nr-MBTwrriT r n if is. ti rm. IMn-ular So. II. Salem, Ori'gtm, July 1. !!)'!. Tn Coiintv SiiTint'n.lfii(s, (ienlli'inen: KinminnlintiK fur hIhIi- nr will lie Mil in -li county on AiiRUHt 12, I'', H '" lor county mi n" AuiiiiM IS. 14 and 15th. Kuril aillKTIIlllMllilllt Will I. ' terniine tlie place 0! no p mb.ii ; ! exaiiiinalionx in hi rexpectivel ' coun.v. I would mxp'i-l, how-vr j that the place mtwt innveiu. nt for ' the create?) nnnilwr of applicants bafelected. j The nackiiLi' (oiitainini! the qwatinn will I marked with an "X" wliieli will enable you to coin " ply with Rule XVIII. Rules XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI and XXU lionld he carefully explained to applicants, as they will lie rigidly adhered to by this derlmenl. The distinguishini! mark fm your county will v "K", which is to 1 placeil, by the applicant, as an exponent to his examination nunilier. Place the applicant' preliminary paier in a serale envelope, seal it, place the name of the county onlc, iiion the enveloe and send it with the unmarked inaniiscripl to this office. It would lie well to keep a mem oranda of (he paiers sent, and carefully eoiupiire snid nn'inoriiinhi with the receipt returned from this oflice. and if they do not aaree. notify this oftiiT at once. The law teipiiirs thai I shall deposit the full amount of fees for state p:iiers with the slate treasur er, hence, the applicant must pay for the exchange when remitting fee. So manuscripts will he graded until the fee is reeciveil here. Notice of the examination must he given through the press at least ten days before the examination. Tlie following form is reinniend eil: fiKkfi't KlanlKalKa. ' ' Notice is hereby piveu that the counlv kuiierintennent of Crook county will hold the regular ex animation of applicants for state and county pais at Prinevilli as follows: Kok Statk Packks. Ootnniencing Wednesihiy. Angus; 12, at nine o'clock a. ni.. and con tinuinz until Satnrdav. August 1" at four o'clock. Weiisksha v I'cn ma us h i p, h tory. 8jelling, muling, school law Thiimiav Written arithmetic, theory of teaching. grammar, book keeping, physics, civil government. FaiiiAV Physiology, geographv. mental arithmetic, composition, physical geography. Sati'miav Kotany, plane gcjiu etry, general history, Kngli-h literature, psychology. Fob Cm nty Pai kks. Commencing Weilnesday, August 12, at nine o'clock a. ni., and con tinuing until Friday August 14, at four o'clock p. m. First, Second and Third tirade Certificates. Weiixkmiav Penmanship, his tory orthography, reading. Thi ksiiav Written arithmetic, theory of leaching, grammar, phy siology. Fiiiiiav (icgoraphy, mental arithmetic, school law. civil gov ernment. Primary Certificates. Wkiinksiiay Penmanship, or thography, reading, arithmetic. Tmtksiiay Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods, phvsi ology, . Truly yours, WlM.IAM lidKI.Ll, County Sup't Hr.r. ratmrra. . Hure panluwt tor W eenti a eek in the et pnnttire in Cionk Oomily. See W. T. Fogle. sniTirs RECEPTion. Wines, Liquors, Domestic and IihportedCigars. V Proprietors f Itic Td Doore !uulh of Firnt Nalioual Bunk, CHAMP SMITH. Lost, dog. A Black C'ockel Spaniel. H;is Ini-h clipHKl. I.oiiji cars and (irouincnt fect. A liler.'il reward will In' I'.iiil for ila n'turn to this office. Il.l.r. Of .Ml. Of Nlntr l.MU. NotiiT li licivliy jti vrn Hint ll. Nul,, : ltml ll,nrl will nHviv,1 walcl lil mitll ! t oVUn-k t. lit. ,n iS-toU-r III, Imtt. for II,,' ,,,,!, I.-. it: SK'( i sw, Sr. . T. t, fc.. It. .w a;.. t IA T. . W ... IS.W. ihr w;. ,ltStv x T 1(ls K , (t, , ., , jj. a. t,ii ase,-. m. T. N., . K .Ml of Sviin is, T. i It. ..; K. Ai; t s,. ; iiuii ,, nin, in v, ," ') Ml I , .1 ., IC. i II Kmt. A,iii, t, iir,-litve tiMist UMim,le j n ll,r n-ffiiiar Itljiitfcs jil ncviiUm-,' i'.lt llu- l',,r lltevtle ,tl w-li,s,l Uii,ts. au,t lie (i,-c,,iiu,',l Ky cii'li ,,r clic I lor ,,iiuli nl llir am.Him liiil ftir certificate i, inr. ' clia-e, r inull viyine,it Is ui.nte it,-,l ill No til! In- cnt,-it;u lr tltitn liSfti jt ie(v. The rijrht t n-iti'i miiv Hf.1 wlll.ll HH' for' e I liHJ.O, Brown. rirri ?.itc I.ih! Snli-m, Oitjeuii. :itnl mmlEI Ainhcafio j . ii. Mr-'Wx, ; 'U'rk SMI,- ll.i.l IMU'I llii- July Iti, ! NuM rtil! W rvinl 1v llu- r.Miniy tvpTnf ('nutii Count v On-p'ii. until :i'rl.n-k p. m, AutiM :irt, VM for lite rnt-tion of n liri.lip- ;ii ro l owtkiil KinT hi h ioiiit j ii -l tt of lln i-itr ol I'nnrviiV. Ore. -tfonlinn to ih. j.Ui ;in. Mi-un;Hi"ii now on mr ru i Tie ' minry lt-rk' otti.i-. All nuM N ittTotiipanifl Iy rn-li ii or ivrtiiii-! rlnt-k (or live mt it-ut f llu-miioinit of U'P I'l'l, nliicli "tuilllx lorlvtitt t' tin-ohhiiv in imm' ttn'nw;irl t tmnlr to iiun, am! lie ftuN. ih'kIih-i, or n-IUM", for llif ntih) of to iln" .-titer mh-Ii it w, in I i inn.lf, o in i rr into the tuitlretil nml Hie lii- l-uinl in tin1 :im-itiil n-fliiirfl ny lUv County Mirt. Tin- ns'il ii rvjti-t ii Nil .ili bi-l i rpMTVltt. Knvt'loi-o i-onlaiiniiif tiil -lioitUl Im market I. 'ltil for liriilw fiir Cr-Mtkiil lliver at l'mi ill-, tin-tfoii." .iml 'll"Vl to .1. J. Smith. Clerk of '"rook Cuiinl v, Priiii'ville, ' in-. bailee T 1'anlrnrfnrs. Snieil I'ul.i will lit rwniiCti by tlit?Crrti.k Cutinty Hili ScImkiI Ifcwnt.' At lViiu'villc, On-piii, until 5 nVlm-kJ p. tn. August 31t, for the errj (ion ntnl tnttilt-tiin of n lrit'k ami' h the I'litiiK hum xitt'ilii-utioiia rc (wml lv Juiin Ii. Shii, of Prim villc, Ort-jEim, jtn hitct t of tli? urV. All litU must iv jHToiiitnkil ly Hah ilejKwjt ir etTlilieil eheck itt tin' ni in of MUt mm tin i-vwlene' of yinl iHitli, hih! iiu litl will he eon-i'lerl fnrj ;itiy jmrt of the work It-? tlutu the, whole eoiitntet. Tlie wrty ti uliniu tin- eutitraet i" AKttrtletl will In- retiiret ( fnrimh n ', mill iinViei)t 1nimI to t'n-itk j Cniiiity within ten tlay jifter the cotitrttet is iiarltil in tin- full rtiMinnt if the ciHtr.tet prio-, fur thr fnilliful einitletioii nf the coutrf-t. I'hnc ami ttTitieat!"UK lusty Ik- hi'U nt thr , Oregon it n other, l' rt in), Orruti, J mill at the ('mtnty SehoA.l Sm wri ntan- j lmit' otrii-e in l'rino ille, On-ou, fterjnly 15th, VMM. Tin riyfittn! ri'jwt ny ami nil Im! in rrTvetl. ! Ktivclin' fontiiiuinii hiil.x f-houlfl 1 k- marketl 'Tro.s;il f.,r Hlj;h Si-h.M.I ; Bnililin" anil ihlrtf"i'l to, William Iti-uli, j S-r'y llili S Ii.k.I Hoard, Frineville, On'pon.j lice ! Timfcrr Vtmyiv, W. J. Walker, of Piiuevillc, will contract to huild a houe ou timU'r clniuiKat rea-Mjimhle prices, fall on r fiddri-fi hint and your order will n-ceive promjit iitteuti'Mi. Say Jasper Can von Twist a Hronc? Well, Yes, If You'll let niC I'se My Slllitll & Kayler ; addle. They arc the only SADDLE MAKERS in Countv. Crook The Celebrated A. B. C. Beer Always on Hand. Priaeville Suia Wwks. WUNKVILLE, OBK At ViUil IS0M CLEEK. jft 2. Hforrito, Orticf at D. P. AdamsonV Store SP. Cltiott. 'tmrnry-af-jCaw I'KlXKVll.l.K, OliKtiON W. Siarmtt, I'UINKVII.I.K, OliKtlON I'KINKVILI.K, UltKdON, PUINKVIU.K. iti:KiiN PUINKVIM.K, OKKtitN i j PAjfitcSam a mm i$ryt. (lHv in rt'nr of Allan won, Winiu'k Co ; PK1NKV!!.lE,0ltK(i0N. f9 Jr. $obg f? 2 aiHBf;ri, iril .tly Uy -r iiinlill I 't tice with lr. V. Ce-HiT. Kcii.i'H,v (MHitT 1-t :ui'l Mil I'KINKX ll.l.K. oi;i:i:tt W. H. SNOOK, Hi. D I'liisician cn.vKn. mid si itu:o m:K(iti Am prcpaml to answer profes ional calls promitlv. POInFVTPI) Shaving Parlors Powell dhavins & Hyde, Prop'p Haircuttiug ShamDoointt Baths A m-w Uthn- 'leioUU esnlU the ibw of Utirt. Krerythiliw hp to .Ute sti.l iiidlv l S. Lund Com miittin it rr Silver Lake. Oregon The most .urfssilih' cominir-s-iincr to the Iikcview hind nf tirc. Telephone ('onne'- tinnn. Iriiicvillc?-Silvtr Twiko Stao Tine DICK VANDKKVKltT, Prop. I'iivM I'rineville Monday, Wod m wlays uml Kiidny, Knlit ml pa-imi(;or wiiyliilUd for Silver I,aki- ami ny jtoint. 'l( HVI'F, A'i'lit. J 'rineville-1 iuriis C. (i. rollNKT, l'mprictor I'an I'riiieville for liuriiH Mo ilav.i, Wi-ilucMclavi' anil Kriilay. "-car Hyile, Afcnt. iPi'inevilk;-Mitfi'll Kilf.N III XSAKKi:, I'rnp. Leaves I'rineville on Mondavi, Weilnixlayi' anil Fridays, arriving at Mitcliell tlie same ,lay. Leaves Mitcliell on 'I'uculav. Tliumilaya and Fatunlays. John Teniplcton, Ai-ul. SrBrEB I Ready to Wear S t Suits at Gormley's 1 Howe, Sliiffr, l-('orml'k, aixl AhiT mllllnnairc tnreiifm lgmjiUft mIi m artkh M? 4Ur.tbra my tu.i yomr Mm. We Etlkrantw ftnlnat Inaa of ft-ei id u (or MTTic. Fit ii Mineral and mi khlr tiw f llHtmlriM-IlU. "iRKRtftr'l f BialtUnt " wot fr u ou reiu-t. LwMfelaft, A. , ti i it i ni I fir I 9J I LiiCOPP&GO Jas. S. Kclley, Photographer Highest Grade Work 0. Springer, HlU Klik'tt OP Coach and Carriage Jforaca Young stallion and mares, also tt few young teams for sale. Haystjuk Blwid Stikk KiikIi. llavstack, Oieson. John McTnsirart & i I'KIM Ml 1 11, OKI tiON LAND LOCATORS l.tHATIOXS MA1IK OX Choice Yellow Pine Desest Land Homestead Claims RKKKKENCKS !'UKM:.HH: Correspondence Solicited The Thoroughbred Stallion Will eiimincin'e tlie iHMfott at m. n. luce s STAIU.K rrincvtlle, Uteyou ltllllj. $jj or Insurance C. K. McDowell, Trop. Tlioroulily Itt'iiovntcil nml Hi'-funii-litil Tlimnijlioiit. Imcrlnti' IMiui, IEiiIin lt !.:0 and Mr iUty, Aoooinmotlatitnis nit' rninririftl in tho city. SumjiU (nr ('oininorrijil Trarelorf, l.nng Di.-tittu't) Tt'l'i.lttne St:tliun tn tho lionne. t 'I1 'I' k J.W.BOONE SADDLES A X I ) HARNESS. Maker ot tin cclt'ltfii- ted PKI NKVILLK STOCK. SADDIjK nil LI.K OF S10( kMKX'SSirrLUS Latent Improved Ladioa Side and Stride Saddles. Hit, Spurs, Angora Chaps Quirts and Hackamoren. Write f'r Prices. I'riiM'villi', On'oti. It fr'fr't"(.iH'infrifriiifrinfriiij.4. ---- ii)ni y Fall into line tnd order your new ipring mil from the treat Oak Eiiel or Strauss Brothers Good T.llon far 2 fn. CHICAGO. From ttirt to tini.h good quil. ity it the predominatinf feat ure of all clothea made to order by thii well known tailoring house. No detail ia too amall to be jiven careful attention; your perfect comfort la their tole aim. Call at our atore and look over the tpien did aatortment of S00 latest and nobbleat pattern.. Vewil quote you pricea that will inter eat you. roar latitfaction, at Iwaya, abaolutely fuaranteed. Saloman, Johnson & Co. Iitfl I'riiifvillt $20 TO $2S WEEKLY Work at your own home. No canvassing. Work legitimate anil liiinoralile, Address Home Work j Jl Spiinn St., Scuttle, Wash.! Irrigation Sewerane Drainage Water Works Uoads Parks SnrvvvN uiul IMuih Mudc Term Modcrutc AiKltVHH; Alti vd V, Sviti. Mem. Am. Sn;icty, C, Ii. Vr. Hlk I'tUI. Or , Lumber $lO Por M. Aftrr Jnmiitry 1, l!Mi:i, v will xi'lt lutnlH-r nt our mill on tlx VW (or I0 Mr M. Hawkins Hmw. For Sal A ono-1 1 it K inti'nt in lunUI inn uiul o , hUo rt ont'-tlnnl inlvicNt in it tomtit fiirni For iiirtitMilnii in iiuri' of or mltlri'M , K. Httwiiri, 1'iiin'villt, Orv.'im, For Salo IhOO iu'fi' ol Intnl.' (or fm mint;, unuinti, fruit rn ir i i u itml , itlfalt'n. tiiHKl tnii'noi'im'nln. Lm'tiUtl n tin1 iiiuvi'y of tho t'tilnmhin Simtli torn oiti'tiMtoii Hinl Itoml, Will noil on i hv torm. I or njutirnUi wntt1 to F. K"!!, I'rimmlli' tlrit"tt. nlt Hrlp UNHtrd. Ait t'iirt;otii nirtiiiim'r f r ntlit'i1 to U otH'intl in tli it rily dr Itirit niHtinfmltiriiiK nnu'tTti, S.ilnry One HnmlNil Pnltiir Hr tnoullt extr oommiitoiotiji nml i'Xm'iipoh, Five II n ml rn I holtrtrx ruf h Mit'iirily rotjuir pl. Iti'-tf of rofon'tit'itii, Allnft M:imi)ttT l ii. Hoi Hun Fruiit'iit Co, l'.tl I. A tirifl mate hnimlttl with citric mi li'It etilto, with h ktr umlerni'ttlh. Hint n hole in left jnw itUxil hall wny lMtwiu now snJ cyt. AIo h mint II Mtitlliun, two yvAr ohl, llttn ritjlit rur Kplit, but no I rami. Wlion lmt wovn wcr on thf (Vho-o nUmt H inili'H iiIhvc town. Ki'Witrtl puiil for thoir ret urn, or infurtmttioii ah to theit wlnTt'itUitttH hy (it. ('. A. f i.isk, I'ritn'villi'. I ' UM4rrlnl DUtvvrrr I Dnt'of our fiuiinj( wt'fti'rn pliv sU iutiJ on Ihmiik intorroptti'tl iiu to what Ik n'jirtlt il ni iit InsI rtm rdv for nil dixt'tiM's that tlii'liliiiiini Hrnli iH heir ft, niul whitt U llif Irwt rt vcn(iv rmiiit1y ri'iiliid, Portlitml ('hilt wlii-kcv, u- I know it itt s pun hourlMtit, well iiiuturi'i), ami nvd in wihm ftir fall1 hv nil tirnt flnfn 'liul.-f, i ! $IO. Reward. i ; IiKfU'ltMTIoN UV HuKftK. One hlood hay how 7-J'ctirn okl n Hinall white ot in forchcitil, mIhkI nil j nr.niml, it moall war on iiihiilo of right j fort leg. No liruiiiU, in pontic to , work or riilt'. $10 will Nl paid for ; the rotitrn of tht nlxive (U-HrriUil aui itiul. $10 re w aril will le m til for the I return of the nUivt! (htmrilMil Hiiimiil. .1. It. Itixnv, Fife, Ori'Kutt. AdmlnUirMlar'a tlrc. Ni'tici Ib hn-liy ffivin tlmt the uii'lcrixri- f(( War on the KUli Uv nt .hum A. V VUl iUiiH.iiiUil iMiminittrntf.rnf lUr trntnU of H, , ifM, liv th Hon. ('utility Court of thr !itt! of Urtvmi, tor I riK.h riiiitv. All finiiN Imviriif cluiiiiM HMiimt tlie tab- will ,irfHi'iit triH maioi V titf, nr In Itni V. Ilitrii., fttUnm-y for tlie Mlutf. wlttin 4it iii"nth from tin- 'IhIo of thi imtici1, I'llm-ulli-, .Inn- J tli, A. tl l!i:t W, K. llti.Ktit, Ailmihixtrntor. Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice ia ht-roliy itivttii tlm I have Hi)iiiiti'(l the following iinint'il itnioni ili'luty itock itiH.ectorn ,. r. t-'iirtwn'lii, liny Crui'lt liiii WiMiii,,, AhIiwikmI K. Sparks, Histm-., A. lMr,w, HiiyNIKtik. K. .M. Sniilli I'hiiIiiu, IE"sr, Knox, I'tMt .1. H. Ilv,ir, Iti'iUnil. Alex Mi:liit,H,li, llitnlin .1. I'. VititHimleii, liny C'ri-i,lc. ' S. (.Wlra, liny (.Wk ,l,M, II jllkln, Sinck Iiirf!L-tor I'rM'.k Cnumv. snrvry llal rilrd. ( nititi StiiUw La ml Oflict. The lalhM, (i.t June 111, liMXf. Nolii'p in hcH-hy kV4 that the plat ofHiirvi'y of Ti. , It 11 K., W.M will U tihtl in f.hii office on Monday .Inly 27, I'JOS, nutl that on and aftT tiiiil iUy, wc will tM prcparfd tore ft -ivtt fipplicatioitK for entry of hitxlii in in id towiiHhip, from nny mrm i whu made M'ttU'iiiont prior to the wilhdrawitl of mhhI township for th t'iiHCHilf Fon-ft Heoerve. IifnKtltilly, Mm iuki. T. Nolan, Itt'Kixtr, AnNIK M. Lano, itecpiver. HumuM Wniitud. I'Iik ol.l ivllalilc (inn, llu Hoiiille AhimIi.ii Hint Halt" NtHliI,', liiriiiit.ifiih'd, wtilvli luiliU rtvi;tl "tilvK vvn v ilny nm( UDiiltir wiH'klv imvlliiiii ttvi'i v l''i'iilitv, un'tu' lnm'. ( Hi nil tiuit.iyiOii'ilt nml rIhih till siii'liii ohm li mul H "it i'.hiimiIi-Ih ur will )m li.niHx mili'iwlil, II ton luor HOY llllllllH'l -I' Ili'lH "i Hl-li to M-mi ol nI tin' ft'ttl. Mnrlo-l ii'v, it h I., ..... ae., I. , ll... ..Ill' Ullll ii hill lll i-ili.tlniiHli'l Hi' will li't V"l kll.'W h lint tli'in iti. mnl li"w (Ih'V -" IliiiH. AH nH'Miniinlriiiv ioiulh nnnt'ii'il, N, I1, ,hti,i,iri k, Mr, M. ,1. ii.Mi, Anvl. t'.'PJ We tout Aw., Sonltlo, W nlilntim, A UtiiMlortuI liivriiilfiiit ft i" iiiU'M'-tinK that fni'l tiiiu'rt' frtvitii'iitly inmh hy the In I vnitiott of nrl it'll of I r inii.n t- Maiiv ol llu mini iHintilur ih'v . ' , , , ii it vit'iNi arc tliom (hftituHl to InMU'lit llu j iHHii.lf ittnltnoKt itopuhir coinlitinn-, 11 ' , and one of tho mol tntrivntnm ol tl...... .1.... I,..- .....a- In I in the lr. Wliitt" Khvuit' t'omh. nati'iil-l .wl I,... t 'IKI n1o-.1tH,.l..ifol.,nnli. "i .Uwil.V.,K' ll... ,1.1.1V ll.ll (.,11 MIL , .' , ... i oni, sti'K aim m' nraoinMii'i, nun lien uni'il in t'oiitnvtlott with )r. Wiitt' KU'trii1 Hair 1lnoh an poni lively )tiaritiili'il t' inakt itraittht hair rnily in i't iluyn' tinu. Tlioii MtniU ol tlu c rlivttio Imvu U'l-n hoM tit tlti! variotm ritii'n ol tin' 1'nioit. ami tin ilrinaiul in ooimtiihtlv iiHTi'iiMHH. (Mir HontK arr t,iiiilly Ittn'otnititt rti'll Hi'llin tlii'Hi omnhn, j They pniuwly Hell IKhl. Snnl; for iiampliv Men' it Xh) litilivc, jtV hitlfptire while we an1 in t rvuhtn injf, them. See Want I'olutnit of lliii iaH'r. The Vt. White Kltvl rii Cntiih Co., IkfAinr, 111. Hmiiu, ltHriii I l-J. WaihtHl down n teliraph linn whieh t'hai, (. Ktlit, of l.ivUin, la. had tn repair. "HtatuluiK wnml deep in ley ttatrr," he mitr (javr me it tet rihle eoltl ami nutnh, It grew worm' daily. Finally the ln-nt iliH-lnrn in Oakland, Neh, Hnaix City nml Ihnalia au I had eniMiiiiip'i..ii and eoiil.l uol " New Pi-eovory tod 'tm wholly eitml oy ux iNtltlrn. I twit I el y Kiianinlit'd lor t'oonhit, t'ol.U ami nil Thront and l.uiiK (Miihlei hy Ad.tinoii J( Winnrk t'n. Ii rv and 1, tm. The ttvtt Oak Ktifl M'lit hy Strmnoi 1 1 r'm , of Chu'tiv'o, rnntainint TilHI mi tu ple for inen'n line tailoring ran now i e ripen nt the utoro of S.ihimoit. .1 h u on A Co. WiNTfci VniMi mkn to prepare lor (iovertunent riwitionn. Finn 0eii inK in all lii'parlnientii. (omhI Hul iiriin. Unpid 1'roiiioliiiiiH. Kiami nation pik.ii. I'.trlieulaiN Kriv, Interstate Cor. fnl , Ctilar ItupiiU, la. YHt nught t'i m Home of the new erentionn in woolen vniilitimtl in the yreat liiiiurinK liiieofSlratnui llnw., Chieiijio un ilixphiy at the trt' ol Sahxiion JoliiiNoii A Co- Call there whether you aie thinking of ordering new clothe or not. When in heil of ul.ieknttlithiliK nr wihh) work nie nlonion, Johmoii & Co., a call. T eir hlaekniiith flmp m the le I eiiipM-tl in Interior Ori'Knu iiimI emplow only lii plelan me elm (lien. Wtvi Kt Live acentu to wll Ur, White'n Kli-elne Cntnlw, patented .Ian. 1, 'itil. Core damlrnlT, hair lull inj; out iek and nervoiin hendaeheH, yei rout no more than mi ordinary eoinh. HelU mi niKlit Atfetitit are Mild t it h ueeeM. Send olle for nample fhalf price.) Write iiiih't. The )r. White Kleetrif Cotnh Co., Deeatur, i on win Nml a lull line ot epriiin and mi miner millinery, including loliei.', iitift'n and children' huh elidd'n Imtmet. nipn, etc; priee t fitit all. Call and Her for yuiirfel A nice line of Indie' Mitnitner dref KihmIf. in thu latent dt-Myiif. .1. K. .MiiittiiH, THEDFORD'S THE GREAT fAHlkYHlDlCINE llii.Jiunl'i Hliu:k Ormiifflit hu saved docmn' hilli for inur than sixty yeani. For the ennmion fam ily aifiueiiU, Hurh an cortKtiatUHi, indigent ion, h.ird eoldii, Ixwelcom jilionU, dulls and fever, hilimif iieM, beiuliu-hift and other Ukt com plain tn no other mtHlirine ii nmnury. It invijoratei and reff uhitei tho liver, ainiitn dilution, itinmlaht action of th kiduevH, imriHe-n tin hlood, and pure the IwweU nf foul aiitiiiiiiilattonii. It i tirna I i vi.r ... .U i ..t i..A ,,..H,.. Hour utoniaeii. diSneni. chillit! Mi rheutnntio painf, ideaeh, hm;k-ru-hfl, kidtiflv trouhlei, miiiiti)ation. d irrluet. Iiilioiiiniinii. nilei. hiird cohU and heailaehe. fcvwy dniff (firtt liMTImlfurd's Black-iJraitK lit in 25 cent imcktupa and in uiani motli tiw for 11.00. Hvrtr accept a iiihutitut. Insist on having the original tnada by the CluttUuooga Med it in Company. I twlkw Tlwdford' Macfc-Draughl la the but awltclM an earth, li i good for my and everything, I have a family f twelve chiklreiv and for lour yean I nave Kept them on fool ana neaitny wnn no doctor but olck Draught A. j. GREEN. Illcwara, U Noriric kok rnthMwrinN, I.anii tlrrte at Thr Idtl K Hhhihik, llllll' lt IlKL't. Niilli'o U ttliv tfhpii tlmt the following iihiiumI Mi-tlloi lot llli'il imtiiii of ItU ihlPiitii.u 10 initko til i 'i I ii 't In miiHHto ii I'tulm, hikI ilmt niil joiiitf will U iiiiiiIii lnnri'J. ,1, Mnllli, rutintv t'li rk nt iMiirWlli., On H.'li, mi Tlnuwliiy, ,iiii II. hHLt, vi; AloMin.lir Hii-hv, nl' ! i H 1 Uroumn, ' 11 lv So. u ttir tho M- hKi, pm" a: uml SW'.SW'j anil WijNWu Hiv, 1 T t:(H., It. M !; W.M. ' lloftiionon tin Inllnu KltiitiMiH u nr.. vo til I'tmlltiihitiM n-itli'iti'ti iini im riiltlviitiiiii nl iilit Itinil, vli- Hi iii t Mii.oi.l l''llll MhUlll, KltlVMMl .IllDI'M uiul JuIh, Htin- II II Ol I'lJll.'Mll.', tl MU'llAlil. T, NOI.AN, l(jtltnr, Nont'K Ftm prm.tcATntN. I-Mltil IHttiv nt Tin. IUIIm, Ori-Kon, Jiaif 'ja. Mint. tmmi tilr .. nl-,1,, ,f hi lut"Mit!! ' iirml in atii tt .it liU oUlm, I"'1. ,,",t M I'""' I '"df l-ln. , J Smith, I'utintv t'lrtk i l'iiiiitiii, ttrw. ft VVl"!)?- .w"".' M' AHA .It At I -11 I.Kit, imnu, llrt.-n, ft v., ura nki mk. Kt, JMm)iiK'(. WI'IH nuim tin' f'olluWllitf wlliu..! I"',"1' V rt.lVlt. i.,...,, nn.l I'tiiin ill mil ti will kin . tn u ill i i.' M.mtli, .l.ii v AtVv mid Juiiu-. l'Mwnt nil i t i.nmi.iitH. tltru a vn. Mlt II AH f Nut i m-Ui-lcr. NtiTH'K KtUt t''ATIliM. hiiinl ttrth it ,, iiu- htiiti'i, tiri K.iit, Junly 17, liioJ N.aiiv l tii'n t.j rilvt-ii thin ti..' (olli.Htiiit lliitiuit .v(thT lut- HI,-1 hi'llM'i.f ,. ,.M lli.n In niitkt' html OMol In miitiHirl nf il : 1 ""l Hint -""I I" ft'll lr iinnh' U- lorr j, j, imtUI, I iKIUIV t liTll, III t'rt tlllH l )..., 1 Ul ...U It. K. Ntt. 14M Aimiiaiiii A hl.r.n.i nl rrhn vlllr, tin-imn, tor lint MVtt t-W'S Htiiioh I, VW'4 Hint SS'Vk His- iton .', To. KS., tl. ii K., W. M. He iiiiint tin follow Iiik ultin-M'i to j rn-' hin iMiitlmtoUi'tiir iiHiH niol ! iiitf IvuIUmi .f Ontil Inml, tin Jmin II I'm.'i-, fc. I., H...r, 10. h .i ,Hnl Aii.l J-!. M Mi t'onl. itll ul I'rhi.'Ull,', lin-Koii. MM II AKt.T. Nttl.AS, ItrKIMrr. N0TIOE FOK FUBlIOATIt)N. J.itnd tilth i' nt tin' I lull'.. tirfm. Jiiiy 17, Mill. Noti.T l to n l.y im-n Uml Itio folio. Ititt luoiitil fiti-r Iiu (lint flotW-iMr hl ; l"'t' int"ii to iiu.k.' Until u.h.i in nntiM.n "'. "! .n..f Kill I I Ink, ttt 1 rltn tlllr. Ol.Ki'll. H W ihI !. .y. s,,(,,U'r 'i.t!u. nr Mmomli , nf lirlinly, 'frit., , K, ,Nu. ItwIH, IW the N K', ihIS1, NK't uf Niiioit i. It' I. Sou Hi, lUmi' U K., W. M, Mie li.iiiirtt the rloHhik (tiiriM- hi ruve hi fiiiittniiuu rriih'itiK uMn kiil nil j oil. oi of .to. I html, U: I, M Ilium it, ol honoiitn. Ort'tton, Amur Crook, tiiiMly, trt(..ii, Annie MuliiiK ninl l.i-n Hurley, of I'nuoitk, tln-jc-n. MUIIAKI.T.NOI.AN, IteitiMar. HontoNUma OutiauI'dnttfU Notion For PublicAttuii. t'ioi.x Stat.t I .mi-1 tfitlii, The hrtle.lintt.,Jiily ?, pul. Noltee U hervl.y KiVeli llml the follow, ililt ntiniiit 'tller have tllihl Ihrlr Itllrn tloii" to imtkr Hunt priml m u.Hirt of Ihrlr rltiini", nnd Hint unlit (irtNif will Ik iiiinl.' lH'l..rr W . A , Itfll, t'. H. I'onimU- Inner, ill rrllii'Tllle, Ill-vyoU, oil M.tinJit)', Auirii-t ill, vi: JAM Kft I.AWHON.,.n'ri. vllle, CrfHi.n. II. K. Tor the nt NKt, HWl, (in.) NV, hK) hi. ilmi t, 1 1,. 4 Si. ml., ItuoK.- 17 KuM., W, M. 1,1 IK hTA X'I'iiN, formerly I.Uaie Miller, ol' I'roievillv, nri-(on, . K. Nj tli.r.' for the N1, UK1,, NK't HK mid UK', NK'.M.illon II, l.. tl Ninth. ItniiKf 17 Kiit, W. M. They mum' iw wllnt.ri.: t'ly.le Kinder, l.'iijniiiui K JoloiMiQ, t-iiry I', (-.'run mnl Jell. r..n H'Keliy,uf prnii'Vllle, tirr K". Mh'HAKl.T. Nnl.AN, ltiKlMer. Iltnix-r I ,nnd, Aft Jimp 1. InTK .MiTICK Ftlll ITHUi'ATtttN, 1 lilt-l Stnlei. I Mil if, The hnlloa, tJri-K M.y Hi, iai3. Notice I lirhv Kivetitlint tn '.i.iiillkin with the im.vlnii.lia f the wt nf ('"Hir i,f hnif :t, In7a, fiititlnl "An net for Ih. le .( tlmlier Uli.U ill lh Mtnte o ( 'ulifofnU, llr. K'.n, Nov!, ami Waliiiiiloii Trrrilory," m to alt the Olihliu lailit lain, hy art if AnwiiMt 4, twe.', thr folliiwliii: Mrnf lia ia .l.tii. il, l!UI, In thii i.lttv tl.-tr .witin 4i. wit: linn S in.till ..f firanlu FaIU, county f Siiitlit.iiiiah, atute of VYaoltliiKtou, awoil) .iHtrinrnt No. Hilll, for the hlin haf of ttitf W'fc N K! and W, HK', Si. W, T, l.'iM., K. Jl K W. M. Ch'vn A, Neal if 'iraiilt Knlln, rotint v of StmhoiiiUh, nut of Wadiliitjloii, atnlw tin-tit No. IMmi, for thu i.meliMt- of (lo KS VW'and K, SV'4 K. ail, T, ,'i H., I'.. JO K., V. ,, That tli.'V m ill olT.-r ('roof t nIiow that tho litnd ooimclit ! to ore v li ii I -le for Un thnlfr or "tour-tiiiiti for itKiieiiltural (HiriHw, and to mtalilUli their flatui t Mid land More W. A. Itt-ll, , S. i ' in ii i iut iimr at Pi liicvllle, h-ijii. un M lay, the IIHli day of Aili-l, '1'liey name iw witn.-w.i-: ('harlea Water hirtiw, Ch-ve A. .Neal, lUc Wiiiuiiiat, of lininite Kail-, 'nh., Hvn (Vlv of I'iIiik villf. OreKon, ioi.I .h At. Hn iUi .if Ittit'klev, Any ami all tM-iwan i-UlmlriK ndvprwlv th uliove-ileMTilNid .land art rw netted it. hie th.-ir clitiioM In thia olliue oi ur hefre tli nul.l lOtli dnv ol AiiKiixt, n.l ii. MM II.UXT. NOLAN, IteftUter. mntli-f l tilt Ml Heillvmenl. Nnliee if. her. l.y K'veti thnl.tha under iK'ie.1 I ma in it and likd her llmil v ti HI 1 1 iK d In r itdiiilntMratioii of I lie Milt. . I Ailnd Col.l.. dteeiiM-d, mid the mrt lui M-t llo. :M day o Aiiifii.t. at tlie I 'jiinty ( onrl room In I'rineville, Oregon a tin- litm- mot dei' for lieuriliK llie-mio, Al wliieli limn uml place any intoii inier-e-d-il in mhI e-lnte may Hpaur and file thiir i.'ijeelioiih to Hitid tit ill I neeotinlhiK, il imv llii'v liuiv, I Ml el at rrioevtllethin 2Mi tlnvnf .llll.e, )'(. M MITIIA lllNI'MAN, A.liiiiiiiNtnitrii ct Ihe eMtale ot Allied I "ill ih. dee-lHed. Notlre or Final Nelthmi . In the multi-rot ilii-e-liilc of rhi-sler W n,iM).Hi. .I.-, .-..-.-, i. Notieei- huei.y iv.n (hut (he under. -iKlM'd, iiiiiiiiiii-h.ilii ol ih,- hIhoi- exliilf, lite, lili-d her Itinil Nreniiiit un mieh aid iiiiiii-liiilrix in ihe t oiiiitv Court ol Ihe Slut.- ol dn y. ii lor i rook Coiinly. and lluit Hiii.l Cort Ii.-im iiii .Moiidnv tin. hiyof AuicM. ita, ul IDn'cloV-k h. n. . Ifir !le In-iiriiiv nd Until netll rut of aiiid unit. All tM-r-oiiK are Nnntur. . thii to pre-t-iit lo-ir ohWtiotiN UiHHlda.-. noil, ll mil lliev hime. al .ui On... ..,.l JlllKf. JaNMtti i.vih.i. AdmliilHtialrli of I he rlnle ol t'lo-hlt r W. Chvhii, diTi-ti-ed. W. A. Ititi.i, Altoniey uf uiliniiii-ii Hi ru.