Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 23, 1903, Image 2

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    Crook County Journal.
Pmuniun Kvmt Thi usim t
BAII.KV AND BI.AIK. Propria...
Wall afreet i evidenc? of abate-laud however decide the hunmnitv
men! til ihft aiuMenlsitiv ft.vio- Mini ' nt Ihrt w.irl.l iiimv )ivu lutati. I
' that ol itself i a good thin? for :th-ev were utriotlv Riuwiiin nmtlerw
the country.
fitr;tlis'V were utriotlv
concern, rorei!h
could take oltioial
W. (.'. BI.AOK Km; Nothing new h developed''1
a i Hilll'V Mxgkr tli turn situation in tin- Blur
Omwtt Orrioui. rri.
riiw.Hte. mr.,t.if trnn.ii'Mthi
t , H. miol secri'i rtw mn".
, Mountain!, though late report"
from there do not encourage the
hope for an early settlement of the
Th. M.lh.i.H.iH.i-rf atHio. It ie reported that no
sneep nave yei (mmi ineueau
line", hut stern necessity will fore
them across soon, as the grass in
ai n.mDf PTUIV MTKS ......
n, Um ...... . all fed out where they now an1.
Sheepmen here sa v thev are will-
II .mi i OR to make concessions as to the
!j mailer of lines, hut nowhere is
. , there any evidence of an intention
.ll'I.Y !.'t 1H01 'rt wholly abandon that range,
! which it would mean should the
n Yi .
!hs Month . .
Thmi Months
Mr Bryan call" the Cleveland ' l,ro,Mm' established hy the
movement a comedy, hut for sever-!"'"''''. rcgarded.-Antelope
al years comedy has lvn quite Herald,
popular with the American public!
i4rm Warfare.
Booker T. Washington want the proni.neiit r'remh writer, in a
whiles to elevate the hlacks, hut of ; r.,,! ,r(i,,,, 1H1 rfa Sltvs
course he does not want them toi ,mt , hatllcfielil at the end of a
do the elevating on Irces and tele- p.npral engagement would he oov
praph pole. ;cred with itd.Ol) or .!UMI
. corps,., crushed and mangled.
The ilisi-iivefT of a conspiracy !j No one would In1 left to hurv the
of internal
cogniiano of them only to the ex
tent that the Russian government
The real object aonght hy the
auprten of the ietition has heen
altained. In fact, this long delay
over the matter has probably ac
complished more than would have
heen accomplished if the petition
had lnvn quietly sent to St. lVters-
jhurg, received, acknowledgment
and shoved into a pigeonhole. It
has Ix-en widely read in liussia, or
at least ha been read hy those who
are permitted to learn the news,
i from ahroad, and as a protest
against raw erwvtition ban
j probably effirte l greater good than
j would have resulted from a quiet 1
i acceptance of (he petition without
The ohject sought was to apprise
the t'zar that thousands of people
in this country looked with horror
nHin the outrages on Jewish
Hqde within his domain. There
is no douht that the Czar has lie
come fully acquainted with the
state of puhlic sentiment here, even
Ovix Oao X'xlce Follc
avenge the death of the late King ! dead, and pestilence would break he (lid not officially receive the
Alexander must convince t'elerjoot in the surrounding country. K'nal B'rilli pelifion.
that thia king business is not what 'This Wing the case he declares,
it has leen crackul up to W. H"1' who now declare;
j war will W a mon-t.r in historv
The officers on the Kcrsageare:
to tear themselves away from (heir:
courteous hosts in England, and
probably at the highest rate of
speed ever attain"! by a warship
while crossing the Atlantic.
Live Mara ra4 rrlwrrHH.
The following dispatch in a re-
, cut issue of the Orcgouian thus
comment on the shipment of live
stock from around I'rineville:
Another hunch of several thou
General Miles will reach the re-jsi)M( ((f s((rrs Mfyf far.
tiring age next month, but tl.alje-1 rmlll, .rineville for the tali
doe not mean he will W incapable: f riii( A, tw
for work. A man wliocan take a . . ... ... .
ai went to Portlaml have heen
.diverted to California and Pujet
40 mile horseback ride in July has
not reached tlie tottering stage, at
any rate.
It is now considered certain that
Mr. Cleveland will endeavor to W
come the Democratic candidate for
President. His nomination would
aford Mr. Bryan the opportunity
he apparently crave- to lead a re
volt, and so keep in public view.
There is not one chance in a hun
dred, as the situation appear now,
that Mr. Cleveland could be elected
if nominated, would iiiMirea lively
caniiiaign in S' Yo'k, a' h art.
pSiund fields. Why it is that Cali-
lorma markets. wi miles away.
c-411 make it profitable to come in
here under Portland's nose and
buy our lire stock i- one of the
strange things in trade that only
the Portland dealers can explain.
It is a U-Vinile drive to railroad
connection with Portland and
several hundred .idle to railroad
connection with California and
I'uget Sound markets, and yet our
cattle. slH-p. ami wool are mar
keted there.
On ai-count of the large iiuuili
f honie-tads and other claims
Sir Krnest Casscl. the laindou
merchant prince, who gave ll.tHHt,
tmO toward the cauiuiign against
consumption, has a dry humor,
but only occasionally gives reign
to it in business hours. At one
I eriod of the time when he was
building up his vast fortune he
was annoyed several timiv hy a
lioy who wauled a place in his
oflice. 'lid you see the hoy, who
was just in here?" asked Sir Krnest
of his ofiice laiy one day afler the
persistent applicant had made
another plea for work. "I saw him,"
said the hoy. "Well," said the mer
chant, ''he wants your situation,
and if I ever see him again he will
get it." The hint was sulticient.
for the merchant never saw the
Kt again.
A large enr ol stenographers at our Portland ollice for
answering correspondence promptly our written guarantee
our personal suK'rvision of every sale and our rule of "mon
ey liack should purchase fail to satisfy," makes piano purchas
perfectly sate and satisfactory.
Thousands who have made purchases of us In tliis way will
testify to Ihe truthfulness of these statements. You do not
need to go outside your door to secure the finest installment in
our atis'k. I'rop us a lino and we will send you catalogue and
all the information voiilesiro. You can then make your se
lection and we will guarantee to send you the exact instrument
you select at the figure stipulated and at just the price you
would pay if you selected it from our lloors.
If you have an instrument that is out of tune or need re
pairing or restoring in any way, write us. We make a special"
point of attending to all these matter promptly and
II you have an old piano or organ that you would like to
turn in on a new instrument, we will make a lilmral allowance
for it. KII.KRS PIANO IIOl'SK, the largest, most lilieral
and progressive piano concern on the Pacific Civist. Stores at
Washington street, comer Park, Poilland, Oregon, San
Francisco, California, SKikane, Washington and Sacramento,
The Bend
Mercantile Company
A. IT. (It ANT, Mnnn;r.
r l.e XIII
A Complete Stock of
at lM inevillo PRICKS.
The lire in the Oregon City
Woolen Mills la,t night is a severel uken H1, ()
blow to tlie company eugageu in
that praisewoilby industry, to
many worthy working people, and
to Oregon City. It is hoped that
the enterprisiiigownersof the mills
will rebuild, ard resume opera
tions, for the industry which they
and horsemen are finding it nece
sary to cut down their hands in
order U secure siiflicient range to
keep them through the winter.
There in a disMwition. t. on Ihe
part of the horse raiser to market
their hore and re-invest in tine
conaucieo was one 01 greai va.ue ,ir vM iVreareseven breed
to the community in which itisjin 1( fie h (h.
hKated.and to the state. tounty,and the farmers are market-
- - - ling their range ai.d common cattle
Simon Wolf, to whom Secretary i and Kiilmtiiuting Wtter grades.
Hay addressed tlie note anuouuc- The county is known as the
ing President Kisjsevelt's decision j home id high bred sheep. The
to forward to tWI'tar the petition' prize-winning bucks from France
of American Jews, is well known i and Kngland are annually being
as a writer on Jenish subject and iliix-l in here by the Baldwin
aa a philanthropist. He is the
founder of the Hebrew Orphan!'
Home at Atlanta. (. Among the
hooks he has written is "The
Sheep and Land Company. This
firm alone has J.VK) pure bred
stock sheep and hiw them to all
parts of tin' Cnited States. The
American Jew as Patriot, Soldier existence of this mammoth slock
anil Citizen." He was Recorder of breeding farm away up in the Blue
Deeds for the District of Columbia mountains, ml miles away from
from 1859 to 1H7H, and was Minis-1 railroad transirtation is one of
ter to Eaypt in IXSI-ISX-J. He is Oregon's great industries of which
87 years old and ha practiced law j but few eople know but little. A
The last Kicker of life expired at
four minutes past 4 o'clock .Monday 1
afternoon and the pontiff now liesj
at rest. The following editorial
clipping is from the Portland
The inevitable end has come and
the venerable and saintly old man
whose critical condition h. Ihvii
watched with anxiou sympathy
by all of Christendom has entered
iiiimii bis rest Pun Imi V 1 1 1 re.
vered by Protestant and Cathnlk-ip-)UI0 MCIIS and U.ys' flimiallillgfl ill order f)
alike, is mourneil May in every to iiinke rinin. You'll find ninny liargainH among W
and and clime t alone lHransei (fa them. Talk in rlieap liut if you'll fall and illHJHVt ourw
ot his greatness, hut liecause he ha j g,MK(, m, pr(VS. y,m' f,,,, t,om aK.klllj? for tlieill-
at Washington since HUS.
had million dollar i employed in
operation ami it is annually grow
ing in extent and value.
Thrif Ural lk.l lllaliirl.
It is plain that powerful inteiest
are unloading on Wall street. But
the motive i not so visible. The
unloading process may mean that . The Kisliiueff incident, so far as
some influential iqieratur or group j the I niteil State government i
of nenitors find themselves press-1 ollicially concerned, has Wen de
ed for ready money. It may indi-i cluriil closed. The state depart
eate that wrecker are at work, ; ment has been informed that the
forcing disaster in order that they j Russian government refuse to re
may reload at a mu.h lower range ceive the B'nal B'rith iclilion in
of prices. Or it may be the work ! behalf of the Russian Jews, and,
of far seeing, shrewd ami well in ! of course, the doi uiueiit can not W
formed men who have become cun- forced iis.u the Russians
Tinced that prices have been tooj The Russian minister gave hi
high, and who have decided to con-j refusal in neat diplomatic fatdiion,
vert their holdings into gold la-fore, declaring that, in view of the pill, li
the market sags to lower level.; cation that bad ape,ired in the
The latter probability is t. ,m,st i ncwsp,i rs concerning the .ition,
(ikely. I the Russian government would not
It is reassuring that, while a . receive the petition under any ch-
pauicky feeling iervades all cuintancc, but that thi resolution i
street, confidence continues uu- a taken iiule iiileiitlv of xnv
shaken throughout the country, consnliratioii of the siils-tamr of!
(ieneral buiins condition are ex- term of the petition. !
oelleut, manufacturing continues. While Ihe refusal to receive tlie
under high pressure, our volume of petition ollicially may W a matter
foreign trade i diminished but ! for regret, it can hardly be con
slightly, and the farmer are aur- (idered an affront to the United
ed good prices tor this year' crop. Stale. However deplorable the
In fart the saggiug process in Kiahineff outrages may have been,
earned the love ot hi Id low
by a life of rare sweetness
beautiful devotion.
That Pope l,eo was a man of
broad statesmanship and werful
intellect, fully capable of conduct
ing the diplomatic struggles in
which the aipacy Is-came involved
luring hi utilicate, history af
ford ample evidence. The spiri
tual ruler of more than one hundred
millions ol Hsple, invested with
a siwer ami inlluence that was
woi hi wide, lie reigned with wi-
lom. with beneficence am) in the
fear of (tod.
Few if any of his predecessor
have done more to build up the
atholic Church, to increase its
influence or to widen the scoie
of it endeavor. Others have add
ed more to its temsiral iwer, but
fW constant aim was to o
spirituali.e the church a to make
it the worthy leader of it million
of adherent. He could have had
no loftier ideal and hi life in the
I Vatican was devoted unswervingly
to the achievement of this end.
But the magnitude of hi pur
! ise and the immensity of the task
I he had set Isdore him never dis
tracted the attention of Pope Leo
I from the wants of the Hir, the
I needy or the suffering, to whose
ap'al he was ever ready to give
quick nvsinae. Hi sympathy
was broad and catholic. Hi hand
was ever outstretched in the de
fence of the weak. Hi voice ha
ever Wen for -ace, and by hi
iieaceful intercession, war have
! Iimri. limn mice Itoen ueprlixt
A great and a g.ssl man such
wa Po. Ieo, and the world may
well sorrow for his departure.
f. J. 7Jf orris
Seneral Tfferchanciiso
Tliis well known establishment i clearing nut a
Mrs. John McTaggart's
Came this week.
Don't fail to call and
tlie Stocl:
You will find many patterns and l,'p-to-Dale Style.
At Or. Hyde's Old Offioe
Daily Between
and Shaniko
I.eavcH Hhaniko, 6 p. in.
leaves Prineville 1 p. m.
Arrives at Prineville A a. m.
Arrive at Hhaniko 1 a. in.
First Class Accommodations
The Freighters I'nion, which
met and effected an organization
the 1st of July, have arranged the
following schedule of prices for
hauling freight. From Shaniko to
I'rineville, one rent per pound.
From Beaver creek to Shaniko
centi. jll-4t
CLiiiIIcm' Kui'iiInIiIiik'
l.iiltwt, SlyloH III
New Millinery Goods
At the Old Kollabli Mllllnory Btoro of
JVI.lHi fliA V TOfTS
IW til llii' lrHrt mill niimt ivli-ottst Hup of lint Hint lrM
SIlHlKM CVt tilUIIKllt tn I'rliit't III, willed will lw ld Itt lltl
hi'fthlnf Iik )iivi., W will h'l.Ui'k mill (HiiMil.1 linlo
Uv. Wit luui- Mpwial Huh MiiV" ivi'rv W''tlm'itl
Mulnnlity hI tttiMi tliiii mm iilfi-r HciUI HiirtiNlni.
ivo ii i:hioh
N. A. Tye and
linstom: iati:nt
:atiii:h shoi:
i'licy arc (iiiai-autccil
We have Just received a Complett lite
rttus' I urnlshlngs, Including Hats, Shoes, hlrtt
Neckwear and everything useful Id all the Latest
Things, Call and cunuilnc them.
N. A. TYE IM05., I'ropa. Sellable Merchnu
piacksmilhing That Pleases
la I'liu Kind You (.tl ut -
J. II.'S
(Hiicn'wwir n)
A Stock of Kami Maihinery nlniiaon hand
You Hill find
KICVCIJISof all kdikI makes
Hainblcrs, Imperials, Ideals, and many
libera. A gissl line ol llii-ycli- Sundries AT SIIII'I' H.
Watts A Baker, Props.
Marble and (iranite Moiuiuients
All Kinds of Stone Work
Seoond Street, The Dalles, Oregon
Th( Pari
'rW I I Tft
mm Money
During the Present Lull in Business
? Vienna Cafe,
P. SS. Qk, Prop.
First Class Heals at All Hours
35 Cents
leo r'u.xnlolied. ISoom.s
We arc making especial sacrifice in all our
Our Gent's and Ladies' Furnishing Depart
ment has the newest things and is very
All mail orders receive our prompt atten
tion. Farm prodece taken in exchange for
goods at Market Prices.
A continuance of your patronage is solicited.
Hespect fully,