Aajteaaarfal ftlacercrr. One of our lending western phy sicians on being interrogated as to what he regarded at, tlie best rem edy for ill diseases thnt thelmnuin tluith it heir to, and what is the lui.t lu,.nl,lla ,,Wlttl, V,lli,ll. . . . . . .' r : Portland Ululi whiskey, as 1 KiimVj,- , ,. ,i,,ui(.n. it fs a pure bonrlmn, well matured, i iVrminnn i 1'. s. and aged in w,KHl-for ale by all,,,,;; -,, urn ciass ueniers. Sckaal tartllrle. St. Mary's Academy. TheDalles. Oregon. Boarding School for girls fortieth year. ltemarkable record for excellent health and successful training in every department of an Academic curriculum, for cata log". address latter Superior. VittiM i. kawhv oirpn that I have' ... , . ! paiCIIMN MM rupr,. ""iiicnj - louging to the Ochoco Gold Mining Co. on Upper Ochoco, conaisting of a reservoir and ditch, and that eheep nan an warned not to run their sheep upon said oroperty. John Hdksaker. Fruit Farm for Sale. I offer for sale my fruit faim of 19 acres, situated in the Cove, on Crooked river. There are 2000 tree ol assorted varieties of fruit and a ready market tor all of the product. T. F. McCalustek, Culver, Oregon. Near star al Laaaeala. J. C. Ruth, of Lamonta, carries a line of Dry Gooda, Groceries, etc., and will in the near future erect a com modioli! atore building and enlarge hie stock to a complete atore. ft is Mr. Buah'a intention to sell at mil rock price. Harare Or !! One al black natural muley milch co wnnded N on hip. A reward pi ,ed for return or -infor-malion ol same to Mrs. Lenora Dillon, Prineville, Oregon. . Xotice it hereby given that a meet Jag ef the Freighter's I'nion will be ,eld in Prineville, at 1 o'clock, Sun .lay afternoon, December 2, at which farfoul buaineae matters will be brought up for discussion. J. H. Delobe, president. Ik rr alc. Conaisting of 100 acres, 1 acres fenced, 40 acres of good meadows, 80 acres of good yellow pine. House and Urn and other improvements. Fine spring water, enough for all irrigation. Located on Marks creek near tlie I. W. Bpear place. For further infor mation call at the Journal office or address Com Cisroll, Mitchell, Ore. Far Rale at a Barsrala 160 Acres with new six room cot tage, new barn and out building! within one mile of Prine fill. Also 1G0 acres near new town f Lytle oa Deschutes. Inquire of Sam Colmkh. Prineville, Oregon. afrperlr 'mr fcle. 160tcroffineiltalfa land under ir rigation ditch together Kith one ighth interest in ditch. Also 1G0 mwm of bottom land, 80 acres under uitifation, all fenced, six room house, -tar and outbuilding?. Will sell both properties at a bargain price. Address, The Jul rnal. lasses ScienUfirftllr Fillfei. New is the time to have your cliild rens eyes attended to. The school year is just beginning, and Htudents should be examined in order they may do good work. Call on Dr. V. W. Taggartat tho Foindcxter hotel, the only resident of Crook county. Buyer for a few good timber claim at tlUOOnch, panic mum sell. Ad-j dma, P. 0. Boi 482, pokani, W nth Kklnale. far kale. J. VI. Bitter, of McKay, liaa a choice lot of cut sliinglea at hi, Kc- i Kay Creek mill, vliich he will aell for ! t per thouaand on the ground, ! Klack Wanna. I will bur about 40 or 50 head ol aowa anil calrea if they can In had ahaap. J. H. Ravi,, Prineville, Oron B.iXK STATEMEST. SMI nVrwrf of fAf iWi'h'na i.f Thi Finl A'lificiHu fimwV, in 'nVnoV, tit ttp Nl.,r tf(l,v(j,'i, if thr rlose of' f.'H,'.., jvor. ir, iffW. HKorm'i;H: t.,wiii And ittMvimU lknlrafLL Mf urv.1 aiiil iiiimvIIIYiI. II. IM..V ia,.Mw MIS.K1 W0. livtun. , On. frm Naii.inal lUnk. in.'t HYwrv. .Wnl-.l .... litf fr-m Sui llsnKn ami levator I In. frm pnr.nrtl iwr iv'ilf, I,irn,l lltinif sUuii)w t'h'li. n.l oIIht crh Ham . N.rtw, ! -tbT Nti"til llaiik . . . Knu'thwal )M.r ctirniu'y, lih'klrt uitl cub, UX.-vIL'. i,.nut jaw I.AWrt L MONKV lUsMiVK IV IVNK, VIU !! !?. ivi.wi.w n. . . .v aftviw Hflfmiim luml with I. S, Tmw'r .t M eiivuUtil) CCVOO T..UI . .. , ,Mt.ri' uamutirh: Csniul stuck wW in ..... Suribu, fund I'minhled proM. lew w.(ensrti Anil Uim Mul . N.ti.iiial Bank n-iti1 imt.utmtin2. Iluklenti. uii)Miit On. to ,h.r Nti.nl Itiwik. .... 4. KOW IniittiiiilAl dfiU subject to cVck lVuuuut eertiticate, of ler-wit. T-'Ul STATK OF OUKtittX.) J-! C'tnitv of Cro.k, ) I. T. M. KuiN, tVhifr of thf Kve nsitiMl Imnk, tit' onU-mlv iwr ttit tne lHvr !ttnient W true to ih" Ix'St of mv know 11 0i belief. T. M. BAI.lVlN. LVI.ivt. PuKscriU m1 sworn to Mont mt thU STlh -lay of Nov. J. J. SMITH, County Cl-. rk. CcRttrcT Attest: Will Wt hwkilkri Cvsky W.KtWKti, Dirwtont- 11. F. Allen, NOTICE FOK ri'RUCATION. Iami Oflice? at Tlif !il). Or,-.n. Xa.Yfiiit-nT "JS. N.)it,f is hcn'by civi'ii lliat (lie fvH"win: iMMtt.1 st'ttle. -has !iiH n.nirt' of hi irs Icntion to nirakf fin prof in sutt port of tii rlaini. ami thai saiit pnntf ill be mail leU're J. .I.t ismUh. countv ileik. it V r i nr v i 1 l'c , tinp.n, on Thumhty. January It. t!-M. vii: tiKOm.E l. HKM-RICKS, of Iimonts, Ortvn. on H. E. No. li-Vl?, for tlie KS SK'i, Stt'J SKS. SKJ S V S-. M, Tp. U" S., It. 14 K..W.M. He nitmea th fillt"ninir witncs-e U prove his i-ntinnou reitl-ncf iivn aiul cnltivatioQ uf Miiil htiii vii: , Ijev M.r, J-hii HanU-y. WilJitim S;unu J-sei)li Weiicand. nil c( Ltin"ulit. Or-n. Mh H.i;L T. No LAN. d3 Register. Don't forpet that I. P. Adanison carries a complete line of school txt books, and!chool snp-lfes at Lumber $lO Per M. After January 1, 1903. we will I sell lumber at our mill on the Ochoco for 110 per M. Hawkins linos. Horses Wanted. The old relialile firm, tlie Seitttk Auction and Stiles Slahles. Inc'n,,""t-t, whii.li holdx vpecial !-len every day and regular weekly auctions every Friday, receive bornen, 1 U 110 on amMi.-tiiiicnt and ulance ul! hiplAi)f chantfH and i-ll on CoimiiiDMo or will hny yur homed oulrivht. If vou have any nnmlHT of horeti yon w inh to di-p-ite f at the Seattle Mrk-t prit e, n matter how far voti arw fr'Bi the city wrie u fui! dt wrii.tion-t and we wili let you know what th jiriare and how they are wiling. All ctrrfl-udence pronijrtlv annw.red. X. t. JoLLirt, Mir. . M. J. Wai.kkk. Auct. 1212 Western Ave., Seattle, Wanhintn. MEN!bec5r3j If yoa suffer from ary of the ills of mat, crane to i: o'.drtt vn. futiuan m w., 1081 Market SL til a IdBt Vonnir mem and Middle airraid man whn art uiiimnf from tlx efTcta of yotunfiit inJiscmtontor ni c' in miirer vmn. N-rvcwi ami 1 ny.ir t inaJliir',m:li jiioiw; Moeemtitorrfliea, Proalt(rrbnaV, fionnrrlKrit, Ulrel, frwiut-mtw il Urlttavtiny, e. By a combiauioa oaf rcutetiiek, ol rti cimuve r' er, tbe Dwctr tu t atram-ed his trrafincnt Out it will dm only tfiVxii imiaechtxfhef but permaneiu cure. The Dotlor doe nut tUim to perfmn mu-rf!, bat it welMctowo to b; a Fair and M)ture i'liyucian and Sorjfm, Mr-rniment uthit'-ialiy-IliiieaHeH of Hen. ? NTpfafiia th(jf')UKhi7riuftr'atKll;'nJ tbe yii- iii witiiLut naitigHrrrurj'a eVCBV MAN (..ivM.e u oa ' re ceive iir hrmrtt '..Inl'm of hWniIlfiL We will tiur.TQntet a H)MT1 Vt. CVLF. in Consultation HiKK anf! Mriir'Iy priwte. . an' ri rr-ni tir.,.v&iit.r ir-ai-mnt periv.na'ly or hv leiier. fiend fir l- it, "The Flilioroi-hy of Marriager treat. (A vjlu4ble bo'jkt for men., VINIT DL JORDIVl Great Mnf nm of Anutomy the finest and Urgtil Mutcumof in kind in (he m world. Come anl learn hw woiitJfr fully you i 1051 MarhttSt'eet.SanFfancitcfl.Saf. Take cold easily? Throat tender? Lungs weak? Any relatives have consumption? Then a cough means a great Cherry Pectoral deal to you. Follow your doctor's advice and take Ayers Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents. "fnr tt jrt I hr r1penda1 on Averi Chenj ffvtm fi.r rimifit !! rnl.U. I iUtuw It ktvmiiv itreiiirtliiia weW lums " Itiu. V. A. itjtiiJ.iK,SttUiie, Uleb. J.r. A TIB oo. for i Weak Lungs bar's Pill increaM the activity of , Ayer's mm la llvar, and thua aid recovery, i Ttltilvr Utid, Art Juii X 1RDI, notick tm rcm.lOATH.N. t'nlttMl at-Ui'S ?j.mt (-!. Tit D:illi', Oivtroti, Novemlier 12, ItetW, NoMre ix rVrvdy iin li;tt in eoniill un' will, it or Ihe not of t.'i'iin,'',w of Jitno 3. entitUnl "An for llir usilo of ilnilM'i- In Hlnl f i':tl1i'ornln, itront'u. Nfviiiln, ami WhIi lnsr..n "iVrrllon." in oxlt'inli j (o tl Htt imiho u.iul ijijites by act o( Auauat 4, 1 Ml'J, Al.HEKT H. rKTKKSON, of KvYiYtt, .eottnty ofSitoliomfsh, iiHtr of Wa-dMiaion. Itsf on Mnvisuutt, in ihi i olUtv lu sworn cHI-'Hirnt No. Ivct lor the I imtyhnseol tlie NJ NKK SWJ N KJ, N K ' , I o( Utfll -.'I, 111 I'J .VII tit. li4HK' I Hi i-i, w.m., , 1 Ate! ul iti4r pnwtf to ahow thnt thf ; lnii aorUi iti(titlimlile for It timU'r i "lone th.-n ltr tutrieMltiirsl iniriHweii nut to tf.KIU). h rvli.m tt. ami.! lil..M II... Ki-tii'ter nnl Uvivir of this oltte at Tlif lii)tes iihii, on Tnewiy, tlie ;M diiv ol hVtinidrv, He luimcx n- vn"'s: Adeline SVki!e, Susie. V. IUka-II KIsip Kerr.-ll f John, Krn,t W. lVrlr, UoIhtI H. Hsissrll, of Kerett, W-liiui;toii. Any flntt uli tTton etrttmln 5tlven ly the iil-ovt'-tlos.-ribeit IiuhU nre n-o,tiet-h! to (tie ihi'lr elii(m in itOn oitl. o tin or h-trv Mid Aid LV o Ki hnuirv. !W nW MICHAKL T. Ntl.,X, KeKixter. Tl tii iter Land. Aft Jun S. tsX Notice for Publication. I'nitfd Stato. Uml tffi,v. Tlie lUlle-, Or., NovemUn-3t. llStt. X tiv i hfirliy Hi i that in citniplwuee with the provisions u( tfm wt of i'-mm of .lutif S, s;s, t?ii(itt'.l 1 Au net for Die twte of timlvr UmU in tin- tleii ol Csilifonii. On ip. Xeiai. Mill WMhink'toit Territory,'" a t-xt.ii.i.ii to nl tV I'll I 'iff Iritnil StrttM (v net of AuvnH 4. tSjt-J; J m nes li. Hentli, of IVinevil.e, county of i'n.. tnteoi' Oreiton. hu on M:iy '.J;i. "'!i;t til.ii in thl ottieo bin Morn Mnlriiien; No. IStlS, tortile pnrehavie of tho SKv, XK'V X'j SK' nml SK, SKi ofSei'tion No. i in fowniliip No, 14 South lisnct No. k K., W. M. nd Mill ortor prtof to show tlmt the Uml :oii;ht I uiotv vititiAl'Ie for it tmilwr or stone thn tor Aicri cultural ptir,Ht-H nni to vatnMilh hw elm'ui to vtil Uwi More J. J, Sniilh t'ountv Cli-rk si t'rinulle. Ore., on tKitat ilny. theitli dtiy of Fetmrnry, liM. He nmneti tw witnMw: Itynoi Cadv, Frwi Hiatus, t harltn Krivkwn. I. It. r.iimii'vter. of friiieiille. Orcitou. Anv nl all ier-oitK cUimiutt mlv?nly the illMa-iforriteil IntiiU are reHpiPHttxl to tile ttieircliiiinii in thi-iortiee on or )Sfor saiii Mil Uy of Felrurv. 1M. MJCHaKI. T. NOl.AN d.t KenistiT. Homestead Couaoldrtted N otice For Publication. I nile.l StateK I.:iti1 Otliee. The lall. s, tin-Ron, Xuv. 2. Notice if liefrhy Kiveti that the follow nir nttnoil celtiiTji luive till their HUen- tions to mnke tintil priHtf in mipp-o-t of ttn irChllliut, ami (tint .taul plHNtl will lie niinie ;teorc J J, Sinillf. County t lrrk at I'riiu-ville, tinyon, on Turxluy," IHfi'fin ler 'JiHli. V.nKl. vii: Alil A C. MOSS of I'riiii'ville. Urenoii, H. K. No. t7ll for theS W i, N W'v S.t-non 'Jii, SK, NK', ami N S XK'i, Srtoii '7, Tp. 17 .South, K;iue 17 Ka.-t. W. M. HAXtKI, F. Kl'ltR ..f I'riitrvillr. Onuoii. It. K. No. il'M. lkv view m-rieji. for the X K i, X K See. 11, . S K L-, mid XWJ SK1.. Serliun a, Tp. 1H Smth. lUngv 17 E. . M. Tlu-y name the follow inn wittuM?s to prove their con! union. re-M-imce upon and eiiltivtition ol Jid hmd, towii : Andrew Andonwin, litiuiel F. Furr, I'h a r kn I,. Kciwi.ril. Kdwiint tturris. Lewis IUmIC!, ArtjiC." Mim, of Prineville unxuu. Jin ll am l. Alius, Kettlnt'T. lice ol the ApiMtlutinenl ! A4 mintirtr. Id the County furt of tc State of Ore- turn lor Cnnk county. Iu the mutter of the Ktate lie Ktate 1 used. ) of S. P. JV-nkfl, Deeeased, utiip in licn-hv ifiven thnt tho ntoler "iirned h;i ten llii- Strd day of Keotfin Iht. A. I). amrointeal Admimtitratorof the h-late ot s. t. lionKel, tltTfUfeff. anil ail pfRwin having clahnu K;tin-t ;he Kh--tale ul Hie mid S- P. l.nkt l re In-rehy reqiiirtil and noli tied to pn-M-ut tin "jun to me at my n-ident'f at DeMhutei, Crook county, Oregon, or to (ntt. V. I'.arnfB, at hi oltice in I'rineville, Cnwik county, Tt'iron. within mx months from t ll-, dale of thi" notice. And all i.crxotiN nwirfr. the xaid H. IV Oonkel art- hetehy nutilifd to make imme diate payment tome. I'rinevillf, I'rix.k count v, Oregon, 8r tciuk-riJrd.lKW. If. V. Donkel. Admini-'tratorofllit' Ktateofrj. 1", )on kel, ilecea-HHi. Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice ii hereby uiven tlia I have appointed the following named person deputy stock ina(H.'ctors: .1. P. Cftrtwritrtit, Hay Cruek. Jim Woods, Avhwoud E. Sparki, 8 it t era. A. Morrow, Hnyatack. F. M. .Smith Paulina. K'coe Knox, Host J. 8. H-ryue, Holland. Alex Mdnt'ish, Xanliii .f. i. VanHouten, Hay Creek. l S. Cowles, . Hay Creek doe Hin If le, Stock Inspector Crook County. Mrs. Laura S. Webb, V Prf I rlont Womnn'a firm crntle Jut of horllwra OUl4, Nl dreaded the change of life which wit ft approschinif. I noticed Wine of Cardiii, and decided to try bot tle. I experienced iome relief the lint month, 10 I kept on taking it for three month, ind now I memtruaU with no pain and I trull take it oM and on now until I hive puicd the climax." Femal weakncw. disordfn?d nwiim-s, fallinB of tlie womb and ovarian truuUtt do not wear oif. 'rin'v'follfjw a woman to ttMfthanffe of life. lo not wait hut take Wij-.e of (Jardui now and avoid tlw trou ble. Wine of lirdui nevia fai! to mkht a miffi-rintr woman of any aie. Winn of t'ardni relieved Mm. W'cMi wlji-n sho waa in dan piT. Wium you come to the change of life Mm. We)ti's letter will mean more to vou titan it doci now. Hut you may now avoid tlie uttering slie endured. lru jrfri tt w-ll 1 bottle of W ine of Cardui. KOTtCK VOW ITW.UU'riON. Umii Ornci at Tht PaIIm, OKKnnv, Ntivi'inlH-r X IKt. XotWtH heti'tiV wlvon thnt tlii f.illnwlntt naniMi rttltr hiw iilint notion nf her lnvhtiill to iimkc titiHl ruuf in nu'Kirt u her elAiiu, Hiul tlintiwul proof will Im imulr HMre J. .1. Smith, t'oiuiiv t'leik t l,nuevil(i1 On mn, uhTIiiiimIhv, hi'iulr IT, imu, via: IHHU'AM K(1.N Widow v4 Jftiuen Kiinn. ditHiiaiHl, of a niuiiin, Ort'xi, via: II. K. No, U-Vi fur Ihe WU fVi,Sivtioil ,14, ami llieNlSKU S.vti.Mi :i I p l.'S ( lUnttv u Kit-l. W. M Mio HHiiies llm follitwiiiK witniwxea to prve her (MiitinuotiH rt'"tU'iie timn and tultivHiion ot Hiittt Itiiiil, vii: J, II. Uritnt, tifwtrt' Aehey. J. S, MvMet'n ami J. H. Ilmilev, all of l,tiniiitii. Orfjioii. n-t iip MH 'itaKLT. MH..VN, livKUter, Hnntoivd Ooii8oUdnt?d Notice For Publiontion, Tnitixl Suteii Uii.M lll.T, The Hallw. t-n non, Nov. la, Wt. Noldv U hoMo. Kivi'li I but lh lloAtnt imiimtni'ttlem have liltni noliee ol ilteir In tention to make iiiil rtMtt' in miptKart Ol IllCir eiAIIIIH, HIKI llllll HllIU (IIIIOl Mill tM inmte U-fore J. J. Smith, t'ouiMv t'lerk. nl 1'r ville, Drem, iMi WtHlnemtuy.lW ,10, lyiKlaViai H ATT IK TIUiMtNtiS, I'oniKTly H hI lie Allen, of SilfM, OnKn. H K. No. ttwl, f.rt th A . ami i, siWVj Sw I tuxl N Ki, SK'i ,V, a, Tn. U Soutli, UaitK U Kt, t,M,' IUVII) U Mil. I. Kit, of Si-trr- Or-iron, H. K. No ilisjt, for the Kl S, KKH and N SK Sw, Li, !. US.iuth. Hw 11 Km.,;V. m. WILLIAM A. V AN KI'SklKK, v'f Sitrf, Ori Kon, II. K. No. tkltL (or l-ita and 4 and SWv, HeeUoii 90, Tt. I'.' lU'.iDY At.l.KN, of Si-lern. Orvtf'n. !. K. No. ipWJ fur thi SK ami H4 SWij SnrtUl Tit. U Smh haiw 11 Kut, W. M. Tlu-y nmii tbe f; lowing witmitma to jirove tlii-ir ttintiMuoiw n--ideme uhii mid etiltivHtiuuof taiil Imtd. via: 1. I Miltr-r, Wilhitm A. VftnUuiakirk, L K Allinithiim, J. II. Ki nrr, (Itinlv AUasn, u( Hitr, Onyoii, nml lUltit Thouii-ioti. I'rinrvilU', im-ifttn. MM tl , r.u I . NOl.AN, NttTlt'K KOIt IM IU.It'ATHIN. Und OtncaatTlif Hallra, Oregon, (rt'lolHT. mil Notiee is hereby fiwn tlmt tii fulhiwuiff iinimtl ctller tuu til-'d nolieeof hi- intnt tion to iimke final jmxif in mi.Hirt nfhio 'lfiiin, mid tli.il Njiid nof will In tmtde m fort J. J. Smith, t'otmty t'lerk, ! Trim ville, iln-Rop, un Satonlay. N'uvi-uiber iW, AMHtKW Tl'UNKR, of Prinrviilf. iirvmn, H. K. Ntl. i, fr Ki BV, S4v. a. NK1; and Si, n w, a, j. it iMium, ttauite ta p.. He names the following Willie-: t rove his t'otitinunU' reidemc uimid ami t tillivalion of mill land, vii: It. W. Kiiitf. J in i let A. M.iIliU. li. W.Jomn, llenr Tumor, f I'nnt'vilte, Drt'iroti. MlCHAlvl. T. NOI.AN. ol.Vnp lU(i-ler. NOTICE VOll ri'DMCATlON. DENKRT LABO, Ft M A L natof, Und OltWe at The PnliY. tin'Ron, Oi tolwr '. lt. Notice is liert-hy nivin tlmt John T. Ilountoii, ul i rook OrcKon, Iium IIIih notice of intention i tnake pnmf on hm deH-rt-land i-laim No. ItVI. fir tte W'K SKs , SW'i .NK1; and Nfcv; sWv.; He. lei T. If S., K. 31 K., W. M.. btipe J. .(.Smith. IV Clerk, at r'rim-vhle, Oregon, on Saturday, Ihe 'JSth day of Nnvt'iiilnT, HWi. He nanifH tbe folloHinx wiluwwa t prove the I'limidi'te frriifatlon ami ni-liv ination of said laiuh Kdward Hllin. I'aul lli ld. Frank W. Smith. John Shuituck, of i rtMat. lireKon. MH'IIAKI. T. NUl, AN, ol5-tip Hi-Kisier. NcriL'K FOR l't'HLICATHJN. Und Office at The Pallea, Or.n, Ottoher 1.1. IMfS. Notice U hereby given that the folluiii nanml settler hit fill wtin it her intutiin to iakf hntu pru l in upn-rt tl h'T slaiiu Mni that uni pnxd will te mad Itchira J. J. Smith, County (link at I'rineville, Ore- if-n, on SMtuniay, iieeemixr n, iwa, via: MArriK K. KANN. formerly JlATTIc; K SHANNON. ofIjiiiioiita.Or-K'n. II. K. No. li-O forlbe l rn rs H H,r. 11. and N NWS See. ffl. T. 13 S.. It. 14 K. W.M. She li ii me tbe fulliiwjn wiimM U prove her continunuh renideiit-e uih'D and oitltivatiin of will land, vii: William .liimmeriituii, Kartu-et Wcitfand, JoMpii nriiciiim, nuiiit. r. iirwilf an oi i.a- moina, uretfoii. MICHAKL T. NOUN, o-rjp KKiter. Notice For Publication. I-arnl MTb-e at The Dalle, Oregon. Novfiiilwr 17. 1110.1 Notice U hereby nivfif that the following ntincd nettler Iian tiled notice of Ida intention to uiHkir tinw proof in Kiiiort of hi cUim, and that Mid pro if will l mutt hfforv J, J. Hmith, t-oinity Clerk, H prineville, uriKn, on dlomtay, January 4, VnH, via; (JAItUKTT T. IIOOVKIt, of 1'rineville. (tTcifon, If. E. No.Wlitforthi' NK''i aiidjNWi N K Sertion a, Tp. 14 South, Ran,;. Kat, W. M. lb' namr tlM'followliiK witm'Me to prove hin eoiitinuoiiH resilience upnti ad cultiva tion of fund land, via: David Tcmplcton, ). y. r nn jonn n. leinpieiun, Micnaei LhriHtwui, ol rnnrville, ureKi.ti. a-M MICHAKL T. NoUN, Hug i filer. Timber Land, Act June 1, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State Land Offlcp. The DallcK, Oreui, NovemlxT ll!, J!l.'(. Notice la hureln irlven Hint In com ult- a nee with the provision of the act of iUmgrcnn of June .1. 1x7. entitled "An act ior the vale of timtier landH In the atulua ot California, Oregon, Nevada, and WaKh- Itinton Territory, u exter.ded to all the rumic ianci ntiiifR nv act or AuguM 4. Hti, the following numed persoim have on May H. i!M tiled m tiiiaomce tiitumworn HtaUmiiutH, to-wit: DAM Y. f 'OVKNV, of I'iOO I'U)M)iit Ave, N'., Mbtneapnlifl, county of Hennepin, Rtate of Minneiota, Hworn Htateuient No. Ih4H, lor tbu puichnw oi me yv,vt ph-iioii ja, ip. ifvuitn, KaiiKf l Ka-t, W. M. Wlbl.IAM I.COVKXY, of biO) D ii poii t Ave. N Mlnueanlii, oniity of lleiiaepin, Mate al Alinnemila, f worn 'tatenient N. lH4)f, fur the purcliaite of the NK'4 Section 32, Tp. VI South, HiuiKe 111 Kaat, W. M. KATHKKINKCOVKNY, of Mm DuiHttit Ave. North, 5liiiiieiin,liit, comity of Hennepin, utate of Mium-Mita, worn Htiitetneiit No. Irt"i0, lor the piir'iae of the W4 Hectiun 21), Tp. 12 South, JUiitfc Hi Kuxt W. M. lUtlDOKT COVENY, ofliKi DiijKiiit Avenue N'ortti. Mintifap-illH, county of Heliiirjjiin, tule of Miiilierotu "worn Miilc'iielil No. lK.rd. for the ptin'tinne ol the SK'4 Section 2, Tp. l Souih, H:i(U.'c pi Ka-t. W. M. Thin they win otTer proof in aliow that the land 'ijlit la more valuulile for It tlmlT or nTi(iie ttmn for aicrlcultijral pur-' Htnea, anil to eHlabllnt. their claim to -aid hind llore the KeirUter and Kfcclver ut Tin- l)alle, Ong'iii, on .Monday, Fel ntnry i, Ho4. They nam a witlieiAa-n: Hridjfet Coven y, Katln-rine Coveny, William I. Coveny, Daniel K. Coveny, of MiinieHpoliti, Minn, ind Thomai M. O'Ominell t lid Scott Hath iwuy.ot 1'rincville, Onyon. Any and all perwona clnlmtnir Bdverae ly the atxtve-tleacrllaed laiutu are remost ed to nie their rlatma In (tiln o 111 re on or liefore the ftaid day of Kehruary. 1!W. MICHAKL T. NOUN. a&t Ktjifter, G. Springer, HIHH Ut Qraft, Coach and Carriage JCornco Young Htalliinit ami iimri'n, nisi) few voiinii ti'iinm fur ali. Haystack Blood Slock Ranch. lliiystiu k, Ori'KHli. C. K. Mi'Dowoll, l'mp. TlKimitiihly Iti'imvatiil ami lt fiirniliiil TlirmiKhuiit, illHTllllll I'lllR. Itllll'K $1, lf 1. 50 mill 'X MT(la.v. ' AcctiiiiiniHlaliiiiia am l'ntirtAMi'l in llif city. SiiiiiiIi KiHinia fur Ciiiniiipri'ial Travi'ti'ra, Urny Dittlunctf TolopliuiiH BMlinu ill tho hmiHO WaMatla.,aaavaWMaeNr'j CONTEST NOTICK. t'tiltoil Statrt Land me The lll. OrtKon. N veinUr l'.'. ItaKl. A aiilticioiit etmteal atftiUtti hatinit Ivren HUl in Una drill hy THKOUOIIK M. lusf, entMtant, atainat lionttail antrv No, !Rru, niadf Mttreh 7. ball, Ion Ut i, W SKl( and SKi4 SW rVe, ft .mi NKl, N Wi, Se H, Tp. lS..i.th, Itantt II Kant, hy rUrl V.- Ilinr, eoiitestiw, iu which it u aliel that wid K-rl K Htnea haa wlmlly kliauidoued Mid triw't: lltiat ha haa chuiitfcil bia nwMenee tiicrvlroiu or uiir thmi nil ! utontha Nnra nmkiiiK aaid, entry; that aid irmrtuniii Mtuetl un ana eultfialnl lv arr rvaiuimi hy law; tht Mid alwndiKiiiient Iim itrtt twn eatwet by aer vicen Mi lha C oiled HUti armv or nave during time of war or nc; aald lwrtita ar hcrrbv notilied t prkr rj-pm.( and drtrr t hh-uee toiieldiiK mi allcKatioii at U oVhN-kA.lt, on Janoarv J, im.Fi, iM'iiira .u. n. i.iKirt, I , n. ( illillllwl"lt- I rr, at hu othee al l'riiitvile, Orn,"tt, land that final heaHtitf il U h Id at lu oV ,-k ' a. m. on Jauarv Irtrt, Un the Keni-teri -...I ll .. '. i. i o. . I . i and ltecmtr at the United State iaml Oirlre it, I h hailt. Ilmm. Thnt Mid coiitpaunt hattK, in a proper fttiUsil, hlr.1 N..v. "J, tlUt, f,.rth lacu which athnw that alW due diliiimce iwriial aertie of thia nolliv eali n t U nouiv, it ia heieiv orderrd and dlreetnl thai atich li"tl be gm-u y du and t.rujwr pnlticatlu. .MICllAKU T. Nol.AN. Dl& Hfttiater., Timber Und. Act June 1, W. NOTICR FOB PfTBI.ICATloN. rnfted State Ijind Offlce. Tbe tullra. tiregon, ili'niler a. No I Iff a hereby alven tint I In i-omplt-a nee with the irovlUn of the al of f.mKri'ita of June W,.. erifHlail "An an Tor the ante of flnitrer IhIkIh in Ihe aiuiea of California, On-rui, N'evuda, and Winh-IliKt-m TerrHory,'ra riti'inlfd lt all the I'ultllc IiikI Hiatt-a tiy act of Annual . IWJ, tlie pillnwltif pemorli have filed III thu utnee itivlr swum alaleineiil. In wit: OLAIK C. I'KAHi, of Klk River, rtmniy of aiiertMirne. tar of MliniemiU, twitrn Utenn'ii( Nil tf.'l, nicl Jill :i;ir.' f..r ihe v'trrlm!-id Uic NW. Hvchui .11, Tp 1'. South, Kanite Hi Kal, W. M. MAlit IK K.UKKAJI of 4S WaahtliKton Al. Cortland. CiMinir of Mti If in, iui. atale (it Oregon, iwurrt uttiDictil So 51 ! llieal JtiU i! lU'J fur the min liau. f the NK. aeellon 10. Ti. lil -uuth, Kaoaa 17 r.l. That they will offer tn ahoW that the omloiiv i Iim n ngrli'iilliira! nirxei. atiit in e'aiiLlh th'lr i-Ulm to aald land Ix'lnre the It'Kl-ierand Kecffvor, on frtiUy. Kovemiit-r They name aa wlliieMri: K A. Ilalav 1 MloiieaHll. Minnr,t; I. VY Hlfi-r, of I'rlne- : vllle. treK"ii,; M. Uroiiinlwaler. ol Die Unhc. Ori'icm; Martin Kui-ka. I'nrllnhd, tnnti, and CUIr C.t'Jal, Hlat kduck. Ulnneiota, Any and all tveraona elnlmlnn ndverae. ly the aooVe-deacrHed lamia are rtHi)f. ed to tile Ihclr chilina In thla ottl'-e on or before tht laid Jlh of Ni.v.-mb.-r. U. ll-llp MM HAM. T. NI,A.1. Kiai-u-r, Homeatead Consolidated 'Noiloo For Publloatioa. Und Office at The Hallea. Oretfon. ftuVemlwr VI 1 110.1, j N'ilce la hereby Klvcn that the I'olh.witiK named Mtttlera hav Hlod notiee ot th-tir inteu i tion to nuike conninitulion iimot in I aupiMirt of their reH-ctive claim", and' tliAt "aid imxif will Im mailfl lief ire Mm Luedduinan. (', K. Com. at Antelope, Dreitoii, on Wedneaday, iJectmUr 30, 'Ai$. via: IVKN 1). TUHNKK, uf HyCrtlc.(n'K,rtt. H. X. No. 11 W, for IM 1. 'i aiidX Hee. Mi ami but 4, Ncctin l, Tp, 1'.' Houtli, H.nne 1ft Ka.t, W. M. KI.I0 YANCKY of Hay Creek. Oreifon. H. K- No. IIIL'1, fur the h'4 NK'i litid K'iNW' Heetion W, Tp. l?H4nth, lUtiK' IA Ka-t, W, M. llicy nitiiie the fi.lli.whiK witnwfl to prove their contiliaiiia reaidence ii I ion and cultivation ..f anid land, vU: N. V. Svi ' -u, I ol tiriiily, tircKun, Klic Yancy, and Harry J Keeiiau, loth of Hay Creek, Ore.m. l)atiiH C. I'mtte, oformly, OreKon, iven D.Tnruor, of Hy Crm-k, OreK-m, MICHAKL T. NOI,AV, nl9 iEejfiiitr. Notice For Publication. Land Office at Tbe I la Her, Oregon, Nov, it. nun. Notice f hereby jflvrn tlmt the folio viiur fiaitied wttler luia tiled notice of bin in- lention ui make hnal iroof in aupport of hi claim, and that aaid prool will In- nind Ix-fore H. K. BixifH, I. H, Coin, ut 1'rineville, Orcoii, on 1'iiCHday, DccciiiIkt i, luui, vu: afolIN Mcf'OHMH'K of I'ritieville. Oreiron. II. K. No. 11475. for the HW'4 Kcction '2H, To. 17 rtouth, Haiitfc J) Kat. W. M. He niitnea the following witiHaia to nrtive tilt eontinuouM reaiilerrt'e upon and cultivation of n id land, via: John Hviin, Henry Orchard, I'ntrick Moiiarty, William W. TtiKKirt, all of 1'riiievHh, On-con. .MH llAld, T. NO,AN. lteKi.t.r. Notice For Publication lnnil limri'at Tin- lliilli'., llri'KriM, IIcIoIkt 1.1, IWCI. NHrp N hprcttv irlvcn tlmt Oil? Mliiwmi; iiioni'il M'llli-r hu. tih-,1 iiotir, r Iht iti- t-titi,,n lr iH,tk,' imiil ,n,i,l in ,iiMrt r lM-r rliilin, hum linn .uim iruoi win II, lllllllt' lH-liirfJ J. binilli. I'oiiiiiv I li-rr at I'riiif. illi:, lln'Kim, on huturilHV, Di-C'IiiIht It. Iln, via: MAHY A CHKY, rnrmrrly MAHY A IU knKU., rf l.aiiiunfai. Ilrpicn. on II. K. No. IIIL'fl. lor lhc HK1 :K V' f (iW'H ". aiT. liS. II. U F.ii-1. VY. M. . Hhi iiaiiM'a tli lollowhiK w IneHN,, Iu provi-tier I'oiitiiuioiii, rcHidi'iu-v uH)ii ami -iilllvfllioli oi itRin jaii'i via: .liuiie. H. Mi-Mi-,'!). John 11. liratit. John Htinl.vAna 11. alinhlrr, all of iimonla. On-null. HiXV.l4 J . A III.A , O'iU Kt-giNtiT. SHAUIKO WAREHOUSE General Storage, Forwarding AND COMMISSION JIHIiCIIANTS . Kin'riKif IiiuMIhr IHOxiiOO fn'l, 1.10 ffol Iwu Hlniim In lii'iuM. Special Attention to Wool (.railing and lialinn for llastcrn Shipments. Di'iiIitk III lUiii'ltKinilli ('mil, Flour. IliirU'il Win', Nuiln, (VihimiI, I .! , Coal Oil, I'hiMi'r, Snlpliur, Wool uml (iniili Siu'liB uml Twilii', (iniin u i ul F I . lliilii'l prii'i' I'uiil for lliilrx ami IVIih, Stock Yards with all the Latest and BoHt Facil , ities for Handling Stock. Aitfiit. (ur Wm' V.r,l)iiiH' Milling ( "W'lill Itltn' Hti,l ' llnll., Cl.til" Hour. Mark IimmU Chit ir "H. W. ('." jft 2. Vorrison, pAjriwum mmit Surfa Olliii! nl 1. T. AiltmiNoiVrt Htori' St. Ciiioii, rKINKVll.l.K, OHKCOX W. SSarns, jillorm mi mm. rillNKVII.I.K, (UIKIiilN ffl Jf. S3.ll. ri.tNKV..K, OltKlioN. Off S?. SSiOCS ' jttrmg-mt-Xmm ritlNKVn.LK, OUK'f N d Sunk Jfttirmtf mm J CommttUt mi m I'ltlNKVlLLK, OUKtUiN, t'lUH. R, KCWtMlM , f, HR.a!4- $alknap 4 Cdwards ' JPAfttWmmt mmtt Sitff0mm. (Hh' Kifrtt Ibtor KuhL ut Winut-kV hrun Htnn. ritlNKVlLLK, OltKiJttN , PA tuywmm , Palla atwwcred tmanollv ilav or nLlitl Of I Jjw , rith lr, V, t,e-nr. ifraideC Cnicr lt and Mnin atwta. ( I'IMNKVILLK. t)ltK(lii W. ii. SNOOK, M. D.. rhslclaii himI si im;i;o i'UIA'ku, : : (li:;() Ant prt'imrctl l nnnwer pruftf Hi"iml "MTmnj.ll -M"e ! ft- -- It J. W.J300ISK SADDfi KS A XI) HAKXKSS. Maknr ot tho colohra. toil I'KINKVIM.K STOCK SADDl.H fi ll lim: of SIOthMK.WSSirn.lKS Latent Improved Lndloa 8ido and Stride Saddles. blt, Hpura, Anirora Ohapa Quirts and Haclcamorei. Write f-'r Prlooa. I'riiiPVilli'. Ori'gon. CATARRH so Elys Cream Balm Thla Romedy I a Specific Sura to Olva Satlsfaotion. oivta RILICP AT ONCI. It I'lnanwm, anolliix, himla, anil protwa tlw dimnui'd imiiiilirnmi. It currn Oiilarrh anil ilrivm wny a CM In tin, IIhiiiI .juu klv. llenliiraa tlie Rime, of Tails anil Hini il. fluHV to n.,. (NititMin. mi i,.li,pl..,i. .1.... Ajiiiliwl Into tlm lniatrll. n.l alMirM. Urns Hiin, 50 oimta at liminibla or by mail ; Trial Niio, 111 i ni.l, by mull. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warran St., kew York. I 'rint'villt'-iil vit r.nlio Htnyc J.iriti DICK VANHKIfVKIIT, Vr. frfiv,a t'rlni'villti Miniilnya, 'i-il-iH'.il.i), anil Fiiiluya. Krriiilit ami naaitiiini Kiijlillliil for Hlhrr l.ukn mni nay iiiinla. HrH IIvhk, A(!nil, I 'riiicviUt"-! turns tnyii I.i mi ('. (i. COUNKT, I'ropriilnr Ij'imn I'rini'villi' fur lliirna Mini iliivn, WiilniailnvB mni KriilnVH. lljinir llyili', Aui nl, I iiii(villo-M itcli.dl Htnyo liiiui JOHN lll.'NMAKKIt, I'mp. L'iiiik I'riiifvillo mi Miiniliiya, Wi'iIiii'mIuvh nml Kriilnva, nrriviii( nt Mililii'll lln fiiiui' ilny. Loiivia Mililu'll im Tilfiliivn, TlmrailiiYK nml Sitliinhiyi'. Jnlui Ti'niili'iii, Aki'hI, Jas. 5. Kclley. Photographer Highest Grade Work IMIIMirVTPU 5having Parlors Pownll He Hyde, Prnpe ribavirin Unlrruttlnir Shaniuonlnn Bntha A nrw lutllimoiH il.vutrd r.l.H'l.lly ta lh Ihwi el .,ili,4. t vrryllilnn U, to ilal. anil altlally linil clwu. Say Jasper- Can you Twist a Hronc? Well, Vcs, If You'll let mo Use My Smith & Kaylcr addle. They are the only SADDLK MAKKKS in Crook (bounty. HAVE YOUR MEASURE TAKEN for jrour new Kail frarmenta. it la the only proper and aat iafactorjr way of buying your clothea, helnif that "iiOllU CUiTIIKS ARB ALWAYS MADU To dKUKK." Make jrour aelectioo from the tail, orins; line of STRAUSS BROS. Chicago, Est. 1877 UoodulIoraforoTaraqaartarrantarj You'll find a world of pica ure in wearing the clothes made by btrauaa Ilroa., faultleaa In atyle, fit, finish and miitcriala. They're ao much better than the ordi nary run of clothea, yet prices are aatonlahinirly low, and your perfectly aafe In or dering, bccaiiM if garments are not aatiafactory, you needn't take them. WIS WILI, nu PLEASED TO SHOW YOU OlIK GKEAT LINE OK SAMPLlib CALL ON Saloman, Johnson & Co