Croolt County Journal. IM'm.HHRH Kviri Tin waul nv THK Jul KXAI. I'l lll.lslilNci (U t'nl'VTY OlTICIAI. 1'AI'KR. TV Jul HAI. in mmil ill the Nt.,rtln . I I'riitet ilh-, ilistt., Ir timt"tiil"i'ii UiomKh I lit (.'. H. niitil w nmiml uinllcr. Sl'KSI'KII'TIOS RATKH IX AllViNCS lr Vul . Nil ,M"rHH . . . i'HhKI M "XT Ms fl THURSDAY, SKPTKMHE 11 17, IHltt. HKLl'll I'm liriilp", littli' the worse for wear In he sun1, hut never mind, I'm a hrid;:c. I tand very lamely on the west side o( town looking down on Crooked river near Si Hodges' feedyard. There in something materially wrong with my system. The doctor told me yesterday, after an examination, that it was spiral maginiiit), or some such term as that, but I am strongly inclined to believe that it ii nothing more or lea than a case of general debility which han become chrome. Some sixteen year or so ago the city fathers manufactured me out of a fair grade of pine and stuck me up in the air to withstand as beat 1 could the cold, the heat, the storm and the sunshine. Kver since that gala day men on foot, on wheels, on drunks and every other way have perambulated over my stomach and cut their initial? in phautaslic designs on my arms. 1 don't coniphiin. 1 never have in fact, I'm spoYliless. But a fc weeks ago a heavy load of merchan dise gave me a severe jolt and one of my slat (a Boating rib. that is) came Ioom. and now swings peace- fully up and down in the wind with everv lillle jar that shakes my frame. That's all. Puring these many years of gallant service I may have accumulated considerable ur-s, but I've "never been found wanting. I will some day. however. My nerves and tendons are all un strung and locoiuober ataxia is likely to assail me at any moment. Then look out! That's a disease that takes one away in a hurry, and when it strikes me I'm going to quit once and for all. I may not lie afflicted with it this week or the week alter but my system is getting ready for the innoeulatioii pretty fast. In consequence sojie . thing is going to drop. It may be myself, and if it is. something else is going to drop with me-pcrhaps a load of freight and severs Miorsea. Watch me close. In the aiean time will not the council give rue a prescription of some kind to tone me tip? A complete renovation, as it were, would not come amis hut I am willing to accept -mall favors anything which will pre vent me from going to piece- and reducing maybe someone else to pieces at the same time. insiging of this section as bring' The negroes of Boston are luiik ! sag;- hrn-h and arid soil. ft is ing verv slighting remarks iiboul ! probable that iheir ideas will be j Hooker J. Washington. Tnereap- After January 1. lillU, somewhat reversed after a thought-: pears to be, considerable color in i, " 'umber at our mill till assimilation of these fact and ' I itVllOcu for 1H per M. fi.MIMW which .e Iieitlo ..).! l..r... i II VWKIVS IlllOS.' Lumber $lO Per M. will I If ly before the public. Thi- niagitifi-1 cent campaign of statistic should , go a long ways towards enlighten-1 ing uie outsiiie world ot the re source in the interior ol the stat a Kii'tion ot Oregon which has been swayed and buffeted by rail mad chimeras for two decades past. Hut even these detailed article are not hkelv lo put much life in the coffers of railroad capitalists. i..i;.. ......... i i .i... . ,. ,'. , . I'eciallv in a land maxim can be applied in a plaster . ..' , .,. . . ' 1 i 1 Inflation faci ities liailmad hubbies keep reaching Us, but whether il is little hnv j ll.irriman who thus amuses lime iself, or some unauthorized press j agent, it is difficult to tell. They float serenely however, to their in j tended destination Central Ore- igon where the populace twelves j . Kilter, ol McKay, Inn i them, comment on their color, and j choice lot of cm shinnies ni Ids Me. itlm end the incident, liailroad ! K"' riwk ' ho ill fell lot talk is like all other, cheap, hut it . " the ground, t'urllelil, A 2MI aoie IVseluitcs p.iMnrc wiiti A no I grass, Icnectl tind g.Mnl viatei.. For pnrlieulanieall al Hie .lournal ol II. .1, Calmer, IVseliuicv, Oio. shliiali'h l'r NmIm. i take to buy whiskev, cs of poor trans to such men as llarriman wilhoui producing any appreciable results. The almighty of the 0. K. N. has said "No" and he is a man of monosyllabic speech. He is no more likely to say yes than is the official forecaster at Washington to make a correct prophecy of me weaiher. mice said with i Simpson v mm la none, ami that ends it-go I elsewhere. L 1.t'' S,,'lv"r !,ml jf" sirl''1 j lor loos v where .Mr. Culver And Portland in conse.uencc j goes to siv his mother who is dan must seek in other fields and close! gcrotislv ill. at h....ip al Tin... m-.w ..-I,.,.. I l00 j I 111-1 some 4'Hlrr lletM. .l.w Meudeuhall and wife were visiting in this vicinity the last oi the week. Oiner Cyrus started for Shaniko Saturday for a load of Irvighi lor Wilson of rrineville. lrltivvllli. .rrnnllle Hlnra Vmt iRir, N. A. Tye ,( lli.. i-h t.,r piiuitc reasons ui sell I hei, pr.wK' l.iisi iicsa in Prineiille. Corn'uidenee solicitil can show where luistness Iiiin paid good prol'us in ihe past, ki.,h1 o.uini! for I he riiilit parlv. fall or address N. A. 'I've A Hi,,.', Prineville. tl'egou. Ilnnek Vnr KM. ' t'onsisling ol IlUt aeies, l'.'l nere fenil. 40 B.-ies.of good lue:ld..w, Mi acres of gxsl yellow pine. House ami tmrn iiinl other iiuprnveinenis. Fine soring wilier, niion.-li (or all il nimhon. bivaltd on Marks criTk near tlie 1. ! ItAXK STATKMKSr. ! I!)m1,.J Uu I Wili ( Thr Hi, I .V.ili'i.ii.i fLiiift, in fYiiit-rifli', in the 'Sl.iU ,iflny,m, u I., ,'fi i. I..oo,r.j, Sfll, !, IU0.1. I Rlwn Ki'Ks: I lmila I l... W .l I ll..', ..viiif I iiii.I la.ll ll II.1 I . S. H..I..I- I., .mi.,. ili.i.lli... I'o'iiiiiiui. in. r. s. iiii, j Sl..k SWmllln. !.' lUoklnu ti' ii.v ...itiliiir nml , li,liilv. j ln Iimiii Nall'.intl llanl.4 lint I M.irvi' Aui.l! tltlff fn.lli Stale Hunk, itn.l llanki'is ' thw Iixmii Aii.i...-tt ni'l p Hjr'll", tlilt1l lieivimp .Ului 1'lnvk. u.t ..11.,'r e:wh ilt'iin . j NnlM M otlwir .Satl.'nat tlankii Kii-ll.si4l .iNr e.iioiu'v. nL'klt. ami (VttU ... , HI', l.lWfll. MotKI liKstlOK ivH.ini., Il! I Sarl,. i;,,.H l,iial a.4t . . U.tMl UI.,MIIH I , S. laTlil.eal.'m l..i li.-.l.'l...l..n fl.n.l Ullh I . .H, Ti'r S", ..I I'tu'lilali ml . . Kit ll r.'.'amiin :ti.i'"n: i;.,'!.- mi In Nothing ban ever npiallrd il. Nollilng ran ever mirpam Dr. King's New Discovery nal'WIeltlN a.... IIIOllMltHd t.Atlll 'III. 114 Wl-H-W A Perfect for All Throat and Cine ! l ung Triiiihlcs. Moi.ntMiiklf U(iU. TrM ttclllM If. Subscribe journal. for the ) ...Now., HAK13RY and IX'NCII HOUSE Mrs. Nellie Hriggs, Prop, A Specialty Made Of I Inu lev Cruain,,, L In Ills' lliilltllng. I'orinurly tivciiplcd qy Mia, McTiiggiui .HIK.lli.1Ttl' interior Orecon was 6 tjla llmaliiiT la cm rrr hoi t( & aiiulaa Laxative Bromo Quinine t.i,i fc tvawdT Ihtt rwrni a cokl In 4aJ M. llenrv Windoiii i.,l ll I, A ...... . ' N'C'ir i.laiv. r'nr lnrllier inft.r. sanguine of'tr.,,,,, i....... .K.,..w...i ..( , malieil call at Ihe Journal olliee or (Uiek results in the railroad line. ' their wheat at the granary at $1 .(HI j 4mao.i., Mitchell, Ore. mat was during the period w hen lr ou-nei. the country was infested with nun j IVrrv i;,,,,) s,lvs nwUtm bearing the I!. U. C. K. brand, but down as soon as his crop riens. tint annual hegiras of civil eugi-1 We think so, provided Mr. Head neers soon plaved them-elvs out '"vited the neighbors lo help him took years lo do it. I "'. '"em. j A more pessimistic view is now The Hoffman A- Uog-rs Ihresher: taken of sletd rails and lies The ' 'ill move to Willow creek where! summer outing parlies of railroid ;'"' exiect to linish that part of, .iii I 'be threshing this win k. Thcv ' survevors are looked upon as a' , , , ,, ' , . , ' ,, , , win then move hack to llavsiaek josh; needless to say, ihe latter L,,,) t,rc-h the stacked grain.' Their ' has a solid foundation. So it goes, thresher is averaging tivenlv-two Portland is spreading herself to ' bun. Ired bushels of hound grain a display to the world the resource-, 'lay. wealth and varied industries ui interior Oregon, but so far ha. done nothing herself but spread. These all essential moves oi raising the capital, the will, and way have lieen thoughttully omitted. Per haps this is not a f ault of Port land s nor a rettiirenient to be demanded the public will iinLe during the next few cars. In the J Mr-. J. T. Faulkner was in Princ meantinie the metroK.lis ot tlie j vilic several days ta-t wia k altend statewill hold her fair. Interior '" '"'-""' matters. Oregon will send her products and ' Mi-- Lcallia Suiilh , of New some go to see it hy stage returning bv'f"k. visited with Mrs. Klintr the s uue route, then during the i ''l:,rk -cveral days Inst week, tuiel which ensues will sit down! p,,rIleV Walkii,.-will leave in a tu talk, argue, advance tbenrits and lew days for Soulheru tliegon for WAIT. j an imleiiuite stay with relatives. I -lolni Price. Kl.ivd (iilehri.-l. Hur ley .Morgan, liulph Holgale and othrr- have been cmiagul in riding for e.ittle ihe past two we. k-. T..UI I.IAI.II lilts.: i .ill l.'k In .'llll. (iiii.I Ili.l.n. u. t .l"lil, li'. rallM nml lull's i wuit . '.'1 V et 'IV N,.li"iial U.u.k ii'.twi ..iil.laii.tii. 4, 1' o Hi, li.i.liii,l. iini.tiil li,i-In ..lli.-r Nall..nal ll.tiika ... ' I.I.mI (Ii'hhiU Miilin-t to I ii,.,'k . .mi'ism tVuiaml it-iltli,.tli-s ..( tt.'iKlt . '.',".'. :A T.l iai s, hum STATU tlV ulir.ilUX.t 'wt: 1'u.nilv ,.f t'ti-.k, I I, T M, lltn.wis. l'iul.W ..I tl. lo. tianiisl t'nk, .l h.I.'i.Iv iwi-.ii 11. alsor alali-llii'lil i truf t Ov.' Is'.l ..( nil Uim UsIbi. ami Mi... T, M. IIAt.lnVlN, raal.let. O-Ndl Urns.' OYSTER HOUSE I'.. I . Illllil.S, MilllllMCI' Good Meals and Rooms Miller Biiildinjf, Prineville, Ore Ron KISIl AND tiAMK IN SKAKON HltHAH AND PIKS KOIt 'I'lIK T11AHK SPECIAL RATES TO BOARDERS rUlH('riK.l :lli ti.lli ..iy ol .t. 1'O t, J, J !Ml i ll, ' r.'HKWT tlft' II I I K'H HI t' KV W KimfK M, ' H. V, , i.i k, ) lUrit'tort. ynitig to Ira Ha wli'v iit--n"l. ; ll.'j'IMHT JSiMUl. Klnier I'inrk th fiace WK II A VIC SOMK. , A ting hitched to a lawn mower j stopped pulling to bark at a pa-s- j erby. The U.y who was guiding! the mower said: ''Iion't mind the' doir he is just harking for an excue to rest. It is easier to bark than , to pull the machine." It i- easier! CK.VTRAL oP.KiiiiX RETItOS PKCT1VE. 1'aul Delaney's descriptive articles of Central Oregon, apiiear ing in the Portland Journal, are likely to astound some of the west ern residents of the and in cidentally a few railroad official? who have herctefoif pictured the The most of i'ic farmers are lin-i-liii..' putting up their second crop of alfalfa, which, when completed, will end the haying season for this year. The Mis-es Christine, (lih.-on, and M .r..i,.ril.. l'..v t. Il to be er'tienl than correct: .a,i..-r:l.r tlmr-day for a few days to bark than to work; easier tojst.iv with relatives ami friends, burn a house' than to build one.! Christine's .-i-tt r lio-c is ex easier to hinder than he helpful, j I"'''1"'1 "' r''lllr" v,lU tl"1"-ea-ier to destroy a reputation than Mr. and Mr.-. .1. Morgan and son lo build character. Faultfinding ! '''-"' left la.-t week for The Dalles, is as daneeroii-as t s easv Am--1 " '"'" "- win iiiiiki- ineir Inline body can grmiibb easv. critiei-e censure. '1 he young man who died recent ly in X. w Voi k City while -ir.ging a soprano ' where thcv will make the future. use n il iieonle "r;have made maiiv wiirm friends during there ,-tav here who tlcenly j n gret iheir departure, Mr. and Mrs. M. Carson have re lumed to tl.cir l.t,,.. nl r,,t,...- probably killed ; .,(U.r exten.led visit am rein. several other i-Tsons with the 1 lives and frit nds. same snnit. Vivian. rarv jinnounctmtnt 7)o Tjhtir fritntls Alter nearly live years of following the fasoion set by nrlier people, we are going to hreak iiwny (roll the old nil and set a fashion of our own. 9.nty far Out frit nets. We have a prosperous business ami intend lo share il with our frienns. Ztn IPtr Celt 2our Purchase free. On and after Sept. 1, !i:i, to each purchaser of one dol lar in in any department except Paints, la'atl, Oil nml Dr. Sheop's and Dr. Miles' remedies, wo shall prc-elil ii tag uoml lor ten cents in trade. VA 1fort y0 5,W, ZA, 9or 2on Jfav. Just slopand think what this menus to you. II you buy a bottle ,,f medicine paying for it one dollar, you still have ten cents due you to apply on any other purchii'c you luav desire. If your puri base uoioiints to live dollars, you will receive elm ks to the n moiit of lift y , 'enis to apply on any other purchases. Hut ihe nirchase must amount to one dollar o .inlitle you lo the additional ten t cent. 2 our Credit Si Sood. Hut this is not the only change we are making To those hiivini; approved credit with us, we shall continue to . extend credit in Ihe fill lire as in the pisl, with this differ ence. 'Di' count !our SSill, jfd Save 9oney. All accounts are subject to a discount of ten per cent ' in incrchandi-c if paid within thirty days from date of purchase or are subject to a discount of live per cent in luerchantdise if paid within sixty days from date of pur base. After sixty days net. Jou 7tfucA Cam you Save. At tin) end of four months due and must be nettled by ca.-h or note. We Want your jfdoice, We shall hi' pleased to receive ronitnentN on this plan iiom our many Iriends and cust iruers. Can Xive jfnd Succeed Without friends. Thanking you for the many favors we have received from you in the past ami hoping for a continuance in the future, we are, Vour friends, 24? Winnck Company 'Druggists and Jfouse furnishers Since issuing the above as a circular letter the price of a few patent medicinus have been cut. We will meet all cut prices and in addition give the check for ID cents in trade m the DOl.I.AI!. EflWaMi jajpj 2 N. A. Tye and Brothers Boys' and Youths' Jack Knlfa Shoe, A Haor Steel Jack Knife With Kvery Pair. All Site and Widths. Price From $2.25 to $2. SO Per Pair. We Also Have A Full Line of Mens' Shoes. Also Ladles, Girls and Babies. CLEARANCE SALE amna aMaaaa aamasaa avawMsaavaawaaMsiasaaBlsBasBMiaMBaaBBBavvaiw Of our Su.nmer Hats at Cost in order lo make room for our New Line of Wilder Hoods. Flies carry cculagiou into your home. Tanglefoot catches 1 I hem. N. A. TYE and BROS., Merchants J piacksmilhing That Pleases l The Kind You lid at j. ii. wh;i.i:s (H.ic'nuiHtr lt) couM-rrr & klkixs's A Stock of Kit i in Machinery alw t son baud (gggS(gS)gK$KS(g$g(5g$$)gE II. Ml r : , , . :..-.j3ag'""'Tr:::lR7r!Ta You will find IllCVCl.l S of all koikI makes ivf'SHiPF'Si Ka in hi crs. Imperials, Ideals, and many others. A goid line ol llieyele Hunilries AT HIMl'I'H. wsvvs0 I Big Clearance Sale OwiiiR tt) the Larue Stock of Fall and Winter Goods Constantly arriving, our store room will he overcrowed And In order to Get More Room I or the New (iiiods, we are compelled to throw all Our Present Stock Of Shirt Waists, Straw Hats, Ladies' Goods And Many Other Lines Into ONE BIG BARGAIN SALE THIS SALL WILL CONTINUE IN TIL ALL AKL SOLI). IVCICHIEL & CO- ..AUCTION SALE. -Of- Pure Bred Livestock ...Coiitinting Of... Shorthorn, Hereford and Jersey Cattle, Cotswold, . Lincoln. Shropshire Sheep, I'oland China and Chester Whit Hogs and Standard Urcd Trotting Horses. ..OREGON STATE FAIR.. Sept. 17-18-19 Cons'ii.'iicd by such jioteil hremlerK in. Charlie K. I,aild, W. O. Minor, John S.arkis, llazolwood Farm, Alex ClialnierK, W. J. Towiiley, .(. Ii. Sliimii, J. Matty, I). II. Umncy, Charhn Cleveland, I'. A. Frakeft, C. Jt. Wilde, II. Wel, J. M. Atkin, Hon, I!. Scott, A. .1. S,isiwi.i, tletniie Chandler, S. (irigrhy, J. M. Flaherty, Tht. II. Ilruuk. For information and particu lars virile M. I). Wihikim, S ecretiiy, I'nrtliind, Oregon. Col.. It. I,. II, Auctioneer, liunceton, Mo. WATTS MARBLE 1 GRANITE WORKS Watts & Baker, Props. Marble and (iranite Monuments All Kinds of Stone Work FIRST CLASS WORK AT LMYKST PRICES Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon Daily Between Prineville and Shaniko HCIIKIiUI.K Leaven Slianikn, It p. in. Arriv.' at Prineville 0 a, In, l.eavc" I'rineville I p. m. Arrivemit Slinuiko I a. in. First Class Accommodations J'. 9forrt's i I Sonera Tljerchcinciise "V- an . n i 1 t . . , . m nits wen kiiiiwii csiiiijiikiiiiiciii is cloariiiB out a kTi; (El-'IKK) ntock of nictiH' ami 1 toys' fiirnisliinirg in order tto initke room.. You'll find ninny linrp;nin among W them. Talk is cheap but if juu'll villi nml insitect ourw S'gooilH and prices' You'll find them Hjieitking fur them- W a; selves. W