Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 22, 1903, Image 3

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Mm, M. W Ii'uuihI (i r line Mu.
IVmiiiih of 1"filltl limlii 1 11 1 1 1 (li I J4
Krlli'y'i kIiiiIik,
Y nr lUH'tmul itn ahIhtI lit ili.
onihH aI W'ittht It',
Tlitt lidiuiiiN Olyniiiii Uiitlt'il liit1
Urt your Hitvk fuc (cm ecnl on
Hit' tlnlliir lit WiniiiVi.
'I'lo Ihmi. ilioi n nntl lln tirt (o-
1,1 1 1 1 1 1 II i 1 lit Kill)' ulinlio.
('. M. Wry mi" in llin ciiy 1 1"' Iiiki
of (hi' week on'.ii innltt'lt.
Jnllll Alkill'OII villi II lit nilll'MH
or Irom I.ivii 1 1 iu II i "I ol lliu lU'ili.
Cut rule on ilruii ' iiiul n i'l k fm
It'll dMil on I ln ilulliir nt 'iViiiiii k'n.
I.imIW Kltirl Wnl.ln In nil tni'lt
noil ulylu. nt Kiln ' mi, JnliMmiii It Co
Yur tM'lwtt (Imilf,
ftimtnw. K" 'u A.
pnhi'l iIoiii-h mill
l.liiiniiti A Co.
H"ii..iiinl riitic noil llmirmg run U'
iMiiuloniyiit l.iiiiioiin A Co
All cnt Tii'r on iIiiik" iiiul n oliin-k
fur ton ri'iitii on llu ilollur nt Win
ni'k'i. l you Hum to ! In I In' mini, lit
it Mitctii'll ttiitton ol Hiil'iiooii, .li'loo
on $ Co,
llottll'ly HHll llllllll' IllltllUolUI'
noil iri'tiy oui'" ininli' pti'ltii'r nl Ki'l
i')' Initio.
Ili'iniiiiill tvitli t o mould ol lie.
toluT it full li I lluiinlrk t'ti i. ii.i-
It U'iliiirk'. -
V. II. Ilim'k ol liwcliiit, lmliwn
In llio rity wt'i'iiil ilny tlii ttri'k nt
tt'itiliiiK co'tit.
'riioip uliii itiin't'i ill" nt I Mioulil
ll'l into (litf tivt'iioit riHtni i'l
Ki'lloy'i" flitiliu.
Will ) (I .M) In; ryi' nl my 'lut'.
J. (!. Ul'fll,
Liiinoiilit. tin.
Unillh Clerk Iiiim' tbr fmiimi.
(llyniilit llollliil It r for oolc nt i'.
ci'iHn jt'r ltlli
Hulontoii, Juliioi'li tV lo. Inivr wittu
(tlMMl VlllllI'M ill lllllil'K Wool lltlll HlH'l'l
llnitl iiiuliruiiir. "
Tlit' Urfr.l itMiirluit'iil ol Inriiit in "
rur liroitKltt to rriiit'villr, mil uliort
ly urrit-f itt Viinii'!:'.
11,'y, II yon tt'inl n uii'o nviviloi
thin full, , Volt Hill tilt' pri'llii'io
ttnt'it ill town nt Hiiloiiion, .toliun.tii A
A. II. I.iilmiil A Co. mil" l'l
I.iunil Oil lor 111 ri'iiln bt ptllon,
rionwr wltitt' Inul niiif iviiIh per
H i ii it t A t'li'i it now Imvt'lht' fmnmit
Olyioiiii ilinulit lit'or for Pttlt1, nt fi
(Mom n (,'lii'n. Tlntl'n llif I'Ure to p't
ii Rn hI iH'Vt'ruKi' t'hfiip.
Mt'inln'r of Prlnt'tilli' Am'tiililv ol
A rt inn no ciin nltvnyn liml llif Hvri'tiirt
nt tin' I'oinili'XIttr Imrlit'r liot, wlicri'
llioy i'iiii tny llipir ilut'i.
()lyniiin nntl Kintlorn Oyntorn nl
0'Noil'n Ojntm llonmt. 1'rivnlii tliu
ing rooun (ft Inilit'it. nnil nil otlitr rt
roinotliitiona of firnt-r.linot roHtaiitniit
I'ltrtion knotvinp llii'innclvftt intltlil
oil to A. II. l.iipmnn or A. H. I.ipp A Co. mint wttln. Iiilfnut
clnupil nntl collt'flwl on nil itrrnunt
fltHirijiii Hiirii'r, tin' tulmilt'il not
riwn, K.tvit; "I'lio tli'ito wliioli Mr
KtOli'y iinttlii tor nit urn iniily piTft't't
nil poiiltl not Ikj Iniprovttl In out'
Mra. M. Wiuniinil tlio iliotoBMilior
in himv now ilnyn lurnini! nut work for
her ninny citntonifrii. Hliniiiilifitii nt'W
trioltt liowt'Vt'r nntl giinrnnttHiii nut n
Minn Mituilii Vitnilrvi'i't It' ft till
wt'nk for littr lionip nt fnvtt. Hlin Iiiih
Iwn vuitiiiR lli" fnniily of T. H.
I Tit in i I ton nt Anlitvoorl lor I lie
tlirttt wnrkn.
After tw-inu (Ittirijiii llnrinr'n
plinttM, ovpry nirinlH-rof lior rontpnny
Inul niitiiiK" t Ki'lloy'it ntuilio
contpliniiMit not only to M. Kulloy
but to l'riuoville,
J. F. Morri, tlin mernlinnt, linn n
$2(K)0 lino of nion'n nntl Itoyi fnrnili
liiRn, wliit'li litt will cloup out liolow
oot. You onn liml onio gomime
bargnim at hii itore.
Ilyron Ciuly null Dr. W. W. Tncgnrt
rottirnoil Hiituriliiy from HyronV
ritnolt on tint Tuini'llo ivliorn tliny
Imvo boon buly llio pnitt two wwk
clonrini! lnntl lor cnltivnlion.
Dr. TticKitrl. tli ociilint, i "till nt
bit oltl ntmitl, tlio roinili'Slor llolt'l
Don't go to tlio uptTliiolo poilillor for
your glwwon but go to Dr. Tnggitrt
who minritnton bi work to he tlio
Vantki voiiNii mkn to propuro lor
Govornniont ritioti. Kino Opon
ingn in all Departments. GoikI Sal
nriei. Knpiil Promotions. Exnmi
nntioiii Hion. l'lirliculnri Kroo.
Intor iliito Cor. Innt., Color Itnpiiln,
In. :iinjll
Hltill Moo,v tt',. II ,lnllll'.4 viitit'
or Irom liny Cit't k Tuiil.a.
(li'iiigf Onliuni Willi ii liiliicMH vi-il-or
tbi wt'i'k Iruiii bin Ciilvor rmiuli,
Ji'liu Ni'wmmi It'll Hniiilny f,,r Tin-
Diilli'i ttlii'iM will n't i l tint wlitlor,
llt'iirg" Hi'lihrl ir in llio oily from
Di-HI'llllti'M lltll'llllilig 10 lillnilll'M lllllt'
S. I,. All, 'ii in tl ttift' wi'i'i' in tlio oily
lliU wii'k fr on tlii'ir Il iy ('toi'k
Jtiitlifo ol llio I'hicp, J"0 Wliillli'ltl,
win n liiutiiif-n vi.ilor fioni Lin'tt tim
ing I ho wi-ok.
All work giniriiiiti'il to givo iiitli.liie.
I ion or mi 11.7 ii'lunili'il at Mit. Wit-
giiutrit gillory.
i: lioii'.' W. 0. Conglt'liiii .m in
llio oily llio pnt woi'k iilii'iuling Itt
tiiiioun liiminoitii inntifrH.
Hon, J. N. WiMliiioniu ol Piiui'tilli',
nioiit Hniiilny with roltiiviM uotl
ftli'iitli in llili oily, lb pitniT Tiioon
C. II. All, 'ii nnil wilo, nntl W. p.
Viiiiilorvoil b;ito boon In tlio oily
tl.iyii Hum work iittoiitliog
I'otry IU"tl wn Iu t hp fit v 111" f'nl
of ilk wook. Ho iliilttt tlmi ltoi link
ing iiirmigonioiilti to phirf kotut'
lit vpiHMill Vitriol iitr of ipiliitofN on
t'Xhiliiti'iiijit IhoHl. I.oiii Kvpo.liiou.
J. .I..('i'll!n, T. II. W.ilkin. nii' I
I'M, Dorgmi mo in llio oily .from AI
in iitti'iid circuit n'Urt. Tl.i-y Oit'ftw nit Iln' d.K'ki-t
ttnich will (h di-MMf.l of dining ilii
Z. M. ('iiintiM'ifonl nriivwl in
ilii'cily Hiloili.iy to I'lk' tin Trrfhy.
tciiuti iio(o)'iitt'. Km', Comiitt'i furtl
Iuik uvii pM'iichioi; tlio iiot llirco
nro iu oiMKliciu V im-tMinin wln'ic hi' '
win t-noken of very highly. j
'ri... .!.,. i. in.. if .1 Ij iinti .,.1 ,.
very j
ll'H H,lh'H
ItH'illilV hllVU it'CI) i
rrhirMl, mhj the Aiuel...e 11 em hi.
fheUw weih. r.iiml Imiiiw iin. worth !
i Unit f 7.', mid cwcti 2 to :'..)
)mt cwl,, HCtoidinjt to the ipmlity.
lf. H. (NiiiuninnioiMT Hell wm hoiy
eveml kd.iy .ot wtk liiking tcli
ntouy In it hoineHirnd coiitt-nt rtire U
tw.i'ii Alvit (lilliiiiu. cimU'Ntmit, nnd
K. H. Ht'ltiunn, rtniieitttT. Attor ey
.1. K. MtN)rw wan here from The O.ille
tpHM!inj; hir the defenw,
1'Altt.lill Mll.UNKHY The hlilicd of
i'riiievilte mid tieinity n re eoidiiilly
intitnl o etiil hihI iiMpcct it pfhvl
ttnuli of (he hitett dciiuii Burnt
Murk mid him) einhioidry on Hide, nt
iln home of Mm. K. V. KiuK, Mun
-! reel helueeii Kir-t nnHeeond.
1 wih tlie holie of Prinevilht to
underntmul 1 do my onn Irim-
nin' n ml oui lty no ouifide Iielp in
(lliu I i p. Clcuui it huiM mid trini-
miug frt of rlmrgi) to my euotonierit.
Mi, t'l). BitAHKoiai.
A It, i'nrtiwoiril, who lint I tec 1 1 rim
ititiK tie I ce t-nvv null on Willow
Creek during the pnt Meamut hub in
(he city TucmIuv. He atnled thut the
h ill rut ovur l.ltHJ.tKH) Unit thm yenr,
IMK)((HK) of which hitve Ufpii discwed,
Two hundred thouKiind nhintjleii were
til no cut nnd difponnl of and the mill
wim not ciipuhlc of tilling the demand
for inoro.
N. A. Tye, the Chi new merohunt
who wn formerly in huciuet-a iu
I'rineville, Uu n lel'er in the Orenmi
:rtn hint Kridny written from Hon-:
Ko iu rehitivo to Chinccp htUir. The
letter wnn uuHjueinitH consti netit u
mid wording which mm decidedly
Chincne Amcricitn, hut it ahowetl thut
Tye him grttptd the hi unit ion even in
it lietter way than he U capuhle of
expretfxintf the nitittcr in Knglih.
The H leti cluh him U'cn oiptnixed
and i renadcii nnd concerts may ho
eAptrted now at any I into. (uite an
enlhiiMii'-tir meetintf wan hold at Mr.
0. M. Klkiu'n residence lust I hurwlny
n i nt; and definite plana mude rtv
Kh rd ing tho nrKrtiti ttiou. Home tliir'y
intPipntwl person were, present nrd
Home hoIiu woik toward iniurc ttr
mngementu wna done. The cluh ex-
petittogivea mucicul inside of the
next Mix wecka and i u trendy prnctic
iutf on several chornne. Auothor
nieeitng will he held tt-inorrow night
at the rewidence of Mr?. C. I, Wiiiuok.
Thia week linn seen ahout aa largo a
niunher of ciittleineit in the city an
him hep n present hew for a conider
utile length ot time. Tho notion of
circuit court Inouglit many, hut the
major port (on of them cinneinto town
to attend the tupntinif of tho cattle-
tueim' anwK'iiition. It ia tho general!
opinion expnwed that the cattle in
every part of tho country should he
wintered if powihlo in o:der to coin
i mi ml good prices next spring. It ia
thought that if the market ia glutted
thia fall tho prevailing price next
season will not Ik much iettcr than
they nro at present, and general feel
ing exirtta that evrn in the face of the
price of hay every plToit should lie
made to keep an many cattle ofT the
market na i poHxible during the next
four or live months.
For good photo mid photo tlmi
lcn4,tgo tn Mr, W.egmid.
.Itiilit wim ovit f i oui liin D'wlmlm
rniii'li 1 1 1 ix wiik In mli'iiil court.
Tito liiilio Aitl Hoi'lcly will tiioi't
Hii" wirk on 'J'liui'.iliiv nffoninout nt
tlio liiinii' ol Mm, (,', W, Klkiii",
Mirnt A ri tut (lorow mid AI r. (hplui
II ')tl will Innw nt r t nook for Hun
Frniifioo whoti' tin')' will npi'inl tlit'i
8 II Huntington, n proiiiino t nl-'
lorni'y of Tli" D.tlli, in in llio oily In
proitoolilli wvoiiil t!,i'i'it tliirllig llii'J.'lill. I I.) mm mo miojiti, 't oroiian
ITownt lonu ol uiroilit toilit. Hlii ling " Tlio pimltir eioplianiztil
C. II. Krit-kwin i In tlio-oiiy fiotu
l.ikotiow toiitioiiil oirt'iiil cotii I. Ho
will loiitt' In nltoiit n wtfk for bin
1 bonioHloii'l tiour Kliitinilh FhIIh to
iH'iiil tlio winter.
Tint lntfl pro'Hinlioii for piloting
on nilk to lio loiintl nt Mm. Wiogiinu"
gnllory. Hn'tit-ry or pbiilogiinpbi rr -
I prtKlii.'ftl on ttilk itet'klii H. ilk biiiitl-1
: koirliit-lit, olo. uiib mliHlio clt'itriio.i
i ill overt' tlo'nil.
M. It. K. Iligg, of Harbor, M
Iiilbnr ol County Jtiilgo. M. It. "'Kl--. ,
jnriintl iu the ritv llio lirnl ol tho
work lu hiiiI week with lii" ion.
. Mr. Iligg it Hinle Si iuttir from bin
jtlt'triot iu Miiuot.rl.
V, If, Yottng tiiia jiuri'liHttti tin'
llil.u'kmiiiilt bImiii lornn'rly omi! hy
! t;. II. Hw,ilhy hih! U i.rtMmriHl tu do j
,; lii.r-hia'iniiHid l'imiithI mmv woik :
I . .... i
or nil kii.iiK t iw lum-Bt pru-rx. ynivk ;
mid M,uiltictory t ru'o in nil liutu of
lilurkfiiiitli w.irk utmianiwi. I
Thi- im'inUitof the V. I'. H. 0. K.
K-vu h hhimichI Humhiy ovt-ntHK.
'"fiiilMT I, itt tho I'limn clnirch,
, HoiiH' xiKiiil imtnU'r lmw Ui'ii iir
j Milled mid thn pHvrnm wilt he one
of I he IkM. A C'li"cthm will be tuk
ini for tin' jjtiir.tnc of raisiitj; fuitdn to
! iurchnm' it new orpin for tho church.
W. II. llolliiiriht'iid wu iu (he city
fnmi lliu Jttwlmid runcii tin1 Iir I of
the wwk U nlierd court, Mr. HoU
liimhcud h.-ut iiiKt U'ttum-d with hit
fiiinily frtHii the Vill;inu-lt Vulley
hl'n, ,l0 M ,Vt''l,-'-',"K t -'f,P hel.l ,
w l,,,B' tl- "Ullv 11,1,1 ne
hop ci up are good auu Unit (lie prico
LH'iug iiid fur theiu when he left uaa
Bid I'ercivtil wn m the city Mott
day frotu 1'ailey where he has Utij
WtirkiiiK on the I'ai-dcy IVst iii-e l;;nt
May. Mr. I'ereivttl a.iy he dot? not
think liriMXK) nil! cover the fiom
the the
which hort-etl the hay and
(til Bill If III lilt l.'lIT flfHIHUtlll j
.... ii- -i i
mar-h. r..Ktnri' land mi mile.1
. . ... !
ililir nil" imiiim-u "tyi huh iiir iiinn
oiiini'lt'tt'ly th-ttr.'tt'.l.
T. H. Ilinniil"!) tviot Iniiiotl up con
nitloriilily iu it iuti:tw;iy iiooitlonl wltioh
oootitroil Itint Kiiiiihiy :ifti'!ii'iou in llio
Willow ("rook h'fio. .Mr. ll:iinilion
wii on hilt w.iy fiom rniit'vilio to
Willow t'riH'k In viitit bin litniily toul
when noitr hi-t ih'.-tiiriti,,n tlio Itoriii',
tonk lri;ht uiol run iittny. Mr. Ilninil- Two fioitiht tomin, lo.nlotl with
ton w:m th-'own Irom tho hiKny ontl lu-b.tiiit to F. M. 1'hritoiuin ol
lutlly hurt. "Ti.o ltij!y win wrrt'kiil,' ciilvor l.iiko, imesotl lliroiilt llio city
hut tho lior-t-K rM',inst injury. Ml. !tu winy on thoir way to tlio
1 1 a tu i 1 1 on h iiijiiiiiti nro not wroiin'nt Slnuiiko. The two freighter, in
ftrttibpr A tirllatiHtrul.
Tho school npitirtioiiincnt inntle
Dot. 6tli iiiVMonoh tlintriel f 10 county
fund which in tt incrnwo of !I0 over
bint (Iclolier mill 1.0(1 por ntiil l.ito
funil. liolow U Kivon the ernct
Hinotint iiiiiorlitmnl to eiich ilistriot
uftor tlotlucting tho rtmount ihte the
PUt. No. Amount.
1. ...JI4G 4(1
8 48 (XI
3 80 44!
4 80 0.1
5 112 00
0 75 20
7 . . : 62 IK!
8 80 00
II 121 00
10 102 40
11 102 40
12 128 00
13 105 0(1
14 112 00
15 50 40
17 108 80
18 n..... 88 00
111 137 00
20 27 20
21 08 80
23 75 20
24 59 75
25 80 00
20 8:i 20
27 40 00
28 : 80 40
211 51! 72
32 35 20
88 00
34 25 (ill
35 54 40
30 80 00
37 Mi 00.
38.,... , G7 20" Mrs. I'ilmer, of Cordova, Iowa, says:
40 , 33 CO "One of my children was subject to
4t 52 80 croup of a seveie type, and the giving
42 f2 40 f Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy
43 , . 40 18 prom ply always brought relief. Many
44 ,. 140 80 mothers in this neighborhood think
45 , 100 80 the same at I do alout thia remedy
4fi 41 74 nd want no other kind for their
47 70 40 children." For sale hy all druggists.
. . .r JJ I .
New milliner Tnkr l Wrh Uvtti
Jlt'i.Z, V, Coininorfottl, tint now
piiflor of tlic Prt'itliylorinn ohuroli, nr
ritttl In tliot'ity limt 'I'litiriilny moin.
ing, nntl wiin grt'ott'il nl tlio olittroh
on Hniiilny with gootl niznl coitgroga
tioiin. Ho prt'iiolit'il in tlic tiiorni ig
from lli li, loll on tlio ''Aniimlo of
"iirint Totvnitl llio Knllior." intlionting
t Ii it int thi'liiloK ol t'liriit our biiHiiifitH
lo .lionl.l bo to ib. llio will of (M
In I hit t tt'itii.g tlio toxt win Irom
Ibrilollowiiig ibuuglil" "ii Cl.ii-tifi
inlliiofcr: lli.t, tho itiiptfuilolily ol
not buying no iiillui'iiu wo nil hiiie
win iliot wo will or ii -t; H'et.inl. mnoo
wo tlx liiiiiitt tto nro to fliirit "hn
ligliN, iiHi-lon'ly inul ooujttuiiily;
tiiitil, o itro to ubii.e in the tin rk
pl.iot tlio ttoilil wlioro wo are noeil-
'I bo now
l,ito of O
I Vi,,
IllitiinllT OOIIH'II to tlio
' Ironl tlio itynotl ol
wlnre l.o Imff liiburotl
iniih'o Lrtiuliiutiiif from the Mi Cormiok
TUelllKlll H,,inry it. 1'JOI. Hoi.
.,,llfiai.. of the Jltitniltoii Col-
h'ge nl Cliiittin, N. Y. clwtn of '118,
uotl U'giim hi woik In Ji inevillt- uti-th-r
fitvonthlo oirciimlitnootj.
The pin n nro in progrewi for it
lt)tifti! new clmrdi rT tiio miir'
i!f wliirli will c)t ovit It
i to lm loi-au-d jtwl frtht nf Hie public
"l" "l UiililinK, and ii ciiciiitmtHiife
!. . !llt 1.. 1 I. "... .. II 111.1.
vvrmt,t w,,rit u, ,u ll,n " ll"
tl.tMihK-tiirt mid m.tliitiHin the new
i'r hrinnn to tho work, thy mw-
jitctn fir tin; church nn: hnp't.
A inkling of ihu iiiciiiImT' of (lie
church mid coiii;rci;jitioii iK culled for
next 'fhui'd.iy uftcnmun t 2 oVIook
f-r tin- mriinc of lit'iiring rcporif it ml
ininniictiiiK mch hiii-incri fin limy
comi' heft re the meeting.
The pf.Hor will jneiicli nt Bend
next Hond-iy Imth moiuing mid even
4'hftmlterlttln'a f'auuli tleiHrdi'.
, one who U niiiminted with it
k(k1 qllI,iitj,.K cm he ion jirUed.; it the
pn-jit jHtpiihirny of I h'iinlerhiu) V
i'tiiijili Kt'inetly. It not only curei
C'll'ln and jjrip effectually nnd peroia
iicnlly, hut prevents them dipjieg
from reMiliiiiK in pneumonia. It it
aUo a ccrtitin cuie lur croup. Whoop
ing Ponj;h not diinj;erons when thin
remedy a given. It crntjiin mi
tiiiiuni or othrr hnrmful iohitaiice
. . .
,n iviiy Ma iu nil nuuii, 11 is n.ov
ileii8:int to take. When all these
' , ...
fuet ure raker, into con?uletiition it 1j
imttiirprioing that people in foreign
hinds, as well ax at home, esteem thin
remeny very highly and very few are
i lulling to take any other after having
I once used it. Forfale hy all drug-!gi-tfcr.
laul Mliiiniii-iiife I'eiillnue.
clutrga ol V. 8. Kolmiy nntl W'nn
Johmton, wore currying 10,000 pounds
of tlooco And had boon seven tlaya on
the way with a distance of sixty-rive
iiiitos still tu traverse.
This is the fifth thiclt Mr. Clirin
man has made this season. The Inst
loud (Hissed through here the last of
September nnd weight d 40,000 putind.
.Mr. t'hiisnian slill has nbo;it 2fi,000
potinils tin hand tit Silver lake which
will bo hauled to the railroad its soon
as the freighters can make the return
trip mid load.
Ilrltrr Tbllll Pitts.
j The question hae been naked In
i what way are Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets superior to the or
dinary cathartic and liver pills? Our
answer is They are easier and more
pleasant to take and their effect is so
gentle mid so agreeable that tine hard
ly realm that it U produced by a
medicine. Then they not only move
the In wels hut improve tlio appetite
and aid the digestion. For sale at 25
cents per bottle hy all druggist.
t Ktttrnr Nilre
One two-year-old potted heifer,
branded N on the left hip, and capi
tal T on the right hip and right
shoulder. Strayed from my place on
Willow Creek. A rewind of for in
formation regarding the whereabout:
or return to me, v
J M. Hknki.r.
(h'ixzly, Ore.
iTIrtH)' jtluihrrN ofM l.llif Opinion
Acre with wtt nix room cot-
Up', fifw tnirn ond nut
ruiililitiM within one mile of Trine-,
villw. Aid" MiO awn iii'nr new town
nt Lyf on IVrtclmtca, IiKjinre of
Ham (Uh.uka.
I'riiMnillc, On'g"n.
in a m it i u.
tn tlii city Vo(1iic(!h,v hoimi, Oct. 20,
Kdgcr T. HUyton to Minn Hnrah
Jeaiiiiottu M trk nt the hotito of
tho hrnlt 's hnt!icr Win. Marks.
Thy oe'omoiiy w:in poifonuod by"V. ,. W. Comimtrfor.1 ol the,
rbyt!riim cliurcli. Alter the pf.
& ' ':
coiipie ,.H ,r ..ehaiini, to v,.,t .,
... , ,
l'H)nerenotinejilfiilfi land under ir
rigation ditch together with one-
eihth intureKt iu ditch. AImo i'A)
ncreu of Irottom land, 80 acrej under
cultivation, nil fenced, tix rom ho line,
ham and outbuilding. Will tell
txith projMjrtieii at ft bargain price,
Addles, The Joi'KSAL.
Ed Allen, if you do not mil and re-1
hem the wwgon you left nt my plnce
onorhefore NovchImt Ut 1903 the
-;iiiie will lw Hold for clnirges,
V. E. DuniiKX.
II;iy Oreek, Oct. 13, 1103.
New Smith Premier typewriter,
White Sewing muchino, cooking stove
nnd kitchen iitemd!.", mid nhout 20 j
thoroughbred Plymouth Rock chick
'nn. Also complete set of Encyclo
pedia ilrilt'inicii. Inquire of W. T.
Eoyle, I'oindexter IJ,iier Shop.
Buyer for a few good timber churn
;tt JflUUtleflch, pnrtie nniH well. Ad
ilreeu, 1. (). Box Ah'l, BHikne, Wash
Lumber $IO Per M.
AflerJunuiiry 1, 1903. we will
11 liiinlH r at our mill on the
Oehoco 'for 410 per M.
Hawkins liiu.
Wfttk Horei lr Hole.
Mri. Naomi Salomon has n team of
heavy work hniea which she wishes
to Ml at a harg.iin. Fee her nt Salo
man, Johnson & CuV store.
Kbol tuu tar lf.
a new iti, lmmn.eriws,
giiitgc, 32 inch harrel, full choke, 2
inch drop, with gun case and rehnd-
ing outfit complete. For sale at i
hiirgaiu if taken nt once.
Address X, The Journal.
NttllrD of Dinkohiiion.
Notice ie hereby given that the firm
of Smith A Kayler has this day dis
solved partnership hy mutual consent.
All billa will he paid nnd collected by
E. H. Smith who retains the busi
Prineville, Oregon, Oct. 1, ltH)3.
E. H. Smith.
E. W. Kayler.
A Prlnevftte itlorvmlln llufn)
I'or aic.
N. A. Tye A Bros, wish for private
reawns to sell their prosiwrous busi
ness in Frinevilte. (JorreniKUMlcnce
solicited can show where business has
(mid giHMl proliu in the past. A good
oening for the right party. Call or
address N. A. Tye & Bros., Prineville,
Oregon . m
When You Can Buy a Heating Stove for
We have a fine line of heaters at prices to suit everybody. The fol
lowing are some of our bargain s: A nice air tight heater, small size, suit
able for bedrooms or small sitting rooms for $2.75. Larger size, suit
able for larger room, $3.75. A handsome air tight heater with caste top
nickel plated dome and foot rails, with top draught, medinm size, $6.00.
Larger size, $7.00.
These are only a few of the bargains we are offering in stoves. If you
need a stove it will be to youn interest to inspect our line and prices before
buying. We will Gladly Show You Through Our Stock
whather you buy or Hot, We Also Have a Complete Line of All
Kinds of Stoves.
In fact w hen you are looking for good values in anything in the Gen
oral Merchandise lino don't forget to call at
SaEoman, Johnson
We make a practice (if frequently going through our Stock
ami collecting ODDS and E.N DS Goods which we have (lis-
Continued llllvilK and (lostiro tn clnue nut On tutoK irmu tlm
I . . ' . .
'n:"" '"-3, ur oojeci uein MJquiCKiy aisposeni me
'quantity on hand.
Commencing oct. 16th
Close out price 8
1t tjountl. Clore out price '40 centf per pound.
i OOM)E.V CROWN RAKING POWDER Regulnr Price 60 centa pr
fHnind. (lose out price
Dont Overlook
Slianifeo, Orcgron.
General Storage, Forwarding
Fireproof building 100x6(X) feet, 150 feet two stories in height.
Special Attention to Wool Grading and Baling
for Eastern Shipments.
Dealers in Blacksmith Coal, Flour, Barbed Wire, Nails, Cement, Lime,
Coal Oil, Planter, Snilphur, Wool and Grain Sacks and Twine,
Grain and Feed. Highest price paid for Hides and Pelts.
IStock Yards with all the
ities for Handling Stock.
Agents fr Wmco Warehouse Milling C
Mark iiootls tare
...Hanufacturers of and Dealers in...
Lumber and al Kinds of Cuilding Material
For C A S H Only
Incorporated 1003.
Drugs, Stationery and House Furnishing Goods
. , h
we will not be nbl to furnish
SOAP-Reguiar Price 5 ch a bar.
hare for & cents.
3. centr pr pound.
These Prices
Latest and Best Pacil-
"Whit River' and ' Datte? Patent" flour.
f "S. IV. Co.
& CO.
8 Co.