Xccat and ?fisc&anecis jfj All Advertising nndtt this hsad strictly five etnts wr Hit. Granite, pnrct'lain nd tinware t Wurxweiler A Thot.iaon'it, For Kwn dovrt, utnel doors 8 nd wiudnwa g to A. H. I.ippmn A Co. HaasomH. rustic &ud Hiring can be fouadonlyatA.il, Lippiimn 4 Co. Go to WiinweUer A Thornton's (or (pini, fttnuumilion and teei traps. Smith A Cta-k have the famous. OlyinpU Buttled Bir for sa If at 25 cents per buttle. All kinds of the latest McCall diess and cloak patterns can be had at Mis. Ed. Briutfoid's Millinery Parlors. Photographs are worthy of the name when they are good likenesses and nothing else. Mrs. wugaud has them. A full line of Heini goods in cluding mit icy meat and apple butter at the Bee Hire. The famous Maifhall Wells hand made ax at Wurxweiler A Thomson's. DRESSES and TAILOR MADE 8UIT8. Prices from $3 to $o. Um. Bkiwis Dressmaking Parlor. A. H. Lippman A Co. tells best Linseed Oil for SO centa per gallon. Pioneer white lead nine cents per pound. Smith ACleek now have the famous Olympia draught beer for tale, at 5 cents a glass. That's the place to get a good beverage cheap. A complete line of camp stores, tents and wagon sheets at wun iler A Thomson's. Parties knnwing themselves indebt ed to me will please call and settle, their accounts immediately. 0. A. Stkykks, Bisters, Oregon. Wunweiter A Thomson carry a complete line of contractor and car penter's tool. Wurxwetler A Thomson's hand loaded shot gun shells are unexcelled. Ordinary photos can be had at anv place, but good photos, the results of good work, good material and at good reasons ole prices can be had at ttr?. Wiegands gallery. Salomon, Johnson A Co. ha.e jut the shoes for men for winter wear. It is a high top rubber shoe with a leather sole, guaranteed wet proof. J. P. Morris, the mercnant, has a $3000 line of men's and boys f urn idl ings, which he will clone out ielow cost. You can find some genuine bargains at his store. Hen's Trocars. Most stylish in the city. Come and look try on as many as you please. It will not hurt your eyes to look at them and you'll not be bored to death to buy. The Bee Hive. W H. Young has purchased the blacksmith shop formerly owned by G. B. Swalley and is prepared to do horse-shoaiugand general repair work of all kinds at the loweet prises. Quick ; and satisfactory service in all lines of backsmith work guaranteed.' aklna-lra fmr Bale. J. W. Ritter, of McKay, "has choice lot of cut shingles at bis Mc- i Kay Creek mill, which he will sell for t per thousand on the ground, Lumber $IO Per M After January 1,-1904. we will tell lumber at our mill on the Ot'hoco for f 10 per M. Hawkins Bros. Lost An umbrella, black silk, with a white ivory handle, Monday. Jan. 4th. Kinder please leave at' ine jouri.ni onice and receive re ward. HcaiacieePrsrir twrftal. C. A. Whiusett has a four room . house with outbuildings and two loti, which be will tell at a bar gain. Bee him at Saioman, Jnhn aon & CVa store. Fruit Farm for Sale. I offer for aale my fruit fa:m of KM acres, situated in the Cove, on Crooked river. There are 2KM" trees $i assorted varieties of fruit and a feadr market for all of the products. T. F. McCallistik, ' Culver, Oregon. Irerir lraie. lttO acres of fine alfalfa land under ir-' Ration ditch together with one eightb interest in ditch. AUo 1W aares of I attain land, 80 acres under cultivation, all fenced, six room hoiiHe, barn and outbuildiugf. Will -H both properties at a bargain price. Address, The J"i uvu,. I AND M'KIP FoiTriirK. For est Reserve Land Scrip for sale in large and small tract at Inweit ratex Auply to ui write to Palmer Bros., 417-418 Oregon iau Building. Port land, Oregon. 1 Notica. Notice if hereby given that we have purchased the camp and equipment of C, A. Patterson at Lookout moun tain and are now prepared to do as sessment work on mining ctaima in that district either hefere or after Jannarv 1. Pontons ilt airing nwesa uet work done leave won! at Temple- j ton's drug store with J, F. Spinning. I Cady A Crabtrkk. Found a Curs for IndigasUon. I bw Chamberlain's &math aud Liver tablet for ln4initm and tind that they snit my ca lytter than any dyspepsia remedy I dsve ever tried and I have used many ditfrrvnt rwmlh. I am warty ill rears of ajie, aad have suffered a great deal from indiyeation I oau eat almost anything I want to now. to. W. Kiitory, Hock Mills, Ala, Kur sale by alt druggist. Ttmptraac fitrlvsJa As the winter approaches temper ance revivals grow in popularity throughout the land in their annual efforts to dethrone King ' Alcohol Orators have argued for ages against the drinking habit, but admit that the strongest thing they have to con tend with is the pcrity and health fuluese of Pout land Clvb Whisk sy for tale everywhere. WOTICI TO STOCKMEN. Notice Is hereby given that a meeting of the Crook County Stock Grower's Associa tion will be held at the Court Hou.e in Prineville, oa Tuesday, January 19, MM, at 1 o'clock, p. m., for theparpote of filling out blank application for grafting priveleges in the Cascade Fura-t Re-Vrve, and the trans action of any other business. Buperintttt tendent S. V. Bartrum wiU be present with blanks. A full attendance of all who want tn graae their stock ia the Cascade Forest HWrre is necessarr, as all applications mut be m by February 10, 1904. T. H. LaFouxit, Pres. W. A. Bcll. See. A Prbiaor in Her Own Hotut. Mrs. W. H. Uyha. trf MM Agnes Ave. Kanaa City, Mo., ha for aevtial yean been troubled with arvere Itoanteiira and at time a bard coiiith. waicb liesay "Would Iwep me in dirs for days. I was piescnb for by physician with no noticeable result A friend (rave nie pari of a Mtle if Cham-berlaiuM'otie-b Remedy with instrtirtioii to closely follow the directions and I wish to state that after the trH day I onuld no tice a decided change for the better, and at thin time alter twin it tor two week. hare no hesitation in faying 1 realise that I am entirely cured." This rvnudy is f'r tale by all dnigiriM", Congratulations. Mr. .Mm II. i till , Kdiior i.f the Uar- land, Texas, NVw ha written letter of comrrat illation to the inaiiufitclnri'Di of ;iiambTlainN I'mijih Remedy a follows "Sixteen years ago when our tirt child wai a liy he wa- gtshjeet to rroupy fpelN nnl we would be very uneasy lxut him. We liegaii ii!iK)'hanilerliiin'Cmjih Heiimly tn li, and finding it aiirh a reluiMe rem edy fr cold." and croup, we hare never lweti without it ntnce tt ut lime. We have five chiMien and have given it to all ot tlieui withiKH) reaiilu. 'tae gMI feature of thif remedy is that it am dia'TeeaMe to tnke and tuir lultett milly like it. An- ollier if thai it i n't d:in'eroti tunl no rii fr-'tn "iiinj; .in ovrrdr-e. ( coiiirratu late you ujfin the Hiicce of your remedy'1 pQr Mie f,y " dnisgi-ta, mth;e for itbmcatnjn. I hoi a ted Tract.) rr-Bllc lam niii. N'otii i hereby given that in purniiune nf i nit nictiona from the Ouum jioer ol'e the unerai land Orfice, under authoritv vetiil in hint hy section '2VA, U. H. Kevia el ?ti ule-an amended bv ait of ( unirrej. aiproel Februarr th. lrtii, we will pro-oei-d to o(tT it public sale at this office i the hour of 10 o'elm-k A. M.. iii Friday, uif i.-iii uv h renruary, I'-Vi, me lollow intt tract of land, br-wit: .W, ofthe NK'yi of Section It, Town- -hip ldNiuth, Kims 13 Eaxt, Willamette M-ridian. Anv and all person cluimins advert I v thealxvedeiK;rilMl tratof lnd areadri. r!" to tile their i-JaiiiiH on ir lfoe the li- alve dnaiifiiaUd for the roiimieiicenieiit ol the -ate, otherwise their rihta will ! I'orJeiled. MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Pd-tr. ANSK M. LA NO. Receiver. I. S. fji, Ofthv, The Jalle, Urejron, becemlr 31, VM. INVESTORS! Krmu .'iUl b IIKlltll r run n ui nv ni kt4-rn iuvenUir tnaie in 1!J.'J. r wnt, ir ,.rti;ul,r.. THK WM li. HITK CO, 31V Mu. St Pottl.od, Un. Ayer't Cherry Pectoral over 60 yetri igo. They use it today more than ever. They Cherry Pectoral rely upon it for colds, coujh, bronchitis, consumption. They will tell you bov it heals Inflamed lungs. " I hA i nrr emwh ft. thM. yMn. tiliiWMr'i'1irfl,MWrl. Uitort full BTHt (talMa AM k. fon Old Coughs On Ayar't PHI at twdtlm InaurM a natural action nau morning. I Ayers CODItTT C0DRI PR0CIIDIN0S, ronlimifd from W Vigr, 0 M Cnrartt xirM 4 so P T Monro nd work SS 30 J H 0ritt rod work II ) J H Crook. ooron.rfot-4jMtim .... (100 Klkin. A Kinjt Mtl. S Th Wlnnk ( MMfowrx S OIwb A Hriulhitiumt rc)(t!itnition Upllw e J J Smith prelKiK HMD tiw 8umtiHr t.ltt)tott. U 'JA fomvton MrMwkin Umtwr for r,M,,t'' . t? W Huni. Slain1 1 .xpwM t "0 J I. LuckiM? untie ft. s 7ft ft I, Kntitfonl wilnrw fm ju-tli-. court t.W Rerl.w pnittinn , .... ftW Wm Roy II .iiei vt.itlnft arhoota 00 0 Sam Smith HnolMim anil ilnl . WW FVihI Ctaypool piwiait. 6 on J H RoonlHnf coron.r'1 .xamina tioa 1A Ml Mr J C Snmn.r car. naup.n 4AM Hawkin. BnM lumber for roaiul. ... 1ft W 1 H Orajr " IS TS WHKflly " " S 0 John Siwwor. " " lot SO Hni'w " " am WKDuclwU " " 1200 H Urimn " " M on J N Qulh.ru " " 1 0 A Lu. llin " " ll so Klkln. 4 Kintl " " 1 7ft C A Gram nrontinjt road miirvl. to no Wunwpilar A Thomwtn mil. for roads 31 Aft P L A W Co llilhta arhool kou . 1 III nrani. Summrn rent high achool . 9HB A C StraiiKr salary KH0O A Flanamui A Co hi' arhool stippllr. W m R.vitw " 600 J J Smith .xprMs fill) Bert Baran work on xiigt 21 00 BVnZell " sua ERoiw " " waft O W Ramsey " " 31 50 Charles Smith " tOUl Henry Whitaett " " 8 00 Henry Seeliale " " 6 00 RC Stone " 18 ai T E Siom " " ail in Wm Smith " " tin Owen Lyons u s ift K.t Harbin 7H0O M R BiKKJ ISconlswood 41111 Jas. 8. Kelley, Photographer Highest Grade Work POINDEXTEK. 'Shaving Parlors Phillip Graham, Proprietor. Shaving Haircut ting ShamDootnt? Batha A new Uthmna devoted MpecUllj to the nut of Iditw, fcrtrrthiog upto-davte and itrietly ftrat-cUM. Deputy Stock Inspectors, Notice u hereby given tha I Wv ppoimexl the. following named Deraoiu deputy itfck impectttri: J. f. CartwriKhrt Hay Creek. Jim Wood, - Athwood E, Sparkt, Swtera. A. Murrrnr, Hayitack. F. M. Hmith Paulina. lvct Knox, Ptf J. 8. IWiie, . RfnUnd. Alei Mcintosh, Hamlin .1. r. VanHoaten. Hav Creek I. S. Coiflea, Hay Creek Poe M inkle. Stock Inspector Crook County. Trjforflealtii 222 Soutk Ptwris St, Chicago, 111., Oct 7, 1902. tight moithi wo I wm ao ill that I tu compelled to li or tit dowa nearly ail tba time. My to mack wai to waak and apaet that I coold keep nothiaff oa it ud I Totnited frequeauy. I ooaid not nrinattt without great pain and I oooffhed ao much that my throat and losga wra raw and tore. Tha doctor pro nounced it Brifht'a diaeaas and othen aaid it waa ooaaumptioa. It mattered litda to ma what they called it and I had ao de sire to lire. A litter visited me from St. Lonit and aiked me if I bad ever tried Wine U Cardni. I told her 1 had not and the bought a bottle. I believe that it saved my life. I believe many women could tare mocb suffer ing if they but knew of its value. a Jjon't yon want freedom from pain? Take Wine of Cardni and make one supreme effort to be well. You do sot need to be a weak, helpless sufferer. You can hare a woman's health and do a woman's work in life. Why not secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from jour druggist to day? Ivin&csnDui Truof Maami DawaNs CopvMtoHra e. ln.iituni I. .r.'li.Mv A.i.iiiat l. Cm omiDiinli- ll'n,.tnet)M.nni1.fifl.l. HAiriamf on pukji iiu ira. .unw M.nrj lur .nruriuc pM.ni.. f.lwiU takM thmaah Uunn k lyiTrulM Mfria. mum. wiiium. coar. im UN Scientific America A hanttonfotrir lllwtraltMl waektr. Iarnat 4r- rulatiuii it anr r.fi(iae Journal. Tartni. t a . Lam dr . Tarmi. li I aewailtailari jrv : i'ior ao'imaa, ti. aXrM DJ ail 1 mUNN S C0.MI New York aiaa D.C. . tiUiv BO YtARr ' Mottct to Cndlton, AM thoif knowlntr thfiitlv. tml.ltt(U to tlitltnn t H.Hth t 0trnrlt will plprt.. .t tl Immnllilt.tv. Illlla will I tmii. at th. frmtville dlMK. rolulHuiy's iltlo. In tlii. city. IUi.il at Printline, On'iMii, tliln aitli 'Uy ot lkvm!..'r, lwxi. U A. BOOTH. Nolle to Cndlton. In th. matter ot tlut .tut. ot Wm. 0. W 111, llWWtWUt NiHH'. in h.n'liy itlvon ly th. ittnt.r. sttul .iwutor of tluM'Mni. ot Wm. t W ilia, thvvAMHt, to .11 tM'r.ima li.vln to .iliilut them, ith Hi. imvHMirv vitiii'lieni, within u month from the tint publifaitinn of thin not la Mixl i(H'utor at the tttllc of M. K. KlltoU at lriiieville, Orriptn, IHiet At IViiieville, Onytn, tliU lUih day l lwemtwr( iwvi. T. M, ltAt.lVlN, Kinnttr of the tttttte f Wiu. t). Wills, defiaitetl. ()I0 tOailr th Airnvtuiuieiii l Ad Mluuirnivr. la the County Tourt of tte Stale of Htv H. ttw Crook (Hiunty, In the nmtter of the KMate t of . H. H, iKtnkel. IVeeaiwd. Nullw in herehy jitvin that the un.lvr sIjohh! ha been tliiN $ni iliiy of 8teiti her, A. l. amHiintttl AtltuiflisirnU.r of theKstateofH. I lKMiket, divenMil. and an Ofr.nv navinir tiaims axtumit the r. xtale tit the Raul S. H. IKmkel are hcrelty rtHiiiml and nottHed to mmut the iuiue w we at my n'Mtwr a. tH'M'Uiitt', t'nmk otumty, trvnn, or to lieu. W. Ilarneii, al his oftU-e itt I'riiieville, CrtMik (vuuty. OrvKn, aithia nix uioitttoi from the dote of linn uoltiv. Ami all cernona uwiraf the hmiI H P Oonkel are lieieby uotilleU to matte Inline Mime tttyineni to nw, frineville, Ctttok county, Oregon, 8t teruberaSrvl.WUS. II. W. Umkel. Admin(Ntmturoflti Rotate oft. 1', Urn kel, devettWHt. SUMM0W3. In tli Clrruit Court (or Crook County. State of thvKim: Theo, Itaitiiu Urrwinx Co., fdttliuiir 1 AugUHt IVteraon, defemlant. ) To AuKUst Peters!, the alutve naininl defendant: In lite Name of the 9lat of Oregon, you arehHhy fistjuired toapir and aimWer the ivniplaini tlle.l nninfit yuu in th alh.ve entitled court and.'HUMrtm rr lef(in the la day et tlie time iirew rih.il in the or ilerfor uuhlit'atHn, made herein, Uwli: Jatmary th bUH, and if vou fail to an swer, for want thereof, llie plaintiir tll lake jtHlKuieiit a;aitiI yu uihiu pruinifk ttory note made, excutrl and dehveml u piamtitl on the 6th dar of Noremlrer, IWJ, wherein yiu tmnoiMHi, on or before the lnt day of January. HMt. to )ny to plttititill Kilty lKiliar with iutereM therroti at the rale of hi per cent per annum Iroui ilnd li mil paid, alo fur Fifty Five ud tiVUnt lllar. twlaoce du for khIb, wart and and merrh.uid.fte aoht by one William Blocker to yuu and which natd aeeount wim punnatKHt by planum from the Mid wil liatu HitK'ker who u now the tiwtier thereof. The total aiiiuunt f saiil m.te and arc.iuiit Uitne Hundred and Kite ami liVIOQ Udlum with intereet al vii per rent per annum upo Fifty Dollar thereof Imni the (ith littv of NovinUr, lr-, fa.r which laat named sum juuxment will tie taken aam-rt yuu, Tim Mimmonn is served uin viu hv or der of the Hn, M. K. tit, County Judge of ('rook C mnty, datnt the 11th day of De cember, lti and the date otttie first pobli- tun ii iwiniirr ii, i;aiM, niHi iiii ante HI the lain publication will exire on the JKh uay oi January, iih. M. R. KI.I.IOTT. 017 Attorney for plaintiff. KOTICsT FOR PUBLICATION. LaffO Orrioi at The IHIIn, Ossnow, iWembcr It. 111X1. Notice b herehr iriven that the Ml.. wine named aettler haa tiled txttioeof hi- Intention btuiake bnal pnod in mipport ol his clnini, and tunt naul proof will le uiatle before W A. Itell. U.d. ('omiui-udiiner, at Prineville, Oretton, on M'Xtday, February 1, IMM, vis: OKOKOK W. nuo.v. ofPott, Oniron, vis: H. K. No. VHM for the Si ec.. NK HEW and tK SKI 7. Tn. 17 b., Kanire IH Et, W. M. He aanien the folttiwifiK witlifenee lo prove Iim contmuoitH re-nlci)C6 upon sml iimivutiuti . oi hiu iiiiu, tii; axnox HuNtua, William A. Buuth, of I'riiieville, Oregim, Caleb Uavia, Wallace 1'uit, 1W, Orenoil, d ' MICHAKL T. NOLAN. Remitter. NOTH'M KOU PUBLICATION. Land Offiot at The Dallet, Oreifon, lecember b, 1103. Not ire In hereby frWen that the fnllnwinir named settler baa filed notice of bin inten tion to make final proof in aupport ofhin cUim, and that Mid proof will be mwle tie fore I). Y. Kea. U. H. ComiuiMitiner, Madrai, Uregon, on Wednesday, January, ti, via; EMM KB 1. JENKINS, of Haviu- k. reKn. H. R. No. M, for the WW K. NKK Hcc 11 and q A " ? -' l 1 twK 13 He names the following witneHnes tn prove his coiitiniiouii renideure upon and cultivation oi Mill land, via: K. M. Humett, It. H. Harnett. J. H. Harnett. I. W Harnett, of Hayurk, Oreir.iii. U17 Itfg inter. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Iaud Ofttca at The Dallea, Orefffn, IM'emberlf. 1113. Notloe U herebr iff ten that the folh.wlnic Duoed tettlr baa 6li nicw tif hii intfntinu to naks final prjf la auup rt of hia alaim, and that aaid prmif will lie made before I, J. Hmith, County Cleik at Prineville, Ore ijon, on WedneMlay. January Ti, 1KCH, vU: JOKUM H. PKTKKHOIS', of Prineville, Oregon. H. K. No. 10W7 for NHMl;Hec. II, and K KVf bectloii 12, T. 14 H., R. IH K. W M. He namea the following witneHaei tn prove bia continuous renidence Uon and cultivation of aaid land, vht: Duvid Kvana. Arthur Mean. James W, Klliott, Klchard Elliott, of Prinevilie. Oretfon. MICHAKL T. NOLAN, (117 KeKUter. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land Office at The DJIea. Oreiron. November 2H, ItfiS. Notice la hereby Riven thai the following named settler han file-1 not if e of hU in tention to make final proof in pnip port of hbj claim, and that aaid proof will rw nituia txiore j. j, onoth, county clerk, at rrineriiie, invpm, ThurwJuy. January 14, IH04, vli: i;KoKOE h. HKNDIUC'KH. of Lamonta, OrcLon, on H. K. No. ftfiSH, for the , MK!4, HW MKJ, HKl HWi Hcv. 34 To. 12 8., K. 14 B., W.M. He namea the following wttnese tu prove bin eontinuouH miflence upon and cultivation oi aaio iuihi vii: Lee Moor. J4in Haulvy, William Hann, il'xepri Wetland, all of Lamonta, On-fon. MW J1AKI, T.NuI.aS i v d3 KegiHter. NoUoe For Publication. Land Office at The Diille. Onyon, Notice In hereby (riven that the follow in t? named aettler ban tiled notice of Inn in- lion to make final proof in mioiMirt of iM t miiii, aim inm muu jirum wm ne niane lH-bire J. j. Hmiib, Comity Merlf at J'rine- ', Oreiion. on Jhumday. Januarv 2 '.H, vis: WILLIAM I. HRONWlN, f Prineville, Oreiron, on JI. K. No. fflr?7. lor the NWNK'4, N N W'4 and HW W ec. 24 T. 14 H. U.U, V,A, W. M. He namea tha following witneawM to prove hi emitinuooa residence upon and :univaiion oi aoio iaua vis: Humuel t'ollina. Marion Tern rile ton. John M, Klliott, OeorK Circle, of Prineville, Urej.iui. MICHAKL T. NOLAN, dl 7 ficKititer. ' Q. Springer, KK'ni'iK or 'Draft, Coach and Carriage Jforaca Young Ktitlluitm nnd inn its, nlnn a Iiw .viiung ti'iinm for mile Haystack Blood Slock Ranch. lliiyHtnt k, OrtKn. id. I'riticvilk 0. K. McDowell, Prop. TliuroiiRlily lli'iuivntitl and Uo ftirniHlttHl TliritngHuut, Anit rltitit riau. KiiIon $1, $1,30 iiikI t'i mt dii. AmiimtmHlutUtii. ar Un,urmaiHHl in the city. rlinio KiHiina (or 0i)inmr;rciai Trrtvtlim. Long lliatanre Tlepliona Hlitittn in Hi. Iioiimi. Tlmtwr l.inj, A I Jtina X S1. NOTU'R Km I't'lll.iOATUiN. I'lillrd Ktntea lnd ORV. The Dal ten, Oi((". Novemln-r L HWl. NotltK l hereliy given Uml In rumpll' inif with Ihe irovilnai of the art of (VnareM J o nv S, IsiX entitled "An ni-t for I In- aale of ttnttter Innttn In the mnica nf frttlfurnlii, Ort-Kim, Nfviuln, and Wawh liiattuii Tfrrilory.'' am estiiuld lo nit h I 'nli He Land aUatas by act of Auauat 4. MVS A1.HKKT II. I'KTKKSON, of Kvvrett, roilnty of Sn.honili.h, ttnte of Wnthinitton, hui My ' 1ihi3, ll'ed in thU Mlltre his "Worn ptaMui-ut No. I.Viil, fur the purt-hateol the Ni NK, NK1. NK1 NW'l o( Seetnin;!. in Tu. lit Scuth, K4111;.. ItiKa-t, W. M. Ami will itrfcr protif to h.w that the land iiihl U iinn VKltiuble for ita timler nr ttiti" ihnn lor wtriciiltural imrM)M and U e' Uliliih hi claim bt wld lii Uli.re tin dtfiti'U'r Kid l(-eiver uf thu otlli-ft at The Dalle. ttreKuu, on Tuewlny, the 'Al day of rVhruary, HaM. He tiitniiii at wUit: Adeline SitVde, Suitie W. IU-.. H, Kuie Kvrrvll Ht John, Krnr-t W IWrle. Kdert 11. lUi.-rll, of Kerett, Wahm!t'-n. Any and all pKrHmt tnlinlni tvere ly the atMrve-dwk hlx-d UihIn Mrv it-ij ui-nt d l rtlw tln'lr cbiluiH In tblx nfllrr on or ttebtre aaid L'ml day d Ki-bntiirv. lUM. n'JU MH UAKI. I'.NmI.AN. Uiyler. 1lmter Laud. A June 1 1: Notice for Publlcntloti. Cnltrd Slttteo Iwind IMtiif, Til tUIIra, Or., ...vembie .'I, N diur hrreby i(ivrn that itt isintpliaiiee with th inviiiu -d the art t ('niitrewiid June 3, InTM, rniiilnl 1 An aet fr the utto -d Ituitarr laitdN in th.' Stite .d Califurnia, Or. tfiin, Netaila,and Waiihiiititn 'IViritorV," aa ; ifttndd li all Tie I'ui.iif lttiil Slate bv act ' tf Aiwiut t. Wit J.'im- It, Heuth. td'l rrinetil.r. runty d rk. wte..f On-non, haa t. ,Mv VS. !H lil.-d in thiat oltiw hu Mrn talvniptit N' far ti purchaoe d the SK NK'i, N HK'i iiiiil HK'i .sKs of felt. N.t. 'jn.lR f.wnahip Nil t Smith Itamre N. It K.. W. M. and will ullrr priMiftn nh'-w that the Uml pniilil i m.re talinblt- for it ioilr nr aiime than lur mrl. ciiIIiiimI ituriMawa und to enUMbdi liin t'laiiit to mill Kind li.'l.irf J. j, .Mtmth ( jiiuitv 'lTk at Htitinillo, Ohv. on ttulut dv. thr foh d-ty of K' briirtry, iwt. He nnliifN k wittufMra: Mvnm t'adr, Krml Hik. iiih, f hailf Krii knnt I. It. rindftfr f I'tim'tilk. Orrn-n. Any and nil tn vlainduit alenly the alHive-deacrilNHl landa ara mtueitfal tu rile theirclaiim in IhU ottii'e on or before Mid ,'Ah day uf February. PCM. MK HAKI.T. NOI.AX (13 H.Kiitir, CONTEST NOTIOK. 1'tiltMl .States Land OttW TV Dalle. OreKin, iWpmlMr ItlUI. A mitriclent contctt affidavit havinif Imvii filed in (hi office, by THKOIKJKKM. POST, contestant, airsinxt hoinettead entry No. EW7UL made Mareli 7, IWl, tut IM 2. WU HK'j "d HK'i HVT Sec. A and NK NW' Hec H, Tp. IH Mouth, Kansw 11 KaH, by Karl K. Hinea, cotiteiilee. In which it in allfited that aaM Karl K. Hines has wholly aliandoned aaid tract) that ha has chaiiKivt hia reaidiDoa therefrom for mora than sit montlu ulnoe nialihitf said entry; that aaid tract Is not settled upon and cultivated by said narty ax required by law; that aaid slsiiiuoiiiurnt has not Imtii caused by srr vios in the Tailed Stttes army or, navy during time of war or peaes; said parties are hereby m dined to aploar j resimiid and onVr evidence toiichfiik' aaid , allantation at 1 o'ebmk a. u. on Jitnuarv t, lM, lirlore M. H. li, H. ChiiihimI ,n- er, at his otlios at I'rincville, Oregim, (and that final hr-arlntf will be hfld at U) o'clock A. H. on Januarv 9 1M04. liefore the Itevi-ter and heceiver at the I tilled Hlutea Land Office It. ihe Dallaa, Orrvot). I list sain coiileatant having. In a prer affidavit, filed Nov. 2, IIUH. Set forth fact which show that after due diligence iwrsonal wrvlce uf this notice can mt 1st made, It b hereby ordered and directed that aiK'h notice be given by due and proper ptililication. 19 Ke(iter. TlmlMT I-and. Act June t, 178. NUTH'K VttH PtlHI.irATIDN, Unlled Slntes Land OIHce, The Dulles, Or'Kon, N. v.-iiiIht 12, m. Notice Is hereby iven that In ctoni. li ft nee with tb provisions or ihe arl uf OmKress of June 3. lhiS, entitled "All at tor the sitle of ItmlH-r lands In the alnlea of f'allfornla, i'irts;on( Nevudit, and Wnnh- Putillc Ijind States by act uf AiiRiiat 4. lt, the loiiowinif named (icrsoiis have May n. lWKl n led in llilsuiin-e tlietr r .wurn , Hiau'ioenu, w-wii: DANIEL F. COVEN Y. of KIOO 1'UMMit Ave, N Miimeaot.il., yiunty of Hennepin, ttste of Minnesota, worn statement . 1M. for the mire haw nf the NW' Section 32, Tp. 12 Hoiitli, WILLIAM I. COVKNY, of Um DuiKint Ave. N . Minnenpotis, aounty of lleiiiepiu, stale of M inncHuta, worn statement No. iW't, fnr the purchiiM' of the tiK Motion 32, Tp. 12 Soiuh, Hange Ui Kant, W. M. KATHKKINK COVKNY, of HIO0 Dnnont Ave, North, Minneapolis, county of Hennepin, state of Mitmeit.U, Mworu sUlemeiit No. IKS), (or the pun'liue of the Wt tUt tUm ai, Tp. 12 South, Usiikc 1 Kiist W. M. imiDOKT COVKNY,, of Kliifl Dtnmnt Avenue North. M Inm-h-mIm, county of Heinifpin, lute of Minnesota swum slutemmit No. jfVil, lor the purchiiM of the M. Section at, Tp. 12 HOiilh, Kiinare Pi Kant. W. M. Ttial ihey win rirrer nroor to show that the bind xotiKhl Is more vuhmhle for lla Hmhr or aTune lhan fur itKrleoltnritl pur-in-we. and to emnlillnh their rlaima to nnl lund before the leiiler ami Kw-eiver at The Dulled, Oregon, on Itluudiiy, Feb ruary 'Si, P4. l m-y name ua wiiiu'smis: nritlirciroveuy, Katharine Coveuy, William I. I'uvciiy, Daniel P, (.Viveny, of Minneapolis, Minn,, ind Thomas M. O'Oonrudl and Scott Hath away, ot Prineville, MV(ofl. v and all porsons c a m Inr ndverae- ly the above-described lands are reiiesl ed to file their elalms In this office on or before the said MU day of February, 1'JW. Ulf'Ul T Vi if a i Keg titer, SIIA0 WAREHOUSE COMPANY. Glxanllro, Oxouon General Storage, Forwarding AND COMMISSION illiliCIIANTS Kiroprihit huiltlihg lOOxlUX) 150 fiTt two oltiricH In liright, Special Attention to Wool (iradiiiH and Haling for Hasten. Shipments, DtMiIrr in l.liu'kHinith Cunl, Flour. HurU'il Vht( NhUm, (Vnn'tit, IJiu. Coitl Oil, IMtister, Stiljiliur, Wool itntl (iriiln Hm kn hihI Twlntr (irnin urn! KrrJ. lliliri! -in mltl for Miilt'ft uml IVlm. Stock Yards with all the Latest and Best Facil ities for Handling Stock. AK'ub. for Vftci. Warehouse Milllnw V-u, "Wfdt Hher1 ami ' thtllei I'atent" fl-ui, Murk UawU uro of 'H. W, fo.H riUNKVIUJC, OIlKtiON 011.00 ftt I). V. Ai.iimHimV Hiotv Jfthrnjf mi Xmm, ntlNKVIU.K, , OltKtlON I'lUNKVII.I.K, UltKlltlN. x. ssVf, I'lUNKVII.I.K, ultKUn.N & SBrim I'lUNKVII.I.K, UltKlltlN. 'HAH. I. KUWitMl m. r. mi am pUu'C' First lMr Ktist of ViinikV lrun Hlnrt. ntlNKVIU.K, OKKiiONj Calln an.irrml .r..in.ily (.y w ol,l, lie. with Ilr, V. Ilnn.r. Ilid.no. Curnrr M ami Main ilmta. ritlXKVII.I.K. ' OIIKIION W. K. SNOOK, . D. niysiciim uml snu;i:o CUI.VKR, : : oilKliOlt Am prqiitred to aiinmr prnlif Kiiiniil cal In prninpll i"l"l "H I . ... J.W.BOOiK SADDLES AND II A K NESS. iMakorol tho t;i!liibiu totl PR I N K V J LLE STOCK HADDLK m i. live or KTok.n:i'Nsiri,i.iKH Latest Improved ' Ladles Bide and Stride Saddles. Hits, Spurs, Anxora Chaps Quirts and Hackamores. Write fT Prloos. Princvill Oro((oii. CATARRH Elys Cream Balm This Remedy Is Specific Sure to Cls Satlslaetlon. oivia Muir at onoi. It rleaniie., anol hi, licala, anil proterta Ui. diwaiwd mciiilirniiB. It onr (Inlarrli ami ilri.eaawar a Cola In llm WmhI quirklr. HmtiirM tli. 84H1MH of Tu.ta auil Hiiii.j. ray to TiM. CiiuUiiiM no iujiiriuiiH ilin. Apli Into the u.mlril. an.) alnnrlml. Imtuh Hia., GU cmiU at llriiKKiU or liv mail Trial Hlza, 111 l ent, l.y inail. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warran St., N.w York. I ,riiuvillt,"HiIvtr Tjtikn Htiiyo lAno PICK VAN'liKHVKHT, Prop. I.oiivt. rriiiivillv MiiiiiI.)'., Weil. ni'.ilii). nml iiluya, Kri'ili aud piiam-iigi'it wiiylillliHt fur Wilivr likt anil way iinl. (1 11 llvrnt, Alil lll. I'riiu'villK-Ihn'n Ktt;o Initio (.'. (!. COIINKT, rrrilor Umi' rrinrvilli lur lluriu Muu iIiivh, Wi'iliiwliiyii niul KrMnya, Oni'ar llydi', AkhiI. 1 'rint' villn-M ittdioll Sttijti Kiiit.f JtillN' llt'NSAKKU, I'uf. 1,1'avtn I'rini'vllli' on Muiiilara, Wiiliiifiluva niul Kriilnv., arriving ut Mill ln'll tin' nunio Jay. .rnvim ttililiKll mi Tiiwiluyi, Tliiirmliiva niul Huttirtlnyit. Juliii Tvinlulun, Ani iit. SMITH MAKI'.R t)l' (icntiinc VAlJKItO HADDI.ES alwi LADIEH' HADDI.ES Siimll wlreti'il Htix lc ul Hiirneal, timrtH, Hililrvth iliu and Hitin. PlllNKVII.I.K, Ohkuon. HAVE YOUR MEASURE TAKEN for roar new Fall frtrments. It ta the only proper and aat lafactorr wajr of buytnr your clothe., being that "GOtID CUJTHK9 ARK ALWAYS MADK TO OKUKK." Make your .election from the tall oring Una of STRAUSS BROS. Chicago,. Est. 1877 deed tailor, lor orar s q aarter oaa tary You'll find a world of pleas, re la wearing- the clothes made by ktrauaa Iiroa., laultleaa In style, fit, Anlah and material.. They're so much better than the ord. nary run of clothes, yet prices are aatonlahinrly low, snd your perfectly safe in or dering, because If garments ars not aatlafactory, you needn't take them. WB WILL UK PLEASED TO SHOW YOU OUK tiHEAT LINK OK 8AMPLK8 CALLON Saioman, Johnson & Co E. H.