Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 17, 1903, Image 4

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    MMI4MeaFrwrir Fr Sal.
V, A. w biuett I. as a four room
house with outbuildings and two
lots, which he will pell at a bar
gain. S-e him at Salomnn, John
ion 4 Co. 'a ftore.
Don't forget that D. P. Adamson
carrie a cnmpli'to line of school
text bonk, ami school supplies nl
reasonable prices.
Krka.1 fmrulrl..
St. Mary's Academy.
The Dalle, Oregon.
Boarding School for girls fortieth
year. Remarkable record for
excellent health and successful
training in every department of an
Academic curriculum. For cata
logue address
Sirter Superior.
Xotice ia hereby given that I hare
purchased the property formerly be
longing to the Ochoco Gold Mining
Co. on Upper Ochoco, consisting of a
reservoir and ditch, and that sheep
men are warned not to run their
theep upon said nroperty.
John Hvnsakrr,
Fruit Farm for Sale.
I offer fur sale my fruit farm of
100 acrrs, situated in the Cove, on
Crooked river. There are 2000
tree of assorted varieties of fruit and
a ready market for all of the products.
T. F. McCalustir,
Culver. Oregon.
160 acre of fine alfalfa land under ir
rigation ditch together with one
eighth interest in ditch. Also 160
aeree of bottom land, 80 acre under
cultiration, all fenced, six room house,
bam and outbuildings. Will sell
both properties it a bargain price.
Address, The Journal.
Ium ScleatllicallF llllra.
Now ia the time to have your child
ren eyes attended to. The school
year is just beginning, and students
should be examined in order they
may do good work. Call on Dr. W.
W. Taggart at the Foindexter hotel,
the only resident of Crook county.
Skiailn t ar Sal.
J. W. Bitter, of McKay, has a
-choice lot of cut shiugtes at his Mc
Kay Creek mill, which be will sell for
t per thousand on the ground,
Bt Quick.
. Xot a minute should be Icwt when a
child shows symptoms of croup.
C ham berla iu'i Coayh Remedy given
tu aoon u the child becomes hoarse,
or even after the croupy couuh ap
pears, will prevent an attack. It
never fails, and is pleasant and safe to
take. For rule by all druggists.
One two-year-old sputt-d heifer,
branded X on the left hip, and capi
tal T on the right hip and
shoulder. Strayed from, my place on
Willow Creek. A re waul of for in
formation regarding the whereat-out'
or return to me.
J. M. Henkle.
Grizzly, Ore.
Mes'8 Tkol'8 sh. Most BtylUh in
tlie city. Come and look try on a
many as you please. It will not hurt
your eyes to look at them and y0u1
not be bored to death to hnv. Tlie
Be Hive.
Br. Taggart, the uculist, is still at
liis old stand, the foiudeiter Hotel.
Don't go to the spectacle jieddlers for
your glasses but go to Dr. Taggart
ho guarantee liis aork to lie the
Tempsrsacs Kertvtlj.
A the winter aijrosches temper
ance reivals grow in pjpularity
throughout the land in their annual
efforts to dethrone King Alcohol.
Orator have argued lor ages against
the drinking habit, hut admit that
the strongest thing they have to con
tend with is the pi-mtv and health
fulness of Puutmxd Ci.vb Whikkey,
for sale everywhere.
Heal About to Burst From Severe Bilious
"I had a severe bilious attack and
lelt like my head was about to burst
when I got hold of a Irce sample of
Chamberlain' ritomacb and I.iver
Tablet. I took dose of them altr
upper and the neit day felt like a
aew mau and have been feeling hap
py ever since," say Mr. J. V. Bmitb
of JulitT, Texas. For kiliousiiess,
stomach troubles and conciliation
then Tablets have no eijnal. Price
!5 cents. For sale by all druggifts.
W; H. Young has purebnsed the
blacksmith shop formerly owned by
C. B. Swalley and ia prepared to do
horse-shoeing and general rejiair work
of all kind at the lowest prises. Quick
and satisfactory service in all lines of
blacksmith work guaranteed.
Lumber $IO Per M.
After January 1, 1903, we will
sell lumber at "our mill on the
Ochoco for $10 per M.
Hawkins linos,
Notice is hereby given that we have
purchased the camp and equipment
of 0. A. I'attcreon at Lookout moun
tain and are now prepared to do as
sessment work on mining claims in
that district cither betere or alter
January 1. Persons drsirmg assess
ment work done leave word at Temple
ton's drug store with J. K. limting.
Ashburahim, Ontario, Testifies to the
Good Qualities of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
Ashburnhani, Out., April IS, IH03.
I think it is only right that 1 should
tell you what a wonderful effect
Cliamberlain.s Cough Rcmcdv has
produced. The day before Easter 1
was so distressed with a cold and
cough that I did not. think to be able
to take any duties the next day, as
my voice was almost choked by the
cough. The same day I receive,! an
order from you for a bottle of your
Cough Remedy. I at once procured a
sample bottle, and took about three
doses of the medicine. To my great
relief the cough and cold had com
pletely disappeared and I was able to
preach three times on Easter Pay I
know that this rapid and effective
cure was due to our Cough Remedy.
I make this testimonial without
solicitation, being thankful to have
found such a Cod-sent remedy.
Respectfully yours,
E. A. Laxgkelu, M. A.
Rector of St. Luke's Church.
To Chamberlain Medicine Co.
This remedy for sale by all drug-1
Deputy Stock Inspectors.
Notice is hereby given ths I bare
appointed the following named (wrsona
deputy stock inspectors:
J. f. I'artwnght, Hay Cwk,
Jim Woods, Aihwoud
E. Sparks, Sisters.
A. Morrow, Haystack.
F. M. Smith Paulina.
Roacoe Knox, 1W
J. S. H-viie, liodand.
Alex Mcliihwh, Hniin
J. P. VauHouten. Hav Creek.
C. S. Cowles, Hav Creek
Joe Hinkle,
Stock Inspector Crook County.
gr j i ham mama
lDtrntim U pr'laMr patcrimM. ComajunX-ft-IbmjilnnirroiiBdentlaL
HAN 0 BOOK on PktaoU
HntfrM. Oldoai kxmicj tji Hruriof patemt.
Hueut UUen thmuih Uuhd a t o. rwcsjlfi
Ifervil wtia, without cWsTta u
Scientific American.
A hui(!inniir llhitratd wky. Jjtrtmt rlr
rnlAUon ut anr K-letiUOr JoaroaU. Trmt. S3
T?r: f'.ur moniha, ft Sold b jail nMller.
MUNIUCo."" -New York
btiocb omow, (0t 9 Bt, WaibtsxtuD. C U
Tike cold easily? Throat
lender? Lungs weak? Any
relatives have consumption?
Then a cough means t great
deal to you. Follow your
doctor's advice and lake
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It
heals, strengthens, prevents.
luuiv It gi-.tlf itrenrtl'.in we.k lun,."
Mutt. v. A. fcoBjgsoH, Saline, Mies.
PV..SV..SI en, j, v. iviR no.,
' for-.,.'
Weak Lungs
Ayer'a Pills Increase the activity of
Miw nw imb iiuw mm rocovery
tie curen -
If joa niffer from any of the
iilt of men, ami to tin oldtu
Spcciaiiu on the 1'acitic OmH, I
OR. JORDAN ft CO., )
1061 Market Eit d IBS2. t
Vennf mrm xaA ntflillr i
ftZd Blf'H whs. ar ni(iuif '
youthful uidiMTetiomfxcx- r
n. PiffTfju aril I iivmi j1
matin ctnr.ti'aiiois; Hurnirttori-h(ea,
leMlatirrhrti. Jiuorrl,irFi, titeet
rrjurw uf Urluatinv, eie, ly
Corn b rial i jq uf rcinetJiei), of ((real cumin ('
w, ute DiH'ir Li vi uraitti his lrMiuitn
that it will iwt oolf ff.d imniediate irltl tut
peniurteni cure. The Jjrxii does iot tlajm to
perfonn twrmclet, but k vetLinrnwii to be a fair
and square I'hytitian ard StirKeon, rr'-i-rm:Nt
in liiss.ialiy-iMiiniae. of Jlew. t
MrpbHU ltir,rliii(lihcrHrtl.m tioci tlie
nrnr ha h j.k x . m win rt
tXy-- h-if,t;l,,i', ut hl-.(iM.i,.ll.l.
nraulf a IHSITI Vk a.'A' fa
9 Til
CHARiiES VEHY HE -x-j,-nitnt
pervitiaMy or hy (tuer. S-r .) fir r-.k,
"The Phllfi.h v f Maxriiate,1
he. (AaliLal,kU'.kiWmn.)
Great M iiaetim of Anatomy
the rinfttJ arid UroM Uniini.i. L-., ...k.
' tTorld. Con re itnd karn Ivrw woodcifiilly yfjsj
I "o mane; n-iw IO avoit, NCaMM uta Oitsi.
U'e ire cwinuallv aJ'tino nr Meciiun
i Cat TA LQU I K fit EM. full or writ.
1001 Marhtt Street, fan Francisco
-klWM 60 YEARS "
' o urn you
In Hie Clivult Court tor Cm, Connie,
Slate of Ore&iua:
TIiim. Ilsiinu Itivvtlnn t, liilnilil'l
August Peterson. uVfemlant, I
To August IVtersoii, the skive named
iii-f,-t,.lmit :
In tlie Name of the State of Onvnn, vou
are hwlyv tv-iliiml t u,,r anil answer
the tMniltiiiit liliil luainst vou in tlie
.itMVf emilM court an.l eanseen rr U'fore
the last day ef the time ins,-rilH-,l tn the or
irr i,.r ,nii.ii.d,iitn. mane nerent,
(uniimi uii iw tun nay 01 OYehii-vr, nurj,
In n in yon promt Mit! on or Morv liw ht
bvf Jua.M. 10 iviv to nlMintifi
Kilty )ottiii wtlh iuh'rt-si tht-.ion m the
niUMii ir vnt iH'r mminn Iron,, timv
until piiitt hIhi for Ki(y Five km. I ilVimt
Hollar, Unino ,uu jr-tooX war- Mill
iUid moniialutlM' -nthl hv tm iv.ll.,..,,
HliH-kr to you tatnt wliioli'jw.i nmuint wiw
imvhrtM (jy plaint iff from the Mini Wil- n.iH Kcr ny t now tnrnwuvrilicrtH-r.
rill" tit;ll Ulltoimt of Kill.) n t an.) Hliiil
iMtitc H into mi mitl Kiv.'itn.l (vv-mo Itolltirtt
witn tntcrtt cis ht via pi-r iiuiiuiii
itt..n Kiftr IKlliir iht-ntif Inutt ihr rtfh .lav
o NoVvlitln'r, (of Wliioll Ittnt IIHUH-O
sum tihUiiifiit Milt l inkt-ii Mirmtimt vm.
1 Itis suiiiiiittiiH is MTVitl iiiiti vtiti lv iir-
lTf the Hon. M. K. It)t tVuntv JiuIk
ol't'rtH.K t ounty. tlaiinl lliv Utli duv o( D-tvml-vr,
iwrt, n) (h- itntf tiffin- lirt jmhli
r.iium u iwiiiiK-r if, nnw. Alitl I Unit' nl
Hie last piitth.'iitioti will t-sinMin tlif SMh
lay (i jninmrv, kh.
W. U. Kl.l.IOTT,
itT Atturiioy lor nlmntilt
Motica to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of Wm, 0.
n illft, tteifrtxdl :
Notic liereby jtiven by tlie Urxler-ik-tietl
envutor if tlieentiiie uf Win.'.
Wills, fitwA-MHl, to all iiemtns havhiK
laiius the entitle of mtitt tltHfrtfti.
to ex ht M them, with the nweary
voucher, within ix mom hi frotii
the first publication of this notice to
said executor nt the ofitcv of M. R. Klliott
at prineville. tn'(fn.
liattM at I'ruievilti', urcKoti, thi" 10th
ilavol l-veeinher, .m.
T. M. HALnwiv.
Executor of the tMAW if Wiu. i Wills,
ileccaeo:, U10
ljwid Office at The tall, Oregon,
m-celiilK-r ), !!.
Notic U hetehv wlven that the follow in
nauiett wttler bw fill uoti.t .it iiitrnti"ii
tu mk$ tiuwl ur n f in uipp .rt M hi jUiiw
utu that jvnK.f will In intvlf hvfore
J. J. Smith. County I'leik t Prineville. Ure
on, oti We.Inoihtv, Jauuarv '21, VMi via:
JiM'( .1. I'Kl'KliSON,
of Iriiievilte,tirecon, H. K. No. IHU" for
N'S Nr.', It. mid N1, Wl; Nt'titui
12. T. 14 K. sK. W W.
He names the folio win; wi(in'tctt to
prove his (.ontimioiH rexitletit'e iiHn au.l
cultivation of au iliul. xir.: laviil Kvana,
Arthur Sars. James W. Klliott, Kicliani
Klliott, oi Priiieviile. Ort'itii.
d!7 KertUter.
Notice For Publication.
Land Oflice at The Dallef , On-con,
Notice i heri'hy ivn that the fullo iiijr
naititit settlor hat !i!rtl notice of hin in
tention u make final nnif in nuport of
hhohtim. hi id that Haiti proof will In1
mait More U. II. ift, V. S. t'oin. at
IViiit-ville. tiit-ifon, oil l ucMiay, Deccmlier
St, li-W, via:
of PriiH'villv, (intron, II. K. No. inr.'. for
the SWJ Stt-tiun Tn. 17 Auth, Kjiiip-
'lie n.iiiica the following itm-fet to
prove hi cuii tin tiouii ni'ience Uon and
ctittivattoii of Miiil iuntl. via: John llvan,
Henry r hunl, Patrick Mojiurlv, William
W. Taiiifart, nil of i'rinviHe. itrcon.
NOT1CK Vtm lM liLlCATluN.
I.ihI Olliceut The lullef, (Irtyon.
Novrmher l!Ci.
Notice i." hep hy (rivi n thai the folhiwintr
lutnuil Hitler haf file.1 noiire of hi in
tvntioii to in nkc fins) proof in niiit-
H.rt of in- i-Uiin, anl that sniil pr.iof will
v niiK.e helore J. J. riiHith. roiintv
ilfik. at I' r i n e v i I I e , ttrcon. on
Tlmrtav. Jainiary It. l!t"4. vii:
tJKolitiK L. HKM'KH'KS,
of Lamonu, Origin, on ij . K. No, for
the K'4 SK'(. SW'i SK'J. SKJ SWi . V.
Tp. l.!rv, K. It K..W.M.
lie name the following witiieh-e1 to
prove hi? rontiiitiouK re-tihiice iijmiii an.i
-nliivatioii ot Miiiil luitu via:
1-e M'H.r. , Hank'v, Williiun Sunn,
(.wepti V'i-iyan., all cf Laiiionu. llii't'im.
''t lir-uiMer.
Notice For Publication
Lidi.l Olfir eat The i;ille- On m-n.
lii'eiiilT!t. M.
Notice i-i la-rehy jrivvti (hat the followitiK
iimiiru wilier linn nmi notrn of hlr)
tt nlton io make final proof in Mipjmrt of
m r eiaini, aim that Biinl proof will a made
pH-iore j, j. piiiiui, t ounty t Jcrif at I'nii--
villi;, Oregon, on Thur-iiay, January i!
of I'rincviile. Oregon, on II, K. No ntil
lor the .Ntt'U N'K',;, NW-4 an.) iSWja
N W'4 ec. 'M f . 14 . H.V Ka-t. W. M.
He riaiiHn the following wit new Ui
prove hi contintiou-t renli in-c upon and
etiltiviition of .uii I html via:
Nimnel l olliiH, Marhnt Ti inplcton, John
'oii'-u. wioruB virile, in rnili'Vlllf
ll 7 HegiNler.
VtesfFplsfnt Woman's Iteirao
eralle 4 iulaa ut Xontaern OUw
MI drewted the change of life which
waa fait approaching. I noticed Wine
of Cardul, and decided to try a bot
tle. 1 experienced some relief the
tirat month, o I kept on taking it lor
thru month! and now I menstruate
with no pain and I dull take it off and
on now until I have paiied the climax."
Female weaknww, diaordered
mentte, falling of the womb anil
ovarian trouble do not wear off.
Th;y follow a woman to thechange
of life. I)o not wait out take Wine
of ( 'anli)i now and avoid the trou
ble. ine of (,'ardui never faiU
to bonetit a uffi-rin(f woman of
any ae. Wine of (,'ardiii relievefl
Mra. Webb when she waa in dan
rt. When you wmietothechajitfe
of life Aim. Weltb'i letu-r will
mean more to you than it does
now, But you may now avoid the
mfferinij she endured. Dni(firi,ti
aell 1 bolt lee of Wine of (,'ardui.
Mrs. Laura. S. Webb.
!t)tlrv at the AiiatslHliuvui ! Administrator,
In flie tVunly Court or tt.e Stale of Ore
gon tor Crook, county.
In the matter uftlie Kstnte I
of I
t. I. Donkel. IWense,l, 1
Nolii-eis heis'hy imi-ti that Hie llmlt-i-.
slini'li lias heen this '.'.-llil ,iav ot Si-,t'ni-Wr,
A. II. ll-Vl. iimwiiiti! Ailuom.lialoi ol
the Kslale itl K. IV ll..k..l .1 ......I .....I
coimiv. Otvimn. tf ht Chi w
Harm'!!, m hit titli.t- in Priiim-illi, frook
M mom,,a ,r,m'
.An.) nl
I ler-ona owirR the nhl 8.
n lu'iehy notitic.l to make lininc-
IK ink el itri'
dint (my ntfiil to'nti'
I'rtneville, i rxiok count v. On-iron
temher arl, ttW3,
II. W. iVmkcl,
AilmtntNtrutorofthp K"tntcoff. V. lon
kel, ilei'etiw-il.
notu'k fok rnu.uw noN,
Iam OrniK AT The IVtlleH, ONKimx,
NoVeinlM-r I'AVt,
Notice ta herehy v-ln thit the Mlowinn
namml settler hn Htet) notice of her Inteniioti
to niAke tin-U prtxtf In pM.rt of tir chtlm,
ami that Mini proof Mill Im' nitnle lieton- J,
J, Smith, t oiiuly t'lerk n I'nneiille, tire
tton, on Tluirwltiy. IhvemU-r t7, tmH, via;
Widow of Jnmea V.gnn, .leccnfni.1, of U,
moutrt, tin-ifon, ti: II, K. No, iitvi lor
the WS Vn'tion 't IheNlM-X
Stvtlon.n T. las.. Itanne It K..s, W. M
mic nnicj- tn follow iiitf viitneMieH to
I'fi'vi" her contlnuou.i reiniciice upon ami
cultivation ot mh (ami, vii: J, .
tJrant. Uwirm' Aehey, J. 6, McMecn mul J.
II. Mauley, all of l,iim.iiiii, Omron,
NOTU'K Kolt IMiItl.lfATloN.
Uml UOUeatThf nalle, Orctii,
Jlecemher It, !tk't.
Notice is herein- iriveii that tl(- r,.lwolu
mimtHi si-tiler Inu tih-.l notice of ht iitin,.
lion io mnite nimi pnvoi in mipport oI Ihk
claim, ami that sai.l prt..f will w he
fore li, 1'. Kea, r. H. t'otomioornT,
Malnw, Oregon, on WeliT..lav. January
iT, via: '
ol HavMack. Orcn. . K, N.i. tK, for
'!':'. WS KS NK'. Nr.', Sm- II ami
He names the followiiur W inte!' to
prove his couuiiunus rr-iileiiee uhii aiitl
1'iilllvHti.iiiofNii.llaml via: K- M Harnett
It. H. Hartieit. J. li. lUrnetl, I'. W.
Barneii, of llnv-Urk. Orifoii.
'HT KenlMer.
Notice For Publication.
- Laml vUHce ut Tin- Pallet. Oretroii,
Novemln.r 17. I1W-.
Notice ( hrrchy ufvi-n that th. fl.iwiuk.
nuiieo seiner niM niMlnottce ot hu liil.-nti..n
to make tuml proof in nipi-irt of hit eUim,
and that tai.l pro'if will U male lufoiv J.
J. Himth, Coniiiy Ch-rk. at I'rlm'iill.-,
Ort-fion, on Momlav, January i, l!Mt.
of I'rinCviHe. On-iron. H. K. No.lUtlM'orthe
y N K'a an.lNW y. S.t Hon -.-.Mp. U
y-onth, liani-e K.w, W. M.
He miim the follow inK w it ittiswsa to prove
hi eoniinuou'm t upon am enltiva
tion .if.iai.l i,.l. via: h.n i.l Teinph-ioii.O.
t'. I'rin)tte, John II. TemplcUm, Mhhuel
Chri-tiaai, of PrincviiU, Or.-.n
nJi MH 'HAKI. 1". Nnl.jN.
llmtver Aft June 3, l.vTJt.
Notice for Publication.
1'niti-d SutM IaihI ntKcv,
' Tlie lUHr, tr., N.ivi'inl.ri' .', p.aKl.
N 'tice i ht-ri hy iien that in compliiutce
with the priiviaiiiim of tlie att of ('oni-rriwol
J una 3, 1M7H. entitled ' An act for tl..- .,(
timlmr InmU hi th.- Sut ot Calif.iniU tin--
Kti, Nevaila, and WiwhiiiL'ton Ti rritorv."
eUi-n.lri to all tSe t'aldic Uinl Stulm t.v aet
I Aiu;u.t i, lsV, Jaiui-a. H. Heath, ol
iitieil:e. O'lintv of 'ro..k. Mtatf of On-'on
hiw on May it, 1,0,'t filVd in thia onW I, in
"worn tateini-ii, No. lW, tortln piirchae f
the SK NK' N'i HK' ami '-K'i sK
orSition Nl. 3i, in Tow rmli iii No. liSonih
Kamie No. Ill W. M. ami will om-r
proof to ahnw that the liml (aoiiK-,t i- im.ri'
talmilih- lor iu timfxr or mone than for nL-ri.
cultural pnrKni an'l to ealaMmh hi rlaiiu
ti aa id html I H'f ore J . J . Hi i t h
County Clerk at I'rtmo ille, Ore., m flalur
dav. the 5th doy of rVbruaiy, t t I,
lie naiiifit u witneiMifx: Jlvnuj (Vlv,
Kred HiKjjiii.i, Charlea Krii,koii, I. Jt.
I'oilidexter, of I'riiicvilh, OriKoii.
Any and all (M-raon-i claimiiiM adverly tin'
aU.vf-decriU-d Ian. In are reiteNtd U lih
theirclaim) in thin office on or before tutid
.rth day uf Kehrilarv. I'lOt.
d.1 HiKiter.
t' lilted Statrt LvnlOfficft
The lUlle. Orcffon, NovfinU-r Yi,
A nutficient eon teat atlldaiit liavlnjf been
iiidi ui una omi-e oy
cmtentunt, aainat Imnientwid entry X
i"i70, made .M:.rdi 7. Iiwi, for Lot
SK' and HK'i SW Ave. 5 ami NK
SW4 Sec H, Tp. ItiSoiitli, Itamte 11 Kiot,
hy Karl K. Him-a, coiittwte', in which It i.
alleged that aaiii Karl K. Hin haa wholly
attaiidoned naid tract; that he haa chaM'il
ilia nuiilenc thcrt-from for nmre than !
ni'-iitlm nitice milking aald entry; that auid
tract ia not nettled and cultivated hy
aaid party a rnilired by law; that aaid
aliniidoninent haa not Iwi-n canned hy jur
vicea in the l'nitd Statea anny or
navy dlirinr time of war or peace; aairl
partiea are hi-rehy notiHed l appiar
renrmnd and offer eviilfwe toiK-him
alienation at Hi o'clock A. M, on datuiarv 2,
lWt, helorc M. It. Wa, I M. (:-.i,i..u.i.,t,.
er, at hia office at I'rincviile, Orison, (ami
that final hearinif will be held at 10 or .nek
I. on January l!tM. If re th
and Ifeeeivpr at the I'riitwi .Stut-a laatid
Otfiw in The iJadw, Oron.
That aaid ctiiteataiit having, in n proper
affiilftvit, hied Nnv. 2, 1U0;(, aet forth farU
which hIiow that after due diliuence iH-r.niil
ervice of thia notiuw can not U ma.le, U u
heiehy ordered and directed that am-h notice
lie Kivcn hy due and irnier puhlication,
nl9 iteKister.
TImbor Lam), Act Junft 3, VCA,
Titlh-d flt.itcii Tind OtHtc.
The fah-Ht ttt-wtu, Nov('iiilfr VI, M.
Noth-e Ik h-nty given thul In romj.ll-un-c
with I lis i-roviHiona of tho mt of
(.otiKn-HV or June i, ),M, eutHN-iJ "An u
fur the me of KiiiIht land In ltn nl;itr-H
of ';illfornl;i, On-(con, Nt-vHdii, ami Wu.-Oi-hiKlon
'JVrillorv," an ejeft nd r to nil lt
I'uMic Laud Htut by act of August i,
f Kverctt, roiinty of Hiinhonilnh, atiilo of
n UNMnton, iciaon .May 2 U'vii in thu
Otlicc hi worn rHiitfdifnt No. 1hh.'I, for the
oiin-httwol tin; N4 NK(, HW'i NKJ, K
NW'i of Sw-ticn ai, in T(j. la.Suiith, ILine
id r.a-i, . .m..
Anil will i 'tier proof ft how thnt the
lamlnnht in i ire vnlunhlH for itn timhrr or
Mt'Hif than for Agricultural piirHfi and to w
ttl'li-th hin cluiiii to mod In ml n-fnre the
li-ti.-tr and Itt-ceivfr of thix oflh-e nt 'I'he
1u1Im, Orearoii, on Tunwliiy, the thiy of
tVliriittry, 1!M.
Jlc J ui men an wRnfinf!: Aihline Hnvoir.
Hiihie W, 1Ukh-( Klxie I'.Tr.-ll Ht John,
Krnet-t W. IWrlr, Holurt li. Huhm-ll, of
Kvi-rett, Wifhuitoii.
Any and all pprmm rlMlmlliff advfrrir
ly ihe filove-(l-''iil(C(l hi r ids htp n-qur-Ht-ffl
to (tin tliclr tlalmH In thin olfli'p on or
In-fore said 2nI Ihv of Fchrimry, I'.ifH.
0. Springer,
HiivKtKH or
Coach and
Carriage JCoraco
Young utiilliou niul iiuuvh,
nlmi n fi'iv yniniK Ininw (nr
Hajstatk BM Stock K.iiiJi.
IhlVKlilrk, (li';iil,
id I'riiicvilld
C. li McDowell, L'r.ip.
I ( 1 lioumchly Houoviitcd in id Ho-
furuli-licd Tlmuifclmul,
inu iinin IMiii:. Kales )M,
$1.50 autl Kt'f mt tiny.
AcotnimuHliitioiia ato t'iiatirmaatMl
in the oily. S.unplc Kmuna for
Onimm-rvial Trnvtdt'i'a,
Ltmj; litiiMct Telephone SMthm
in the hoiiNt
HomoBtonil Ooiiaol'iliitoU Niitli
For Publlcntkm.
I nilnl "Isl. s I.nml (llll.T,
The Hilll.S, llls'iKW, Nv. J. 'u.
Nllli,- is ,T,-liV UIY.'II lllrtl III," liilll.A
im Hiiiiif.! i huts lun,, tll,., it.r ihh'ii.
Ili'lis In Hut!.,' 1111:11 liltHit III .ii,,iHrt ,. I
lllt'lr I'lnluis, ,,n,l m,il im,,l mil i
I mi, I4 Il'iri' J J, Smith, Ciiihly I Irrk
tit ITIIU'VIH,'. HrvtM.n.MH H,..,iiv, lUlilll
lT -.".Uii, !", Mi:
nl l-rim-iill,-. urii;ii. II. K. K. UTII f,,r
Hi-- k W Ntt ',. Sit-i sn, m;i, mo
llll'l . ', M.' ;T, lu ITMlUll.l.
liiiMK,- IT i;,i, w. . i
li.YNIKi. K. Kf It
,if I'riii. villi-, li K,,i,. II. K ,, -.i., .,e.
vi, ,'ni. I',. r il- Sh; i, m:i, , KJ
K', ami ,W( K',. s,siii,,t i '-,,. in
fsmlli, K.ii,,'.' 1, Ka-l. V. M.
Ili-y luiiiu' tin- lll,mini( Mitli,-.-i-s In
rv,' III, ir iliiHi.Hi. r,-Mii-i', iim,i, ai
i lllllviilH.i, ,, h;,i, I;,,,,!, tcwil:
Aii'ln-w,ii. ijiiut-l I-- Ktirr.
I lmrlv" I.. Kin K,lMr,l llnrrU.
I.,.i l.,,ls, .. .rl ,1'. M... ,,( 'ru.,uli'
llivh.n. Mlrll.VHI, T. Xnl.AN.
UnmimU-nd Oomolliliitod Nutlno
For Publiontion.
I.-Uhll'llia- l Tli- lnl. . Urn;..,,
...i.i,il-r I., l'i:l.
j--"Wh' ki'ivi, tii.,t ii. in.,ii,v. i
Hiliillil wttl.r- fc:tv. hl,., ,., I,',. ., 1,.,, ir.
li.'ii lo innk,. I- .in in it,it iin ii, :
snp.i,t t tntir riH,livi- il.iin,., m
tli.t ,.i.l ,r.H.I Hilt 1 iiia,I. : !
l.UMlilfi,i(in, l', S. r,.,,i. t Anu-I.,... Iln-hii, i
in V,-,lnr.ilj,v. Iin'cinlwr ;si, Imu. i
al Mv ( ml, llnvn. II S .V". IIIW. (.
Ils I. V niul .1, ;kJ iin.l L,t I, ,sn,,u III
Ti. I.' Suuili. IImi.i- l.'i Kut, W. M.
illlivCrMk.Or,,!.-.-!,, II. K. Nil. Ill-.'l. r..r
tli.s1, SK', iin.l K'.NWi, .s,,li.,n Mi, 'I'll.
I'-' H-'iilli, l;ni.-.: 1.1 Ka.l. W. M.
I'li'-y iwiii tin- foili.ttln Hitn.wi-s to
linivi- thrji ,.,,nti ii. rr.i.l. nr. i,,.ii ntil
i-illll,ali.,ii ,,( .4,1 1I. vi.: .N. K, Slrl'-lll,
"HiniilVj Un-yoii. Klii-V;,li4-v, uivl lUnv
K.s-li.11. hith l Hav Crrli, llr--,,. l.,ii
I.'. r.iiv. "fiiiiiili, ilrcxim. Ii-ii ll.Tunii-r,
of ll.y rrt-i-k, lir.-u..ii.
MH'HAkl.T. XlM.AN.
"I" l:.i.l.r.
Homestead ConaolldHtod Notice
For Publication.
1'liilril SUU Iwiii'l I lli.v.
Till- ll.lll-s. llri'tHII, N"V. I J, Unci.
S'ltlri- I.. Iii-rt-li) iflvi ll tlull till- f.llMiiii;
llllliinl M'lthT. Iiiiv. lili-,1 .ti,'i tlii-ir in
linlinll In imiki- tiiml lm,.,f in ii.,i,rt '
ill Un-ir rlaiiiis, mill thill snlil r.Hil mil I.' ,
lliiiili-l-r.,rt-J. J. Smilli. i',,111 ,v I 1,
I'ruii-ville, Or' k'nii, im Wi-1n,-.,liiv.i.-i- .HI
I'.nu, vis: 1
' IIATTII-: rllllMI'SHV,
foiliirl'ly Until. All.-ll, I
,,f, liis.Kii, II. K. N. lissl, r-.t III-I
HI XWlj mill XW ', HW'i His-. I uli'l XK', I
H.' y. -i, 1.,. ijsoiuii. limit,, ii Ki.i.
f Si-tTH iWnii, M. K. No Hit firlhi'l
1.1, 1 i, I-' M-.llttl
A. VAXIir.-KlltK, ..It '
;lf Sitfr-i. Hr.lf.irl, 11. K. Nit. lor Lot-.
:t mid 4 itinl K'i, HWU K-ili..ii :i To i-j
nonui, UiiliMf) i-.iimL w. M,
of Hutcm, On-k' ii, . K. No. HhsJ f,.r lh.
H'j NK'4 niul H' sW'j Srvtion Tn. Vi
Month- IC!ni(fr KiMt, W, M,
Tht-y imiii tin followitiK witncvHn to
(irovc their rontitniooM n-l.tfiu i- iifum itinl
ullivfitioi. of -.anl himl. vi: 11. L. UilUr
Wiliiunt A. VanhuMkirk, L. K Alliiihuin,
.1. II. Kmili-r, lliinlv Allen, of HihUih,
Oh-,,ij, in id Hittlii' (honip.Mii, I'litir-villc,
Tlmhcr IjiiiiI, Art June S, 17.
tflill'-d Shi ten ,(ind Ottlcc,
The ll.ilh -., (Jn-j-'uii, .Nm-nih.-r l MKtt.
Noth-o tx hi'ii-h Klvtn thnt In i-onioU-Jiliii'
with tht provlttloiiM or tht; uc of
(Vfltiri-H of .lii-fic 3. IfiV-l. i-nllfti-.l "An H.-l
lor Ihf ;tc of limtMr IimkIm In I he Nlnli-
llfi-nii;i. On-itiui. Ni'vinhi iio.i U',1,1,.
iimlon Territory, " im exhnih-tl to nil i ho
I'nhlle Laiot HliteH hy net of AukhhI f
llft!, thft following nniiH'rl perMoHN tinvc on '
iiiiy i. iip'. nn n in tliuomrc thu r mwoiii
tl-liieini, ttf-Wll
nt I'-OO Dupont
Ave, N MiiinfiiiHilU.
jontity of llemniHll. tttu of Minne-ot...
nworn Btnti'ini-tit .No. IxtH, for the pitn lmrii'
of Ihr KWU Hi-i tioii Tli. iL'Si.iith.
Kuni;i'iiKaH,W. M.
tf HW Ihipont Ave. N
ounty of lU'iiHi'pin, ftid t M i ii.m-
'worn MliH-lio nt ,n. fur the nnrchiisu-
of the NK!.' Section JIL'. Tn. 1'' South.
HlltlKi' l Kant, W. M.
of m lmi.ont Avi. North. MIiiinHK
comity of fimi-piii, Nlatt" of Miimexotii,
.worn nt ii lenient No. iK'nf, for tht- piir'-hii-e
of tin B'V' Hccllo,, :i, 'J-p. laSoiilh
IUiiki Ui Kn-U W. M.
of imt Ihuiont Avcnno North, MiniieVp,N(
county of ll'-fim-jiiii, i,ii.' ol Minm-Moi,,
ovini htiit'fiint No. ixil, pr Hu- piin-h-ise
ot tin He.'tii.n ai, To. Vl .-ui(,i
ItitiifM- lo Kait, W. M,
llhil Miey will offer proof lo Ktiow thnt
Die lllllll MOUuIlt Irl IIK-le V.'llilHl.le for llM
ttrnlM-r or nTone Mciti for iiki'IciiIi nnil itir
tioweH, itiifl to rulahll-li llii-lr eluiniM lo
-iiiil hind hHurt thw Kt-iriiti t und Hei--j v-r
nl Tin Dull'', Ort'Kuii, on Mondiiy, Fel-;
riniry 'J', !r-M. I
They nanu uh wltnosm'!.: Hridot Covi-ny,
KnlJii'iini t'oveny, Wjllinni I. (,'ovciiy,
linnicl K. Covony, of MimieuioliH, Minn.i
i no ijiDTiiui in, ' oiuieti anil M olt llulti frinr-villf, On-on.
Anv Hint nil rM-rttonn clMlmlnir mlvirn.
ly tho iiliove-jlem ilhi'd IiiihLm reon!-
i-n to n c hHr Hii iiih In 1UU i.iw,-,.
U'forf the m'u atth day of Kehrnnry, l!HL
n'JH Hfyi-tr,
General Storage, Forwarding
Firi'iiii,i( lmililiiig lIHlxiilK) Iii'l, M) ln-t Iwii sliirli'N In lu-iiilil.
Special Attention to Wool (iradinn and ItaliiiK
for Ivastcrn Shipments.
lli'iili rx In llliii'liHinilli ('mil, Klnur, Ilnrliril WIit, Nulln, (Vnn'iit, Mum,
('mil Oil, 1'Ihh ttr, (siililiur, Wiml iiml (iruiii Hiu'ka niul Twine,
t ruin niul Ki-itl. Ilinlirfl iriiT nM tur llidrn ami I VI (m.
Stock Yards with all the Latest and Best Facil
ities for Handling Stock. f,,r Vi, ' MiINiik t. "Whit lllv.r' niul ' lull., IV.iil" Hnr.
Min k s.himIs Ciu o r "M. ', c,i.
tPhjftitian mud Sniytn
OH'uv at 1), 1', AiIiiiiikiiiiV iSlon'
Si. Clliolt,
I'lllXKVII.U., (UiKllON
11). 3arn,
I'lilNKVIl.l.K, (HlKUIIN.
ritlNKVII.I.K. oliKOo.V
& SBnn
Jftlmty mmj Camm$Ut ml X
I'lilNKVIl.l.K, nllKHON.
His. t. ri'M INlrs
ii. I, nai i,!ii-
$2etknat & CciivarJt
yyiieiaHi turn1 iSmrjnmt.
OHia Kiral llinir Kiml n( Winnik's
I'niK Sinn-.
I'lUNKVII.I.K, OllKi!(iN
Jt. 9ton,s !? 2)
".ill fliiMrrrv.l .r..n,itlj- (h.y ir nilit tl
if with Dr. V. litstitcr. I.V-i.l,!!..
roriir-r Ut au.l .Mnin .tovt,
W. II. SNOOK, Tl. D..
I'liysli liiii mid si li:i:
I'I'I.VKU, : : 6i;K(ioV
Am prrpii rt-il In nnawi-r irnfii
- mi, ,,, I
uU iriuiiill
& 2
Maker ot tho t ulubni
m i, mm: of
Lntnat Improved Ladles
Bldo nnil Stride Saddloa. ISita,
Hpnrs, Anirom Chap Quirts
and Hacknmores. Write f-.-r
l'rini'villi', - Ori'gnn.
Elys Creara Balm
This Romody Is a Spaelflo,
ou, tu uivo aatisiaotion.
H flllllllNI-M, IWlllllH. h.-llls. Hl nrnliwl. ll.n
.,is.-,u iiii-iiiiiruiin. ln-iin-sCiitnirlinml
ilnviniiwiiv n C.lil In tl, ll,-,,,!,,,,!,.,!,.
Ki-r.liirM llm H:iis4.s nl Tnslo niul Knii ll.
I juy (iiiiw. (!,il, lins no inni Imm drum'
Ai;liisl lulu tin, inBlrih niul ulisnrlKnl
Uru His,,, m ,-.-i,ln nl l;..,fa, M ,,
mini ; Tmd Hizc, III ml. I.j i .
EL BROTHERS, 66 Wsrrsn SI., Ktw York.
I ,rmtvillo-Hilvr
liiiko Strifxo Lino
l,iiivin I'riiu-tllli' Mi.inlnvs, Wnl
iiimlajs mill Kiiiliiy. t-'n-i-jtit nil
IMwiiniirim wiiyliillnl lur Kiln-r Uko
ami usy jminls,
Osrii II vim, Aiii iit.
I riiiovillo-l tui'tiis
Wtnyo l.iim
('. (i. ("OltNKT, l'rniri.liir
U-iivi's I'rininillii fur lliirnii Mini
liny, WnlniwIityK ami Kriihiys.
(War llyili', Aki-iiI,
Slnifii Lino
JOIIS llt'NSAKKIt, Prop.
1.1'iivi'n 1'rini'villii mi Monday,
Wi'ilnii:ivii ami Krlilava, imivinn
ill Mill lii-ll I In- Minn- day,
1,1'ini Milt'ln-11 mi Tni'nluvn,
Tliiiimlav niul Suluriliiv.
Jnliii Ti-inili'lon, A((i'iil.
Highest Grade Work
5havins: ,
Parlors 1
& Ilydo, J'rop'i
A iti'w l.,ithr.N.m ih'votrtl MMH-lnlty to
tho itn nf Ik IW, ,
J-vnrvlhiiiti itptoiUt- in.t utilctly
llr-t Hum.
Say Jasper-
can you Twist a Hi onc?
Well, Yes, If You'll let
mc Use My Smith &
Kayler ! addle. They
are the only SiVDDLli
MAKLKS in Crook
for your new Fall (rirmanta.
It I the only proper and sut
isfactory wayol buylns; your
clothes, beiiiff that "(i()ou
MAUK To ONDKK." Miilta
your selection from the tail
oriiiK Hue of
Chicago, Est. 1877
Uood tellor.lormraqgutare.nlary
You'll find a world of plea.
ura In wearing the clothe
mad by eltrauu Broa.,
fauliles. in .tyle, fit, finish
and materiala. They're to
much better than the ordl
nnry run of clothes, yet
price are astonishingly low,
and your perfectly safe in or
dering, because if frarnlcnt
are not satisfactory, you
needn't take them, frh,
Saloman, Johnson & Co