Ir4 Or S il en. 0n all black natural tnuWf W. Kilter, of McKnv, hna n milch cow branded N on hip. A choice lot of cut chiugtos m' die Mo reward payed for return or in lor- Kay Cnvlt mill, which he will Ml for mation of name to Mrs. Ivcnora Dillon, Prinevillt1, Oregon. A Uvntlrrliil OUttvvrr One of our loading wet-lorn phy jMcians on being hitorroftateil as to what he narded a the Ivst rem edy for all diseases that the human flush is heir to, and what is the beit preventive promptly niilied. IVtland Club whiskey, as I know it U a pure bourUn, well matured. and aged in womi for sale hy aJI find clam dealers. Ilsre Fr tintrar TrMr. C. I. Rolwrta of Vpper Crookrtt Hirer has 20 head of stock horse, in cluding one Perelterm ytitllion, which he will Ml for cash, cheap. For per- ticillan addre4 him at lwt, Oregon, or call at the Carson much on Crook ed river. Nvw I.IM ! Jrirrlry Umm4 and Mm, John Cynia, pmitrietor of the' Cynw Jewelry Store, ha just reetved ii flippant linof ilvpr rf. ciiviKl c ' ing of Knire, Forks, Shxiis, Ttn' 8eU, Berry Pi.-hes. Cake Stands Cwton and Card Receiver, all reliable good, W CUt glltM. A complete line of jewelry, not ion and sewing machine supplies. Re pairing of all kinds a specialty. Ail work warranted. St. Mary's Aeademv. The Dalle. Oregon. Boarding Sv'hool for girls fortieth year. Remarkable record for excellent health and pucceful training in every department of an Academic curriculum. For cata logue address SUter Superior. Notice is hereby given that I have purchased the property formerly be longing to the Ochoco Gold Mining Co. on Upper Ochoeo, consisting of a reservoir and ditch, and that sheep men are warned not to run their sheep upon said property. Jons Huvsakkk, Fruit Farm for Sale. I offer for le my fruit fit m of ICO acres, (ittiated in the Cove, on Crooked river. There are 2U00 treea of asjwrted varieties of fruit and a ready market for all of the product T. F. McCalliitik, Culver, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that I have sold my interest in the Crook Coonty Journal to V. C. Black, and that he will collect all biHt nd pay all inUehtednesa itcrtain- ing to said pa' T and plant and j penect all advi rt sing contract?. Dated at Prineville, Orepon, thi 19th of day August, of S. M. Bailey. Ml4eacePrrr!r l'r Sale. C. A. Wbitsett has a four room house with outbuildings and two lotB, which he will Fed at a bar gain. See him at Faloman, Juhn son k Co.'s store. P.JfCii T You can' i be cured a If jron Kiffer from any cf l),e t tll of mea, eonw to t Le 1 Speciaiui on ilie Faciac Cwut, Oft JORDAX ft CO., 1061 HarfceiSi tid taae. Vounc men ud Dilddte r lril n. it E, im errai cm youUil il indue CCUei in nuturrr vmmrt llftj.IniMtirncy XAti .tlaabuiMl i taallitcomnl..jt Hfwrrmi.tnrrlfi'd, rrvaintorrkcpM, ooitorrtiu-a, tiU vt, i rmnr of I'rluaUur. By s aUuiua of niat, treat rurn'rtr- m, itu lxtu iu ,,, Mrranged hi ircatnent f ihm a win not oaly tff,d imnWbie relief but perniAntm curt The Doctor does not cLtlw to perfom nani-rlct, but k wel!-!mo- f. he i fV.r MWiqutre fhyjician und hurEeoii, pre-fMiu-ieU hnspea-.!tjr-IHeaS(ei of Mm, Tphfll IhoroiiKl.wen.d'ratodijum ti.0 w'"ra witbcit uine Hrrt-ur. Sr.-iT"' '"" Hr.ii.pi. ir.l. i le mil Guaranty a WS1T1 VK ft HE 9 Consultation I HKV. and tnVtT twiva't 2 pewnallv or by letter. Sen.l f. n it, Th Fhtlorophy of MiiriaK":," Great Muwimi of An atoiuv $ Ik fomtjnd UgtU M uLHT.of it kin 1 m the worm. Urfne and k-.irn how wi.iiuwfullv you IMI Mattel Slrm SanFincnrr SPITH'S Wines, Liquors, Domestic and ImportedCigars. ft a a Proprietors of the Prineville Soda Works. Two Doors South of First National Bank. CHAMP SMITH, !hlnl rr Hut. IS per thousand on tlip grmiml, Don't forget that D. Atlauioon carries a complete line of tchool text books, and txdiool supplies at reasonai'ie price. lrr Jnck Tit km I p. K. K. Hoi I it, of Crook, Oregon, has had n jack at hi plae for the rwift three years. Owner can have wtme hy culling and laying for his food. nd thecot8uf advorliing. Hnkt l'r fculc F. T. HigKtti i the author. ml agent of the landanl PuMiahin: 1 1 oue, Oh if Ago, III. A y one in want of book can gel marly any thing in the line of Imvke, pner. ami mil do well to see him. J. C. Rtii, of line of Drv ItcHxIs, Utttiouta, carries a lirtHHMicti, etc., aml Nil! in the near (utur envt a cotn ! .. t .... , nimtliHl itore htiiUtliitr ami en ane . fUK tl. A l,,,1 ,, ! . ........ .. .. . i .nr. mi.sii m itiii'tiiioii lit w ir i i.t prices. .lakt.r Keier.tillrtlr 'lllc4. Now is the time to have your child-; re n eyes attended to The school, yer is just hi gin nt it jr. and tiulent! idiuuld le exaitjitieii in order tliev! m.ydo g,.l work. Call o Dr. W. W . Tat;t;art at the Poimlcxter hotel the only resident of Crook county. NtiTICK FOR PCHLICATIDX. Unl lflice at The lUle. Orvfron. ik tok-r 2. N4k j herehv civen the fhWii ntmeii settler h filftl n.tkv of his tiitrtitu n to milk? r,nl iro.f in m.ort of hi ciaini. ami that iwid pn-if h uwnle Mi V. K. . t . X I onimittioner, at;o. Oreytm, on lm.iavt N.ivi-uiheri'i. l!Wt. vii: WILLIAM 11. HA NT A. of Culver, (hviron. H. K. No. ii for the N4 SK, ami K, SW; Smion 21, Tn. U S'tith, Ka nee 13 Ka-l. W. M. He ttaim iutr wit tti'SiieH to.nve hb eontinuout rti.ienee ttii..rt cultiva tion of Hjii.l lanti. vii: Frank iMtorn. l-nae J. tnitli. -if Culver. Ort-aon; Jaine K. llurtta. Kt iiver V. Jenkins of ll.iv-.taek, Oneon. olS-op MiCH.VKl.T. NiH.AN. Kefttcier. NOTICE FDR I'I'BI.ICATION. HKfEBT I.ASP, riML fftmr. lin.l OiTire at The D.ille. OreiMn. OrMher l'.. Notice i. Iterehy triveit that Jolm T. Mou-ioii. of t'rtNik On-tr.-n. hatt til,-,! noliee .if intent iuu o ni.ike t.rcM.f on hi-. !e.Tt-lrttirl claim No. 1W. f..r the Wl K. SW--4 NK'4 -jmi Nr. '.4 SWU Si-e. I T is K. .11 K.. W. M.. iMurr J. J. mith. Co Clerk, nt IVim ville. t uremi. on Satunlay the :'Mh tiiiV ol N-iveinlH r. l'l;. He iiiiinen tlie fol.min-i ttitno!-ei to prove tltt rotn.lete tirij.Mtt.iii ant r.flu-tiMti.tnof-.iil I'ui.l: K-lwar.1 Hollin. I'-tul Jteid. tnink W . Mmtji. John Slidtiuck, of r n os, urejioil. IHCilAKI. T. Nt'LW U1-"P Hecitt-r. NOTICE FoR Pl'llLiCATUiN. Laml Office at The I:il, Ore". , tirioljer !Vt. Not let 1. In-rel.v Livfii that the t.-U.nn' ""'l M tth-r hastiu-l noiict-.of hi-int. noit to itiftkc tttiul rriMl m m.iNirt i.ri.i el uiii.-jn.l Hint ttai'l i.nir.f will hv nwU-fon-J. J Smith, t 'Mint v I'rint- ville, Or. )..n, on Saturday, Novemhcr N l!x:f, vii: AN'JHiKW TI liNKIt. f frirfvillc. Oreprn, H. K N-. .VTt; f..r .SK'i S-. X SW'j NKW an.l's'u He n;iines (lie folloivini; witliesM-s t., prove ins roinina.tu-' re-nlence ut.,-n ami cnltiiiiti.,11 of -;(i. land liz: It. W Kinv Jii'iiet. A. Mi.ttitr. ii. W. J.,ilw, ((Ilrv i iinier, ..f I'rinftine. tnyou -MlCilAEI- i. MILAN. cl--"I' licKL-tcr. Your doctor will tell you that thin, pale, weak, nervous chil dren become strong and well by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Small doses, for a few days. Sarsaparilla The change is very prompt nd very marked. Ask your doctor why it is. He has our formula and will explain. "When II re.r, nM. for m.ny month, no Rut. d . few wtt. Ay.T't S.r.apanlla cvnv pled, reitnr.1 iliu. . 1 UlcKMlKar... Via, land, Jt.i. I.M.btt. 1 C. .YKR CO. for Biliousness. conatioation nrlTjlT covery. Cure these with Ayer's Pill The Celebrated A. B. C. Ueer Always on Hand. ORE. IHOM CLEEK i- ...i 1 I The Children! Hitnrh t'r al. Oonsiitiug utlfiO acre, 120 Rem femvil, 40 moo ot gmul uteadown, 80 nor of sihkI yeltuw fine. UmtH nml ham nml other iiiiintviMuiuit., Kine fptinn water, enough for M iirigiition. Itiented on Murks envk luiir tlio I. W. SH'r pUce. For further inh.r-tii.iMt-.ti erill at the Jmirnul titliov or ; "d'ln'w Tom Cakkoi. MitcheM, the. Deputy Stock Inspootora Notioi is hereby civon tlia I have apMiuted ihe following named witii uviuy mih'k niHptt-nira: J. P. t'artwrilit, Mm Wood., K. Suolia, A. M.-rivw, M. Smith Kiwi Knox, d. 8. l..'i;.H Alex Mofuth, J. I. Vfinlhiutea, Jit H id W 1, H.iy Creek Sinter. illlhtl.l p. Ml II.-il'iinl. Hamlin Hv I'reelt. Hay i'ttvk Stock ItitiTtikr CrmA County, ulnUlrMtwr. In the tVtmly t'ourt ttf ie Ron lor i'rotik count y, In the matter n ilie Kt;ite r. ivn'et, I,hh;is,.,1, ot,l-w hire .1' ft Wn that lit. ntt.ler- Minon Has oeen His ''.'till .Lit- .it St ' Iwr 4 I) Kit ...i t '. . ,il,ohNi.ueolsV. iMnkei. .ttMva-.. an.l i irtin hai imt i iatmt airam-i ,iie K UtnleotHtf miuIS V U.iik.l te It. n-hy t r minvl .n.l o..i.i ) t.. kr , .t... to m. -t my n-i.Umc i iVsi-tiutrN ! n",k "'i'ly. Onjion. or to ti.-,.. W j Hartie. jtt hi ollti-e in rritu ville. ('rook j t'omtty. OrvtfiHi, wiiiHit i iitulu (n.nt j tlie itiite of tin notuv. An.l all ii-rxMi-. ontvi: the Nii.l S. 1'. I Itotikei .ire Iieteli) nolitit'U to make tiitmt hti.tie jkiiinenl to me. rrtiieiiile, rrvN.k t'ottntr, Orrpm, Sit-tU-mU'r j:lnt. UUt. ' ! H. W. IkniVi'l. A.itiiiiiitratoroflln- Ktateol . 1,. kel, tUveuMsl. iire Of tr (if Mule Uurik. j x, ,, , ' """"l will nvemi huh umti ; l-'''"" l'- "i. "it ' 'fio'H-r to. t!. r.r ttio i J pitrehitM- ol thi! t .liovtiiifj .Iv-erine-l M luml , I ltoU, iti-Hii; j ! K',otV',s,v. it,. T. 1. R. -.V K 1 l.ols X , ,V t. 7. ?. hi tl, L. l;t. Utr Vfc s M-. NW4 ot,sK't n.t.t NK , ,.SVi. lot mv. ;tt;. r. IMS.. U. I. K I. it . x i ! o ii, 7. aoil ! Si-, lii. T. ii V., ii. tt K All 1 Strti.ui Iri, I'. ' X.. R. ;tti K. Ai. o"S,t- ttoii in ami all ol .wiion :ki t.t t p. :t i, ; . 4 t. t A ('(oh-at'on to oim lijin' iinitt i.le ' on th.- regular l.ljtiiku Hti-ortiiittfe I he i;iw l.-r (hetii hH. m. )M' : ati Miiiiijtiii. ii In- o;i-h , oi me .ihiotuit Ii: i ,t it rprttlimtt- "I mr-i-hiive. ur if mil .aitneiit is tnmli- ih-e-l U I i'iii'. j No i.i.i -vjii U. ,Mit'rt:iimti whi.-h rr f.-r le 1 1 1 a 1 1 jk-r ttere. 1 lie rmiit to n-iti t niiy ami -ill liiit i ; re-M ri.-.. i A..hedtiiiH and hi.! shoitUI In- .ul !re eii t.Mi.U. ;r-.i., Luml I'.mr.l talent, Ore-ron. an,! niar4-At At.lic.ittoii ami hnl t.i .iirehae Mate Uinh.. Ii. ii. Ulf'ttN. Clerk Stair Un.1 lloanl. Daleil this July i, Ina HI 4.ISTH ATlt) r 1 A0 Tl in niK ciiit ri r furf;r ok tiik STATK OK OliK'iON Folt CUooK Col N I'Y. i In tlo n.;itterof tin-A(;iti..n i.f Lvti Nii h-.l-an.l Alircl A. I itnuii to ri "i-t. r the title t. the K.i-t half i.i ili.- . rihw.-M iti:iru r itrt l the ot l..U v the Ku lll.Ut-Mit ' .S.-i tion z. itn.i ttl unh i the f.:t-t the .Nt.nli ball oft lie Northwi t i-iiitrt.-r La-t ..i.itttv l the South VV'.i r. ami trie V.nii ..uartr ..t tl Ka-i iti,..rt. r f h ttou n, aj i , . 11 N.tith. i.i' Kaiure l"i L.ts; rtK. Wuhiin elte Men!iait in ( r.ik I', St.itt ol' Orcein, an-l cf.nt.tii.ini; thm Nuinln-.i ami tweulv ncrei T...N. V illi.o.,M,,r.. M. Siehcl. Un Malii.jf. ami Au, le XhIuik a- Kit, iifrix ol the K-tt- .tf i'. I". Muiintr. .l.-i ea-i-,1, lem.aiitt named in the ;t',(.h. :iini, ()f ,. a' i.;ntie'l I.yn Nit li. .I.i un l Alfrtti A. Ti.l"nto reci ter ii It- to lln- Ut cnU. rtal vMao-, ami .u ali ifth-jui it may coiie-rii : Ix Tint Sam qv Ths SrirK or Om i ts: T.lKK NiriirK. Tl.-. a . .. an ii.licuti..ii Hit liiiil liy th.- m-l iiti -Vi.h..i un.i Alfre A. Tifun in the ( irct',it ''jtirt -A the Stiitc of orcL'ou l r.."k I yiiiiiy. mr niitiul rctri-trutmn 0f the title ol tiiciiin'l iihijit- i.-criUil Nw u ii lot. yon Hi(-:tr .hi or lt.-t.tre the Slril -lay of OctvU-r. un-1 .how cuum Why mxul itilt!ic;nioii -hall nut I... the --hiiu-iiiil Ix-laketi ax ci.tit, .....I ,.,.,1 ,i .ere Will Iri eiih-rctl aci-nnlinir t.. tli jliniycroi the atioti atxl you v. ili he lun-vir Uirn-1 ( di-p-itin-j tin- -iime. i In te.t:iii.i,y where.,!' have hcn-niitiy mi tiiiii.i ao.l (itti-. the m-.-iI of the ' ircmt t ottrt thin l.'dh day of ht-i.tcinlter. 1'jo.:j ' J.J. HtllTH, 'iimty ("h-rk ..f I Vt'ok Coimtv. htute of Onwiin, nn.l eK-.tlici.cli-rk of the t'ir jit 'uurt if tin- Matt ot OrK..u (or Cryok uiinty. Tfe--rMlftjl Wf,mnn' n-me rrtUM- lit 1m wf .orilif ru Obto. "I druded the chjnee ol lift tvhhJt wai fait i jproachint I noticed Wine of Cardji, and decided to try I bot tle. I txpcrieiitcd iott.b relief tKe lirst moeih. o I kept on Uk n it lor three months And now 1 mriotruaU with no fMin and I shall tike it off md on now until I have passed the climax." Kemal wcaknw, dittonlcred timriwnt. falling of thti womb tuul ovarian trouliW do not wear off, '1 hi follow woman U thechanire of lift'. Io not wait but take Wine of tJiinliii now ami avoid th tnm Lle. Wine of fVinlui nuviT fails Uj hunt-lit a miff.-riiiff wtnian of any airo. Wine of L'urdni relieved Wn. Wib when Hlte was in tlan ((er. Wlicn yon coinetotlieclianpe ol lite Mrs. WehUi letter will mean more to yon than it do now. Hut you may now avoid the sufTtriiiff she emlnred. Inj,ri.'iiita ell 1 UHtlos ot V ine of Car.iui. WSNEofCAHOUL 1 I I J f Mrs. Laura S. Webb, I Horaea Wantwd. TliPi!. relialile tiriH, the .S-mile Alielloit atit Sale Stttl.i,, lmtrtorittl. whirl) holiU pi(hh'I;1 sli(i nvetv iliiy Hint ivuulnv wvt'Vh am-tiotw trv h ' i(.iv. tinvltf Iioim. I to I0W oil eon U tot l fit I mi.! teltHttin all Hlti tit! ohrtt kikI m H on t'omittuntM or will Intv yotir liomw oultllit. It u ltvi MIlV HtlttlU-l' ! ltort V'HI Ul) to ttl-NW)t l( kI tln-SeAttlf Mmli'l itiee, in liuiilvr how l.P .,u I)U ri.ii. tlx. ilv u-ri h o 1 witti.ta tout we will l-t yh know tt(tt th iriviAiv unit thi'V ftte mi hit. All coi'ivotiiieiiett irei)tllv nhwMt'4, N. I . .lot.i.O'Mt, Mcr. M. J. W IKK, Aiu't, l'.M2 Wimltfrtt Ap., StmitUt, lillikt"ii. Nltrii'K OK sllKKIKF !Al,K. Sell.-. virtue on 'o UI.IV. I 1 ,' '' :, Hii.t to me hr -1 III' o ol fcivt-lo.iirv. i-i- u iUli,iitt .mo io.i. miI tn-lit." ill, n il Wi.)i I. I I'Hrllrtl IS .,-I, II.In.I. KMI.I 111 t il.i n,' iviiniiti uur ol Joi i.!i I.Mvr Hit w i,rwi-iu'ii ior no -m el ii: .'.mini On IuiiIot aii,t ,hl.nriiti'iii-, mol it I ol HJ Hit unit, 1 lifO' ItM ml ii'.ti tin illoHintt -i.m rim. i n-rtt Mo)-.'n to wn. NHil tilt' in. nit tlftll Ol lll I l HI nit , , l'l Ml I (Oil tWO t.lll llln, Kl'll'll- I I. 'I'll U i.HMll Ol IHIItfl' IWl'lll) i.M I'llKt lit till' . itlniiit-lli' Miv mi. Mi t r.uiK l oonlti. lHi-ioi. Uiol t on KioUi Id,' Hill ,Us ol O. o.ln r j nt :'..V.- k (. Hll i!h . m I lir I 'oiirt II, .lo. -I. Mir in I'mu-i ill,- i otmu oi t rook. Mmi' o i ir. t"ii, m'( i i!l Itir nil ttf!' iol IntvtiKi tin- 1 u.-orvi' M l.rvtf. it'll It, t.l Hi U, I to Ito State of tin- rttl',v'' 1,1 !" 'il'l r. l i-'it rty on or ntd r On . Old ,U ol Mmi Im'J to Hti-t III.' ktun ol K l hon .toe on 'hhI iolr. tio-ul w itli loli r t nt tin- ntie ot lo , r ,i hi i Hiiiiinu Iron. Hi, ilili .lilV Ol Mn; t'M: Hint Itli' HOtlliT UII ol It'.' ii"li. ot .oMl.-kiii lion lo tlio IiIu!h 1 tu l.l. r. j in, tn'tt oi m.i jti.tBi ini-nt itn.1 nil r.-.i i 0MU-.I ttn i ,U ol Jv.. h Mun n, sti.M iff h) Km l Lav root. tiitiiv Notico Fur Publico turn. Li tut other ul I he O.tllt. trvi!on. Set'lrinlH-t , la Notice U hervliy the follow mi: i-Kiiitit M tlli-r h.o. lilt'il lo- iiiU-ti-li"ti l- it.ukt' tttiiil (inh.' in sutort i. loo e'ttitti, unit that istnl t l mil U- nuuli Ni'fute , p. Ron. t , S. t ,onittii--loiier, n i Mal'Ti. Orem, utt Vltti tiiiV, .Noveiii'ier! tt.UUl, lis; ! ISAaC j. smith 1 . f Culier, Orrj. ii, . K. No, f,.r ill(. S S V. v4. Sntioii ff.' mi.l N. i X. w. tj N-e. rr.Tp. 12 kiiuh, lt.init l.i Kt, W.M., He luiiim the iiit! Urn to niV hi c fit it ioi,. u-. rvil.n v nt 'in 4I1.I eitilimlt. 11 f -ai.i iiti.l. in: T. K- Mirulli-trr. Otl i'. Hill, r'nuik C- O.U.rtt, m Culier, Ore X"i. Ml IIAIX r Not, AN. Itrtter, Nutuw For PubUcntiun. 1 1-rttul 1 llliti- At The llr. tltei;.. Sf tt tnUr . ltM, v .1 t i. i i ,. ,. . iiniHTi. iiiTi'iiv :iit ii uini in,' iiiii.-utiiii naiitwt .ttlvr h;t n.iiv ol hw i nt, -nt mil U lii.tkf t:ti:tl in. ill ait.t of hu rliim .iihi t ii-ii mi.! i.r"t m ill !jv in.).- K n.r Mtix Lm-iMniMu. t. S. C..1.1,, ul Anlf I iw, Onv. it. 'u Wc.Ittifhty, NiHfiitl-iT It. l!tt, vii: WILLIAM L. lHtt'i;K f II jv 1'r.t k. t-r.-o-ti, H. F. V.. Iu.t;, f..r ttlr N. . S S-ct,.,a H, ,..l:.SMMth, itMi II Ka.t, W M. Hu u.mO tlio follrwtiiK witiiesun-t piMie liu it niiiiiii.iM imi'lfiitv iimi 8ii i-'iltivuti.iit .. tii.i i.oi.L vii: V.Uc Van. v. iif It- l'r.-rk Or-h..ii: lUrty Krtnmi. .i lUv Crvvk, or.-j-hi, tlititi S.i,,ii', I,rtii.ini.i, th.x-.u iti.i l mil r Mult, ul .Ma.Ii-, Ori't,'.u. MtCHAKL T. NOLAN, tU'KIMcr. Notico Fur Publication. ! l.tli'l OITice at Th I'ftll-, Onv-'it , Sr,.ifmir i;nu, ' N".ic U lit-rrhv irnvrt th.U fi'll.-wii , iiiiintHt with r ran til.-i .'ltrt' il iii intriiHoii t.. tnakf tuul .ri-H in tl'e "t .'f hi" i l.tliii. ' Mini mi-I .i.f will I ix. I. Wlore Mut Ltt.'-I.ieumti C. S. C.i. l Antrlxit-, On-v-ii, j.-n Wvttittwljty, N.nti.lvr tl, Uvi. j WILLIAM l!ArHt ', f H-iy ( teek. Or-' n. H S. N.. ':tr.', f-r tin N. f:. s-'ti..ii l. Tji. j s.iith, j K'lii.e H Kt, W M. Ill- itntntn I lie f..l:,iiiK witn-fnn t pr-ic -hi- c.' r.-.i.i.'in-.'ii...inui.l t "O.i ltnl, i u : Klic Vatin, an.l limy K-.-ti.-in. I jth "I lUv Cif.-k, Orvn. Win. 1 Sann, of L iiiioiiiu, aij.l I'ul Frank, of Mail riw, Orc(,"ii, I MICH.VKLT. NOLAN, lI.Ttiitt. r. TImNt !.-!. I. Art Jiiri 1 IKT.-. N I (TICK I'-nlt CCKI.ICATHiS. CnlH'.l Ki.'ileR Litnl Ottl.c. The H1U-, ()r-xn. & .li mht-t Iwi Notice 1 h'-rcliy Riven that III f.mtill-l-.ce W.'lh the prni iHlnim of the fli't Of ....,.. ... - riiimw .n m i Iiir tlie iwtU' .if iintUi r lamia In lh matin ':,",'"rri1 ",K,,n. Ni'v.nht, nn.l V Fh. in,nn Territory." us fxu-mh'tl to all the r-'ibllc IjithI U'tte-J by act of Autfiinl 4. the fnllMWiliK liecxitu tlHVC ftlfll 111 III I i.Itlce Iticlr urii tcl.'ttii'til, to it: rHAltl.Kf L !t U.nMitN. of l'rlttt-vlll. eiitiwty f rriMilf, unte of (Ire ir. ii mi..rit iiti'-iin-ut Sit "Mil. fiU'tl Jutii- to, l!1. for tilt: flirelmr.' ol tlio SW Hi'dimi , 'lt. 1".;.4..lji1i. KiitiK- in Kh-i, W. . JKKKKllH'lN V Hdl nTOS. of I'nvik, Mi'itjf nf f'rnok, iime ,. Orcj-nn, .ni M4i. iii.-tii N... w) ill-i M..t :t I'.H-.Mur (h .nr hnt- ul thf W) S't mi, N't .-,- tiou a, l. In din ti, Ktiitfe IV Ht, tt, H, ALVA A. Hnl'uroS. nf I'roolc, eoiiilly of CrooK. utiit of Oregon. fUdrtt "lutemcnl No Kiuj. Mli'il n.'l. :i. Ixr.'. for tin- i.P-hn-" of flu- S.'t HK'4 Hi-ellon -'1. NH'1 , , -W't tin.) S1, MV1, Jk-eitoii i,'li.- 1 Hon tli, ! 1( hikh l! Kl. W. 1 i uiuiroii mirr tr.t., w n . wu mi. ., Bt,1lw tllllll ,.r 1WtICUllltr:il .llriV., ami U t'"iwht M in.ire vftlm.lile for ll ttmU-r urjMtBhiu, their cUim to i.i.l html h.-fr.ra ft'. .tie thnn l-r i;ric'ilt!irl iiirNiM ami ton. j A. H.-ll, C. H. C..riiliii--.loittr at I'i in.-villf .Mi-1, their claim to -u.I Urn I In-h-re J. J-1, -m Thlir-il..y. N..veiiil'r I1-' m M.iith, -Miiity Ch-rlt at IVineilllc,, ( mrt.B , t nlhy, Harriet A folov ot. l.i.-.lay. ...v.t.ilrl7, Mm:;. I ItoUirl Mv.-r.. Ilen'rv Hmilh. Mchi,, ii' ...e liH.i.c it, wn,,,-.., hi ii. iilifh'. j-.lm II WljI, flonh-n A. firm'.-. Vmlf.-r ti'Nelt. o i.. Wrn. Mi Mi-.-kln hik) AMne 1'owWl I'rlticv-Iii-, iir-Kin.; 1'niii Hchl nti'l T, J. K.-r-t; n mil of f Took, Any and nil tifron chilmlna -i.lvtrtip- i ly tltt iitiovi-tlcK-rllit-il In lulu iirc rcfiifi'l' e.t to till. ttteir ciiiiiitH in thm oiiii'tt un or -.f..rc itil I7tli rtiiv of Noveinl.iT. l!Htt HlMip .MH'JIAKI.T. SoL.SN, Ri-Kihter. Notice For Publication. I, (Hnl iHH' e tit The I).'ile, Orcott, 1, l!i.I. Notice f" ln-rehy i:wit llmt the Mlowitijr iiuiiii.! M-ltle liitn lileil notice of IHt in tint ion to tit.tkc cointnutution prool in Mtip- irt ol iiu t-luifii, ami tlmt mihl iiroui' will iitielv btore XV. A. I tell. V. o. ' I oiniPiH-ioiicr. nt I'rlnevtlle. I in itun, on ! eiltietuliiy, oveinlier "it, H'l-l, Viz: wil.I.IAM M. JAMISON, of(iiiziy,(iri'K'Hi,oii H. K. No. I07M, f-.r the WW Nrt'-,' iiikI WW HW'A Hcc, W'l. y. It. I't K.. W. M. He tin men tli. folloivitijr witlie-xc i to prove hi.H continni ih rei-oh nee tij.on un-i j itiiMv;tni.ri oi -ii to j;i ii'i vu: .Vtiij;tttiH A Ni'wl.ill, Nmiiiii V. McC.mi 1'. I'ltilwiXNl, Wjlliuiu Katiii, of (iri.aly Ore,;oit. MIi'HAi;r.T. NOLAN. oI.Vnp ItcKiftcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Int4 Offlcf at The Dal leu. Or.--.-oM. tlctolNT 1, IKITI. Notice if. Itcn by iriven tbc follov itiK ii.tiiinj tw tiler has tiled notice of Inn intention to niiike n-ijiimitatimi proof in HtiitMrt ot in cmini, ami tintl fiuo tur uaile in liire Mm Loediletiotii, I'. S. I'm iiii-""i'iKTat Anlelo..t)ici.'oti(on Wclm l.iy, Noemlr '2h, linH. vi: t HAKI.KM WAWIUNOFKY. of HuyCnc,(lreyon. II. K. No. 10i7H, fr the l W'4 uic I lM3aiid 4if Ki-tion 1 I . 2 Honlb, laii' VI K., W. M. He nuiiiett liu fulloninic uiiiieum-! to prove Iiih cmtinuoii" re-(tie nee nmn uml cultivation of fttid liind, viz: I'm. I Fntuk, Ihirry Kw-nmi, Klic Yancey, of Hay Cret-k, William Sunn, "f I.itttiouta Or.-f'oii. WICilAKL T. MILAN, olMip hegistr. ' Timber 1-tm.l. Aet Jiitir. 3, Hi. NOTICN KUlt I'HJII.IOATION. t; tilled Hutti-tt Until (Mitre, Tin- Ptillt'M, Oretiuti, Ht plotti IV UNVi Nntl"o Ik hr.i'v ttlv.ii ttuit lit oimiH time ll)i l tit- )ii'o i-..iia mi lln of I'tniUtVM or Julie 3. IS'V enltl., "Ait tut lor Uio wile tf tnitil in tin- niiu l t'lirotnlH. OlVkt'Mt Ni'Motit. Ik nil Utiwli lnBioil Ti't illoi' , si I'xivititfii to nil Oit- ntiiHo i .nidi itiaU'N dy mt uf Axuuht IN'., llii' iom M'h liHiiird iorini lime IKi il III lilt IHU ' Till ) i iu mil iittttClilrllU In l . I HOM ( M I) t'O.SNM t I'rliHM I IU', I'tnii.iy ol t o-.ik, iiHhi nt On-iioii. HU'il Anitiol I lm.? I hr port moi' ol Ut , SR'. ttmi (: t i. aeetioii .', f r msi. 1 1 1 IM'I ol erliiet llh. t-oioilv ol l'riHk ofOrrirMi, worn Hiili'im ni No. n-i, iiu .l UiuuM t, imi.t 'or the nnu Iih-o ot tlio t(J ri nnil s .N i . fiorlloti l'Ml l s .tuli, U uihi In I'li-OV, M M U l K, V iM'l-ttllttil of I'tltifVllie. i'oi,til oti'i-o.,fc, i1iU'ofiir,.t.o, ttofli t.ili- in, in No. i,. (ttiil Vnmol I. Imi.' or mo' fr't'llOH .' -too, of i.,. at, MIL a,,.!! - , t u ftomit, iti.iiKv tV toot. V . i'V Will OlT. r t'lOOf III MllOW Ih.l! That Hti tll Itotil wu.iiht lit ttlOH' (IllilUt' for It: umtirr or mone fttttti i.-r nuri-'ultut'tl w ih.pi , (itui to i Ht.ililiKh ttti'lr 1.0m i t. , (Hi. I to I Ht.llillKh ln.l-l.. (on W Mi ll I H t'oiiiiit.ti ft rtl I'Mii. U If. on M..H.U. l l i 1H I KM ' WlhtiNM'. VV nil iT ON i' 1 1, tt-ll. t Hoo.lrrl), IVrn I .onri Oil lll!lt II , s h.i Mnilili .1 Htm Htulni., mII nt t'niu-illii-i Or.uoit. Any mill nit (i. tft-.nn eluliiilnit itilvirli,Kn.tUo.l UttilH are -t-.Uoni tt in H'e ilirir ehittm In HiIm mll.e on m U( .re the wiiil MU ilav nt XuvemUr. It VI H ni mthai:i, Aet Jit no X l. Nuru'K l''u I'fiii.irAYitiN. t'tiltr.t HnittH Uoul (tltlie, Tin' lUllp., nr. don, rV.trttiti.T i Hit N'otl.e la iiorvln Klo'ii llmt In i'ihiiiiM-p v Willi the I'luit mm oi ili,. ,...i of I m VW Ol JvltH' J. Is... Olltllli',1 "An ii. t I MT ttlf Hit If Of lllTllMT IrllltN IK lli rft.i! ol I'Hllt.ifru.i. Mr.ii.ot. NfiinLi. hi,, uvii liil.ii IVrtM-.r. m.ii,,i il tt. I'-iMS- HlMtt-M l- ii, t r oMl,t 1"" tli foll.ot me iirot otltti' (lo ir ..nt Mitt i nt i- tllti I nt lliU M Xiif.lK 1. Kn.I,Kl l of I'tlm vllliMiHtnl) ( I'ro.ik .uu. Ol I ho tlioll 31. If. J !-miUIi, lUnri,, hi KM.C i I'HMII.Kri it. HMITIl, ol liineill!i-. rtinty of frtmk, Uln nlOr,u. in . in,, ji t-r On- iiM ot i Ik ft ttioi (on Hi. Knci' ". Kn.i, r ltASt IS V of l'rtoti It!,, roioity mi .rn .rtl. iii. in ,i tlit pnrrlinx ol t!i,' r It!! h u . H.ytTii. Hut thrf t!i (.ir,.r i.r 'f lu .li .w (!w.l .... nutit I. Int.. ' Ida r".' l'l: .(". Ii. 1 to ' eiii!il Hi.. ' 1" .o'i ittmi ii.'iorv m .nito't. friM',iili'. Otr no., t i n i ii. , Hhrtr II 1. cii,,,.. I 4tt i I'tUl.ltlt,.. (fl- ' "tt on ii, i lto-t I...... I tlatii. o.tilth ' M'Ultl Ml. I K-it. Anv tttnl i i .. , . 1 " '"""'inn nuvrrwt ' I"-' .nnt. .u m riiM'.l 1:ik(In nr.. r,.,nr,i ' Oi-'ir t irfiing iti i)im tt mi ti l-f'-rt' al.l f. h .lai ..f .n ,-i.t,,., i.c "II tl)l Mil ItAKi it. uii'r. TlmlH-r 1-ai.J. Act June 3. lO. NiiTlt'l-J KOU PtTBCK-ATlON. f niittt Hltilrt 1 Ottt'it, Tin- tlli. Or. 8f ., inUvr i, trot N'otl.e 1 lu-rt-l.v tflv.n that lit cs.t.tuli- wnh the tTmiul.Mi or oiKr. H ..r J in t, h.'v ftilltl. .t. -.n tn lor Do. kiii.. o ilml- r iitn-lit tn tin- r-tutr-iff t Ji'irornla. tH'.'K.ii. N.ia.t.i nt .1 jlntlU'ii T. rillorv," a .'Kt.-tn, . tu alt Hi ' f ittiiic lin.l H'atta to a.-t of A'ujiint t IM.'. lln- f..l..n11B , r,,. unr Hl.,1 In , t. i i'iiik nit ir aw.iru iMO-iiii nt. t. u It. t Milt f. t ft Hi. i "f V'k l!fvi-r ciii)t,v nt f'tcri-.rtH tw ol I ' "' '. "I '.'.'I. I Jul i.'I.Inij ..rlln-i-urit,,,.,-,. Hi,, Ml' ,vi it, if IJ t'.ut.. Uwi.K.. i, K. W. M. WAltiLS r l.Kt. H , "I i't. n .Ii it. ton -i t'onlnnrt. romitr ol V : 1111 J"' l'"'! r.rTlir''l'', Illlil lit, T,. 1-t ,tll, 11.11),,,. , . M. 1I. .I tl.i v wl!l oft. r i. f to . (I.. I. ..nit; III ur,- I. !! 'lIlUIBl ). I llo' 1-lh.l It- KM. r tool It' .'.I-II I. HU fi 11,11 ll.ii iiii'K- 1 hliiie-... V. n.u M .-..ihv Ji.o... w (,, ,., (,,,.,. V II,-. tif,B -t,. ) (I...IM, Uat. r ol Ii.- .iHc (lf. Urlni !- .. f.,tM tli. K i.-f ' ulr r ,t'j,K 111, k-hi. I. M in. Anv tuxl all (...rK-itoi c!;itriti..i; i,l,-r-. v tl,.- JllmVl -dl-fi. 111.. ,1 I, ,,).)-, ,,. t.tlt.t" -. to rt!.- ilo ir i i.i'mti lu 1.!- .;ii-n n t,t ll.'1'T.- Mil' rtl'l .Till n N..I' ml,.T I'tll !' lit- Ml IUM. "I X-it tV Tim!., r ltdl. Act June X KX SoTiTB rOH l'Cll,H'ATHiN. Ctt!l.-.l Hf.ift-4 IjiihI t.ttl.. Tit.' l lilt "J. Or. if" Ak I'. mi Nolli i- Ih h.-rl.v KH. n t hat to comnH. J111(.(. wttl f ',.rijr.'j.iw ..r I.I'lUlKlnllM of the ,( of Juno 2, , iiutlcl "An .:1c or tlnilH-r litihlit in the iillf'.rtitu, i mi (, Nivi-U art f.,r the x ami VV liiiil: loll 1 i-n-llorv." tin etleml. ! all tl.r. I'.il ..itu.l I, Lit. .. lili il In ll.l idle l.itl)i Hint. l.y n, l ol llolllMy li.llllnl i r Hi. If nHoril vUd lili II Ji'MX A. ToN K, ofMniinl llrh, county of lie. n. alutp i.f oliin. hmmdi xt-tli'iin-nt No. 17t; .. I7li III...I Al.iil I'll... SW; 1. Ill.t, fur the ttiirt-hii- S-ttiiiii l-IIiiii.I SK1, Sceiioii ;(!, Ti "MUI, JV.IMKC " T.., l ,.l. CHAKI.KS V. Jlol.T, ol rYitievMIf, I'oiliitv of ''rimli, (.(..teofilri' Kui. M-A'iini fl;iteiiieiit No. ti.H7. Iilel Fcl.v. IU, J!lt:t, for the tiircliiM ol the (- M-,i NWS Hictton 17, Tp. !7 .Month' Jlat:Kc In W.M. Ilijtt they will i.ffer rM,f to h w tlmt tht laml Kitik'lit-tit iiiori vnln.-tltlc for iln timU r or , j, ,l tliiiif hu in lir- .,.i... h. I ajftrart. nt I'nncvi e. llrci.ii.. AhliiiJ Km- mii t Ktckiied, ol llni'tilce. Witfltiiiu'litti. Any uml all ii ih.jii clitlmlliK Ufhi-rnc-ly the nlxivc-ieucrll,.-(l In r. ltt nr reiiient cil tn file thf-lr clnlrii In Him otitic on ni U-f.,re tin- i.l 12th 'l.iv "f N'liveiiiln-r na riii MICHAKI.T. Xdl.A.N, li-KM.r. 'I'lmlwr liiiil, Aet June 3, lftTB, N(TICK i''(Jlt lIJHI,CATION. I'riilcil HlnlON I,iuhI ntflen. 1 lie 11 lira , n.m Notice In hen-i.v nlvcit tliat in VI. .irnn witn ilie of the m t of 'MiKi.iH. n j jne , ii etillUc.J "Am ltd tor the khIi- of I.'im.Ih In iho sinie! id t'niiri.rnlit, (ireK'in, N iti.lrt. ami Wituh. Ini"ii 'r. nlt-.rv,'' un x(. ndert to all lh C'tMIe li!lii Sl;ileH hy net of AilKUHt iN-r.'. the f...,.viei' liiilli.. (lernttu. Iimii- nil M ir. li II. I'hvi (ile.t in this olllce Ujelr.worn fliUetionii, ti,' : JOHN II. I-'OX. uf flrnnilt- K.ilh, Countv of r'ni f i nri. h . St;Mc i,f Winhiti;rt.jn HWorn -fiileiiiciil Vo HBU fr the itiin lniMe ( the NW'i NK', V, MV; mid mww N WWHt-c.sT,,. ;, Hi.titli, lliinjfc lit K-, W.M. TlliiMAH H. CUOWUKH, of liranile KallH, County of ho.(oti(l.-h, SUIcnf W:ifhin,.toti. kiii. in t .teiin-nl No. hITl f..r the )in:hn-e ul the ';'., Nclioti li, 15 South. Hanu-e Id K., W.M, JOHN Ii. Dl'XKL, ..f (inutile VnU, (Niiinly of Snohoiiii-b. Stiilcol Wn-liiii'ttu, f worn tutciuctii No. ; m tor tin t.iircliiMP o the V. SK't. t f:vt umt JSK',- MWy, Nclioti tn, iji. i- mititii, tiitiiifc ii r, , h mat tln-y wm offi-r (iroof lo mmw that tb lund nought in iti'.re vfilunlile for Hh 'Imln r or cf.ine llitin for (iKrlcultiinil pr-iKif.-fi. mid in extal)tKh th-lr culnm to -:ilO IftllO I more ,11. It. IUKl'h, I . h. Colo- iiiinkfoiter at rrnieville, on Wi'lny, Nov-etnl-r III. They iiatin an itnchKcH: John It. Ih-uel, ThoioiiK H.l'r.iwiler ami John H. Fox, ol Oranite Kit I In Wusbint'ton, 1. , roster and C. II, Kricknon, of 1'rim-ville, On ion. Any and hII iM-rHoim chilmlrtK ndvervc ly the iibovi-dtrrltil lumht tire reiiucnt--d to ni their cIiiIium In thin oiilen on or liefure the ld lillh oav of Novetnher, W& tiuy MIrilAKl.T. N'U.AN. , Kt-Kihter' Ullii'O nt l. I'. AiIimiiwiii'h Hlorn rKlNKVtl.I.K, (HiKtiON $t ft ams, JfthtHty at Joints riil.NKVII.I.K, OUKilON T . ' '" " yy r. SvM HtlSKVNXK. OUKtlON. rULNKVII.I.K OKKUON ' OiilNKI II.t.K. OHKiinS. j '"""" ii. r. uii...rl i PAjfiitiKKi unit Smymt, Olli.'i KirHl h.H.r K;.t ul W iiim k'H I li ng Hlnri', I'ltlNKVII.I.K. OltKOON I .n.tta.1 .iilii.tly my III IW .Uh 1 r. V, (iwiwr. Iitl.l.-iiw 0" 1.1 ....I Maii. ,lnH-l ri;i k ii.i.k. ui!i:.iii W. H. SNOOK, M. D., riiitiiiit mill OUKtUO j Am tnp;irii In nitt-wi r jihifiK j Mimal t'itlln troiiiit) CATARRH ELY'3 CEAM BALM.arc the only SADDLE i mo l " rpnritio, 8'jro lo Clvu iid'.icfnctlon. CIVS3 Htiir.? at oio. It ml, I.. 1 1,. il. ll-u'lKll i, . Invin mi 1 1 i...,.r. I', ...l.r.i . I' .Urrii .lit' .1 (' I.I I , ! . K nf . Il,.l 1,11.1, 1 tl. ..'Ill t I.f. il ii I III..!.. mi'l l.1il ihlt. Hu. ti r.i ,.. I, , , ' '.I l-i. uf I i imtl; I r.ul I'.o, It i , t by tLY BROTHCRS, 60 W.-rc:' SI.. fJw V!-. 0. Springer, Draft, Coach and Carriage JForoea Vomig -utiilliimi ami iimri'H, nUo u i w y.ning inuim fur Kale. fluptiA Blmid Stink RanJi. Hi. VHt:u-k, Ori'tfiin, C. K. McDowell, hop. rhuriiiifilily Unlimited nml Ki- (in ni. IhiI 'I'hii.iiKli'uit. Iiiici linn l-liii:. ICates $1, l.."t ami $J icrln.v. Aor.iiiitiinlalii.iiii nre rtit.uriiif.i.'il in the city. Hnnipli' llnnnia for Cuiiiiiirrciiil Tmvolcrii, Uing l)itniine 'IVIfpliiMie Htntion ' in tin. I't'llfioil tur l,liiior l.lrmi.c, In the County Cini.t fur Cniok ('..iirity, l)r...m. T ithi- lli.ii.irii1 1. Ci.imtv Ci.iirt f r Crml. ' (ilnitl1, I ...yftti ; Wh. lln- .iii.lrr.iKii.. I Ipnl v..t.r. f Klixa innilnt. j.. I rmik I ;j.:.iiv. Ii.ui,i.. r.- Hi.rtfilllv iitili.ii Ililllll.Hl.Iti liHty ti ral t II IIivim ti. II, A StHi.-ii, t....ll miii it iliu.., limit nml viiiiHH liijimn. in iiiHiiti. ti... le.. tlii.ll inn: mtliiili, in ani.l ,r..cin(il .'.iiinly noil Htati', fur it imtIihI nf .1, n tli. frulll and lifter tlia aUtli liny of .Ni'iitniilwr l!H.'l: II. A Hu.i-iu, (!. II. l.,.l,,l,Biiali, .1. ft C.I.I., W. A. ...l. v,.l. II. Ili, I!. II. Hl.iaii, M ..ri ., stilk,., I). II. .'r,,rer. w. ki-kv. K. M. liimtll. A. Ii. siil-.ll. M. L.nliv.T, II. limit .1 rilmi T. J. Ktviar. .I.M-t.l. Oiiili.iif.U. II. ' rrl..r, Ii. AI II T. ii.l.i.iu. It. I-:. W. N. I .l.ii:ll. tl. w. Chi-IIii, .1. Y. Wniti-r, i . K. AiiiiiI.I. A. C, NtiilJillK, I. C..I.I., I). W. Ku tliinit, C. I.. .Iiililmiiii. .IntiiMi 11. 'J'vl ur I liiu. (;. I'.iilI,:.ii.., W t. II. H il.,n ;. w. riliiiliil.. J. M. 'iHyt'ir, Win. J. W.mhI, t.wi W. W...I, W. T. K. Wll,, Ui-U, i, C, ,I.iIiiii.iiii, W. T. fiyi.r, Cliurlfy lliti'liiiiin. J. Julinw 11..1I. 11. i'lifiiir. II. If lllil fallc.: Kiwtrr. C !,. IViiiiiuiu, M. M 'j I.oiiiuk. Nuti.'l' in l.rr..v Kivl'll Hull till. fM' titioii will lie lin-H).il...l tu tlir Cnlillly 1'i.iirt of Haiti . U.iuity mul Sl.-tfii at tlie l;ininly O.urt mum in l-rini-vill.. nil tl.. Iin.1 iluy ..I tit.' lirxt n'Kiilar ti'rii. uf riiid ''"irl,n.'Wit: un the 4tli day of NuvfinlaT llrd. lo. A. Htkvknm, Prinovillo-Hilvor ' riukoHinirtjI.ino IMCK VAN IKtt V KltT, Prop. Ievcn IMnevllU. Moiitlaya, Wed mwlayamid Kihlaja.- Freight ntut paaamigem wajhilh.l lor Hiher Lake mill wny (HiinlM. Oat'AH IIvpk, At nt. I'riiiovilln-MuviiM Htiiij Liiu 0. II. I'OltXICT, l'r...rl,-tr U-kxv Prltipvill,. fur HuriiK Mon iIiijh, H'wImyilnvM mill KrfilnvH. "fiir Hull., Aninl. I iiiit. vilK-A Li,.,.,ll ;HI,nyo Aw JOHN IH'NSAKKH, l'n.i. i l.niv,.n I'rim.villi. on Miiiitliivii, Vi.iihiIii vh mill Kriiluyi., urrlvl'iiK III .Mll.'ll.'U till' WIHII. liny. Uaw Milrlii.ll nn ' Tiiwilnyii, 'J'lotrMili, vh mill Huliinlnyii. Jnllll'..n, Aji'lll. Jas. S. Kelleyp Photographer Highest Grade Work ; l0IN()i:XTI; I 5having: Parlors . I'owall & Hydo, Prop' Hlinviuu IliUrouttlnir Hhitinuiiuliiir Bntlm A niw ll!.r...n, 111. (i of !li I ..r, it. ii I.I. Uv I r iSay Jasper- ;t::tn you Tivista Hronc? I Well. Vcs, If You'll let jmc I'.sc My .Smith A Kaylcr addlo. Thcv I- .-.o '"' I-1V.T '('niiiitv ; " 1 J ' in Crook I I fii.i. H & fc! SADDLKS AND II AKXKSS. Maker ot llm tMiliibra tml ritlNKVILLK UTOCIC .SADDLK Ii 1.1. I I K OF srot kit t:Msn-i-ijrH LRtost Improved Ladle Blcln and Stride Rivddlm. Mlu, Spurs, Anvurn Olinm QuIrU and Hiwknmaroa. Writs f-.r Prioos. I'rini'villi., - . Oriignn, 'ii' ii.iii.i.ii.'.4.4.ii..i.iiii.i.iii,I)i,,.i; HAVE YOUR MEASURE TAKEN for your new Fall (r.rmenli. It 1. the only proper and Ht iifactorr way of buyliifryour clothe, belnff that "(1(X ID CUiTHliS ARB ALWAYS MADE TO ONDKK." Make your .election from th. tail orinrr Hue of - STRAUSS BROS. Chicago, Est. 1877 flood UllonfaroT.r.qaarUr Motor you'll And a world of pleaa. ure In wearing the clothe, made by eitrauu Ilroa., faultleia In .tyle, fit, finlah and material.. They're ao much better than the ordl. nary run of clothea, yet price, are a.tonl.hinfrly low, and your perfectly .afe In or dering, because If garment! are not aati.factory, you needn't take them. WB WILL liK PLKAHRD TO SHOW YOU HUH GKEAT LINE OK SAMPLES CALL OS , Saloman, Johnson & Co V