr. F.ilith Curl in
ami Mra. A. J. llnilnin, nl Fi'titon,
Mich., were In I he city tlila week nn
their wnv tn Kilver Lnko to mnke
flnnl pnf nn tlinlicr elnima. Mr.
Ingrmn'i dither U one of the pom.
- niiaainnen of the ft. I.miia tXnillinn.
' Juilx' I" lw)iiiig no wenlthy
Unit h )n" purchaaeil t grout hig
(. Four men with ilerriek
mnvod tin Irnn xtructurc Into hit nl
lloc lint week nltiir Uking off tho door
artj pnrt of tht Iront wall. The
.fiiilir itatea tliftt It will take (onr
men mid t mnny li"oi to move
nut niter he geti all hii worldly gooJa
etnreil in it.
Hot. A. E. Conk, Rohl eccretnry of
the Bnntiat Minialcr'i Aiil society,
hehl lervlcet t the Methoillat chinch
laat Bnmlny. Hi'v. Cnnk formerly held
the paatnroto of the HaplUt chnroli
in Fenton, Mich, for tevernl yeara,
roHigiiiiig that poaitlon to take ohnrge
of the tliatrict work of the Aid eocie.
Iv. He intopping hero with n party
of Michigan people who are to make
final proof rntimhercliiiina at Silver
Lake thi wwk.
The ncateat cnleniliira to make their
appearance in tho city thia year have
but lieen gotten out hy fclkini M"g
, ;kIi ealondar lifts on it a photograph
nf .ne landacape aoene nr intereating
.view in Crook county and the ulen
We liave Jual n'eeiveil iunlher large
Invoiee of ahiiea ut ruck laiiiuiu pileea.
The Hi Hive.
I.miia Nrlaiin una In the rlly the
l,il nl lliw week from Deaehutea it
leniling to hnaiueat malfera.
Mra, II. I. Hlewurl, nf Piiuliiia hna
iiin'i, in the nity lining tlm paat week
vialling with her mother, Mra, W, I'.
I'M, Ilnyil mid wile reliirniHl I he
hal nf Ihe week Irn n Hiker ''"k": ,w.pig. phji, civil gnu-rninent.
Notice la given that Ihe
county rtelnut aiiperiutendeut uf
l.'rnnk cniiiily will hold the regular
examination uf appl.ciiula for Minis
anil ti hi n t y pupera at I'llneville, n
('ninini nclng WwluemlBy, February
10, at nine o'clock f. in , and contin
uing until Hulurthiy, February 1.1, at
four p. in.
Wi DSKaiiAV I'ennianaliip, hiatnry,
a'lling, algebra, reniling, school law,
TiimiaiiAV W r i 1 1 e li arithmetic,
theory of leaching, grammar, Imtik-
whni'c Mra. Iloyd mule lliuil proof on
n tluilier iilniiih
Some nnc whn wiia meat hungry
Mini wiiiileil Ihe greiiae In fry aleuka in,
iT'ikelnlii Ihe aluugliter hiiuae and
umke way wllh anvenil hundred
laiiii.iln nf liiienu, ham mid Inrd.
T. V. MeCiillialnr, nf the Cove, waa
trauaiii'liiig bualneaa in .the city last
.Salnrilny. Mr. Mel'ulliaier ia Inter
,leil In Ihe nleolrlc line which la a
fin urn poaailiilily hnlwccn thia oily
and The 1)11111 and ia working tn
alimuliile Interest in ihe project.
Court Allen wns down Irom hia
lnck ranch at I.iiva the Drat of the
wiH'k. He reporta almnt eight inches
of anow at the Mnad'iwa, IhiI saya oat-
ile aro wliilnring well. Tne mild
winlcr wenl h r bus afforded plenty nf
pnaturc In llmt section of tho county.
I,i Wigle, who la relnrning from
the livcatoek coiiventinn, came up
irom Portland hial night and left in
hia privale conveyance thia afternoon
for I'llneville. Mra. Wigle has been
iitlng her parents lu Corviillis and
will meet him tomorrow at Hhmiiku
Hal lea Chrnuiele.
Frank (Haas returned from Hnleni
Monday where he went In look after
the contracts of the Deadlines He-
laiuiitinn c piny in which he is an
owner. He stated mat llio cnniraets
would aiam lie approved by the Htale
l.nuil Hoard. He led Wmlnewlny for
lii Imine at Ileaehulm.
A K Hninniond was in town thi
norning, en r. ule In Henil, where he
went in Ihe inlereal ol iiieaiaie, nav-
ng la cn ap'inliil s'lilc engineer In
mike iipprnl-e'lieula and nlherwiae
liaik ufler the Inlei'als nf the aeitlera
in Ihe irrltall Ilatricl mar that
place. Antelope Herald,
J. It. Ileiiham, nl IVachiilea, woa a
liualneaa viailorin the city the Dial of
the week. He says the canal wnrk
in the IVaehutes ltilamalion com
pany's project will 1 piialud to all
n.irly coinpleliiiii Ibis year. Only
three mill's innre of ditch remain to
he ciiuatrneled, and in the meantime
miller under the canals have pu in
cmia uf alfalfa and grain and will use
the waler this year forirrignling.
(1. M. Cornet I nf Khoniko, and C.
(1. Cornell of Paulina, were both in
the city this week on business con
nected wilh Ihe Iranafer ol the Murna
Priiwille alage line Irom the latter to
the former. "Mac" as Ihe new pro
prietor la familiarly known, is now
proprietor of tho lino from here to
Shuniko, and will give off hia patrons
the lienellt uf a ri experience in Ihe
atage businesa, CnpCornett says lie
intends to atay with ranching at
Piiulin .Harney County News.
The Palloa Chronicle In nne nl its
recent iaaui'B published a column nf
items lake from an old issue of that
i . .1 i..
paper. An article which uppcanu in
that paper May 1H, 18N0, slates; "We
have la-en lutorii.ed that the work on
the new 0. II. A N. railroad is pro
gressing rapidly. Tholrark has been
laid almnt I. mile beyond Celilo, and
grading hna lieen dune seven miles W
ynnd llio tnoiilh ol the John Day."
On July 19, appeared tho billowing;
Mr, L. Lord, brother of W. laird, of
this city, nnil hia daughter, Kttie, ar
rived bore Friday night, ten days from
Chicago, having left there Juno 30.
We think this is tho fastest tune
mndo between Chicago and The Dal
law Wigle, waa on the committee
which drafted tho constitution and
by-laws lor tho Slate Cnttlcgrowori
Association during the Livestock
convention, waa in the city the last ol
the week, Mr, Wiglo atatoi that 'the
work accomplished at the convention
and the plana laid for Ihe betterment
of stock conditions in this state will
linvea far reaching effect upon dilute
prices and the establishment nf a
steady market. Mr. Wiglo says that
Crook county stockmen onn dorivc
great kcnellta from the association if
they will get together, gain A clear
understanding of the proceedings at
the convention and its future purposes,
and then work together for the Inde
pendent Packing company. vriie es
tablishment ol the latter in Portland
means increased wealth to stockmen
all over the state, honest prices, and
an open market wilh little or no
fluctuations in stock prices. Mr.
Wig'e believes the cnttloinen in the
Fbiiiav Physiology, geogra phy
incut a I arithmetic, compnailion
physical geography,
Hati'Iiiiav llolauy, plan" gooinc
try, general hiatnry, Knglirh liter.i.
lure, psychology.
yon totisTV I'A r us.
Commencing Wednesday, February
III, at nine o'clock, a. m., and contin
iilog until Friday, February 12, at
four o'clock, p. m.
WwntiMiiAY Penmanship, history,
orthography, reading.
Tiii'bsiiav W r 1 1 1 o ii arithmetic,
theory of teaching, grryumar, physiol
ogy. Fiiiiiav Oeography, mental arith
metic, kIi'hjI law, civil government.
ratMAitr ckrtifh'atk.
Whikksuay Penmanship, orthog
raphy, reading, arithmetic.
Tiii'raiiay A rt of questioning,
theory of teaching, methiala, physi
ology, William Uokoi.i,
Cuunty Hchool Hua.riutendciil.
Tot Story About That "Playful" Steer.
Wall Hay is leMiog a siory niinitt a
"playful" steer he liecanie acquainted
with a week ago la-t Hnuilay. lie
and Mr. Tbim-on winl up to the
Cram ranch on Hie OcliiH'o in feed a
hunch of eitile ami lied the
teem they hud driven In the feci:.
Shortly iifteiwinl Mi. Iliy'a allenlion
waa Cilll'-d In Ihe aforesaid ateer which
waa engiig'-il in tryii.g in lift Ihe bug
gy, harness aim liorses over Ins nick.
Mr. Itnv thought it w.. a sneak of
playfiiiness on the purl nf the laivinc.
He wi ul up to i lie loiiiiuil a. id after
aailii)iizing in him lot iuictr'ipiiug spin, iried lo dissuade,
bin) frniu doing any d i'img'' In the
vehicle, lint Ihe alivr was oislinate,
so waa Mi. H.iy, ami it ia aiaied by
eve wiliiessea thut after 0 abort en
gagement la'twiKin Hie two Mr Hay
thought nf his home and friends and
took the front seat, in the buggy.
Soon afterwards he and the buggy
were raised several feel off she ground
and Ihe next minute the horses were
driven at a breakneck speed up the
Mad with the Hereford making pretty
giasl time in the same direction.
Mr. llay is now explaining to hia
acquaintances that it was simply a
streak of playfulness with the animal,
but that explanation does not account
for the hurry trip out of the commun
ity nor the reason why he bos aincc
refused lo wear red neckties and a
red bandana around his neck. It is
said that in his hurry to leave the
camp, Mr. Kay forgot Mr. Thomson,
who walked home.
Good Prosptctt For Stock.
The cattle outlook lor the coming
season is lienor than a lew months
ago, and frnm present indications
there will Is? a, great demand for stock
of all kinds, but it is possible the pre
vailing prices will not equal those
that have been iid growers during a
few years previuus to 1903. This is
certainly encouraging to grow rs
since it i; far better to have a large
demand fur cattle at lair prices than
to experience many years like the
past year when then) was no oppor
tunity to dispose ol anything unless
it was in prime oondition for beef.
Thoso who have handled cattle dur
ing: past aeosona are already in receipt
nf inquiries from eastern buyers
gnnlinc the cattle outlook, which ia
interpreted by some to indicate
greater demand and bettor prices for
all kinds during the coming year.
A Recort Breaker in Advertising Rssults.
while unique and original is a good county should hold meeting at once
.advertiser fnr the firm. About Bisi
patrons have received one ol the cal
endars and prnlwbly all of thorn will
the siiv4 for the photographs which
ihey carry.
and becin their work lor Improve
ment in present stock conditions, and
this can lie brought about only
through a systematic line ol action
wit h the national association,
mit ffthf ('iiiiiiiy Omit 'if llw rrriiitr t.t
C.T'MtU, Hl'tl Onynii, Ui un dirw).l.
(i itiilimtnlititf me ti itt ariU If if
IwM'tiil r nvN f run) ii)rty, einlirr
ih( Hi t(i lie, lilt) tii-1 it to liot ftf Ihe ywir ..f
'( I'cul pruiHTtv 4ii'ir fiiwKiiKiili, i4 the
oil who will UY Ut t". WTiitMK (t.
liUrwat til Hi iMHltW ttiv-si'ilt Hi'l inHH m
tilicHl rf .le mt tho towMt rat vt Ititrrfit -
1 atittlt 'ill
tiithtrdny, t'ehrmtry $7tht 1U0Jh
i (Li. hutir 1 1 'I is'eWLt o. iii. ari'l Inmi dv t
i.y tlii-rfufiPr, t titf Court Umm tbnr In
f(i..wln ilewcrlUil rrftl rtnistrty lor evU
Ismtijwt fM!lflii'tl"iit'nitUly mtdl tar
runt, fM.rriiiitK wl; unit if lit lut'fwi,
h nfitn-iii'., tfittit;
AMrtcli. H M. II niM tt, Um-k
H,m-ci)ii.lrJl'llliMii I'rliH'vllh, Crcik
ciiuiiif, OrcKcu. titti'H, f ii'
Ani..l(l, tlm., yw mi-?. w
m-v t it IK r 1" it W M iMif - .MI;
Htiiity $ ' MM; hiUre t Hrt; In In 1 iii f 0
IHIr-lcck. A (', nS IH'.-Iioii 1 1 1 l
f. r lil c W W tiiKti :H; ti'imlly
li :.(; iiitT.-t u 'ii; t"Ul t.
ni'(irM-ir,iM'c vi lp t-t r I"
W M tntfH m mi; ,cj.lty i.H!(j in.
LlTlnll)W'itotlll 10 M
rmttn-ll, J U, v 3-',
tii i;i ., r 1.1 r. W M tx kI.' W;
l-.'iiiiliy t ,V.; lnUTfKi$l ,V.; Mat IM IP
' IiII'Utk, I I', l"t K M'N'k 5 tsiwiiof
AliW'i, I'nH'k county, (m-Koii,
taifn M'imUyo;ii!; biu-rent
M;UA 3
('liiii, ' A, lot 1, 2, 3, bikI 4 Hfctlun
I, l(i 18 v, f IA W M, wjiw'4.
iiw'aw' wrlinti 14, lt tt t, 1 1'
W x tuxci H :; fx-imiiy "; in-U-rt'Mt
V; tuUl 5 35
i Hut, V, M tut 11 ami VI, UUwk ft,
,N ii t n ii in ud'litlon friiU'Vilk',
Crmik c'liniv, iirtyi" t'txt flOVi;
('.(iniclly, I' J, wi-iiH-, t'Jiiw1 sec
r Xi k W M tiisi-H 7 12; )M-iialty
71 ; liitfn-wt V:; uial x l
Curl, T IC, nw'iiiw'-i', wH-wVf,
nw Mi-nun H tn Hi , r I W M
tmi-n7iW; pi'iialty )Ht 77, Intcrt'Kt
(0 77; tiUl 9i
m mr W l. Vi i, f I W H
inxi-1 7t4; M-iinlty to 7k; inU-rcnl
fSOiH; UUl fM"
mils-, J V, lit 4 hhn-k 5 M HoiltrV '
(tint rriiicviUtj. JrMik county, Ore
koii, tnw n:t'.: N nulty II H; in
U-ri-Ht $! 01; Uttul Vi W
('ram, HUjwi-11, nw'nw 'l tjj 14
n, r .'1 r n M Umh wi t; nlty
U iiitertirt $b iW; tutul 8 !H
Davlti A r.ftlaK.nwlMf I0tp15n,
r ID v W M 10 !I0; JH imlty
10H; liiU-n-rit 9KCJ; bjUl Wr
Darin, A. tcVt, nfi"e w ft, unc
hii vi k r ii' c w ai wxi-i i:
lMuulty HM; ihU nt Kl ; total VM
iit'M M'c n ip in a, r i e, y iw
$ 4.V, pt'iialty 90 4 iulert'itt $ l 4';
t.itul hXy
Oiviui'. .Iiihii v,i' i.' li If c r
'4 i W M; ne'iiH1,, in1',.', w ;i
11 17 , r ! WM Ux 'j (k-ii-Hlly
V lutcn-Kt W luUii H tK
Il.tvcy, ii, vtKw'i. itHm";, mn- H, t
12 f. r 1 i' w .a, jK ii.tiiy
ijiK(; int-r" t iM; Ua , I"0'
Fiuifll, BinwJ, m'iwi, i-tvjmv
r s tt 17 , r -;i v W ii law- H
jH'imlly 0 initfrwl i ;t); t.itul .-iii'.
lillf,''. Fullllic, ',.l'(, IK, VttV'i,
n.-H i mi- in ti 14 . r 1 v w M
tin it j.iW; H-nuitr CWlii"; iiiliTi-M
VHI7; ttilul . &2
lllnkk, W I,, nil of c-'i tn 17 h, r
r W hi taxi' f-JO Ul; p tiuUy
2 Wi intf wt $'I UO, toUA 24 W
nwi, iiw'im-'i w W t:i !i r i, tf
V M t4c.JiiW; K-li;iIty Hi7;tii- 1
Urwit fMi7; lota! M02;
t Iti i, r Mr W M tans ii":
iwnally 10 -17; intin-t K Uiiai 71
(4W w 2X tii H'i, r IrSc W M luxt'-t
tr.1t .Vl; pt'iialty S2 OU inlt-rvM $2 0i;
total 24 IW
JohtiHuu, Unlit 1', clfi ft1,
m 1M li 13 (, r 14 V W M UIXCH
17; penalty $1 52; iutcrvitt 91 .V.':
Intel If l
l.uckpy, lioirifcor J-rry, i'.ni'li mt II
nw r nw ir JHH- 12, iw iirnw irwc
1 tp l n.r 17 c W M Uxt'f ft 4.1; K'ii
rtltv 10 t-'ti intnt Pi !,'; total A &
Liwnoii, e-tate of Smmiiu-I, ut 7 Mock
N pirttt aiHliltoit fniifville, Cru-iK
coimtv, tlrt'Kim. tiixcnlii l7;(H'iialtv
ptUl; hi t vrct 0 HI ; tutul 7 3
Utuiiml, J. W, iiriitMirwclEUp
17 H,r 11 r W M Ur fl 1 Hnai
ty 10 17; intcrvat 90 17: total 2 12
Mil-y, 0 J, e lin If nw .)!, lot" ti mid 7
mt ii tp i. , r 11 c w 111 tuxes 1.1 yi;
iH'imlty fl 34; iiit(reiiti:4; total.. !'
Mctli'tttiHt piiraoiiart. Iota 7 ant. H lilk
H i'Wrum h atuntiuii to rrnu'Vtiic,
Crttok puiiiuv, t-rftton, taeifi75;
pt'iialty 10 &; iutt'ifft 0dd;titul.. 0 91
MaiTactni'y, Airs, nw ur bm- 2li tp 9
r 17 w ai taxfjt w; pfiiuny
. . . 10 w i
Wltt-f, W H.n'-w. H nwVt,
m'4 V tp II , r i.'i c W M tii ut
i7i p-UHlty iirtiTPH
lt,t Ml
)', psfntP. w4 nw M-c4Ipl5 n,
r U'v W M tuun nu -ii; penally 0 2.f;
lutfM-nt m 'Ur, tout vs n
Iti-'l ut Priiii vilic, i'rofk riimty, iitA
Koli, tldZV.I,' day ul .(i.imiiry, li(,
JJy Ymm i'lkvwuu rtlicnlf.
Our Lender,
Single Key lloiird. r , -j
Type Writers
urn iv utrvpt'ti 1 v. w a in fc'ii
1 1 i.i' unt, J
Plntenn anil Parts for all Mncliinca
riKAI.S-notarv A corporation
CIIAIKS. niul all supplic.
III'l KTOliliAl'IIS.
And AI.Lr.l lTI.IKH
WlllTK I's Foil t'ATAI.OOKH
I. I). ClWIMlllAM,
Mark ulreet, I'orlniitl Ur.
(lur Leader
Are you ready
To Build?
We can help you by fumi$h
in Builclino Material
We Have
a Large
Stock of Doors,
all sizes
and styles
and also
all regular sizes
of Windows
both in
Two Liht and Eiht Li&ht Style
And we are selling these Goods
We have
Building Paper
White Lead
and Oil
Ready .Mixed
JJLfjy Paints .
111 ,
ffv fi I
1 -Ui
Incorporated 1!H)3.
Drills, Stationery and House Furnishing Goods
Wines, Liquors, J The Celebrated
Domestic and A. B. C. Beer
ImportedCigars. i Always on Hand.
Proprietors of the Princiillc Soda Works.
Double Key Hoard.
Two Doors South of
First National Bank.
I Smiic ire Price Broken Offers 1
I otour Grand Dissolution Sale &
Line of Cashmere in all shades
Eormorly 35c now 25c.
Line of Cashmere
Eornierly 63c and 75c now 50c and 60c.
Mohair Fabrics
Eortnerlv 65c now 50c.
Henriettas and Albatross
Formerly 90c now 75e.
Serges, all wooj
Formerly 65c now 50c.
Lusters, Alpaccas, Brilliantine
Eormerly 65c to 11.15 now 50c and 90c.
(Simpson A Wilson re)ort liming
sold over two hundred pnir of shoos
since January 1, as a result of unstint
ed advertising. This relert only to
shoes placed on the bargain counter
and does not include regular sales ol
The "at home" give i by the Ladies
Annex of the Athletic cluh. whioh
was held in the cluh house last Fri
day evening, was enjoyed by large
number nf the man hers. Mis. A. t.
Strange and Mrs. 7.. V. Cuinmerford
each sang a vocal aolo, Mrs. John
Wigle and Mrs. H. P. Belknap recited.
A. It. Kennedy added to the program
with a violin solo. After the enter
tainment, ice cream and cake were
acrved, and a game of basket ball was
induced in by the men. The club
dance will be given to morrow night,
at which a large orowd is expected to
be present. A general invitation is
'extended lo the public.
10 l; interest lu XI; total
Minkler. Marion, 'i-w ,)r w ti 1.1 a,
r 17 e W M tuxes sjri 4o; penalty W Vr,
inli rrat W to; total 5 35 1
Miiupin, Cerrv, evjaw!, .wKnwi,
awi-e'i aee -Ji ip w a, r i,,e n ai
tases ll Wi; penalty 1 111; iiuen-st
$1 111; tutul : 14 54;
Maaon, M P, ae(n' m HI I
tp 14 a. r II e W M nui a K IIU ; h u- I
ally HIMI; interest 0; total lit 64 i
Mnlvtiliill, Mike, wVwiw il, el
at'1 tei' 0 l(i II a. r '.'1 e o M luxe
Mil; penalty mail; inli'ri'it i SO;
total 8111
Mulvuliill, Nora, aei-i st l tp It s. r
'.'1 e W M tuxra SI ll; ienally 1040;.
Iiitereitt0 40; total 410
Ortiitt, lu'ira .,f . II, e half lieur, aw ijr
lie or. nw iir ae qr, ne tr iw qr, e
liulf nw ii-, nw qr nw qrSee to tp
10 a. r Ul e W M taxes ; Ut nt'iialtv
ii 71; inunut 41 71; total S.VJ
(Well, C H. n liulf neqr, aw qme or,
m qr nw qr, aeo tp la a, r ai v. at
luxe. 4 4.x iH'tlultv SO 46; intereat
to 4.i; total fi .15 1
Plnllippi, Stephen, n haK w qr. aw 17
tp lit . r 11 e W M Uaea SI 7S; pen
alty SO IS; inteleat 10 IS total 2 14
Hitter, John, w ftulf aw qr aec 4. 11
half se qr see fi tp 1.1 a, r 17 t W in
tuxea iTi 40; pvnulty 10 o.; iatcreat
0 55; tutul li 1
Shipley, 8 H, e liulf aw qr aee 'Jti, n
I. nil nw qr see 8l tp Hi a, r 12 e W M
tuxua 94 2li; penalty to 4St illtereat
tu 43; total 5 12
Smitli, I B, n half se qr, neqr sw or.
ae qr nw qr sw in tp lli a, r lo
M taxea $s 12; nallv SO SI; inti
eat 0 St; Mai 9 74
Kidai'Way helra, wtnwi. aee 33, siinej
ma' S2ti 12 s, r 14aVM taxea 7 34;
penult.vO74;inlereatl0 74; total.. SS2
Slmini, A J, t'n'M, awiwij, a1
H'i wo I tii 10 a. r 111 i' M ; 'i
awH, nei.awii, se'.,nwi ataj;ttti
II a, r 111 e VM taxea 13 ml; ieiinlly
tlXI; interest (l.tli; total inns
Smith, Miiliil. lot 2 ami rait tialt of
lot 2, hloek 3 M llialaea, plat of
Priiieville, t'naik eonnly, tlrt-K n.
taxtia (ai;ts; lenulty 1014; interest
10 lit; 7 ii
Tenililcton, Arthur, lota 2 mill 3 hloek
L la NewMimV ailditiiai Piini'ville.
Cnak laonity. tlreaoii. taxi-a aiiOl;
penalty to interval WHI; total . T JI
Trilea. Clay, ne qr nw qr, n lull'ne qr
aee 14, nw qr na qr aee 13 tp 12 a, r
13 e W M tax :iti; peualty II Oil;
iliterea. 1 UO; total 11 !"
Wakelii lil. K ., Iota 4. . 0. am) T. see
titpl7s, r2o e W M; llSnS aee 12
tp 17 a. r 19 e W M taxea S2,'i 77; pen
alty $2 ,W; intere,t 12 ;at; total 30 t
Wellaira, J K, siiif nt Mnwil, nwj
m an: 30 tp lli , r l'i e W M wxea
11 US: uenaltv ai 17: intervat 91 17:
total H 0i
fi Entire line of Flanneletts
Fornerly 12jc now 9jc 9ti
Announcements of Special Reductions on our sttK-k will be
(S matle from time to time. The public should take advant- W
l age of these sale of Dry Goods. M!
Agents for
The Mitchell Wagons
And Farming Implements
Gang Plows, Disc Plows, Disc Harrows,
Disc Drills, Hoe Drills, Steel Harrows,
and Walking Plows at low Prices
Remember that we sell
Groceries, Shelf and Heavy Hardware,
Gook Stoves, Ranges and Heaters,
Tinware, Graniteware, Guns, Ammunition,
Doors and Windows, Paints and Oils,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Gaps, Boots and Shoes,
Grockery and Glassware, etc., etc.
If you don't see what you want,callf or it
Our Motto:
Quick Sales and
Small Profit
2 EC