Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 01, 1903, Image 3

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Mrx, M. Wit'Kanil Ik line Into,
I'l'IfMIM' (it MlMI'tl I ft Ml II Mltl"MUl
Krll.'y' Hindi. i,
Cut fitte mi ilnitc iind elite k lur
t(Ml renin mi (lie ilulhir lit WlnitrliV
JmM 1'ntiiM't' wim In l.iwn Mum nwk
(riHK III ItdM'tl rtUlVI' I It'MflMM 4-H
Tltit tiiMt itittnn itilit 1 1 in )at en
liiiHtit iiirlniilH ill Kelly' dIimIio,
KlKllk til I'twl lt'.MH'I. Hll H
riliievillH vinllnr Tui'M'liiy,
(let your nlitH'k fur leu et'iiU on
llltt ilnlUr tit WtlitH'IcV
1.U.1.W Hliirt WnUl In nil kmiIiw
HI hi nt)'li4 itt Hit lull till, Jullllftwlt & t'i
Yuiirih uitUilrv cnhjeiit lit iit-
ti'Hi( lit Wlimek'.
,' 'l ilt fitllMMItf Ol)Hliit U'llll'tl U'l'l
til Hmiilt & VUhW
fut whi'ii tliHiiM, (HiKfl ilMtr itml
ttlhiliw . In A. 11. I,iiiiitin A t'n
HfiiwMii'il rttwlit itiitl lit Hiring en it In1
fuiniil iHily tit A- H. I.i)iiniti A Vu.
Kimh'Ii Cjiui nml wife, tif HinN'M,
wire trmi.ietiiiK luinincif hi llmolty
(Jw. W. rtyiihttyr wnit n tiitMiicwt turn I In yd ml mwh Thiirw
tiny. x
The Inigeat HiirlinMit t( limiituii
iver tm'tiglil t Pilitevillr, will almrt
ly iirrivtt lit NYimti'k'j,
1. A. McDimill, u( I.uwiT Crimlm,
mer, wii u IMiteville Iiiimiipm viaitur
MnmUy, i
ll'itiiely nnl,) it i tele landitiiino
nml pretty nun iiihiIu ritliti' nt Kel
leyV iluillu.
Itt-gHmiiiK with iiniitli of Oc
totter u full llni ul ItiUlerirk I'n lt ri.
t U'liiin'k'ii,
J'M Wiuiltint wim in from til Cul
ver rtuii li Hrilunliiv h, twilling to nw
(h mutter.
A II, l.liMiinii reunited from
it bii.iuia. and plco-ine hip In Purl-
tlllil Wlll'lo ho Il ia lit'l'h ltr ihe pliat
l.'ii (In .
Dr. II. I'. Ilel'kimp left nil Humbly'
aiae lur I'liitlnhil ulii'in In' will ul
ti'iul I In' luceling nl llii' Hi nil' Medical
AitH'illli"ll, Ni'M'iiiiiii returned Monday
frit u Tumi cri ck where lit hi.a ln'fn
annoying fur A. II. I.ylr during t In
ninl week.
Hiss Mnry Hulonum left Hui'diiy (ur
Malum, where hi' u 1 1 1 ulli'iiil VYillnin
I Itt I mi v-i il y during I li mining
w'liuul ji'nr.
Mm. W. 'I'. Fugle It'll, t It 1 morning
(nt it d' dnva viml nllli hrr iiirt'iitii
Mi , and alia. Montgomery, nf Istwor
l.'ru"ked river,
Frank Hciine Iiuh relumed from n'l hui a t ri 1 1 tit Allniny, mid will
losttmc buying llnilirr t'liiiiiiH Inr It.
K. O'l'-liri.l A Cn.
Mnv ('"dii'tt, tin' I'iliii'i'illi'-Mliiini-kn
al rit iiiiin li ll Tiitwlny lur ln
limni' In Hlimiikii ulUTii nlKirt I'tini
mvii In I lit- city.
Win. HnliltT, It'll Fritl ty lr I.nki'
C Ily IHlillK. H" I'HIKH'U t" !'
cum' 'ifr,il Wfi'kn iiUi-iiilini! In Jiii
I'll. inn" inl'ift in lluil ni't'li"".
OI)inii'i nml Kn.U'Mi Ifyili1" nl
(i Ni'll n Ojitii-r lliiuni'. I'riviilti ilin
nig riKHiiH fir Intliiti, mill nil other itc
oiiiiukIiiIiiiiiii ( it IIihH'Um ri'itlnMiiiiil.
r,irlii'kiintviii(! t lift ltT Inilil'l-
til In A. II. l.iiHiiilll ni A. II. I-ip-
Will Mumm, who ImhIhim eniiloy
nl hy K. H. Ilnlilw'ol l''i r OuIhh'o
Ini it yi'nr ni"l, n In Iht city Tiu'
il'ty. Mr. Mumm lum mii'iitly mlil till
nl hut Ctimk ciittnly iniK'i!y mill will
Bhnrlly ImntiJnr ilii'iiim'tn niiiIcr hit
fllllllf llllltltt.
Mm M uni Vil in !! 'fji il , i n ci in i j hi 11
Willi Mitriiin T'ilili'lnM nml fiimily,
It'll the llml nf I lii' wifk lot Miw Vim
tliiiiniil'it nini'll I lint mil"" nlmvn Urn
c 1 1 1 1 1 ci . . After api'iuliiiK it flmrl limi'
tht'rt' the urly will t'ltj iy nil nillinx HI
Oili'll nml D.iviit luki".
(li'iiiitnClri'li'Witii in llni nily Htlnr
ilny with ii limil nl (('ii thIiii'ii Irimi
Ilia riini'h, Mr. t'lreli'V Inn Cfi.'tlili.h
t'll ii'niliili n ni it "liin vi'ftitlil""
minor hi nl it in' ir,ilililt Unit muni' olii
hi. .rinliiriii will liu t'xhil'ilttl nl ill
Hi. Lonia titiitnilioii.
K. F. llnnK", nl Hinill t'i'y- "I"' '
purly "f t'Huli'rn mil wtnle mi'ii li"
mint up in thu I'millim f iry f
week iikii, ri'lunii'il Mnniliiy ulmn
linrtl triii ilniiiiK wh.nli lli"y K"t I"
on Iho tliwrl nml were without fi"l
Tlif purty led dir Ihwlmlm.
Mr. Clay A. Hiiiipniit, who lint Im-ii
n ImiK cntilliml In tnu Imiimi hy ill
ww, wm nurtwitltl)- mirprimtl nml tie
linlildilly fiitfrtninnl Hiiinlny pvt'iiiiiK
hy lii. Irlcnila, Mr. nml Mra. llnrier
Hiitl uninpiitiy, whn ili'voli'tl the even
itiK In nit nnl mil""' nt Mr. Himp
atin'a liriine.
lU'iijiiinin KIu'mt,I una tlnwn Irnin
hia iiiiifh itt t'uW HprhiK Hi" l"l "'
the wt't k. He fiilllt' tire lint in
the t fry l'"t nl cnllililinll 111 thill
aecliim, hut lluil lliero ia plenty nl
liny In curry llieni llirnnsh the inter
leislinit lllnlitlia. limxl llut'k alliHititi)!
ran be tint ill til t vicinity thia lull.
W. C. Willa, ul Uriuly, wna in the.
city Tnnailny nml Wiilneatliiy trntia
iiftltiK liiifinew. The JuiIkd reKirta
t mt4 ! Thank.
Mra, Katlie KiirilHWintll wialiea tu
lli.mli ihe tiiiiny Iririnh (or their kintl nml eipreaainn tilaynipntliy
dinii'K the illnwa nl her iImhumiI I'hiW
Muttie, 'I') r kintliieaa will neter
I;jtilvttt"tta WnMittj.
, Not ice ia her hy ni'fii tlint tin
llJrtmk County tliilileiui'ii'- A-aiaiin-
tinn'a ill I linn will he helil on
Hntiniliii, li tnlier 17lh nt Hie eouri
hnimi' ill tliia city. Iitipnrliilil limi
in aa will eoiiiti hefiiro lint tin't-li 11 k
nml nil nicniliera nl the naanfiiiiioi'
urn rupieatiii tn Ihi preaenl.
J. II . (liV. Hicii'lnry,
htf Rtretf pnaattl through the city
tntliiy tin Ilia wny liiime to Binvcr
Creek frntti Iho KlImrtH emiitry. He niovinff to the latter place
anon heiiitf, well iiuprcaacd with the
Future nf tlint titiiiiitry.
T M'ftifliM II Ulay l altrertti J
Xntice ia heri'l.y Kiveti llnit neither,
the pnaiiiflict! nnr the Mure will lx'
tcpt tiieii niter tlitrk. 1'iirlie deaii-1
iog to mnke plirchaaea or In ace tiny
mciniH'ra nt ine imiiiiy Hiier urtl lliiie
.hoiiltl Clinic to the. Ini w mill tnnke
thcniaclvca nml their wnnla known.
Otlienvi.e the unilcrij:iietl will not lie
reiotinihlc (or nny rii-ka titketi nr iiuy
couai'ipicncea whlcli limy lnipan.
J'iiin T.Vun.KKV.H, I''r.
Adillliau tm Ha
(!'iilnty Hiirveyor tirnvet Ima hi
liu.y Ihepnat wtnik htyiiiji olf HI bloelB
"I irnierty on the enat aide ul town in
, Incily lota. Thclnnd iKiloiiKa to Hit
W llhlllli tteVnlley nilllOiiactnle Mnuill-
nin Kinid eomiiiy mill . inrliiilea the
went luilfof thermal truck.
Kiitlitiwnhlia'ka, which will lie uactl
im n city pnrk, will Ihi Inid o(T mid plnt
loil. Knell block will lie 2WI (eet tutinrf
with 1(1 loot nllny nnd 80 fiait ainrta
The Iota will be 40 by 112. The I I
aimeycd will be known aa Addition C
null naaoon n plntt til will he put on
thennirket lur nile. At orney Elliott
willlinvetheiiintiiigeinciitof the una
lirnperiy, mid juiltiin)! from the preeent
ileiiuiiid Im city lot" there will he n
In irk di.pi nlol tberenl tatnte.
Pmievllle Mwn Drlvr IIU I'alllt
fcotilli i HlHumlll l onttl'.
& Co. uiiiat nettle. Intcict ! Hip In inc.lciid evil ii liiirniiiK i.uc in
hla nci);hbiir! He anya they
wmit aetilera in tlutt vicinity, It'll Ihe
old rt aiilcnta object tu ome
ol the nielhiKla now Winn uaeil In get
I!. W. Klkitti l,mt Hntur-
ilny friiiit llurttey cutinty where lie
Inta betitt priMttt'tlug lur mineral.
All cut pricea utt tliuga uitd it cheek
for ten renin tut the dulliir nl Win
in'k'i Itev. II. ('. I'httk ill pnnt'h nt
Willow Creek rlutiiliiy, Oct. 4th nt 11
II. Ml.
II you wmit In Im mi tbo awiut, I uy
u Miti liell wngou ol Hiiliimon, John
'Hut Jk Cn.
J. I.. Ktwer nnd Juhn finfinnie
were buaitMiaa vi.itnra from Ihnehiilea
I hi. Ural ol Ihe week.
M. II. I'.iwrll nnd wife reliirued
Mniidny Iroiti two week'a ylit with
Irimida nml rrlnlivea in Klitumth ooun
t .
Tltnae whit npprtH'iiito nit alnnild
lep itilit the reception louln til
Kelley'a atiulin.
Huiitli .1 CW k Inn n Ihe fitinoua
Olyttipin Ilntlleil Heir lor nle nt So
renin n r laitlle.
Hiihiiuoli, Jiilinaun & t o. hitve atillle
ginnl vnlnea ill Indica wind mill llccte
littetl tinilerwenr.
J. 11. (liny til l'pier Cnmketl river
r an in Hie city Hnlurdiiy trniinniling
Uoitnil wlitmt hay lur anle.
J. 0. Itl'HIl,
I.iiiiioiiIii, Oro.
Will Wilriwt'iler nnd Intnily irlilin
ed home hilt Thurtdny eveiiing (mm
tu fitjiiynble trip tt vnlhy poinln.
Ihiya, II ymi wiint" n nice nwentcr
lltln full, you will Iind the prt'ttietit
men in town nt Hnlomon, Ji.Ihk.iii Ji
Cniiiity (iiltiiniaaioner M. II. Powell
nnd wile nro viaiting rehiluen In Jnck
tin county,
W. ll.Htiinln ol Deneliuten win il
the city the lnl ol week tmnniictiiig
W. J. Wright nnd Artlier Senra,
both ol Hnwiirtl were in the city Hut
nrilny Iritunnctltig buaiiira..
II. V. Wlllioit lelt thin, week or
llenver creek where he will lie employ
ed thin winter by Uco. Noble.
A. II, Lippmnn Co. nelln beat
J,innceil Oil for IKI ccntn lr gnllon.
Pioneer whlto lead nino centn per
J. H. Temtletn left Biindny niom
itig lor Portland whore lie wi'l be the
next two Wfttka Rttindiug tu buainean
John MeOortiiiok lelt Friday U
the Maury imiuiilninn to make flnnl
nrritngenienta to iruve up
Hmith 4 Cleek now have the Intnmin
Olympia tlrnnght beer Inr mile, fit
cenli it glnan. That'a the plce to get
giitKl lieverago cheap.
MeniWra ol Prinevllle Annenihly ol
Artianni enn nlwnyi Hud the necretury
ut the PoindfXter bnrWr nliop, where
Ihey can pay their du.
ehargitl iiml c.ll.i' tin nil necotnitt
I. K. Winnek ami wiln ol fan
Uiegn, Cnlilnrulii, iirrlvttl iilnewliiy
lorn lew wtvkn tiait with their mi
I). 1. Winnek. the tlriiggent nml hia
Imeil)'' . .1. I,. MrCtilhrh linn on exhibition
Ur. M tvi. u.,1,.1 il hiiiiinrniiher 1 1 ' the window ol hia jewelry ntorc n
ia biiay now ihitaturniiiK out work lor. tiH,k county poliilo which waariiiaeti the hay. lltncprice ni ine inner i
her ninny cuatiiiuer.. Hhe.licila new wil hoot any irrigtion. The point., too high they will drive noutl.
menaiirea 10 ii.ehea in length nnd lit where pr.cea ate expected to i) more
itiehea circumference and wcigha Intir reintonable, nr where Heck buycrn can
C. J. JoluiMin, of lliin city, in com
iniiy will, hia brother, W. II. Jolinaon,
nnd Dell Dibble, the two latter gentle
men lioni Hilver Cleek, arrived nt Sil
ver l.nke butt TuiKibiy with n land of
about l)0 cattle from their' Hilver
Creek rtinchea. The Johnmiu cattle
nro nil becvea, while Mr. Dibblo haa
nearly hia entire burnt ol aloek cuttle
with him.
They will mnko Silver Luke their
hondipiiirten lor n nhort time unlil
nonieihing dcliuite i known regarding
trniltt hiiwcver tintl giiiitniileen ant l
D.ieti Cyril ol Hialera, wiin in the
city Tmnl.iy. lie lella tin he will
lain liliitu In I'tinevilhi III nllelid to
the repair work in Mm. Cyrna'a jewel
ry aline.
The iiiiuimuin attendance Inat wirk
lit nnr public. aibiMila wna IM. Thin
la only thu third week nnd it ia
thought that the entnlliiietit will noon
exceed l.'nl.
J. II. Cornell, the St tilt I'rairie
.luck tun it. led Monday Inr oulaide
pullita in the county where hit will
liaik over the cattle munition, prepara
tory In buying.
Iiunda. Ifwiia rained on Iho Rend
rntich near Culver nnd ia only one out
ol ninny ainiilitr mica in the crop.
The Aniiileur Athletic Aaancinlion
will hold ita regttlnr meeting tonight
in Ihe high achool ronton. Owing to
the mnny bunit.eai feulunt which
will lie prcacntod to the meeting a
large nil nttentlanre na pnaaible in de
aitctl. Arrnngeiiienta will In) nitide
fur aiiilnble rtaima Inr the nrganixn
lion nml every member in urgeil to
Tho fnree conntly written recenlly
by Edilor Lawrence ol the llcnil Bul
letin, ctiine near ending lit n tragedy,
Ilr J l id ...ri.reine incilical I 'W 'Inya nller tne npprmiire o, tor
nil the CniUtl Arli-ana will Hurleaipte in print, i ne einei netor
Rilitnr rli-liltt-lit, ia aa.ll to l.nve nlren
tioiialy tilijeelttl to the eiwle nnd atnge
aettiuga, but we have been uniible to
len.n Ihe extent of the . leaiiltnnt
h in our city next Mo day, OcluWr
"ith and will liclureoil that evei .g ill
at the M. 10. ehtircli.
Cniey K.iater left Huiiilny for I'nrl
bind where be will viail lelntiven mid
(Hi nda lor It lew weeka. He exnvln
nlau tu Walla Wnlln nnd l'ciijle-
ton Wfure n'tnriiiug.
Joe Coinha left Mnmliiy lor Ilia
hiime nt Jt liu Day. While heto ho
Imught tpiile n nutnUir nf Wcf entile,
but fniletl In nectiro ns ninny nn he
J. II. Vaughn wan in the city the wiiuld have taken had grower torn
it ul Iho week tvilb n uagnn hind willing to accept tho pneen ho win el
ite luuutl. Their nctiou was iniiile
niretuMry owing to the prevalent high
pricea in the Silver Creek diattict in
Itnrney countv. High pricen for liny
prevail there, nnd unlike thin nection,
it is not purchnanhle nt any price na
there is ubnolutcly no surplua.
The next iiii elieg .if Hut I rineville
Alliali'lir Athletic Club will be belli III
the liclkiiiip Hull Ihurnilay evening
Oct. 1, nt 8 u'el.x'k lor the piir(miie of
electing oKiceia mid making tinttl nr-
riingetiiciits itknit huilding mid flp-
pariitua. A full attendance of Ibc
aignera to the (Niarter Liiit ia tlcaired.
Lumber $IO Per M.
Alter Junuary 1, 1903, we will
rII lumln-r at our mill on the
Oclioco lor 110 per M.
Haw kins Bnon.
A 2t0 acre Dcsehutea pasture with
A no 1 gritan, fencetl nnd good water.
For particular call nt the Journal or
address II. J. Palmer, Iteschutes, Ore.
Mtliifflrn I'nr ftttte.
.1. W. Bitter, of McKay, lias a
choice lot of cut shingles at his Mc
Kay Creek mill, which be will sell for
$2 per thousand on the ground,
Prlnevlfle Hrrratitlle. llHtlnraa
far Sale.
N. A. Tye 4 Bros, wish lor privnte
rensnnn to sell their prttsjierons busi
netin in PrineA-ilie. Corresioiidence
solicited can show where buniness bus
paid good profits in the past. A good
ogiciiuig for the right party. Call or
address N. A. Tye 4 Brim., Prineville,
Oregon .
ol honey Iron, his .ranch near Milch-
He di.lHi-ed of over ftOO Hilllids
the two tiny, he was here.
J. K. Morris, the merchant, haa n
$'2IHKI line of men's nnd toys furnish
ings, which he will rlose out tolow
coal, You enn llntl noino genuine
l.iirp.iti" nt his,
Warren Brown was in the city Sat- j the Prineville Land 4 Livestnck Com
urday visiting IrieutW nml nlU iiding iany nt Muddy, nn November 1st, to
to biiuncan matter. Ilo left the llrat ' move to Prineville. Mr. O'Niel nnd
ol the week for Willow Creek where hia two brother nt Prineville bnvo
lieia touching the lull term ol acluiol. j recently purehiixed a Inrge stock Inrni
.tout 12 miles Ironi that lilncc, nnd
fering. Jih whs liiiying on the basin
of f 20 lor fat cows, which ho contend
ed wns the highest price the ninrket
would juslify. Several with whom ho
miked biiainrs refused to let go
Harney County News.
C. C. O'Neil'a ninny friends nt this
place regret to lourn that ho will re
sign his position ns superintendent for
Ueargla Harper Camparif ttfr-
tube Prlnerllla' Treat.
The (ieorgin HarH'r company rr
rived in Ihe city Inst Thursday nnd
that evening uteiiiil a week engage
ment Hint has Wen all nnd more than
they claimed. In fact the company's
work haa la-en ol the highest order,
nnd hns been considered a rare treat
by the largo nutliiuces lurnishwl by
this city. Miss Harper's work in
Cmnilto was especially commendable,
but Iho diuYrctil purl she took dur
ing her engagement bete have clnsid
her ns nit nctress ol tine attainments,
and Ihe best ever seen in 1'iiiieville.
Her support wits unsunlly si rung, and
the work of tleurge Dietrick in ninny
ul the leading parts which he look
wa equal In that ol Miss Harper's.
Tho company is by far the best which
bun ever presented a play on the
I'rii'oville stngo and a return next
waaon will be eagerly looked lorwald
to. Ihe opra house was rruwiinl
every night, unit Iho same smu aiuu
ences tiro nssuriHi the eonipany if it
returns next year.
Buyer for a few good timber claims
at $10(10 each, parties must sell. Ad
dress, P. 0. Box 482, Spokane, Wash.
Don't forpet Hint D. P. Adamson
carries a complete1 line ol school
text books, and school supplies at
reasonable prices.
Tbli tlfrQ&ture h od every box of tbe genaloe
Laxative tiromouiaine
Sbn nuuedy tht titm m voUk tm tM
0AI.U3tl -"-r":r
STEEL RANGE will 1at a life time, properly handled
and you'll say after using one that the price paid was the best
investment you ever made. We carry a complete stock and
invite an insjiectioi). We say unhesitatingly that tho MA
JESTIC RANGE is superior in every point of useful
ness to anv other.
Sliariilro, Oregon
General Stoeage,
Fireproof building 100x600 feet, 150 feet two stories in height.
Special Attention to Wool Grading and Baling
for Eastern Shipments.
Dealers in Blacksmith Coal, Flour, Barbed Wire, Nails, Cement, Lime,
Coal Oil, Piaster, Sulphur, Wool and Grain Sacks and Twine,
Grain and Feed. Highest price paid for Hides and Pelts.
Stock Yards with all the Latest and Best Facil
. ities for Handling Stock.
AstU for Wmco Warehouse Milling Cn.', "Whit liiver' and Ballet Patent" dour.
Mark Woods fare of ".S. W. fo."
Mrs. Ralph Brown ol Hay Creek i
accompli lied by her mother Mr.
lie lVrcival ol Portland, arrived Fri
day nml will visit relative and trie mis
in our city for the next lew week.
Dr. Taggiirt, the oculist, i slill at
hia old Hand, the l'oindexter Hotel.
Kon't go to the nocturia peddler fur
your glasae but go to Dr. Taggart
who euarnntra his work to bo tbo
O'Neil Urn, tiro huilding line
brick warehouse just buck ol the Mil
ler huilding that will bo K'rliii the
finest warehouse in the city Mug nb
solutley fire prsif. The measure
ment nre 28 by 6:1 lent, ono story in
on hia
I'lilvor lleiun.
he will devoti his entire time and at
tention to tho management of this
ranch. Anteloio llornld.
While thero hnve not been many
trunsfor of tiinlairclniinahy Prineville
claimant recently, the city linn been
tho stunning nlaco of inany timber
buyer lor the past inonlli. iCastern
firms have had lepresentative in the
city who have not made thenisclve
generally known. They stny but a
abort time nnd then lonve lor various
districts where they aro busy looking
over different tracts of yellow pine.
It is expected Hint considerable buy
ing and selling will bo done this full
and winter.
C. F. Royal, ol Iho linn ol 0. F.
Noiico For Publication.
l.iin.1 Office nt Th? DalK Ony..
St',.ti'lniM SO. lwn.
N"jce is lii'reliv Kl'ven tliftl the I'nll.iwint;
named ...-(tier rashlt'd ntiltreol Ins iineiiti.'ti
to make tiiiiil insii in aiipiirt of hi. cluini,
slut sail! nroof will lie nii.!e Max
l.ite.Meniall, I . K. L'.nn. t Anbloa tin's"!!,
on Weillioailav, X.iieuilier 11, t(lj. lit:
i.f llav ('trek, Onyon, II. S. No. 10372, fur
Hie N". K. l Section 15, Tji. 11! South,
KaiiiC II Ka.t, W. M.
It.- tiHi.iHH the folh.wini: witniuwii tn pr:ie
hi. coiitiiui.ilw resilience upon anil cultivation
,.f mi.l Isn.t. vi: Klir Yaucy, ami Harry
Keellim. Iioth of Hay I reek, lint;., in.
Sunn, of Lamnliia, ainl l'ul Frmik, nf Mini
um, Oitxnli,
...rianufacturers of and Dealers in...
Lumber M al Kinds of tuilding Material
For CASH Only
Incorporated 1903.
Prugs, Stationery and House Furnishing Goo d ,
Mr. Kd. Bradford, Ihe milliner, will ; Kl)yil & 8(ini .10 m, n pri,.villc at
have a runitnngo anle next hnttmlny nt
which price will then l a seennd
eonaitleration in get ing rid of lints
now in stock anil in oilier line. Be
sure nnd attend.
Wantkd YoiiNii mkn to prepare (ur
(Jovornmont Positions. Fine 0ion
ings in all Department. Oood Hal
ariea. Rapid Promotions, exami
nation oon. I'articular I roe.
Iuter-ttate Cor. Inst., Cedar Rapids,
I. Siii-jl 1
the time the contract was let tor the
building of the Ciwkiii river bridge,
wa awarded a similar oontrtict in
Hot days, cold nights, and sickness
in the Haystack country.
Mrs. Wait Mun.l.'iil. nil is quite ill
and not expected to live.
Little Cnrson lloll'mnn who has
boon pnite ill with typhoid fever is
improving, and is out of all danger.
John Peck has arrived home from
Gilliam county where he has been
during harvet.
R. A. Merchant ha purchased Hie;
W. (1. Rogers property at Culver, and
Mis. Merchnnt will reside there during
the winter and school their children.
Mr. Peck nan Mrs. Yerrn Merchant
took a flying trip to Tom Tucker's
after tomatoes. Ml. Tucker has tho
finest tomatoes that have been grown
in this country lor year.
Quite a numtier ol resident fri-m
this part nnd the Willow Creek Basin
mnde a hurried trip to The Dulles last
week to file on land, timber claims
and homesteads.
Dr. Olmstend, Supreme Medical
examiner, will give a free lecture at
the Culver school homo Tuesday
MiWMf:--Ev-';MiyttiWir a.-i;...iri
When You Can Buy a Heating Stove for
Marion cuunty last wtvk lor the build- (evening, Oct, 0. We ho(ie to sec a
ing u! a bridge ncfoss Pudding river , full house to hour this noted man.
the cost ol which will lie 23'.m. J. II'
Tillolson, who was given the contract
for building the bridgo in this county
also nitnle a bid for the work in Mar
ion county, but hia contract wns .'i00
higher that of the firm to which the
work was awarded.
O. G. Culver hns arrived home from
Cuo county whore he went to attend
the hod side ol his mother who died
Inst Friday, Sept. 18. Frank Osborn
looked alter the business at the Cul
ver store during Mr. Culver' absence.
We have a fine Hue of heaters at prices to suit everybody. The fol
lowing nre some of our bargain s: A nice air tight heater, small size, suit
able for bedrooms or small sitting rooms for $2.75.; Larger size, suit
able for larger room, $3.75. A handsome air tight heater with caste top
nickel plated dome and foot rails, with top draught, medium size, $6.00.
Larger size, $7.00.
These are only a few of the bargains we are offering in stoves. If you
need a stove it will beta voun interest to inspect our line and prices before
buving. We will Gladly Show You Through Our Stock
whather you buy or not. We Also Have a Complete Line of All
Kinds of Stoves.
In fact when you are looking for good values in anything m the Gen
eral Merchandise Hue don't forget to call at
Saloman, Johnson 8 Co.