10Q7XL Mra. M, V icKKKtl lor line lulua. ileal h.iik, .rii'm riulil ut l.elliVa hallo. "Jim fiiiiiiuia Ohiniiiii Imilliil tt Hm ii h It dirk'.. 1 II. 11. Ilntl Will H luiaineaa vlailor Iriiin dialer U'riliii'il.iy. Kur kihhI plintoa mill plmtna Hud ii'itHti uo hi Mra. WirKiinil. Jiniiea Hluttv Wild ii litialneaa vUilnf fr.mi Dfailiulea 1 1"' Hint til llin week. ,inlii'' HMrt ii i I k in nil graile ml atylea at Hutu i mi, .IiiliiiMtn it ('ii. nr aereell ilnota, pulii'l iliKirM mill ttllltlilWlllflllllA.il. l.iiHHIIII ii I'll, rti'ttauni'il malic n ul llmirinK din la1 fnuiiil iimy nt A. II. I.iiiinati A Co, Jl'MI WitllliUII ttlla II I'llplllI'M v i m t - nr lliia week limit liia rm-li i r tNllier, ' ltl,lllt'ltltil,l' llllll HilliillllMI, Jllllliilllll, A Cii. n il tlm nlil, ivhiil.li' Milt'liill HIIK'UIH. A ill In Kiaer una In llio city lliia rek frmii Crunk HlliMitling lo hnl' neaa iiutlliir . All work Ktiitrntitttl In i(ive anlialite. thm nr mimey refunded Hi Mr. Win Kitnd'a gallery. Hinitli & I'li't'k Ituve llir Iiiiiiiiii tllyni.i II..I1I.1I lln'r Inr will' ill t!i yellta pel la.ttll-, Olliidriiy mill KeiMiie IIihiiIi lill Viilin'ltty Inr lieaelmtea for 11 ftaw d.iya l.tiaiuma trip. ileoriie Helileet, editor nl ilu' lc. cliuli'a Ki lin, ri liiriiiil Tumlny limn limit. van Irip In I'nitluiiil, I,. It. Clnyimnl, the I'miliiw ntnt'k mull, wna in the city ilnriiiK tlm week trauam'tiiiK Iniaincaa uuiflera. - All Inula nl (lit' luteal Mi'Cull tlrea. ml eloak pullet ita i'iiii Iw liiul nl Mil Ktl. Ilrnill.u.l'n Milliiii'ry I'arlnta. J A. II. I.i''iiiiiii 'n. will heat l.iuaml Oil tnr,,!l centa n r xtillnn. I'iiiiieer while li'Hil nine ecula I't'r K)tlllll. It.'V. II, I''. Ilirper, Inrmt'rly nl Pritievllle, lint nlm i nt I'eiiille- Itm, nrriuil In Hie i'iiy Weiltieatluy Imm Btirna. - Hinilli i (Meek imw Imvctlie f iimi fllyhiiM tlinitKlit l'er liir,ali', nt fi eenla h ghiaa, 'I'liul'a tltu ( l In tl a gntiil heveniKe clietip. Mmulier nl IVinf villn AnwiiiIiIv nl irtiantta unit itlwtiya lltitl '.In' eeretarr I Ilia I'.iinuVlltor ImrU'r almi, wltere llit'y nin pity their iluea. IlKAt'TIITI. ClIISAWAIlK I 111' rt (if thitiiia yon like lo imn t In our luck and we iiwkc it may Inr ynti In own litem. Tito Bee llivo. Hello, Cenli'ttl: The leat plttce in interior Ori'inn lo net your ilmtn l keit or your enliiriritu; dmta ia At Ilu' Kt'lli'j' midio. Tlmt'a all. OlympU nutl Knalorn Oyalt'ra nl O'Ni'il'a ))lir lltniw. I'rivttlo tlin lug riKiina Inr Intlii'ii, iitnl ttll ntlti'r n' "cninialnliniia nl 11 lirat-rltiaa n'llniniiitl , 1'iirtiiK knowing thrniM'lvra intlflil ftl tit A. II. I.ipiminn or A. I'il lnnll 6 Va. itinat tk'ttlv. lnti'it'al olmrgitl anil mllioUil on till iii't'tiiinta. Mm. M. Wli'iimiil the pliutngrnplifr la limy now ilnya tnriiliiR nut work Inr her mntiy riiatiimcra. Hliooliritl new trmlt liowpvfr and Kiiiimiiln aul a laction. Hiilotnnn. JnlmuMi 4 Co. limn juM riHi lvitl n Inri'o linii ol Inilim ml gi'iila ilrt'aa linra. Tht'y will fc pleaawl to allow ynu tlmir Hud lino "I aniplca. J. f. Mnrrla, tlii nicrt'liniit, hna n 2(aMI lino ol nton'a noil Uiya Inrnlali' inga, which he will clnae out Mow ona. Yon on n II ml aonte gi'iitiittit hrgitu lit hii atnro. Hiialwnila, llyoo tire looking lorn Chriatmaa prewnt lor thnt dear wile, we would auggi at thnt a. pair of thnae il.iinty hnttae alippira nt Hiiliminli, Joltnann & Cn'a. might 1") jnat the thing. ' , Tim Inltist prcparntiotia for printing nn ailk to he lotind at Mra. Wiegnml'a gallory. Scenery nr phntognapha re prodnocd on ailk nix'ktioe, ailk hand keichitila, etc. with nrtiatio olearnraa In every do'ail. I wiah the Indiea of Prineville to understand Unit I do my own trim ming and employ no outside help In thie liiie. Cleniil 'g haU and trim nilng Iree ol charge tn nty cuattnncra. Mra. En, Hhadhikii. . The Klamath Bepuhlican ia exierl enoing ita daya of prosperity. It ajt jwarcd Inat week with patent o'llaidna ml a, complete timlier land ittaide. The editor neglected 'toexc'iitie liim aell for nut (uriiialiiitg even yto line of local newa. J. 0. Garner waa in Irotn hia Stiplec ranch the laat ol the week. He alat ed that now graaa wan apringing up on range in that vieinity and that itnck would he in flue condition in the apring i( the aevere weather held off a lew weeba longer. MENTIONj&j Cull ill the llel' llin' nutl hiku l"iik ill llii'lr line nl nIii-II g.KHla Ii Chirlii'ii. Mt. Ail'lie Allen left Inr her home In Witalihieit.i, WiinIi,. nfler H'venil llnilltlm vt-it ill llliii Ht'i'tino. Ilngll I.iali'l', 1 hi' Itiil'I'il ViiIIjv aliN'kiiuttl, vialleil Itla fninily in lliia city Inat M i 1 11 1 .In v mill Hiiinliiy. A lute novel lit ulwnya 11 good piea- cut to give, !), I', A1I11111H011 hna JiihI rt'coivi-il 11 Inr e iitintlH'r which he will "I'll nt hololitv prieca, Mr.. M K. 1'iri'lvul iirrlvwl in the city Hntiiriliiy Iriiin Crooked river where ahe haa laeii the gueat nl Jra J'Htcr unit fiiinily fur aotne time pttat, Hollll' ill lllnae pl'elty taixea of lloll tiny aliiliniiery nl Ailntiianii'a nre anri- I11 lloil llteir w.iy into Cltrial.ttnt ilocklttga. All nl Ilia Inlnal rtiltir mill iiiajtN in ii'iter nnoer anil cu- vel.iiaia. Wnller Klhii'ii, a hull hrnllier nl Cimtity Hupt. Win, lliu'gli fa rupiilly tiienvering fioitt liia nllnek nl ty pltoid pni'llllmlila, anil ia ri't'i'lling Incilicill treiiliiient nl the (JihkI rt.iiiiNrlnjii lliiajiiinl In rnrlliu.il. Ilitlliiril (lile relttrtitil fiotit Ilea chiHea .Miitnl.iv tu lond liia ahitiglt' ill which he will put in operitliiiu al that plnre lliia winter. lie anyi liiiililing ia ittite lively .011 the river mid lliitt lie thitila he will have nn trniil'le In liutli g 11 market fur ahing lea. In teller tn the Joiirnnl thia week liui Hiater Hiiieiliir nt Ht. Mnry'a Acinleiiiy In The llnllea, wrilti thnt he ia niiicli pleiiwd with the work heittg' aceoiiijillMliitl tiy the Crunk ciioill) H'delila, HI 10 alalia thai aoinenfthe acrnli'iny'a hrit;liieNt pn- pila thia year are Irnttt J'ritteville. The npK'r given lay the latliea ol the Metliinliai clttirclt in Ih'lknnp hall Inat Hatunhiy, evening nettiil them $17 w liieli ia nliiinat eiiuiigh tu com plele Ilie nork mi the Oelna'n lor the ptnlcrliuii uf 1 1 ii- church pruierty. The attpM,r wna nn enjnyahlc itno and every tattly waa anrry when it waa over I1Tillota1.il, wlto la ioleriKliil in the qnii'kailver iiniiea .nt I.iaikout uiuiititiiin, arrived in the eity (nun Pnrlhitiil Muiiday. lie led early thia neck fur the mining ilinttict iti com pany willi Henry Cram who ia look ing alter Mr, Tilliitami'a inleirata Iherc. , They 11 ill return next Monday niter in-pititing the pruie.ty and ar ranging lur the whiter'a wmk. Mra. A. A. Cowing kiutlly ranicm etial na lliia week with a liliernl nip ply of giaal lliiuga, and while we know that Mra. Cowing hn an aver- amn tn our aavittg anvlhtng about thia gift, we are going to nay thia much Mallie ia llio annte Renerona, kinti-heartiil wiiinn that alio waa when counted mining the "IIK"at Prineville in Iheyeara pilat Harney County Newa, Archie Wilitm la In the Dixie Meadows mining ramp. He anid that the .rompnny hud ateani up in their Imilcr on Wiiltteadny olid teatcd the iiiacliinery. The firat nl next week they will begin the work of concen trating their orca, which ia the great moment auxioualy awaited ly everv laaly ihVamp and a great nunther in and nut ol the county . Prairie City Miner. Work on the new Crooked river, liridne ia nnwreaaina ranidlv ami ihe eontractora atnte that they will lie'long-ean aud the six hunters sltn- ulile to puah the work to an early ' oompli'tion milisa llio river ahouldi anddenly riaii anil atop the nporntlon.j At proHiittt the pllea hiivo been put in , place On the enat bitiik and the "ilriv-j log ia now uemg carried, nn next to thegtmlo. It II expected that the awei iruaa win arrive troni Pllanllln, inside uf the i.exl lew ilnya. innainna ia me nine wlien tlte,, ,. T.....,lt.,.n. ill- Sir. is-' uratn. nre -et to tltutk.ng. hvcry- hia ia tiHliiniT nvorvniia hIha tvltttr tn n j , ... buy. Drop into 1). P. AilHn.soii'ni drug store mid it will help you toj think. He i. DuiTj'int; this yonr a full line of holidny allminn, china! diliot musical instruments and thounnd and one other little : nack. which arc at.ilable fur young, ! nitoi.ie g, or ntu, rive n.tuu.es in Ins store will set the mind at rest to what the present shall he. Bestaurut Buslneaa Sold. J. R. Helfrich of Lamonta this woek purchaaed O'Neil Brne. oyster houae and has entered into the active I management of the bnsinexa. K. F.' Bogga, who formerly managed the exceed those of any bank in ny town business, sold to the new proprietor of its size in the atate, audits tinan and has gone to Portland to engage oial rating ia correapondingly high, in businesa there. j In fact but few of the lunks in the The restaurant which haa changed lunula was opened about four months ago and since that lime haa enjoyed a! liberal patronage which has made it a paying business. Mr. Hellrich ia well 1 known here and will no doubt experi-! etice the same succeaa as his predeeeaa- or. Peatmaatar Summara la Still Snaatlog. All ntiiuaiug InMileitt la (aid to have liutipeiied 011111 time goto Poat- ntaater Hiiiuinera Hint la not Inn old tn hear telling. Il'a nlaiut aitttfl'. Itaeemathat one uf our fete nd tlilluiia In IMmivillf'a iHipiilnlion, who lay the way, came lioin a aotitherit atate, cnntraeled in Itla early youth the Itnhit nl uaing -iinff. Ihiii arriv ing here with the hahit, he found tint the ileuianil for the article did not warrant i I being carried in atuek liy the lix-iil merchnnta, and failing to contml hia apHtit, he aettt tn liia home atate fur a Ireah upply. The wrapping around the latter wna atrnttg enough In aland the entire juiirttey except the atage ride which landed it in thia city. In eniiaMpteuae the mail aaek waa very liberally aprlnkleil with Ilu' Ane grninetl fra grant weiil, and when Pnatmaater Hiiiniimu ua'iieit the aack he waa tak en with a violent lit ol iieejing. When hia giaal wile went tn iuveati- gnte the eauae ahe alan anivxed, and the I'linriu wna aonn aiigmriiteil by the nnael cxplnainna ul their aaialalll. I) timk i'in time tn prolie the mat. ter tn an nniicraiamiug, nut air. Hiunmera went l it with amge uver hia lace, and when lie ftiiuid the miiirne of the trouble It ia aaid he uaed a gallon of Hrfunieand hia whole aup ply of amall iliai'iifeelanta to re lieve the aituation and himaell. The parly to whom the iwc.kage , -i 1 i.. waa oonaigum aam 111 nam " com need aneexing when be beard of hit loaa-nud la Mill keeping up the iwrliuiiiaiice. Moral: ll'a wiae imw that reengnixi anult in plenty ol time. Chrlatnuu Ruak Haa Begun. rinin I lie praelil dute to ihe 28:b ul lliia mnnlli It Ihe lin e that the unatoMcea tbroiigboiii the county are cnniia-lled In work nvertiine in the Inlrreata of rlmil.i China. The Prioeviile ullice ia not an ex ecution to the gen ral rule, and roat mjiBterKuii'ineiii uvi lhrtr(TiTti ol ,fcM ' ' buying ChriHt.iMin .ivwiiU i nlrendy Tle mmni of V.m nf.im m,m Ut here The nuniU-r .( mttil nck M thnt of Imiincrra-e.hmdwil.nliuueto dojl B,10W !M'-W7 '"S ft i..u w(uro SewVe.tr'.. DurlngClKi.tmaa week ,t . . n . :.. ii.;- .;.. mill l ..... .1 1 from I 12 lo 18 aicka daily and the late pur- chnaea and dehiyiil mail will keep up the rttali lor three daya lolloaiiig. The Poaiiuaater alalee thnt he ia ptepnring now In handle lliia addition al quantity uf I'ncle Untn'a mutter, and reipienta thai all the patrona ol the Htotlicc (In aa much ol their hitainoa, urigiuali ig during the holi tbtya, thia coming week or aa early Meilile helora Chriatmaa no tn avoiil the delaya which are often neciaa ry when -tltu mail matter ia left until the laat minute nnd then crowded in lur handling. Judging Inmi the preaent rale of incrcaac, the office here will have ita lunula lull rhriantaa week lor the Chriamaa purchaaera in outaide pointa eivea evitlo co ul linj unusually heave thia aeaaun. Santa Claua, evi- ilenily.will flml his way Into every Iwmi.. in Prineville ihia vear. John Elliott Wina Tha Cliue Medal at tba Rabbit Stioot. There were nevcral motes in the' oyea ol tin Prineville huniera last Sunday when they went down to Bye (iraaa lo put the jacks off the lace o' J the earth. John Elliott laid claim to il.o Cli,, mmbil with score ol 81 getber slaughtered 37". It was a bad day'a ihuot. Excuses of course are plentiful. What with I piair bnrsea, piwrer driven, nd the j rankest kind ol weather and acarcity ol rablnta and dampened pnwder na , sore shoulders and rough ground and, i and, and wliy, it a no wonner ! i there were'nt many mule eara killed. Theacore: Klliutt, 80; Bay, 81; Huov- Nie,oUi 35. ,Illnry Grilm cle)1 .... , , , reierot, ttml eounteu ine corpse. ' " Prioavillt'i Bank a SubiUntUU Institution, TtiA rfaitnrt nf tliA First Xntinnal flank of thi. city printed in the laet issue of TbelJoumal shows .ome nnd rwollr0e8 wt(,rM in our i,. inati-1 tutlon, for which any town might I well be proud. The deposits alaoj speak volumes for the prosperous eon-1 ditiona and confidence of the local I people in the bank's management which, needles to say, is sound as a dollar. The Journal has no hesitation in ' saying that the local bank's resources inland towns shot depnaiu to exceed 1 more than one-third that of onr liwal inatitution. . Bev. Z. W. Contmerfnrd returned part of the patronixing publio who Monday from Portland where he went ' (ail to get their money's worth on to meet hia wife who haa juet come 'on thia occasion will lie either deal or from their former home in Wisconsin J blind. Tlu Previrkttora Get Together. The Prineville brunch of Ilie A. 0. O. P. (.Ancient Order ol Prevarieatnia) wbifh meela altertiatiTy at different placee arontid town, but wlmaa Inet meeliug plnee wna held at the Htnge compmiy'a olllce a few ilnya ago, wna regnleil on the hitter nccnainii liy aome marvcluiia aloriea. One member bail owned a ahephcrd dog thnt hod bityed a deer lur live daya and when found hud worn a circular palh around ihe deer which waa ao deep thnt juat (be bnok uf the canine wna viaihle. Another hnd a dog which run a lat'or into a eave, uver near Kclknap Hpriuga during the early full, and when theuwner accidentally atiiiuhleil upuii the pnirin Ihe apring they bud eellled all difficultiea nnd were aleep ing linae tu nuae, - A llnyatiieker tuhl of how a mbliit had eliiiiUd a 12 lout Imyattick of rye and tltua eaeaieil a pack of hotiinla. t'he trulh of thia altiry waa vuiiched lur. ' The event of the evening, however, came when a Priitevilleile, who baa often retiilezvouaed on the deaert lur a bunt, tultl l.'ow a dug ol hia hnd lieen apuiled for hutitin purfniata. The animal in queition, a grey hound had atarted a deer an I aonn their aa'id waa tcrritic. Preaently the deer, which waa hieing gruuttd, made a audited turn around a big jttnijar tree. Toe dog inatiiictlvely turned with the deer, hut did not notice Hie fee and atruck it fairly in the center. Ho great waa hia iiuaittia tiiat front hia natural aelf he wna changed to it greyhound IU feet high and 12 inchea in length. The Pruevjilcili wna then unanimously made an honorary mem ber of the club fur life and hia atalue ordered erected in the hall of immor tal linra. Sbwpmeo Tbii Year Auessed for 175, 820 Head of Stock. Crook county fcllcoiiHidernlily Hhort in the ihiiiiIht of head of nec) which went on the tifweiMmrVrnll at compar- aiiierenee oi zi.ipw hum h uiucrcnce oi ''' ' '"k ctinaideralion thnt lour or live new beepmen have engaged in bitaineaa aince the KKI3 naaeaament r.ill waa made up and have approximately 10, (KJU abeep in their aiaaeifion, The difference in the mtinher uf wuuliea ia laid to the Inet that many aalea were nnde early in the year. The Itrma and indiiidunla having in their poaaeeaiou rakKl head nr more are given lieluw: Baldwin Hhecp nnd Land ciimniiiy, 28,U.',U; Moiruw and Keunati, 1U.0UU; Prineville Land and Mveatock cuniiany, 8200; V. W. Brown, 01(10; Allen and Lalollett 51140; J. B. Cartwright, 5000; I'. 8. Cowlea, 5500; Williamaon and Gcaner, 5000; Black But le Co. ,6200. Notice to Contractor!. Xntieo ia hereby given that sealed bide will lie received, by the Board ol Truateea uf the Fitat Preebyterian Church ol PrincviUe, Oregon, until 3 o'clock P. M., Sat. uiliiy Jan. 9lli, 1904, for the erection and completion ola church building according to plans and speciiicationa now on file with the undersigned at the First National Bank, Bids for the foundation and for the upertructure to lie submitted sea- tly. The right to reject any and n bids is hereby reservetl. T. M. BitnwiK, 8eo. Board ol Trustees. Prineville, Oregon. Dec. 9th, M. Notice to Stockholders. Notice Is hereby given that a meet- ig p( n,e ,tockholdera of the Prine- vme jy pui, j, cMed lot Satur- day Jan. 9tb 1SKU nt 2 o'clock in the alternoon ol said day, at- the Court House in the city of Prineville, Crook ...... ,n ... nuuniv. oiaie oi vrreirun. ior ine mr- of.nlhoriBi lhe die8olutio., of 1 this corporation, settling up its busi ness, disposing of its propel ty and dividing its aeaeta and capital, and for the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the meeting. Puled this 8th day of Decettber, 1903. Will Wcrwkilkr. L. N. Liooktt, President. Secretary. A Coming Event. One nf the coining events of the icason isjto be given by the P. A. C in which nearly all of Prineville's lo- oal talent will participate. Theeitate aet ia Friday, December 18, and the place is the clubs now hall. Among the leading attractions of the occasion will be solos, both vocal nd instrumental, quartet and chorus singing, pantomimes, a farce comedy in which eight ptetty girls and one ugly man will participate and tab- leaux. Conscientious practice is now being regularly indulged in and that iMiikrr 0.1 orvriona. VwiKTAIIl.F Cablalgea, 2) eta. far ptintid, Poiatoca, lf et. (ter pound. Cnrrota, 1 eta. per ioiui'l, Otiiruia. .'1J eta. icr pnlllifl, 1'i'TrKB I 'ren tnery, domeai reacarce, ;,')it. Furcicn, 4h eta. Iviiiw S ine on the market. Mr it- Pi hue beef, wlioler.'ile, Seta. I'..rl-, whnleane, 8 eta. Mutlnn, w Itolii'iiti', 11 eta. Chicken", H per ifus. apring, tfiiAiNtt Wlient, 8.i eta. (Int, 45 Wlcta. Hurley, (HI eta. Bye, I..M. Fi.ut:it .V5I ar bbl. COLUMBIA SOUTHERN BY.. Cltugymna't fldlf-Permiti for 1904. For the yi'fir SH)t, the nmti'iii of n(hrmn AMoriiition And other iue nf Clcrynmir !ulf Kurp Permit", reiMlfring them arctptttllo on the Culumhia Rfriitlicrn Hi)wny will he iilioliphftl, n ml thin company will iMiie Olerif'til Ordern tu ortlaincd clergymen havitig n'gulnr clinrgp of chnrche lo cflied on or near itn line. Clerfiymen fleniriox w-h ordftnnlioultl mke writ ten Application to neurit Coltiiuhifl Koulherii Rilwny Age it (or hi en dorsement. Applicutiona fthoiihl I mnde hefore )vcvuir 'l'ht nn tlml order inny le mailed tn'fore Dec. .'II C. E. l,VT!.it, O. P. A. Notice to Credltora.' In tlm matter of tlw eitate uf Wm. (J. Willa, ilerea'it: ' Notice ia hereby aiven by the under. uifiieu executor ol Ilie estate ul win. t. Will. deireHM.it, to all nervous fiavint; ('la) ma uiruuiat tne ealate 01 aunt ileceaseu Ui extiii.it them, with ttie nece.aarv volleheia, within atx Inoiitha from the lirnt pitblii-ati'in or thia notice i.ai.1 exeeittor at ttitf orttee of M. U. Klliutl at rrmevllle, itretfnn. DatMl at Prineville, Oregor,, ttil 10th ilav ul UtiTintier, Haa. T. M. BAMlWI!. Kxerutor uf the ealiite of Wm. I'. Will UlH'euHCfl. itio ffellollday oo different games all new one in each package of Lion Coffee t your Grocer's. Gamas I Simpson & Wilson 1 Are Offering Reductions On All Lines, WIN TER SUPPLIES Included. The Sale is General, As This Old Reliable Firm Is Going Out Of Busi ness. A Special Invitation Is Extended to All Old Customers And NEW ONES to Take Advan tage Of This ., IDISSOLTJTIOIsr REHEMBER-THE OLD BRICK SALOMON, Clothing for tlie nakedv tiltmses for the blind, Shoes for the harefooteil,' Gloves that are lined. Curtains for the windows. Shoe strings and laces, Lamps wicks and oil To light the dark places. Dried fruit, canned goods, Everything to eat, Caps for the head And socks for the feet. Calico for the fineBt That never fades. Woolen goods for dresses, Rihbons for old maids. Tobacco for menfolk?, Overalls for the boys, Dolls for the children, Hans that make noise. jQneensware, g!assware Pitchers anil bowls, Suits for the men And leather for soles. ELKINS wi-r.'.Vi. "vij;' We have cheaper Wringers. Our assortment is so large thnt ie are sure we can suit you both in quality and price It Will Fay Yon to Call ELKINS & KLNG WINNER DRUG' CO. IncorjHirated 1903. Drugs, Stationery and House Furnishing Goods SMITH'S I.ECEPTIOI. Wines, Liquors, Domestic and ImportedCigars. Proprietors tf tbe Prineville SmU Works. Twe Doors South of First National Bank. CHAMP SMITH. JOHNSON Straps and strings, Buckles and screens, The' finest of silks, And the coarset-t of jeans. Potatoes and apples. Lard and meat, Butter from the country, Fresh and sweet. Tea and coffee, Sugar and rice, Beans and crackers, Cheese and spice. Oysters and salmon, Flour and meal, Mouse traps, and a cat To make the mice squeal. Powder for faces Powder for hunters, Axcb for choppers, ' , And remedies for gruntera. Chewing gum, candy, Corset and bustle; The people come trading And how we do hustle. House slippers for the ladies To make them look swell, In fact we have everything That the best stores sell. & KING HAVE YOU EVER sed I Rom Wringer THEY ARE THE BEST We have them warranted for 5 ears We have a vpry Large assortment Of Washing Machines. They are all Good ones. Look the List over BOSS ROTAKY WESTERN PERFECTION GLOBE add See Our floods ELKIXS & KIXG The Celebrated A. B. G. Beer Always on Hand. PRIMVILLE, OKE. ISOM CLEEK. SALE STORE & CO. 1