THE CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL An Independent Newspaper 1). 1 Ml t FA. ihjii.i5hi:d by the journal ii iu.isminu co. I.SO I'cr Ycr. l'ullisln-l every Tlwrsiltiy nt Ttie .lo.irnal lluililinjl, 1'riin'villo, Oieifvm. OFFICIAL PAPER OF CROOK COUNTY. Hit Jm-nsui tl t ntt o WIV he Ikmil'IiI m .Molilalia 1 ruieville, siimmnileil ns it ii IViiitnllKImc..ferltMiMnl"i.'ilUilinilitlt . " , , ....... f. s. mail mid uiti.r. when there vn ilenlv of stoek in j with rieh farming nnil stiH'k ilis- jOn'piii, huiiilrcils of wiles nearer ; triels an 1 die nullity Boat licsiiles, THLHSPAY, .IAM A1IY 28, l'.HM. bin jioiiil. hp rliiM tliat Oregon twill naturally attract attention, -- I stix-ktiieti would romo down in i ami vomo kind o nit oriMimation OW N j time after lighting a hard winter Jvliould ln aflVotod to take elwrp' it lid fell for t he irioe.- he was offer- lot the iieweniiieri when thev eome. 'ing. And Crook county hore w it- j Already the real estate nu n mid If the full effect ol n,s ,llis lilsl v''ar ,liU lu, k' m' lM lR'rs ttr" ,vsi'H 1,'1"'r!i , , ,. , er'n trust has mit its knife in this j of imiuirv rvcartlinii the country uient nil iiictessful operation of ,. , , ,. , . , " , , ' section to make the stockbrokers and its resources, and there is not mi iiiuei.Mi.iem ,..., ' ; lv for mercv. The prices offered ; a printed naimililet or a circular THE STOCKMAN TO HIS DKKENSE. have Ihi'ii wondering ever inee whether il was a case of "pied typo" or nn assault with dcailly weapon. Antelope Herald. All wronii. Vhe editor of the Review- was nlllicted with a temporary aerolhcma aiid calorilic effulgence of the physiognomy, idcologincd hv a H'ivcptiveiiess of the sensoruin fioui a sense of shame, auger and some other analogous instigation when he penned the ahovc. Additional Locals Jess Wimloni visitor from t'ulu was a husinesK r Tucsdav. Portland could he felt at this time hy the individual stixkgrower in I'entrsl Oregon, there is no ques tion but that every man jack of Iheiu would be off with his coat in in enthusiastic effort to push along tire good work. It might be added that t the recent livestock con vention in Portlnud the way wss pved for the organixation of coiupny which will bring about desired results and create n era of prosperity nd independency for this great industry. But the success of the undertak ing rests materially upon the atockman himself. He must not t this time lie down expecting others to do his share when suc cessful culmination of united effort means s much prosperity to one as to the other. Particularly must this be applied to Crook county. The scatterd districts must get in touch with each other and work in unison through the county organ isation, which in turn will voice the sentiment and feeling of the whole community and apply the force where it is best needed. The most opportune time to act is now while enthusiasm is stirred and the speeches made at the Live stock convention are still fresh in the public mind. There ought to lie sufficient argument to enlist the undivided efforts of this coun ty in the fact that an independent com i any means an opeu market for the stock grower and freedom from the merciless prices and dic tations of the beef barons. An in dependent and open market is aenith to lie reached by the stink ; ..... ....i 1 . "' the territory gon s siocamen now, u lnieresi r(l:mj 0f does not lag. will realize moment of these words. luring the iwst fall were insulting ly modest in sue, and the entire county is waiting now for the spring quotations jhich mav be a few cents higher or a few cents lower just as the lioef baron's syn dicate see til to dictate. It is time, therefore, that Crook county joined with the other stock counties in the state and took hold of this independent (lacking house business with a bull dog tenacity. A fight will have to be made against the trusts,, of course to send lack in answer, and letter writing is a tedious job when the same subject is handled Several times a week. With a Board of Trade in operation such matters could lie handled quickly and sat isfactorily, besides advertising the city and county as a district ready for home building and the invest ment of capital in varied indust ries. If accomplishing nothing more, it would Thow a spirit of en terprise and the eagerness to koe 1!. H. llelfriih was a hu."ines: visitor from l.aiuonta the first of the nock. John I'aliuchn was in the city from Madras Tuesday transuding business matters. v Miss Edna Hamilton, of hqH', is the guest of her cousin Miss Hazel Howard. the Oregon spirit has conquered greater evils than that and a little time and the intelligent array of forces will remove the obstacle. It is simply a case of each stock man for himself in an united effort fighting to bring shout a decided change for increased wealth and a profitable and honest price for his products. Let every stock grower lend a hand in keeping up the in terest and effort to produce results and in the end ample return will be made to those who now put forth the energy and aid in mak ing t lie stock industry a greater industry both to the state and those engaged in the themselves. but I the city and county abreast of the times. IU'II.1) A OOOI) IH'II.niN'O. John Ryan left Wednesday for Oi-schutes to attend to his timber business in that section. Miss Wave Morris, of Portland, arrived ill the city Tuesday and is the guest of her brother, J. F. Morris. l'ou Ilea and Martin l'lalthaie returned to their ranches at Pal main after a two week's visit in Portland. Several livening nights during the past week have enabled the iecnien to get up alinot enough ice to hist during the coining sum mer. Another short cold niell will till the storn houses. Itcv. Z, W. Coninieifot'd left Tuesday for Hend when- he will hold sorviei this week assisted by Hev, W. 0. Korhe of Portland. He will return Friday and con duct the Sunday services here, Hugh Pobba, who has been ser iously sick with an attack of typhoid pneumonia, is slowly re covering. Ir. liosenberg, who is attending him, slates that unless a' relapse occurs he will soon be around again. In cross-culling to the hanging wall In the lower tunnel nt the Ante-' I'i"'" Meadows mine, miners struck ti leet of higher gruilc ore than any they have been working in hereto fore. It is estimated that it will go no less than fit) per ton. A. II. LIPMIAN & CO. . ...Namiincturunl nf mtd Dealer In... FltUNITUUK, COFFINS ami CASKKTH CAIU'KTS, 8T0VKH, TAINTS anil OILS Lumber and all Kinds of Building Material For C A S II Only GtiuJ Cltmuct Salt. All lines of Ladies, Misns and Chrililroiis, Hats, Silk ltonnets, Coats, Jackets mid Skirts going nt cost and less. Ill) days only. J. F. Mourns. O'Ncll Bros. OYSTER HOUSE .1 K lll l. I KICK, Mauagvr Good Meals and Rooms Miller Ihiildinjr, Princville, Orcjjon FISH AND tJ AM K IX 8 K A HON 1IREA1) AND PIES KOIt THE TIIADE SPECIAL RATES TO BOARDERS THE XEKD OF OF A TRADE. It is to be hoied that the Coun ty High School Board at its meet ing next Saturday w'll see fit to re-advertise for bids calling for a structure of either stone or brick. The dav of frame buildings fori school purioses is past, and Crook county is well able at this time to afford a good substantial stone high school building. The bids received in response to the last advertisement ranged from business for W t" -M,lX)0 in excess of the estimated cost of the buildin,'. The Natter figure rli.i.s places the jcost to the county at tm high a ngnrv, mil me otners stiouni not again be thrown down if a satis factory contract can lie made even I a at l.'O.i.HIO or a little more. In j 1T the lir-t place specifications on 8 tti 8 if PA A BOARD The attention of the buine men of Prineville should again lie : stone building, such as will meet called to the urgent need of estaii-. 'be needs of Crook county, calling i lishinc some kind of a c icrcial for 'he exiienditure of only 12.- '' ,wl,. ,., ,1. .,(,.,, ,,, ;., 1, mil .J ,,-,. il... nmonnt 11. l r ! welfare and growth of the eitv and 'too low. ami the fact -lieuld Ik- suiMundiim. A given consideration at the next Trade, an or.'jni:itio i niertine of the board. ''""j which could he formed and carried! Crook county is free of d"bt and Ion successfully with verv little . ; a good I v sum is forthconiiuii this Stockmen, too, appreciate the ! e u n,j,;, ,,.,, I year for sch.Kil purpose. The honor gradual slumping off in price and i anil prjllpvi, ( r(lk col,;u. tl...t ha.- Urn U-stowed Usin Prine demand which has been, character-1 would profit immei seU hv s, , a villi-as the site for the conntv isticof the Oregon stock market; i,,,, ' ! High school should not now be .t. tl ; : . - .or u.e pas. ie ,ear. .uisisac- Ongonisfast apiiMachine the. marred bv the enil ion of a counted for hv the tyrannical1 RAND BALL Friday EveningJan. 29 Nuf f Set! i N. A. Tye and Brothers Big Line (icuts I'lirnishinus Hats and I'ootwcar Special Marked Prices On all (ioods Now in Stock Special Discounts On Overshoes And K tinners Ladies Mackintoshes At COST TVE and BROS. Merchant T approaching the time when it will witness a great ! shackle wooden building. The from all si-ctions : 'J's and girls arc worthy . railroads are lire- thing lietter, the parents f soini- hould i,orsnl hi- tl l-.f . ... , .... innux ot citizens ons who will not hesitate to cut . , , , "i inecisi. i ne railroails are pre- ine sioccmena throats in tl.e.r rt-f(vu.rn2 fr U, Arrnneen ents areM.mand a building requUile to the forU to bring pnci down to tWir ,,,,,. , ,Jn,,ie ,i;h ,u ,,is.;,-,l,i. ational needs, and it is the ' : patch pussilile tin.- incn-.i-i d initni-: general opinion expressed among j o.g example 01 wus s.yie , pro- griltin a,i the raiir,(1lU .irr t. ; the ple that a stone building is readily recogmred in the j , d cril,.rion!! ,, it cmvf, ,0 j ,,,. t.. gmxl. U the w i.-hes oiKrauoiis now ueing comiuciei nv ,.,,, ,f ,v i ,' . .matters of traffic and passengen (l,A ln.l, .,...1.1. . nnl.. . 1 s a short time ago, as nwi i Hnl S.l,,.,l,.ir fit ll.a I . - 1-, ..... ' ' fv" of l ie slate im It I: rn.,l,L in 1 ne I'rilicville Keview accuses the Crook County Journal of xt 2 Babb Metal Melted into 5 pound bars From Old Type. the I.iv stock association, a buyer for one of the packing coiupunus was in Montana purchasing cattle and sheep for his coast markets al bankrupt prices. When approach edon the subject and inquiry made This addition lo nrosent niini)i.r related by ; ,m w lhT , ewry rwn of the tax payers be resccted. 2 Just enough alloy to make it more durable than ordinary grades, anil still not hard piiiitL,'h to liont wlicii in use. f I 1 piacksmithing That Pleases It 'I hu Kind Von (.tl nt - J. II. WKiLl-'S (HunvuHur In) . coKMcrr in.mxss A Stork of Kami Machinery alwl) un hand Threshers and Mill Men -iipise that Cr.vik county, with two irrigation schemes on foot and a myriad of ic-ourres to lie de- vil.iped. will r-ceive 'smarting under the pulchrions paucity nf campaign material," and calls the editor of that iourn- hare of a 'ueccdancous political editor." and the people of Crook county Should take advantage of this offer. Supply limiliH. I'riee lower than any fiiotatioii on llabliit Metal in J'rineville, I!uy now for the coming season. IS ADDRESS: CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL You will find IJICYCLIiS of all nood make I AT SHI PI Hamblers, Imperials, Ideals, and many lilllim. A voikI line of ltl,.t.,, H,l r'tum XT UIIII'fTWl THE BEE HIVE THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY OUR FOURTH AXXUAL . Clearance Sale OF WINTER GOODS At Greatly Reduced Price? in vaps, tiats, t.ents J-lamiel I inlerwear, and flversliirls, Mackinaw, riothina Maeiiit.lie German Sin ks, Ix--in and a Hundred Other Articles for winter wear. Cme ami look over the harir n'i s. WATTS MARBLE Just Arrived ! A. E. NATHAN G Go's Custom Made Clolhing J. R iSIORRIS'S Tlie 33ost "Wearing and Kitting Line of i GRANITE WORKS Watts 4 Baker, Prop. Marble and (iranite Monuiiicnts All Kinds of Stone Work FIEST CLASS WORK AT UrWKST PRICES Second Street, The Dall Daily Between 'wwwwifwvinr Prineville and H(UIKlt!l,K lve Hlinii,i, (1 j, , taavin Triiieville 1 p. ni First Class Sh.aniko Arrinunt I'rinevil C , h, Arri, SlmnlLi, I . Accommodations'. 5 f Kver Brought to 1 'rineville. STJ1ICTL.V IJI'-TO-DATK ALL I'RICKS AND SI.KS NEW AXD XOUIJY pALiU aQd WINTER 0 DRY GOODS MILLINERY -GROCERIES BUY YOUR MliVLINKUY iukI . . L.ADIKH Fi T X l SJ , , vr. s : : AT : : MKS. ED. iiRAIiKOKD-S. SiiecwurlnMn.. Su.ieSI,-, itn l'i-to dale Millinery n leMlm eitv (iii.v, Hair IrW..ig prlir,; in 1 1