1AH Crook Cotirity . ouraalo PRISEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 26, 11)03. NO. 51) vol vi r. MO WURZWE1LER 8 THOMSON THE BICr STORE Interest among the trading people is centered on our place -bi. l Um. LAIUiK WWII! OF KALI. AND WINTICU (H)OUH jiiKl m ivod. II there in in nrliclo'piir- chasuble i Central Oregon, w duplicato it. OUK PRICKS AND QUALITY AitIO ALSO RIGHT. Central Oregon, Crook County And Prineville. We Have Ladies' Waists, Skirts and In The Latest Styles. Dress Goods JtiMt now we are very busy and an' enjoying an 'V'r incrcas-. Hrnn. . ARK YOU AMONG OUK CUSTOM U1W? IF NOT, WHY NOT? WURZWEUER 8 THOMSON Emm IlIO DEPOSITS OK COAL Field Along the John Day Kivcr Kuicl to Be n Enormously Kidi District. Hamilton Feed Stable AM) Redby Feed Barn... HOOIll & COItS KIT, I'li'ii''". Fine Saddle Horses and Livery Turn Outs Slock boar.lfl by iliiy, week or month Rates roaiuinnlila. Good accommodations. Remember tm when in Prineville, nml we guarantee that your patronage will be appreciated mid iltwrvcd ny u. THE OLD RELIABLE Powell & Cyrus -Tonsorial Artists- foster & Lehman Proprietors. A Complete and Choice Line ol -Beef, Veal, 'Mutton, Pork. Bacon, Lard, and Country Produce. fltal'fl St. Prineville, Oregon. 'Phone 31. mm 1 1 is' u i ' Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE The MILLER MEAT MARKET E M MILLER, Prop Dl'tlllT ill FRESH MEATS 01 nil kinds VEGETABLES & FISH In treason The Cheapest and Best Place in Crook County - In the Building lornierly occupied hv P B Doak Jfenderson & Pollard -DKALKItSlK- WINES, LIQUORS, rd cigars. COUNTRY ORDERS FIRST DOOR SOUTH COUNTRY pp POINDEXT.ER HOTEL. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. i Prmevillo, i Wall Paper AT for (Violin Homestead Locations Timber Desert Lands WEITX ROBT. SMITH, Oregon Klowlv hut surely Central Oregon is getting before the outside world in more wny than "', mid (KK'ciully is this true ol her miner- resources. Jut now the coui de IMifiln in the John Day valley m to he attracting considerable iilleiition, and llio reports in the main muni he true, or the Ppokes- iimn-Reviewnf recent date gives nut the following: It has just talked out that a discovery of large coal deposits, intending for many mill through out th John Day district, has been made. As yet only a few know the existence of the coal in this country, and they ore rushing to secure the land. Largo tracts of land are licing leased and ninny locutions are lieing made. , Reports are that the cntiri val ley of John Day is one mass of coal heds. It IS Known mat expvru have been in the country for some time and it i said that coal lieils ist for miles wo and down the John Day river, along hpamsh .fiileli. in manv places up Hear gulch and many other places. That coal exicts in large depos- its is thought to be the motive for the forming of a local company of Frank Foster, P. A Snvder and the Dexter brothers The company has obtained a nine ty-nine year lease on about six quarter sections of land in the im- mediata vicinity of John Da-, lhe main bodv of this land is owned bv li. 0. Trowbridge and John Sil vers, hut a few small tracts belong to other residents. It is the inten thin of the company to sink on the ground at the earliest possible ,!uio Machinery has already Iven purchased, and work will be gin as quickly as the machinery can be brought into the country For many miles up and down the John Dav river promising croppings have been found, but it is said critical tests by eastern as- savers demonstrate the superiority of the deposit found near John Day city. It is all of the species lignito and the quality is pro- nnnnced commercial. The beds lie in sandstone and are canned with slate. They are exposed ill a number of different places, some of the croppings being on the hiL'h hills. Some of We de posits have been torn from the bottom of the river by the big dredger. NO TIME FOR CONVENTIONS of the 'counties in the district to get word to, but as a matter of fact it is the easiest, and arrange ments could be made by wire here in half the time that it would take to notify the other counties of the proceedings. - RAILROAD RUMORS AGAIN This Time an Electric Line Is to lie Built Between The Dalles and Interior Points. WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. . OLAV A. HIMP80N, M'l'r InUrlor Dtp!. RABBIT FACTORY IS OPENED Unique Industry at Echo Be gan Canning and Preserving "Jacks" Last Thursday. Crook county, with its sage brush fields alive with mule cared jack rabbits, is in a position to ap preciate a lesson in the value of utilization to be gleaned from toe rabbit factory which began its op erations at Echo last Thursday. The institution is probably the only one of its kind in the world. The people interested are almost en tirely Echo and Umatilla county men with a few Portland associates. The idea of a rabbit factory for the purpose of utilizing the vast number of jack rabbits running Umatilla is being constructed by the Ta- coma Hrm now interested in the field. About fifteen of these claims are supposed to be over the mercury deposit which has been reached at different points on the slope where the prospect holes have been dug deep enough. The other claims on the mountain have been taken with the expectation ol mining tourmaline, already found in good quantities, and gold. Tourmaline has been discovered in quantities large enough to justi fy the expenditure of considerable money in working the prospects, and foreign capital is now at work prospecting several of these claims with the expectation of doing a great deal more work commencing not later than next April. This district herein embraced is on a slide sloping from the summit In spite of the lack of credence given to the various railroad pro jects abroad in the land, when such a man as J. H. Sherar who solid to the core and means something when he speaks, Begins talking railroad, with The Dalles as terminus, then is when our people prick up their ears and be- ;in to take stock in the enterprise, savs The Dalles Chronicle. And that's what'he 1b doing now, hav ing for sometime past been figur ine on an electric road from this ;ity up Fifteen Mile creek to Du- fur, on to Kingsley and Tygh. It would not stop there, hut would go up the Deechutet to the mouth if Bakeoven canyon and then to Antehqie. A branch would reach out from there to Prineville, and nother up-the John Day river through the northern part of Wheeler county aud the southern part of Gilliam. Then on to the mining sections of Grant county. This seems like a big scheme for to contemplate, but Mr. Sherar will be put up in every lorm irom Mine in whieh Crook County pcr. known what he is talking about just me oroina.y cauueu , what such a road would require in p lamuy uso w ghowing vnv nf orill es etc.. and 6a VS " uium it's entirely practicable. But it takes money to build such line and this he knows full well ,nd has been in correspondence with eastern capital which is ready to invest in railroads of that de scription. Besides, there is no question but that local capital will be ready to invest in a project hich gives unmistakable evidence of lieing in line with the upbuild ing of our city, making it the dis tributing point for the. section through which the road would iass. Mr Slmrnr iv there is nothing definite about the road, but it is hnneil onr iwonle will E:ve ine oi'ti.nKH such encouragement and such a boost that it cannot fail to be realized. n,niio. n,l maltino canned hareJof Lookout mountain to Ochoco nf ih.m .man oriuinateil bv H. C. creek due north, and is covered Willis, secretary of the American witn Hmtier consisting oi lamarac, Hare Packing and Cold Storage pine and fir suitable to timbering nnmnanv. one of the most unique in deep mining. Mining men institutions of the present genera- state that active operations in tion . this field will begin next year and At tt,p nrient time, it is said, machinery installed to make tl,o mmn.ni is behind two months the district a paving camp. in its orders which are coming in Several local parties are making from all quarters, and especially preparations to camp in mis vi from the East where canned hare cinity during the coming winter has been exploited as a delicacy and look after the interests of the f th firat water The nrosoective Prineville claimants. Next spring customers, which tho company in consequence, in likely to see counts on to support the trade, are considerablo activity in develop trans-oceanic stramship lines, ment worn in tne aisinci. dining car companies, fashionable cafes and restaurants, epicures and DIXIE MEADOWS trame lovine families. KabDit PROSPERS CLAIMANTS WANT TO GET IN Fifty Timber Owners in Moscow, Idaho, and Vicinity Express Willingness to Join Pool. CUT RATE PRICES 10c, Double Rolls for lie. 2(lc Double Rolls for 10 e. (ioc Double Rolls for 17Je. 50c Double Rolls for 25c. 15c Double Rolls for 7jc. IIOc Double Rolls for 15c. 40c Double Rolls for 20c. INGRAIN 30c. Prescriptions Cut. Aso Patent Medicines, .eurMnrD THE LOW PRICE STORE cm D. P.-ADAMSOiVS STORE - )(' ?'$: . f una ihn inroflnt nercentaee ot oaah asaets to each dollar of lia bility ; earns the hiuhest average interest, and Issues too most up-to-date progressive policies for in vestment or protection. Chairmen ol County Committees Will Probably Make Nomina- '"lions for Special Election. The special election called for the Ninth senatorial district, Crook, Lake, Klamath and Grant counties, to be held on December 16 will not permit the holding of conventions for the nominations. Acceptances will all have to be filed on Decem ber 0 and this will leave but little time even for the chairmen of the county central committees to get together and make the nomina tions which is probably the course to be persued. It was tboughUlbe first ol the week thai word would lie received from Sum While and L. H. Bak eiminimn of the democratic and republican state central committee; revanline the election, but so far nothing has been heard from them and it is evident that they' are in us much of a quandary regarding the situation as some of the others. It is probable, however, that i meeting of the chairmen of th county committees will be called before the last of the week with Prineville as the meeting place It seems to be the current opin ion at outside points (bat Crook county is the most difficult of any Articles regarding the pool of timber claims in Lake a,nd Kla math counties, which have neen published recently in The Journal have attracted the atteutipn of claimants owning tracts in that district, who reside Mn Moscow, Idaho, and vicinity and they have written to J. F. Spinning of this city to learn the terms of the agree ment, expressing a willingness to place their interests in the pool. The letter in question is from An drew S. Olson, of Moscow, who writes in the interests of fifty other claimants, and is as follows: "I have seen in the newspapers that you and some associates are making up a pool of yellow pine claims located in southern Crook, Lake and Klamath counties. I hold a claim in the section referred to. and there are about fifty other claimants in Moscow and vicinity who would like to join the pool. Wish you would kindly send me a copy of your pledge or agree ment. Very truly, A. S. Olson." If the fifty claimants referred to in the above sign the agreement, the total number in the pool, in cluding the Albany lieople, will approximate 200, and Mr. Spinn ing expresses himself as satisfied that the number can be raised to 250 by the first of the coming year. WILL CALL FOR BIDS AGAIN The many Crook county persons who own Bhares of stock in the County High School Board Makes pixie Meadows mine will be inter- Arrangemente to Receive Bids ested in the following report of for the New Building. ' the progress being made which is recorded in the Miner of Prairie - The county high school board citv. met Saturday and completed ar- Dr y c Belknap returned on rangements for advertising again , ' , w t0 the for bids lor tne construction oi iut .... ,, . . n , i i i- i v, ;ii; a nefi- Dixie Meadows Gold Mining Co's. lien mjjii i .i. nite time has not been set for re- camp, of which he is one of the Mivmir tliem hot it is probable main originators. He says that that from December A to January tb.e machinery is now all installed 6 will be the month when the bids I n(j that thfl ioo.ton concentrator will be submitted. will commence operations on or ine new uunuiug io -uc ... ai,. Qfi the neighborhood of 112,000 and bout DmbCT l8t About 30 . , . . I ...Ill nt uinolr onrl Damn 1 K a ,,n ofrtt-v ctnne ftnrl hrlCK UlCU oic duii o, nui- " " nm iw m. biuij . edifice. No bids were submitted number will constitute the wor-ing in the last call, but it is not force after the concentrator is in thought this difficulty will be met operation and the outside work has again as outside contractors " MBpletei already gignmea a win. T . ' 6 n Tn iha m nn nrmipr there are I A),. U. r-mct Mr KriokROn. " 1 a,.i ,rnnt,,r n in attend shifts of men at work drifting on ance at the board meeting last the ore body, crosscutting, open Saturday aud said that he would ng Up st0pes between upper and submit a bid as soon as a time was appointed for receiving it. MINES WORTH DEVELOPING lower workings, and stoping out ore. It has been ascertained by the company that the concentrates Quicksilver District at Lookout can be treated on tne grounu oy Mountain Gives Promise of the cyanide process, lhey have t. ... i-.t...i.i t?:m therefore determined to nut m a Being a viuu-iwic cyanide plant, on winch the worn There has been considerable talk will commence in the course of a during the past week concerning week. The aawmill will be started theq uicksilver at Lookout moun- up anew an(i buildings will be tain, a detailed' report of which pu was published in .lie aou naii . The c&n be treated Trvet'K. rrum muse i conditions in that vicinity it is on the ground for about 15 per ton 1 f manmrv nml Per tOIl. indications point toward- a rapid This mine undoubtedly w 11 development of the field inside of soon become world famous. The . ' . . ,M ore is high grade averaging, at The district in question lies a very v, ... ......... .:i ..., f p,innill per ton, and the vein on the lower just north of the north fork of level measures not less than 50 f.,.nl-n,t ri...r TK first c aims icev hi mi.". "-'i ., i,,ten wilhin a thousand feet out and dumped imo me v......- ,i, ..n,if of the mountain trator. No hoist, no pumps are , ... . i. ..i 7nnn foot needed. The free gold is there WHICH lias Itu liuimn. "v., ,.,!( and extend for a mile and a half taken out, and the remainder of down the slope where the altitude the values in tne , . . o0nn.... aie separated and saved by the drops to oouv .cefc. i . , AKn,,( IK -Li, have been tak- cyaniue procesr, m ... ...: nf ll, nr en bv Prineville residents and cost oi iranf,,.- others just below the tunnel which nd concentrates. -Is Tho Place-