Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 07, 1904, Image 3

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f Loem MENTION L j
Juke rttmud, of Culvnr wi in tin'
ulty Kutiihlny. s
t', 8, Cuwl.'., uf ll.iy Oieeli, spent
Fildny In llit ehy, -
Henry I'ihIIh In tmvn Hiiinnliiy
from hi- Oelmeu iititt'h.
Mr. It"-' LiW'iittc( l'i' r (i h
Wiih In (lit1 city Hmurdiiy.
julni Mi KruWit, of )cNrliiititi. u
vWltir In thic eity Friday.
V, II. Htiint, in' Pcwiliitti't nitT
elmiil, win In the city (lie first f I In
week .
Tin' Clnypool Hi'tiuul l4i k it mirui
and etitcrt'iiuuitMit ha Wen -wmt
ml imlll Jiiniiiiry I'Hh,
MIm Winiiii) W'IimI-'Iii, ol Iliy-taik
visited TlinrMltiv and Friday In thl
eily Midi Mim tvti H(h ili,
C, l, Wei nml Juine Htm w u'
lleseliuti', tntitMt'titl business li
IMueville the lust of the week.
II, J, Palmer nit-l father left this
h 11 It for IWIiuid where they wili
nmki' their iN'rimtiMMtt ieiid"tire.
Jiw.T. Ituliiiwm. "1 CuIverMvas In
Hie city th hul it' tlit week, attend
ing the I. . 0. K. lodeo IiiHtnltjliuti
Olid Keitr, Ji ff O'Kelley nml Mi
MnM O'Kelley of I'imt Oi'li'K-M.
visited iit i In- city Friday nml Hiitnr
I'heodore M. ltil, of H later, wn
in (hi oily (lie In"! of the week attend
mi. to mutter rtnthiiig to 'i hind
t'nciii Hyde and family left fur Port
Lied where tli y ki to rifiilt pernm
i i lly, Mr, II. vie intend engaging
lit bllKIIH'HI,
(list, Million lit Pine Mountain
was a Prinevllle visitor the )lrt of tin1
week. He report entile doing nin
y iu hid seeiiou,
Wm. JulniMMi was In tlic rity llir
flmt nf the week Irnin (ho deseil.i
where hi t wiiitorin hi sheep. Hi'
report llii'in doing nicely. "
Key, Z. W. Ci'iittiii'tfunl nnti'itniei
hi irrviee (or nenl .Sunday will lie hrld
at iHwdmlm. H" will In aeemii
panted liy Mm. Cnmiuerford.
(trunvilltt nml lleorge I'oindeshr
of Aahnootl njm'ikI iHueril diy in
town during the wwk, looking "Her
liiuil iinltew. Anli'loH Humid.
Hnmn (irtiy i expeeled home fiotn
1' ilntd . Smutty. H. )HH eompteled
.'iii ttii-iiHt4 .mil ruin rim lull
(lt.liiiU'ii i."- r itixl ni'rotnilHiil, Hl' "il, l't-' IVm'llUtrn, ill'1
mill nil" ii ig wthmuIv ill ith tiltiut
l Iri homo lit thul pluee. Hi' i U-'
ir ntteinKil Uy Or KiUimlrf ul Illicit)-.
(r. A. I). Moriinnit Imx Mnii!iiiriit
ly looiitetl ut Corvjilli H'hI write Ui
I I id Joitrmil lo Ut clmiiKiil to Unit ml '
'lr(M. For a limit ho ruittcinplutnl
(H'ntiii lifnt, i
T. Y. MirlliMtor( n Hnyituek, wn
III tlift city Hiiturtliiy, He brought m
ft Wilson lonl u( his ftunotu mipir
rnml OiMik county rnUeil lijittou fnr
Huh i m on, Julmmm A Co.
M. II. Klliott will leave the fiiKt o'
the wwk for Hah'in in compAny with
(Jimi. HiiniM. Ho will niR"ir rh K.
U. Hotter' nttoinoy in the Holter
tJurrett irrintion ditch suit.
Dr. Ilolknap nm.le a trofeKionnl
trip Kriilnv up the CIclioco, where he,
wiih culleii in iittoudiinco Umhi Mid i
V. F. Klliott. Ho reportM the pntient
qnito sick though not dtnicerutmly o
A notice will Im found in Another
column Aiiiiomieinif n tneetiug of
the Otook t'otinty Hloek iirnwem'
AMociiition, It in of iitinoni; import
ftiico thut every in- niher should at
tend. Wm. Cimilw left Hominy for Port
land wlie io his wife and dinilitoi
Imvo hoon uponding the pitHt frw
nionthi. Ho oxjioots to oxlond Iuk
trip to Frenton, Cat., for a vUit with
ds mother.
Poison iupKpd to Imvo boon net
out for ii hand uf iheop that ii winter
ing ft doxou mile north of Hem! on
the Hull crook Hat killed four head of
cattle the punt week boloiiKii.g to
John Arnold. 3ond Bulletin.
A. h. I j lion and John Kyau nf
DoBohtite were In the city Monthly
Mr. Lucas report travel brink nml
layi he will shortly eroct an addition
to his hotel as he cannot at p recent
care for the demands on hii Accommo
dations. J. E. Calflvtin, who is spending n
few months in the Willamette Vulloy,
left Tuesday after a few days stay fu
this section, While hero ho made
various improvement to his Home
stead. He and his family will he
home in the early spring.
Leo Wigle loft the first of the week
for Corfftllis here ho goes to meet
his wife who has boon visiting at that
place. Before returning Mr. Wigle
expects to attend the lvestock con
vention in Portland which will begin
on Jan 12 and continue for throe days.
WHI Wuraai'ilnr left Tuesday for
a short biiMtion nf ay in 1'uiilinul.
(loorge ti'Nril, of I'uiiltiiii. wu" t
I'rlnovillo hiiKiiii'M Usilor Fridiy
Hert ('uldwell wtis down from hh
ranch at Ijivh to nttend thu New
Year's danon?,
Mii-s Kllle Hn.illi left Thursday for
her home uii'ui'per I'nmkod river (
t.n a few weelin Kttiy hi this city,
Kiel mul Kelli.v ami wife, ol J'ohi
(ireoinot, weie rrineville vinitors the
last of the week.
Mixs Mnuil Jobh left Hulurday lo
leHiime her dntiei h teuoher lit Kill
HiiUfk diHtriet near Hity-tmk-
C M. Lister and wife, nf rpei'
ehtco, attended the l A. A , C
lauoe in thin city New Your night,
Mi. rWuh Klliott and fmnily pent
the luct of the we"k visiting wiih the
amity of Jolm Klliott nf Kyt (Innm.
Mrs. T. M. Halilwiii h-tt f ir Tott-
laiid, WiHlnoMility, n Ihto her daughter
are ntteiidiiig scli'i'il, iiftor spending
the ImlidfiyM in this city.
County CommUnioner, Mark Cow
I, of M. Ki.y, and II. J. Hi'aly, of
llnyitiiek, aio iu the ehy helpi ig to
'iiinwiet county busine.
(JtttTgr Paul, uf Hiiystaek, im wuh
tiinl ill J not ire Luckey' court IiihI
ihiUKihiy on charge of hhmii ult witli a
badly weapon, wit found not guilty.
Mont of tin; hilMiui'M bonnes ill this
ily have been hiiKy the piift wmk
Inking Inventories uf their stock, pre
paring for the business of thu new
P. M, Philips, of Histers, wns in tin
city Friday.
Tim ctti'iiw of lliiylnrk Indtitg
eil itt ft riibhit tlrivo yi'sioriltiy. We
luive, no! Ihtii uliJe to li'iini will)
what MluwM,
Mr, A. II, (J'tinu and his dauKlil'T,
Mis F. Wait, of Tim Dalles, returned
last week from a trip to the Pr'nievillr
ooiitilry where limy wore called to at
tend the funeral of William, a brother
of W. If. (jniim, who died on Dec, 17,
and was bin led oti the UIhI, Duft;
0. (K OontetS of p.iuliua, is in lln1
city checking up his stage Imfmiom
He givos im the llit authentic report
uf the Piiulitui elections, and says tin
intiforest reneive ImdH sweeping vii
lory. He reports J, T. Faulkner elec
ted mayor, and ICIme.r 'lai k, chief ol
poliee, 1'ho apiKjiutive (Xiweriof tin
fori i ie r nllice nro conniderablc so Mr.
Kaolkuer leels greatly the iiuporiiince
tf his ofli.-o.
Alfred 0. HifdiiiifUon of Prinevi
and Matirieo Van limited of Hay
Oeok attendetl the parly
given by the young Indies of Thiia
thcfiiH, at C'liiiuii'icial Hall, hot nili',
Tlmy left today lor Portland, where
Maurice will resume his studies at
Hill's Military Acndcmy, while Hn-h-
iinlooti will siH-ml a few days in re-
cuta'rating Irom the cflircta of Hie
Htreniious life at ('r(Hik cuimly'scapj'
In!. Ant loM' Herald.
Prinsvllle Msat Market Changes Hsud.
The I. 0. 0. F.
The hs-fll lodge ol I. 0. 0. F. in
stalled their now officers last Hatur
day oveui ig at which time they bad
lNHidos their reguUr iustnllatioii oom
inuiiifM h-frc'limi'itl f r their invilil
M. h. Kltiult rvliinicd Hatunbiy
fiom a ttip to Pmirip City. He re-
pori the iletkuiip milieu active wild
tlirei leet ul miuw oil the grouiin, lie ; A, hil-i li, Weeii'iarv
"iiys that Its pniiK'ets nro very pro-'urn. Trra-tiMT; 1111'
1 Tne newly
! Hmdford, X.
I ,
elected ottii-ers are: Ed.
(i; Oitu tiny, V. tl; C.
I. L. Ketch
it Hideout.
; Will
Warden; I, W. Me:ir. Outer Guard;
J, H.('roi.k-, Inner (itiard; Irfo La
follet K 8; W. W. Hiy, L. 8; Marion
Temphloii. V. (.1 K. H; Itulw ri Moore,
V.U. L. H; T.. H. Lifuilct, and
Wigle, I..,
The A. 0. U. W.
'I he new ufllceis olecletl aie; D. F.
HU'A.tit, M. W; Olio Orav, horeman;
JH- Hinkle, owi-eer; M. It. Elliott,
Kecorder: A H Lippmau, Financier;
Win. Dtaprr, Receiver; Geo, Hum-
morH, tiuidt; lliuh Liotc-, I. W
Lett is H.slgrs, 0. W.
The A. F.ndA. H.
T. M. Itahlwin, W, M; B. F.
son.a W;J. II. Wiglo, J. W
Wurjtwc iler, Treasurer and C. A. Win
nek, Hoeretary.
Degree of Honor.
ille visitor Hnlmday. Mr. Weist re-1 Mn Nillie ILslgos, P. C.of H; Mrs.
ports his poultry f.iriu constantly P- H.JDiwk, L.'of H; Mrs. Isoin Clock,
underguiiig hnphneinont mid he holds ol C; Mrs. H. P. Hclknap, Fiusn
very aopIiniiNlic view of the future j e'w, Mrs M. It Elliott, Kecorder;
CriKik County poultry market, ! Fay Hislges, IMior; Mrs. I. Michel,
; 1 W; Dr. H. P. Hclknap, O W.
A marriago liconso was isued hist 1
wo,k at Albany to Frank, j Knihti of
formerly of Inn city, hit later the1 J. W. Hoono, C C; Frank Johnson,
Hlmtiiko agent of the Prinevillo-Shanl. 1 V C ; W. A. Bell, M of F and E;
koHtngeCo., and Miss lllanch Kil-; H. A. Foster, Pylalc; W. A. 8n(Hlder
gun, w he a as formerly nn employee j ly, M W; E. H. Smith, I G; John
of theShaniko Hrick Imtil, i Pi ior.O G; Jerrv Cramer, M A; and
1 0. A. King, K ol It and 8.
United Artisans.
Mis-os Mary Salomon, WinnieClinc !
;imj K-lelle Himpsun left Monday to
resiiino iheir hcImiuI dutic, the former
at (he WiIIhiiu tfe Univrinity at Hal-:
em, and (he Iwu latter at 81, M.try
Academy in The Dalles.
Gis.r,'! W, Itari.en h-aves the first
of next week for Salem where he gites
to argue the iirigiiluui ditch oinm of
K G, HultervsJ. II Garrett, before
tlie stale supreme court, appealing as
attorney for Mr, (inriclt. j
The Journal wants a country cor
rtvpuiitleiit in every eiunurinity iu the'
county in order Unit our renders may !
Vi'i-p in tuuoh with lineal atl'airs. Ad-,
1 1 rem all communicatious, with your j
own signature, to The Journal. )
L. D. VVimt, of Bend, was a Prior-1
Lat Thursihiy evening the students
of the High school hold a joist de
bate, HHsiBted by others, on the subject
Mrs K H Hmith.PM A; Mrs. Leiorn
''That National Prohibition Is n Bet- jCleek, M A; Mrs. J. W. Boone, 8upt;
ter Solution of the Litjuor Problem
Than Local Option." It is (ho pur-poi-o
of the Hinh school fartilty to oi
ganixe n live debating society in the
Icar fut tiro. ' ,
Mis. P, H. Howard, In; Chai. Christ
iaui, See; Mrs, M. j.Christiani, Treas;
Mrs. H. rf. Steams, S C; Mrs. C. Mill
er, M C; Win. Draicr, j o; Vira Cy
rup, Warder; Mrs. Anni 8h:irp, Iu;
Mra, Susie Slayton, Y C.
Circle. .
John Nfcwsom, who has been in
Poi Hand for some time past working
out an improvement on a tish-whol, , Mr(i C K .McDowell, P (i; Mr8.
arrived homo thjs ttoek. He brings , ju;,, Lvtlo, 0 N; Mrs.Jordon, Ad-
with him a completo uuttit of iron, j vinor; Mrr. Jane Harrington, Bunk
brass and copiior working tools, and ' or; Maude VanderiHtoio, Attend-
will establish a small machine shop I ant; Mrs. L. N. Mett, C of U and
in this city. Bosidos working out his
own mechanical idwia he will also do
custom work in thnt lino.
J. H. Tompleton had a birthday an
niversary btsi Thursday, However, it
wasn't the annivorsnry of his coming
on earth that hnthcreil him half as
much hi it was that the day was the
tlrst anniversary of inditFerent and
bad treatment by a branch of the
Royal Order of Good Follows, Those
gontlemon are mud to have used J.
H, very harshly and scandalously and
huvo hurt his feeiingr in divers ways.
Mr. Tompleton says, however, that
"Itcaring" malice is against his re
ligion, but his haptistio doctrine al
lows of a hath at least once a
President Biggs, of the Crook Coun
ty Cattlemen's association, appointed
the delegates the first of the week
who will represent this county at the
National Livestock convention to he
hold in Portland for four days com
mencing January 12, They are: E.
T. Slayton, J. H.Gray, Leo Wigle, L.
8. Logan, George Noble and B. F.
Zoll. The party will leave by private
conveyance for Shaniko next Satur
day. An array ot tacts and figures.
relative to the stock intercuts in
county, has been prepared and it is
fully expected that Crook county,
will make a good showing at tho con
Mrs. 8. Thomson ,0 G.
Eastern Star.
Mrn.OlIie Klkins, W M; T. M.
Baldwin, W P; Mrs. I. Michel, A
M; Mrs. James Crum, A C; Mrs.
John Wigle, See. and J. W. Boone,
Mrs, Dora Tompleton, K (1; Mrs.
M. Lafollctt, V G; Mrs. Chris
Cnhrs, Secretary aud Mrs. Wm.
Wigle Treasurer.
H. E. Steece'e Services in Demand.
H. E. Stoeee, a special government
inspector of land c'aims, who spent
last August iu this city investigating
claims has recently caused the ar
rest of one John Benson a ti miter
operator of Northern California, far
ottering a $201) bribe to a clerk in the
Interior Department for his report
before it had teen made public.
Fied Lehman ha sold his intercut
in (he well known tlnn of Foster A
Lehman to J. W. Hcrrigftn, for inorly of
Oregon ('ily, bo ariived Iu the i id
last ftitunlay Hud look clitiitfc of Fl,
hop Monday, His family will b
here in a few months and ilny v. ii.
imile Prinevi He their future hutnc
Mr, Leh i an will stay lieto for t!i
present us ho Uau not sold his cat He
interetls and they will require bin nl
untion. Prlnevllle Industry Grows.
J, B. Shipp, tho plauing-mill mnn,
has ordered at a cmt of about ll'XMt, a
ji lot of new inacfiinery, among nh ch
in a planer and n sljeker. He export
to have the in here by the l.'uh of (his
mouth when he will overhaul his
mil! in this city and make it modern
iu every respocl.
The dressed lumber industry is n
growing it this section, and Mr. Shipp
txpeiMs (o mid further improvement''
to meet the neeiU. At preseni bis
facilities are entirely inadeiptate to
the demand.
Crooked River Bridge Accepted.
The county court yesterday de
:iiled lo accept- the new Crooked
river bridge frotr the Contractor J. B.
Tillo'son. Work wiis euinmenced
t'lay on the approach which will be
noiiipletwl tomorrow evening, and the
bridge will then lie ready for travel.
The jxdnt of contention was the con-
tractors online to lire ur timoer
where siieciCiod, using jdue. Tho
i'ouuiy county decided to withhold
f21jfrom the contract price of $K;!Ht,
mlil Titlotsou complied with th-
Davis ami twenty other high-grade,
There is no rpieotion now an to our
ability to hit these club. No one
niilhavetw w.iit now for others to
jnill lift nniil the 1 ul is fill ( to
Ids or her piano, M'iot-ei uf the.-.
'!lii!w 'lo not even have to kihhv now
vbo the other meiniier of the ehil.
ire Heiection is not limited tr n fni
makes. The entire Kiiert Piai.o
Hon-e linen are ini lnl'i d ii, thcye ,
clubs. The iintruments jue here j,i
Portlstid for you toebct from. Tiny!
have U-eip coining in ouch day at ti e
rate of two or more catlond, und (n
uno single day last herk no Icpm than
nine c,irloti(U wrriiod. When ymi
ha vi oIiom'ti your pi-.too aud made the
initial piitiM-ut the pimio is dcliv n l
promptly, accompanied hy the uiatiM
facturer'tt giinrant and al-o by
Filers Piano Hoitxe "nnmey hick If
lot mtis'actory" agreement, -And
: the payments range from ?1 ,V( a
week (or $5 a month) to fltf), $!
12 SO a wc-i'k, or correspondii g
amounts if you prefer to pay by the
A VfjVt i) THE I'HirKU,
It is iinptwsiblo for us to make de
tailed mention of prices here. 8uf
lice it to say that piano for which
ordinarily f 225 and 2.0 j aked are
now 1I8, 9137, u to f Ml awl 17H
for the regu'sr 275 and ')0 styles,
(fhiss A.)
In class B are found the choicest!
of Marshall A Wei. -hi. It ice & Sun, j
Weber ; nd tin' beautiful Bailey
Pin not. !. nml pny-
nienif ul (I'uvn and $l.oi) a week
hoys them. These me positively the
lowest j.r'cex over seen iu print.
Correp aiding roducu ai" prevail al
wi in cl;r C, D, and K. Full partie
ul.trx will .-i; in tlee column
each day till iihr!oesi,
i wis ri.rtw !.
Two i'tg;m ciub.' also be oryan- i
i,ed I v Jan. 2nd. I
Bi'meiuber wlie i you deal with J
Eiler Piano House you are dealing;
with the ulrongest, largest and oldest i
eHtablifiieil piano firm, who Bell in - j
strumciits at alt times on their inpr
j its alone, and at pices made wm-ib!e
! only by the many unique ai d up to
date advantages it employs. Half ,
Cfniiiiiences snd clubs are all open to-;
morrow. F-arlifirt .biiytsw .have the;
'pick ot tiie target, finest collection of
i pi a mis ever seen in Port land. Eilere
! Piano House, No. 352 Washington!
I street, come Park. Write ns for fur
ther particulars, etc. Out of town in
Iquiries protuptly uttondod to.
M. I MS.
you ready
To Build?
Wc can help you by furnish'
in$ Building Material
We Have
a Large
Stock of Doors,
all sizes
and styles
and also
all regular sies
of Windows
both in -
Two Liht and Eiht U&ht Style
2lnd we are selling these Goods
l r' :
11 ri
Lzsl .lit:.;
We have
building Paper
White Lead
and Oil
Ready Mixed
Incorporated 1903.
Drugs, Stationery ami House Furnishing Goods
The P. A. A. C'i Knttrtiin.
New Yeiini nhiTiiotin nnd evening
win, one continuous round ol I'lcu.iirc
at tlic 1'. A. A. C" Club liouvc in tliia
it)'. 1 lie Imlien Mil lull nway during
lilt! afternoon, nt which timp thi'jr
rucuivid their friend, and mndti the
time joyoiM by giiuii'a and lunch.
On tin. occusion the ladira paid
pNieciul Htlnutinn to the art ircacrvu-
tivc and cut out ada of well known !
nilvertierat oiiiitliog the uanica.
tttiefiiea wore then in order for the;
linn uaiiK-M und those moat ,iicces,
lul were Mn. T. M. Baldwin and
Harold D;ildwin. The recepti'm waa
not only a complete iial aucccf
but yeilded handiionie linnnciiil re
turn,, I0 licing the auui credited to
the Indira' work.
Ill the evening the men', depart-
ment entertained in the dunce Imll ' m -
nd the way they accomplished it lina VS&YA&ti Atlk9. 'sf jttS? i,'SJSS4i4.'
lH.en.ourceof much lavorahle roin-W" v., r-.i w w w. w
Wines, Liquors,
Domestic and
The Celebrated
A. B. G. Beer
Always on Hand.
Two Doors Knuth of
First National Bank.
Propriefors f die Prnevills Suit forks. .
ment. The mill w;ia nicely decuruteu
with evergreens nd prtwnted quite
an animated aceue aa 100 fun loving
waltters tripped the light fantastic to
the music of the orchestra. The pcr-
1 .1... A U L'....
,mlv, violin, James Sharp, has, viol, VYl II COtltinUC Until Olll StOCli IS ClOSCtl
Misa Ethel King, piano and C. M. I Ji? .... . . , . . ..
Kikim, cornet. 1 1& Iote tlic special iTiees ottereu ior tnis raontn on rne
The chriatinaa and Kew Years I ;A Uest quality ct Dry Goods and turnishiiigs in the city.
, .1 .
Lils' Knit Underskirts, formerly I 50 now $
Lds' Flatsnel Shirt Waixts " 1 ,50 "
liincea have proven conclueively that
the P. A. A. C. boys nre not entertain-!
cr, in mime only but in reality as,
well. The receipts of the dance were!
$85 making $123 total for the day.
Our Dissolution Sale
At the residence of tho bride'a par- f
ent in Weston, lust Thursday even-1
ing, Miss Lillian Wakefield, of that ;
city, to Mr. Cary Foster of this city. I
The event is the culmination of ft I '
school day Acquaintance. Tliey will ,
he at home to their friends in IMnc- 1
i I lo after January 10. I
Lndies' Dress Skirts, formerly
Ladies' Underskirts, formerlv
Ld's Outing Flannel night gowns
75 " 4d
1 25 " 8(1
2 25 " 135
00 now 6 50
1 .50 " 85
1 75 " 1 00
5-50 " 3 25
75 " .50
1 tlO " 75
1 50 "- 1 00
Table Covers, formerly.
Children's Shoes, former price
ii u
Bora' " "
Men's "
Ladies' Sffeaters formerly
125 "
2.50 "
100 "
1 25 "
2 25 "
1 75 "
2 25 "
3 75 '
3 5(T '
50 to $12 SO. ,
Men's Overcoats, formerly prices, 10 00 to $ Hi 50 now $7
L ftll
Twenty-ieveo Carloads, Worth over $100-
000, of Fioe, Mew Pianos
Sheep Smothered
According to the Antelope Herald,
Thomas Connelly, a Bherar's Bridge
tthwpnmn, lost 91M) sheep recently hy
thU Hinutheriug. They hud been corrnlled
hut sometime during the night, whilr
the herder wna Hbueut, a cuyoto hud
(-l)(niHtltil them ciiusing th in
to pile up iu a nearby ctnyon.
Eilora fiano House organized five
more oo-ipenvtive piano c.uhs-suie
ind delivery to begin at once prices
virtually cut in two. Payments of $5
monthly in club A and $L.K) a week
in club H.
Over four hundred lino new pin hob
were sold inside ol five weeks in the
Full of Wi by Kilera Piano House on
the co-operative plan, which was theu
for the first time introduced 'in i
western piano selling. The idea origi-!
nated in Philadelphia, and is a plan!
that appeals at once to the Iwat judge-J
ment of practical people. Fire hun
dred pianos can be sold in livo lots a
great deal cheaper than they can be
sold in the regular retail way to five
hundred individual buyer.
It is the same principal uf selling
large quantities to a single firm ap
plied to selling one hundred pianos to
as many people who unite in one Hub
for that purpose.
Over two months of most painstak
ing preparation have been devoted to
these five new piano clubs. Oyer a
hundred thousand dollars worth of
strickly standard, brand new fully
warranted pianos are involved among
them the most costly Kimballs, ami
Cluckerings mid Webers, together
with such famous makes as the Vose,
the Hobart M. Cable, the Hallett &
Rents for
The Mitchell Wagons
And Farming Implements
Gang Plows, Disc Plows, Disc Harrows,
Disc Drills, Hoe Drills, Steel Harrows,
And Walking Plows at low Prices
Remember that we sell
Groceries, Shell and Heavy Hardware,
Cook Stoves, Ranges and Heaters,
Tinware, Graniteware, Guns, ammunition,
Doors and Windows, Paints and Oils,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Crockery and Glassware, etc., etc.
If you don't see what you want,caIlforit
Oor Motto:
Quick Sales and
' Small Profit
uu op jura