Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 13, 1903, Image 4

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    Techr' f:siimlnniiH,
Notice i hereby given flint the
comity wijx'rinti'ndcnt of Crook
comity will hoM the reguhir n
anmintion of Applicants forstutr
am! comity patn nt Prinrvillr,
OD follows:
Fou Statu I'ai'Kh.
Commencing Wednesday, August
12, at nine oVlock . m.t Hint con
tinuing until Sntunlny, Aujriwt lr
at four o'clock.
Wkhnksdav IVnnmnsbip, hif
tory. wiling, reading, pebool law.
Tnt'RfAV Written arithmetic,
thwry of touching, grammar, book
keeping, phycicH, civil government.
Fhiiay IMiysiology, gvgrnphy.
mental arithmetic, composition,
physical geography.
ivvn itnAY Hotauy, plane geom
try, general history, Knglieli
litemtun, psychology.
For CorxTY Papkks.
Commencing Wednecdiiy, August
12, at nineoVhvk a. m., ami con
tinuing until Fribiy August 14. at
four o'clock p. m.
First, Second ami Third tirade
VKi.NtAY IVnmansliip, his
tory orthography, reading.
TnrnMAY Written arithmetic,
theory of teaching, grammar, phy
siology. Friday (icgoraphy, mental
arithmetic, school law. civil gov
ernment. Primary Certificates.
Wkdxksoay Penmanship, or-
thovr.inhv. reading, arithmetic.
ThvksdaY Art of questioning,
theory of teaching, method. phyi
ology. Truly yours,
WlM.IAM IWi-ll,
County Sup't
The great Oak-Kel ent by Straus
Brn . of Chicaco, containing ."aal sjim
pies for nien'i line tailoring can no
re seen at the store of Salomon. John
son A Co.
Waxtkii YOVSO MKS to prcmre for
Government INwttion. Fine Open
ings tn all IVparMnent.. OokI Sal
aries. Rapid Promotion". Kianii
natioii!i soon. Particular Free.
Inter-Mate Cor. Inft., Cedar Rapid",
la. 3m-jU
You ought t fee some of the new-
creations in woolem contained m !
the great tailoring lineoISlmutwBro.,!
Chicago on display at the at( ;
Sftlomon Juhneun A Co- tall there j
holhpr rmi n thmkinp nf ordering !
new clothe or not.
When in nml of blackMnithing (r
wood work give Salomon, Johnaoti A
Co., a call. T eir blaeksmith hp u '
the best equipped in Interior On gon f
and employi only rirf-claBs me-:
Wasted Live agentit to a'll Itr.
ti-t.:..' ifi..,.i ..l ..l
. i " , , i I - i .
Jan. 1, W. (.ure dandruff, hair fall-
ing out sick and nervoit lieadaclie!,
vet cost no mun? than an ordinary
with aucoeitf. r-end Mh- for Mninplc
(half price.) Write quiet.
White Electric Comb Co.,
The Or.
Decatur, I
Marl far Hauling treigkf.
Tlie Freighter." I'nion, which; One ol our leadinc wtT-tern pliv-1 '-'"'l lt-.anl vili -.?iYt Kt-ale.1 i.i.l. mini
met and effected an organization ' sicianp on Ikmiii; interrouateil ax to ; 2 "'''!'" k p' ", ln,"'r ,0'
.,,.,111 1 .1 , T , , . nircliauftlM!fjl,,ii,Ki,.rjl, Xrhmil
the 1st of July, have arranged the ; what he regarded at the lient rem- j, t.wit:
following schedule of price for oily for all diseases that the human ! XK'4 of SW . K T. I. H It. : B..
hauling freight. From Shaniko to 'flesh l,eir to, and what is the! '' ''J;,' "K!',''
Prineville, one cent per wund. liest preventive promptly replied, I "r seii, T. w's'M "k'.', ?! )
From Heaver creek to Shaniko 1 j Portland Chili whi'kev. as I know'1"' 7, awl . In, T. ii X.' a. ,:i kVam
cents. jl 1-41 ; it in s pure hourlnin, well matured, ' x- K. Al! ..r s-
Ii,- liii ,i , ""' "" "f s"-ii"n :iinTp. :) h It.
lfla.ll i
i be cured (
If yoo tulfw from wny cf (lie f
tOSl Market . t$i tool t
Vane mm ml Middle I
from tbc etTccti at yuuiiilnl in-li-reti';i ot rx-
in nwe.rer wn. N'rvom anl I ruM. J T
lMirt7.lmMirntr Los! Miinhtod t
inaJhumuiuli atiins; rmnlorrUO-a
:j4 rfttiie,.i' J
- miimwI b.- ir'-ti-irni T
i lint rwiy KfT'ird imnmiuie t-nef Uu A
t iute. 1 fie I'.r d' rvji-t 'aic t'j "
r, tut l)jce
thai it
perform minrf;:, Mit is vV Viwwn br
ana squire I'tiyticun "'it vnrg'jr . pr
in hi Mwr ul'y-llaenaeH f 51
' H.rhllU tll'irnuKlilc 4TinHfutl ll'ilil tli
ui lii. 7
V . li"1'11 '"""if Wereur.
ur,. A
ii l.i n II r f
cetvtt.Kir ivm'U .pM;nut iilitumi.! t. A
e vi't'imrei.t" a IWJ ri IK t I.' f
Wriy eate we wi'ilnke, or Jo'i'tt One 1
Bierrt pernnallj- or bv I'lirr. Sti -i fir I... k,
"Th I'hHAnnhy of Mxriae,J
Iroa. ( valualile b' f'r mrn.)
Great MiiHciiim of Anatomy
hw is muiT'imw us virtu nunc
world. Cjhw tnd Ir.irn hmr ijitifiillv vm
mmm; Iiw lo aviil.l, and i
W ' fin'iin'nlv adiling i' rCiiiiifc. A1 fHKE. t'nTlorwrlli. t
V 1 10(11 tfvM Street. San Frsncijci).
Wines, Liquors,
Domestic and
Proprietors of the
Two Doore South of
first National Bank.
!titr tm Timber ti'tl
W.J, Wnlkor, of Prinevillc, will
contract to build a house on timbor
claims at rramimMw prior. Call on
ir fidtlrcjs him and your order will
rwivp prompt attention.
Lumber $IO Per M.
After January 1, 10tW, we will
wll lumlvr at our mill on the
(Vhoco for 110 vr M.
Hawkins Hhos.
For Sale
A one-half interest in store Imild
ing and lo , also a one-third interest
inn emu 1 1 farm. For particulars in
quire of or addrro I. F. Slewart,
nncville, Ure.-on.
For Sale
1S(H aon of land. Suitable for
farming, gnuing, frtiit raising mul
alfalfa. Good inirovpmciita. Located
n the suivcv of the Columbia Su th
em extension Hail Komi. Will pell
on e ny term, ("or irticuliw write
to F, Forkst, Prineville Or-gun.
Unit llrtp Umtlrtl.
An energetic manager for oft" ice to
W opened in I his city for large
manufacturing concern. Salary One
Hundred Hollar per month extra
commissions and expenses. Five
lltuidml Hollmi cash security reqnir
fd . Be? t if ref eren cos. A dd tvs
MiinngiT V. 0. Hox 2124 San Francis
co. Cal f.
I .si.
A sorrel maie branded with a i-in-U'
on left stifle, with a Kir underneath.'
Has a hole in left jaw HUmt hall wnv
Itelween noe ami eye. AUo a jun:ill '.
stallion, two year old. Has rih j
split, hut no i rand?. When last seen
were on the Ochoco about S miles1
above town. Reward paid for their i
return, or inlonnaliMii their ;
by O.t. C. A. I'l.INK,'
, $IO. Reward.
One bloial bay liori-e 7-yenr old a
flinall white sjmt in forehead. )u all
around, a niall mcar on inside of right
fore leg. No brand1, i gentle to
work or ride. $10 ill be jaid for
the return of the almvp descrikHl ani
mH f U rvwnrd nil! bo paid for the
rptnrn ()f t(p (J
'' BlXIIY,
Fife, Otcgoii.
Horses Wanted-
The old reliable tirm, the Seattle Auction
ant) Sales Stable. lncrortcd. which
holU pecul sales every day and regular
weekly anctioim tery KritUy. leivivehontrn.
UU on cntiminent nmt liaiice all
snipping cnan;- ami en i ttmuiiiMi or
will bitv y.-ur mitright. If Voii have
,ny nunds-r-.f brae y..n i.h to dba f
at the mttl Market priee, n matter how
f. y-ai are fr.m u city wri c i hi!! de
mrripuons ami we win lei ytm kin w nat th
nxAn amt now tliev are Mi:iug.
c-are-i-ndi nce nromutlv utswemt.
i N. T. Jollikik, Mar.
M . J. ALKKH. Aiict
I'M Weateia Af., Seattle, Wa.hingt.
A yk nderfnl Di.c,rr,.
( ...... wi n.. , p,iir ,M ill.
hrst class dealeis.
A Vt AMdrrf ill liivrtittnii.
It is interesting to nuta tliat fur
tuiiea ure fretjtiently made hy the in
vein ion of articles (if minor import
anctt. Many of tlie most jmpiiUr de
vices are tlmee decinnetl to henctit the
j - 1 le "ml Im','t l",l,l,Ii,r '"fitions
, Hinl Ollt of the Ilio-t in ti'M'ft illlf of
I ft
; tliL'-ns tliat lt;it ever hiTii invented jp
! , .... . ... . ,
I tlie Dr. hue Klectric Comli, iKilcnt
eil Jsn. 1, 'WI. These womlerfiil comlwi
: witively due iliindriitl', li.iir lulling
joiit, ii;k iiml ncrvnii ln-il;ichof ami
iffhen used in coiineeliuii Willi J)r.
I Wldte't Klectric Hair llrii-h are
I lively guaranteed ti innke uraight
jliair enily in i.'i ilays' lime. 'J'lloli
iMinl.. ol tin. i' el.rtrie coiulis liatc
l liei'ii filil in tie variiiii cities ol the
t ni'in anil the deinainl i cmi.tiilitly
j tlur agein, are rapidly
isTiiiiiing rich aelliiig then,, c In.
I They ,.itiu'ly sell mi .iht. H,.n,
The Celebrated
A. B. 0. Beer
Always on Hand.
Prineville Soda forks.
for sain pie. Men's sixo l'o Udies,
5(V halfpric while we are intnaduc
ing them. Sec Want Column of this
paper. The lr. While KlectricComh
Co., iVeatur, 111.
Deputy Stock Inspectors.
Notice is hereby siveu (lis I hsvo
)tppiitted the f"lloina named nortona
deputy atoek iiinpociora:
J. P. Cartwriyht, Hay tWk.
Jim Wood. AsIiwikhI
K. Sharks, Sister, j
A. Morrow, HaytAck.
F. M, Smith I'aiiIiim.
Koto Knox, INt
J. S, Itotftie, Holland.
Alex Moliit.-ti, Himttn
.1. P. YmiHmiteu, Hay On-vl,
V. S, Cowles, Hay Creek
Joe H inkle,
Stock IniKtor Orttuk Comttv.
.tMtltilurlr,a Kvtire.
Ni tkv U hervltv gin that th imJrii;n.
.it iw until ISth Uy il June A. I. lnVt.
aputntnt ttuiniKlratiH-f the Utt of II,
lUvkM, t- t)h Hvn. t'Miuty t'mirt i4 the
SUto f trwpn. (or t'ntnk comitv.
All (.it 'lis havtiti; cUium iuint th NOl
itate Kill ,trvMnL the Minr t litv, . r to ,
W. Ilane attmev fir th rotate, within
ni in-iiths fn'lH the tlntr -( (hi notice.
rrincille. -1 un- IMh, A. It l;kt
.nUM Altruitsii.
Hy onler of Sun'me A'inhly, all .
H'meiii ami dues mil"! lie vtil wttliiii
tin- liioitth in wltteh ttiey fall itue. Failure
to tto Mt liriuir anally of Mi-'ii-ioii tth.l
whit) iMUjM'UiM, (i hu'IiiIht, must
warranty of itihmI health Mure Iwirg re
iivtutcil. Ii i the duty uf mem lie r; lu jiay
llielr ilut-5, tmt it is im the dcty uf (he
S-ervtary to go out into the liijthway and
hy way aiit 'rt-h for Hie memhej.
Ail ukmiiUts not (Kivtnjf on, r In-fore
ihe lat tav f lln-moiilli will lie n jmrntl
W. T. Koflr. Stvrvturv.
Notice To ContrtU'torft.
"KAI.Kf MISill r hy the
truMi of tilt- Kir-t I'rehyienan C hureh
Augu-t nli. I'Kt, lor the em-lion ami
etmiiilett.m t.f a fniim-eliun-h biiil.liua at I
I'rineville. On p'li. at eortlni(j tu the i
and ei-iltfaiion!t now tm tin-at ihe KirM I
Ti... o, i.. j.i.., .. ,ii c. i .
unA a and .urtieiei.i l. itl..n
U' id.iy alter the awarding of eoiitrart f-r I
. the tjuttifit! p'n.niianee tberetd.
j The rijiiit to n-jeel a:iv ami ad b
i hereby n-rrviii.
; AM bi.N hoUt Ik- vah-d and add
j lo T. M. Italdwiu, Seeretary.
talit r Tm l anirarlar.
Scaiwl bidft will la mt'tveil hv the
County Court of Crunk County Orrgon,
uiilil .locba-k p. in. September lt, !tt, for
the erection of a bridge nrnra Crooked
I'.iter at i Miitit just wti uf the city of
I". Ore. according to the itam und
s(xt-iiiiiitions now on lile at the C(umy
f lerk'-s olfice.
All hiii- mut lie accimiuiijiit by
dejiQMt or rertllietl
eheek b.r live per cent
oftlieuinouiitof Die bid, wliieb li;ill Ii
lorteite-t to the county in ea-e the award I
i made tu him. ami he fniU.iiegleeU.iirl
refuM", for the 'H-riod of two days after 1
-ui li awiinl ik mle, to enter into the
eontraet amt rile hi- huud in the amount
rtiiiired by the County Court.
The right to rejeet any and all hid i
Kiivelt.iH-s eoiitaiiiing bids tuu-t be
inarkett. "liitl for Uriilge aeross Crooked
Uiver at rnm-viMe, Oregon.' and nd-dp---t
J. J. Smith.
Clerk off rook C.Minty. Princvilie, Ore.
Iatel thl-.Tth d;iy uf Ailinut 1!H.
.llrll.lel l.K.
Notice i i lit'rt'hy ijivi'ii that the hint.-
Aipik'iit!uiix to iinrHuf Miimt In-iihm1
ii the regular lilankti in iTwilinict with
tin; Juwfor Kit- sale uf Hchool IumiN.uihI
w-i-oiiiiiiiii hyra-li (rrh k f.r one-tilth
oft lie amount hid for a ftrtiliral? ol pur-rhii-e,
or if lull payment i muile -h-f will
No tiiii- -t ill ln-MitiTtairii-l whit-li are for
l w than ht acre.
Thi' ri'ht to reject any and all i
Applit ation- and hidf -lioiiUi lir wMreiw
el to U.ti. Urown, Clerk Suite Und Hoard,
Salem, tiivjiou. aiil markeil "A nplirul ion
ami hid o ptiniiaie State hand.
'. f. Hrows.
I'luik State hand Hoard.
I'.i t.t I tlti- .Inly V.Ki.
Hftiit-f! 1 l'ntmrlr.
.Scaled hid- will te recognized hy
the (jUKk County Hiyh Hi.IhhiI Itoard.
at Prineville, Oregon, until 5 o'clock
p. m. Auj.'tit ;ilr!tt VMi, (or the erec
tion and completion of a brick and
ft'tne Hijih Hehool huitding refolding
to tlie plans and teciticittioMH pre
pand hy John H. Hhipp, of Prineville,
Oregon, architect of the work.
All dido nitift le accompanied hy
cjodi deposit or certified check in the
"inn of .Vji).(j() ae an evidence of gootl
faith, ami no hid will lie considered for
any part of (he work cr than the
whole contract.
Tlie party to whom the contract in
iiv;iiietl will Ire rcipiircd to funijfdi a
good and Mufliciciit Imnd to (Jrook
County within ten day after the
eontraet i awardetl in the full amoutit
of the eowtract pric, for the faithful
completion of the contract. Plann and
Mpecificationii may l Been at the
Oregonian office, Portland, Oregon,
and at the County He hoot Huperinten
dant's office in Prineville, Oregon,
after Jtilv Iftth. I.KW. The right to,
ivn i nn(t hum hu toon ii nu imi.
Knvelopea eontalning hida ahould
U marked "1'niposal for High ScIukiI
Building' and uddreafwl to,
WiMiani tHgli,
Soe'y High Selmol Hoaul,
rtinexille, Oregon.
Ill the t'iieuit t'onrt ofthi- State of Ore.
gon. for t'nnik county,
Nannie IVrkiim, I'laimilf, )
Plolii IVikitis iVfemlant. t
To Philip lYrkliii, thealiuve namwl IV
femlnnt, IN THK SAMKttr Til K STATK (H
OltKtiON, ym nrv hereby retpiiml to ajw
jhiu Mint anw'r the cunn'lalnt of the
aNtve tiaimnl IMainlitt in the above en
titleil etmrt un or More the HHh day of
iVtoM, A. U., l'W. ami you am hervhy
iiulitiett that if you lail M M-ar ami
answer, the Uintilt will lake a UiTrc
irnyel for in her Coniilaint. Thai i to
my. thai the will take a ilirrve for ahn
lute divorce, for ever dw-mlv iiiti (lie homli
of matrimony now existintf between you
and the I'taiiuill. and tor (he co-Is and
disbumemcut-i of lliia suit.
Thin Monition is iublisheil in the Crook
I'onnty Journal, a wivkly m-ttsaiqier ml
tislntl at l'ruievi!le,t'riuk county. On'tfon.
by punier of M. R. tligtr", County J mice of
(he laiijcoiintv, -aid onler made at riuun
U'p on Ibe till itay of Auk list. A- K WW.
liRO. W, tH.KM,
Attorney for the I'laimilf.
hi nn.
In the Circuit Court of the Stair r Ore
gon, fur Crook County.
Kinma iMwt. I'lainhll,
A. J. t.nne, t). f.-mtaiil. )
To A. J. t-ani. the alnive uaimil IH.
fend a i it.
OltKliON. you nri' hereby hnuinit to ).
near anil au-cr tlie coiii)hiiiil of Hie
,ilnve nami IMniuutt' hi the alioreeiiiiUwl
court on or More
A. P.. liHt. and v
that if vtrfi fail -tt
i lit 1 1 day ol t let t the r,
, . , ,
an- hereby ,
avar ami au-wer.
I'iaintirt will lake a thrive
be will takf a tleTw lor abMiluti' tlivoref ,
f"l rver tli
utony now
lolvnii the tximl of matrt
-ll'luiK letween v'0 anl Hie)
titf. ami lor tht eol- and tli-btuse-j
I nn-tit- of tin sun.
j Tlii- timiuotii i
' fouutv Joiitnal. ii
Mlhlihed in the I'timk ;
weekly nettuiKT HlU ;
h-hed at Prineville, f rut'V '"!!;, Oreiitiu. j
by order of M. H. Hisics, Cmintv Jenlv of
the said county Mtid urder made al
( hamtif-i on tin- Ith day ol AuguM, A. It.'
liKo. W, lRKKM,
Attorney for the I'laimill.
In the f'in-uit Court uf (lie Shite ot Ore
gon, for Crook Cotiniy.
Clttrn II. Ilennett. t'laiulilt. i
v. J.
I.. V. Iteunett. tefcndent. )
To I.. V. Iteniu-tt, iheaUive naiiii-d I)e
OltKHO you are hereby re Hired lu iij
war nml Hinmr I lie c iiiinlniiil uf the h.
;1(,,ve)l;limn, ptaimifl in the aUvt ei.lilhsi
Court on or before the tUth day of th-toli
A.l.r.r0.l.a..d you are lu-rehv nmihetl
,m II y,n, rati Ut i,'pnr nml .n.irprf
llie I'luuitilT will take a iteenv ai pray n I
fur in her I'tiiiiphiim. Tliut intuiiy that
"lie Hill take dwrev fur tltMoltitr divunt.
fureter tliwlviii(( the Imiui of matri
iinMiy now eii-tniK lt lwn yuii 4nd Ihe
rUlntift', u;id for tlif foil- and dil.nrM
iiiiitaof Ihix
Thi' SiimiiiolM in pul'li'lietl in the I'ruok
Couitiy Journul, a weekly newspaper pul
li-hed at I'rineville, t'rk roinily, iireoti.
Iiy nlfrof M. K. Ititrg-, I'oiinly Judge uf
the said rotinly. Mid order inmle at
t 'liainlieri on tlie 4th day of AiiKUit, A. I.
ti. W. tl tratticM,
Attorney for the I'laintiir.
Notice For Publication.
hand oflW nt The Dalles, Oreifoii,
AiijfitHt I, v.m.
Notice in henhy given that Ihe followiiiK
ua met I settler liiw tiletl notice of hii in
Utition to liiftke liiinl proof in nupHirt of
liii rlaim, and Ihat Raid proof will le
niadt lie made lforr W. A. IUII, I'. B.
l'oMimiH!iioiie.r, nt Prineville, Oregon, on
Monday, KeptemlM'r 4, limit, vii:
of t'tilvcr, Hregun, on If. K. No, .7if, for
theW' Sw, HK'4 SW4 and HW
NK'4 H tion 13, Tp. l.'tfi., H. 1.1 K., W. M,
He name the followiiiK witiien et to
prove hifl eontimiouM residence upon and
ruitivation of aid land vii:
Nunia K. MK'oin nnd Walter K. Ht lfrleh
of Iaininta, Oregon, and IIoIhtI I'. Juhri
Hon and Itirhard A. Mercliant, of Culver,
.M M'HA Kh T. N'OhAN,
ilrewfiba AppaliiiMent nl
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Crook county.
In the matter of the K-tate 1
Ward K. Lmti-oi), Heceu-ed. 1
Notice in herehy given that the under
Mgiicd wiL" (n the :ird day of Aitgimt, A.
ti.. V.m, duly ;ipMii nted Aduiiulnlrutor or
the Ktote of Ward K. hamwui, fleeeaned,
hy Ihe riudjre uf the atioveeiititktl court.
Any and all jienioiiB liaviiiK ehinn prove hi eontintioiH residence upon and
against tin-wiid Kr.tate are herehy n.ttilhtl 1 cultivuliou of aid laud, vix: J. P. Halm
to pnneiit the mui i to me at my home at j and John Uhain, IhhIi of Muflnm Oregon,
Culver, Crook county, Oregun, or lo fiec.)(ieo. KillingUrk, cf Culver, Oregon, und
W. j;urut", at Prineville, within nix Fn nit I'odmaii, of llaytack, Oregon,
month from thittdate. j MIC(aKI. T. Nol.AN,
Dated nt PriiH'ville, CrtNik County, Ore-' Itt-Kl-tcr.
Oon, AugHKlerfl, P", I -
it. w. i,ihojt.
Notice Fur Publication.
I, .ill. I Otlh r at The jfnllef , Oregnii,
AugitNt I, i!io;i.
Notice i- herehy given that the folio ving
named dtler hint lileil notice of hit
teution to make hiial pniof hi KiipMirt
hitt claim, mid that aid proof will lie
mail in fore J. J. Hmith, County Clerk, at
Prineville, Oregon, on Tilewliiy, KepteinUT
l.i, IIKA vii:
of Culver, Or-gon. on U.K. No. (II7H. for
Ihe NV4 NKVi. SKW SW'A Hection '2H. and
HWW HKu He, iioi, Tn. l.'tHtmth. Ilanae
13 Kant, W. l
He name the following witnensea tti
prove hH contiuuoiiN resilience ti jhii ami
pnlllattn of nhl land, vii!
Uiivm'H Sbtintter, IttOiu Kohi'I", It.
Jenkhia ami Ahraliuui V, Uantit, all of
Culver, ttregon,
Nottoe For Publtcntlon
Land Olllce ill The Palle-, Oivgou,
AukumI 4, l ma
Not ire W hen-hv (jlvea t lint the following
naini'd sHller ha'-lllnl nollei- uf his
H'lOion to make tlual nriHd in supuirt uf
his t'littin, anil that ouhl imo ml! he iiuiie
tu-luiv J J. Smith, County ( lorfr at I'tino
ville, Ort'gun, ui,suinlVi Si"lriul r '..
lint, via:
jm l. KVAXS.
ot lriueille. OreKun.un II, K. N, iki-Jt.
lor the l.otn.lund mid VifcofSVw toid
Vt NV,ot fMYtlOM , Ip. U S
lt iiui- . lia-t, W. .
Me nainoa the folltminit wilne(i to
pitive bit ittntiuiioils n'stdi'iiie Uhim (Hid
cultivation of stud Und
J, C, Katinnsst'U. Luo Vanardale and
JaiuoM Cauln'll, of l'iintlle, Ort'gun, an I
Joenh Ta lor, of l.tuuouta. Orooii,
M1CIIAKI. r. Nttl.AS,
tmid Oltlee at The I'alle-, Oivkoh.
Junly tr, lm.
Notice ts heri'h uiven that Ihe ti'lhuunc
nauitsl wltliT bus (tied notice ol In- tiit n
Ooii lo make tibial irotf in siiii)ot o his
claim, and that -aid )roo will V made N
fore J. J. Smith, Cone iv fleck, nt I'Hnr
ville. On-iron, on Moixlnv, Auuu-I H. Iii'.t,
vii: II. K. No. Tim, Augustus A. Mrfoul.
ot l'liue ille, On itoli, tor the SV nWi,
Sivtum t, N N and SKt Nt Na
tion IJ. Ti. H S.. It m K.. W. M.
Me names the lollownijj Milneen to
prve his ciMitiiniKU- re-ldi tire uHin and
ciiltivntiou ol sttitl laiel, vm J units II,
I'n.-e, Ii. I,. Un.r, limn l.ltid and K. M.
Mefortl. all ot rniiewlle, iin gon,
MU MAKI. f. Nol.AN.
Und otth-e at The la!lc, irenon.
July IT. hut.
Notice is hereby givi-li that the fdhu
ing limned rtth'V Im lihsl n.-lii r of bt-inli-niion
to uiiike tiind rotl in nwrt
ol In i lioin. ut thai 'tti'l iriuf nti In
i mule In Ime J. J, Simth, ' 'ouiili
lerk, at I'riiu viile, Ofejjoii, on Wetlin
tlav. eiirmlter '., !".'l ui: Hannah Her.
'rettoti, II. K. luilil, h
ihe N, K't tiit , NKS '( S--inm :i
v, K, w M
Mic names the ffilowiint nu
. I,,
prove hi-eoiitiiiuon re-nl
e upon mul
I. M. I ht.m-
a-, id Lionoiila. Orev'oti, Atone ('rook, ol
iirudv, Ongoii, Annie Mating nml U na
It urle , o I'ruiet ide, i in gon,
Homoatend OoiiaoI'dttttKl Notice
For Publication.
I tllUt tst.-S Und Oltlee,
Tlie iMMes, Ongoti. July 17,
NtUii-e i- lu-rphv given that the follow
ing im met 1 settler lime tiled their intention-
o make lititit proof tn nupport of
their claims, ami that said proof ill K
made helure W. A. Hell, t S. Coiumis
iouer, at I'rini'vilh', Ong'vn, on Monday,
Augu-t 11, YM, vii;
JAMKa I.AWSO.N, uf I'ritii'VtHe.Cregon,
II. K. No. tiili for Ihe V't HV' N K1,
SV and SW SK Keetlon II, tp. It
South, Itange IT Ka-l., W. M.
1,1 Z I K HT A NT N , formerly l.titie
j Miller, of priiii-vilie, Oregon, It. K. Na.
tA for Ihe S", SK1,. NK'4 hK' and hK',
j N K1 1 Meet ton II, Tp. II Nouth, It-itige i:
! Ka-il, W. M.
They name witnesses Clyde Kinder,
Ib'iijaiuin K. Jiilinson, Itenry P. Kvan
" '" " wy.n i niiev.ur. ure-
Ki ift-ter.
Uml Olltce ill The DJIe. OrrKiw.
AiiifuM ll. I'.i-Cl.
Nt'tico U hrrfhy ttiven th followiuit.
ntitietl arttler hw tiled iMlior of hit ilitfiitioli
to iimka html prmil in upirt of hu claim,
amt lht Mid pre if will In) nit Iwfurv J
J. hmitli. t'omity I'lfrk. at Prineville, Ore
gon, uti Tue-diiy,.SvptniilT -., l!t, vii:
of Itnontu. Ori'iton, on II. K. No. H.-.'ii fr
the hV'., Set Hi hi .tl, In. V Somit, IUiikc
14 K W M.
He naiiie IhefullowiiiK witneM to prove
hin coiiliiiuoiii re lilfiice iiinui ami eiiitivii
tion of Faiil land, vii: Nral Miliiui, of
( iilver.Oretron, and Juliii H. tiranl, AlU-rl
Meah, and Juiiu'b Kami, ail uf I.;tiuoiitit,
1-up M K'H AKI. T. .Nol.iN,
Und OHirc at The Halle-, Mntpm,
Aiiyiint ll,
Notlc ! hfifhy divert that the following
named Mittlor liw film! ti"ti ji tf hi int.-iitini
to maks final irn in itii'ti rt if tita eUim
ad that id riNf will Iw made helim
J. J. .'Smith, Comity I let k at 1'riiwville, Ore
i("ti, on Maturday, Heiiicmlier Iti. liWt, vu
of Uniontii, Onyoii. 11. K. No. ?MI for the
NW'S SS' Sec. Hi, K'-i NK'i and NK
Hr.1 Hee. II, 1. Di IE. M K. W.M.
He naint'H tint follnwiiiir wilnefxeH
prove hi itcoiiliiuintH n-nidi'iice uiHin and
culti vjitom of aid Idinl, viz: I'. l-.hiinih.
ferry A' licy, Waller hitlnjo, mid Joneptt
W'eitiiltid, all of I ,tt 1 1 ton tit. Oregon.
Hi;t-.M. MM II AKI. T. Nol.AN,
Notice For Publication.
Lin-t oriice at The HiiIIvk, I regon.
August II,
Nolieeut licratiy given that the following
in met! Mctllcr hux tiled notice of hin inleii-
t'oi to nmke tinal prnf in NupHint of hi"
claim, and (hat find proof will In made
before I). P, Uca, V, H, C.niiiiiiioner, at
iladra", Oregon, on TlHirwtiiy, Heptemher
21, POf, vii:
ot Culver, Oregon, H. V.. No. limforthe
K HW and IiIn 2,:i 4 of Set!. Ill T. Pi
H., It. 13 K., W.M.
He nauifN the following witneoX'a to
Imwii Oknck at The l.illen, Onwiov,
August ti, l'.j.'i.
Notice U liorel.y glvtn that the followiiiK
namett aettler htu filed notice of her intention
to make titctl prod in mippitrt of her claim,
MI"1 llm "ui'1 pr-mfwill (a mmle la fore J
J. Hmilh, Ciinnty Clerk at I'rineville, Ore
i ' gon, on Halnrdiiy, Hcpteiiila-r l!t, IJiUK, vii:
fdl.hY M. ItKAI),
of Culver, Oregon, H. K. No UI7-, for the
H NKJ, and ' HKl4 Hection 31, T. J2
H., It. t:i K., W.M,
hhv iimnea lit following witneMwa to
prove iter contiiiuoiia reMdenee iiwn and
i ;'ilttvation ot Hald land, vii: (Ico. H.
",lK,rnt J K,,,it,, r,M- 'Hitr,
and Frank H. ONlHirn, allot Culver, Oregon,
ul.t-i.j. MH HAKI, I. MM, AN,
Keginter. j
jft 9. 9orrts0ti,
Pytitfa and iSnrytPH
Olltif nt I). P. AilumwoiiV Sinn'
(jJJ Si. Cttiott,
1'lilNKVlU.K, OKKIioN
?fi ff
C SSrimk
Jfffumry mnJ Commit mt jCm
Olltiw in rear of Adamaoit, iniiek Co
jt jr. flawy f $
C!. mi. w red promptly tUy r iilh'ht Of
tiev with I lr, V. liramr, 'rtdiiit-e j
rntir Ut a
t.t Mnitl st(ert..
Am ri'i.:irttl to nnswrr prutrH
nionnl I'nlU irninillv.
Jas. 5. Kcllcy,
Highest Grade Work!
Powoll A Hyilo, Prnp'M
A ll,'W lmtl-,n il,,tn,litly In
til. tin ft l,.ll,
kvrrvttiiPK up ti, l,,tK tli'l ilfMly
lint clftiM.
V. S. I.ttitil CnmmtHHitmrr
Sliver Lake, Oregon
Tlie 11111111 m'riM!ilil(! roininir'!.'
iiiin r to Uu- l.nki'vli w liiinl uf
fin1. S Ti'lrilliilc I'linilM'.
The Thorouxhbretl Stallion
Will commence the ncimon nt
I'rinovillc, Orogon .
S10 fur the Season
$25 lor Insurance
Q. Sprinjrcr,
iihkkdkh or
Coach and
Carriage Jforcc
Younj; flulliuns nml niiiri'H,
nl-ii 11 few yniiiig ti'iiniH fur
Haystack Blond Slock Ranch.
IliiyHliu k, Orison.
C. K. McDowell, I'rop.
riiorniiKhly UiMiovnti'il nnd He-fmnij-lifd
iinrrlmii I'lan. Itnh's $1,
$1.50 ami pi rdii .
AccuinnHMluiiniiH ntti IhiHiiritnnccd
in the city. Kuinple lioonifi for
Cdiiimerciiil TruvclcrM,
mw UiHtnnce Tolnidinne Hlutinn
in the limine.
I 'niiovillo-Hil vm
l iiikd Hlnyo 'I iim
I,i'nvi' I'rlni'vllli' MiiiiiIiivh, Wnl
ni'KiliiyH itml Kiitliivi, Kii'llit mill
itiMMiiKrii lYiiyl'lllril fii' HiUi'f Lulti1
anil wiiy iuiiitit.
Onriu II vi'K, Aisi'iil,
1 'rinevillirl turiiM
Stuyjo Tain'
('. (i. ('Oil MOT, rrii.ri.lnr
Ij'iivi'H I'rini'villi' fur lluni Mun
ilnyn, Wi'ilni'mliivK mill Kriilny'.
Ow'ur llyih', A(inil.
Slny;i Lino
l.rilVI'M I'lilH-vill,' nil MhiiiImk,
W'fil iifet In vh nml Friitayn, nrrivinn
ul Mili'licll I In' niimii iluy.
1,1'avi MHi'IimII un 'I'iii'mIii
Tliurmliivii nml Sittunlax h.
Ji'Iiii Ti'iiiili liii, Ai'iil,
$2(1 TO $2S WI-I-KLY
Wink nt ynur own lininc. No
i'iiiiviumIii(, Work li'iiitiiiiulc mul
I lu'iiuriililc. AililnvK
Home Work
ill Sprhm Sl Svntilc,
I .
j.John McTniirt & Co.
I'KiM vn.i.i:. nmiiiiN
1 Choice Yollow Pine
i DosoBt Land
i Homestead Claims
RraiiENcHu !''uh:.'i:;hki)
Correspondence Solicited
Say Jasper
Can jtm Twist a lliotic?
I Well. Yes. If You'll let
'me I'se M v Smith &
Kayler .'addle. They
are the only SADDI.i:
MAKKKS in Crook
MiikciMil tho I'tilnliiu
I'KI Ni: VI 1, 1. 10
ii li. i i t: of
sum k m i:-s si rn,n;s
LntdHt lmprovod LariUis
BUli, and Btrldu BmlitUm. WlU,
Bunm, Anuurn Gimps Qnlrta
nnd Hufkiiniorcii, Wrllo far
I'rini'Villr, . Orcein,
-Mi.iii.i.i.. Ii,H.4mHm.. 4.4,1., I,,
Fall into line
ind order your new iprini suit
from the great Oak-Enel ot
Strauss Brothers
Good Tllora for 2A Vtre.
'A From itarl lo finlih good qui.
A Hy It the predominailng teat-
9 ore ol all clothe, made to order
fl by thlt well known tailoring
g hime. No detail la too email
Cj to be given careful attention;
I your perfect comfort ii
ths-lr tole aim. Call at our
1 "id link over the tplen-
'j did auortmcnt of 500 lalett
and nobbiest patterna. Wewlli
quote you price that will Inter-
U ettyau, Your latlsfactlon, at
K "wlVa, ahaolutdy guaranteed.
Saloman, Johnson & Co.
' '