Crook County Journal. PmusHKn Kikhi Thirhiav m THK .101'KSAI, IM'M.IMIIXO WHKX PKKSISTKXCY COUNTS IuimI with Hit' oaMorn nmimw .nearly exhausted prohahlv half i A strikinit cximide of the per- the life tinicof a nncr:ilion will nee si-.tioicv of American womanhood . shown nl Crokston, Minn., s EXTRA it trnmdonnittion in tin' ivnlnennd usefulness of western int' l'..,.n.-(lrnil P.l.lfB Ue weeks ago when the Hed Lake Tb Jm-nsAi. U nun t Ike clHf ', Intlil" rcwrvKlion W thrown Pritie'llk. Orfir., for hniiii"ll IhM'Hirh tile : ,.i , , .1 1 1 1-. n. mull ic.w.1 clw . open lo settlement. At the land f ""oflic ill the above mimed town,! Sl'llSCKIi'TlOX RATES j two women stood next lo tln iloor ix xivam'R for nearly day waiting for the; oni Vm !.' moment when they conhl iw their' right to tile on timber claims. The list II anil hmldiiiit were (lacked as ha fallen to the lot of the eastern limner Wits. Nik Mmmim ., ThHKK MoNTHf THIKS1UY. PKCKMItKli 10, lata HOXKSTV VS WSllOXKSTY. The accusing finger of guilt is going the rounds, and with many of our prominent federal official tailoring under indictments we wouldn't Ik surprised if ioor old St. Peter was sooner or latter in cluded in the lot. This fraud howl is in line with the calamity howl of "9ti, and while there may In more or leas substance to Kith, they will go on record as good il lustrations f the short coinings of human nature. That there are boundless oimr tunities for corruption in nearly all of our governmental depart ments cannot be denied. Neither ran it be denied that they cannot lie corrected in a day, in a year, nor even in a presidential term. The pessimist who is wont to howl at every mistake, real or imagin ary, should remember that Tncle Sam is a pretty big hoy and is having a remarkable growth in every way. His inter nal affairs, foreign commerce ami other departments are reaching forward with strides without a parallel. As a result conditions and needs rapidly change, and in his great scramble for a com mercial zenith, he has very natur ally taken on a few barmcles. They will always be there in more or less numlier for unfortun ately Adam gave us a mixed standard of honesty when lie stole the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Now that, president Roosevelt has commenced to scraoff a few of these parasite of the last three or four administrations, as well as those of hi: .,1..: i... .1...1 Willi Citlivr vi.iiiti.ini7 n uu vi,'n,ivu ...... I'll ! ,1 , . , nil, Mill, mpv liiiiui ii and lostled each other during the . ' . . ' , . , that measure. It is many Jiours ot noi too paueni waiting. Hut the two women who headed the line were eiiual to the occasion. One of them fainted 'wicv, the other once, but Ihith re gained consciousness in time to j AX lXKIXD KATIIKR. If ever an offspring received an unmerited drubbing from an (in- kind father, 'twas when representa tive Chai'teti JMinson, of Grant county, framer, of the portage rail- the good ot also a poor to uake, when he frames a bill, ge nres it passage, and hardly lie- PRIMARY'S FORECAST CkninoloRkiil Events Preceding Pi lite villi's City L'kvttoii By Oik of the "Stars" in the "Chamber. fore the gowrnorVsigiiature is dry to say, ''the bill is of no further ti. ) i-!i, Ai.rv.t.l lie itltrifets swear in their applications, al-i .' ., ., ,, though they were compelled to j ..(?o tight for their position,. against ;Jlhn8i .,lw.MlsC(,l)wl) timing of uiifc ling nicn. j, ( M The two claims which were se-i ... . . , , , , , ! wav is still a crvmg need, cured by these two types of sturdy j " ' womanhood were well worth the having g em-riput lorin 10 s.vure.uem.H.s . . . , , country which growth is attribut ed to the conservative wing of tin- party, the radicals losing in the meantime. The socialist party of s a factor which w ill stated that the timlier on either one of them would bring 110,000 i today and inside of few morel years their owners will be a long ways from the cry of the proverb-, ,al won at the door. . ,mye ,0 u wi(h Twenty-five years ago, when the Minnesota timber land much the same condition as the j The army canteen having been ilium, iiuc with for nearly two pine belt in Central Oregon ' veiir8 pas," stiii ,,, illto discus presents person would have been: si(m wmMh.m an a,pliibious thougbt enuy to stand hour oflkvr fHi thir8tv ((,r tier hour. Hungry aim uiirs.y ai .. . , tj , . tit n is said to l a crying need. and thirsty at the land otlice door, waiting u chance to tile on a claim. And even two years ago such a course would have ln unnecessary lw cause the pine in this gion was going Now that Wall street's water istix-k has been proven nearly ! u.nrtt,l,.M f.,r KiwHMilntive onrihises interior re- j i begging for' an " ...o T tint it owner. How quick a change has -'V , been bright .Iwut in the value lf " n?,1" 8 and quantity of available timU'r tracts may be gleaned from the action displayed ill the, first, and! Kvidently the senate committee lirobably last rush at The Dalles ' appointed to look into the matter laud oflice a few weeks when a of army promotions thinks it can township near the Deschutes river find better timber for a major gen.-, was Ihruwn umn the market. Kor eral than U-onard WW. months before that time the timh-j er land throughout the entire j American beer carried off all length of the Deschutes valley had honors at the scientific test held suddenly passed from government recently at the Prague, (ieiniany. to orivate ownership, and when Kaiser Wilheltn will siirelv have own, let's help him by his last reDiainiiig townsliiii was il,er relanse. keeping quiet, and not sit idly by j offt.r(.,j f(ir sa,. fact iH-cauie; ; ami yell fraud on all side-. 'clearlr evident that timlier land1 m ,. , .. . I. . " , ,. , , ( The reading public is commenc- ier.em.-u . .'.-" ""- ....,. I.,. n-l,at L'imt nt . fuss '"8 '" "' 1 " " " John Mitchell in his address at vance in value and desirableness.' Trinidad, Colo., said the union ! Perhaps it will lie a long time be-, would strike hard in the present j fore Central Oregon pine will labor difficulties. That was to be; command as large prices as the' pxpected liecau bers dig coal. Dreyfus is anyway. Ed. Hyslop, a 15 year old youth arrest for most of the mem- timlier in Minnesota, nevertheless of The Dalles is under litis here in immense qiiantitcs, ' being "sloppy." SANTA (Jot BWI. St'KrlAI. SkhvIik. ) The barla'd win1 on the fence leading to The Journal olliee was wild with telegraphic exi'iteuu'iil. Sixteen pounds of nails hail been driven insane in the space of (our .niuiitt'S. At I'.'ilt' a. m, Dec. 21. this olliee received word Unit the city ticket had been nominated Kvery one but the noniinalors. who met down in the city meat market's cabbage cellar, and three men, who arc clirouL' dyspectics, h:ul gone hotne. The law coui'ls the candidates to annoiice themselves one day at least tH'fore election. Kleclion day was Dec. 21. At U:'iS p. in, 20, the primary sal itself among the rutabagas anil liirniw. The Professor ot Ktiiilibriutii, who is a prominent ward heeler, reeled him rselt on a potato sack. "Older," he says. "Now lo busi ness," he says, "we ain't got much time to lose," he says. The convention straddled tin business of the evening. "We need a sidewalk nail driv er," says the professor, "someone," he says, "who is niiihllin' lair at batteriu' heads. Xow nominate him," he says, and ha was nomi nated. "Next in order," says the profess or, "is a cow chaser. The- bovines ain't none loo genteel about travel ing on ihe sidewalks. We want a man ior this job who knows how to handle the weaker sex. Now nominate him," he says, and he was nominated. The Prolessor o' K iiilibriuin spat in the eye of a potato and continued; "Let us now cotisanii nate our minds," he says, "on the mast perticler event ill the ovenin'," he says, "that's the patrol system for our bohvards and chief thoroughfares. We want wide awake men," he says, "who is familar with t lie streets and un familiar with some other places where sleep's the prime asset. Now nominate two men," he savs, ami! they were nominated. "We will now confine our atten tions," he 3ays, "to the health boaid and the light and water commit tee. I'resenl Indication is," lit' says, "tlnit the gents on the former will he kept tolerable- busy lookili'j after I lie health ot the lights ami water, and Ihal the h)ht and wat t'l' COIlllllillee will be lipplviu' to the hoalth'boai'd lieloii.' long ler re ciiperaliu1 papers," he says, "Now itoiuinalc the ciilers to till the bill," he says, and they were nomi nated. At 1 Mil) the Professor ot iiiili hriuitl slid off his potato sack. "Convention's 'jniirncd," he says, Wher.upon the nienibers nnuoune etl the names ot the candidali'S in hollowing voices thai echoed and re-eeho,d among the withering, turnips, "Hurrah for Piineville anl tis,"lhey says, " llnrtih!" and they begin lo llle out belwivii the rows ot vegeliibles, "Hold on!" yells the pi'utessor, as he tired a cabbage at the lea. let to heiul him off, "I'll be corn swag gled if we ain't don - f.irg it t n noniiiiate a mayor nod the alder man," he sais, , "Sweel Mik'," says lh leader, Hireat p. nth ile-," siys aiiotiier. "Darn my cousin's aunt's black cat's whisker," t.iy aii.ilh -r boss, : if we ain't pretty near left lie' city j without it's stool pigeon ' and Irimiuiiis, and only iilteeu seconds ' left to set her up an supply the ; decorations." "Well nominate 'em," says the j professor as he sp it in the olher j eye it tin' pitalo, nod th"y were! Iloininali d jtl-t as the clock Up stairs struck twelve. Two uiiniilin ' later Die ehrtrical telegraphic barbed wire fence conveyed the1 news ut t In- convention's proceed-; ings to Toe Journal. On thai saute morning, Direm-i lor 21, the candidates were told of the fact they had Ik'oii noiuiiialeir for city ollices when llu-y came I down town from br.-.iktast. Four j ordinary nan were stricken diinihj with piraNsis ul ilienigmil honor: which had U-en In -slowed upon them. Itn: evervtbing passed off smoothly, an I late in the idler-; u. ion. wiien everyone liatl hian lold that il was election day, and that the candidates names could be learned from a glance at the ballots, the votes were nil ill and the new city ollieials elected. Once more Prineville had added a little more moss and everyone apparent ly n;is happy. A. II. LIPPMAN & CO. ...riauiidictiircrs ot and Donlors In.,, FrUXITlMtK, COFFIN'S ami CASKKTS CAIM'ETS, S'HJVKS, PAINTS and OILS Lumber jiiJ a!l Kinds of ( milling material For CASH Only ' L O'Ncll Uros.' OYSTER HOUSE -'.. I', lltidl.S, MiimiKor Good Meals and Rooms Miller Ihiilclinjf, Prineville Oregon FISH AND (lAMK IN 8 KAHON ItUKAD AND 1'IKS Foil THK THADK SPECIAL RATES TO BOARDERS Subscribe journal. for the X GLAUS Have us put it on one of our lovely new Pianos or a Pianola. We will store it for you and deliver it just in time for Xmas. Our stock is the largest and finest ever shown at any season of the year. Prices the lowest. Write us for catalogs. EILERS PIANO HOUSE Small prices and asy 351 Washington St., cor Park terms of payment always Portland, Oregon I THE BEE HIVE THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY We'll be there on time We're not going to dissitpisiint the throngs of friends and customers who have learned to exjiect our Xmas displays lo lie the biggest and best. This year they will be bigger and better than ever. You have our word for that. Here are a few faint showings of what we have TOYS TOYS TOYS We have as large an assortment aeever came to Prineville Ui select from. GRAND BALL UNDER THH AUSPICES OK Prineville Amateur Athletic Club -AT THE- P. A. A. C's. New Building CHKISTJIAS NIGIIT ' December 25th, l3 NCW YEARS MfillT January 1st. ICI . Finest Ball Room in Eastern Oregon Just Arrived A. E. NATHAN 8 Go's Custom Made Clolhing J. F. MORRIS'S The I3ot Wearing and Fitting Tino of ALhTMS BOOKS TOII.KT CASKS (JAMKS KXPEESS WAGONS 101,1. BUCGIES DOIXS KOCKEV HORSES STJllCTT The Best Line of Candies in Town All Kinds of Fresh Fruits and Nuts Hoping to receive your Xmas orders, we are Yours reH-ctfully, MICHEI CO. 1M i Ever Jrovitrht to 'rineville. I UP-TO-DATK I ALL I'KICKS ANU Sf.KS XKW AND NOIIHV DRY GOODS MILLINERY GROCERIES; jl)ont Forget the Special Sale on Men's and Roys' I Clothing. Greatly Reduced Prices. N. A. Tye and Brothers We carry A full line of Gents' Furnishings We Have A Full Line of Men's, Ladles', Girls' and Babies' Shoes. We Have jusf received Two Tons of Candy and Nuts A. TYE and BROS., Merchant J glacksmitliing That Pleases Ih TIi The Kind You (id nl J. II. WKILIiS (HuwvMor In) COKMOTT & KI.KIXS'S A Stock til Knrm Mncliincr n1,nn Iminl You will find ItlCYCI.liS of all nood makes Ramblers, Imperials, Ideals, and many oiIiitb. A g.iml line o( llic.n lc Hiiiidricit AT HIIIIT'M. WATTS MARBLE 1 GRANITE WORKS Watts & Baker, Props. Marhle and (iranite Monuments All Kinds of Stone Work FIRST CLASS WORK AT LOWEST PRICES Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon Prioflvi uuuwuwvuwvvir Daily Between Prineville and , HCIIKMJI.K Shanlko l.ravcn Hhiiniko, U p. m. Arrivcn nt I'rint'villc 6 n. m. Ij'iiviii t'riiicvillc I 1 1. in. Arriveit it I Hliumko I , ni. First Class Accommodations 1UTV YOU II MILTJNKltY . . ami . . TjADJ KH V I J I N I SI I INCJ 8 : : AT : : M1?S. ED, BRADFORD'S HiicccHsor to MrH. Fusie Slnyton (!p-to tlulo Millinery nt Ichb than cily iiccD. Huir nwing Parlor in connection.