Crook County Journal. Pi'i.lmn Kvaar Tmwmv m THE JolHXAI. .J'l'M.IMllVi Cnl'NTV Ol I'irtSI, I'Al'KK. Tll JlM'IIMAI. f n.UrM M ttlf i.t. Hi. l IMiin'lll. On-.. t.T triinniiiii"Uthtotii:h tin" i', .S. limit in, iinil ol.w luAllPr. SlIISCKIl'TION KATKS IS ADVAM'K IWK Yuk SlK MnMIIH . . Tmhm M'IXTmi. ,,ji'mily trraMtrus. a ux much nml I' TlirHSPAV, NOVKMIiKR IS, I'.HO. THE WORM) OK Sl'KKlK The world o( draft In all aitr nncif hue K en HHiorseilotl f luti' liv the wnriJ o! Skh J a strenuous effort oil the (art of the earth's in rmliitanU to quicken inovonient. lmlh human ami, to the highest possible extreme. Lou Dillon has sinaflinl the trotting record, the au'oniohile has flown around a mile track in less than t0 seconds, ocean steamers have left the eUdyiflg foam in the wake of their time reducing nro pellur?, and a locomotive has cen tered tlie eyes of the world in a rec ord breaking trip across the conti nent. So it goes. Force, energy, every phvsicalelement in fact is lieing hurled against the monster time. Faster and faster, and still more fast. It is the slogan of the uni verse. Humanity is demanding greater speed and U getting it. Where will it end? Even the fast young man is "making good" an i will accelerate his movements in the near future if the latest corset advertisements may be taken as an unbiased criterion of present con ditions. Hustling, bustling, time figlitiiig humanity is surely nutting in some telling licks in its effort to make the cumbersome earth move faster. A few years ago it seemed as if the minute killer had swung his last stroke, but now the man with deadly designs uiwn the small and helpless second and even its fractional parts has de vastated his field and cries for more. President K. K. Lytic of the Columbia Southern has returned from an extended hussine the Kast. Hi creet silence as regards the pro-! Hised extenio:r of the Columbia Southern into Central Oregon. : tiiwd. With the prosncls of as the result of idly juggled tax law, staring the (wople in the face, it would not be a very philan thropic move for Mr. Lytic to burd en the people with an exhaustive rrport concerning the Columbia Southern's flit lire .amies. However, it is slated that nclivi tv may be exp:Yiel in a short time looking toward the carrying out of the plans of the company. Itui nil? iiiiiiiuii, inn. lu in'u.- ,'i . , , ... , . ,. ; reached, mis cnaiacicr ii;ie hitii peiunucai for several years pat. They break out every spring and fall and have been diacuoMil as a form of rash visit in the city. llilbert Ijiwson. of Ochoeo, Is re ported seriously ill. lr, Rosen- CIlNTR.U, . OKKtiON STll.lJeounlry its closest attention, for WAITIXti, ! inueli of its supply will come tr im j this source, lint under the pres ent com itions Sal rrunetseo af fords a heller and .ehea,.r market '"'rf ' ,,,u'lulin llim' for stork than would Portland Mi 'lli. l..hi,i..,i i In ss trip in ,. ( ( (i ,..,, I maintains a ills- . . ., . ... , ,. . i:.v; ...i... I . ' . . lion mere, aim una .inimiiiv i t, Corilett- lllfcllll tlUptllllS. cannot be overiMiiie hv the merf ' building of such an imluslrv in I Miw '''"W, the et- this state n:id mi advertisement of fi'llt Vll teacher, vbite.1 it,.. to i In, stock .ik wl.n friends ill the city Saturday and ' Sunday. will lie exiHvled to furnish the sup piy. uisiea.i utey inns! w snp-j WU, Cr,im m) M(,ivil, Vmn plied with a nio-le of transporta-! rt uritt-J Sunday from Shaniko tion for their cattle and sheep, and .).. Mr (r,m, ,'l,,jv,,r,,t r,i ,(,,i until such means arv provided jf 2 y,,,r M 1WV , t'uioti tVgon st.H k will find its market j M,t eoinpany, of I'ortlatid. They eKewhcre. averaged nearly lltXI in weight. Such is the present status of the ,1( ,.,. (,',, : o-,. siiwk industry. California claims I ll. n.,1,11- nlii.-l. an- l,r.,s..,l (i. Corilett mill M'lSJ Kff on the Oregon ranges simply Ik- j Williams were married in Hums cause her markets ate uioni easily j Wednesday, Nov. II. The bride nd this condition is not!"1 fMIU'r m li hollo, while the groom is tbesueess ful owner of the Piineville lluru The services at the I'liiim clinreh will be of unusual interest next Sunday morning, The special features of inilHirlance will lu the ordination by the pnstor, ltcv. Z. M. Coiuniertord, of J. II. Orooka as elder, nml the re-installlng of D U, Tciniileton. Thin sacred rile is not often observed and the past or hopes for a large congregation' Hi klil, l'te"ly lrl. 0. A. Whitsctt has four room house with outbuilding and two lots, which lie will fed at bar gain. See him at Salumim, John son A Co.'e store. A. II. LIPPMAN & CO. ...nanulatlurera of and Dealer In... FLHMTURK, COFFINS ami CASKKTH OAltriiTS, STOVKS, PAINTS anil OILS Lumber dnd all Kinds of . uilding Material For C A S II Only eirc ntlii'l illiliistrf let,-,, u-.ieft.t A which soon passes away leaving no . ' , ., . , ",. ,. , , 1 , , r ' farewell to the isolation which so niarK on me suu.u'i'. me nresein . . ,, , ,. , , . 1 . fearfullv ha eruption is a nine late in coming to maturity, but it will evade the likely to change until a different ma n le r of transiiortation is tit hand ami the stock industry and line- The Journal extends eongriitiilations. landicaps their advance- . lllellt. The ten horse freighting out tit , j belonging to V. M. Chrismau ol ; Silver Uike, loaded with wiad eon jsiirnedto Shaniko wn rehouse cum- puny, was telesi-oped on the grade mar McPherson ' much on Hay l reelt a lew tlays ago, I he ee. dent was caused by the horses he-! coining unmiimigeable and entail-j to the pel!o!i wu'.. m i 'in'ii.iflX cold weather, no doubt, end leave j everything in readiness for the i '"'" '"""""' ""' semi-annual report next spring. """"" 1 "" Tune was when the residents of. Central Oregon scanned will, j Prineville, Ore. Nov. 10, 1!XW. ,' , ', ., ! KniToR Joi iiXAt.: , ed a loss of Ht) conflned imr the future htuh iuj of a rail-1 I JMIl l HOT n inir Ol JR'rSlSlCIll ( " - (fort the board of directors of the! Central Oregon Agricultural and Stock Association has succeeded in buying a valuable and very suit able tract of land. It consists of St) acres near the city, mid is well worth the money paid for it. It is covered with a itense growtli ol sage brush which is now lieing remove- 1 .1... , ..!!:..- i.- ,i... strong wind from olhcial bead-! ' ., , k .... i completion of this work by Jami- quarters will clear away. ben j 1 that current is developed Interior"r' ' , i . hi -it- , The tract first purchased was not Oregon re-,ii cuts n-i he vi inn 11 wash away for all time to come the ina of the railroad trans gressor who has made life a burd en to them with his reports during the past two decades. gpip'-WTBIHipillll Gam 6o different dames all new oo in each packagt of Lion Coffeo t your Oroor'a, road into this district, but that' enthusiasm nas uieil away so com-, pletiey that even its ghost is no longer seen. Reports regarding immediate extension are taken with such extremely large doses of salt that all effect, are lost. The twentv years o.' railroad chimeras) have created a )erinncnt atnios-l phere of skepticism which only a i S obscribe) journal. for the FUil'RKS FOR THE MEN'S so easily improvnt or as near the city and has been sold. Arrange ments are now Iwing made to so cure water for irrigating purposes, the intention is to sow the entire j tract except the race course in al- f ii 1 fa and other grasses next spring, STOCK-1 which will add greatly to the ap ; I pearance of the grounds and be a 'source t.f revenue also. All these packing indiis- improvements will rciUire money The iirosiwtiu- tries of Portland have considerable ' :lml " c""tinllf'J attention from the fowl for thoii-ht in the r,.,,, "Il'tcers f the asswiation.- A pay published elsewhere in the Journ-! of ,i,!-v l'f"'1'" theamount al the immen-e 1,11!,."'''''"'' ' iK' fll1 '"r. '! In the language of the Latin j,,, c.lUe ani ; it is very desirable that the friends scrib, cui liono? Forsooth, what weri, fi;,., t Smthern Ore-'0' '"ovenicnt make the pay gootl will eomeof it all? Suppose ' ast ww.k toCalifornia markets. ! n"'nt promptly, we reduce every physical and in-! I ruml immbers the stork which ' If the eople w ill give this associ animate movement to the incon-j fl)Unj outlet, tlinmgli the San!,1,i"n ,llc '"PI"''' il 'leserves, ceivable Sieed of electricity. When Framio market la.-t week reach- '(found? and buildihga which will we eat our meals without Inowing; i,s,li00 and it not unusual at '" a t rei''' to our TOtinty are as it, faster even than our brains can th-( sasnn of the vear fur that im' :ini' 11 successful fair ran lie formulate a name for the food that j IlllmK.r i ie greatlv incea-ed ni'xt ' "u goes into our mouths: when we The K, t l,. ,.,-, l , , - n,., I intention was to hold a stock show work, sl,-ep and talk quicker thnn ,.3t 0,tainnl.le criterion of dt k ; during the recent races, but ufti the vision Iransverses the space to ! Coii.litions throughout Central ,! ; ctteful eonsideration the project the farthermost star, who will 1m- Soutl.f-rn Oregon! and the necessi- j w ''utloned, the boardonclud aatisfied. Only the women. Their ! tv of clieaj-.r 'truii.-.rtati-jn facili- '"8 t0 a11 vailuile fumls on sewing bee then will I more tni-i, n(i a el,Her market could not ! Frmanent improvement of the mated than a ticker on the board ; i,. n)ure strnIilv ur,.,l ,ilnn ,v tt 1 new grounds, of trade when wheat is in the j ,i11,,tf11 ,'al f th,.i;ilt! T. H. Lakoi.lktt, President. ascendancy, hut patient man will i n.nts. lie suffering then, in proportion as j The stix k meeting, which is to he is suffering now. from a super- k. hM iu l,tiim Jan;lrv to ai.unuani inoculation 01 this soul-UmMilcr ttie advisability of Jafe trying, nerve racking, breathless, ' ii,i , ,:.bu, ,.lni I,. i land transacting businew. incessant struggle against m ,1,. -M,.. ..t, i.....i. 1: i !..!.. jut j.irici leiuiiieii Home turdnv after a two days business Grand Ball A, MOSCI WHEflC Bt VI 00IN0 TO NIOHT 1 by Juniper Circle 37, W ofW Ti;uiksiviii Ev'iiiny, Xovembor 2(1, 11)03 At Glaze's Hall Reception committee Emily M. ('line, Nellie Simps-:!!, Rovia Brink, Jane Harrington, l.illie Jordon, Elbe Tuniph ton, Com. on arrangement!" Julia l.vlle Sarah Thomson Kate Liggett Floor Comiiiittco Maude Vanderpool, Sarah Thomson, Julia l.vlle, Ethel Liggett, Isa Pointlexter, Anna Sharp. Music by SHARP'S ORCHESTRA SHAHIECQ WAREHOUSE Stiaxi.11-0, Oiegron General Storage, Forwarding 1 1 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Fireproof building 100x000 feet, 150 feet two stone in height. Special Attention to Wool Grading and Haling for Eastern Shipments. Additional Locals. Judge . A. Booth , Port- restless time. gle against ,,jtV! w;n ,u K(. to jrjve ,(. ft(K. interests of this great interior Big Clearance Sale Owing to the Large Stock of Fall and Winter Goods Constantly arriving, our store room will he overcrowed And In order to Get More Room Dealers in Blacksmith Coal, Flour. Hnrlied Wire, Nails, Cement, Lime CohI Oil, Plaster, Sulphur, Wool and drain Sacks anil Twine, drain and Feed. Highest price paid for Hides and Pells. Stock Yards with all the Latest and Best Facil ities for Handling Stock. Aiomtii fur W,wcii Wrehimni' Milling Cu.'., "Wliii liln Mark iml ( arc of "S. r' nml ' I)h1I l'tnnt" fliinr. w. v For the New Goods, we are Present Stock Of compelled to throw all Our Shirt Waists, Straw Hats, Ladles' Goods And Many Other Lines Into ONE BIG BARGAIN SALE THIS SALE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL ALL A HE SOLI). Just Arrived A. E. NATHAN 8 Go's Custom Made Clothing J. F. MORRIS'S The Best Wearing and Fitting Line of pGEHT'S. CLOTIlffiGJ A LI vcr Brought to Prineville. BTRICTLY TJP-TO-DATK VWCKA AND SIZK9 NBw AND NOUHY MICHEL & CO. i VAhh arjd WINTER DRY GOODS MILLINERY GROCERIES tiC .U.5 11 fe U titl es cyf vrr'rt r oreret t ne neciai ?aie on wen h auu iwys O'Ncil Bros.' OYSTER HOUSE K, I-'. lUK.liS, Munaitcr Good Meals and Rooms Miller Bulldlnjc, Prlncvlllc, Orej(on FISH AM) HAM IC IS HKAKON III1KAD AND PIKS KOHTIIKTItAliK SPECIAL RATES TO BOARDERS Clothins:. Greatlv Reduced Prices. N. A. Tyeand Brothers "" '..'. j.-" Boys' and Youths' Jaok Knlfo Sho, A Rmor Slwl Jack Knifo With Kviry 1'nir. All Suik nml Wiilihu. Prion $2.2S to $2. SO Per Pair. W Alao Hava A Full Llna of Mem' Shoaa. Alao Ladlea, Girls and Bablaa. CLEARANCE SALE Of our Summar Hata lit (wt in nnli r In nitiki riKim fnrnur N'rw Line nf Winli'r (IchhU. Klim rnrrv cciituginii inln your linnii'. Tiinitli'fiHil rnli ln'a tin-in. A. TYE and BROS., Marohanta glacksmithing That Pleases U The Kind Vim (iul Ml i J. II. WKJLES (HtirnniMtr lo) COUMiTT & KLKIXS'S A HtiK-k nl Farm Mai'liini-ry nlwt nn linnil You will find MCYCLES of all khJ makes I.AT.JHIPESJ Ramblers, Imperials, Ideals, and many olhrra. A giKx line nf Uicjri-ln Hnnilrii'i AT Hill IT'H. WATTS MARBLE W CRANITE WORKS 1 Watts a Baker, Propa. Marble and Granite Monuments All Kinds of Stone Work FIRST CLASS WORK AT LOWEST PRICES Second Street, The Dallea, Oregon Pnncvi mm m Line dim Dally Between Prlnevllle and Shaniko 8CIIE1)IH.K Leaven Rlianikn, 6 p, m. Arrivea at Prinpvlllo 0 a. m. Leavna Prineville 1 p. m. Arrivni at Hlmiiiku 1 a. in. Flrat Class Aooommodatlona BUY YOUR MIL,T,INKTIY . . and . . LADIKH I0URNIHITTNG8' : AT : MI1S. ED. BHADFOliD'S 8uctBwir to Mm. Sunie Slnjti n Up-to date Millinery at lfa than cily nii n8. Hair Drnwing Pnrlnm in contifctiim. t