Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 14, 1904, Image 3

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V- - -
Judges and Clerks ol Elactlon Ala Ail
pointed and Dtttli ol Bualaeas
In tin mailer of llio apiiiiiiliin'n
ofjiiaticn nf the Peace in IIIiciT)
Creek priH'lui'l, A J Hlirn in iippulntial
until July 1, IWI.
Ill the matter ol the iiiiiilltliii'li
ul 11 Hnpen lanr lor Wiiluw Creek.
lilatrlel Nu I), no report llled. I
ClittwniHt appoi ti-tl aupitrviaor him
MK) appropriated frnin Hit' road luiu.
lor thti liiiiiinliiilc repair ul said mad
l'lititiim for the I'liuniy road by II
K Nisacn, ct al, Dinliii'l ittturncy'i
reairt being favorable wit li thei'Seep
titHi nu to piiHif ol piwliiiK nollces
said proof Winy, tmrrii'ii'il to et'iifnni
Willi I In' fuel", tlw rouil la indent
I it I , plaited mill ilii'lmiil it ciiiiii
ly road. I'lcrk to imtily district li
oHiii up roiul Ami work mil t hi prti
tiins. Htipcrviaor'a report til ihuid Weavei
osHiuined niul npprovi'il,
Hupcrvisnr'a reiort ol I' T Monroe,
Dint Nu HI, ri'puri appiovcd niul ri'
appointed for one yi'nr.
Supervisor's rcHrt ol (! I" M.iupii.
(or I'lal No II, npproviil. Frank
Shamhraii appointed atiticrviaoi.
Hupi'rvlaor'n report ol II ((rimes,
DUt N'u 7, ri'Hirt lllitl niul aiiKirviaoi
Hiiwrvimir'a report ol Joe Httcel,
accc ptial nml rt'ftpi"inti'il lor one year.
SuiM'rvlaurs ri'pott of K K Mollis,
Dial No IS. deport continued for
cnirectioii. Randolph liiliaou np
Hiintvtl ill district lor ana yi'iir.
HuiKiri iwir'a ri''rt of VY F. 1 'in In in
for Dial N N, report approved mid V
K Din lii'in reappointed lor olio yi'iir.
In llio mailer f itiaiirlng the conn
bullae, county judge ordered Iti linvc
an ill building Insured, t'lnrk ordered
lo dial warrant for the iiiuinil,
aJIOT.JO. Warrant No 7l.ll-
Hiirvlaor'ii ri'pnit of A it llelina
for Hiat No it, lli'mrl eminiiiicd
ml apprnvril. Pick llrecac appoint
ed auiwrviaor in nnitl iliatrii'l for one
In llio niul tcr of selecting it jury
lilt for 19111, diawn I ll of name
handed M clerk.
HiiH'rviaor' rcisirl ol David Weaver
on road petitioned lor by J A Mollit
ft ul, report iixmiiiui'il nml approved
and thtvid Weaver appointed for one
year, Dial No 4.
In llio iimlti'r ol the tn li'ty liu
1IM4, ordered Hint tlm Imy .lor tlw
tato shall be f mills; lor gi'in'rul
comity puriHM, li) milla; fur school
purpose, 4 mills; lor mini purKiaea,
t milla; lor count) high school, 2
Petition ol C A Whitactt lor sink
lug well on public highway, pcrmis
ion granted with llio tiinlor'iiuliii!
Hint mad bn kt'pt open lo iritvid nt nil
times mul when well ia completed to
III it gmsl and safe and keep it thnl
In the matter ol the ap.inlincnt
ol delegate to llio Livestock t'uii
vfiition In i'oillnnil, II K Zi'll up
Hiiuliil ita n tli'h'isiilo.
In Hit' ninttnr ol county printing.
The Crook County Jourmil linriii);
InrKi'at niilnUir ol awoni .aubacriuor
tlio oontrnrt la awnnliil to tlio Journ
al nt the lollowing rutin lor onfi your;
Court prociviliui; in brevier tyKi nt
4 Oi nta H'r lino; aeiiiiiinnual atnln
nienta in brevier i.yio with usual ilia
piny t)'Hi nt Ml ornta per inch "i J (i U'
RiiKirvinr' rojiort ol (I II Nyo lor
Diatriet Nu 17, ri'nirt npprovi'il anil
(1 II Nyo ri'iippointiil lor one your.
1'otitinn for county rornl by 1 W
lliirni'lt ot ul, ilimuiaavil upon remrt
of ilialriot nttoruoy.
IVtition lor climi!0 in county ronil
by I'rnnk Foroat tt l, petition pn
ai ntcil nml taken under cntniilcnil inn.
On 'Ciiiiii remling H.'lilion grunted
and onlcrod anrveyed nud viowi'd on
the 18th ol January, l!HI4.
Petitioned ol C J Cotter ot al for
county road continued.
In the matter of appointing a roail
Ujiorviaar for Ireland Dial No 2, no
report llled and C I) Allen appointed
mporviaor for one year.
Potition of T f McCalliator for
county road. Potition proaontud and
objeotiona dated In court in person
by It G Jenkini and H M Davla.
Petition granted and ordered anrveyed
and viewed on the lllth ol January,
Sutierviinr'a report of J II. Gray
Diat No 22, report accepted and J II
Gray reappointed.
, Appointment of judges and clorku
of election:
Prinovillo, precinct No 1, judgea,
T M Baldwin, j'li Luckey, Mini Van-
dcriool clerks, Arthur Hod!?, W A
Bell, C VV Elkina.
Ireland, No S, jndgea, C B Allen,
V P Vandevert, J M Montgomery;
clerks, W II Holliiiahend, Chas.
Willoy, John Atkinson.
Beud, No 3. judges J tt Brock, J
I W'oat, John Sisemoro; clerks, George
Hclilocht, J M Lawrence, Clus Brock.
Montgomery No 4, judges, George
Hudson, W T Casey, Dave Weaver;
oIitK J II Menill, Frank Foieal
Ales lliiieiipiirt,
llhiek Hi 1 1 1 ct, No 5, jinV'a, Knia'h
' Sy rim, Murk Wills, tlenrKO Wiaiila;
ii'ika, Ali'H Hmilli, Henry Carlin,
1 1 bur Teiiiplelon.
Ilnyaliiek, No l jmlBna, Jake
iiomi, Hi ,irn Oali'irn, (I Hprlngnr;
derkn, Wnni'ii lliowii,.l)nvii llnrnetl
I' J leh.
Mek'ny, No 7, Jodgea, I W Hpi'iirH,
lua MoCuril, I' K 'reiiiplntoii; elerka,
Mliia llinniililie, 1 0 1'owell. John
II..)- I'r.'i k, No n, jiiiliies, it I'.ir
i.h, 3 V Viiiilliiiileii, J A Allen;
li'ika, Fred Wallnei', Cliaa Piirrlali,
lyn Nieliola.
Wilb'W Creek, No II, jlldgoa,
iiilrew Morrow, C A Newbill, T F
.Iiii'hiiimu; elerka, Win Joallii, P
'Inluood, I, mi llllllliltoil.
Cro Key", No III, jmlges, J II
liirrett, Boil Cram, C Mel'heraiui;
fork", Jolm Holler, Hum Ilnulhit,
IV W llroivn.
Aflmoial, No U, judges, Tom
llilillillnll, J llnliiliaon.ti (i I'oillllel'
'er; Clerka, Wade lliiatoo, C B Me
iloikie, Jiliuea Wmaia.
t'lierrv I'reek. No 12, imlgi, A V
.Sniiiin, P 1 Coiinolly, Jiienli Knaaer;
leika, V Klin W II Hlniiin, r I
Ji llliaiin Creek, No 13, judges, 1 W
Klliolt, Ward lirniii, John Watkins;
lerka, b Lilolletl, K T Hbiyton,
j H Winaler.
Mill Creek, Nil 14. jlulgi's, Will
Ulliotl, Chna l.iater, Chun drain;
lerka, D l.won, 1) Kvaii", CI. mil
llowmd, No 13, jlulgi's, P lllevina.
J J I'ieisnu, J Hogg; elelka, W J
Wright, C 0 Hon, A C Knighton.
Kiiminit Prairie. No 10. tiulgea, VN
J Hehniidt, Kd Merrill, John Mulvo-
hill; elerka, J II Cornet t, llert Wright,
John Gage,
Ilenr Crwk, No 17, judges, V II
Milliorna, K Faiigbl, T J Fetgiison;
elerka, J K Uolierta, l,eo Wigle, II K
Camp Creek, No 18, Judges, John
Seliniii r, Floyd Huston, E E llollia;
elerka, H Gihaoii, Chas Parriah, Frank
llnnlin. Nu 19. indites. It F Hheiihenl,
1, MeluiiNih, II Uilmon; elerka C
A tiilehrial.C I.ilhird; T Balloiir.
Ilenver Creek. No 20, judge, I, l
Cliiypiail, Frank Hmltli, G W Noble;
lerka, W C CVinglelon, Freil Powell,
Cap Cornell.
Maury, No' SI, Judgm, 11 J Lister
C HoU'rla, w Jneolw; elerka, 11 II
Huxley, Kd Nelson, C A l.uelling.
Nowaom Cm k. No 21, judge, Wal
lace l'oat, HoaeiHi Knox, Geo Wiley;
clerks, J II Kelley, J II Gray, Ed
Kuteher. No 23. imlges, Ed Koteli-
er, I! I Cnwles, Hairy Donthit; elerks,
waiter Pnrriali, Frank Elkinn, J T
Iln ,.e. No 24. indites. Dick llrwne,
J M Fniight, Hleve Yancey; clerlla,
Cain Duncan, Harvey Hudson, Alma
In the matter of-ill trueliuns to
road aiiK'rviaors, clerks instructed to
inform eaeli ul the auiicrusori to get
out anil work out their poll laws aim
apportionments by the lat of July,
In the matter ol the nherifTs assess
ment lor vmir I'.HKI. elerk ordered lo
oliarge tlio sheriff with sheriff's nssess-
nieiils lor the year lDOIl, iid poll ,IIX-
. Total, ril lb27.
In the ninlter ol aiiiiointnieiils tor
rund supervisors lor 1 year lleiul, Dist.
No 3 C J Cutler. No rejairt llled.
Uhiek Dutie, No B George niul,
lieHirt llled and examined and np
proviil. ,
Haystack, No 0, G 11 Oabom, No
reHrt lliled.
Clierry Creek, No 12, James Con
nolly reappointed.
Johnson Creek, No 13, Henry t,rani
'appointed. No report filed.
Mill Creek, No 14, William Stanton.
No report Hied. .
Howard, No IS, w J Wright reap
pointed. No report filed. ,
Summit Prairie, No 1G, hd Merrit.
No report filed'.
Beaver Creek, No 20, Frod Himtii,
no report llled.
Maury, No 21, C A Lnelling reap
pointed. Report filed and allowed.
Kuteher, No 23 J E Campbell re
appointed. No report llled.
In tlio matter ol tlio bridge across
Crooked river, by J B Tillotaon, clerk
ordered to issue warrants in tlio sum
of $1200.
In the ninttor of tlio appointment
of a Jitstico of the Peace in Mill Creek
precinct, Douglas Lawson is hereby
appointed iintill July 1, 1904.
In the matte! of the report of B F
jobnanii. assessor, on taxes collected.
report found correct to date, there be
ing one liouk ol receipts out yet.
In tlio matter of appointment of
road viewers, G Springer and J It
Elliott appointed Inr one year.
In tho matter of the eschoat fund
in the bands ol M II Bell, ordered
that tlio amount now on hand, $13.05,
bo placed to the account ol the gener
al fund.
f Ajoiirnmcnt to meet Jau. HI, 1904.
I on
1 lJU
I llll
Murli.n T.iylor work on rowl l7f
.Ini'H Pee lumber for roada 117 V
., ,. .. If) 711
J W llnltlliarjli liidtli for roada ... 4t!ft"i
(I II It.iy ini'.T II. I HUM H00
IJIbhs A I'rliilliuliilllH htli aell';ol
Win llrftdtnnt cli'iiiiliiK eniirt house
II I! IrflW Juror tees Jllatiee riilllt .,
W II Hliiiila " "
Dudley .May Held " "
I'ri'ed Tilplelt " "
John Klder "
John Kever " 0 "
Harney Lewis " "
II W Triplet! "
Tnlli Trljili ll " "
Mm 1'piiKe " "
rlma Winifr " "
MlllniilTrlplett "
I'lilla t'ultor " ' "
II J ileiileyeoinllilHaiouera IVlM.
M II Powell "
llr W II Hn.eik ulleiMliiig H N Uool-
Joaepli Htrrel read work 11I7
il ll .) " ' ri ,u
II P Kvanrl " " am
1' Lit W Co light snil water 13 7'i
I'H.'OK t'ol'STV Jol'IIMAL prilltlllg. . . 44 Hi
A II Mppiiiiin 4 iUi iiidxe Toffi
I' I' Miinpili rr,nd wenl
W It MeKitrluud cure ut pullH'm. ,
Every iuatruiiieiit sold has our full,
iincuiiditiinini gimriitee of inouey
hack il not entirely a.itialactory, in
iiildition to Hint nf the laelory. lie
liverien uiiide iiniiifli itely upon lirat
pnyitu'iit. Eilern Piiinn House, .No.
li.'il Wiiabintnn Ht,, corner Park.
The largeat, moat popular not) re
liable pinnu concern on the Pai lib-
Const. Large stores Hpnkane nml
Keattle Wash.; Saerniueiito, f'.io
,u" Frnnciaeo, Hl'K:ktoii mid Eureka, (.'ul
I ii
1 hi
I Oil
Opal Pralrls Hsws Items.
Alias M aid Dobha liuistied her drat
term of school nt Ihia plnee Friil.iy
Jiiuiinry Bib. The lerm has b en wry
alleceaalill and gives entile aatiafaetiotl
lo the patrons ol Hie iliatnet gener-
ally. Too iniich praiae ennnot he
aaid of the work doiio Imth as to
ellieieney and thorotighneis. "
The progressive spirit of llio people
of Opul Prnirie in manifest on every
hand, Building, clearing ntid im-
J)01((!proveiiietit is going on a pace which
-;2ne,i shows they have all the vigor and in-
l I' Aduilieni itnlimiery I) flo
1,'niitliiiicd on I'.h page
The Best Advantages Piaoo Buyers
Have Ever Hod Now Offered
' by Eikirs Piano House
Wholesale P'kei on tbe Largest Line of
Strictly High-Grade Fianoeand Organs
Em Carried by a Single Finn
Two Organ Clubs Add
ed Yesterday.
duMry of their forkful hum and what
hum hut a few yean ngo a (iintuul
WHfo of Hittjchniflh aint hiinch-grawt
will soon tw inndu to ltlismm n the
tmo, s
At it mnnimi't'tiiig held nt th? Opul
Prnirie scIkkjI house Tumiay evening
Jan, Oth VMM, for the puritoiw of (lin
ciiHsing tho wuUr tupply quention for
this part of the cmimry an orjr,ni iwi
tion wrik elYfCted. Mr, Jcohie Martin
war elfyrtcd F's; E. C. Winner. Kec;
J, IT, ffuvvkinn, of ifiiwftnl, wae a
rrinfeville viiilnr H.iturdny.
i. H Hrown.of Hnyittnck, vinn a
I'rlitpvillf visitor i-ijitimljiy, " "
Jolm Knight enrnn ovpr from Al
.v((t Kunfliiy on n u'ufi trip,
Mck Hinilh wiw in from Vtvchutu
thu lint of tho Wftck trfiinmftin(( himi-
C W, i'rtriith at a hiittnfiit visitor
in Primivillfi from Hy Creek the
nrt of th wirk,
Kyn Mtcholn, of JIny Crock, w;ih
trnnrtf!liitj( tnwinptH iti the city the
pt tint wck.
Warren Krown, hum in tho city Hiit
iiidny fronr Orizziy where he i tench
I heir dUtriet (school.
Jtiiljidv l)rawr arrived liome Hatiir
dny fro.n (!(rvulli(s, where fie hint bfen
uttfliuling the Agricultural College.
(i, M. Coinett tho Hhuniko-l'riiiO'
villtt stuj(cnitin kit for the furmor
p!uc(; Moiuhiy after a hw ftiiys hty
in tlii city.
L E AliifiKharii, the livery sbhle
man, has purchased ol J. H. Wigle s
half nkrtt in the luttra hlackflinilh
shop and business.
Harry Broker and mother, of Ues-
chufff, left Hunday for Ht. Louie
where Mr. Broker will play with the
Centennial during the Exposition.
Frank Sweet, who was employed
' hut summer hy the .pilot Bntto f'e
j velopmeut company, arrived in the '
ritv Mmi.I:,v frnn, U',11:, U''il' ,vli..r0
nml Leo Teek, Treus. By a unsmin-i. , , .
nionthe. He left Mclny for Hilverj
Luke to make pioofon n tinihe: claim.
Tire you ready
To Build?
We can help you by furnish'
in$ Building Material
We Have IT..
a Larc
Stock of Doors,
all sizes
and styles
and also
all regular sizes
of Windows
both in
! i.i. i
r i
I i
; : J Uj
Two Lfyht and EihtLiht Style
7nd we are selling these Goods
I'inno piirehaaera are mm' hiking
ailiii:ilni;e of (he leans'. Imyinn o-
I'.riiiiiiiies evt r I'ttereil in any part of
any country. Ihr la.iety ol iianos
iiieluiliil in our eluli sale it praetieally
limitleas ami Ihey are not only the
very fnic"t .laiioa made, luit the lat-
eat anil het alyha ol eneilusii(n and
No oilier ii;iuo dealers, K.,st or
West, eooirol anywlieie near such a
lurfte vohiuie J hiiainesa as iha-s KHers
1'iauo IIi-iic. lluyiiiK anil celling in-
slriinieuti. In I lie gigitmit; quantities
in whieh we ilut to supply five im
mi'tiKir let.iil storea, euahles us to
name the reuroiiuhle terms ai il prices
which are iiiiule hy us at all limes.
Pi.ino Olulis.
Hut to still luilher aid inin lmaeia
in aeeuriiiK line pianoa at low piieea,
witlinut saeiillee to ourselves, we have
again inaugurated the wholcsalo or
club plan ol piano st'lline, which was
so Immensely popular in 'VH.
Kneh club is limited strictly to 100
members, and it occupies the same
relation to us as a wholesale purchas
er, who huyes as many pianos in one
lot. There are live clubs in all, and
each one are the very Uncut pianos ol
their reajiective grades. For instance,
Club "A"
There are pianos ol a great variety
ol (wakes asd styles and sell regular
ly for $22500, l'iO OO niul f:i(KK).0O
and lor every one of them other deal
ers would ask a great deal more, ltul
in the piano clubs they can lie ob
tained now Inr $118 (HI $1:1700 $1115
and $178. Payments $5 down and
weekly payments of $1.25.
Club "It."
In this club are to 1 e found the
choicest of Marshal & Wcnitel, Hicea
A Son, Weser and the beautiful
llailey pianos in great variety at
such prices as$lSI!.00 $214.00 $220.00
etc. The payments are only n.uu
down and $1 IX) a week.
Club "C" "D" and "E."
In these clubs are pianola of such
well known excellence ol popularity
as the llohart M. Cable, Voso, Lester,
Pease, Schumann, Dusli Jb Cierts and
many others, graded in the three
clubs according to stylo and finish,
the highest class. Club "K" includes
the vciy choicest Weber, Kimball and
Cliiekeriiig pianos, in bptli upright
and grand stylo. Payments down in
Class "Care $13.00 diflvn and $2 a
week, in Club "t" $20.00 down and
$2.50 a week, and in Club "E" $25 00
down, tho balance to be arranged to
suit customers, hut to bo paid within
two ycara. Payments may be made
by the month instead ot week where
cleaned, and as much more as is de
al red may be paid oft at any time.
Orgaii Clubs.
Twfl organ clubs arc now in rcadi.
ness. In these are tnciuueii our en
tire line ol elegant organs, such as
the well-known and popular Crown,
tho Burilette, tha Kimball and the
Paclllo Queen, all in the very latest
styles of Mason A Hainilin, Eaty and
other well known makes.
Club "OA"
Members ol this club secure a fine
new organ by paying $11.00 down and
llnisli their payments in weekly in
stallmeuts ol only (10 cents.
Club "OB"
Those who wish to secure organs in
a little liner and more elaborate finish
may do so by joining this club and
paying $5 down and the small sum of
$1.00 a week, or $4.00 a month.
ous vote it was decided that the
Kanixation should be' known aa The
Farmers Co-oiierative Irrigation
Association. Mr. E.G. Wiesner, A.! A. W. Pope came over fr.m Dcs
llciiemaii and O. Springer were elect-1 chutes Saturday and returned with
ed delegiitos to represent the assi cia-' Dr. Ilelkuap who went to attend John
tion ai Portland when the subject of Hteiill The tatter's attack of
irrigation is discussed there Uion the typhoid lever ia still serious, hut it ia
arrival of F. If. Newell, Chief Engin- j thought thai hi' sickness will not
eer of the II. fl. Geological Survey. . prove fatal.
The Opal Prairki Literary Society - , , . . ,. r . ,
organized here last month is progress-; . ,' , , ... Katurdav.
Thev were treated to a serenade oil
on their arrival by a crowd of young
ing nicely and is pronounced ft de-; ,,
cided success by all. A very inter
esting program was rendered New
Years i ve to a crowdul house alter
which a delicious and sumptuous
lunch was served by the ladies present.
Tho society meets on the 1st and 3rd
Fridhy evening of each m?nth.
folks. They aie home at present at
tbe residence of B. F. Allen but will
move anon in the residence now oc
cupied hy .1. F. Morris.
The snow storm which began in
this city last night, has been general
Jockey Club Disbands. all over the Eastern Oregon counties
and especially over all portions of
The hurt meeting of llio Prineville L'nliHi county. Dalles Chronicle.
Jockey Club was held last Saturday 1 There are other portions ol the state
afternoon at the court house, more besides Umatilla. Wc havn't as yet
than two-tnirds of the stock being seen any nf this reported fall of the
represented in attendance. The club beautiful. j
; r
i?, 1 1
We have
Building Paper
White Lead
and Oil
Ready Mixed
Incorporated 1003.
Drugs, Stationery and House Fiirnisliins: Goods
Wines, Liquors,
Domestic and
The Celebrated
A. B. G. Beer
Always on Hand.
Proprietors of the Prineville Soda Works.
Two Doors South ot
First National Bank
was oAlltn Uionier iy b. iv
who is secretary cf the organisation,
and It. S. Price was made president
pro tcui. Alter a short discission a
motion to dissolve the club was un
animously carried and the board of
directors wis instructed to sell tbe
iroierty at public auction. This
consists of the grand stand and fence
at the old race tract, together with
t-)l Oil I.. ..uh, haiwt & . ilivi. I
lend will then bo declared, which it fiotc the Special Prices offered for this month on the
is thought will amount to uo on j ijcst uualitv cf Drv Goods and Furnishings in the city.
; -SI E -i
I Our Dissolution Sale
I . . m m rf-k A NT dT. A. A
m Continue until pur siock is uosea wuij
the share, tho original price of the
latter being 110. The efforts ol the
old JiK'key Club will then lie united
with the present Fair association.
A Former Priaevillite Dead.
Shaw Is and fitf cinntors. formerly $ -10 now I 25
. 75 u 40
" : - 1 25 " 80
j - o 2 25 " 1 35
9 00 now 6 .50
Dross Skirts, formerly
Underskirts, formerly
Wonl was received by Si Hodges
last Friday announcing the death of .
his brothel Sherman Hodges at .
Winatchec, Washington, on Christian j i
lay caused by falling into a cellar, .i
1 lie lieceasf-a was 4i yeare oi age ano ;
was well known in this section having ' jJ
lieen born ami raiseu nerc. tie was a '
sou of Aleck Hodges who died in this :
city a number of years ago. Mra. J.
A.Gulliford and Mrs.H. II. Stought-
en ol Dulur and Mrs. H. A. Dillard I
of Hums were sisters and Si Hoilgea I
a brother of the deceased .
1 50
1 75
I " " " 5 50
Ld's Outing Flannel night gowns 75
'.' " " HO
; " " " 1 50
1 00
3 25
Lils' Knit Underskirts, formerly 50 now $
Lcls' Flannel Shirt Waists " 150 "
Tahle Covers, formerly 125 "
, " 2 50
Children's Shoes, former price
Men's " "
Ladies' Sweaters formerly
1 00
1 25
2 25
1 75
2 25
3 75
3 50
2 ? 21
10 u
50 m
75 Jjl
100 M
1 00 IV
1 oo' 5
2 50 J
2 2o3ai
, NT
I aw.
Men's Overcoats, formerly prices, $10 00 to $lti 50 now " 50 to $12 50.
Stockmen May Get Crang Permits.
Stock-men who wish to graze stock
within the Southern Division of the
Cascade Range Forest Reserve, during
the reason ol 1904, are requested to
make application at once to the for
est supervisor, at Roschurg, Oregon,
as all applications for this privilege
must bo on tile in his office, not'er
than February 10, 1904.
8. C. Hartrom, Forest Supervisor.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is lioreby given that the un
dersigned having sold one-hnif inter
est in his blacksmith bniuesa in this
cjty to L. E. Allingham, all creditore
ot the old firm are requested to call
and setlleat their earliest convenience.
Bills payable to me at the shop in
this city. J. H. Wiolk.
Prineville, Oregon, January 12, 1904.
Judd Palmer and' father left
Wednesday for Portland where
they will maka their future home.
Rona West and Miss Iva Donkel
of Deschutes, were married by
Judgo Biggs Monday afternoon.
The young couple left the same
day for their new home on the
Agents for
The Mitchell Wagons
And Farming Implements
Gan4 Plows, Disc Plows, Disc Harrows,
Disc Drills, Hoe Drills, Steel Harrows,
and Walking Plows at low Prices
Remember that we sel
Groceries, Shelf and Heavy Hardware,
- Cook Stoves, Ranges and Heaters,
Tinware, Graniteware, Guns, Ammunition,
Doors and Windows, Paints and Oils,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Crockery and Glassware, etc., etc.
If you don't see what you want,call for it
Our Motto:
Quick Sales and
Small Profit