Crook County Journal I'RINKVIUi; ('ROOK COUNTY, ORKliON, NOVEMBER 12, 11I03. NO. 48 VOI, VII. "7 Semi-Annual Statement WEEK'S STOCK MOVEMENTS Market Is Steadier and Many Sales of Cattle and Sheep in Lakeand Klamath Points. While the stock movements have been rather slow in Crook county during the past week, considerable FIRJ2 BUGS WILL SUFFER County Court Places Reward lor Information Leading to Con viction of Guilty Persons. One of the most important measures which passed the coun Of tl mount f money awl county warrants received on taxes ami paid t" tlif County Treasurer for the six months In-ginning the first ilny ol April I 'MM and ending the thirtieth day of September, 1903. To milium! collcco-il on 1898 tax roll $ 4 !W To " "" " i " " 3 r" To " " . " 1901 " " IH 62 T ' " " " 3,HB.2 To amounts Slit-riff fees 8 IVUKZWEILER 8 THOMSON THE BIO STORE Inl'crcsl among the trading people l centered on our place of business lH-au.o ..I the LARGE STOCK (iK FALL AND WINTER GOODS jnl iicci-ivcd. If there Is iiii article pur chasable in Central Oregon, wo can duplicate it. Ot'K PRICKS AN' I) (JlSALITY ARK ALSO RIGHT. Wc Have Ladies' Wuists, In Trie Latest Styles. . Skirls and Ores (ioods Just now wiuirc very husy and arc enjoying an ever iwrcas g palionng,.. A UK YOU AMONt! OI'll HSUOMKUS IK NOT, WHY NOT? , WURZWEILER 8 THOMSON AM) ' ' Redby Feed Barn... ROOIII A COUNIiTT, I'uoeV Fins SadJIc Horses and Livery Turn Outs Stock boarded l.y iluy, week 01 moiilli Knit reasonable Good iieconiinodal'ions. ' liemimlii-r in- when in. I'rinevillo, nml we guarantee that wiur palrona-jc will ! appreciated i i i i... .... nun ini-i'i "i J THE OLD RELIABLE Powell & Cyrus-- Totul collections It v amounts paid County TniKurr ollice of County Clerk dy cnh on Inind mr vouchers filed in .$ 3,902 67 3,809 62 33 oo Total STATE OK OHKtiON Counlv of Crook, ( ' - 'I, C. Sam Smith, sheriff of said Slate and County do hereby crtify that the foregoing statement in correct. Witnc.-s my hand the, 30 day of September 1903. C. Sam Smith, Sheriff. Il- FlIKIl Cl.AVI-OO!., IVpuiv. - Scini-Annual Statement Of the County Clerk o( Crook County, Statcof Oregon, showing I lie amount anil number of claims allowed by the County Court of naid County, f. r what allowed, amount of warrant drawn, the amount of w.rrahts outstanding and unpaid from the 1st day ot April, 1903, to l he 30th day of Scplmilcr, 1903. inclusive. on what At'i'iM'ST no am't Smallpox expenses . . 8 Tainting courthouse Co and com. court 29 -till 0() fence and care of yd 4 Justice court 3 20 10 U S receiver's list of Shcrili's ollice 3 1,21!) 9!) lands 3 900 00 High school warrant 199 99 book 1 15 10 Appropriation I'lcrks's ollice i frcnsurcrV ollice. . . Coroner's olliee ,-lipt office -. 5 220 99 lax rebate 3 42 35 Court house exwiise 21 5U7 SO Poor care of 14 445 40 Bridge- and Hinds . . 89 2,159 34 Express and toleph'n 8 24 00 Misei-lhineous 2 M 50 Printing 5 190 20 -tntiijw niiil station' IS 1 47 81 Asu-ssor's fi-cs 3 030 00 I 'a re of insane 3 20 00 2,042 62 150 80 53 00 20 00 150 00 100 00 for count v fair 1 I Manages of V T Cas ey, J A Mutlit roail 1 Tola', claims nllow237 $9,840 75 AM'T OF O.'TSTA.MlIXt WAIlllA.Nf INI'AII) Outstanding unpaid Coun ty Warrants on the 30th day ol Sept. 1903 459 94 -Toiisorial Artists- Foster & Lehman Proprietors. A Completo ami Choice Lino of Reef, Veal, 'Mutton, 1'ork, Racon, Lartl, and Country I'roducp. Maifl St. Prlnevilk. Oreguo. 'Phone 31. Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Tb MILLER MEAT MARKET E M MILLER, Prop Dealer in FRESH MEATS Of all kind VEGETABLES & PISH 111 ft'tlSO!) The Cheapest and Best Place in Crook County - - i In the lluiUinp formerly occupi ' In- 1' H Doak Semi-Annual Summary Statement Of the fmiineial condilion of the County of Crook, in the State o' Oregon, on the 30th day of Si plenilier, 1903. I.IAI1II.ITIKS To war.anls drawn on the co treas, and outsldg and unpaid 459 94 IlKSOl Ul'KS Hv fun-Is in the hands ol county treasurer applicable to the payment of county warrants 2,(193 14 Uv fund in bands of sncriff niii-licable to the payment of riinnlv warrant - 3-5 05 llv esliinaled uniiaid rurretit taxes npnlicable to the payment ol county warrants 2,500 00 Total 5,22fil9 STATE OK OliKOON, )m County of Criaik, ( I, J. j" Smith. County Clerk of the County of Crook, State of Ore gon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of ll'ie number mid amount of claims allowed by the County Court of said County for the six inunths ending on the 30th day of September, 1903, on what account the same were allowed, and the amount of war rants' drawn, and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the same apH-ar upon the records of my office and in my oflicial custody. Witni-sa my hand and the seal ol the County Court of said County, this lllli day of November, 1903. ' skai. J- J- Smith, County Clerk. Seml-Annual Statement Of the Treasurer of Crook County, Oregon,, for the six months ending MepieniiM-r .nun, uu. Mndcrson & Pollard -DEU.KIISIN- wines, liquors, , cigars. COUNTRY ORDKUB 1)00,1 S0UT11 SOLICITED. I'OINOKXTKR 1IOTK1. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. . thr Vhnirn Homestead Locations Timber . Desert JLands ROBT. SMITH, I'rinevillo, Oreijon. S : j . x - Z ft; J fj w & : IS. 3 ' g-r K . V c c C X. 9J J a. a S- ' 9 S T3 S- S o "5-5 , H a WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO. OH NEW YORK. OLAY A. SIMPSON. M'sT InUrlor tii-neral Kund Co warrants redeemed.. . Slate taxes paid Transferred to sell fund . " high sen " " road fund School fund 10,140 54 Paid schol snpt orders. . . Road fund 5,294 61 Paid road warrants Co high school fund ..... S.tili" 27 $19,913 (12 $5,528 03 $25,441 5 $ 10,288 71 Wall Paper AT CUT RATE PRICES 10c Double Roll for Re. 20e Double Rolls for 10 e. 35c Double Rolls for 17je. 50c Double Rolls lor 25c. 15c Double Rolls for 7(c. 30e Double Rolls for 15c.. 4(lc Double Rolls for 20c. IN'tiltAIN 30c. Prescriptions Cut. Aso Patent Medicines. REMEMBER THE LOW, PRICE STORE D. P. ADAMSON'S STORE It Tho Place Institute fund .". . 88 40 . Paid Win Hoegli.... .. Escheat fund 43 05 School Dist No 1 "02 38 Paid School District 1. School District No. 12. . . 144 4G Paid School Dist No 12 School District No 45... 94 98 Paid School Dist No 45 Citv of I'rinevillo 12 65 Paid city of Prmcville. ':i;-:;Ij;;,,A .il ';!:; 'it,! 3,525 ft? 2,608 49 644 95 19 (X) 4191 13 69 121 50 22 9,880 00 1,289 90 644 95 644 95 13,671 64 9.853 33 7,903 10 1,171 40 4,312 22 107 44 65 00 43 05 744 29 738 58 158 15 144 4fi 90 19 95 29 62 87 65 75 activity is being witnessed at diffe rent points in Lakeand Klamath counties. It has been difficult to as certain the prices paid for different deliveries being made, but the Journal lias been informed that the purchase prices are some what in excess of those offered in Crook county during the past month. One of the Lake county paieni in commenting upon the situation says: The past week has seen a num ber of cattle sales, and cattle that are in prime condition are finding a ready market. In fact the gener al feeling in regard to beef cattle iH much improved, and the present toneoflhe market indicates that cattle will find a ready market in the next few weeks. While the prices being offered are not as good as last year's everything looks more encouraging than it did a few w;ek.s ago, at which time it looked as if the cattlemen would be unable to dispose of their ln-ef .at any price and would be com pelled to hold them over. This would have caused a heavy loss as a number were not prepared to feed for the winter. The record of livestock nio've m. nt in Lake and Klamath coun ties follows: Miller & Lux have shipied 15, 000 head of cattle from Eastern Oregon points to their ranches in California where they will be fed and marketed. Ixiuis (ierber last week shipped 225 head of beef cattle to the Sacremento market from Klamath Falls, and Mitchell Pros., of the same locality, drove out 350 head. J. W. Howard has ' started 450 head for the San Francisco market and later will drive 1000 more to Klamath Falls where they will be fed and turned over to the buyers who haye contracted for them. Shipments now on the way io Montague are as follows: Louis Gerber, 1000 head of mutton sheep; Chester Avery 375 head of beef cattle; C. Swanson 400 head of beef cattle; Morton liros. and several other small ' cattle owners, 300 head of beef cattle. No sales of Crook county stock have been recorded the past week although there have been several buyers in the vicinity. Sheriff Smith said the first of the week he had a buyer for 100 head of yearl ing steers if he could get together that numlr. No price was stat ed but it is understood to lie up to the present standard. ty court last week was the posting ol a reward of $500 for the arrest and conviction, or lor information leading to the arrest and convic tion of a person or persons guilty of arson. The court's action is the out growth of many incendiary fires which, during the past year or two have been quite frequent in vari ous parts of the county. Espeeial- ly has this underhanded method of revenge bean used in carrying out spites against stockmen, and the result has been a heavy loss of property. The culprits in eveiy instance have escaped the hand ol justice. The court after a dis cussion of the matter decided that (or the protection ol tiie stock in terestn in the county, and to pre vent so far as possible the escape of anyone setting fires to property, that a standing reward, as stated aliove, should lie offered. Judge Rigg in commenting upon the court's act said: "The reward was offered at the solicitation ol the tax payerR who have become thoroughtly aroused by seveial incendiary tires recently which have been most destructive. The county court felt that if a suitable sum of money could 1 used as an inducement for some one to turn state's evidence the the guilty parties would soon be detected and the community placed in safer standing. The money lost in the last tire of this kind was sufficient to have paid three or four rewards of the amount offered." PUMP FOR KAffi GROUNDS CLAIMANTS WILL GET LAND 2,693 14 3,818 31 6,731 70 4,312 22 42 40 43 05 , 571 13 69 90 7 12 Secretary of Interior Decides i Favor of 91 Timber Claimants in Klamath County. Total balances on hand 17,068 24 CASH ACCOUNT To cash on hand per last Paul sch dist No 12 taxes$ 144 40 report $10,126 04 " " 21 taxes 9 28 Reed from sheriff, taxes. 8,869 112 " ' 45 taxes 94 98 Reed from clerk, fees. . . 004 75 " " 25 taxes 44 72 Reed from liquor license 1,000 00 Paid road warrants 1,171 40 Reed from ferry license. 15 00 Paid slate lax 9,880 (X) Reed from Geo Summers Paid county warrants.. 10,288 71 road costs 92 00 Paid school supt orders. 9,853 33 Stale apportion' schools 2,235 20 Paid city - Prineville tax 55 75 State apportion' roads. . 1.91)3 54 Paid sell dist No 1 taxes 738 58 " " 45 taxes 31 Tola 1 $49,906 15 " " 21 taxes 6 31 " " 32 taxes 10 08 Total ..$32,297 91 Etna the largest percentage ct ouh assets to eiyli dollar of lia bility ; earns tho highest average interest, and Issues the most up. to-date proffi-ORSive policies tor In vestment or proteotion. Balance cash on land $17,008 24 In above report $1,28990 is transferred from gen to eonimonschool fund 044 95 " - " high school lund " 014 95 " " road fund STATE OF OREGON, County of Crook, 1, 51. 11. Hell, ilo hereby cerlity that Ihe foregoing is a true anil correct statement of the amounts received, paid out end remaining on hand in the county treasury ol said county for the six months ending on the 30th day of September, 1903. ' M. II. Bh.l, County Treas. A recent decision'of the depart. ment of the Interior has given timber claims to 91 claiaiants who filed on land last summer in Klamath couuty, but whose claims were rejected for reason of conflict with a forest lieu land selection. The land in question is situated in the southern part of the county and had been covered with scrip, and sold to a Wisconsin lumber company. C. II. Ericksou of this city located parties on the claims this past summer and upon their entries being rejwted apealed the matter to the general land office. Here the rejection was affirmed, but upon being apiealed again ,o the secretary of the Interior the claims were granted to the appli cants. The decision of 'the secretary was based on the fact that the scrip used in securing the selection was devoid of base and consequent ly ol n i value or weight with the department, lie consequently al lowed the claimants the land up on which they had offered to file although it had previously passed mutter at the local land office. been recommended lor patent, and sold to the company above mn tion -d. Association Considering Advisa bility of Putting in Gasoline Engine for Irrigation. Ever since the deed was record ed for the eighty acres of land ly ing east of town which is to bo converted into a fair grounds, the Agricultural association lias been considering the various ways in which it could irrigate the tract, and it has now been practically decided to install a gasoline engine and pump sufficient water for uo on the grounds. It is thought that 150 inches of water will sup ply the demand and this can be furnished with a 0 horse-power pump. The idea of using the engine was ( brought alout after it was seen that sufficient water for irrigation purpoies could not be had from Crooked river. With the pump the water supply will he secured either from a well or by fiuming into a reservoir. It is the intention of the associa tion to sow between fifty and six ty acres of the grounds in alfalfa. The sale of the crojis derived will furnish sufficient revenue to more than overcome the expense of oper ating the gasoline engine. Water will be used only at different periods during the irrigating season, the expense attached will be light. llowurd Hem. George Hereford has returned home after a six weeks visit with friends and relatives in Lakeview. Walter Mee was in Mitchell last week attending to business matt ers. Wm. Hogg, who broke his leg about two months ago, is able to be around again although compil ed to use crutches. Haw kins Bros, have started their saw mill on ine ucnoco ami ex pect to turn out a large quantity of lumber during the winter for which there is ft ready demand. A.C. Knighten has just comple- -'ted some extensive improvements on his property.