c B L0Q21L MENTION a Mr. M. W'li'giiud lor II in' ulna, Heal work, pricoa ric.ht nt Ki'lley'a tiitllo. - The fnmoiMi. Olyiupln ImM Iril beer n I Hinlih t Cl.-i'kV. For k I photos himI photos Hint plni,' ti i" Mr. W'.i'kuiiiI. Ovid lliltiy, of li'ai'hi'lti,wii n ImikI lies visitor (In '.nut ul lliti tvtvlt. I.mlii'' Shirt Wnlii In nil gnulcr mid atylea nt Kitlii i ait, Johuanii 3i Co Fred 'AA wiin In from Hiiysliirl. liver Hiiiiility to v i -1 1 with Ilia piiri'iit Fur aeris'it doors, pnnid doors unil window go lo A. II. Lipptiuiii A (In Hi'ioiifil rustic mill limning nin In Iniinil only nl A. II. Llppinitn (In Hi'iiii'iiilH'r tluit Hulnnioii, J i ill iih, .1 1 , A Co. it'll lint reliable .MUt-hcH wion. All work ifiin rn 1 1 1 hI lo givi' antiahie tinn or Minni'y ri'fiui.li'il nt Mia, Wie. giunl' gallery, Hmilli A Cl.'i'k Imvit tin' luiiioni. Olymiiit IMllul ll.'.'r (or mile nt 2.'' Cl'lll HT Ihltlll', All kiiiiln ol Hit luteal MrCnll die mill t'loitk piitlerna cull be Iiii.I ul .Mi. K.I. Ilru.lloi.r Millinery Pnilora. A. II. Lippiniin . Co. sells Ixvl Linseed (III I. r 90 ccnls i. r cull. mi Pioneer white It'il.l llillli Cents )it'l pound, Htnltli A ('leek now hnve the fiiiiionx Olyiuplit iliimulit eer (or sitlo, nt f cent glnaa. Tlint'a the place to gel S goiitl hcvi'i'iigu cheap, Moiiilicra nl Pritii'villf Aascmlilv of Artisan cnn nlwny find tin nccri'tnrv it (lit. Poinilrxtiir linrl't'r shop, wlit-rt' they rnn piiy their due. llKAI'TIVIII. CltlKAWAIIK lilt' mrl ol thing ynii lilta to own nr. in our it.N'k mul wo niiikt1 it cny ('.r you to mvn tlifiii. The lli'c Ilivti. Ilt'llo, Central: Tilt' heel place ill intt'rior ()ii'i;nii to gel ynttr photo ta ken or J'"llr colai-iting tlon1 i nt tin' Kelley studio. That nil, Olympia iiii.I I'Vtorii Oyster nl O'Ni'M'a Ovaior II. i'. Private- tlin Ing rtsilna (i r Itil'fi, nnd nil other ill' comisliitioua of it tlrM-el'D-a rfatntiiatll Parlies know in r, tlii'luacke ilnlclit til to A. II. Lippuinn in A. II. I.ipp ninii A C.i. nni-t ai'tilp, Interest churned mul rollt'.'t.Hl on itll iii-counta. Mr. M. Wii'Biniil Hit. photographer i Intav now tlnya turning out work for Iter itiitny customer. Hlioaolieita new trn.lt! however mul guarantee mil faction. Hitlninnii, Johuann A Co. have just received huge lin nl htdicn mul gent tires ahnca. They will be penf.l Ui show ymi their lino lino ol ample. J, F. Morria, tlio merchant, lina n 12000 lino of men' nntl liny lurnlah Itiga, wlifi'h lit) will close out Mow noat, Ymi nan Mini mint) genuine bargain nt lii Uir. tluslwuila, it you arc linking fori Christmna present fur that tlonr wifo, we Won Ul aiiKKi'Ht Hint a puir nf tlinae dainty lionan alippira nt Salomon, Johnnn A Co', michl be inat the thing. Thn Intoat prcpurntiotia for printing on ailk to ho found tit Mra. Wiounnd'a gallery. Scenery or phnttignnphi re prtxluctil on ailk necktie, ailk linntl- kerchief, etc. with nrtiatic clenruena in every do'jtil. I winli the littlie of Prinoville to uuderatniiil Hint I do my own trim ming nd employ no oitlaiilc help in thla line, Cli'jtni g Intt nntl trim ming free of ehitrgo to my ciiatomcr Mr. El). IlKAliKiilin. A Inle novel i alivnyl n good prea- out to give. I. P. Adnmann h ju mcoived a Inrro number which lie will aell nt holiday price. Borne ol thoae pretty bone of hull dny tntintiery nt Adnniaon' nre urc to find their wny into ChrUt.iiin tockinga. All of the Inteat color nnd deiign in letter paper nntl en velopoi. Trnvel between Prinoville nd Bil vor Lnko during tho next two month ia likely to bo n lively nl it wn a year ago during tlio rush lor tinilwr olninia in tlmt dialrict. At preaent a large numlier of finnl proof re U'ing made which in the cnuao for the in creitand naaaenger lit. Kvory itage tlmt come in from Blinniko enrriea n load of olniiintnta and the crowd will bo ooming during mint of the winter. Chridtm i the timo when the brain are et to thinking. Every one ia iwking everyone clue what to buy. Drop into 1). P. Adannon' drug atom and it will help you to think. He I carrying tin yenr (nil line of holiday albuma, chin diahea. mniical instrument and thouaatid and one other litllo nick nack which arc (uitnble for young, middle aged or old. Five minute in hit ton will not the mind at real a to what the preaent ahall be. Mint. Hiiiimih' llrei'miiking I'nrltira. IlllKHSEri ash TAILOR MAIlf. HI' ITU, I'rlfnt'lr P to IfX ('nil nt tin' lieu lliie mid Inkn uiik nl their line of alntll gooila (nr illiii'ttinita, J. , ll'iiiiiti lelt Vi'ilnet(iiy noon "if it IniNiiii'ita Iriii to 1'nrlliiiid mid din lrritiu:it'f). J, N, lliiuler, of the firm nf Hunt "r & King, ana over (mm Ileaehulea 1'iiecilay ami Weilneatliiy ntteutliiig tt linihi'r niiittt'14, Mra. I.ir.zie I'errln left the firat nl he week for Prnlrlii City, where he t ill join her IiiihIiiiiiiI who hit H poai- lion in thu miiiea I.. Tillotaoit, Henry Cram ami W K. Kl ig returni'il the Inat ol the wk (ion. Imkoiit niniiiilitiii where Ihey uvri bi't'ii liHiLiug over their mining liiinia. Mr. 1','ine, foiintliT of Pl-ineville, li here on a viit to hia ni'ithei', "Ontinl- ' liny, (who la now III year old) iti.l hi hill brother Win. Iln. Iilaiuon (Jrlteriuit. Ciiiil Trlpletl wna In'the city lliin w.t k from )iwliuti buyl g furniture Ilia new linn nt the hitter plnee will Ihi knni'n na tho 't'i'ilitt A llrok- er Furnitiiro eoitipmtv. 3. II, Coriielt, the Kiiiumitt Prnirio tockiiimi, niovetl hia (nniily to Hhetltl, OreuMit, tl-ia wt'k ftir thu winter. Mr. Cnrniitt will buy atock for n Porilund packing liuiiae ihia winter. Mitchell Xewa. Work on the new Crooked river 'iriilne ia progrtwing lapidly nnd in- lientioiia Miint to mi early coin- ih litin of the ti net lire. Moat ol toe oli'el for the griiler una arrived from Hlniniko nntl (lie IriMa will ho in the iiy by tho time It i needed. John (ioger lina llniaheil attiring loll ton of ice in hia coltl atomic i.niUliMe, lie exiaieta to imt up an ther 1 tt HI ton, pnrt of ttliieh will U lull iiint aoiullier by D'Neil UriM. I'he ire ana InVeu from (lie plough ill he olit h. .1 ul the Oi lioeo jual weal of he oily, T!i("e in charge of the Chriatinna inn wlii.'li la to I") given at the Vlillimli-t chnri'h ('Iniiliiiit night ii.'"t that ill""' who nre going to give prctt'iil do -o the evening of the 2lih, H e tine will la) nt the hiireh to lake charge ol the gilt an Ihey me brought in. An ineeiiiliitry the a lew thiya ago l. dioyeil (KH) ton of hay on the Dor- ria ranch nt lower end of Little Kin- ninth hike nnd owned Iiy J. Churchill ol Yrekn. Thi will odd to the bur- len nf keeping a nrge number of cut tle nntl horaea ill that ectioii whore the liny yield the paat enaon waa aoinewlint below average. !akcvicw Examiner. A petition will lie presented nt the January term ol the county court lor a county mad in tlio Hnystnck co'.in try. The rond naked lor will login at the north-eaat cornet of ncction 15 in townahip 12,rnn!el;l eiiataiid will run along the north boiinilnrie olBootiona 15, 111, 17 and 18. The potitum i aigned by 2'J proierly owner in that vicinity nnd will probably be granted when court meet. Howard Itirn. llnwkina Ilrna, mill which lina been running fur two week hna been ultttt down fur the remainder of the winter. Clnudo Wright, who ia working for .1. Taylor, pent last Saturdity and Huiidity at hi homo here II. Kinder of Mill creek visited with Hawkins brother on Monday. Jaitie Wright and wifo wore in Prinoville ou buaiuea tho llrst of the week. The Howard Buiidny oliool will hnven Chrielnins tree and exeroiaea at the llownrtl chool houae on the ovenir.g ol December 24. A basket upper will be served alter the pro gram. Anyono wisning to aontt j Chrittmna prcHcnts for the tree should adtlresa them in rare of Mrs. A. C. Knighton. Kvoryono welcome. Come prepared to have a good time. Special Salt Day. Beginning with Fritly, December 18, special sale day ar ' announced as follow: Friday, Doo. 18, reduced pricea on my entire atock nf children' woar. Saturday, Dec. 19, a apodal tale on Fur. Thi will be for one day only and reduooil price will be made on all good. Tuesday, Dec. 22, Indies shirt waists will be sold at cost. W'ctluesiliiy, Dec 23, a flue line of genuine all wool blankets will lie dosed out. Special prioes on the boat grade ol blanket in the city lor thi dny only. Women'! Under wear Sale Price until January 1st will lie at 50 cent on the dollar. Mas. En. Biiadfobd. Opanlag Concart By lb 01 Club Satur day Evanlng, The Initial perforiiinncc In the Ath letic club' new bitllilihg will bo given next KnliiriUy evrning wheti t)ie (lleo eltih will appear In I he role of uitiaic uukera and fun producer. The oon e'irt proniiae to la the lical over given in the elly mid the lueiulicr of the iilub hnve apnut many hour in lter aiateiil practice ill tinier to ninko the entertainment a aiiceea. Tho pro gram ia given below and it deaervea a largo mid enthitaiiialio audience. ritooUAM l'liiiriiat'B-(a)"Tlit' Mliler'a WimiIiik" Failing (li) 'Tlie lwl anil the Puaay l!at" t,.IiiKraliiu Fifty Voice Violin Hiilii"Tyriili'r.li liiialli-Kliiiia" ,,r, KiifkH Mlaa Kllitil KiiiK I'liree -"Tliellnly Young Mini In Town" Klglit Ytiiing l.a''li'a anil Ona , Young Mini V ileal Hulii "A May Morning" Deiizn Mr. A. C. Htrang liiatriiinenliil llnet - Miiiuli'lln ami (lullar KIIIhoii anil Hinvlaer llreek Kiprea-iloii tirinip-- "Toilet of tlie llrl.le" "Hnerllle.' of lilllgeliln" "Heveltinire.'k Mal.leii-." Holn ' The Ar rer' Kong". . . . He Ivoveli Dr. (', 8. K.lwm.U llreek Kitirt'Blon Group "Tliree ow" "lli'tnillinl" "Marriage Vow of Vi'iurnnce" "Watelilng Hie Lark" "The I'iiiiiIibi" lten.llng--"Illli Kitiith" Mr. May J. Wigle tlreek KKirpfton (Iruupa ''I'llt' Nt'Wa" "Flight from Pnnija-ll" "lleuth of Virginia" Hol.i-"I Am a Merry .liigora" Ilalfe. MraC. M.KIkln l'aiiloniiiin-"Tli Ijiat Kulie of Bum- mir" Mra. II. P. Ilflknap Hung Iiy Mra C.Hi tiiorfortl IJuarlit "We'll lluve in Mortgage the I'uriu'' rtahn.-atiM'li M.-wlmiiea Klkina. ltiet'iila-rgan.l C.iiiiiiii-rfi'r.1 mul Ur, H"!M'nlKrg Panlnlllliiie-"I'linln I ho the Bye" , Five Young Lwlie Hni g ti;Mr .Sirmue Hulii -"The Hoint l"r Me Wataon Mia. ',. A. t't'iitinerfurj tlreek IW- "Sl.il-e'lll.ilip'1 ' "llutHl Night" t liuril-o-!ii,' t) lli'li;l hi'' My l.aly' H'.illiviiu (hi :T!ie Kun,( uf tin- Trili n" - llolloy Filty Vuiici ' Publicity Court. We would hie to nk the man who think it iln'iui'l put lo ntlverliae, if it hna ever t centred U) him tlmt atlvei- tlalllg wna jnat e-ai'lilill to I Ho aucet - (ttl conduct ol liia business aa ia the uao of the Eoglifli language. It is juat n essential that iienple should know who you are, whore you are, and how you are, beloro ooming to your ace ol buaine, n it ia for you to greet them pleasantly on their ar rival and tell them the good qualities and price of your goods. K you ro a uocess(ul merchant, you owe your ticccas entirely to ad vertising. You inny got tho latter through several menus, one of the moat important ol which'! for your customer to tej) his friends and they their tiiends and so on of the good treatment accorded by you. There arc other ways of advertising, but none more important than the new paper. The publisher reaches more people with lets effort than any other man on earth. Did you ever study uewtpnpcr advertising aud tho poss ible bearing it might have on your own business? II you havo you will forever cense to look upon any live publication "as a charity. Silver lake Freighter Haul Big Lead irotn PriQevlU. Judging from tho amount of freight which will leave tlio city before the last of the week for southern points, Prineville hits established it reputa tion as a distributing point. The freight tennis which came into town from Silver Lake Monday will leave by next Saturday witli otto of the largest shipment ol merchandise which ha left the city thi year. J. C. Conn ha two freighting out tits in town driven by John Chambers and Lem Winkl man. Chambers will leave with his freight wngons load oil with 25,000. pound of flour from the Prineville Flouring mill, and Wiukleman take out 11,000 pound ol flour nnd 4000 pound ol general merchandise, making a total of 43,000 pounds, or the capacity ot one and a hall ordinary freiaht cars. Thi is probably the Inst ilnpmcnt winch will be made from thi point to Silver Lake thi sen son. The recent rain and warm wenther hnve brought the frost out of the ground to such an ex tent that the roads ate fast becoming too muddy to permit of heavy freigh ting. Tho trip of 120 mile to be made by the above named freighter will prolwbly consume the greater part of two weeks. . Rev H.C.Clark returned Monday from a three week' trip te the Sab- j the purpose of electing a bonrd of di bath schools throughout the western rectors for the ensuing year and the pait of the county. He left again ' transaction of moh other business as Tuesday to hold the service in the' may come before the meeting. Killcnbeck district. Will Wi'rjweilkr, Secretary. Hak tnrybopy Happy. y An organ for Chriatrriai will do it and you can get a line one for a little a $1(1 at Eilera Phtno House. 'J'he Chriainaa that an org n comer Into the homo ia going to be remeiii bereil longer thntiny other one. Af lor all the pretty lritla tlmt o mud time and money baa been eieiidci on hnve been nru out mid lorgotton, the nrgin will remain, n source o pleasure, n well as education nntl culture for every member of the Innii ! Our Holiday Orgnna Our tnck of orgnna for the Christ mil trade, include the very lineal niiikta in tho world, tho Neeilluiin lluitlett, Kimball, Crown, Peerless n well as our own special mnke, the Pneilic ityecu, oak, will tit or mahog any hiiiah cases, in excluxivo holiday care design. Parlor organ in ele gant style, beautifully carved antl having handsome piat glass niirron aii I piano cane orgnna in a great var iety of chaste finiahea. Price Alwnys I..JW. Although Ihey nre the very finest to bo ha I nnywhere, Filer Pimm House is in a iiosiiinn to, mul does aell all it instruments at a much lo.ver figure than other dealer ask for orgflna or piano of the anmc grade. Xo matter whether you wish to buy nn ordinary organ, or one ol the moat choii-e pntlor or piano style, you will And at Eilera Pinno House tho very lowest prices. Prices which mnke it possible for anyone to possess one or these fine instrument. Easy Payments. Payment for any organ we sell may be arranged to suit any reason able buyer, As little as $0 down and $1 a month will do it. If you cannot ooitie in and see us, writo for catalogs, prices and what other information you ' fluty wiali, snmo will he lu.ly, cheerfully and promptly furnished you. II your purchase i for Christ mas delivery, we will see to its arriv ing at the proper time. Filers Piano House, Washington St. Corner Park, Portland, Oregon. Nutlet to Contractors. BenliKl bills will be received by the 1'r.Kik county high scIkm.I bonrd. nt Pritieville, Oregon, until 5 o'clock p. m , January 1"), l'JW, for t lie -erection and completion of a brick and stone highachiKi! building, according to the plmis and sia'cirieations prepared b' John B. Hliipp, of Pritieville, Oregin, architect of the work. All bids must be accompanied by cash deposits or certified check in the Hunt of $")b as evidence of good faith, and no Lid will be considered for any part of the wjrk less than the whole contract. The party to whom the contract ii awarded will be required to furnish a good sullicie t bond lo Crook county in the full amount of the oontrnct, 6a'h bond to be given within 10 dny after the contract is awarded. Plans and specifications may be seen at the county school superintendent's office in Prineville, Oregon. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Envelopes containing bids should be marked "Proposals for higlischool building," and addressed to William Boogli, Secretary Higlischool iloard, Prineville, Oregon. notice te Contractor. Notice i hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Trustees of the Fiist Fresbyterinn Church of Prinoville, Oregon, until 3 o'clock P. M., 6turdny Jan. 9th 1904, for the erection and' completion of a church building according to plans and specification now on rile with the undersigned at the First National Bank. Bids for the foundation and for the superstructure to lie submitted scpa tatcly. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. T. M. Bauiwik, Sec. Board of Trustees. Prineville, Oregon. Deo. 9th, 1903. . Notice to Stockholders. Notice i hereby given that a meet ing of the stockholder of the Prine ville Jockey Club is called for Satur day Jan. 9th, 1904 at 2 o'clock in the niter noon of said dny, at the Court House in the oily of Prineville, Crook county, State of Oregon, for the pur pose of authorizing the dissolution of this corporation, settling up its busi ness, disposing of it propel ty and dividing it assets and capital, and for the transaction ol such other busi ness aa may come before the meetipg, Dated this 8th dny of December, 1903. Wiu. Wiir7.wkii.er.. L.N. Liooktt, President Socretary. Hoti: te Stockholder. Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of the stockholders in the Central Oregon Livestock and Agricultural association will be held at the cout house in Prineville, Or., at 2 P. I M,. on Monday, January 4, 1904, for mtHHKT ql t)T4Tltl. Vkoktabi.k Cablmgea, 2) ct. per pound, Potatoea, I ct. per pound. Carrots, IJ ct. per pound. Onion. ct. tier pound. Ik'TTKH Creo mery, domett Ic scarce, Wet. Foreign, 4(1 eta. linos N'.'iie on the market. Mbatk Prime locf, wholesale, 5 cts. .Vrl;, wliolesa'e, 8 eta. Mutton, vlioleaiile, tt ct. Chicken", spring, fll per tloz. (illAISs Wheat, 8.1 ct. Out-, 45 to 50 cts. Hurley, (10 eta. Bye, 11.50. FuiDR j.o0 per bid. COLUMBIA SOUTHERN RY. Clergyman's Half-Permit for 1904. For the fear 190i, the custom of endorsing Association and other issues of Clergyman's Half Fare Permits, rendering them acceptable on the Columbia Southern Knilwny will I itboliahed, and this company will issue) Clerical Orders to ordained clergymen j lim ing regulnr chnrge ol churches lo- ated on or near its line. Clergymen 'leiiriug such orders should make writ ten nppiicaiion to nearest Columbia .Southern Knilwny Agent for his cn dori'c ment. Applications should 1 made liofore December 25th, so tlmt orders may I mailed Is'fore Dec. 31 C. E. Lvti.b, O. P. A. Died. At Sunaet, Wash., Nov. 22, Charley, the 9 ycar-old non ol Mr. Jennie Bennett, formerly of Hnystnck, Or. The child wa sick only a few days with heart t rouble before his leath. Hcv. B. F. Harper returned Mon" day from Deschutes where be went to hold services. He left the first of the week for hi home in Pendleton. miraii)iiNiiiji CO different game all dew one in each package of Lion Coffee t your Qrocer'a. 9i Sim Are Offering Reductions On All Lines, WIN TER SUPPLIES Included. The Sale is General, As This Old Reliable Firm Is Going Out Of Busi ness. A Special Invitation Is Extended to All Old Customers And NEW ONES to Take Advan tage Of This DISSOLUTION REriEMBER-THE OLD BRICK jS " .lW-JiSt y SALOMON, Clothing for tho nuked, Glasses for the blind, Shoes for the barefooted, ti loves that are lined. Curtains for the windows, Shoe strings and luces, Lamps wicks and oil To light the dark places. Dried f mit, canned goods, Everything to eat, Caps for the head And socks for the feet. Calico for the finest That never fades, Woolen goods for dresses, Ribbons for old maids. Tobacco for menfolks, -OvernlU for the boys, Dolla for the children, (iuns that make noise. Queensware, glassware, Pitchers and bow lB, Suits for the men And leather for soles. Ut ELKINS V .11 a . i '. . ' . We have cheaper Wringers, so large that we are sure we in quality and price . . . I It Will Pay You to Call add See Our Goods ELKLNS & KLNG WINNER DRUG CO. Incorporated 1003. Drugs, Stationery and House Furnishing Goods aiTji's Winss, Liquor8, Domestic and ImportedCigars. Proprietors of the Pi Two Doors South of First National Bank. CHAMP SMITH. pson & Wilson : lka,3 HWf"eaWPfSB!lrJBk1 JOHNSON Straps and strings, Buckles and screens, The finest of silks, And the coarsest of jeans. Potatoes and apples, Lard and meat, Butter from the country, Fresh and sweet. Tea and coffee, Sugar and rice, Beans and crackers, Cheese and spice. Oysters and salmon, Flour and meal, Mouse traps, and a cat To make the mice squeal. Powder for faces Powder for hunters, Axes for ehopiiers, And remedies for grunlers. Chewing gum, candy, Corset and hustle; The people come trading Anil how we do hustle. House slippers for the ladies To make them look swell, In fact we have everything That the be.t stores sell. & KING HAYE YOU EVER Usd a Royal they are the best We have them warranted for 5 years Our aaHortmeiit is can suit you both We have a very r Large assortment Of Washing Machines. They are all fiooil ones. Look the List over BOSS KOTARY WESTERN PERFECTION GLOBE ELKINS & KING The Celebrated A. B. C. Beer Always on Hand. incville Soda Works. a VJlliLie ISOM CLEEK. SALE STORE & CO. lEOEPTOn.