J LOCAL Clinilcy Kindlay, itf IWItimw, wa In tin- city Htiiuliiy. Ki-llcy's photo lire II Ml clam, Clarence Kt'fjctCMHi wan in town Haluidny from In home at l'ol. I.imvIm MeCallinler, of Hi-di-m, wan In thecily M nttliiy, tram-iitlinj; huiiiirmi Tim faiunim Olympin ln.ill.il lici-r Mt Hmlili ,V (MiHUit. Frank ViiintU and wife vert In (In city Monday from their Vein or'k home. I,atllea ) r'Hi (iihhIh in till prude ninl prettiest puilerua at J. K. Morris'. J. I). It iriiiuil wiiitlti tlx city Mon thly from tin' Cninplnn Hamuli) uti Willi. w I.ilIi.V Hliirt Waist In nil ynob' mill alyli'i at Halo i mi, JhIiuhum A Co Paul Frank, of Oriruly, Hint a 1'iillr- Villi I'llnilH-K vUttllf till! In At llf (III lJuii't foffii'l tli" Full race, com-l)tiii(-iii( Oi'inlirr 27lh ninl litKliiiffl me lillVA. Ir. K.O, Hyde m il family returned Tliurml.iy Itom mi outing ut Ml Jflltrm.n, IlittMll ili-iMt hihI Will Wl'IC III till city raliuday Iron. Hour hum.' at Cold Hiriiit I. Michel Imx junt rmdv. d linilltl lU'W lillO of rdiorn fur both Hexed, (!ti In ninl in"rl them I'rof, K K. Orion and family atrivid home Tuiday (run the valley, where they iii'iit thr summer. Win. Wiyle loft VmUy for The !tnlle, where lit) will tfft a load of Iniit ft r hi Chtok county etutomer Win, H.H'jjli and Hluve Yanrpv re lumed Friday with their (..milieu from it tr.p to tin MrCalliiter (mil ranch. I'.T. Uti.val.nl On U'tval puny, contractor of H;iK:m Coin ih in liriit'c the city looking up county building. A. II. Ltppman & Co. sell best Linked Oil lor W) cent jut Rnllon Pi-meer w hi to lend hi up wnl Hr pOUIld, (liMitgp Kehleehl, thr popular Hcnd iiMknM'riiimi, wiik I'rineville vhn ur Hutimliiy. He report Heud dead- very ili'Htl. W. A. ll ll ud Umily nml Or. II. V, llelkmip ami two mm, left Tuemlay for tiMi il'tyo rot-miting trip In the C'rtM'rtllt'B, Mm. M. It. Klliott nml daiilitrr Aitmn rt'Innifl ThnrMlny from n vipit with Mm. Klliott'a father, K.(i. lmltrr of Cmm Key. For nrrvni thmin, piiiu-l (Iihiih nml wiliilowi go to A. II. Mppinmi A Co. Mm. J. M Dnlton nml family. John Hcrwimml Frank riipjicn-Nl, uonl thimiRh thu city Humhiy cnronto to Hhnuiko, Miu innic Wimlom, of H tynturk, in In tho city vUitint! fricml. . Hh will ihortly h-nvo for Milton when flliu will uttoiiil nrhool. Joint Itamltf itrrlvctl home Wtilntn day Irojn hi trip mutli, Iwviug rt tiirmtl l.y wny of I'ortlniid' Hv ro portu n phwmnt trip, Hmilh A Ohi'k now hnvc the fumoui Olympin dtiuight twr for v, Ht 6 ocitH it gtiw. Thiif the pUco to (;ot K giilHl llUMTHKO, Cht'lip. "Ho i mi aitiU in hi tine." Thii U Biiid "f Kt'lloy overy tUy. McinlHT of rrini'villo AwwmMy f Artimum ohii lwy Unci the leorrUry ut tho I'olndt'xler tmrhor ihop, where they chii pay their dues. F. M. Smith, of INtulinn, was in tho city Friday on hit wny huine from h trip to the Cannula Foreat Himorvo, wli"tr hti U Biminicr'ng hia liep. W, II. Honk returned Friday from ft trip mrnth whrc he went with the Kd Wnktitkdd hnnil tf nhwp. Ho re port tho Like comity range very dry. A Brnml New Line f C-fiitV IltiU just ri'L'oivrd at J. F. Morrin They aro in Uio luteal (docks ntul uro being ooM at a finull tnurgiu of profit, J. .11. Hnith, ft MU-higftn y"K mnn in in the oily. "Ho Inui located mi tX'hocotiinlMr claim and is mak ing hi lieiid-qnaitiTH at the Hawking KHWlllill. L. Connt-ll, of The VaW hi the city Monday. Mr. Council is nn old lime Crook county reunion t, and Rtill owni a ranch on Summit I'rnirio, where he formerly had hi home. Oco. Hay and wife, of Ijiwt crwk, were in the city the tlmt of the week. They were acconipanhil hy Mr. Kay's father. John Kay, who will yoonto Bcio, where he w ill the winter. A party coniponed of Harold Bald win and Frank Fouler, of our city, and Charley Mackay, of Portland, returned Thurwiay evening from h rip to t'pper Ueachntin MiinU. MENTION. ? Tli editor of lln I'lincville Ueview id nmli't nlilipilii'iiM, wliirl, hp nrkiiuw-lelgi- piil.lii'ly, tn M rN Vi-ina Howuid fur it ImmmjiicL t,f RM't'i't pen. Portland Tt'ti-(iiini, I.. K, llnllirt, iif Crunk, Om'K'JH, lilt had a Jack at hi pliuv for lite inii-t tlney yram, Owner can -have n tt ly culling mid paying fur hi feed, .mil tint uohIm of aiUi'itUing. I here will lm a ptciiil election held hy (lie M micro Wiitiihiirii the liiot im-i'iiog In HeptcmLer to fill the nlhmi id clerk and haiik.-r, W. T. Kuoi.j.:, V. 0. Mr. Kolvrt Htiiith and family and Win. tliildwiii. Mm. Hmitli'ft hruthcr, retiiined ThnrMl.iy (ruin a trip to Alt Jeni'i'dii. U report a guial time hut hiieklelierrii' estrimo-ly nuarou, Hi HodcHiuid moii Oianc returned I Itnrwlny from Ml, JellWuni wheic they inadu a diligent neareli lor hueklehciiie, lint loic.cccded in get ling only u Imlf gallon of the finit. Julm Hteidle, of Heml, wa ill the city Friday and rvxmixn In mill run ning right alung with plenty of order ahead. He in very kiimpiiuu of the futute of l.-ffchntUH tiuihur. Prof, A. C Htr.n ge and wife armed Hnndiiy from I'inoii . The prufewor will lit ko charge iiiiuiedi itely of high iti-hshil aH.iim, and i much pleam-d wilh the edtiealiumil propiu:U of our emimy, N. A, Tye, fonm rly the i'rineville Chinexe inerchant, and who in dc many friend during hi in thi city, i now the ng.iit fur the New York Life Imuiraueo Company for Hong Kng province, China. Hmilh A Clerk have the famous Olympin Unit led Uiit for nle at lit cent iter hottle. Mm. C. L. Mhaltuck left Monday for Mlddleton, where he will viil ii r parent, alter which he will visit other Valley point and proceed to rraiiieUly where Mr. MialtuuR cinptoytHl. . Waxtkj voi sn mkn tn nrcparc for Ooveriimeut Position. Fine Open- iug in nil Ilepartmeut. Com) Hah ane. ltupiti j'romoiion. xnmi- nation nnhi, Parliculun Free. Interstate Cor, lout., Cedar Knpid, la. :)mjIL Lh I.ifollctt and wife nml (iwirgo WhitM'ti h-fl Friday for Lake county with a band of IMX) t.iornughhrcd rum from the thick of Allen A La fotleit. Mr. Lafolh tt expect to K-l them to Lake county cmttoiuei. J. C. Hu-.li, of l.imouta, carried a line tif lry (tood, tiroccrii. etc., and will in the mar fntuui cnnit a cum- mouoii store building ami enlarge hi ("tock to a complete ft ore. It in Mr. Kurdi' iuteuliou to ell at betlrock price. H M. Hniley ha old hi inlereil in tho t'rouk County Journal, at I'rine ville, to Mr. HI nek. Matt mmcd in Urn Valley on Friday morning to vhtit hi HintcM, nml left on Monday niorning for Portland. -Urn Valley Journal, Thoy who appreciate art fdiould tep into tho reception room of Kelley, Mudio. Love Itailey was in Thumday from Paulimi nod purclniHitl a load of cup- plica for the rh'Hlero oullit now tiding in hieetiou for fall hoeve. HesajH riding i general in the eastern nml central parts of the county. J, F. Morria, the merchant, has a 12000 lino of men's nnd boy furnich ingT, which ho will chwo out below cost. Yon can ttud sonio genuine hargniu at hi stoic. One him a call. Rev. H. 0. Miller ar.d wife left Monday for their home at Carlton, Yamhill county, after an exte ded viit with relative and friend in thia action. Hoth Mr. Miller and hi ut iinable wife are former Crook county'tes, and aro well and favorably known. Clay A. Hinipmm arrived Sunday from Canyon City. He spent a time leceutly at the Huppleo Hot springs, am) a s though the latter i ft good resort it did .mt tuiit hi' cane, and that hi then niotic altiictiou is worse than before hi sojourn at the spring. H, H. Davis and family accom panicd hy M is Aildie Vanderpool left Saturday for Hosehurg. Ihy will drive overland to Kugeue, and go by rail from tluve. Mis Maggie Ulaxe is takfng Addie's placo on the Review staff during tho latter' absence. Omer Cyme, of Culver, was in the city Monday transuding uueinen. Ho report threshing operation in full blast in hit section. They have two steam threshors, each wilh a crew of 2f men, busily employed. Wheat and ryo crops are short, hut there will be a larger yield of oat than ever U'fore. This is because of an increased acreage however. Mr. Huruli (Jjeun ninl daughter Mary left Hnndiiy for Mm, Oltmn'i (brooked river ranch, where they will get thing in uliupe prepatalory to taking a trip to lint Alhurln coiinlry in Caniiilii. Mr (ilcnnny that afie will take a mmill hiineh of ciillie to that norlheiii country, with which he will lf.t (he menl of (he climate, rind if all otf nicely llii winhT he will liaiiidci' her Iflding to lhal country. A lug Lino of Liulir-n and minxcM alniw juct reeeived ut U'urweilcr tt ixl TIioiuioii'h, They uro up to .lute. V. A. Lnidlaw, of Porilaud, man ager of the Colmiihia Houtherii frri gttion Company punned through the city Thum'hiy. II report n ihe ditch work pi'ogreiiig nicety, and nay they have commenced hai-k tun ning the ditelt lateiuli, Iff n I no iiyii emphatic ally that the Columhia Houthoru Kailway will huihl oulh in tho iifiir future, hikI that nome iulereliug hl foroifition regnrdiiig the roud plnm will he made piihliu n(Hn. 1, I'. Ken Iuik Ihtii appointed V, 8 Coitiiuinfioner and i now prepared to attend to nil kind of hand or No tarial btwinemi n'- Mndraa I'.mt office in Ihe Willow Creek llaun. There have heen no hid Hiihmittcd on tha county high ehool huilding. It h not oltenlh:ita$ll(XH)Hiriietiire g'N hedging for want of hid, hut it Deem iniit Unit 1 Iliceawe Willi our proposed t met lire, apparently he-ciiu-M' nf (Mir iitulitti-tl diiiilitii.il, and hiek of knowledge among out Hide coittraetom regarding the conditions here, H in pnthalde that bid wilt he adveiti'd for ngiiin. Par-tie knowing thenitelve indeht- ed to A. II. Mppitinu oi A. II. Lipp mau Si Co, inuit settle. Intercut charged and collected on all account I.avt Friday afternoon the building lur k of Wurjiweiler St TluuipBon' tore wo moved around ihe block and tmek to a place in the rear of the tore again, where it will do duty a anoilhoiiHv. It reipHnd 12 home bifidc quite a force of men to do the work, and wai watched by quite a dowd ol hystamler. Thi old build- iny ha ouitfl a hUtory, having hecu umiI for year our city CI'I;iIkM)SC, and couhl it talk could douhllef tell some interesting lories. The Allnra Plaindealer nay the Hai low show fnke hai received a roasting front all the papers along i the line of trael. They are fake of the rawest description am) houhl not I patrouiml hy the public anywhere. Silver Lake Dullelin. That's right. They are just a little the biiiuest outfit that ever tstruek this ton n, and wlints more they drew a g'HHl house Tuesday night. They will letve our lilllo city with some good coin, for whieh they gave absolutely nothing in return. They are simply a ciowd of deadhe.it. Seasoned rustic and flooring can W found oniy at A. H. Lippman A Co. a Allfiiiiili'd Nntcldn. V. H. Doak, who retumetl Friday evening from a trip south with the Wakefield land of sheep, attempted suicide Saturday afternoon by taking morphine at the Hotel Poindcxter in thi city. Dr. Rosenberg was quickly summoned and administered antidote that proved etVectivc, and the mi fortunate man was soon able to be mound. It soems that Mr. Doak, who ia an upright young man, lias long been u sutTe ir of atomacli troubles, which caused despondency and an attempt to end his life. A ronviaiil Anuayance While the little town of Deschutes ia complaining of a cougar's screech bothering them of late, we've been put ting up with a calliope arrangement that blow three times a day and would put a band of cougar to shame when it cornea to noise goI, clean, shrill noise that chases up and down your spinal column and reverberates through every nerve center of your body. That is if your're inclined to be nervous. It also disturbes religious meetings, lodge meetings, wake babies. and disturb the ick. H I hey still manufacture whistles of adisngreeable tone, bring tho worst around and we'll back ours against 'em all. Wsolgrow.r. M.clltif. The state convention of the wool growers' uspocinlion will ho held in linker City September 14-15. Many important and vital ul.jt'cU nil! come before the convention, and it is the desire of the woulgrowen to make tho coming meeting one of the most memorable in the history of the organization. There are eight woolgrowers' organizations in Oregon, and the delegates are appointed on the basis of one o each 30,000, head of sheep owned by the membership of tho local. 'Jberu being about 3,000.000 1 sheep in t lie territory represented by the eight oignnizitions, the total nnmlier of delegates entitled to seats would lie 100. Print-VIM Hnot-ba'l Train Im Vlmy Alilftlop. Pi Inevill"' hasehall learn composed of our Is-nt player Ihh aceeptcd Antelope1 challenge f.-r a M-rie (f game at the latter town to he played on.the Hi, 12th and )3th tilt, dur ing the meeting of Antelojw racing aMoeianon. 1 tic purse iir the event are fiiO for each day, and wo predict that when our Johnnie come march lug home" the I'jU will I on their inside por-kets. Now what' the mat ter with Antelope keeping up the good work and plnyiog a return match when we will want imr rnf(kt If f hr-v , ' (huicii cow nranrica n on hip. A R-vcnge, itwonldUMig.N,drt;war( mlf(r re(urn or inf((r. way to gi t it or it may be. Unit they will he the victors in the first meet and will come to our town just to "nth it in, ' However, if ihe later u the cue. they will at least know they've been in a game. I)ll ITI, it IUnitir. Jusl iih we go to press ttord is re ceived nf a serious accident in the Dixie Meadows mine. Uy the prema ture discharge of n bin s t , two men, Wyli Howell and Willis Puett, were kuoeki-d dott n and badly mnugh-d. A miner relate that nt 2 o'clock Wednesday morning the ciew lee ing in Hie bunkhousc were awnkened by Willie Puett, catting them to run to the mine quickly, a Wy lie Howell wa killed. Although badly wounded In nself he accompanied them hack to the long tunnel, where they found the injuiL-d miner had crawled. He wa lying on ihe dump, hi face an indis linguifdiahle mas of blood and tiru Heidi. It whs thought th.it the tongue was protruding from a wound in the cheek, but it U piobah'e they saw only strip of flesh. Dr. JMknap wa 'phoned for and immediHtely left for the mines, Ulue Mountain Kagte. A nitlf Minn Talk. (ieo. R.iy, one of Crook county' substantial stockmen, wire down from hi ranch on Lost creek the fore part of the week and reports his cattle in good condition for wintering. He has purchased an amp'e supply of hay to feed through the inter. Mr. Ray is of the opinion that Crouk county has been materially damaged by the bron delist circulation of high pi ices for luiy, frjm the fact that outside cattle buyer are not offering as nnirh for beef cattle a tho facts in the case warrant. The prevailing idea that h.-iy nill be $10 or higher, has caused a depivsfing effect on price f nil Kastern Oregon cattle and the effects will be lasting. Many of the hay raiser who have heretofore made a neat sum from the sale of their hay to cattlemen will find thnt they have killed the goose Unit laid tiie goh'en egg by holding out for extreu e higher price, for all the surplus cattle in the county will bo sold and only those kept (or which Ihe raitcr can provide forage for on hid premised without buying any from the outside. No dou t many who arc now lidding out lor $10 hay will Is) glad to take much less before they make a sale. I'rliierille choal 'omiucnce Next mon tiny. Priuevill Pnlilic Schools will com mence next Monday with all teacher present, and a larger enrollment than ; over before. Benideu the live public school teachers Prof. A. C. Stiange will teach the high school branches; in ihe room next the Posiotlice hriuerely occupied hy A. H. Lipp- man as a store room. An outline of the coming year's work will appear in our next iwrc. Intercut regarding all branches of educat.on ;s rapidly increasing in our county, and Crook will in the not far distant future line up wilh other Oregon counties in things mental In the past It has been necessary to send the children to other counties ' for higher and even preparatory work, but in the future wilh a well equipped building, and an elticient corps of teachers it will not be necessary, and Crook county people, should not only from a stand point of economy but county loyalty as well, send their children where they pay their taxed nnd then contri hute their part towards building up an enterprise that wilt be a credit to our cou.,ty. Tax money is not all that's neccssaiy for a high school building, however costly, can be nothing but a monument to an enpty causo, if our citizen should continue to send their children to out side schools. At Ihe P. B. Poindexter farm near this city, Snnday morning, J. A. lirown, aged 73 years. The deeeased had been a snn'erer for some time of erysipelas in a severe form, which caused his death. He had been in the employ of F. B. 1'oindeiter for a year past, aod was an nld resident of this Bection. The funeral was conducted from the Poiiv dexter Hotel Monday by Iiev. O. V. Triplett. Mrtldffiicr PrBptrtf Far mt. C, A. W'hitsett lm a four room houae with oiuhnildinM and two lota, which he will scil at a bar uin. Hee him at Haloman, John con A Co.'b store. t'mr Nfili For Kale, or to l,ct on Hhares! One hundred head Stock Cattle! I For particulars call on, or address, j J. H. McMeeu, Lamonta, Ore, nirayed Or ftiotan. (., ,, l.t.w.lr t ,..1 ... , . ...... ! muti'on of fame to Mm. Jx'iiora Dillon, I'rineville, Oregon, Notice is hereby given that 1 have purchased the property formerly be longing to the Ochoco Gold Mining Co. on rplKM" Ochoco, consisting of a reservoir and ditch, and that sheep men are warned not to run their sheep upon said property. Jons Hiwhakkii, Fruit Farm for Sale. I offer for sale ,ny fruit fa m of 100 acres, situated in the Cove, on Crooked river. There are 2000 tires of assorted varieties of fruit and a ready market for all of the product. T. F. MiiCau.istek, Culver, Oregon. Untiled. A mnn and wife, conjX'tcnt to take charge of a slock ranch during the coming winter, and feed and care for both sheep and cattle. Also to take a personal "filerest in the management of the ranch. Clood wage to the right parties. AdiJri'f8 XX Journal office. Nrhool tort:rU. .St. Mary's Academy. The Dalles, Oregon. Boarding School for girls fortieth year. Remarkable record for excellent health and successful training in every department of an Academic curriculum. For cata logue address Sister Superior. AHER Rrosh POCKET KNIVES -AT I). P. ADAMSON'S (The Brick Drug Store) for Choice Homestead Locations j Timber Desert Lands WHITE ROBT. SMITH, Prineville, - Oregon, j T-"MWlilMnill j Minimum MM SALOMON, JOHNSON & CO. i SUCCESSORS TO C L SALOMON) LADI ES--Ve Still will sell Mow the 25 Cent 20 Cent Yon can' afford to miss those bargains for the goods are all do not intend to carry over a shirt waist nor one piece WE ARE ALSO OFFERING SOME BARGAINS IX DERvYEAR, CORSET COVERS, ETC. . Salomon, Johnson VIH IHlttlJ M A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, 'Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lard, and Country Produce. "Main St. Prineville, HAHIKO WAREHOUSE Slianllso, Oregon General Storage, Forwarding AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Fireproof building 100600 feet, 150 feet two stories in height. Special Attention to Wool Grading and Baling for Eastern Shipments. Dealers in Blacksmith Coul, Flour, Earlied Wire, Nails, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, Plapter, Sulphur, Wool and Grain Sacks and Twine, Grain and Feed. Highest price paid for Hides and Pelts. Stock Yards with all the Latest and Best Facil ities for Handling Stock. Atc.ut, for Va.& Wareboutie Milling "Whit River" end Dalle, Patent" ftW. Mark Woods t are r "S. W. Co." A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. ...rianufacturers of and Dealers in... FUBXITUBE, COFFINS and CASKETS CARPETS, STOVES, PAINTS and OILS Lumber and al Kinds For C A Jfendorson -DEALERS IN- WINES, LIQUORS, imMGsrnnnni fjf A T?Q IHPOBTEU.... lVJlVO. COUNTRY ORDERS FIRST DOOR SOUTH SOLICITED. POINDEXTER HOTEL. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. WINNER DRUG CO. Incorporated 1903. Drags, Stationery and House Furnishing Goods have a few Shirtwaists and other Summer Goods left that -wo cost price. Read These Prices. OUR 14 WAISTS FOR $2.25 " 12.75 " " 11.60 " . 12.50 " " 11-35 " $2.25 " " $1.10 " $1.75 " ' " $ .95 " $ .85 " " $ .50 Zephyrs fot 16 2-3 Cents Lawns for IO Cents J;Ai Foster & Lehman (11 Ml, Pronrietnrs. Oregon. ThOfle 31. of Building Material S II Only & !Pollard new and up-to-date. of slimmer goods. LADIES' MUSLIN We UN & Go.