- i B LOQUL Mrs. M, Wii.gml fur Hue lotos, 'I'ht liimniia Olymplu lulllcd I r t Hmllh It Click's. For good photos and pholtw Unit plenai' go tn Mm. Wicgaud. ' Ladies' Hliirt Wulittn In nil gradus ml neyli-n at Halm an, Johnson It Co. Fur screen doora, panel disira unit ' windows go In A, II. Llppiuun it Co, Miauimed rustle and lliairlng ran lie lnuiid mi ly lit A. II. I.i I'lin in 11 4t (,'n. All wurk giiarauled tn give auliifafl tlmi or iiiiiiiny rotunded it Mm. Wie gaud's gullciy. Hniltli A deck have the famous Olyiupls llnttli'il Ileer fur sulc Bt Hi OeiltS KT Uitlll'. All k i nils nl tlir latest MuCall tiros ml cloak patterns rnn lie had nt Mit. Kd. Ilradfmd's Mlltlmiry Parlors. A, II. Llppuian A Cu. ai'lla heat Linseed Oil fur VU cents per gallon. I'limeer .white lead nine mini per pound. Hiiokal We am nlxiwlng line ul beauties at iulck wiling prices. One prion tn all and that la tlio best, at tlio lleo Hive. Hmlth ACIeek now have the famous Olympift draught beer lur sale, at 6 ooii l a glass, Tlmt'i the place to got a guud beverage cheap. Milliliters of I'rlnevlllo Assembly ol Artisans ruin always (Ind tin secretary at llui I'.iliiili'llnr barber Imp, where tiny can (my their dues, Olympla and Kastern Oyslors at CNi'll's Oyaler House. I'rlvato din ing; rouma for ladies, and all other n comndatinna of a flrst-cliias reataoiant. Parties knowing themselves Indebt ed to A. II. Llppuian or A. II. Llpp man A. Co. utnut settle. Interest cliargiil and collected un all accounts. Mm. M. Wiiiguml the photographer la In is v now days turning out work fur her many customers. Hhosolicits new trade however and guaranteea ant a faction. . Hiiliiiniin, Juhnann i Co, have jimt' received a large line of ladii-a and genu ilreaa shoes, They will Ui pleased to allow you their line line ul samples. After aeeing Georgia Harper's photos, every niemlierol her company had aittinga at Kelley'a atudio a compliment not only to Mr. Kelley but tu I'riiieville, 1, T. Houston waa in the city from Crook the llmt ol the week to make final proof on hii dinerl olaim, K. K. lollisaccinauh'd him to act aa one of the witnesses. J. P. Morriii, the meroliant, him a tKXMI line of men'a and boya furnish Inga, which he will olnae out below eoat. You can Hod aome genuine bargaina at hia atore. Dr. Taggart, the oculist, la atill at hit old (land, the Pnindexter lintel. Don't go to the apectaclo peddlers for your glaaaoa but go to Dr. Taggarl who guarantee hia work to be the lieat. Mkn'i Tkouhfiu. Moat atyliah In the city. Come and look try on aa many aa you please. It will not hurt your eyea to look at them and you'll not be bored to death to huy. The Bee Hive. The lateat preparation for printing on ailk to he (on ml at Mm. Wiegand'a gallery. Scenery or photogaaphs re produced on ailk necktiea, ailk hand kerchiefs, etc. with artistic cleameaa in evory derail. Vwlsh the ladlea of Prineville to undentaud that I do my own trim ming and employ no oulaide help in thia line. Cleaning hata and trim ming free of charge to my cuetomera. Mm. En. Braiifohd. Waitted YOimn xkh to prepare for Government Poaltiona, Fine Open ings In all Departmenti, Good Sal aries Rapid Promotion!. Exami nation! aoon. Farticulara Free. Inter-atate Cor, Init., Cedar Rapid, la. 3m-jll W. H. Young hna purchaaed the blacksmith ahoo formerly owned by 0. B. Bwalley and It prepared to do hone-shoeing and general repair work of all klnda at the loweat prises. Quick and satisfactory aervice in all linca of blackamith work guaranteed. One of the moat aucceeaful bnaket aociale of the winter waa held In the Claypool achool house last Saturday evening. An excellent program of musie and recitations waa furnished and the proceeds, which amounted to nearly 80, will be used in buying an organ for use in the achool. Ed. White and John Com lis left on Saturday's stage for Portland. Mr. Comba goes from there to Preston, Cal., to visit his mother. Mr, White will epend several weeks visiting friends and relatives at different. Vul Icy points. While on the way to Bhaniko, the stage in which the two were riding tipped over on the McPhersou hill throwing both out. They austained lew bruises, but no iujuriea that will prove serious. MENTION Bint work, pru ea right nt hellcy'a aluillo, liememlicr lliut Hiiliiiuiiii, JnlniHon it Co. sell the old, relinhle Mitchell wngiina. II. K. Powell left Tur-ailuy for Port land to lie gone aeverlil week oii-n business trip. J. H. Hiuiili Iuih ri'tiirued frum Sil ver I, ike to take charge of the Minor lwin much a ahoit diatitncn aheve town. Mia. J. F. Cirelea left Friday for Kiigeue where aim goes to lie with daughter who la reported to be aerioua- ly ill. Demi lliiatun, of Aaliwiaal, was in the city to I Thankaglviiig with his pureula, Mr. mill Mr. KniiJ lliiitnn. W. P. Vamlevert and wife and sun, Clinton, were down Iruiu ktva thia week on a combined bunnies and pletiaiiru trip. Hullo, Central: The bent place in interior Oregon to get your photo ta ken or yuur enlarging dune in at the Kelley atudio. That's all. Mln Maud Dobba, who! la engaged at Killiiighock achool district near Culver in teacher, spent the laat part of the week with her purciiU in thia city. HiiKlmnda, if you are linking fur a Chrintmaa present fur that dear wife, we wuuld miggcat that a pujr of tliuae laiitty Iiiiumi alippira at Halnninn, Ji,liiini i Co'a. might be jimt the thing. Lant ThuriKtay Prineville young folks, frienda of Miaa Kniina Kotchnm pleiiaiintly aurprim-d her at the home of Otlo Gray in thia city. An enjoy able evening win pronotinred by all who attended. I,. N. Kelaay and wife accompanied by H. M. llailey arrived TlniruUy eieiilug from Silver Lake. The latter relumed home, while Mr, and Mm. Ki'liuy lelt Sutunliiy for a viiil with elutivea ai.d frienda in Waaco ooun- 'y- The Thanksgiving dance given lait Tliortiiy evening by the local Women of Woodcraft Ialge waa a success in every way, both financially and from a stand point ol pleaaure. The ladies of that order are masters at the art of entertaining. C. B. Allen waa in the city this week from his laucloat Lava attend ing tn huainesa matters, He states that stock men in hia vicinity are pre iared to hold their cattle over until spring, or until they pan receive bet ter prices than are being offered at present. ' The young people of the Christian Endeavor aociuty will give their monthly musical praise service at 6:30 o'clock, Sunday evoning, Deo. 6. A collection will be taken for the organ lund. It la hoped that the contribu tions will be very liberal as this its worthy uhject and the instalment is needed. The ladies of the Methodist church will give supper on December 6, at Belknap's hull from S to 9 p. n. The admission will to 25 centa, and the proceeds are to lie used in tiling the bunk of the Ochoco to protect the church property which is in danger from the high wntr. The purpose it liuidahle one and should receive good patronage. Italian Weather In Crook County. The weather in Central Oregon since the atorma of three ock ago has been of an ideal character. Beauti ful, balmy sunshine has caused all nature to put forth an effort to give us touch of spring. Old residents claim that at no time during their residence in this section have the streams been at high, the weather as warm, or the grass aa green, aa at the present time. If the oondition'a con tinue Crook county stock will go out on the ranges again in the spring in fine condition. And our local weath er prophets sro agreed that an easy winter it in store for ui. Change In Church Directory. The Christian demomination having asked for one Sunday in the month, it it necessary to make the following change in the church directory. Preabyteriana, 1st Sunday. Baptists, 2nd and 4th Hllnilays, sharing the fourth with the Presby. terians. Christians, 3rd Sunday until further notice. By older of tlio president of the Prineville church association. Married. In this city, Tuesday morning, Dec ember 1, James T. Carter to Mies - Sadie M. Hawthorne. The ceremony was performed by County Judge M. K. Biggs, the young couple leav ing immediately afterwards for Des chutes. Llttli Outlays That Count. 8 nail wage eariiem secure choice pianos by means of Klleri Piano House easy payment system. School teachers, railway and dry goods elerka, atenographem, dreat makera, milliners, mechanics and farmers, take advantage of it. To any one unfamiliar with our low price, easy payment polioy, It would lie a matter of no little surprise to find on eii;iiilng our luniks, the names of scorns and snores of Kiiile working on comparatively small salaries who are buying choice pianos, instruments whose names have always heretofore sIikk! for sueli high prices that the Impression very generally prevails Uiny are within the reach Only ol ieple of very considerable meana. Thia. thanks to our small profit, easy payment policy is no longer the case. The great moss of people of the Northwest! are accustomed to good music. Nowhere is choice mualo so highly appreciated. Our people readily recognise the quality ol piano, and are content with nothing hut the best. The piano ia therefore frequently by far the most costly and highly prized article In the home. And rightly so. Nothing is better index of culture and relinen ent In family than good piano. That a great proportion of the homos of the Northwest are supplied with the very best pianos Is largely due to the lact that for yean there have been placed before buyers by us the vory choicest at prices and on terms that any one can afford. Prices that have enabled them to po'test audi regal Instrument! as the great western make, the Kimball of Chion- go; the Weber ol New York and the Chickcriiig of Boston; the Vose, alto of Boston, I lie Holi irt M. Cable, Bush (lerts, Poll, ll.iililorir, etc. etc. These pianos and they are the fin est and moat reliable made, are the favorites ol the people of the North west. They are universally found In schools and colleges, our lodges and theatres, and in the at idioa of out leading musicians, A man unites his purchase, paying II the way from :150 00 to $760 00 or more. He then has t piano that will In a source of satisfaction to him (or a I i Mi me. It affords himself and Ilia family the best social and domestic enjoyment, at well aa giving to hit ohildrcn opportunity for the very fin est musical education, while our sys tem ol easy payment! enable! him to meet his monthly payments without any inconvenience whatever. Young ladies who are self support ng purchase their pianos in the aame manner, securing choice and daiuty Instruments, and while they are mak ing thoir payments, they are able also to study music with the beat teachers. In case of aicknesa or misfortune, all necessary extension of time ia cheerfully granted by us. We are more than glad to have any one, whether it la with an object of purchasing or not, cxamh our entire atock, and learn our priest and terms. Catalogs giving all details oheerfully supplied for the asking. Send post al card. Eilers Piano House, the leading, moat popular and reliable niauo concern on the coast. Big busy stores Washington street corner Park, Portland, Ore; and also at San Francisco, Cal., Spokane, Wash, and Sacraments, Cal. Notice. Notice is hereby given that we have purchased the camp and equipments of C. A. Patterson at Lookout moun tain and are now prepared to do as sessment work on mining claims in that district either be (ere or alter January 1. Persons desiring assess ment work done leave word at Temple ton's dnig atore with J. F. Spinning. CXI)Y eV CKiltTHKE. Temptruca Eevivali. As the winter approaches temper nee revivals grow In popularity throughout the land in their annual efforts to dethrone King Alcohol. Orators have argued for age! against the drinking habit, but admit that the strongest thing they have to con tend with is the purity and health- fulness of Portland Cl"b Whiskey, for tale everywhere. Bids Wanttl. Healed bids will be received by the Central Oregon Fair and Livestock Association to hare plowed 60 acres, 8 inches deep. Work to be done in workman like manner. Bida to be in by December 12, 1!H)3. and work to be completed by March 1, 1904. By order ol th Board. Will Wurxweilir, Secretary . Bt Quick. s Not a minute should be lost when it child shows svnintofns of croun. Chamberlain s Coairh Remedy oven as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy oough ap pears, will prevent an attacK. it never fails, and ia pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. RECTOR OF BT. LUKE'S, Ashburnhara, Ontario, Testifies to the Good Qualities ol ClismbsrUln's Cough Rinu4y. Ashburnham, Out., April 18, 1903. I thins it Is only right that I should tell you what wonderful effect Chamberlain Cough Remedy has produced. The day before Easter I waa so distressed with a cold and cough that I did not think to be able to take any duties the next day, as my voice waa almost choked by the cough. The aame day I received an order from you for bottle ol your Cough Remedy, i at once procured a sample bottle, and took, about three doses of the medicine. To my great relief the cough and cold had com plelely disupiieared and I waa able to preach three times on Enster Day. know that thil rapid and effective cure waa due to your Cough Remedy I make (hit testimonial without solicitation, being thankful to have found such God-sent remedy. Respectfully yours, E. A. LaxoiiBLD, M. A. Rector of St. Luke's Church To Chamberlain Medicine Co. This remedy for salo by all drug gists. Boms Freight Pastes Through Our City. G. A. Forbs, of Prineville, and L. N. Thomas, of Lamonta, Crook county, came in this week with two big eight- horse teams loaded with freight. In all they hauled 29,000 pounds which they loaded at Bhaniko. The bulk of their loadt was hardware and machin ery lor C. H. Voegtly, of Burns. The gentlemen were well pleated with the road from Bhaniko here and aay they ill make the effort to haul over it all next summer. The load they brought in this trip made very considerable saving to the consignee, and arrived in good order. The only misfortune which befell these freighters on their trip was the lots of valuable horse by Mr. Forbs, the animal falling dead in the harness, pieeumably from an interne! injury caused from overpull- Ing while starting the load. While in the city both Mr. Forbs and Mr. Thomas added their names to our subscription list. Harney County News. Tht Rev. Irl S. Hicks 1904 AUmsruc. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac for 1904 it now ready. It will be mailed to any address for 30 cents. It is surprising how tuch an elegant, cost ly book can be sent prepaid so cheap ly. No fenrly or person is prepared to study the heavens, or the storms and weather in 1904, without this wonderful Hicks Almadac and Prof. Hicka splended paper, WORD isi WORKS. Both are sent for only one dollar a year. WORD akd WORKS ia among the best American Maga xinea. Like the Hicks Almanac, it it too well known to need further recom mendation. Few men have labored more faithfully for the publio good or found a warmer place in the hearts of the people. Bend orders to WORD and WORKS Publishing Co. 2201 Locust St. St Louis Mo. Head About te Buret From Severe Bilious Attack. "I had a severe bilious attack and felt like my head waa about to burst when I got hold of a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I took a dose of them after supper and the neit day felt like a ew man and have been feeling hap py ever since," says Mr. J. W. Smith of Juliff, Texas. For biliousness, stomach troubles and constipation these Tablets have no equal. Price 26 cents. For tale by all druggists. McKay Property Sold. J. H. Prose last Saturday purchas ed the C. Q. Smith ranch on the Mo- Kay, eight miles north of the city. The tract contains 160 acres and it is the intention of the present owner to use it for a stock ranch. Part of Mr. Prose's cattle will lie wintered there during the coming months. Mr. Smith, who has been a reel dont of Crook county for the past ten years, will leave in a short time for the Willamette Valley where he ex poets to engage in business. Notice to Shareholder! of the Squaw Creak Irrigation Company. Notioe ia hereby given that a special meeting of the Squaw Creek Irriga tion oomnanr will be held at the Courthouse in Prineville, at 1 o'clock December 12, for purpose of recapital iiing the company and issuing moce stock. 1. 1. Slaytok, Secretary, Lost. On the evening of November 21, near the Henry Grime's place, a truss. Finder please return to Templeton's Drug store, Prineville, Ol to W. H. Peck, Culver Oregon. Co different game all new one la ticb package of Lion Coffee t your Grocer's. ntHu.hr 0.1 oTvnoxs. Sale Prices sir . aiaple Frastnels. Week BtidlDf Iter. IS. Y'kijetaiu.x Callages, 2J cts. per pound. Potatoes, 1 ct. per pound. Carrots, 1 cts. per pound. Onions. .1 cts. per pound. Butter Creamery, domestic scarce, 30 cts. Foreign. 40 cts. Eoofl None on the market. Mkath Prime beef, wholesale, 5 cts. Pork, wholesale, 8 cts. Mutton, wholesale, 6 cts. Chickens, spring, 'i per dox. Gkaixb Wheat, 85 cts. Oats, 45 to' 50 cts. Barley, 60 cts. Rye, 1.50. Fiona $5.50 per hbl. .limy aiiee. Four saddle horses. One black with two white hind feet and one whito front foot, branded anchor T with dot over center on lelt shoulder; one bay, four white feet and face, branded 66 on left shoulder; one bay small white sKit on face, branded 66 on left shoulder; one bay, email white spot on face end small white snip on nose, saddle marked on left tide of weathers, branded with small horse shoe on left shoulder. A reward of $5 for the return of any of the above mentioned to . F. Johnson, Prine ville, Oregon, or J. J. Johnson, West fall, Malheur county, Oregon. Eats-ay; atoiice. One two-year-old spotted heifer, branded N on the left hip, and capi tal T on the right bip and right shoulder. Strayed from my place on Willow Creek. iA rewaid of $5 for in formation regarding the whereabouts or return to me. v J. M. Henkle. Grixzly, Ore. Simpson & Wilson 4 8 Are Offering Reductions On A Lines, WIN- M TER SUPPLIES Inc uded. The Sae is Gene ra, M As This O d Re iable Firm Is Going Out Of Busi- ness. A Specia Invitation Is Extended to A j Od Customers And NEW ONES to Take Advan- ! tageOfThis II DISSOLUTION REHEMBER-THE OLD BRICK SALOMON, Clothing for the naked, Glasses for the blind, Shoes for the barefooted, Gloves that are lined. Curtains for the windows, Shoe strings and laces, Lamps wicks and oil To light the dark places. Dried fruit, canned goods, Every tiling to eat, Caps for the head And socks for the feet. Calico for the finest That never fades, Woolen goods for dresses, Ribbons for old maids. Tobacco for menfolks, Overalls for the boys, ' Dolls for the children, Guns that make noise. Queensware, glassware, Pitchers and bowls, Suits for the men And leather for soles. ELKINS We liuvo a pood assortment of ! Wall Tents: And WAGON COVERS. Our RIFLES and IS COMPLETE. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR ALLjKINDS OF . AMMUNITION. Don't Yolf Need a NICE CARVING SET? WE HAVE THEM I ELKIXS"& KING WINNER DRUG CO. Incorporated 1903. Drugs, Stationery and House Furnishing Goods SMITH'S RECEPTION. Wines, Liquors, Domestic and- ImportedCigars. Proprietors of the FiretTtnalUBnk. PMMVIJM, ORE. CHAMP SMITH. JOHNSON Straps and strings, Buckles and screens, The finest of silks, And the coarsest of jeans. Potatoes and apples, Lard and meat, Butter from the country, Fresh and sweet. Tea and coffee, Sugar and rice, Beans and crackers, Cheese and spice. Oysters and salmon, ' Flour and meal. Mouse traps, and a cat To make the mice squeal. Powder for faces Powder for hunters, Axes for choppers, And remedies for grunters. Chewing gum, candy, Corset and bustle; The people tome trading And hoWwe do hustle. House slippers for the ladies To make them look swell, In fact we have everything That the best stores sell. & KING stock Of ELKINS & KING The Celebrated A, B. G. Beer Always on Hand. Prineville Soda forks. ISOM CLEEK. SALE S STORE & CO. SHOTGUNS t