Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 31, 1903, Image 4

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    1' ! 1
BssUrMrsPraper.T t'er Rain. I
C. A. Whitsclt hits a four room
house with ouilniildinfSs and two
lots, which hi- will foil at a bar
gain. Sec him nt SSalonmn, John
ton 4 Oo.'s store.
Don't forgot that 1). P. Ailiimton
carries a complete lino of school
text books, anil school supplies nt I
reasonable pricif , J
Retinal tor Ulru.
.St. Mary's Academy.
Boarding School lor pirls fortieth
year. llcinnrkrible record for
Excellent health and successful
training in every department of an
Academic curriculum. For cata
logue address
atslcr Superior.
Notice in herein-given that I have
Purchased the property formerly l"!
tongingtothe Oehoco Gold Mining
Co. oil I'piwT IVIukm, consisting of a
reservoir ami ditch, tnd sluvn
men re warned not to run their
ilieep upon said umperty.
John Hi ssaivkk,
Fruit Farm for Sale.
I offer for mle my fruit hum of
160 acm, pi Hint i in tin? Cove, on
Crooked river. There are 000
treea of assorted varieties of fruit and
t ready market for all of the product.
Culver, Oregon.
Property far sat.
160 acrea of fine alfalfa land under ir-
piirali,.i flilr)t l,imitiiar with iib.
..... 4 . , ...ftouml such ft ()otl-!Mt remeily
eighth interest in ditch. Alw lw
aoree of bottom land, 80 acre under
cultivation, all fenced, six room house,
barn and outbuildings. Will el)
both properties at a bargaiu price.
AdJress, The Joi rnal.
UtMs fcricDltHclll Iitlf4.
JCow is the time to have your child
ren eye attended to. The school
year is just beginning, and student
should tie examined in order they
uny do good work. Call on Dr. V.
W. Taggart at the Poindcxter hotel,
the only resident of Crook county.
thins Ir
J. W. Ritter, of McKay, h:u a
choice lot of cut shingle at his Mc
Kay Creek mill, which he will sell for
$2 per thousand on the ground.
Be Quiet.
Not a minute should be lost when a
child shows symptoms of croup.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given
as soon as the child becomes boar?,
or even after the croupy coiiyh ap
pears, will prevent an attack. I
never fails, and is pleasant and safe to
take. For sale by all druggUts.
t:irm) ft lice.
One two-year-old spitted hcihr,
branded X on the left hip, and capi
tal T on the right bip and right
ghoulder. Strayed from my place on
Willow Creek. A rewaid of ft for in
formation regarding the whoreabout
or return to me.
J. M. H kmc I.E.
Grizzly, Ore.
Men's Tuovh k. Most ty!ih in
the city. Come and look try on as
many as you plcaae. It will not hurt
your eyes to look at them and yo"'l
not be bored to death to buy. The
Bee Hive.
Dr. Taggart, the oculist, is still at
hit old stand, the Poindexttr ifotel.
Don't go to the spectacle edllcr for
your glasses but go to Dr. Taggart '.
who guarantee his work to be the
Tenptrance Revival
A. tlie winter approscin tcnijr
nc. revivals grow in jK.jnilsrity
throughout the bud in their annual
efforts to dethrone King Alcohol.
Orators have argued for ages again, t
the drinking habit, hut admit that
the strongest thing they have to con
tend with is the I'i riiv and health
iulnew ol Poktusii Whiskky,
for sale everywliere.
Head About to Burst From Severe Bilious
"Hisd a severe hiliuos attack and
felt like my head was shunt to hurst
when I got hold of a free aniile ol
Chsiuberhiiu's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. I took a dose of them after
supper snd the nest day felt like u
Hewrhin and hsve Iteen feeling iiaje
py ever since," say Mr. J. W. Huiitli
ol JtilitT, Texas. Fi.r hiliiMienewj
stomach trouhle. and -i,ntiiation
tliesc Tshlets have no eriual. Price
ZJ cents, hor sale hy all drnauists.
W. H. Ytmnj; hat purchased the
blackiuiilh shop f.irnn'rly owned bj
0. B. Hwsltv and is prepared to do
horstvshofingsnd jrt'ncral rt jmir work
of sll kinds at the lowt priM. tiick
a ml sAtUfactory service in sil lines of
, Ackojniih vork uarantu'd. 1
Lumber $lO Per M.
After January 1, 1903, we will
sell lumlH'r nt our mill on the
jOchoco for $11) per M.
II AW KINS linos.
Nntii-e is hereby ;iveu t!i:U we h:ive
pmvh;i.til the ennip rtiui eiimpmeiits
nt i A. l';itti-rson nt Lookout moun
tain mid .-ire tnnv pivpiuvd to tlo jui
schstueul work on inming chums in
that ditrict either heleie or sfler
.laon.iry 1. lYmnii ih-iiinE assess
ment work done leave won! ;t Temple-
ton's drug store nith J. F. Spinniuj:.
t'.lOY t'li.llvl'KCK.
Ashburnhsm, Ontario, Testifies to the
Guod Quslities of CtumberUin's
Cough Remedy.
. , , . .
, K it is mlv ,.; Iu llut , ,imM
y(m mwAftlnl
Chamberlain,!1 CVmjjh. Roinoly hw
pntltuvti. Tiif day IWore Kaster I
was so diittreed with a cold and
cotisih that ilid not think to be aide
to take any duties the next day. a
my voiie was almost ehokinl by the
ooui;h. The same day I rwrive.1 ait
order from you (or a bottle of your
Cough KtMiitxIy, I ;tt once procured a
sample Untie, and took about three
rfow of the medicine. To my great
relief the cough and cold had com
pletely di!apeaml and I was able to
preach three times on Easter Day I
know that this rapid and effective
cure was due to our Cough Kcmedy.
I make thi testimonial without
ilicitation, Iving thankful to have!w mak? tinl urxf m umi rt f his -Ltm
RespectftiNv vours
E. A. Lanheki.d, M. A.
Rt-ctorof St, Luke's Church.
To Chamberlain Mt-dieine Co.
This remwly fur s;i le by all drug
gift. Deputy Stock Inspectors.
Notice it hfrebf eiven tha I have
appointed the following named person
deputy stock insjwtors:
.1. P. Cart wright, Hay Creek.
Jim WikkIs, Ashwooil
E. Shirks, Sisters.
A. Morrow, Haystack.
F. M. Smith Paulina.
Koscoe Knox, p(t
J. S. Bouiie, Rtnland.
Alex Mrliitoth, Hantin
J. P. VauHouteti, k Hay Creek.
V. S. Cowlea, r Hay Creek
-Joe Hinkle,
Stock Inspector Crik Countv.
Trade Mams
0 descTlpi
qol tlx wfnain i
irtiMfier an
iHTonnno m prnaiif imiei.r ,f t c
ti.MnctlynajcntlaJ. HAM D BOOK ob Catests
cut ir-a. ut.iesi ageTiry i-jr "wariud patent.
PatftitJ taken thn.ufft Muuu & Oj. cT
tfrxai rwttct, vtth'KU. charge, m itm
Scientific American.
A bandaomelr Hlurtrattd vwktr, IarrMt rtr.
TOIaliun nt but arieiiilOc Joarnai. Term. .l a
fir: f-iir mwitHMl. SoW byall newadealwa.
MUNN& Co ' New York
brweta Offlcv. t36 F BU WajbUigtuD. D. C
Take cold easily? Throat
tender? Lungs weak? Any
relatives have consumption?
Then a cough means a great
deal to you. Follow your
doctor's advice and take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It
heals, strengthens, prevents.
" For yi 1 lia rft-peurfed na Ayert
CtitrrrT v,t..ral f-r r.-mtcU aiwt coM,. I
kliuW It xf ti-y Urrnirtlinit VKak Iniii.'
Uta. k1. A. livBiiSo!. , SUn,Hich.
Weak Lungs
Ayer's Hills incroaso too activity of
th. liver, and thus aid recovery.
9 MSWP'oiiW
t&m hlLlli be cured:
If VOn nifrr (mm en., r.r
ilit of men, corn; to if.? cl;!c J
SpetiaJisi on uc Parity Co-it, f
Oft. IDPrjAN ft CO.,
1051 Hirtet&L t.ia tool f
l'wanr men ami middle
Ured ntcn w',n srsii.ii.-rcn.
I'i'll T
rrumtrruem. firmiirrhx... x....t
sT-M-js-ni-T ui I rjliMIIUr. (e.
..."...jiom ui rniircie,,,,, C'll -il n.
, IHC IhUi f.H , mnxn,.- t.r- Ire
, ...ji si nui nix ;uiy 2TI- rr
it cue.
iHc, but is wW-kwnv. to i-e kti'jt &
llne:iHeM of
i ptillta tin
i lf'V V . '"-'"t'ltf, or j'. jfit One a
f i'liouHaod DoliniM
i jn.i!ia:i, ha.f. re.! Fn nt. i
u.c.i ost-o ,.j.,y or lv I -tier. .V v! f r t- t,
f '"I hit ls-tIoernpiy f Marj-iajie,"
Great jMiihtuih of Anutoniy
tlie liiKit at, a Lrpit uK'imof iif, l.irm iu Dm
wmIi!, L'wine anJ n h-w UHirfii.!y yu
aie ma it; li .w lo avoi,. ! mie.s and nueus.
.AT.LU"i L tliLB. luilur vvrlK
f 1051 Nirtet Mrerf. $& Ffanct-ra Ctl.
in the Cinnit Curt for Crook Canity.
State ot Oregon:
Then, mm lowing Co., plaintiff
Aujrut lVien.n. deirndant, I
To AiK't'-l lYlerwui, the nunm)
defend: nt :
In tlif ,iit'if thr Stiite of Onon, von
nn h-ivltv n umsl to ;iw..,r nd an-twer
(In- 1 .'Itiplailit lilrd ;u:ilh-t u it) thf
aUive emit 11 tvim .iful imi"e an ,'r More
theiw !) i the turn' pn'M-riUsl ui tin-or
tii'rt'M pnitiiOii, luH-if hrrein, lo-wit:
January -Mil I'HM, inni it you to tui
v,i, tn wn ttimiit, tin- ptnitttitt will
1,iKt ;n.(irjm nt fluniii"! yoti il'H a liiii
miy u ui' niinic, ciimM ;ui.l Orliv
(iliintMt i Uii' tlHi ,hw ol Ni'Vi uilvi
.I t) ttl .);tnii;ii . Itl. i, pay In (ibimn.
v' -ly IV1 Hi ino'n "t tin-twit ;it tin
ntu. ill )vr rent pir mmiltu I ruin ilmr
j (Wal
hi (irtitl a I -.o ),r I- nty t Of m UIH-
Ivtiiiticr iir coiIn, vun" ton
:ilitl iitct'htOhtiHi M by one Wiliiam
iUm-kpr (u von Hti. wliit li Mti,! iirooinit wih
oim'ti.'irHl h platniitt t'rom thr Mtut Wil H:ovkvrwlm n.iw tlnt.iwiicrlirinHt,
T!ir l.ilal (im.ituit if -Mtul n lv nti.l tniamt
iin- Hnn.lrtHl ami Km-nnl tiv ItW It illnrs
with iiiunt Ht Mt t vnt tt,'r fttnium
in Kid v loll;o-x iIh'ro1" tnm ilir (ii ilay
of N.rin!H'r, W!, I,.r wliu li liit timing
Mini JtuUuirnt mil I takt lt Huauint you.
Tin Munitions m srrvrtl upon you I'V ar
.ttr of thr Hot). M. K. Wws, Toumv
of rnn.k otinty. iaM tlir lltli tav "f l
tHMiiK-r, i,k tt lit- itato ol tlit lirt puoU
oaiton la lV-!nNr 17, VK, ami t!ii -l.tli' of
tin-law piil'lu iitioii tll osirv on Ihr ili
ilay ol Jiinuarv, l:nt.
M. R, Kl.l.tOTT,
017 Attorney for ihnniitV.
Notice to Creditor.
In tt mattrr of the
rtitte of Win,
Will-, .nvra
Nolire in lirrvly- tfivett bv tlti un.ler.
i'r'i;l I'Xtvutor o'f llirrsitiie o( Win. I'.
With, ikvrasM, to all prrHon- b:i iiitr
i'laim atiuitiM thr rntatf ot uu (ltt'rtuitl,
to i)ni'it ihrin, wilh Ihr tirvtsnrv
votltiirr, wiili in tx luonlh lf,.ni
the tirst puliiu-ati-m of this noiirr tr
muI evtvutor hi the ortUf of M. K. KHii(l
at IMm'uiU', On-un.
t:itr.l m priiiovillf, Drton, this lOtli
tlav ol iHH'rmtHT, l!Vt.
T. M. It W,lWl.
Kwutor of the wiale of Wm. C. Wills,
NCril'E KOR ri BLlCATlitX.
J and Otftoe at T!tf l'.ltt, Orf-ii,
Notif u heTli? rirn tkl lW folloini;
Md timt Mia nriMif will Im iniif lu'drne
I. J Smith, Cotmtv I'lftk t PrinMill. ti-
ijoo, n Wtslni'-tiav, Jatuwrv -7. IWt, U:
Jokl'M l. f'KTKlNON.
of Print'viHr,l!Ti;i.n. H. K. No. 1iiM7 ftr
V NK', St H.aiiil N .W, (Hvlt.m
V2. r. H It. K W M.
Mr !Mme the follow itur wiinf.e to
prnvr fns i-oiititiUim- nsi'lt-nrr up'iiatni
cultivation of iwiit Util, vi htivi.l Kvniu,
Anltur S:irs, Jmnrs W. Kllmtt, Knhaftl
Kiliott, of I'rttu viilp. t ireitt'ii.
MIi'HaKI. T. XtM.AV.
i!7 Hei:ilrr.
Notice For Publication.
Lanti Offlei
at The Rtltrf , In iron.
Nv. 2. 1'nl.
.Noriee - her. hy jivfi tint the folio villi
naniri M-ttkT lias UUti noine ol his in-i-ntion
to in;ike iin;il .M.f i.t Mipport of
liittiiiin ii'id tit, it vjnl itih-i mil 1-4'
m.Kte tore it- U. V.-. 1
I'nneviile. iun. on 1 tud.iv. Itei'MiiUr
i 15WJ. vis:
tons MeCnliMICK
of Prinevillr. on iroii. H. K. No. 1H7J. for
the SW'i Nvth.n Tp, 17 South, Itaiinr
L"' Kan, W. M.
He nameji the following witne.-e l
prove hi-eoiitiiinoif. rt',.i m e tipti and
t tiltiviuion .d ,;ml hiiid. vii: .I-.hti llvan.
Itenrv Itrrhaol, I'ittrn k M"iiaMv. William
W. Tauarl, all C-M.-viM.. un-rou.
It rafter.
Und I Hhre Ht Tin- I:.IU . 4reun.
N.-vi inUer . i!a.
N'otin- i- henhv ti v-n ilmt it.(- toljowiitL'
natit ui M-itle-h;i I.ltil it.-H,,- ;( ,t, j,,.
!t-titi ft ti tiMjil priHjf in -uiv
port of la- rl.iii,, and that -at. I proor will
i- made IWrc .1. .1. tn,ith. f. iintv
tltk. at Prinevillr. origin, on
Tlmrxliiv, January H, Vii:
(.Ki'J.'i.K L. HKMUill'KS
of Luin.mta. t-r.-jMn. on 11. K. ... uiU, fur
the K5 SK ,. SW K', . Si;, SWi .t. ;M.
Ti. lliS.. IE. U K .W.M.
He IiiiUM- til'- J'iUoini Wltnt'.-r-prove
hit rniiliriiinn- re-ii. in;t- ip.n ati-l
eiiltivation oi an l;im j vu:
IsA- il'.r, John Hani. , Vili.iiu Sunn, W-I.'alld. all K-l I.HItiuntH. t II .'i.otl.
-MM UAI.I. i. Nol.A.N,
'1- Kejiirr.
Not.ce For Publication
Land Dflie.- iti The Halle-, Op-tron i
i. (.-nl rc, I ., !
Noti' r i- herein' xivi-ii that tne Mlottiii
iiaiml wttl. r h;i til.-O notiee of hi- j
trntion tomakr tinal (inxd m jtuppnrt -f
iir-manii, aim mat sai.l pro.H w.u lHlj(,
In-fore J J, Mtiiih, County ( lerlr nt Prine.
ville. Orefftin, on Thur-day, Jamiiirv L'
vis: '
WILLIAM I. l!l:oS(iN,
of I'niH-ville, On-L'Mii, on II. K N., atn
lor the NWif Nf-.'4, N'-j and S.
4 -c.'r. MS. i;.i:,Ka-l, W. M,
He nanieH the following wiineMeH tu
prove Imh contiiuiotiM rei.h-ii, e upon Und
i.-iiltivulion ij -itiij Ian,) vis; t.llin.. AlarinnTrmjiMon, Jnm
M. hlli.-tt, .orj.'B Cin-le, ol 1'rii.cvilh-.
nt ;
VlePrenit-lent Womnn'j nena
cnuict lulMsolAwrtuisru Olilu.
"I dreaded the change of life which
wai fait approaching I notiud Wine
of Gifdiii, and d'cidtd to try 1 hot
tie. I experienad wme relief the
lirst month, I kept on Ukm it for
thret monlhi and now I memtruate
with no pain and I thill take it oil and
on now until I have paiied the climax."
Female weal(rieN!, disordered
men-, fEJIii.p f H. w,nl, arj
jjv;tribii tiouliles du not wear off.
'lie -y follow awonian tjfhf(liatii(e
uf l-fe. Dontwa.t h-tt tak V me
of ( iirdui now and avoid thetrou
hh. iinMjf i ardut never fail.
Ut benefit a Buftennif woman of
any ue. Wine of l 'ardui n hevid
ilrii. Webb when J(. V(U j,, dan. .
ft'T. W'h-n yon rometotiiei
of iiffj .Mrn. W-d,l, Mu-r will
mean more U you Uian it
now. Hut ywi may now avoid the
ntff'-rinir Fhe et;durel, Ilruici-ti
ben v tiottlei u( me of t ardui.
ws. Laura. S
SHrelth .ilHtiuent l
In the t'omtty Ttutrt of tin Stall1 or tth
lion Iort'iihk tMunty,
hi thr lutttlrr of tlir KMate 1
S. P. Ooukrl. lit
Noh.H- hrrvhv nieii thai the
hmnl hi Wv tlii -iAui ilnv o ;
ht, A, 0. imtL iioiiooitnl Aalniiiiisti Ooi'.ir
the Ksiaieot t lionk.l, iltveawl, and
till efons hid iuu ihiint tijT;iint (u
taio ol tlii sail , IV Ooitkrl nr1 hrrrhv
ivttirti nnil liolitlrii lo pi'rsfi,! ihi -.inir
.tt.i'to me t tnv reM-ft'iire at lirsi hnh't.
'V"k I'Mitnty. Oivfou, or (t liey, W.
uanifM, nt in- om. r m rriiieville, Vnmk
ty, Oivkoii, within six month from
the .;iie of tin uotiiT.
An.t an iri'M'ii;. oniH the saiti S, ('
noitkrl tov ieitlt
. tiotilntl to make imiuo-
tliiiio Kt no'iit t
rritieviiie, t nrnk etnmty. OrrHott. Sr-
irnii'i tro,
II. W. lokr,
A.linhiisitiUor oftltr K-latvof S. P. iKm
krl, thvea-ett.
Uvmi Dmn Ar IV IVill, Ohmhn,
IW. inhrv 1H. plttt,
Noticvfc htvhv bvti tlint tin-lollowim;
itAmwt wilier hrtu tilett itotitv of hi intention
to make tmtl .mof in iiirt of to elaim,
mill that Miii will )H matte U-ior,- W.
A. H-'ll. I'.fi. ('oinntiioinr, at Pnnrvitlp.
On'Koti, on M n,tay. Krhriimv 1, !H, vu:
tiKtHMK W. (iiHSON,
oflVwt, Oregon, via: II. K. No. PM.U for
ll.r S, NV', See.S, NK", SKl, nn.l SK
NKf See. 7. Tp. I7.. lUnKr t! Kasl. W, M.
lie names th, foiluwii.n lo
prove lits eon tin n on rv-nlrnnp u(Hn mtil
euUiviitioii ol mM land, via: Kmn
Huston, William A. both, ol I'rinpville.
nreitoit. Caleb lvi Wnlhuv IVwt, l'wt,
Nolit r'Oli ITllUCU'lUN,
Uml ( The Ihillm, Orison,
lifrml4- M, l!k
Noiiee is lu rrt.v ijiven thai thr follow me
iiamiit settler hiw hletl miteeof his inien.
lion to make Huai prinif in tiiort of hit.
rlnim, im.t (hut nid oro-il' will m mnle Ih
fore It. P. Up, f . s. Coinim.wL.ner,
Mmlr, Or,K"ti. tni WtilneMl.iy, Januarv
17. PW4. vi:
of Haysiaek. Oretrcn. H. K. No. maw, f,.r
Hie Ws N Y, NK'( NK1, s,t II mt
W M N W NV' '", l" S" 1:1 K-
He nanirs the fulluwinif witmM to
prove his eohtiiut.ius n'-hteiiet-uimn and
eultuatioii oi .id land, vu: K, M. lianieti.
It. II. Harnett. J, 11. Piiriu-ti. t. W
Uarm tt, ol tlavsin-k. On ijoii.
.MU MAliL L Nu.N,
Notice For Publication.
Land tUVie. ut The Italle. ih-mon,
XtneiiiU-r 17, l:t(i'I.
Nitice i hrrel-r ifiven that the following
tiumtl srt tier two filed liotirr ,4 hlx inU lll.m
lotiwikr tin;.) pr.N.f in siirt of lo- i-Uim,
awt th-it -aid pm-.f i m nitoie ifon J.
.1. Smuh. Motility Clerk, ill Pritieville.
itreirmi, on Motnliiv, Jmiiiarv I, l:M.
j v,
Ar.llKTT T IliHiVKli.
of Prinrvillr. Creirnn. H. K. No, lill!) for the
KS NK,amlNWt4 S K S Hon lp. II
onUi, Kanirv I., Ka-.t, W. M.
lie itumr- t he lull. wi tin Wit ttew to ppivv
inn rontiiniou re-nlenee up.n t eulliva-
lion .t N;tit 1:111. 1, VU: iMVld TemirletMH U,
,'Un Teinplehin, Mitlmel
' nn-tutu, oi I'rtni ville (Mvp.ti
n-ti -MI' llAKL T. N'H.aN,
lltnlifr Land. A t June j. i.;x.
Notice for Publtoation.
Crdted Slatra Und Ottirv
The l'.tlle-, nr., N'oniil.n-:'t, putt.
N tiee i ht-r hv 'iwn that in f..iinliriir
with th- triwi'fi of tinpuet i.f Ciin m of
J.,.im:(, fiiti?,-! An m-t for the ml !'
IiiiiIk-i iitieU in th,- S'.Me CilifMpiU. t Ire
yon, N'-t;iiU. ati'l W jt h in tun Ti-rrilorv." -w
extended to all I V Plii.JlC MX. SUt. i,y tI
f An-'.t t. l'r, Jt It. Ht-ath. ,.
l'riii.-ul. t,.iintv ..I i'r--k. -taleol ilre.n.
II M oil !.! .M, ''ItJtiMt III tilW tittirv his.
.worn tal.oifi. No I-.h forths- pur dial's-of
Kir sKvi NK','. N'j. sK4 aii.1 K'., sK',
d Sr. li ui Jo, j fi.wtij.f.ip No. IlS..ih
l:.i.-r !i K. W. M. and rt,T
prr..t to h.w Ituttl.rhlid (ss.iwht i. iii. .re
ialital.1. t..r it- tinder -r t"lN than lor ;ijri
inlttml piirjktH and Hi eau'-iluli hin ( lain
t aid luid ffre .1 J, Smith
Cuiiiv Clerk t IVm.-.ill, or,. . hntiii
duv. the.'rtli day of ! t hruaiy, VMH,
He iMiu.-n hm ilii"in: livroii ('adv.
Kid llijfiiint, ( harlea Krii k-on, p. Jt,
l'"illdr ter o I'ririeulli-, tlr-i;..!!,
Am and iii tientoji, cliiimiiu udver-ly the
alwOf-de-w-riU-il lull, ar- r-"'it.(l tn tile
their (hi... tfjW ,,t, r ,f,irv j.i
Mti dv ol r'ehniarv. 1KH.
miVhaklt. Milan
d Krfc'ifltT.
Cniti'd States Lind (Hfie"
The Iliilh'". Orej.'..ri, .N.;veililier 12. KUW.
A "iithcietit O'ltteat iitlidaiit liu.jii her
lilud in (hit ofiice hy
eoiitentiint, atiimt hoiintail s-iitry N..
oio, inii-ie .tiarew (, , lor l,ot i,
SL'i Hiid .SK'i KWJ S-c. 5 and NK'-;
NW'ISec S, Tp. Hi, If inye Kaht.
iiy har! h. Hiaea, c-mtedtee, in which it U
aiie.i nut -mid harl h- ilniea Ima tvi,.,liv
almildoned -mid tra;t; lhat lid lliw ehaiij(rd
hia rrKidencf therefrom or more tlian t
iii'-ntlm mhic making aaid entry; that nud
tr.setianot -rttiwi tiiotl and cultivated hy
"aw party a-. ,111,1 ,V aw: that -mid
alialiduiniieiit Ikm not lnvli caurj hy at;f.
..--V im me t niu-n niu-a anny to
navy tluriiij; tiuit of war r peace; aajtl
Hirtiets are hereby notified to wpN-ar
te-poiid find (,ff,.r . j.Jt-me toiichiiijf Maid
allegation ut lu o'eo:lc a. M. 011 .Jajiuarv 2.
! b"fr l. IL H'lVH- Vr S. C .nirj.js.Hi ,11
,er at hit ohV at I'riiievdle, Oreoni (jtr,d
j that hnai hearing ( held Rt 10 f.Vratk
j A- H. oil January U 1!H). h..f.;re the UeLMater
and (Jeeeiver at the I'niteil Statea J.and
tlttiiM- it, I Ut Ilailn, tlreKon.
That mid cntt-ataDt hhit. In a unnwi-
I affidavit, lileil Nov. 3 W-i, Net forth fact-
which aleiw that after due diliwice i-enumal
wrvice of thin notice cannot lw iniide, U I.
Meichv ordered and directed that mieh nnti-e
tie K'eu y Hi arul pro-r ptihlicttinn.
nil' Kejfist,.
TimV,cr Land, Art June. 3, 178.
I'nltefl gin leu Land fifflre.
The nalh n, Oregon, Ntiveinirf-r la, P"l.'i.
Nollci. iH ,erel.y yiven that In eoinpli
itue Willi Hi" .fOViMi'.iiM Of the f( t (f
Conxn-MM ot .June :). lh?H, entitled "An ai;i
Tor Ho- wile of tirnlier Inndu In I he MMe.s
of '
lifoniia. Oregon, N'ev;id:ip nntJ Watdi
11 'lefill.. rv. an to ail the
of Kv.-rett, t .iunly of Sn 'ihomish, Mate of
V;id,ii.i.'1oti. Iiai on May jj ,.,) j ((,;
ollirt ,if -worn r.t;ilei.-nt No. ll, for the 1
'' of tne Ni NKJ.SW'i .SKI. NLj!
' 1 "i -11 nvii -1. in 1 p. iz ." .Hill, tunjfe
Hi La-l. U . M .,
And wjll oifer pr.w.f U -how tlt..t the
lio.d .njit I- n.ofe t.iliialilt- for lU tlinher or
'nit (or agricultural (.iirpom-n ami to fH-tl.h-h
hi- U aaid h.nd ht-fore the
h'-i-tT and Heeeiver of thi oltif;e at The
Hall. -si, Oree.ii,, t,n I uertd.iy, the Jd daV of
Kehinaiy. V I,
,lr 11. mi.-- a Miitie-ac-.: Adeline Saioie.
Sti'lu W. MM, Klatf I riT.II St John
LmeMt , l.erl, lioirert P.. HitfWfll, lf
Lu rett, Wa lnii,'ti.n.
Anv ami h I mioh8 clalmltiN; a'verne
Iv the ahove .pf- rltied la-nta are reiio-.-
i lo It !e th. t ehiltnw in Hila ofDee 011 or
M re Mid 2i.f! Uv of rVhriatr,'. 1KM
iiLI Mli'llAKL T. Solan,
Q. Springer,
Coach and
Larrtaoo Jtoraoa
Younn stallions ami marcs,
also a lew youiiji tenuis tor
sale. '
HnsiiKk Kluiid Stuck Kaiicti.
Ilavstnck, Oreitoli.
( K. McDowell, rrop.
Tlioronuhlv llenovtitetl ami He
furitit-hed Throuiihout.
lincrlcaii i'lm:. Itafcs It
$1.50 iiml if! per tiny.
AccomtiHHlatitms are CnsurpauM'd
in the eitv. Sample Rooms for
Conuneicial Travelers,
Iai) Ihstunre Telephtitte Ht'ttion
iti (lie hotiMc
Homcstnnd Coonol'itnted Notice
For Publlvntlon.
t l.ll,..l .lint. t.uinHUII.'i.,
Tiie Hail... iii.b. 111, Nv, s, ma.
Nutlt'f In lli-rrliv S'Veil Hint III.' tiillow
iw iiiuiiihI m'ltU'ni liave lilr.1 llii-lr uili'li
lluie. In Hiiili' lituil pitM'l' In Nilii.rl i.t
lli. ir eliuiii., ami llitit nio.I inil mil U'
iiiaili1 tn'tiirc i .1. Nn!i. I .unity I'lrrl
ill I'mi-'vill... Ill. j;.iti, on J'lH'Mltn llitvm.
iter JiHll. Iim'1. VI,
..I I'rinviilW lir.von. II. K. No. n;il or
HirsW i, NW',.s,,i '..I. ,sK', NK',
.in.i N', N I.1,, s.'.n..ii a;, iii. i; s.,uin
KiOIISi- IT h:l-t. . M.
lull' l'riticvillf.
..r Priiii'ville. lin'iMn. II. K. No. '.'CI. .aV I Oil
vir wrir.. lor Hi.- NK ', K, S,r , Kl's
K'i nn.l NVt l SK. S.. lion 1 Ti.. In
S'lilli, li.1111;. It Ka.l. W. M.
I'li.'V liuiiii' III. Ioloilif Hillii',..'. o!
(.aivi- Ih. ir 111111011. rvi.l.'iic,' ujmoi nii.l !
.iiliiviuion ol .mil l.di.1, town:
Aiiilnw Ail.-rw.ii.. Ii.iih'l V Kurr., -
I'lmrli-. I.. K..u,l... K.lxjr.l M.irri.. I
l.rvtl. ILalae,. ArOiC. M., ol I'rin.'i ill
oniiun. MII'HAKI. T. N'U.AN.
Homontrnd CmiaohUotrd Notice
Fur Piibik'titiou.
t.'iidnthwi! Th- l!.a. tli,:'-lt
NoVenti-r IJ.
N -.Ice i liftel.v Bi -ii t lint th. to.,M,nw
luimnt M-ltler- bnVr lllr.j h.iiiee ot ll. 'ii iiU to
in'ii lo make eoinmtiUf mil nn-.l In
.i.l.rt ol Uir o-ptvltve Uim, nn.l -aid, pr.Mf will U i.-u.le U-foro SU
l.ttfd le-i,(U. C. S. Coin, at Alttrlope, I If e,( 1. 1,
U mIi1,..,v, l,-tviid f ,U.
d liny (W., tinx-'M. H K. No. J 1 1.7. for
l ot- ' tithi.l, S.v. 'i' .md I. I. fevti,,n 1M,
Tp I.'? 'iilh. IUi.Be l,r. hn.t, W M,
l.t.U V NCLV
d" llai t i rk . i 'riii i,, il. K. No 1H.M. for
th-.s'.. N 1 , ami K'.NW-, Se.ti-.i. ai. Tp.
I. --"IM.l. L.WS I,, i.H.I, t, ,
'I n-j itiin.- i tie h.ll.wl.lrf lfn-ier. to
pfwie (lint ' .lltillU -lla le.idein e nl.. .i altdl
li'" '" i,r.l. . K. Mef iti I
I Cnwiy, 'li. n, 1 K. and Idrrv
i. j. i. ... i;
i '.
IJ.., I !-.,(, I
. I', ip i'. I'uriier,
HorucBU'ad Consolidated Notice
For Publication.
I'llittsl Slalwi ltul ( fflef.
The llalle. (Ir. L'.if, '..v I" t'aft
Noti.-e if hert t) triven that thf h'ShcAtn 1
named Kfttlera liavf hlel notice nt iheir m-1
tent inn to make final proof in Mipport
oi Ihfirtluimn, mid that .tud pr.M.1 will Im-j
made UtoreJ. J. Smith. futiLlv Clerk, at I
I'rinevillt., Ori'Koii.on We-llietliiy,)f( It)
l'.ni:i, viz: j
formerly JUltie Alh n,
of SiNtch,, (irey.m, II. K. N'o. I1CHI, for III
i "o'i . v, " , ,"111, i aiiii I, r,1.,
K'l ?n -l ,Tp. iJfvmih. Itnne.. 11 KL
i.f SiUli-ru ru. II V V.. uu f -il
SK'i NW.,', SW'NK.atid Si H:l H.-o.
13. Tp. VI South, Ka.ute II La.t,;V. il.
nil.i.lrtll Jt. VA.XH SMKK,
.f Si-UTM, Otion, If. K. No. uui. lor Lit
.'I and 4 and K'j MVf, Section ;t0, Tit. IJ
South, lUiisT't 12 Kant W. M.
of Hir-terH, Orejcii, f, K. No. (WX for the
',;,t '"'d su HW'f Hecthm i Tp. I:'
South (,,k II K.i-t. W. M,
They nimie the followintr witnifnea U,
prove their roiilintiuiia reNidem-c iiimn and
eiiitiviiiion ol -ai. I land, via: I), L, Miller,
William A. Vaiil,.j,kirk( L. K Alliinhnm,
.1. II. Kin ner. Hardy Allen, of,
Orei(oii. ami ifaitte ThfiiiiiMitn, Print-vilte
uirnoi,. MH'HAKL t. NOLAN, '
"I" fi-Ktlvr.
Tlnibfir loid, Act Juno J. pes.
NOTK'13 Pdlt PiniLH'ATlON.
Cnlled HlateN Land Olttce,
The I la Hen, Omkoii, ,N. vemher VI, IlKt'l.
Notice la hereby Klveti ihal In roniplt
iur Willi (he inivlHlona of it art uf
''itiKrean (tf June a. etttllled "An aei
for the Male of tlmhrr la tela In Hut mIuIi.m
d ('allfoi tila. Ort uon. Nevn.ln i,ii u .,ui.
ItiKton Terriinry," an extendi d in all the
ruiiiie Liintl Htnti. hy m l of Auptnt f
Hr.'. the folio Inn named ihtxoiih have oil
May M. lit"H lileil In Una otlice their -won,
Hlateiiii-ttta, t9-wlt:
tif KM) Duitont Ave, N
jtiunty of Hennepin, Mate of Minneaota,
ot the NW'i Serth.n Tp. 2 South
Itaiie Pi Ka-t, W. M. ' t-floutn,
of lUOO lliipont Av. S.. .Mimminndi,.
flOiinty f Hennepin, Mtate l ,J tll(,,(l. '
worn Malei..-l No. lor the pW
..f the Section 12, Ttk O Sooii,
Kaiie Id Liott, W. M. ' '
tf MM iHipopt Ave. North, Mintiennoli.
county of flemiH,;,, Ilf Wijim!,(1 "
sw.,ru statement So. (or l,t, nm-ha-e
ol the M'V'4 Seriio,, -p. lUSouih
Hat.tff 10 LaM, W. M. '
of Hi Dnpoiit Avenue N'rtrili. Mii.mudU
eounty ot Hennepin ,tae ,d Mi,Ul!.,u1);
Hworrt lal -neiit Ni. N.riL l.r lite t,n, 1
t the h Seetioi. 'li T,.
Hanre P.Ka:t. W. M. ' ,ir""m-i
1 itny ftid oiT.-r nroof to .i.ou. ti.... 1
'he land
timl r or nN-ne Id
'am m nn, re valnalilf for Hh
noKeH, and to enli
-aid liiti'l More li.
bllHh their elalina ,
at The Dalm, Utmi, 011 Moi(day, Keh
BOL'uierainl J,-c
TdeytiHHieaa Hllliexat-N j Mr)d'e Ctvenv
Kailifirlno C.ivtmy. William , r.1Venv'
lame ..ovcIIV ,,r Minnea, n, Minn.
1 nd IhomasM. O'ConneiUnd Sett Hath!
away, id l'riiievjlle. fin-gnu,
Anv and all peronn elalrnliiir ftdvem
ly the iambi are refinenl
'd to fll tin-it- HHfmH In 11, u omr. on or
before the naldVttth dav of Kehniarv, 1!W
n2 ittiNter,
Clianllro, Oiocroll
General Storage, Forwarding
Kireprool Imihling l(KiiiO(l del, 1 Ml led two stories in Mfhl. (
Special Attention to Wool (iradinu and Haling
for Eastern ShipiiientH.
Dealers In tlackniitli Coitl, Kloiir, llnrla'il Wire, Nails, Cement, Mih
Coal Oil, riasler, Sulphur, Wool nnil (Iritin Sin ks and Twine,
(iraiu mul Kccil. Iliglicsl price paid (or Hides nml IVIta.
Stock Yards with all the Latost and Boat Fttcll
itiea for Handling Stock.
Aitut. fr W,liiit. Mtlllas V "Wlilt ltlt.r' Slid ''lull., I'mS" aSs
.Hiirk ImhmU I'ttic nf "H. W, Co."
j(t Z. Illorriio.
Ollico nt I). P. Ailiunson's Slore
rillNKVII.I.K, oUKtlOX
I'ltlNKVII.I.K. I HI Kill IN.
Si. S3,ss,
C. SSrink
Jfttomiy mail Cottmntu ml Xmm
It'.. R. I;liv SIin
n. r. ssiss,r
Belknap CdwarJt
IPkytiliami mm Juiytmiti,
(lllicf Kirsl Dmir Knsl of Winuek's
Driin Slore.
jr. s?o
?7 V
Calla nwrrr. pr..i..tly tiny or nihtit Of
tire will, lr. V. (ie-tK-r. llpaidrlie
crtr lt ami Min alrU.
W. H. SNOOK, HI. D.s
rhysirlaii it ml M lao
U l. KI
Am prepurtil to niiswer profit
i ' .
i hlt,Il;l' ITotiiptl
I M-t--r-trlislir4lli ....
.Jt A
j J ,.! 7 P.OCVF
! f V . jJJ
Maker t tho crolotira.
Latoat Improvad Larllea
Sido and Stride Saddl. mta,
Hpura, Anu'ora Ohapii Qulrta
and Haoknmoreg. Wrtte f;r
1'rinevillc, .
HZl'Jl ft, mill
Elys Cream Balm
Thle Remerty la a Spoclflo,
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
0IVES aiLiss st nun.
It elesiura, snnlli.n, .i rjtets thf.
'11,,1 nieiiinniiu.. It enren (Inlarrb Slid
.IrivauwY s C,,l j,, , II,.,.,) ,,i,.kT
KfMton ll,e H,-iiwn ot Tiwls mi.l H'tk-ii
Kiuijt Ut w. CoiiLiiiia no inliirioiis ilril-jH
AiiniiMl into II.. n...o ..... ... . .
nirirn His,-, All ,-e.u, Ht HriiwH-.ts or l
umili IriulHis, 1H(o:iih!iv ,,,)
ELt BROTHERS, 58 Wsrrta'tt., Nsw York.
I rint.'ville-Hilver
litvktt Sttiiro Lino
Ij'Um I'riui'vllle Mniulsys, Wstf
nelsys soil Fridays, Kreliilit s.
mseii!i.r wsyliillnl for Kilter Uks
nnil y Hiiiili.
Osi'Aii llvns, Alietil,
Htnjo Iitu
C. (I. CHUN KT, Proprietor
Isnives I'riiH'villi' (or Hunts Mou
ilnys, Weilnesiluys n ml Kriilsys.
sritr llyilc, A(ent,
Htairo Lino
JOHN Ill'NSAKKH, rrop.
Uwt I'tiiicvllle nn Momlsn.
I Weilnesiluys soil Kriiluys, arriving
si .Mltcliell the snnie ilny,
Unv.M Mitclii'll nn TiiMiUyi,
Tliursilav' mil Sslunlsy..
John Templeloii, Aip'lil.
Jas. S. Kclley
Highest Qrado Work
Hyde, Prop.
A new lallin.H il.,UU wmUlf
r...rvlliii,K ii, lo ,1.1,
llr.t rl.
Slul rtrlctljr
Say Jasper-
Can you Twist a llronc?
Wc I, Vbn, If Vou let
mc Use My Smith &
Kayler Saddle. Thev
are the only SADDLE
MAKLHS hi CrtMik
for your new Fall garmcnte.
It la the only proper and sat.
Ul.ctory way of buying your
clothes, belnjr that "(;6oO
your selection from tha tail,
orlnfr line of
onicago, list. i8t
(laod tsUorsforovwaqiisrtamaSwy
lou'll and a world alca.
are in wearing tea clothe,
made by Wraas. to.
faultless In styla, fit, naish
and materUls. They're so
much aettcr Ihsa the ordi
nary, tea of clothes, yet
prices are astonishingly low,
and your perfectly safe in or
deriufr, because If garment,
are not sstisfsctory, ycya
needn't take them. k)
LINK OK a A M F L E te
Saloman, Johnson & Co