Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 05, 1903, Image 3

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    H r-nj rtf ttj i P- C ' 'J 1 aC
Mm. M. iViignud for llni' (ulna,
IVianna ill fi'liunl lii' hi iiIiiiiiUi'
Kelley'a atllllln,
Till' I IH (H)'lllill luillll'll lll'l'l'
I Hinlih ,( OluVa,
The lieat plintha nml lln bea! en
latgid potiinlla at ICelly'a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.
laiiliea' Hhirl Waiala In nil grndoi
mill nlylea hi Halo i mi, .lohuann A t'o.
panel diMirn mill
l,limlllll (V (In.
s Kor screen doora,
windows go to A, II
HihimudihI malic nod Ihnirlug enii In 1 . i 1 1 1 ii 1 1 A Co.
Homely HMiilti ninth' hniidsnmc
nml pretly nuns iiiimIi1 prettier nt Kel
1 1- ' allulln,
Tlnai' h lift npprcfiiito nil ahoiild
step Into the reception room of
Kelley'a ulinliu.
All work giiiirnnlfil to give sntisliie-'
tkon or money ii'IiiiiiIihI nt Mm, Wie
ln gallery.
H lit It It & Cleelt linvn the hininua
Olymi'ln lloitliil lleer lor nli nt Sfi
cenla Nr laitilc,
HiiIuiiioh, JoIoiiioii A Co. have noine
good vnloca in Indies wool anil llooce
lined uinterwcar.
Ihtyn, If you wiint a nice awenler
this (nil, you will tin' prettiest
mien in U'Wti nt Hiiloinon, Johnson &
A. It. LIlOIIIIII ft I'll. IK'llft la-st
l.inaccd (III lor Ul (Villa T gallon.
I'lnneer while lend nine tenia per
Hmltli A ('leek now have the (niiintia
Olyi.tptn ttintighl beer for ante, :lt fl
eentn n gln.a. TltlH's die place to got
n guml lieicriige clump.
Mi'OiIhW III I'l'ilM'Vllll' Assemble t.l
Artisans can ninny llml !be sivietnrv
nl tin' I'oiitdexlei IwrU'r simp, wlicri
tliry run pay their duon,
Olytnpln nml Kt.lern Oysters nl
D Ni-ilV dialer llii'if. Private din
lug rnouta (or lathes, itti'l nit other iu
t'omnrlittit'iui ol rt I'lral-Hass rcntnilinot.
Juniper Circle, No. .17, Women of
WiMirmft, will iiive I heir lllili iniiinl
Thanksgiving Imll at (Hint's linll on
Thanksn ing evening", Novi'inlr 2(1.
Parlies knowing ihcnisclnn It. debt.
rtl to A. II. I.ippiniiii oi A. II. I.ipp
limn It Co. Ill UK) nelllc. Interest
fmrgtil nml i'olln'UI on nil nrroiinta.
(Iinrum lliirpi'r. tin1 Inli'iilwl ncl
tp. iy; "Tin' I'lmliM wliirli Mr.
Ki'll'-y tn iili" for mi' urn iniiy rfi'i't
nml coiilil not In- lniironHl in one
Mr. M. Vii'(iiii(l llm pliolocriiplior
h limy now ilnyi Ittnilnit out work for
lier ninny piihIoiiiiti. BlioKilirlU ni'W
(rnilii howi'Vi'r nml pnnrnntiin nt
AlUT K'l'iiin (leoriiin llnrwi'a
(ilioton, nviiry iiiomlwrof Iwr coininii)'
Inn! ittiiisn nt Kdli'y'n ntndio n
Ciiinpliinnnt not only to Mr. KMry
lint to I'rlnoville.
J. K. Morria, tlio inorciinnt, lina
2(X)0 linn ol nion'a nml Uiy (itrniah
itiic. wlilrli lie will clone out Mow
coat. Yon min (Iml aonie genuine
Imrgnina at liin atoio.
John Nnwaoin mill Clnrpnco Hlmrp
ol Priimllle worn In entnp the Inttcr
pnrt of the week. They wore iloinii
itrvoylnij work nt the liwl Jnoknl
mine AaliwiHHl Prpapector.
A.-lIinklomnn wna in tho oily Fri
day from Ilia Cninq criH'k lunch on hla
wny to Albnny to aponil tho winter.
He ttopiwd In the city loi)g riiuuh to
nttond the rnci'a the Inat nf tho week.
Dr. TiiKiliirt, the ocnliat, in "till at
,lii old ilnnil, the Polndcxlcr lintel.
Don't go to tho ipeolni'le jiwldlera for
your glnawe but go to Or. Tnggiirt
who gimrnulea hia work to lw the
Jleury Crnm lent wwk purchnawl
She liniiroveinonla on the Ochnco
Tond lnd lurmerly mwd by J. t. Mil
let. Mr, Miller will ahortly movo to
thia city nnd mnke hit futuro home
Pahlok Mn.UNKitr Tho Indioa nl
Prineville and vicinity are cordially
linited to cull and in'iiect a aelect
atnek of tho luU-st deaiKin Hurut
work nod hand einhroidery on iile,'nt
the home ol Mra. E. C. King, Main
at rent Iwtweon Firat nnd Bucond.
I winh the Indli'a ol Prinevilln to
iinilpraUnd that 1 do my own trim
ming and employ no oulaiilc help in
thia li .e. Clean! g hnta nnd trim
ming tree ol ehnrge to my cuatomera.
Mra. Kn. Buaiifokp.
Wantkd younu mk to prepnra for
Government Poaitiona. ' Fine Opon
' Inga in all Dcwrtmenta. Uood Hnl
arioa. Rnpiel Promotiona. Exami
nations toon. Particulnrn Free.
Inter-atnte Cor. lint., Cednr Rapid',
,I IlinjU
J. A. Ilroiwi H'H n t'iiiiii'" viFitor
from lliiy'turk tliirf vvvu,
Kor jim mI phot' a nml pliolon tint!
pli'iia,' o In Mri. W'ii'k.iiiiI,
Chilllea lllia'k, ol lliwlllllea Ml ill
die eily Ihia week mii'iulioK it)'
T, .1, Hii'tvnil. n In li"' eliy from
I'ikI Weilnlf.liiy ntlemllliKlli InlHilli'aa
mn II era,
l)r, C. H. Kdwmdn rrhirned Tnea
ilny from u week'a I i n-i 1. 1 trip to
l you wnnt to lie in I lie avlni, I uy
II Mlti'llell WiiKi'll nl Hill'illloh, Jollll
Mill A Co.
I.. K. 1). Klliolt nnd fnmlly ol l.nat
Creek vi.iliil friemla III the eity llio
llrt ol Hie week.
Het, ',. W. Coininerliinl will m-ctipy
(lev Tiiplell'i pnlpit net Hominy nt
llie t'liion eliineli,
W. II flriaa-k ami Will Vu Dilerverl Jr.
were hii'inera Viitor liom lint Don-
hiilea I'll' fore putt ol lite week.
Hen Joiiea mid Imuily tnoiiil lulo
llieir eily home alii week. Tim pr" -
eriy lnriiierly Iwlniigeii m n. it.
I, in l.itliillelle ii'lttrned lual
I I.nke count .where let Ima
hiiuilling Allen t l,iilolli'tte'a
luring the pnal aenton.
O-enr ( anil wifeol Hitl.hi'
ley were in Ihe eily the llrt of Ihuj
wwk. Jlr. Cniin eiune In get mec'i-
eul itltenliiiit lor hi foil, innncil in
it run wiy reeeully.
I,, H, Lngiiii, thcCniiip Creek nloek
iiinii, la mini In ln liei;oiiiiitog nn
1 1 nt ii t Mnya "I The Pnllm lr the nile
ul hia entire tinrk iitieret. The
pi ice nikiil U f'JIi.lKK).
The net prneeeila of Ihe nilpH r
islvi'H hy tlic Inilien ol i ho rreahyier-
laiiclmieh lual FiUlny eieniog wn
lid. A nenl dim whiell will he tiainl
toih'fr.iy rliureh e.xiene.
JiiineaHliiirp lelt Moinluy for Hlior
iiiiiii ouiiiily piiiuta.
I., 0, 1'erry of l.nvn wna ill the crly
(in huniueaa Ihia week.
J.T, Poiik tetiirneil Mondny limu
I'lillmiiu, Wiihiii;tou, where he apeut
die aimimer.
Hev, 0. W. Triplet! I"lt Weilnewlny
lorrlilver l-iike hero ho will nit
Hev. J. II. llnwiiril in revivnl itieel
io. Ciiiinly coin enlivened Wednewlny
with JiiiIko M. H. lliitga nml county
coiniiiialoner 1 1 inly ned Powell
,1, A. Ilnyl wna in the eily ffwlnca
day Inuii hia Crooked river ranch
milking nn eh"ort tn buy forty or lilty
head ul entile,
C. M Willey relorued to the lily
tho Aral ol tho week from ft htiaimaj'
Irip to tho AahwooJ miiiea. lie lilt
WeiliioKlny lor hia ranch near Ijtvn.
A parly ci)inwil of Jaiuei Crnui,
V. F, King, Will Couiba nml John
Milliorua luiiiiu u trip the li rrt of the
week lo tho lookout i,,, nullum
Charlie Hwnlloy will leave Hnlurday
for hia divert claim ranch imir Pick
et inland where ho iuleuda to aa'tid
nuveral weeka adding improveuioiitn
to hia place.
Nick Hinilli wna in from Drwliulca
thia' Week (Ml lillineaa. He lelt On
Weiliiewliiy'a atngo (or Port In ml to lie
eoilB lor ten llnya utll'U ing 10 hia
! tinilier btiaiitiwa,
J nit . (Inllilord, a lonner Crookite,
I but now ol Peiidleton, la in the city
in the interval ol a patent liro ex
lingiiialier. Tiieaday ufteruoon ho guvo
n public el hi hi tiou ol lite npp.irulua.
(Iwirge Holm n Pnitliiin aheepumn
paaaed ihroitfih the city Wednewlny
on hia way lo the Allen & Lalollett
ranch on McKay creek, where he
purehaacd a number nl their lull
1 Mood Hainhouilet rainv
Mra. Wiegnml, lite lirat claaa photo
, yrapher, lelt Ttteaday lor Portland to
j purchoH) a new and up to date aupply
lol pholnitiiiphii! material lor Iter gal-
lery. Blie will bo h ick nml reidy lor
' wurk the Mill of thia month.
J. II. Kinilh wna in the city Tues
day (rout hia ranch near Silver Lake.
He left Vcilmihiy for tlmt place
will return iimiile of the next ten dnya
with hi lainily to take charge ol the
Minor Ijcw'm ranch about three mill"
nUivo town on the Dcltoco.
Clinr'ie Wliiiaett left Mnlnrday for
hia ranch nlatut M milea north ol the ,
city. On hia wny home Sunday he
punctured hi liro when 2!i mire from
jtiiwn. He walked home lor Ihe luck
ol "hot air, ' but wna not the leant bit
I. W. ttVd, who I,,,. 1 .erion-fy !' '"' ih" cit' hU
kin Ihe hn,iln! nt The Dallea ' ,ll"t "'b'"-
with apiK'ltilieitio. i riiaivering nnd Tin. lire department wnn railed out
i able lo lie out of iloorn again. He at niiilnight Tnenhiy to extinguish a
hu lo rcliiru lo I'riiioviih' na niMin j blixi' which had alnrtnl in a pile of
na he haa aiillicienl airengtli lo with-leonlwmal in the rear ol . H. 1 orlera
Jarker Mare Meat la Over
The Inlei'l preparmiotia for piinting
on ailk to lie loom! nl Mi. Wiegiind'a
Ktillci-y. Kcenery or iliiiUn;oiiiiha re
produced on "ilk neektii. wlk banil
keicbicls, nr. with nrlilin elinrneMi
in every de'nil. v
Ucartte Hoar eotupany No. 2 nt il
tegular meeting lite liiat Wednesday
in Jniiiiiiry will give a mock iuiiinlion
in which lailb enmpniiiia will palliei
ltr. Il i said that II all '.he victim
eome out alive some he.iy l"-l will
be losl ,
The Jockey Club flniihnd with !t
rncea lnt rliiluriluy altHrnrain. The
nieel ha been ft altccesslill one llont
nil slmiil pi'litl, well ii I liii1.i, nml
lite rnci'a hnve Imvii of Ihe beat order.
Thurrday'a rveiita upciud wilb n
noieliy nice in which live Inn look
pnit: Allen' l.iltle Kate; Ariimlrong'
llriiwnie; Atliiich Can; Clonic
I.islei' K.ul Han. mill dray a hktp-r.
The dilanco whs one mile nnd a
hall hull mile walk, hall mile trot
and the wind up on the run. The
ruce nUnldcd coiwiilerable niultrmelit
nnd wan won by Utile Kute, the
llrownie llniahiog seeoml.
Tho quarter mile dnh an won by
Hi 11imI);c' Hnip In. 2, Joslin's Larry,
In Ihe IhrMwpinrter mile dash in
which Mnntova, illack Hiigaii, and
reiuiest were onlered, lllnck Dngnn
ami Ti iii t Guialied in a deud bent
with Montoya lour Icngiha Iwhiiid al
Ihoiigh tlio Iwating ana heavy in fav
or ol the Infer li ire. The tio wna
run nit between tlio two horaen with
Illack PnRiin winning hy a ncmleb.
Time 1-23.
Hix Indian opened the race
Kriilny in a hall mile dash, which wna
lollowcd by n Irotting bent mill won
hy John Hchnieer'a horae. Then dime
niiothcr Indian race ol a mile nml a
hall which allowed up some apirited
racing on the part of the copper kin.
Everyone wna jnlereatcd in the htat
two beat ul thoaftcnioon whieli were
won by Ilenvei Tom in cloae finiahe
Three horse ainrled, Montoya, Illack
Dugnn mid llenver Tout, but the lonn
er wna dialnuced in the liral bent nud
wit barred Irom the aecond. The
hit! time for the half mile waa :5S.
Hatunbty a event oiied with a 2J
mile Indian race in which six ho:a
were entered. Only three ftttiahed.
however, the halflnce dropping out on
tho fourth, and tilth lap. The aecond
race wna a J mile dash in which
Tempest, Illack Dugnn nnd Montoya
run. The nice wa a stiorial one nnd
the judgee irnied Ihe rider jut 1
lore the start. Illack Dugnn won by
a length, Teniiieat finishing second.
t Hiin not i n aniira.
Htm H ay 'f I IK I liainberlailn
(laaiffla Kemray.
aland ihe long atngo ride.
W, II. Young Ilia purchased the
blacksmith aliop loriberly owned by
C. II. Hwnlley mid ia propnicd U ib
1. ut.....i.... .....I ..n.ti.s.l ,....iiir Mm If
" " - "r I ., ,,. , ,...f.. J,v....,.
i ..ii i.:...i. ... .i... i ......;-. LJ iv,. n . I liernnie neaueuy ik-iuiw umw.
Ill Nil hlllllS HI lllf 1,'nr-f I'lir.n. (...tan
nod antiafiictory wrvice io nil line ol
blitc.kimith work gnmmitccd.
residcii.-c In Nnrlh Prineville. A
bucket ol nulla lull! been thrown out
early in lite evening nnd Ihe strong
wind which waa blowing tunned them
intollumoa. The Are had inndo eon-
Mr. Arthir Chnptran writing from
Durban, Noni, Hi ulh Afrie,nany,"As
proof tbnt Cba'iilieilain'a Cough
Bame ly i n cute auiinl'le for old and
jOd'ig, I pee. you Ihe lolpiwing: A
naif ilfir of mine hud a child jnt mer
twi 1 1 )in old. It had a very bad
cough nnd the pareitti did not know
what to give it. 1 nuggfated that il
they would get a Isittle of nCleimber
Inin'a Cough Hemedy mid put aome
unon the dummy teat the baby wna
auckinglt would no doubt cure the STYLES nnd PriePS.
child. Hun they did anil lirrmglit
about a quick r -lief and cured Ihe
bithy." Thia remedy ia lor aale hy all
drii: i:it.
Are not nearly as expijsive an ,
biit in this country of cold wintcra and damp springs they aro
much more necessary. , , "
Our linn has bon sdeetcd with cure nnd we have the
I'rlcra al Which fttaple Praancta
are aelltitv Var.
Viirriii.E Cnbbagia, 2j ct'. n?r
pound. Potatoca, 1 ct. pf-r pound.
Carrots, 1J ct. per tmnnd. Otiiona.
II I ct. per jtnund.
IIcttkh Creamery, domesl ic scarce,
:0 ct. Foreign, 40 eta.
Kiwh .Scarce, 35 eta wi doz.
Mkath Prime lieef, wholesale, 5ct.
Pork, wbolesn'e, 8 cla. Miitlou,
wholesale, 6 cl. Chicken, pring,
Il ier dox.
(lions Wheal, 85 cl. Out, 45 to
50 cl. Unrley, (SO ct. Bye, 11.50.
Fi-oijii $5 50 per Mil.
Oulr .Hiikoa A Bnd nailer Worae
Jrom $2. 75 to $25. 00
He sure and nee our goods before purchasing.
We woulil
rittention to our
mil your iwriecml
, Mra. Sarah (llenn who m-ently lelt
thia section to BH'tid tlic winter in the
Kllierla country in Canada, aold a
pari ol her atock entile lo pm licaiii
Ihe Ynkinift Valley in Vnliiuglon.
Tho ontllo aold were those in ehnrge
of Htm Clement, nnd Ihe intended
dostiiuition wna KllnTta.
W. H.Cndlo wna in ihe city Ihia
week Iront hit Ochocn riinch with
2IKKI poiinda of tr ah po k. lie atntea
Ihalbelmt hud tovornl Inrge nrdera
lor butter In the pant two weeks which
he hna hiwii uitnble in till. At prca-
on I Ihe output ol hi dairy ia being
eonauiucd in Prineville.
The Crooked river bridge, reeeully
contracted to J. II. Tillotaon ol Port
land, w'll 19 under courao ol construc
tion in nliout two weeka. Mr. T'itlot-
expecta to have the atrnetiiro contplet-
nud several coid ol wml wore dc-troyod.
I,. II. Lafiillett nnd vile ol Prim-
villc, who have Iwen in Lakevicw fur
neveinl week paat, relurncil to their
Inline last Thursday. Mr. Lufollett
diaioacd of nonrly nil of Ihe 3000
ltniiibouilel and Delaine buck that
he brought down from '.be Allen ct
I.abllett atock ranch in Crook coun
ty. Theao bucks ure well bred nnd
cninnutnd a goml price, and no trouble
it experienced in. aelling them to
theep men who want good tock.
Lakevicw Kxamincr.
PrratarlarlNHa Hal animal alcru
liigwud i;iflrt Otllcrra.
Tlio third nniiunl meeting ol the
Presbyterian church waa held last
Thumlay allernoon, Oct. 2J, nt lite
Union church. A lair attendance ol
the mcinlior ol the church n pn-
ent, nnd n good interest was manifest
ed. Tlio business of the annual meet
lug couaista in hearing I lie reports
from the different department ol the
(hurch which iucliulua thoae organised
efforts that make up the active lilo ol
the organiuition, namely, the seaaion,
the board of trustee, the Sunday
school, the Lidice Aid society, and
the helping hand. Tlic icport allow
ed good work and the departments ol
the church' organic lilo in a healthy
condition. '
Uesidr Ihe review ol the year, the
fo'.lowing oflicer of the church were
elected: Elders, D. E. Templeton, J.
It Crooks; trustees, M. H. Bell, T. M.
Baldwin, C. W. Foster, and to relieve
the treasurer ol tho board of trustee
boennse of the new church project
which confronts the hoard, Mra. Kate
Liggett was elected church treasurer.
Tin ia irregular and ia simply a mat
ter of division of labor. All subsenp-
liona lor the running expenses of the
church and Ihe pastor's salnry nre to
he paid to Mis. Liggett who will re
ceipt the snnic.
Perhaps you have never thought of
it but the fact must be apparent to
every one that constipation ia caused
by a lacK of water in the system, and
the uie of drastic cathnrtic !i!.a the
old fashioned pills nly make a bad
matter worse. Chamberlain's Stout-
ach and Liver Tablets are much more
mild nnd gentle in their eHoct, nnd
when the proier dose ia taken their
action ia an natural that one can hard
ly realize it is the effect of a medicine.
Try a 25 cent bottle ol theia. For
sale by nil druggist.
Kalrar Nattce.
One Iwo-yenr-old spoit?d heiler,
branded X on the left hip, und capi
t nl T on the right hip and right
iboulder. Strayed from my place on
Willow Creek. A rewaid ol $5 (or in
formation regarding the wheiealxnits
or return to me.
J, M. Hens i.e., Ore.
Wilson's Improved Aitihl Healers
The Stove cost a little more than
the ordinary Heater, but they, con
mine le?s than half the fuel Other
atiircH require to heat your room.
They will hold fire thirty-nix hour,
and are the only pcrfrct Airtight
Heater made.
IncoriHirntcd 1903.
Drussi, Stationery and House Furnishing Good
Wines, Liquors,
Domestic and
The Celebrated
A. B. C. Beer
Always on Hand. j
Proprietors of the Prineville Soda Works.
Two Doors South of
First National Bank.
I lie
Simpson & Wilson
Are Offering Reductions On All Lines, WIN
TER SUPPLIES Included. The Sale is General,
As This Old Reliable Firm Is Going Out Of Busi
ness. A Special Invitation Is Extended to All
Old Customers And NEW ONES to Take Advan
tage Of This -
Any young people of the county or
city who are interested id the buai
iieaa courao of the Crook County High
School nre requested to communicate
with me at once an classes will lie or
ganised very toon. Thia course in
cludes a few months, work in the
nd within two weeka Irom that time. I theory of book keeping and higher
Tiih llr piling gotten out by- Oliver arithmetic A. C. Stranuk,
Powell of McKay nnd the timbers
which are alao of llr, cut by H. V
Compton nf Willow creek are on the
I. D. Qihaon and wife were in the
city mm Sislers the first of the week.
Mr. (lihson tinted that considerable
grain bad been threshed in Unit dia
trict during the paat teuton. Including
about IVIH) huahels of wheat. All of
the grain it lo be used tor, need (or
next year when It It expected that the
production will lw greatly I'lcrcnaed.
The grain growers in tbnt vicinity
will market tltoir products i i Prino
ville next season.
Among the initortnnt business
transactions of the county court dur
ing this session wns the crention of a
atnnding reward ol $.KK) for the arreat
and conviction or for information
leading to the arrest and conviction
of any person guilty of the crime ol
arson. The several incendinry Urea
which hnve occurred in different parts
nf the oounty during Ihe past two
years prompted the court's nction
whielt is commendable.
Nallce to n,flrni Wondiuen.
All members ol the Modern Wood-
I man are militated to attend the next
meeting to bo held Monday, Nov. 9,
at which a poll will be taken to change
the by-lawt and provision made lor
the election of camp clerk.
J. 0. Powm.t., V. C.
Culver llema.
Cloudy weather, wind nnd tniid
showers is the wenthor record for the
past few days,
Did yon see the Pumpkin Rollers
play bull?
0. G Collver started to Portland on
Sunday ol this week to meet his wile
who has been on nn extended visit in
Oren Belknap has gone to Chinook,
Wash., where ho lias a suit pending
in the circuit court.
Mist Annie Belknap has beea quite
tick for the pntt two weeks.
Mist Mary Harney arrived Jronie
Irom eastern points a few days ago,
The pcop'e say the Ravens are the
champion Imll playcis of Crook coun-
! Notice is hereby givon Hint a 4ueet
j ing ol the Froighter'a t'nion will be
held in Prineville, at 2 ocloek, Sun
fcatray Noilee
Four saddle horses. One blnek
with two white hind feet and one
white front foot, branded ancjinr
with dot over center on lelt shoulder;
nn. hav four uliitp fppt. anil fsttf.
j f.-.. v t. ir. . ...i.:-i. ",,v "'vi -
UftV Hud IUKJ11. if Uft'llllflll ttl, HI IllCit ' , , . nn . . , , ,
... . branded fifl on left shoulder; one liny
Ismail white stmt on face, branded 6li
various business matters will tn?
brought up lor discussion. I
J. H. Pkloke, president.
Nlck Wsmte.
I will buy about 40 or 60 head ci
cowa and calvea if they can bo had
cheap. J. It. Ravi,,
rrineville, Oregon
on left shoulder ; otic bay, small white
spot on Ince and small white snip on
nose, saddle marked on left side if
weathers, branded with small horse
shoe on lelt shoulder. A reward of (j
for the return of any ol the alaive
mentioned to I). F. Johnson, Prine
ville, Oregon, or J. J. Johnson, Woat
fnll, Malheur county, Oregon.
When You Can Buy a Heating Stove for , . ,
" $2.75
' ;i i
We have a fine liu of lieatore at prices to suit everybody. The fol- "
lowing are some of our bargains: " A nice 'air tight heater, small size, suit
able for bedrooms or snuill sitting rooms for' $2.75. Larger size, suit-,, ,
able for larger room, $3.75 A handsome air tight heater with caste top
nickel plated dome and foot rails, with top draught, medinm size, $6.00.'"
Larger size, $7.00.'-- -. J
These are only a few of the bargains we are offering in stoves. . If you
need a stove it will be W.youn interest to inspect our line and prices before j
buying. We will pin (My Show' "You -Through Our Stock
whatheryou buy or not." We Also Have a Complete Line of 'AM
Rinds of Stoves, , " ' , i ', -..'.',.
In fact wheii you nit looking for good values in anything in the Gen
eral Merchandise, lino don't forget to call at - i
Salomanrv Johnson 8 Go,