Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 24, 1903, Image 3

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Bust work, 'prices right at
studio, X
Tim fuinimi Olympla' )tll,
I Hinllli A Clwk'i,
I.hiII...' Klilrt Waists In nil grade
nil styles at Halmi an, Johnson A Uii.
Knr srrii'ii di Kirs, iiiiI dtmra anil
wlmliiwii go tifA. II. I.l'iinail A Co.
Seasoned rustle and (JiHtrin run In I.lppfcian A ('
Iti'tiianiU'r that HuloiiiiiiiJiiliiiKnif,
A Ci. M il tlx "III, reliahlii Mllclmll
Call at tho Hkii lllva anil tiikn a
IikiIi at their linn ul ahull goods for
All work iiuaranlwl t glva aallslao'
tlou nr 11101117 refunded at Mra. Win.
gaud's Knllvrjr.
Hiuilh A Clink have tin' Ininona
Olympia ll.iltlnl Iteer lur aalc at t'l
cents ar laitlle.
All kimla ul the latest McCall dress
anil cloak patterns can lm hail at alia.
Kil, Hraillmil'i Milllntiry Parlors.
Hl'ITH. I'rli'iw Ituni :i iu f!.
Mlia, llaiiiiia' Dressmaking I'arlura.
A, II. Uppman A ('11. aella l't
Unseed (Nl Irr INI cents t gallon.
Pioneer while li'nil ninti cents iier
Hmitli A (Meek now have tha famous
Olympla diaiight beer lor aali', at fi
Willi a glnaa. Tliat't llm place, tn gut
a good latverage cheap,
Members of I'rliieville Assembly nl
Artlaana can alwaya II ml the secretary
at the Polndesler Itarbcr ahop, where
llii.y ran pay their dues.
IlKtt'Tiri'i, CiiimwAHit tha anrt l
thinga you liko to own ar In our
atu-k and we make it easy lor you to
own tlicni, TIik lira Hive.
Hello, Central: Tln bwt lncr in
InUiiior Oregon to get your photo ta
ken or your enlarging limit la at tha
Kolloy 1I11J111. Tlial'a all,
Olympla ami Fasteni Oyster at
O'Nvil'a Ojsler llonw. I'rivaln din.
log rooiiia (or Indies, anil all other ao
PomiMlntioiia of a llt-st-rlitss rfslsotant.
Parties knowing themselves indcht
nl to A. II. I.iinian or A. II.
man A Co, iniiat settle. Interest
charged anil eollerled on all account.
Salomon, Johnson A Co. have juat
reccivi-d a large line of tallica anil
grata drcaa shoes. Tliay will Ih'
pleased to allow you their Una lion o!
J. F. Muriia, tha merchant, haa a
f tfaaj Una of men's and laiya liirniah
inga, whii li ha will cloait out bt'low
ooat. You can ftnd aomo genuine
bargaina at hia atora,
Uualianila, If you are looking lor a
Chriatmaa pnwuit for that dear wife,
wa would itiggt-at that a T of thnae
dainty houaa alipplra at Hnlomon,
JohnaOn A f'11'1. might be juat the
Tha latent pri parntiniii for printing
on allk to la found at Mra, Wiegnnd'a
gallery. Hcenrry or photogaaplia re
pnaluriHl on allk nwiktiea, ailk hand-
kerchiufa, etc. with artiatic clearueaa
in ovary detail.
I wiah the ladiea of rrineville tn
undoratand that I do my own trim
ruing and employ no out aide help In
this line, Cli'anhg liuta and trim
ming free of charge to my ouatomert.
Mra. Kn. IIkaiifuhu.
A late novul la alwaya a good proa-
nt tn give. 1), V. Adnmann haa jua
received a larire number which ho
will aell at holiday price!.
Home ol thoae pretty hoxna of hull
day stationery at Adamaon'a are aure
tn And their way into Chriatmaa
atockinga, All of tha latest colora
and dmigna in letter paiwr and en
Thoae in charge ol the Chriatmaa
tree which ia 10 be given at the
Methodiat ohnrch Chriatmaa night
1 request that thoae who are going to
give presents do ao the evening of the
24th. Borne one will lw at the
church to take charge of the gilts aa
they are brought in.
The Woodman of the World and
their families mot in Belknap hall
laat Thuraday evening to enjoy a
aupiier which had laion prepared and
a musical program. Over 100 persons
wore present and a very pleasant
evenlnar was snout. Boaidea several
muacal aelectiona, Mra, II. P. 3elknap
contributed a recitation. .
fihilsmaa Is the time when the
brains are aet to thinking. Every.
one ia asking everyone else what to
buy. Drop into D. P. Adamson
drug itore and it will help you to
think. He ia carrying this year
lull line of holiday albums, china
dishes, musical Instrument and
thousand and one other little nick
nacka whloh art suitable for young,
middle agod or old. Five minutea in
hia atore will aet the mind at rest aa
to what the present shall be.
IVny I In via returned i'riilny frum a
holiness till' to Sisters.
II. D. Fostered Powell Unites waa
III tin city tlu lual nl tl ie week.
Joe ( i t ii tin in K im nviir Irum Sisters
M.iniliiy traiisiictlng tiiiihiims matter.
Oviil Itili'y waa a business vlaiUir
fruin llnaoliuti's tlui lirst uf the week.
II, F. Allitn liiu returned Irum an
oxtttiiitail business trip to Portland.
Mlaa Kthul Switarlugim waa in the
fit v (luring the week visiting with
0. Springer was In Ilia city Mon
iluy f rum Haystack attending tn huai
ni'aa matters,
Harry lluniea, ol I'riuiiville, paaaed
through WVatlall Thiiratlny oil hia
way hotni'. Weallull Waya,
I'lloToa. The beat that can U ob
taiueti with the beat ol material anil
the heal of workiiunahlp at Mra.
J. II. Hun r is hoinii again alter a
trip into Lake and Klanuilli enmities
where he tins been iiiaiaietiug aoioe
liinbur inter ata.
Dr, llnmld Claik and wile will
nave aiain lur Miielmll mid Whee or
county Hiiiits where they rxtoct to
Hud the winter
Kalph I'orlelia luat week purchased
tMIU head uf una and two-year old
wetheiaolU, M. I.iitef. The pricei
mid were 12.25 and
Frank (llasa was lu the city Iroin
Doschutm Monilay, lie ii'lt Tuesday
lur Corvallia lor a two wock'a viiit
ith hia brother and sister.
UikhI pholograplilo lesults are ob
tained with the best of workmanship
d material and both ol theac can be
I011111I at Mra. Wlegaud'a gallery.
W, A. Hell, a pnuuineiit attorney
i I'rinevillr, Munduy night
our oily, having on the stage the
xl morning lor home. I'aialey Post.
Winnie Hill whs in the city Munduy
in Hilver Iakii 011 hia way to Port.
land where he gnca to complete hia
nirae kn the Porllaud Btiaineaa ool
Mr.T. M. lhildwin rotiirul Hun-;
ay Irum Portland, where alio has
boon with her daughter who aro at- or wire us. lour want will lw quick
tending school. Hhe will mtur.i alter , ly and carefully attended tn. Filer
the holiduya. I
ange Hodgo. drew the lucky
I.,- l.i. l. .,, the In et eaae i
rullliil oil at'a drug atore.,
'ho case la valuinl at tM) and wna so- 1
timl by the exiiniidilure ul 1U cents.
Mra. Wicgand lurniahra Iter cus-
i ,I,i,m TIia 1st.
vn aiyies sir iifliji w w
gallery which ia llllod with the right
iud ol msterlul lor the best kind ol
Ed. Crabtreo and Byron Cady came
town from Ixx.koul mountain the
laat of the wnek to bruah olT aome of
the mow they have aconmulatrd
while working in the mines there and
anoiirea allce uf Chriatmaa turkey.
L. N, Kelaay and wile arrived in
the city Haturday from Hhaniko whore
thuy have been siauiding their honey
moon witii Mr. Kolsay's parents.
The young couple left Monday morn
ing for their home in Hilver Lake.
The Miaaoa Stella Himpson, Winnie
Cline and Mary Halomon returned
the Hrat of the week Iroin their schoola
at The Dalles and Salem to swnd the
holidays with their parents. Harry
Eaping drove them in from Hhaniko.
Frank Payne, of Hilver laike, pasawl
through the city on his way home
Tuesday, He went to Portland ex
pecting to return with his wi'e who is
undergoing treatmout there, but she
waa uuable to leave owing to a linger
ing ilcknosa. ,
It ia rumored that two or three
game wardens are in the vicinity look
ing lor doer hunter who happen to bea
little late in the season in shooting !
"high jump." The devotees ol the
rifle in Prinoville will all lie under
cover when they call and plead not
Marah Awbrey and W. H, Btaata
wore business visitors from Desohute
the first of the week. Mr. Blaata says
real estato ia on the boom along the
river. He has rccontly advanced the
nrioc ol the Iota In hia townsite from
40 and $110 to $100 and $200 for )e
same locations.
C, L. Roberts, who haa boon here
during the paat month in the interests
of the Salem Nursery oompany, ret
urned Monday to hia home in Lebanon .
Mr. Roberta stilted he was much
ploasod with the interest Crook coun
ty poople took in making au effort
along new linoa of productiveness on
their (arms.
The M, W.of A. of Howard, Or. will
have a public installation of officers
0.1 the 2nd Haturday ol Jan, Mra.
Ida Hamblin, Cupty Head Organiser
of the Royal Neighbor ol America will
be preaont and organise a camp ol the
Royal Neighbora. Everyone ia
cordially invited to attend.
Ill Hue Pianna and Organs, You
can get one of thnae In time lor Christ
mas if you are quick.
He Vera I defaynl carloads ol plunna
and organs Hint have arrived a little
lato for the holldny trade, and soimi
rlxcoptlonally giaal secoi.d hand ones
to bo disposed of.
It Is now too near the time to hoie
to diaioae ol the tmmenae number wo
now have on hand More Christinas.
Kegiilar orders are due to arrive im
mediately after the New Year, hence
the neeeaily of putting prices down.
loIto.iiuvt.s)i,,tenougn margm to
come out whole and have included
our entire line in tint sarrillce. This
means bargains in the dickering
piano of lloaton, the W'elier of New
York and the Kimball ol Chicago, aa
well as such other npular anil stand
ard makea as the Vose, the handsome
llolmrt M. Cable, Duah A Gerta, the
feuao, the Leaterol Philadelphia, Vict.
or, lliulilurir, Milton, Unnkerhoir,
lluiley 11 nd many others.
The Dunlett, Crown, facing (jueen
and Kimlaill. All the newest atylea
malic expressly lor the holiday tradi
Inatriimenta the icauty of which will
tic a source of pleasure and satisfac-1
tiun aa long aa they last. And no
matter which one you select, the lone
duality la certain to pleaae aa we car
ry nothing hut standard, highest grade
instruments. Our guarantee goes
with every one we soil
Instruments that have been out 011
rental, nr accepted in port payment
(or cur twn choice makes also a few
damagod ones. Pricea range from
211 to $150. Every inatriiment thor
oughly repaired, roiiovalcil, polialied
and tuned. M.iny in such s'H't
erudition they cannot lie told from 1
The list Is twn long to include in
this adveitiamout, nut full Informal-1
tinn.namea and orient will be lurnlili-1
ed on application. Write today. I
ol this Mle that we are not j,,,.
slopU.qnil.ble. W aum (" to 1
11' ... L.. ...dl. ..inl. ..L
buy you what you waut Old instru
ments taken in exchange at a liberal
valuation. Easy, terms ol payment
in monthly Installment arranged lor
our full wiitten guarantee witli these
na well as with new instruments.
If you cu.not come in, write, 'phone.
Piano House, ItSl Waahingtmi Kt.
V' The largeat, .t roll-
lannu-ta. atrial mrul Mlialilia
' -
niano concern on tlie Pacific Coaat. i
Stconl Annouocamtat of Special Salsa.
Following the custom which I have
of having stiecial sale
. ... . . -j- i
' .' ,. ,.' ,.r . . .
- -
IUWK, toe ruunwing auiiuiiiiruiiicui.;
are made for this coming week;
Haturday, December 20, Full line
of assorted FAC1XATORB In a var-
lety of pleasing colors will be closed
out at cost.
Monday, December 28 Reduced
prices on a specialty lino ol all WOOL
Tuesday, December 29 My entire
stock of Ladiea Shirt Waists and
Children's Wear will be sold to my
patrona at a mark down price.
These special sale days should be
taken advantage of aa the reduction
in pricea ia made to the trade only on
the days specified.
Mas. Ed, Bradford.
Special Christmas Ssrrics.
Divine worship will be conducted
next Sunday morning at the Union
church at 11 o'olock by the Rev. Z. Y,
Commerlord, pastor ol the Presbyter
ian church. A quartet consisting of
Mosdamea Commerford and Roeen
berg and Messrs. Lehman and Ed
wards will render two anthems appro
priate to the commencement season
with violin obligato by Mr. A. H.
Kennedy. Mrs. A. C. Htrange sill
also sing the "Star of Bethleham," by
The pastor will preach from Psalm
72-17,the theme being, "History
Debt to Christ." This is the one sea
son of the year when everybody at
tends church and a good congregation
is expected. All are cordially invited
to be present.
Clsrirman's HaU-Parmits for 1904.
Fot the year 1904, the custom of
endorsing Association and other issues
of Clergyman's Hall Fare Permits,
rendering them acceptable on the
Columbia Southern Railway will be
abolished, and this company will issue
Clerical Orders to ordained clergymen
having regular charge ol churches lo
cated on or near its line. Clergymen
desiring auch order ahould'make writ
ten application to nearest Columbia
Southern Railway Agent for hia en
dorsement. Applications should be
made before Peoember Soth, so that
orders may lie mailed before Dec. 31.
0. K. Lytle, Q. P. A.
Post Items.
Tha winter in this section ol the
country has lawn exceedingly niild so
far. There are but few stock being
led at the prracnt writing.
Ueorge Hitching, wna a biiainesv
visitor on 'ewsi;m0 Creek Hutiiriliiy
and Huiiilay,
Walt Knox waa In Iroui the doner
fora fewdaya last week looking aftei
liuaiueaa rinitters,
Hchiiol started at the Newsoine
ornek school house December 14 un
der the suM.rviaioii of Miss Ora An
drews. Charles Hpnogh and
,lutMi are r,lativea 01,
the creek. 1
The bull ol the season was riven at
the home of Douglna Hiuend Friday
night. An enjoyable time was siierr)
by all in attendance,.
Tin Qilison has returned to hia
home on Newsoine croek after an ah
aence of several mnntha.
We understand that Ed. (lillcn
water and F. B. Knox are looking up
their laroka with the exectalioii of
entering school in a few days.
Miss Bessie Anderson, accompanied
by Alex Hiliton, a-tiirned home Inat
.wwk from a visit to Bear creek.
The potato merchant on the creek
j selling potatoes at price from 15 to
'41) coma a buahol. The E potato
bringing the highest price,
There waa talk ola search party lie
ing organised laat week to ascertain
the whcrt'ubouti of the assistant P.
M. as he had been absent from duty
lor a few days. 0. H.
Notic to Contractors.
Healed bids will be received by the
Crook county high school board, at
Prinoville, Oregon, until 5 o'clock p.
in., January 15, V.M, for the erection
and completion of a brick and stone
highschool building, according to the
plans aaid siiecitications prepared by
John B. Hhipp, of Princrille, Oregon,
architect of tlie wurk. All bids must
accompanUHl by cash debits or
chpck in lhe 0, t,-lU0
. . .
will lw consid;rod fur any part of the
wjrk less than the whole contract.
The party to whom the contract U will be required to furnish a
good sullicie t lajnd to Cnk county
in the full amount of the contract,
aiil bond to be given within 10 days
after the contract is anardel. Plans
and apecilication may be seen at the
county school utcriiitendent's office
in Prinoville, Oregon. The right to
mine! nnv ml all ttiila ia manrviwl
, ... . . , . , , ,
Enveh)Ma containing bids should be
"ProjiosaU for highschool
building," and addressed to William
Boegli, Bccretary Highschool Board,
Frineville, Cregon.
Glee Club's Coacert a Decided Success.
The Glee Club's concert, under the
auspices ol the Athletic Association,
which was given last Saturday even
ing in the hitters new buiding, will
be talked about for some tune to
oome. t was one of the season's suc
cesses, and the largest crowd ever seen
together in Prineville was present to
enjoy the program, every number of
which waa well rendered and oppreci-
ated. The Athletic Club's new build.
ing also came in ton its share of ap
proval. Many comments were heard
concerning the club house and a bril
liant future was prophesied for the
Tomorrow night the Athletic club
gives its first opening ball and an
other success is assured. The ball
room is the largest in the city and
will be very prettily 'decorated for the
Notice to Contractors.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
bide will be received by the Board ol
Trustees of the Fiist Presbyterian
Church ol Prineville, Oregon, until
3 o'clock P. M., Saturday Jan. 9th
1904, for the erection and completion
of a church building aooording to
plans and specifications now on
with the undersigned at the First
National Bank.
Bids for the luiindatiotr and for the
superstructure to be submitted sepa-
The right to reject any and all bids
ia hereby reserved. T. M. Baldwik,
Sec. Board of Trustees
Prineville, Oregon. Deo. 9th, 1903,
Hotlct to Stockholders.
Notice is hereby given that a meet
ing of the stockholders of the Prine
ville Jockey Club is called for Satur
day Jan. 9th, 1901 at ! o'clock in the
afternoon of aaid day, at the Court
House in the city of Prineville, Crook
county, State of Oregon, lor the pur
pose of authorising the dissolution of
this corporation, settling up its busi
ness, disposing of its propel ty and
dividing its aaaets and capital, and lor
the transaction ol such other busi
ness aa may come before the meeting.
Dated tliia 8th day of December,
1903. Wlt.L WUR7.WK1L15K.
L. N. Liooktt, President.
Priosvllls Ksrcbants Have Expsrisaced
(tout Holiday Trads.
Merchants in the pity stite that
the Christmas trade during the past
tin weeks has been uuusiially good,
and the pleasant weather has brought
many mople in from the surrounding
district to purchase Chriatmaa gilta.
Iluoueas at this season has been all
that could have boon aakod for and ii
there nre nny hard times In I'ucle
Ham's territory they have not U'en
felt as yet in this portion ol Oregon.
Htockmon from all parts uf the
county have been shaking hands with
themselves over the continued pleas
ant weather, which enables them to
keep their herds on the runges, and
this in urt is stated as the reason
for the brisk trade which has charac
terized the holiday season. Home of
the merchants in town ssy that Uieir
l.usincaa this year surpasses that of
any previous year, and aa a general
rule ail the business houses have done
a business above the average.
Notice to Stockholders,
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the stockholder in
the Central Oregon Livestock and
Agricultural association will be held at
thecout house in Prinoville, Or,, at 2 P.
M., on Monday, Junitary 4, 1!)4, for
the purose of electing a laurd of di
rectors for tlie ensuing year and the
transaction (.(such other business as
may come le(ore the meeting.
Will Wi', Secretary
60 different games all new
one in each package of
Lion Coffee
Bt your Grocer's,
Rot ice to Creditors.
AH tltox1 kmiwiiitr thein-t'lvp' imlelitei. tn
tliHirut ..fll.-ith A Corm-tt vvi!l pit-use H-t-Ih-
iiiuin-iiintflv. i til It will be mid tome tH
the Vtiuu .He Maw imi.uuy'8 otllev in tlii
lUtf! at rrineville, Oregon, tliis 3-ltliJay
f .(vmiilwr. L. A. BOOTH.
Simpson & Wilson
-aaL Sfi
Are Offering Reductions On All Lines, WIN
TER SUPPLIES Included. The Sale is General,
As This Old Reliable Firm Is Going Out Of Busi
ness, i A Special Invitation Is Extended to All
Old Customers And NEW ONES to Take Advan
tage Of This
Clothing for the nuked,
Glasses for the blind,
Shoes for the barefooted,
Gloves that are lined.
Curtains for the windows.
Shoe string and laces,
Lumps wicks and oil
To light the dark places.
iiried fruit, canned goods,
' Everything to eat,
Caps for the head
And socks for the feet.
Calico for the finest
That never fades,
Woolen goods for dresses,
Ribbons for old maids.1
Tobacco fur menfolk's,
Overalls for the boys,
Dolls for the children,
Guns that make noise.
Queensware, glassware,
Pitchers and bowls,
Suits forhe men
And leather for soles.
We have cheaper Wringers. Our assortment is
so large that we are sure we can suit you both
in quality and price
It Will Pay Yon to Call
Incorjiontted 1903.
Drugs, Stationery and House Furnishing Goods
Wines, Liquors,
Domestic and
Proprietors of tlie
Two Doors South of
Firat National Bank.
Straps and strings,
Buckles and screens, '
The finest of silks,
.And the coarsest of jeans.
Potatoes and apples,
Lard and meat,
Butter from the country,
Fresh and sweet.
Tea and coffee, (
Sugar and rice,
Beans and crackers,
Cheese and spice.
Oysters and salmon,
Flour and meal,
Mouse traps, and a cat
To make the mice squeal.
Powder for faceB
Powder for hunters,
Axes for choppers,
And remedies for gruntere.
Chewing gum, candy,
Corset and bustle;
The people come trading
And how we do hustle.
House slippers for the Indies
To make them look swell,
In fact we have everything
That the best stores sell.
We have them warranled for
5 years
We have a very
Large assortment
Of Washing
They are all
Good ones.
Look the List over
and See Our Goods
The Celebrated
A. B. G. Beer
Always on Hand.
Prineville Soda forks.
& CO.