U. A. n hitoett tins a four room Iioukc with outbuildings and two lots, which he will peil at a Imp (tain. See him t Sitliimnn, Jnlnv ion A Co.' florr. 1 Wt furert lliat 1). P. Ailaniwn carries a comi'li'le lino of school textbook, anil school .i)ipfiii nt ressoiinhli" liners. Nraaal for Klrla. St. Mary's Araili'tiiv, The Piilli'S, Oregon. Boa nling School for jiirls fortieth year. licnmrkahle record for excellent health ami ,uws.ful training in every department of an Academic curriculum. For cata logue address sV-ter Sttierior. Notice ia hereby given that I liavc rmrclianed the proicrty lormerly tie longing to the Oelitico tinld Mining I'o. on l'iper Ochoco, consisting of a reservoir and ditch, and that sheep men are warned not to run their sheep Uion said uroterty. John Hcnsakkk. Fruit Farm for Sale. I etTer for sale my fruit fa in of ltitl acres, situated in the Cove, on Crooked river. There are 2iaK' trees of assorted varieties of fruit and a ready market for all of the products T. F. McCiLUSTM, - Culver, Oregon. Xolice is hereby given that a meet ing of the Freighter's Union will be beld ill Prinerille, at 1 o'clock, Sun lay afternoon, December 2, at which arioua business matters will be brought up (or discussion. J. H. Deloke, president. Preacr.r ler hale. IraJ acres of tiuealfalfa land titiderir rigation ditch together with one eighth interest in ditch. Also 1W aare of bottom land, 80 acres under cultivation, all fenced, six room house, barn and outbuildings. Will sell hoth properties at a bargain price, Address, The Jot rsu Mlaaaea ftrttb... trail. I'lt.ra. Now is the time to have your child ren eyes attended to. The school year is just bi ginning, and Modems should la1 examined in order they may do gtKal work. Call on Dr. W. W. Taggartat the Poindexter hotel, the only resident of Crook couutv. Sninglr I'ar hale. .1. W. Ritter, uf McKay, has a choice lot of cut shingles at bis Mc Kay Creek mill, which he will sell lor 2 T thousand on the ground. Mack Wamea. I will buy about -III or U head ,.l cows and calves if they can la; hud cheap. - J. H. Ravi., Prineville, Oregon Kalray Nsilre. One two-yea r-fihl fjHitlni lu-itir, hrsToletl X on the left hi, and capi tal T on the right hij nnd rilit ilmnlfler. Strayed frc.m tny place on Willo f'reea. A rewind of $.'1 for in forniiition rc(t;iriiii)K the wherejilumt or return to me. J. M. Hknki.k. (irinzly, Ore. Bid. Wanted. SeiilMi Itiij,. will be rect-iittl Iiy tliu, Central Oregon Fair nod Livestock Asn.tfiitinn to iiavt plowed '0 aerc-s, S i no hen deep. Work to he done in n workman like mat. tier. H'u Ut le in hy Jeceml)er 12, VM. tuid work to completed Iiy March 1,1104. By onler of th Knrd. ! Wll.I, Vt HZWKIIl-i. Seere(Hry. M ks'r THorn ua. Must t)tyl.-li in the city. Come and look try on an many an you plense. It will not hurt your eye to look nt them and you'l not be bored to death to hny The Be Hive. Ir. Tuggnrt.tWwMili.l, is still nt hi. olil stand, the l'oiiiilextvr Hotel. I"n't ro to the iiectac'le ldlirs fur yuiir filHsses hut uo to Dr. TaKiwrt ho Kusrnntes his work to lip the liest. w anarenoiaera 01 the Sqtuiw Creek Irrigation Company. v...: :. 1 1 . .nn iw; in nereny given that a uci; meeting ol the Njiiaw Creek Irrign linn wniiny will be held at the Cmirthoune in Prineville, at 1 o'clorlt Dewmher 12, for iuti)oneof rocnttHl iiinff the compiiny and .Mtuing mare tuck. K. T. Hi.jwoKf Hecrptary. Lumber $lO Per M. After January 1, 1OT, we will sell ltinilief nt 'our mill on the Oehoco for 110 ir M. Hawkins Hkiw, Be Quick. Sot a minute should lie lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. OlmiulierriHira tVu$h itemed)- given as siion as t lie child becomes hoarse, or even after the crimpy eoiliih hji prars, will prevent an attack. l never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. Trmparanct Revival.. As- the winter appnisclics teniiKT anee revivals grow in Hpularity throughout the land in their annual efforts to dethrone King Alcohol. Orators have argued for age against the drinking habit, but admit that the strongest thing they have to con tend with is the itrity and health- lYdiiess llf POKTUXU Cl. B WttlSKKY, lor sale everywhere. RECTOR OF ST. LUKE'S, Ashbumham, Ontario, TtatiAet to the Good Qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Aslibnrnham, Out., April 18, I'M. I think it is only right that I should tell you what a wonderful effect Chamlierlain,s Cough Remeilv has produced. The day before Easter I was so distressed with a cold and cough that I did not think to he able to take any duties the nest day, aa my voice waa almost choked by the cough. The same day I received an order from you for a bottle of your Cough Remedy. I at once procured sample bottle, and took alaiut three doses of the medicine. To my great reliei the cough and cold had com pletely disappeared and I was able to preach three times on Easter Day I know that this rapid and effective cure was due to your Cough Remedy. I make this testimonial without solicitation, being thankful ,to have found suc-h a Cicai-sent remedy. Resjiectfully yours, E. A. I.tsoKKui, M. A. Rector of St. Luke's Church. To Chamberlain Medicine Co. This remedy fr sale by all drng- gists. Scientific American. A bmndtmnefr l!totrmtl wlf. IirwMt dr. nilauon of mnf ftriniiOc tnumiJ. Ternn. H a rsr: f'.ar ro-titb, L Sold bjfji n)lra. MUNN S Co. New York Bnuob Ot&oa, m W SU Wihltiiua, D. C Take cold easily? Throat tender? Lungs weak? Any relatives have consumption? Then a cough means 1 great Cherry Pectoral deal to you. Follow your doctor's advice tnd take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents. " Fw rin I ham rfmwniM on inr! Cherry v.-t..ril f..r rrik'hi nt.l co,,. I Biww it k'frttif itienrtliKin weak Ikik. Hut. Y. A. UoBjBaM,S-UM, Hicb. i.e. ATIKTO., for Weak Lungs Ayr't Pills Increase thm activity of thm liver, and thus aid recovery. 1 oe curea If you saffer from any of tht ill of men. come to the eldu SptciaJut 00 Um Puinc Can, OR. JORDAN a CO., .,1051 Mvtuttt. tAi 1882. Vamia: mm and ldiil I from the effect! ol youiiinl indiicrciiont or ei . wws in mmwirt ymn. Ncrvoui and 1 (tyrj 1 lWlrtj, Imjkuimrf .1,01 MmIummI , inatlii'.r'.ni,,i .mom: Morinfituri-hii'.i. I rrifataliirrhwa,, 4li.nrrlMra. Ulrrl, trfdrnr vf UrlMiln, !. by I CuinlHnaii'Mi A rtiiMxjie,,, uttt curative w . lilt l'XI. lu. ... t k. . , . ) that it will not oaly tlT-.! imntHtat- i-W kit penimm ture. 'I lie J -r dot, not tlatin U ) perform wiT.Hr;, hit h wdf-Hwwn to x t fair a.ndu.rel'iijr.icun iiid Sutkso. prr-muit I in h.. M""aliy-Ile4 f Mn, f f ir J I i B ''rrmr' Ui m will re- ' "The rhlUntihy t llaxriacp,4 Groat M iineum ol' Anatomy f r w",i are world. Conic and k-.ru hriwW'stHicriullyrw are nuU; ium to avuiii ikneM anil disease. j Cli.il.rMiai'Iir 4dUug tW KpMMUCM. I05f Markrt Street. tftfiFraitclK M4 60 YEARS' Ayers Q lirillYou f&m 1111.11 !1 1 1 I , M " i'"irn 'tillill lil lilnifiiJl.illH. r e-"'i"irautr'a fn.liTlVKUJHP.in ; f Thoaan4 Itollnm ' 1,1 , f CflAK'lES VF.RY HF.A XONA IllJi. I mf V, 11, Young has purchased the blacksmith shop formerly owned by C, II. Swalley and is prepared to do horse-shoeing and general reiair woik of all kinds at the lowest prises, tjuick and satisfactory service in all line tit blacksmith work (uaiantml. . Notice. ' ..... . , Notice la hereby given that we have nnrehased Ibe ciimi mt ...i.i. ' ' ' - ot c. A. I allcrson at l.ootiotit niouii lain and niv now prepared to do as sessment work on niming claim in lliat district either Mere or alter lannary 1. Persona dt siring assess ment work done leave word at Temple ton's drug store with J, F. Spinning. Canv A Chaiithkk. Head About to Burst From .Seven Bilious Attack. "I bad a severe bilious attack and felt like my head was about to hurst when I gut bold of a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I took, a dose of them alter suppet and the neit day hit like a new man and have been feeling hap py ever since," sivs Mr. J. V. Smith of Juliff, Texas. For biliousness, stomach troubles and conatiimtion these Tablets have no equal. Price J5 cents. For sale by all druggists. Deputy Stock Inspector. Notice it htrrhy iriveti tin I hve p.inted the ftllowing nimeU iwrtoiii atjmiy ii)cx mi(ecti.r: J. I. CartwriKiit:, Jim W(hhI, E. Srkt, A. linn-w, F M, Stint h Hoie Kin'X, J. 8. ttotiue, Aim MoInixKh, J. P. YnH. men, lT. S. Cuwlet, Jiw Hiiikte, Ry Cnn-k Siateri. Hxyititck. pAUtlllA. Hftntin Hy l-rwlt. Hay Crwk Stuck Insocttir CnMik County. Notice Fur Publication Land OtliiT m Tin- Pallet, Onyn. N.v. a. UNO. N'oticv if hereby pivrn that thr folio vinj. ntiiKil M'ttltr luts tilrti i.i.tii'B of hi in tention to inukf tiiml troo in tui(ni w hi" rlaiin. ami (hut miii) nrt will U in.'ule U't'ons ii. R. h!C;L'!-, . S. Com, at lniM'villi-, ort-a-on. on Tui'Mlay, IHhtiiiUt i), l!Hti, vis: JOHN Mil OltMK'K of I'niH'vilU'. t'n-B.m. II. K. No, 114?.'. for SWl. S.VH.U. Tl. IT ...,.( It tliLe.. krtHi . M. ullivation of aul luiul. via: John Kvuii. T"-.". ' - Ht-iiry On lmril. P;itru k Moiiartv. William V. Tajtjfart, all uf .'riru-v ill Ori-ifoii. MICHAKLT. .Mtl.AN. KtKtUr. XOTICK Foil PI HLICATION. I,;tn-l tm.f nt Tht- PJU--., OrfKm. Nt'Vi-tiilur Js, urns. NoiitT i- lu-M'hy tfivt-n that the fiillnttirttf naiiiitl witler ha. lilr'l imia of hi- in-tt-iititm in iiik final jin-of in ui iftrt of (li-rUim, ah'i that -uii.! iroof ill U- niii: M'.irv J. J. Ruiiili, rountv Ufik, at I' r i n i- v i I I ' , tin k.-h, on Tlmr-hiy. Jaitiiiiry H, lim, vii: nf limMiiia, nri'u.in. on H. K. No. iLVW fur I the Kl, SK'i. SWJ SK',. SHt SW i Str.:M. ten.. It. It K.. W. M. I lie hiltue- tlx- follow j til! wUiie C" to ! provr hi-i-ontimioii rv-i.i-nLr iihi anl uiwiiiiioii 01 iini ijiiKi vn: l-t- ilm.r, J.1I111 Huiih-y. Willinni Sunn, iiHflt Wi-iijaiiil. all of l-iiriiuiiu, Onvn. .Mil II A KI. T. NmI.AN. 1'1 KeffiH.r. Notice For Publication Laii'l nrtirr at The Dulles or. nmi, Xoli.i- .arelv iriven that tin: following ' iiaiiii-d M'ltl. r ha lititl m iiuoii to in.ike final prol 111 hu m irt of h.-r 1 laini, ami thai -an I proif will Im- maile ln'f..re J J, Smith, i imiity t l. rlr nl 'ri.-. villi-. Ori-ir.iB, on .Situnhiy, Uei-emU-r ." !!. ifia: M.M!V A Jal'lIKV, furii.rry MAUV A KI'.KI.I,. of Laiiiijiiiii. OnT11"- "ii II. K. No. Mai ti.r the KS VM -c : W, of SWw nr. T. Via. II M Ka-t. W. SI. Sin- iiaima the Mlott, in itneitre to prove hei ruiitimn.ii nidi'iiee uim and eultivitli f Mii.l IuihI vii: Julius !. .Mt-Mt-rii. Juiiri II. lirant, John HnnltyA-ii Ii. MMih-r, nil f Lamoiita, MK'HAKI. T. N'lI.AX, Kctti-n-r. LauraL S. Webb. TleFrMil.nl Womnn Deoiw crMte ( lutM trf orlbcr OtUv "I irttitd the change of life which wu fait approaching. I noticed Wine of Odul, ami deciocd to try a bot tle. I experienced fontc relief the first month, to I kept on takint, it for three months and now I menstruate with no pain and I shall take it off and on now until I have passed the climax." Female weaklier, tliwjrileml meiiaej, falling of the womh and ovarian trmihles do not wear off. They follow a woman totlwehanjre of life. lo not wait hiituke Wine of Cardui now and avoid the trou ble. Wine of f'strdui never faili to Ifenefit a auffcrinff woman of any affp. W ine of t 'ardui relievel Mra. Wehh when she was in dan pw. W hen yon (imietotheenantre of life Airs. Wehh' letter will mean mom to you than it due now. Hut you may now avoid the infferin ahe endured, bmuuisit ell 11 bottles uf Wine of 1'nrdui. WMEofCARDUL I Mrs. Sialic mi Ins Apiiali.UM.nl A, tttltita.ratar. In llie County Court oftto f late of Ore gon lor Crook county. I lu the matter oft he Kstatu I of I M. I. llonkel, IVivmw.1, I Notice is hereby site that the xniter- tyneil liss Ihi'h tlit 2.1nt l,iv Of Sl-ltll. l"'r, A. II. npiioliilisl A.liiiinnirntorol' the bMateol S. P. I,itkel, ilreeaml. ami I U pi'ooni Inning claims iigninst Hie K. Mule l Hi. wiLI N. I'. Ihmkel are hereby , I"'"''1 ",,liH"1 tnv.'nt the uine to we nl lev re-nleiiee at lloseliuti K COIIIllV. tklVtfoll. ill- to 11.. u Hamee. nl hi- ollh e in IVhivvllle, Crook eoiiutv. lin'iroii, within si mould rroiu tin' time ol tin- noiiit'. Ami nil ii'i'Mins oui, die said S, P. IKwM lire hrii-liv notilleil tu make Inline illstle niliiem to me. I'rinevilte, Cnnik cviunlv, Oregon, 8e temlwr it.lr.1, IMM, It. W. tKnikel, Adiniiilstriitorofttlr Ktiutetil M. P. IKm kel, ileeeiiseil. NoTicit Koit rnu.K'A riox. U Omen At The ll.vlls., tlsmiov, NovemlMT 4. havi. N"liw Is hereby given thai the Miwliui nameil aetlier Inw lilml nlie of her lutein ion to make nnsl ,r,J in siiiMirt of her elnlm, ami tlist said imsif will lie nmdc tore J. J. Smith County Clerk at Prineville, Ore gon, on Tluirsilay, lKHamlHkr IT, met, vis: IKiRCAtf KtlAS Widow irf Junies Kiran, itewnseil, nf Iji. moiila. On-aoii, via: tl. K. No. tuvt for the J, xu vH'lion M. ami the Nl SKU Section .tt, Tp 13 S. . Italia,' U Kast. V. M She nainn the folloaina aitliesses to prove her continuous rc-mience iihiii sml ciiltivNtiou ol nltt Inmt, vis: J. II llraiil, l,rge Aehey. J. S. McMeea anil 1, tt. llanley. all or l.smonni. Oreiom. ut uu MICHAKLT. NOljAN. liegUwr, Nvril'K FOR fl BI.IOATION. IjiiuI Orti,-, at The Itallea. dro,,.., October IN, l!OJ. K.aiee Is heielie rlven lluU the lolloolna nanie.1 M-ttler has Klnl uotiie 4 her inti-nteai w uu onal url in i,i, , 4 herjleini and thai aeid jaool mil Is. ma,h tietore J. J. Mnllh, tUmntjr Cleik at Prineville, Ore iron, Salunlny, lleeemlar laul, via: MATT IK K. SASN. firmerly MAniKK SII.VNXOX, ot lmoiitn.Oreifoii, II. K. N. nuiai i,,t. Jr''SiVi'SW'!i"'- " and NWv, N W S.v. St. T. U S.. II. 14 K VI She names the iolloning wiliusea to irove ner eoiiliuuous residrnee lllion nlnl eultiuitloa ol aid land. Y ilidm ..n.o,rr,ii e.:iriiel neiiraiel. J.wnl nentaml. Niiuin t. Mel'oin, ah ,,1 l.a- moiila, unroll. .MH'II.VKI. T. NOI.AV, Notice For Publkwtlon. Unit om.c at Tlic hrillK, orftmn, hi umm nntu intr in ninirt .rf In dniiu, umi in ui.i prt.i wilt I niwff Mn J J. Smtlli, I'oiirily fli-rk. nl .Villi-villi' wn-n.iii, on .l..iiiiav, January m I liAUKKTT T. HiMlVKK. "f .'ritiPvllle, llntiin, H. K. N... f.lh) f..r it.r kU V Is' .l.VU'i VLI u 1 ' . l. Ii . 7 1. . V. ' (' H IUiun.,.e,ii...f..ll.m-i..--i 1HH1 111 siini mnn, v 1: Pnvitl Tniiti !. 11 11 ; - -' ' ' 1 ,,lll,ll"lt, .Mtrliarl ' nnwiiuuii, 01 rrm.-vilii. (trrif.in. Mil IIAKL T. MUiJN. HtK inter. Timber l.and. Art Jan 1 jt, Notice for Publication. l'nilf.1 Stale l)tfn-. Tht Oitllrt. Ur.. Non.n.l.r. ii Hart . Ah i Iwryl.y iciv- that in o.iii(iiitn -nil vtir iniiontn ineac. ? i.;iitr-M iif .nine .t, 1.H7S, ptititlHl ; An at't f..r tiW wlr of limurr lan.u in th-"Stl ol (Vlifortiu. On- K..11, .Ai-rniia. nmi w ulini,(ton TprrU.ir?, -UFii.ir.1 t All t'ie I'ul.lie St4,li hy aet ' uiii 1, iNri, Jkine k. Hfulli. ol I'riiiDsil.r. (.unity -if IV0..I1. ut.tte.il rev"H ha. .41 la Si, ' tiletl in tht. utt,., l.i' woin utriiiHiit NL. iwi, Uf lh (inrcha .1.' ifSeition N.i. J, in fowii-liio NV iis,mth lUntrv No. Ill K., W. M. ami will flr pnmf V hIkiw Hmt the Uli'l .-aiiiKltt i" lllt.l'r liltHJOlIf t.f IIM IllliliCf .IT Hti-ne llialli for uri. illtiral iiiir)-.- ;irot in eUlih hi- i laiir 10 im l.irH t'lore J. J, Htuitli foniitv t'li rk ( 1'iiiivilJ, Orr.,oi tjntnr iliiv, the 5th day of Ki'l-rnioy, H niit u witnifMi:' Itvnm t'ntlv KrW HiKv;iti.-, f harlw Kriik-uu, . t, I'.iintli-tti r, ..I I'riiieiille, l)r..it. ,iv atiti all il lining ailvrr.y thr ??rr" '' rpimM u til Unit in thin ltit .nt or f,tr ui.l no iiav n reiiniarv, isoi. MIVhaKLT. XtM.AX , llt-KiMer, CONTEST KOTIOK t'ulte.1 States land lithcr The lUlles Oretfi.n, N. vemlier 12, llWfl, A xnffieii-iit cnitc-t Htftdavit havliiu heen lileil in thia olhce hy THKOlMHtK M. TOST, f-nttnnt, a'ainat hoitipeUad tiitry No !;o, mud.-.Mrirch 7. !!., for Im 2. Wu wi SK'j MV fire, ft and NK',i NW Sc H. Ti. 1U Month, .n.K II Kaat. ... r..in jim, conie-uw, m which it I allied that aaitl Karl K. Hinea liaa wholly altandotied aaid traeti that h baa chnKftl hia rMidencfi thi-refrom for more tlmn aii iii-ntlm inoe making aaid entry; that aaid tract ia not settled uion and cultivated hy -iuo ynny re.(uirt iiy law; that aaid a 'Ki no. nn lent naa not tM'n cauad hy vices in the t'nitfd Mtitea army navy during time of war ur ace; aaid iartiea ant herehy noljfled ti aHar re-iRHid and offi-r evidence totichhi aaid m iu u chick a. a. on -January 2, er, at hia othce at I'rineville, i)ri,a, (and that final IwaritiK will U hfld at 10 o'r ock A. H. on Javiiiiary lj li04, bef.. re tlw Hexi-ter aitd l.m-i.i-r at the i nited Kmtea Uml Ottioe ii. The OallcH, flreKOn. Tiiitt ail c'liiltuiit havinif, In n proer arfi.lait, filed Nov. 2, Ittfl, aat forth faeta niiKit ww tnat alter iliw dillifence tienional irvic ot una notice ckii not In made, It fa heiehy ordered and directed Unit ayoh notice " uu ami un.er (iiioncatlon. MIUllAKLT. MHsAN, Itcnialer. Timber Land, Ant June 2, W78. NOTICE FOK I'l'ULK.'ATION. t'nlted Rtalea lnd Offlr-e. The laJlon, Orenon, NovemU-r YZ, UNCI. NotltH la hereby tclven that In tompll-ni'-e with tliu iiroviHlona of the act uf i-'onicn-ai of June 3. 1K7", entitled "An at-l for thr ale of tlmhcr lamia In the atuleu 'if Caijfornla, Oregon. NVvmiIh. and W'aHh iiiKion Territory. " u extctided to all tht 1'ui'lic Lattid HUtM by net of A usual 4, , ALHF.ItT H. PKTKKSON, of Kverett, eonnty of Hn.ihomirtli, itate of iiHiintjfwm. hitHoii May J1I03, U'ed in (hia oniei- hirt nworn utatttient fto. ItvCt, for the iJiir'haeof the Ni NK, HWJ Ki. KKJ N W , of Meelk'n 21, Hi T(.. X'l Ht uth, K4JiKe jo r.a-i, v . .'i ., And will otur p.r.Kif to .how Unit the iBNi.H'.nht ia morevaliihljle for iU tiioloer m nUiif thun tor awricnltiiral inirMMM- ant to ea-t-J-li-h hi claim to -aid land M..re tM-H-t!i-t T and Kteeiver of thin oftli-e at The hullo., Oregon, ou Tiiemhiy, the 'M day of Kehniary. H4, He mime a titnee: Adeline tin vole. Hiixie W. Manuel I, Klhie f-Yrndl Nt John Krne"t W. Dearie, Kohert 11. Haattell, of Kverett, WVhiiiKton. Any und all iH-ntonii rlalmlns; adverae ly the itliove-deairthed laritbi are reiiieat-- to ntr their eltilmM In thin ome on or tdore Ka id 2nd day of Fcl.niarv. lfa, . an MfCilAKL T. Voi.AN; tteginter. Q. Springer, 'Draft, Coach and Carriage JComcs hUo w lew young ten inn (or wile. Havsta BliKid Stuck Kamb. s HiMKtiU'k; Oregon, W I'wvilkl; C. K. McDowell, Prt.p. ThomiiKMy Honuvitled ntnl ltt fittiMlietl Tlmmliutit. 4nicrinm lMuii. It a I oh $1, I.Vf nmi h t hi, AivoiniiKatiiiioita nro I'ltiittrpMUMHl in tho city. Hitntplti Kooini for Cttmttwoial Tmveltr( I.oim Irntiiiu-tj Ttilt..,uita 81'itiou in the Ihmimo Homeatewd OuuaoIlUntod Notlis For Publication. t nile.l Htatea l.uo.l Oltirr, Thr Ihilles, Mr.nu, Nov. S, llttl, Notut' In hervhy alveit that the lollow. Hkt Aluel M-lllern )iae tiltnl (lieir ttileli (ton ut maku Until iiimi iii atiiorl of their chum, and thai Kaid prtHit Kill U lliaile (M'tore J J, Hmtllt t'oimtv Clrrk at I'ritM'vttte. tirtytin. mi Tuelav, Iksnii U-r JHh, ll. via- ATA V: MOnS of 'rineille. ore, hi. II. K. No, tITII for thi-S V it NW.Sci-iitiii H'k fK NK't wild Nt, NK',, Srrtlolt '7, Tp. 17 fiotith, KitiiK' i; Kant, W. M. KANIKI. K. Kl'HU of Prineville, (In noil, II. K No, gltM, Utve vie ci ie. for the N K NKl Kl ."K and ,V.' 8K.. Hivtn.ti i Th. It S-uth, U.M.irv I? Ka-t, W. M. They name I he lolloViini; witiM-Mea to prove their roiiiinn.ni- re-Mein e tiHiu and riillivaii.Hi of Haul irtml, tovtt: A ndrew A iid"ron, I ittturl Ktirr. I rl..irl... I k.lu... I- L.I I ll.... ' - ..... .. ,,, i.'inniuo, r-'.iiHiii itnrtii Umu II.Iki-, Artaf. Mi., ,. IVmeUlli 'wmi MM IIAKI. I. Ni!,AN. Kfti-ter. HoniuMttmit Ounnohdiit.Hl Nuittxi For Publlcntiuti, l.nd i Hlice at Th- I all. t r..it. N..vrmr li IibKL N".lce la huehv ufven that the l'ol..rinif I iiitioisl aetlh nt rave id titlre ol llit loine- I ton to tiMftr- eoiiiiniilntioii iirtHtt in -tit'lmrt of tlielr rii-live i-Uitna, and' that taid n-r ill lv toatle l.f.rv Mat ! litmldetiian V. S, t m. at AnUl..n tlrvaoit, : H e.liiilay, l'mutfNr J". IINIS. iU: IVKN l. TI'KNKK, jf May Creek, tlnv-rn. II. K. N.. l:.r. f. I. t. J uiKl-t, Hw. :tu anil l-.t i soii.,n in, Ti. IS mil,, ll.n.i-1;, r 4.1, W. M. KI.I0 VANCKV it Hay Cm-li.tlmpill, II. K. N't. Ilr.'l, r,r llih', Mil, nmi K'.NW, SmiI.u, h, r.i 12 S..111I1, Ii.iikt I,', Kl. W. M. Tlny nam. tli l,...a IriK ttitnwo. t. fimyi 11,,-ir ciitimi.,ii, ri-.l.ti'iiri imhia ami -iTii,auii ,,i miii uml. Hi; .. r. Mri itn i il ilriaily. nK''ii. Kite Vmy, uml Harry j . iin. lulli ! May I'M.. Ili,vn, ll,,i,l C. 'ti. ufllriMly, iirKiMi, lii'n 1). Tiituur, ,t Hay I'rei'k. I ii.,iti. .MICII.VKI.T. Nl't.AN. nl" Uraialir. Homeuuiad Ounaolldntad Notice For Publication. I'nitril hum lii l ( Till' llulU, llri'Kn, N.iy. 1-J, !n. Nulitl- U lltTt'l,) niviMi liuii ii,,. ,,,,,nK iinniiil ai-lilrm liavr llli-il miljiv ul ilnir ii,. Unlinn iu nmki' filial (iriH.f In aii,m,ri il tlii-iri'laiiii.. hikI llial i.nlil r,Mr H ill l imiili' IhT'ih J . J. Hiniili, i'ihii tv I'li-rk. ut t'ntM'vtlle, Ort-itnii, uli WiitiwMliiy.llt-r ;ly laa, it: HATTIK THOMPSON, form.rly llatllv Alli-li, if Hi.trra. (lrnr,.n. II K NV lual f... II.. 'Hi,Nw'- N mv, . i ami NK Sf.ii Hm: t, Tu. 12,,uth. Ilaini. 11 KaaL tt.il. DAVID L. MII.I.KIl, I uf HitiT Drainm, H. K. Nil l.wi, frtlm SK'i XH, Htt'i; tiK'4 ami SI MKI Hn. 13, Tp. IV .S..uth, ll.iiKf II Kaat,', W. M. , WILLIAM A. VAMICHKIIIK, J W.r., (n(( II. K. No, lWI. Inr lit 3 ami 4 ami hl HW: s,tlu :ai Tt.. vi .Nmlli, H.iiK, u Ka.l V. . M i HAItHY AI.I-.KN, iif Hl.lra, (lrK n, ft. K. Nil. IWH'. fur tin- fiK'.i ami HU HWl, S..ll,,ii 7 Tt Niiutli llanKr II K'i't. W M. Thi'y iiaiim llif fullnwiiiK witlit'iuwa lo ,rnvi tli.ir runliiiiiini, ri,lt-n,'i, uhhi aiul iiiii.a, iuii i .am iiuiii, yia: ii. I.. .Millfr, William A. Viinliunkirk. I. V. A lli,,ul.., J. H. Kuinrr, II itr.lv Allan, uf Hitra! Ortill, ami Jlnilii Ttmliiimii. I'rliii'iilli, Oii-Kim. .MIl'IIAKI, t. Nol.AN. 'f ili-Klatrr. Timber IjiihI, Aot June 3, 1HTI. NOTICE FOH PUHMt'ATION. United Rial. -a Und Office. The Duller, Orenon, Novernher ID, Mfl, Notlte la hi-rfltv kIvkh ilmi In i...ti..n. ance with tlie irovlnlona of Hie act uf Coniireaa of Juno X ln,H. enlltl.-il "An a.-t i tor the ule of tlmlier li.n.ta in ih HiuUH of California, Orea-on, Nr-vndH, ami Wanh- uiai.m it-rniory, aa extendiil lo all the1 t'ijllc Utnil Htatca hy H' t of AtiKoxt 4 hf toiloHintf niinietl iii-r,.iiM lixvi .liny it, n-M li ico in Htatenteiitn, hi- it I tliia oltl. f tli.lr .worn . DA J' I HI- Y, COVKNY. uf HK)0 DiiiHint Ave, N.. MinneaindU. jniiiitv uf Hiineiin. atnte of Mio...... aworn atatemeat No. iMH.or the iiiim Ioim of the SW Minn Tw. t South, naiiKc in r.awt, w. M. WILLIAM I. COVKNY. A ItW) Dnpont Ave. N., Minneftdia, ounly f HeiiaeiifiL MUe of M inncwih. Nworn htiiteineiit Nn. fur the imrelinae f the N YM Nerlfim Tu. ) M....H. Karie III Kuxf, W. M. K A T H K 1 1 1 N K CO V K X Y , nf Mm Ilutiont Ave. North, Mlnneniiolln, roiiniy of H.ni.cMn,- (.( of Mi.inem.ta, awum atiitenietit N". KM, lor (he mindia-e of the M'Vi HiTtloD a, Ti. 11 ,uth, HKIIHIKi" COVRNY, ' f UMlDuoofit Avenne North. Mil armlix. e-Hinty id Heiiin-j.iii, atale of M inm-aota "worn awntneoi no. .. T ihv purchane ot the HK' H-cli.tu a, Til. U Hoiilli Rune HiKaai, W..M. Tim l tlit!- wltl offer proof to alio (hut (lie lnnl Moiiaht fa m.r valnalle for lla i.;:,.r or aione man Tor axrlciiltural pur- IMIHCW. aild to efllHtillHh H...lr clnitn. , -aid land Mure the Kea-ialer and Keeelver tit The Dalle. Oregon, on Monday, Feb ruary a, it. They nanir? aa witiientiea: UrtdiretCoveny, Knlherine (oveny, William I. f'nveny Daniel K. Coveny, of Mitun-apolbt, Minn., i ml Ih-iiniix M. O'Ooimell and Sentt lialh awiiy. uf i'rineville, Onyon. Any and all peraona uialmlnf ndveriie ly the above-ilem tIImm landa arc rerjueat to fllo their rlalma In thin offloe on or hefore thtt Maid iStth day of Kehniary, MKJHAKL T, NOLAN, D) JttJKtcr, SIIAHIKO 17AREII0USE Clianllro, Oioo-on General Storage, Forwarding AN'l) COMMISSION MKKOIIANTS Kir('iriiol litillilinjt llXIsl'ilX) ., 1,'itl M two "InrliK 111 Iii-IkIiI, Special Attention to Wool (inulinn and liuling for llastcrn Shipments. Ii'iili r In lllmlti'iiiitli Cidtl, Klimr. HntU'il Wire, NulU, Vn.-t, Lima, ('mil Oil, I'lnplur, Siililmr, Wmil uml (Iriiin nm Twine, (iralii mill Ki'cil. Hiithi'iit irii'i pniil (ur lliilin ntiil IVIln. Stock Tarda with all the Latest and Boat Facil ities for Handling Stock. Aural tu WW. tt'nh Mllli.n Oi. 'a, Murk tatMitU t ain OlUoo nt I, Atlitmxnn'M Htutv ?. riUNKVII.LK, (MtKtJOX I'ltlNKVII.I.K, . OKKllON W Jf. SSM I'ltlNKVII.I.K, DHKill IN. I'lllNKVII.I.K, UKKOii.N JJrJ? C SSrim ! yfiA- I'llINKVIIXK, tltKtHN. nun. KuwtaiM ii, r. an niAr fAyiieiami mmtl Jmrfnmi. Olliif Klrnl limir KukI ol VVimirkV I Iriifj Hlorii, rillNKVIU.E, tlllKllllN, ft,...., tmlS-rt"" Rail. ai.il imnniUly Hay nt nlifhlf (If with Dr, V. linniT. Itralilnna c.nir M ali.1 Mala lnU. IMtlNKVir.l.K. IIIIKIIIIN W. li. SNOOK, M. L I'livslrlim mid st;i:o ifl'l V'I'li 1 : OltK(l() , Am iiri'imrpd to nn.wi'r uniln .: I ...n . . niuiiai rniiti firi)lllll ti n. 1 1 i i 1 1 1 m t. J.W..HOOISK SADDLES AND IIAKXKSS. Maker tit t liu ciili'lini trttl J'RINKVILLE STOCK. HADDJ.K rn.it i.ik or NTWI'K.tiC.M'rSSl'ri'LICS 0 Latest Improved Ladles Hiae and Stride Baddies, kits, Spurs, Armora Chaps Quirts and Hackamoros. Writs f?r Prices. 'rillfvillf, Ori'Rrtn. t f ... CATARRH 'is Ely s Cream Balm This Remedy Is a Speolfle, Sura to Give Satisfaction, oivia siliif AT ONOI. It clmnma, kii u, hnila, ami protoita tin iIiwiumI iiiBinl,rnn. it mmn Catarrh nil ilrlyia away (1,1,1 In tlm Hmtil quii ltly Kenlorn. tin) Hoiiam ot Taats ana Hmeil. V-my to nan., OnnUina no injiirlona drna! Aimlied into tho malrila anil alnorlwd. Urua Hit., Ml mu at DniKirlaU or Lj until Trial Hia, 11) i euU by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 5 W.rr.a St., Nt Yirii "Whit till.,' ami ' 1 1, lit. I'alanl" mir. of "H, W, t o." 1 'rinovillo-Hilvcr I jtiko H(ttio Lino I'ICK VAMiKltVKHT. Pr..K bnvm I'riiifvillr Moiiilay., Wnl nmlaja iml Kliiln).. Vrvftl uml imui'iii'ni wnyliilliil lur Hllu r l.ak niul way luiiuta. Owak IIvhk, Aiii.iit. I'rinovillo-JtttritN Stityjo Lino ('. II. C(UNK'r, l'r.irii ti.r U'ftvi-ii Prini'Villn (ur lluriw Moll iliiyii, Wvtlnitiilnys nntl Kriiliivn. (Vnir I lytic, A(i'iil, l'rincvillo-Mitflitai H.ao;o Lino JOHN lll'XHAKKIt, I'mp. Uitvn. I'rini'vlllf im .Muiwlnya, WViliiwiliiymiiiil Kriilnyn, nrrivlng lit Miti llt'll till' khiiii. ilny, l.fiivm Milrliull mi Turoiluya, Thurnilav' sml Hntiinlnyii. John Tiiiiilftiiii, Aji'iil. Jas. S. Kcllcy, Photographer Hlghaat Grado Work POINIJEXl E 5having; Parlors Powell It Hyds, Prop's Hhavlnii Halrcuttlng HharabooliiaT Baths A li lalhiniia da,, ,milally to tlw iim ot Will Hvarr.ltlaaf up to ,lau .ml ,t,My Urat tilaaa. Say Jasper- tan you Twist a Uronc? Well, Yes, If You'll let me Use My Smith & Kajler addle. They are the only SADDLE MAKERS in Crook County. HAVE YOUR MEASURE TAKEN for your new Fall rmenta. It la th only proper and ut. .factory way of buying your elothea, belny that "tiOOU CUITHKS ARB ALWAYS MADB TO OKUKK." Make yourMlectlon (mm the tail oring Hat ot STRAUSS BROS. Chicago, Est. 1877 aodtellonforoTCrsqnartii.u7 Vou'H And a world of plea. ur ia wearing- the elothes made by Utrauu Droa., faultleaa In atyle.flt, nalah and material!. They're so much better than th ordi nary run of clothe, yet price art utonlahinirly low, and your perfectly safe in or dering', because if Earment sr not aatiafactory, yon needn't take them. WB WILIt BK PLEASED To SHOW YOU OUK GKEAT LINE OK SAMPLKb CALL OM Saloman, Johnson & Co