Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 21, 1904, Image 2

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An Indeptnden t Newspaper
!. I'cr Year.
I). F. STKH'A.
OAUKOUXIA (! A1XIXU 1I0U! Additional Locals
l'ulilhlinl wry Tlmi-Mlsy hi TIip Journal lluiltliuK, rrairvlllr, Ou'roii.
TV Jonl I rnlMUl l the h Itii . f ' vt':l r this IhViIv ill 111011
Prim tile, Orrif., lor Imli-niwi-'ii ml "UK"
I,1, 3. mail locimd ct limtlrr.
ill n lutsiness llki' WAV
sturttil mil ' liili' in ( lie ilny to i-xjkv! iinytliinn
to eomliirt to turn tip our wny. ilon't
THl'RtWAY, JAM'ARY 21, 1'JlW.
Every city, ulu'tlirr large or
mail, line in it the making of a
hettor ulaec to live. The spirit of
interest displayed towards its in
stitutions and the hearty support
given the niuniriiial body as n
whole,, not overlooking its branches
of civic pride and progress, are the
ear marks that show the Mood.
The under ourrent of adviiine
ment and lietter conditions and a
higher plane of living and enjoying
that living, will crop out sooner or
later in any city or town.
Prineville at present is beginn
ing to give forth symptoms of that
change in conditions. It has
whistled ss a forwarning that it
will "spoon over" in position. But
it does not want to be too slow. It
has shown its colors. They're blue
prize winners, but the city itself
must not go to sleep while tying a
knot in the ribbons. To use a lit
tle street parlance, a, severe jab in
the slats opce in awhile will serve
as a gentle reminder that there is
work ahead, plenty of it, and
some! ody .which means everybody,
must lend a hand. Well enough
it is to sav that someone else will
do this, that or the other thing,
but that policy will never accomp
lish anything. Taking a step
backwards is similar to standing
on the head to avoid apoplexy.
It behooves everyone, therefore,
to do a little boosting.
Right in its infancy, but making
a manly struggle for existence and
growth, is the athletic assoication.
Without doubt the organization is
one of the best ever attempted in
this city. Its moral and physical
effects are worth ten times the in
itiatory price demanded, and every
mother and father in Prineville,
the municipal government. I'n-, want to tie compelled to fall back
less all indications fail, they will ' on Itryau mid free silver, liecause
order some necessary improve-j we can do nothing without l)u
mentf and perha spend a few gold Democrat. The tariff is cet-
dollars in lieantifvinii the citv. If jtinx to lie a chestnut. Since the
Ihevdo now mind, if tliey do. 1 South is coining to the front
Continued from 1st page. j
tuaining district in the United
Slutns wholly undeveloped in a
John Moss wfi over from Sis
ters Wednesday to buy provisions
for his rancli near that place.
transportation sense. Itisacmm-i I.e Arnold, of Sisters, w In
try as large as the Slate of Ohio, the city visiting for several days
with a thousand elements of ; this week, lie left (or his home
potential wealth, hut which tip toi today.
this time has been held in tin1
bondage of an almost absolute
isolation. Thu five or six lliou-
don't knock. Put that hammer
away some place where it will rust
Jto piives and in its place get out a
horn and boost! Hoost the coun
cil in its honest efforts to give you
a better place in which to live,
may take a few more dollars
taxes, hut poverty in this city
.:t At
keening, shuuld take that state
ment in its broadest sense and
j;ive 11 miuicui c piuui, in-
hap? ererr detail of this institu
tion is not conducted just to your
liking. Probably not. But don't
let that stand in the Unlit. Dif
ferent persons have different ideas' --
and different ways of doing things, j The Arlington Record, politics
They must have 01 the world 'unknown, seems to take rather a
would die of monotony. Overlook I pt-s.-imistii: view of the Democratic
these differences, put down the, platform in the next national
pettv jealousies, look at matters in campaign. It has looked hard for
their broadest light, and then Jan issue with futile results as tin
hoost! Boost this institution tin-: following editorial disclo-c.:
til it tan take no more, and thenj U'li it ue IN mo.-rat- v.iir. is ai
boost it a little more for good luck, issue on which we can defeat
You won't 1 sorry for the help I Roosevelt. The Cuban question
added and vour associates will he! has been settled. Porto Rico,
the happier for it. Hawaii and the Philippines are
And another thing. Cp in the ours, and everybody seema to be
council rooms every little while a 'satisfied. We thought we could
pretty level headed lot of business i find some fault with the Panama
men get together to knock off some ' matter, hut the fact is the South
of the dust on city affaire and take 1 is solid for the" canal and Roosevelt
a step or two forward for the future turned a trump card in the busi-
good of the city. They're not very ness. The time is coming on a
apt to make very many gruesoipe pace when we must turn up some
errors, even if they are human. This (hing, as it is getting almost too
sand people In this great
gion ait' devoted exclusively to the I
.slock Industry and live practicality I
a , . . . . . ' 1 ;
the lives ot piouctrs.
to produce anything
(leo, Millicau was in from hi
Pine mountain ratu h suveral duvs
lliii week ulltniliiig to limine'
mailers. 1
...rtnmimdurcni of mid Dealer In...
Lumber ind al Kinds of luiiding Material
Fur CASH Only
tod ion as
thought we
trust question,
not exactly a bugbear, so take out
those few extra dollars in boosting.
Skepticism is running rife over
railroad prospects this year. It is
not within the province ot The
Journal to say that this doubt is
without grounds for n solid founda-
we set up too strong a tight against
the trusts they will respectfully
decline to furnish campaign funds.
The nigger question is about all
that is left of us. Roosevelt
not apologized to us yet fur lo
tion, hut if there appears the least 1 viting Booker Washington to dine
shade o! a chance for such a pros- with him, besides he has appoint
pect assuming tangible form, get led some nigger to office, but we
in and hoost with all the strength fear these things will make the
that can lie mustered. Individual j niggers of the North, when- they
effort in such an instance may not j iiave a vote, support Roosevelt in
have much material weight, but a I preference to u IVinoerat, and
spirit of helpfulness, properly ex-j we must carry souie Northern
pressed, is likely to smooth down a states in order to win. The only
few grades and take the curve out I thing left now for us is to bring
of opposition. Ion a panic, put n stop to these
Then there are other matters all prosperous times, stop the whe
along the lilies of city improve-
Miss Mildred Baldwin is recover-
iiii: from ail attack of scarlet fi ver
manufacturing district the people, ' ; - w,,h vM ,,.
then-are as much in favor of pro-, " ' V , (ur
the tankees. e , , ' '!
mid run in on tlt, i no,l""g 111 way ol romm.imly . 1. I'mjle ami wife will leave
uulii'try is atteni'teil exi eptingl the last ol the week, or the Me
animal husbandly, Wide ureas i Kay where they will visit for sevor
of the most bcaulit'ii! and potent-! al weeks with J. W, Riller and
ial productive country lio barren I family.
and waste hscauso cultivation is
useless where there is no means fit
getting to market.
, It has long been question with i be erected nt once in the addition
those .who know anything iihout , which is to he built to th" mill
nasi. ue ivmoiaiu region as .o w.nwr 1,1... Stroud ami wife were
the oitv the tirst of the week
run in on the
hut Roosevelt'
It I position on the trusts knocks all
in I the timber from under us, K'sides
is some of the big trust -ni.ig-
nates Indong to our party and if
Thestiek"r for J. B.Shipp'sphin
ihg mill arrived Wednesday from
Shaniko. The new machine will
it belongs eofiiniercially to Cale
fornia, to Oregon or to the cone
mercial cities of I'tiih. It is ap'
proai'liahle by practically level'
routes, from the north, from the I
east and from the southwest; and
tile soliercst judgment has been
that the future commercial connec
tion of the country thqienils large
ly instil which of these three rentes
was first to Ik. opened. This point I'lcaing the country with a view
has been determined by the enter-1"' nuikingtlmt his future home.
their l.aiuonta ranch. Rumor has
it that Mr. Stroud will bo n promi
nent figure in the democratic
candidacy for sheriff.
J. M Montgomery left Wednes
day fur the Alberta country in
Canada where lie expects to re
main for a month or six weeks in-
O'Ncil tiros.
J H III I.I'KICil, Muiiiigui'
Good Meals and Rooms
Miller lUiilciinjr, Prineville, Oregon
merit, Cm' development of the
county resources, the recognition
and advancement of important
factors in the country's makeup.
All these and more need a little
boosting, Everything from the
cradle up, even ourselves, needs a
voice of encouragement and the
right word and action at the right
So buy a full membership in the
Boosting Society. Oet in and
boost the town, the count v. its
people and every feature that
makes it as good as it is. Boost
when you're talking husiness.digest
a little of it when you re eating
your meals, spread it around while
vnu're on the treet It s eontair
totis aim win inoculate those who
Is pris
of the
Klamath lumlior
if industry and throw ii few mill- i country of which Mr. Heryey 1, Mill
ions of working men out of em- I U' of l.os Angeles, is (lie must ac
plnvment and have a failure of, live spirit. The Klamath River
crop. and blame the whole thing Railroad which has now penclrat- her, two of them living in
Mrs. Julia Ann Kinder died in
this t-ity Sunday night. The fuu-i
eral services were held Tuesday .
afternoon. Five children survive
I'rine- i
can't do led to Pokegama and which
come in contact with its influence.
Boost for everything and every'
Iwwly, and -in Jhe end everything
and everybody will boost fur you
on to Roosevelt.
something of this kind, it is a fore-1 soon reach Klamath Lake, cannot
gone conclusion that Roosevelt fail to establish the line, of nun
will carry the plum this fall." mercial interest southward with
mmmmmmmmlt i the commercial cities of California.
j One railroad will for u long time
j lie ample lor all the needs of the
Klamath basin. This road, now
j nearly constructed, establishes the
connection with California and it
jwill probably havo no rival for
'many years to come. California,
through Mr. Lindleyls enterprise,
j has at least won the first move and
j will probably ho ablo to retain the
yerv great advantage gained. ,
luiist, ville, Mrs. Harry
W. II. Kinder.
Briimmer and
The Journal has lieeu asked how
much of a freight expenditure for
hauling between this iiut and
Shaniko is represented by the
gross tonuage coming into this'
city as presented by this pajier
last week. Figuring the freight
from Shaniko at an average of 1
cent ier pound, the amount ex
pended last year comes to f lOli,-
ins t- - - !
on a basis of fifl cents per bundled,
the freight expenditure between
those two points amounts to fli.'i,
M:. In other words, it has cost
Prineville merchants almost twice
as much to haul their freight '
miles as it has to bring it nearly
three times that distance ISO
miles from Portland to Shaniko.
(lail Newsom, who is attending
the I'nivcrsily ol Oregon Medical,
colli ge in Cortland, has been elect- j
ed valedictorian of the senior class. I
lie will deliver the class oration at
the comineuceuieiit exerel-i'S which
will he held the hist ol April. ;
Grand Cluranct Silt. !
All lines of Ladies. Misses and
C'hril Inns. Hats. Silk Bonnets,!, .1 nVl and Jkir! gilillg al
eot and Una. :il! days only.
.1. F. Moiiiiis.
N. A. Tye and Brothers
Big Line
(cuts' runiishiiiKS
Hats and 1'ootwcar
Special Marked Prices
On all (iooils
Now in Stock
Special Discounts
On Overshoes
And Rubbers '
Ladies Mackintoshes
N. A. TYE and BROS., Merohant
The Smith family seems to be
the predominating one in Crook
county. The sheriff's tux roll
shows icrsons of that name
w ho will pay taxes this year. Fol
lowing closely are ihe Johnson's,
17 of them possessing taxable
property; and the Browns; who
number 10, are the third on khe
list of similar names.
r Metal
f I
Melted into 5 pound bars
From Old Type.
One of the biggest mining in
dustries of Western Pennsylvania
has been declared bankrupt.
Another instance of business
being run into the ground.
Just enough allnv to mnko it more ilurtililo
than ordinary irnnlcs. mid still nut hnrd
enoii'di to heat when in use.
Threshers and Mill Men
Shuuld take advantage of this oiler. Supply
limiled. Price lower than any quotation on
ISabbit Metal in Piinoville, liny now for
the roming season.
placksmithing That Pleases
Is Thu Kind Von at m .
(Hiuvcmttir (ti)
A Stock of Kami Machinery alw, on hand
Clearance Sale
At Greatly Reduced Price? in
Caps, Hats, Gents' Flannel Underwear, and
Overshirts, Mackinaw, Clothing, Macintoshes
Gerinan Socks, Legging and a Hundred Other
Just Arrived
A. E. NATHAN 8 Go's
C us (0111 Made Glolhing
The Best Wearing and letting Line of
Yon will find
MCYCLKSof oil Kod makes
Ramblers, Imperials, Ideals, and many
utile. A ku'kI line of llicvclc Hiimlrii'ii AT Hill ri,-H.
Watts & Baker, Props.
Marble and (Jranite iMonuments
All Kinds of Stone Work'
FIRST CLASS AVOItK AT lowest trices
Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon
Come and look
fiKvei-Brought to Prine-lle. .STJtICTIJY
k nov nnnno mm i ikicdv PDnncDico
n CC uuuuo miLLiiiLin uiiuuliiilu
w m iuiib x ujgrb inn ojji mil nine iiii -m u a aim jum n
fMffe Clothing. Greatly Reduced Prices.
Dally Between Prineville and Shaniko
Leaven Hliniiiko, II p. m. Arriven nt Prion illt. j, ,,
Li'nvo 1'riiirvillo 1 p. m. Arrivcmit Mlmniko 1 . Mi,
First Class Accommodations
. . and . .
TjADIKS fubx isi I JNnS
: : AT :
Articles for winter wear,
over the hnnrains.
Hiicci'siior to Mr. Hui-k- Slnvton
t'p-to dale Millinery nt less tlmn city ricen.
Iluir Dretming rurlors in connection