Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 05, 1903, Image 4

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    A Wea.aarf (ll Micmrh ' I
One of our li'iding wetcrn pliy -
nciana on ternf inti-rrotrated aa to
wht he Hoarded as the bent rent-
exly (or all iliwaaea that tin' human
Bcn U heir to, ami what is ino
beat preventive promptly ri'iilied,
roruana ilim wiiisney, an i anow
it i. a pur bourbon , w.ll malum!
ao, g,d in wood-for Hile by all
N.w Ma. au.w.irr aiaaa.
illvarwar. Brc.lTea.
. , . . , ,,
Mrs. John Cyrus, pronator of th
Ojrns Jewelry Wore, has just rewired
M elegsnt line ot silver ware, consist
in ot Knirea, Forks, Simons, Tea
Set, Berry DUhes,- Cake 8tamW,
Caatorsand Csrd lieceivera, all reliable
frKt, alio cut glase.
A complete line ot jewelry, notions,
ad sewing machine supplies,
fairing o( all kinds specialty,
work warranted.
Re -
rksil far Ulrla.
St. Mary's Academy.
The Dulles. Oregon.
Boarding School (or girls fortieth
ear. Remarkable record (or
ixcellent health and successful
training in every department of an
Academic curriculum. For cata
logu address
Sister Superior.
Notice is hereby given that 1 have
purchased the property formerly be
longing to the Ochoco Gold Mining
0. on Upper Ochoco, consisting of a
reserrnir and ditch, and that sheep
van are warned not to run their
sweep upon said property.
John Hussikke.
Fruit Farm for Sale.
I offer for aale iiiy fruit farm of
IM acres, situated in the Cove, on
Crooked river. There are 2000
trees of assorted varietiea of fruit and
a ready market for all of the products.
T. F. IIcCalustw,
Culver, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that I
have aold my interest in the Crook
County Journal to W. C. Black,
and that he will collect all bills
and pay all indebtedness pertain
ing to said paper and plant and
perfect all advertising contracts.
Dfttedat Prineville, Oregon, this
m ol day August, ot 1W.
S. M.Bailey.
kmi Far Mule.
A new Ithaca, hammt'rle, 12
juagfl, 32 inch barrel, full choke, 2$
inch drop, with gun case and reload
ing outfit complete. For sale at a
bargain if taken at once.
Address X, The JournaJ.
Kaick l'r Sale.
" Consisting of 160 acres, 120 acre
fenced, 40 acres of good meadow, HO
aorta ot good yellow pine. House and
barn and other improvement. Fine
pring water, enough for all irrigation.
Located on Marka creek nenr tlie 1
W. Hpettr place. For further infor
mation call at the Journal office or
addreaa Com CiBROtL, Mitchel', Ore.
Fee Sale al a Bargain.
Acres with new six room cot
tage, new barn and out
buitdings within one mile of Prine
ville. Also ICO acres near new town
of Lytle on Deschutes. Inquire of
Bam Collins.
- Prineville, Oregon.
rraperlf ale.
160 acres of fine alfalfa land under ir
rigation ditch together with une
etghth interest in ditch. Also W)
acres of bottom land, HO acres under
cultivation, all fenced, six room house,
barn and outhtiiidingB. Will pel I
both properties at a bargain price.
Address, The Journal.
The Keel Miitmeni.
"Chamberlain's Paiti Balm id con
sidered the best liniment in the mark
et," write Post and Blisa, of Georgia
Vt. No i.ther liniment will heal a '
cut or bruise so promptly. Xo other
jfords tuhh quick relief from rheu-:
matio pains. No other is so valuable '
for deep seated pti us like lame back!
and paiua in the chest. Giv thi&lim.j
ment a trial and you will never wish
to be without it. Bold by all drug
fists. Lumber $lO Per M.
After January 1, 1SKB, no will
ell luniber at our mill on tlie
Ochoco for $10 r M.
Hawkins Buua.
d Allen, if you do not call and re
deem the wagou you left at - my place
on or before 2fove.nber 1st 19J3 the
same will he aold for charges.
W. E. DucHim.
Hay Creek, Oct. 13, 19(13.
1 Buy" ,nr ,ev P1 in,,,,'r ,"i'"
t U'WO parties must sell. Al-
draw, P. O. Box tSl, Hnukani', Wash
Malailr. tar alc.
J. v c;nr i m-v.... l..
cllojMI M o( r(t jiig Mc.
K,y 0wk injl ,w . fcif
12 per thousand on the gnnuul,
Don't lorent that P. P. Adnruann
carrh-a a eomiilete lino of fi liool
i text book;', ami school amrpliv at
nMt i.ric.
Rlntr Jarh Taa.a I p.
E. E. Uotlis, of Crook, Orejron, lias
had a jack at his plan for the nasi
tnreeyeart. uwner fan have Mine
: "ailing and paying (or his feed
and I he costs of advertising.
Rtrat a Or aiel.a.
One all black natural wulev
milch cow branded N on hip. A
reward payed (or return or infor
mation of same to
Mrs. Lenora Dillon,
Prineville, Oregon.
New Ular al Laaacala.
J. C. Ktith, of Lanionta, carries a
line ot Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., and
will in the near future erect a com
modious store building and enlarge,
his stuck to a complete store. It is
Mr. Rush's intentiou to sell at bedrock
rar Hal.
Sew Smith Premier typewriter,
White Sewing machine,' cooking stove
and kitchen utensils, and about 20
thoroughbred Plymouth Rock chick
ens. Also complete set of Encyclo
pedia Brittanica. Inquire of W. T.
Fogle, Poindeitcr Barher Shop.
Silas... aelanllfirallv Flllea.
New is tlie time to havf your clitM
rent eyes attomlwi to. The school
year in just b-ginninft, and stuUenta
should 1 examined in order they
may do giwd work. Call on Or. V.
V. Tanjrart at Uie Paindexter hotel,
the only resident of Crook county.
Horses Wanted.
and stw! ln; LhS
holda tmecial altf every dav and rtiMiUr '
wklv auction averr KriJ. r-cviv. h..n 1
IU 100 on om-inment asd-.Knc aJI
hipfinfr chanieaaMj Kell om CunuiieAtu or)
will buy your honw outright. I( T"ti have I
any nuoil-rr ..f h,nw y, wtrh to di-(f ( t
at the Seattle Market price, a matUr h
lar ytm are iri the cily wn u lul! de j
script it -n and we will let tou know whut th
pri-ue are and how thee are atliiay. All
eirrespnkiK iirnnintlv answered.
i. aiOLUr-ya, Mtn-.
f. J. Walkxk, Auct.
1212 Wentern Ave., Seattle, WaahioKt'W.
Deputy Stock Inspectors.
Sotics) is hereby given tha I have
appointed the following named pemms
deputy stuck tuapectors:
J. P. Cartwright, Hay Creek
Jim Woods, Ash wood
E. Sparks, Sister.
A. Morrow, Hiystack.
F. M. Smith Paulina.
Roscoe Kuox, pit
J. 8. B.ue, IU.laiid.
Alex Mclotofih, Hardin
J. P. VanUuuten, Hay Creek.
C. S. Cowles, Hay Creek
Joe Hinkle,
Stock Inspector Crotk Countr.
bailee al ihe Aewelaisacal al A4
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gon lorOiwk county.
In the matter of the Estate I
of i
H. P. Donkel, Deceased.
Notice ia herehy give that' the unlcr
imed has lt-n thU trd dny of t pU'iii-U-r,
A. U. anjHMnteii Arfminiatratorof
the Kstate of 8. P. Ionkel, deceased, aul
ail M rnu having claima agaiast the
taie of the said H. P. Donkel are herehy
re(uirel end not it led to nrem-nt the umt'
to me at my residence at Dewou,,
'rk eounty, Oreeoa, or to eo. W '
Harnea. at liiH ofllee in Prineville. i'nnk
county, On-Koo, within mix months from
tin- date of thin not ire.
Aw all tenumn owirr the aaiil ft IV
Oitriki-I are hetehy nolitied to make imme-
liate ayiicnt to me.
Frineville, Crook eounty, Oregon, 8cn
temijerfflnl, W03.
H. W. Tkinkel,
Adiiimietrutor of the Ktati of S. V lion.
kel, deeinaetl.
Your doctor will tell you that
thin, pale, weak, nervous chil
dren become strong and well
by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Small doses, for a few days.
The change is very prompt
and very marked. Ask your
doctor why it Is. He has our
formula and will explain.
Wha II nn old, for many month, m
M thoajrlit t eon Id IW Iwaate of thin bioo4.
B. n k few Mki, lioft ftarMMniUeetav
ratal mfl lo hlth."
I BuviMiKaTBkt,VlsMtaaa,lf.4.
siliousnaa,conatlpatlon prevent re
Mvery. Cure thee with Ayer't Pllla.
I-' ; " f-r- I
The Children
ItKHKKT UNI), FIXU, efeVttr,
Unt Office at The Nallea. Otvtii,
Notice In lietvhv given tlnu Joint T.
U.tif-ton, til Cnmlt. Ori'iMii, Unit III,-,!
notiiv of ititeittiitii o nuke irotirun M elaim Niv KW. iWtre WA SK,
SVu NK', Hiitl Ni-J MV, Nv. is T. Is
S., R. a K , . M Iww J, J. smith,
Clerk, t I'rim'YliI, OtvMi, on KniurtlHv,
thr ilh lay of NtivomluT, HKVl,
Hi' irntm'jt tin follottiiiit wiln-n't to
prxvo Hie .iMiiti'tit ftriintlion ami rtvla-
iutmin,ii.iiii! Mwrl MoNi.t, 'ul
UUl Krnnk W. fmil.., John Shaltt.rk, of,
t'rxmk. Option. 1
MU M AKL T. X(t.A,
NOTK R KiR rnil.H .VTUiN.
I.;n.l Omiat Tliv Iallna. Or-kt,.it,
(VloU'r if. liWl,
NtiT i hetvlty nivpn thai tl loltiswiiiK
tuimil M'ttlrr lt;it un notiif f hi in ten
tion to nmki titml iih( in uHrt oi'liin
-l-'iiiii, nn.l thiil mi. I iro..f will W nih ln
forvJ. J, Simtli, (Vuntv l ttik.t I'rinw
villi, ttn'jioB, on Snlimiav, NovrmldT ifS.
lAtt. vii:
of Prin-'viU. dn'Kcn. H. K. Nm wt, ft-r
!K4 NKij Sw S. iVH NK iul .s,
Stv. S, T. Hi Smih, Kmum U K,
W. M.
He n(tts the following Mitiit'itwii hi
pnvi hi vontntuiiii n-Uli-iuv nton and
cttltivntioit of ftml .'ami, vii: K. v. Kiiik.
Jaim' A. Moiliit. I). V, Join's, Hrnry
TuTiieA f Trim-v ill-. (Vn-non.
ol.Vni 4 UtKivtt-r.
Notice For Publication,
l-ami OlWw al Thi' IVnlht , Orvffon,
Nov. a, lttw,
N'i'titv ( hert'hv eivm thai Uie foMoviiiit
nniil srtttvr hiw bUil lioliiti of hi in
Irniiim to itiiiko linal orvmf in miH'rt of
hirtolnim, ami thai ttj jmnii Mill It
mal More 4i. K. IMrp. I . S. t'om. hi
l'rtHiviHe. Ottvuit. on Tui'Sainv. IKh-i-iiiIkt
JOJIN Moi nllMH'K.
of Prineville, Onyim. II. K. No, for
thtPSWuttw'tion , Tn. 17 South, liatitfi-
llv imintxt tti foltowinic vritm'HM to
prove hi-.oiitimion' niom in'o uihui anil
cujiiTaiion oi si hi lan.i. vii: joint Kan.
Henry On hanl. Putrit k Moiiariv. Williiim
W. Tat'iturt, all of I'rim-villc. (tn'-aon.
Notice For Publication
Land OffU-e at Hit- H:illes n-X"ii. ,
tVtoU-r 13. 1'Jii j
Notiiv is hert'hv triven that the followina
nanmi iH'tller ha lilni notiiv of her iu
tntum lo make final uruttf in miHrt of
hi-r t'hiiiii, it tit i thai proof will le iiiate
iH-tore J j. sSntith. l oiiiily ( h-Hr at Prine
ville, (tn-jjou, on Saturday, iKi-einU-r ft
llfctl. via:
foriucrijr MAK.Y A l:rNK!.L.
tf (jimonta, Oregon, on 11. K. No. IM'Jfl.
i lor (lie t.'t K' wc. W or LS H .
t'tT. 1J S. Kn-t. W. M.
1 She naiiievthe filhintr wilnewes to
' nrove Iter ctimmioiu rt-eidfin-e umii nod
I riiitHNtioii nf "nitl lain) via:
Jhiiiim s. Mi-Meeii. John 11. (Jrant, John
; H unify Aa it. MUIiUt, all ol' linioiiia,
o2l !it;ister.
Und Other at The Dallea, Ori..n,
(X-toher 13. 1MW,
Notice U heiehy i;ventlit th fct!o inif
named wrttUr haa riiett nti:e f hi t' tntntiu
U maks tinaj iirxf in uip rt if bit laini
M lhat "iLi P11"'' 1m' t',"n
inaoe oeiore
J s"t". omity Tleik at Prineville, Ure-
"Q ,v ?tQnlay. Dei-emlfr lii, VU:
farnitrly l ATTIli K SHANNON,
of Ijnnnnta. Onv-n. II. K. No. 100 ftrthe
S'W'i Set-, it. T. 13 S., li. U K. W.M
She ii;iiue the ftlowitt witnev-e to
prove her eomiiiimust renidi tn-e upon and
cu)tivat..-o of aaid Uiwl,
t initim
Janinttriiuii). Kurne-t Weiand. Joni'pii
Wi-iaand, Niima i'. McCom, all ot lt
moiiU, Oregon.
o3Hip HiKitler.
Homestead Consol1 dated tt otic
For Publication.
I'nited Static Land Offl re.
The Ihilh a. On iioii. Xue. ma.
N'ltice is hiTfhy aivt-n that the follow-
... aniierx .ave liietr mien-
om, to make linul pnx.f in aiipNrt of
ineir eia in. ni tlmt wki pniol mil lt -
iiiadi-belore J J. Smith. Coiintv I'lrrk
at Prineville, On-gon, on Tuesday, JJeo-m-ht-r
nh, IWi, vi;
Alii" E C. MOSS
of Prineville, Orepm, H. K. No. 67II for
the S W NV, hection NV'4
and N'4 SEKt, S-t'oii '17, Tp. 17 boulh,
Range 17 Et. W. M.
itf Prineville, Oregon. II, K. No. 21!M. lAkf1
view seriea, for the NK V NK tkt- It. KA
and .NWi HW. Sectimi Tp. ill
-Hiuin, i tan get i yav, n. ji.
Thep name the following witHeine to
prove their inntinuotH reiiilenre upm and
cultivation of ai lun'l, tow it:
Andrew Aiid.'rwm, Itaniel P. Kurr,
Charles L. lidwards. Kilward Harria,
Lewis llmige!-, ArtaC Mo.
3-ap 311CHAKL T. NOLAN,
VIe-Pr,aMfil Woman' FMmo
ceaaieClniMaf SurilMfm Olila.
"1 dreaded the dungs of life which
wat fait approaching I noticed Wine
of Cardui, and decided to try a hot
tic. (.experienced some relief the
lint month, io 1 kept on Uttin it (or
thru months and now meastruiU
with no pain and I ilull take tt oft and
oa now until I have puicd the climax."
Female weakinm, disordered
nifiines, falling of the womb ati'l
ovarian trouble do not wear off.
Theyfolluw a woman tothetli;inge
of life. iJo not wait hut tike Wine
of Cardui now and avoid the trou
ble. Wine of CVdui never faiU
to benefit a Huffering woman of
any aye. Wine of Cardui relived
Mra. Webb when uhc wai in dan
per. When you come to the cliang
of life ilra. Welb'i hfttr will
mean more to you than it doej
now. But you may now avoid the
sutferiiKf the endured. Druggints
tell $1 bottlM of Wine of Cardui.
I,Mnil Otltwnl Tli lt.llcH, Oiv)ro.
'Hviolittr s, sm,
NtitrcrU hervliy sivftt tlmt tit Mln ln
HihhhI arttlor hrw tiltvlnolior tj hi Intent t.h
to mk hnul rtnt( in miiiMrt F hi rlntni.
tli4 tliKt tk V" 'I wiH Im ti)lc lftir l,
IV Nt'it, I'. 8. Ooiitiitt!toiiir1 M Ma.iriH,
OivRim, n Winttii'MtHv, Ntivt'nilH-rS. UHW.
of Tulvw, On.,!, H. K. No, ( for tt
N'S 8Ki. tHi K, HWW Sti'luw at, Ilk n
Soiilli, UaiiK 1-1 KaM. W. M.
He lUunfallu'lVilinwiiidwiliH'siitw toimtvv
"T ' uT -v "KZ?" "i
"", I"". vi: r nuk OniHrii, Ihium-
J, Xinith, of fiitvor, Orviton: Jaineo K,
Hanta, Ketiver V. Jenknn. of Hvniavk,
LaHt OrrivR at The Malle. OHtniiw,
NovimlMr i l'Uti
stteele Iierrtiy Ktven that the (oIlowmK
lunml wttler ha tile. I notice of her Intention
to make nnl root tn mtiort wl her etaim,
and that said (.roof will Ik' made More J.
J. Smith t'onllty I'lerk at I evi.l.. Ore-
a11", oh iiiiinMiny, itveiiiwr i., iwu, via I
Widow irf Janiea Kttnit, detvaanl, of !t-
monta, Orvjfttn, yta: It. K. No. IHVI for
the Wi, SWSivtion St, ami Ihe Ni SK
Sei lioii Tp IS Katiffe H Kant. W. M
She uauit that tollo mn iinefuies lo
prove her tmtinuoiu rvotlcin-e uhui und j
i-uKivaiioii oi miiii lantt, via: J. it,
(Irani, lirorip Ai hey, J. S. M. Meeu ami J.
11. Hanley, all ol lt monta, Oregon.
n4-n(. ' Mlt'HAKLT. MH.AN,
Notioo For Publication.
Und Office at The llallex, (nnm,
Sej-temlier IWtt,
Notieeta herehy Riven that the follow uik
nanieilM hied notn-e ol hia tnleif
lo make In ml proof in ttinort of hie
rlaim, ami that enid prtof will lie mailt
Morel). P. Ken, V. S. t'oininiMiioner, aa
Madras, Oreipin, on Wmlmwday. NovemlnT
11, llUi.via:
of Culver, Ore, N- WIS, 1m ihe S.
S.S. W. Snion tl aud N. N. W.
lie name the foilowtliK wiinem to nrnve
hib coiiuiiiiou resoot-n ni on aiui emu ration
oftd land, via: T. V. MetWIwter. tlrla 0.
Hate, rVauk V. miHnte, all of Culver, Ore
Notice For Publlctttlon.
Und Ottioe at The JalU. Oreim,
HeLUuiherSU, PW3.
NuUr, t.ihTt.y,tr IM II,. Ukmkm
imnim rttlffr b4. hliM notit-v ur liu uiltithiii
t niMke (MiiimuUliDtt tin.if in
iMippo.-t l hb clsim sn.l
thai Mid inif will b uitvt More Ma,
Limtiiyuiui. L'. S. l'.Mii.. si Aiil. .Ht, Ort.n,
WltirMttiy, Ntt.riutwr II, IMI, vii:
Vt li.l.l.VM L. .Mt.M'KIt
of lUy l'nk, I'rvm. It. K. Nn. 10371,
ui N, W t Vcti..s It, T,.l3Sulh, lii.H
14 Ks.t, W. M.
H. liaitM th. followinif vltnfMH t.t ri-.
Iliac nlinuitu. iMtHiriic uD aiial riiHitati'm
t Kvid Umt, vim Ypv, ot Hay I 'rerk
Orft'ii: Hrry K.rnMi, iii Hay Crw-k. On
tni, Willwm Saint, lAimiau, Un-g.a and
I'aul t'lajik, ut Madras, Ofviria.
Notice For Publication.
Land Office U The Dallea, Own.
.SetiUmler 3U, llA
N-;lee t herehy iriven that the ft'tlowintt
named wtthtr ra tilwl notice of hi intention
t make eoiiiiiiutulion nnxit In
auiiiwrt m nta uaitn, ami
.list ah I Mi isn or isri-srv
Isurslilfman t'. S. t,'om. at AnUl"in Oreuon,
-If V . 1. .l
"ti n miies .otvniuer i, law. h;
Ml Hav Creek. Onv.. II. Jt No. It'.n f..r
tlie ,. V..
s-ti, i.. ti. is soaih.i;: :s '".r '77-'
kon.e H Kattt, W M.
hi contiiiuiw reaiileneeuHmaitd cnlttvution
in iiHinn uic unii.wiiiK wnn'i" M' or :tt-
i reaideneeuiHmaittl cnlttvutmn
of said land, via: Klic Vancy, and Marry
heeiiM hHh -rf lUy Crerk Orn(on, ,.
raa, Orrgou,
Notice For Publication.
luiml offlce at The finite, Oregon.
Oi toWr 2. I'MKi,
Not ire i hereby given that Ihe fallowing
iiamrii wt tie has tiled notice of Im in
' t,,, u, H1 tUl. COMimllw,j))n ,,wf i ,.
i pirt uf hl, (.iuim. and that aaid tnW will
x made IWoreW. A. Ilelf, C. .
( ommiHMoner, at Prineville. On-tr'n,
Wednewliiy. Koveiiiher !, WO, vii:
of lirizily. Oregon, on H. E. No. 107X1, for
the WJi and WU HWU Hi. Ut
Tn. 12 8.. K. 1.1 K.. W.M.
He niiinea the following wiI)ieH to
provt his ciintlniiou rexideuce umhi and m Hid in tin vii:
Nathaniel A Newhill, Niima K. MrCoin,
UuiwofMl, William Hami, of Urtzsly,
Iati OtBce at The Dallen, Oregon.
(h tolier i, Hurt.
Notice ia hereby given that the fullow
ing iiHtiittl wtth'r ha tih-d nttitof hi
iittriilion lo make cmmmitaiinii nnmf in
HiipiMjrt of hia claim, and that Haul proof
uiaue ntMure Mai i.ueii'ieiiian, v. n. i uio-nii-wioiicr
at Atitflufie, Oregon, on Wetlinn
ilay, Novemlter 2o, 1IME1. vii:
of Hay Crei-k, Orntne. H. K. No. 10H7H, for
the H1 NW ' and Jitx.loinUof Sex-tioll 1
T. 12 Koiith, Kanfiw VI K., W. M.
l( iiiaisn.a tin. r,llauFitiu nitiiiiaaiHi in I
prove hit. wtntintioiH reatdemv upon and !
cultivation ol hbkI latin, vix: fain r niiik,
Harry Keetian, Klic Yuiieey, of Hay Creek,
n in mm naini, ot i,amonta im-gon,
ol.Vnp HegiHtar,
Ttmter Land, Art June 3, IK7B.
Notice fob fchlication.
United Statca Und Office,
The Ilallet, Oreaon. Heplemher a, 1DU1.
Noticfl la hereby (lven that In compll
ince with the provlalona of the aet of
Conanwa of June 2, liCiM. entitled "An act
for the aale of timber land In the abite
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Witah-
inginn Territory," aa extended to all th-
P'iblic Land B'itM by act of Auguat 4.
wi the li.ltowlua peraonR have ft ted In thi
ottKf Uiulrvaoni tali'iiiliti. Ui nil:
l iUHI.K.M L MAl.(lMoS,
of Prineville eounty nf ('rock, mate ol Ore
itmt iwfiru kUlemeiit No. :M, flic I June 111, the jmrcliare of the NW'- Hectiun ,
I p. l'!,ulli. Kanae Hi Kat. W. M.
of ('rook, emi-ity nf Crook, Mule ol Dretron,
wi;rit lHli-iin-nl Sn. Hwl flld Heitl. 9 1W.', for
the ixirelii'ne of I tie W ' SW'4 mill N1, hU4
elii'!i it, Ip in aomli. Rhiiuc IV Kufl, W.M,
fit f 'ro'ilt. county of Crook, flute if On gun,
i-Uiilli -l.ih-lii' III So iWi tilettHeiil.rt.lWri, (ttr
liu- Miiflin" of Ihe NK'4 H K'- H cliofi 11, SW i
w '4 Hti'i h1, , ts.-eiiuu u. t. i boiimi,
It !it.'i l! Kunl, W. M
That tli-v a ill ,fer proof to hIiow that tlie
land MHiuht in more vahinblt! for ita tiiiiler or
H'one than for Otfruniltiiral purptiaeii ami to en
I'li-h their claim V fctid Iiuid latfore J.J.
Htnitlj, County fllerlc at Prineville, Urrg""'
on rii. mlnv. Noveiiitier 17, VMM.
They name up. wltiienep: John H, W'lale.
;hiile- A. 'ravel. Wller O'Neil. (ieorae
O'Mel. m. McMeekln and Archie Powell of
1'rlnevilh , iireeoti: i'mil Ikld and T, J. Ker-
Ktoxiii o i r'M'lt, Ureaotl.
Any and all peraona elalmlnr adverae
jlv the aliovw-riVm'iibed landa are re.ueal
ed lo file their clalina In thla office on or
defdre aaid I7lli dav nt Kovemher 1KB.
Ull-iip Mlt'HAKLT. NOLAN,
1 Kcginter,
Timber tinrt, Act June I, lRTil.
t'liltml Htntea Land Olthv,
The Itallei, Oreiott, HeimnlHr A, W1
Notice la herehy ahen (hat tn romnll.
aiust with the irovtalna m the net or
Congivaa or Jtnio 3, Ihjs. entltletl "An aiM
for lite aule ut (hnlH'r htiiiia in the alnuM
or t'altrornin, (trv.m. Nevmhi, mul Waah
tnahni Terrtiorv," na exteinhnl to all the
I'iiIOU' lrfind Hi a In by net of AiihumI i,
a'i. lint fuiiiiM (up nainiit erNin have filml
lit lltli tullee lliclr wrti nUii'titi-iun lit wll
'IIIOM lh , O iUNNKl.lfi
ut rrlnevtlle, eimiat nf Chmk, nhiienf lrehn
owiirn Uh'iHiiil .Nit we flU'd Annl 4. wl
lur tin- imtvliaxe nf tin- W- HWA hikI K'. Httu
t'llon .11. Ti Uamuh. Knui ill Ki, V. M
I'K.tUI. . V.MRuiHMM,
it Pettier Hie, enithiy t( t'ttwik. HHto i( irel,
x.ini k hi em vii l N,i . . (,nl Ahhii-i I, nn,
"or lite ttin-hae wf 1 1 V l,8tt mi.l S' Ntt', Ij Mi'iinii, 1Uiim in Kul,V W,
MAt'l h. V.NHKttl'(Hi
I'rlnevltie.eitiniiy nlfi.M'k, niHle ot (trceon.
-worn tle meiil N.t Wli'il Atitfiml I, Umi;
, (or Hie iin li.eo ih l. nd H. . 1. 14 Motilti. ItaniK H KmI. W, J .
Thai they will offer prmr Iti elmw Hut
the In ml Moimht in mre valuable htr it
llinhor or atone limn f-r HHi'lvulltiral nut-
hmu us iBiHuiiBu ineir i'iitini-1 tt
j 'tt UitU Ivlnre A, Hell l tl, t'ommi
i fr I'miiovIIIo, ureami, hu Miul)k .Si
-.t '
ViiuTlrn .'".Vr 0 N
? Hjti'aS.S"
, Kam lltilitec till ot t'rinwllle. Un-aj
Any and nil ierxotta eltilmlna advereelv
rfle atmveatteeerthefl lamia ar nwineelfHl
to llle elalma In I Ma olhVe on ni
More tlie wild Mil It day o Nttveinli'r, Ima.
"II ap
ThnlterUiid, Aet June S, INT.
I'nltett Htatia I wind iMtt.-e,
The PhIIi'k, Ureiimi, iiiIht A, lvnn
Nolle la hereby atv.m ituit in romnll-am-e
with Ihe irovlaonn of the ii-t or
iirraa or June 3. IMS. nnt(ttd ' An del
ror Hie aale of IIiiiImt Innda In Ihe aln(
of I'lilirornla. lnaon. Nevmla. ami uh
Inaton Terrltorv, aa exdmitiil to nil the
I'ulille l4il Hi a tea by aet or Anatml 4.
IW. Hif follow In jHTnomi have filial in ltd
olUev llieir worii iiUlcuieiili, lo wit;
MAlitilK I.AK-U.I.KIT.
ot Prineville, eiHinl) of I'moh. Male o(nr1t,.n,
nworn Uleraimt Xo iil Hd-,1 Jim,. J, U
thi-jinn IiUM ol lite St. jaK',, NK'i Mt mot
HK', NK'aSevllonM T.. U Houth, If
Kal, VY. 34.
of I'llfievllte, eminiv nf lNtk, iiate iirttreami
sworn Uteiiii'iu So. 4H7. HI fit Jimr?, n, fr
i Sotith, limine I Kail
MaiMon A, 1i. ):i
KKANt'la V. HM I t il,
ol Prineville. emimy of Crook. Male of ttreiton
Hworn lateitii'iil No ts, I1U-.1 Jinit 7. r
ihe purr Uio NK' m-.-Uon is TiLUriomli
Khiik Ik KaM, H . U
TttHl they will offer m-unf in show that Ho
iRtnlitoiiKlit I- more v-itil.e lor it ltmter or
Mtnte ifnot for mirlriilliirHl titt H,-., am)
A. Hell. I' (i. l onimiHloner, al Trou'WIle, Hie
Hon on MoixUy, SoveiutH-r 11. l!rt.
M astrir I-ISO 111 III (KOI ut,t i.(,,rp w
LTh"'r Jawea
i K"i.
; Any nnil nil prron rhilmlna nitvrsr-
mi 10 HI,, lln'lr I'litimi, In llila itw-,
la'liirr mul lath iav nf Nut brr I'NJII
i tlll'IIAKI. T. MII.AX.
Tlmla-r IjimlKitcl June X
KuTirR niR PtIBI.IfATIliN.
I'nlleil Htnlea Und Ofth-e.
The Halle, itreaoit, M.n'uiter ft. !.
Noth-e la herehy BlVen that Ik eomnll
; ant e wilh the i mi v 11 una ut ih n. i
I ''""frraa of June hft, ini(l. tl "An aei
ir uoj tune oi iiniiK-r inn.lN In llii Ml Diet
; m tuioiriiin, (iri-a-oi. pii n.lii. and V, nun
niBmn n-rrtiory, .ia extemliHl to nil t
rut)lte Ijintl Hhi if by art or Antrim
jiwi. the lollowlnt M'rm have tllnl In Hilt
Iotui-v mi-ir aworn aiKienieni. lo wit
1'1'AIK f. CKMO.
I of Flk Hirer, eoniitv ot Mhertmrne, Mule of
' -'t ir.irj lor the puri h.i-nf ihe Ntt
Ai- Ti IS rtoiilh, Kane i. Ka-l. W. M
! M AHtlN V.tLK a
Ninniiioi, nworn olnlt'iitrni ,o VU, llletl July
j or m Waohlintloti Ml I'ortlaml rotmtv n(
i r-.",ii,miiiii. bi;i- til srrii. nworil BliilellielH
!1" 1,1 1 Jl) -a. lw. (or Hie no relive ol
. I til K' . St,' 1 1, ill Ml Tl. 1. 1 III h Kaillilaa I " L .l
j " -
That thee will offer rof to Mtow tliat ihe
! '-"""'' more rentable nuiu limiH-r,
1 K' altt r and Kx lvtrr, mi rrtday, N... int'
- ti .
1 ""'' nunc na wttnee-i't: V, A- Hnin)
' r'"'' nm nn wttnewn-t
MmH. Minne.ia: I. tt , Itiilt-r, nf I'rlm-
j ' 'M - rn Vriund V
: alio Liair u i iai. uiat'Kil
Any and all nrmona rlalmlna advrae
ly the alfovr-di-Hi-rllMHl ltttxin um remient
ed lo ni (heir clulnia in thin ortl.-a on ur
tH-Tore tne lam 7tn oi utft-miH-r. i'-iti.
all-Mi UU HAKl. T. VI.
Rf Uicr.
Timber Ijind. Act June S, 1X71.
Cnjthd Htatea Iand Oftl.-e,
The Dillei, Orckton, Ang, jv. i-mi
Notlee la lorchy afven that tn cnnill
ani' with Ihe iirnWaloitN of the aet ol
Conareaa of June l UiH, rntlihtl "An
. nci ior inu ante or umiM-r lamM in
ril.ilm of I a II fur n la. urtam), Ni-vftilii
find WfifcliinKtoii Trrtlorv. ax Pxtcml-(
"'I me 'tuor i .arm ntiiiif ny B''l ol
(iUC'iai ircr.-, nil' HilHiW NIK immi'll Ti'tl.
Itari H ltd lit Hi la timc I itf ir iwitrn iMIimiipiiIm,
of Mount Orb, county of Hrowtt, ntiilcol
Ohio, MW'Tii 9tat'Uii'iit No. 17' tiled April
1, ltftja't, for the piiri-ha-e of the W'i $-4
Hi'eli.m aiaml KU' SK'4 Hectiun Tp. 17
Mouth, Hungegj K., W.M.
of I'riiievllle, eounty ufCriNik, hUIc of Or-
gon, NHfoni Htaicnu-iit no, Ht(7, lihi Kchv
Kl, U:i. for the piirchUM' ol the h N I'll
.lining ,- ,-tiiuun i, ip, u Boillll.
Uaiitfi- ft.. W.M.
'I iiat thi-y will i(f,r pninf U nhm that ihr
(ann m.tiKUt w more voltmi.le lor Ms timUr m
time than for ki 'cultural purinffai, and t"
cstiiliih tht-R claim to Maid land Mnr W
A. Ih-.l, I. S. t ' ut iVnii-rille.
Ontfim, nn Thur-lv. NoVcmlM-r VI,
Chatlca . Colby. If arrii-t A. Colny,
JJ.tU'rt Mvtr, Henry Smith. McUln li.
Uu vr, Irfiw V.. AlluiKhiiMi Orr I'oindcxtci
and W. W. TiiKKHri, of I'Hiieville. Orciron
Milo II Kiim Mid Cantnlwll lilt kae.l, ol
mii iit, n unitinioi).
Any and all (xtmoiih elitlmlng adverae
lK nl'&t 'rliM'l hii.tln an- renuint
ed to file their clulma In ihla olKre un oi
before the fatd U'th day of oveiiilnT. HfUCI.
Timber Land, Act June I. 1H7I,
United Htatea Und OrTlce.
The ln II ei Oregon, Aug. ,m.
Notice U hereby given that In compli
ance with the Tovlafona of ino act el
f "on urea of Jjne 2, IM7H, entitled "All aoi
tor the ante of llmtter lamlH In the xlHtt
of ('Hllfornla, On am, Nevada, und WiihIi
iiiRton Terrltory,'riia extended lo all thi
Ciihllc Land Bla(ta by act of Auffnat 4.
Iwcj, the fnllowliiK minifd iii-raoiiH have nit
March II. IWR tiled In thi oft Ice their awoni
tuti'iiieitli, Ut-wll:
of (Irnitite Fall, County of HnohomiMh,
StHte of Waahingtiin aworn ntutemeiit No.
ti for the purcbane 'I the NW NK.
SH SW and HW4 NWw Hec. Si, Tp. If,
Htiuth, Ittingt) 111 K..W.M.
of flranite Full a, (Vninty nf HiMihmnish,
Stale of Wiifbinton, awurti nl:itenient No
Mi for the piirchttrie of the SK'-i e'ectiun H,
Tp. 1A South. Uuuge 1H K.. W M.
of flrniilte Falla, County of Knoliomiih,
htale of Wa-thiugtoii, aworn liiteiiieiit So.
llr-t l'.,r (In. i.iiri liiio nl II... kl Hit,
lNU'4(K'4 ami NK'; SVi; Hi-.-iion i
Tp. II Hoiith, ((Huge Itf K.. W.M.
ihfit tliey will offer proof to ahow that
he hind aoiiatit la more valuable for Ita
IioIht or atone tlntn for BKrlctillural pur
iKtaea. and to eatabllah their claima to
-aid IiiikI lielore M. 1(. ItiKk'a, C. H. Com
iiiMaioiier at I'rutevillc, on Friday, Nov
emU'r i:i. im.
They name aa wltiieaHea: ,To!in II. Deuel,
Thoinaa M. Crowdur and ifin H. Fox, of
Oranite Falla, Wifliinrtoti, If. , Co. I el
and C. H. Kriekwm, of Prmevllle, Oniron.
Any and all peraona rlalmlna adverse
ly the Hbove-deNrrlled lamia are reijiieat
ed to file their claima In thla office on or
m-Cre the aaid laid iai' ol U m h t, .uuu
aft np MICI1AI-LT. NtHN.
jft J5. Itfrrris,,
Olllct) at D. I', Ailitnisim'a Stum
tJJJ Cltiotl, "
ritlMCVIl.l.K. OIIKtlON
Itf. SSnnti,
Jl'lttrHtjr itw,
flt jf. SBei.
?, """"
ritlNKVIM.K, OKKtjnN
'it a. r. KtwaiHi
U. I. ItKI.K K Af
PhfiUimnt mmd Surfnt,
Dllti'i' Kirttt liuur Knat of WinmkV
lrun Htori',
Jf Jr. $ofks q 2?
CalU anaweml promptly day or tilirht) Of
Ace with lr, V. I i mint. Iteahlemv
comer Ut and Main itreeU
W. H. SN00llL iL
no -.ii ian nnil si ita:
I'UI.VKU, ' ; : oKKllt)
Am pr iHiril to nustrir pnifif
hIiiiiiiI culls iruiiitl
Elys Cream Balm
This Remedy la a Specific,
Sure to Clvo SjtlafMOtlon.
It eleunom, a nit (it-a, In nU, nml prHert tho
iIumuvhhI iiiHinliriiie, It cure Catarrh and
.trivWBWtiv a C Id in (li-i llnml jnifklv.
ItortUirea lite HeiHiti of Tat ami Hnictl.
Kaay to Die, (tnntnlita no injurious drm;,
pplieil into tho ti-lri!a nml ahiorlHHl.
latrge Hi", fill retiM nl Pniijginta or by
nwil ; Trial Kie, lOce ilnbv mad.
ELY BROTHERS, 08 ttarraa'st.. New York.
Q. Springer,
HHrmntH or
Coach and
Carriage JCoracs
idling Hliillinna nml nmnn,
alw u fi w young ti-ntiia fur
' Hajstid Blood Slock hock.
IliiyHOick, t)ngon.
C. K. McDowell, Prop.
Tlinniiiglily Itcnuvntril anil He
fiiriii.licd 1'lirnti;liiiiit.
liiirrlnm riitii. Itafi-M ai,
ai.30 nml l per liny.
Accommodations are Uiiaiiriassial
in the city. Hamplo Rikiiiii for
Ciimnicrcinl Travelers,-
fing Distance Tt'lclione Sl'ition
in the house
RirUIYou can
IvILIlibe cured i
If jrmi wiTrr frnm any of tl I
ilii of men, crime to ilia Mtit
Spetiaiui on ihe Pacific Ut,
On. JOfiDAN i CO.,
tOSIMartuiai itHd U64. I
Voons men and Mlilille r
j men who art Hifientig
ftomtlw cflVctiof y.iutlilul itaUiumtoiiiarca
Ce'.. in rriuiiiraf yMn. Nrrvini wl I iiytiml
. a , C
in ull it. lointii" sim HpermHIorrhira,
frl.trrb4eL Ui;trrtnrn, Uteri.
rrrmmmr of trrlimllna, (e. tl a
ouwWuiua 4 rciiwlie., m yrei titrntive t-w
m, ine Irt. tiA, rrait,il hi. trriiim-tit
lhat it wilt imt Holy ii,mitiHia n-ltrf Uti
pern.ariH tint. Tin: Ihsr inr disti nut t Lim Ui
perf-vm n'.ntUi, but b well-htvmi to be i hh
tidtquart Hfijrtkinri imI hutK'im, t - in Utem
iu liit.r-r.liy-IHiieaaet. of e. '
MrpfallU HiitfMiKiiiv eriMlifutiMl liwn tha
KVKBtT MAN VfljlM In tl. Will r-
eelve our tvmrti ,.,,tHl,jn ut IiUchiiii.IuIiiI,
witltiunratitrra ivsmvt: (.'LUKirn
tvery cat we undfrUike, or Jutjttt Ou
Tboa-aad Dollar.
Consiiltatiufl Htl-.K Btitt tfrlflle privat.
ment penman. or liy leittr. Semi fir
"The liilloi.ophv mt Marrlace,'
trt- (Avalumbkboi-kiWinen.)
TIMIV ttK. Jnanava
i Great M naetim of A natoniT $
thai taal mnA U,... J ... L;J .- ,L.
rotld. Com and k.irn hw wonderfully you
art auula, bow to avoid iicknf and diteaM.
Wt are entitinttnlly adilniB n
Call of
ilil Prineville.
ft as
Trinovillo-Silvor '
Luka Htiio
Lonvi's I'rlni'villv Mdinlnjs, Wiil
niwlaya ami Kililaj s. Krcinlit anil
iassriii'ni waj lilllcil fur HIIut J.nko
nnil any iinl.
tlscsu Hviik, AkhiI.
Hl.nyii l.iito
C. (I. t'OKNKT, l'
lsavna 1'rliii'villn fur lliirna Mini
ilii.vs, Wi'ilni'Hilnva and Friday.
(War IIvili-, A(i'iit.
HtiHto Jiiuo
JtHfN Hl'NHAKlCIt, Vxv.
la-avm I'rliii'villv mi Mmiiliiya,
Wviliiiwilnyannd Fridays, arriving
at Milrhi'll llt.t aanin day.
Lfavw Mit, ,ll km ' Ttnwlnya,
Thursday, nml ftilurdnya,
Jlm lViiiilt'tiin, AhciiI.
Jas. S. Kclley,
Highest Grade Work
Powell St Ilyd.t, Prop.
A hp Uihr.Htm ,I,,m,, filally lu
th, im .1 l,.ll,
rmvlhlliK. ii. i. ,lu aiul
DM vUm.
Say Jasper
Can you Twist a lironc?
Well, Vcs. If You'll let
line Use My Smith &
Kayler addle. They
are the only .SADDLE
MAKI-KS in Crot.k
oi i. in . ii ih i
Mitkorol llio Ltilubiu.
toil I'll I NKVJLLK
n i l, mm: or
sTo(Kiii;'s si rri,it,s
Latest Improved Lad lea
Bide and Stride Raddles. Klta,
Bpura, Anirora Ohapa Qulrta
and Hackamorea, Write f.r
for your new Fait fjarmenta.
It la the onljr proiier and sat
Isfactory way of buyliifryour
clotlips, IkIiiit that "liOOD
jronr stUctlon from the tall.
orlnsT tine of
Chicago, Est. 1877
tsood tailors forom-aqautw mo turv
You'll find a world of pleas
ure in wearinir the clothes
made by utrausa Ilros.,
faultless In atyle, fit, finish
and materials. They're so
much belter than the ordi
nary run of clothes, yet
pricea are astonishingly low,
and your perfectly safe in or- ,'
dering, because if garments
are not satisfactory, you
needn't take thera. WW
Saloman, Johnson & Co