Xocal i Tim (annuls Olyiupla buttled Istcr at Km 1 1 It i Cli'i'lu. Ladles' Khlrt Walala In all grades nil styles at Halo i on, Johnson 4 C!i. Don't forget (hit Fourth nl July oeleliratlnli. Thi) popular photogrnpher, J. H. Kully in again in I'rliinvlllo. Kelly's gallery In llm only plnoo ill OriHik (Juu uly to get llrst ohisa photo. H ct It It A ('In k have the Iiiiuii Olymiila Mottled lleer lor saleat!!i I'I'lllll kt I li. Mao (liirimtt led Tueaday lur Ids home at Hlmniku, alter a hrlel hinduus lay in our city. Ladles Dress, floods in nil grades ml prettiest patterns nt J. K. Morris'. The W. 0. W, lodge ol Ihis city Inia vntnl i I'.Ti purse to lie will to lll'pplior, Khner Kayler returned Tui'nlay Iruni the lluwaril county where ho lia lmn spending few days riwriMting, Knox Huston lull this morning lur Hiw Creek where ho goes to do surveying. Mrs. Kffn Hell nml Mian Addic Vhiii1tkk1 iuli'iiil leaving Kridtty fur a visit in i'nrtlnnd. Fritl Hiuilli mil liia ami Joe of I'nullna, with I'rini'villi' visitor till week. All person knowing thaiunetve in dslited to Huiltli t CM will plesne call ami settle aa they need (he Money, Tlw hal IiIk f Ilia A. 0. V. W. votwl to ir Ilia Heppner sufTcrers II. Oil per nWiiilwr. Tliia amounts to Hj. Missca Mary Salomon, 1'enrl VainliTiool, mil Little Ketchum arrived home Wednesday Irom I'ortlttiiil. MluIvaWi'pt li'll Wedncsdsy (or bar burnt nt it i.d altar ssmding several Unyt with her Irlond Mi Uertla Sharp in Ibia fin. Johnny Howard arrived Wciliim ilny Irom Corvallii, where lie lina been attending school. Ho came by wheel Irom Shanikn. Mm. T. M. Baldwin ami daughter Bertha ami Kay n-liirn-nl home Tumiluy from Portland, wlier limy spent the past winter. You will flml tn A No, 1 lino o( Mi'ii'a Kuriiixliirift (inula at J. K. MorrV. They are unexcelled In the city, and the price arc right. A Itrnnil New Line of dent's llata just received nl J. V. Morria' They are in the Intent blocks n ml are being aolil at a ainnll margin ul prolll. Tim ladies nl the Baptist church have Hwtioniail their ice cream atrial, which lln'V intended having on thi' coming Vourth, to n Inter (Into. Strength and visor oonie ol a good fual, duly digested. "Korea," a ready-to-serve wheat and barley final, aililn no bunleti, but sustains, nourishes invigorates. The great Oak-Kaaol sent by Htranra lUm., ol Chicago, ooutaining nOUsaiu plea (or rueii'a tine tailoring can now I aeen at the atora ol Salomon. John on t Co. II. H, Holland waa in the city Hat unlay Irom Portland. Ho left the following day for Moury, where he goea to investigate the timber reaour oea. Silver I.ako and Paiiley oontcahil taat Tburmlay on the diamond. Pain ley'a niau won owing to over con Hdeuce on the part of the Hilver Lake boya, Meaira. Cannon 4 Jolmaon diannvei ed a fu26 nugget at their plneor in Hininiiili (lulcb laat week. Tliii ia the largeat nugget they bavo found thia year. Mitchell New". V. F. King roturneil home this morning Irom Shiiniko, where he went to look nfter freight ennaignvd to thoeiileriirifing linn of Klkina dt King' - The different committees work' iug on the Fourth of July oeN ltrn tion aro rnniillv (telling the pro. urani in hIiiiik'. We will have all events pulilisheil in our next isaim. When in need of blackimithing or wood work Kive Hnlonion. Jonnaon a (Jo. a call. T elr hlarksniitli shop l the belt eiiiipil in Interior Oregon and employs only nrm-cias me. chnnica. Ki Igely )raier, aon of Win. Draper arrived HatimUy from Corvallia, where be baa Iwcu iittending the Agricullural College. He will return to school I agiiin thii tail. I The Itasehnll Club, lias arranged lor series ol three gnmea to be played on the 3d, 4th and fit h of July. Antelon and Bend will contest with the local tenm for pureeB aggregating $250. 71ontion rl Miiailiimea II. I', llelknup nml C. I. Vlnni'k will enterlnin the I), of II. liiilii'B uml frirmlH noil lues day evening nt the homo of Dr. II. I . llelkunp, Wmtki voiikii MKif to preinre for (lovernmeiit I'cwiliom, Kiue 0Hin Inns in all Di'onrtmtmla. (IihkI Hul- trlea, Itapld I'roniolloin, Kiainl- intitms iihiii, I'lirticuhira Kree, I liiter-ttnle Cur, liint,, Cedar ltnpida, a, ui-ilt J, If. Iluraon lliin to announce hal ho will buy all kindaof fura. He kill pay a good price lor all fura prop, lily bundled and in good ahnpo, Al. so lluilger blili'H. Heailiiuarlnra at p'oatcr 4 I.i'liionn'il boUiher ahop. t You ought to see aoine o the new orentioua ill woolrm conlniiml In the great tailoring liiicofrllritii llrot, (Ibleniiii on dinplay nt the store ol Hshimnii JoIiuioii A l'i- ('nil Uivru whether you nrn thinking of ordering new ulolhea or not. Don't forget the Fourth ol July celebration, Kloyd Howell and lleunie Ilootb relurnwl Huiubty from lliggs. They were eiiroule to Hi ppuer, where they had Urtiil to look up their friend llriice dray, and were apprised of hia anlely by a phone, which reached them at the lormer pbice. Harold Ilalilwin arrived home Tuesduv morning from I'ortlnnd where he hits been pursuing his studios nt the Portland Academy. He wns one of the 114 graduates I'ouilileling the four ymr course in the class of 1IHW. nml slood well up towards the top. K. K. Wiegund mid wife returned Thurailny from a month's visit in the valley, Mrs. Weigaud ia ready for business and ia pp-fiaied to make pboliM of all kinds and aiws. Hbs not only makes pictures in any sine up to ti by 10 inches, but also mnkei alanips in 12 ihlTetent sines. The Haul will celebrate the ooni ing Koiirlh in appropriate styl". Ar rangements have been msde for a game iNtlttocn their bwnl Imscbnll beam and the Hilver Lake team, and a gord con test is assured. They will also have a dance and other features that will make it worth going to see. Misa I'na Klewart is exiwted home Friday from , Pendleton, where she has Ihhmi visiting her sister, Mrs. druce Kn-lis. Miss Clin nveiillv lininlii'd her second yenr in music nt the Corvnllis Agrii'lilturnl College, nml intends tenching the piano during the coming summer. , 0 H. It. Hlayton, aged 72 years, came from Vermont to Crook (Jointly in 1K&2. He crossed the plsiusand served in sev end of the Indian wars of the North west. His present home is Prinevitlo These and iniiny olbera nre in Port land to attend the grand reunion and to listen to the calling of the roll, which each yenr is growing shorter. Portland Journal, Report of school -District No. 21 for the month ending June 5, 1!0,'I. No. school days tniight, 20; whole No. dnya ntlendnnco, ION; whole No. dnya nhsenco, 211; whole No. times lute, 15; No. pupils enrolled, 10; visitors, 8; Pupils present every day, Itosie Helms mid Kllie Admits. The Artisan Lodge, ol thia city has received a notice from the supreme assembly, asking that !.) cents per memlier bo lent the Ileppner suffer ers, ninnlar letters were sent all littnl assemblies, Biieh notion shows tn wltnt an extent a tneficiary order can be for good. Nearly all il not quite, of the insurance orders have taken some actio ; tn aid tko Heppner people. At the picnic at Brownsville, Friday there was a professional men's foot nice and Rev, J. K. Bnyiler was one ol the runners. Rev. Hnyiler made the run in good time but when he renchod the goal he fell in n faint from over ertion nnd for some time Ins lifo was despaired of. It will probably Iw soitto time More he will a pi in cuter a font race. Iieltanon Criterion. H. T. Dennett, Siecial (lovornmcnt agent, will be in the eity next Friday The purH)se of bis visit is to clear up the tinilierand stone claim titles that have been held up, nil that have been tiled since August 1st, 1JHI2, coining under that head. All who have tiled on claims since that date should be I on hand with their witnesses, aa it to their interests that the matter should be settled. The Dcrbani Haw mill lire, 15 miles HOiilh of AsIiwikhI, which was reiortcd in Inst week's Journal is more serious liisn first estimated, 800,000 feet ol liimlier being burned. Tbo owner al ready has a force of men engaged in hewing tindiers to bo used in the erection of a new mill of increased capacity, and Mr. Derham will soon have a good modern sawmill in nper-Sliuu. Prof, A. U, Htriiugs, who has been principal of Hie Union High school lor three years pnst, has iswn sclented to actjh a like capacity ill the I'rinc vllle High school. His salary will I' 11000 per year, A. 0. Palmer nnd wife, accompani ed by It. (lilchrist arrived ill the city Monday Irom Portland. Messrs. Palmer and Ollchrist left on the same day lor Denflhutoa, while Mra. Palmer will visit friends In our city for week or so. I Tin Indlei ol llm Presbyterian Church will .erve ice cream nnd take on the evening of the Fourth. The Helping Hand Hocietv, com posed ol the young folks will serve liouia made candies nt the same time nnd plnoo, Alfalfa linying has rommenced mi a number id Crook county mucin, nnd the next ten ilaye will see tho work general. The yield is na usual, gissl, nnd ww greatly added to hy tho recent ruins. Itev. (I. M. Ilisilh, Presiding Kl.ier, will bold tho Kourlh (juarfa-rly (!on lercnce at the Mcthisliat church no Hatimliiy at 2 p. m. He will preach on Hniuliiy at 11 o'clock and at 8 p. in, "Convention echoes" at the Irague at 7 p. in. Mrs. II. P. Belknap returned Mon ilnv from Ht. Paul, where she has been in attendance at the Hiierior Lodgii of the Id'gree of Honor, as a delegate IrVm our state. Mrs Bilknnp says there arc many nie features to Im found In the North ceutial states, but that fair (begun lieats them all, and that she is glad to lio at home again. lie sure nml nttend the Fourth of July Celebration nt Prineville. The Am Kmc ax Pkothtivh TsKinr l,n:;rt of New York is early in the Held for the campaign ol I1NH. Ileal- iilng that tlie iwrcenliige ol new vo tes may prove to be somcient to turn the scale in several Hlslcs. Tun I.kaoiik has mailed to its ineintars and cuiiiieclioua inquiry cards asking names and addresses of youn; men who will, next year, east their first votes at a Pieaideiilial election. Re plies to these cards are. conitog in by the hundifds in everv nisll, and Tna I.KAiuis is rapidly accumulating an j immense list of names to which it will send litoralu e of the sort calculated to inform young electors as to the merits of the questions .dividing the two political parlies. A Siecial train will la) run from Wasco loHhauiko and return Bun- day, June 2Kib, leaving Wasco at 9:15 a. in., arriving at Hhaniko at aUtut 12:00 noon, on Account of the game of base ball to In played at Bbsniky be tween the Moroand Wasco profession al tennis. Tickets i!l l gisxl only on siecial tiaiu on date of isme. Rale from Wasco, $1.15; Kloudyke, II. 2.1; De Moss, 11.00; Moro, 11.00; Knkinville, 1.00: (irass Valley, .75; lloiirbon, .75; Kent, .50; Wilcox, .50. A great game nnd a great crowd! Mayors Matron, of Wasco, and Miaire, of Mom, will umpire the game. C. K. Lvrtr, 0. P. A. nrr fll tile. United Htntei Land Office, Tho Dalles, Ore., June 10, I'M. Notice is hereby give that the plat of survey of Tp. 3 H., It 11 E, V. M will bo tiled in this office on Monday July 27, 11)03, and that on and alter said day, we will lie prepared to re ccivo npplicntiona for entry of laniln in said township, Irom any lerso i who made settlement prior to the withdrawal o( said township for the Cascade Forest Reserve. ResHtfully, MiriiAM. T. Nolan, Register, Annik M. Lano, Receiver. Illak likMl sue. The aite selected hy the High school board an a building place for the High school is just 'inside the rnco track, and is 240 feet, by 240 foot in aizc. It is owned hy the rond company, which asks 100 lor it. However, an effort ia being to get them to donate the ground which they should do. It would lie a public spirited action, that would he appreciated by every tnxpnyer in the county, nnd in the end, our gain would not be their loss. It has not been learned as yet what they will do in regard to lite mailer. A Jewelry Fakir With 1 1. All individual representing him- sell an the agent of a large East em Jewelry house, is peddling cheap jewelry at' fabulous prices in our section. An investigation shows his goods to lie wortli per- has one third the sale price, and tho method of disposing of them, is what makes tho sales. His terms are very liberal? as he only asks thai the purchaser give his note for six months without inter est, but he is very careful nt the sumo time llnil tho notes aro given by reliuble parties. People should bo warned of such a groflcr, nnd give liiin It wide berth. Hlrlkn An llralks SIMit ke Hf- It Is necessary now to make official record of every birth and every death. A new law that is already in effect re qulri's every physician, midwife or head of the family to give notice by the end of the month to the county health ollicer ol any birth that occurs under his or her charge. Kvery physician, midwile or head of family must give notice to such health plbrer within 4K hours of every death. No biiiinl con take plane until proier burial certificate has been made nut and transmitted to the county health ollicer. All these requirements arc the re sult of the act creating the state board of health, which passu) the last legis lature. It contained an emergency clause and took effect on its approval by the govenor. ItcrouU'S a county, as well as a slate board. The county Uunl is the county jodge and oouuly physician. ' To this officei must be rejierted all infectious distunes, deaths, and causes thereof, places of burial of every per son that dies in the comity, and in the case of birth ol any child give name of parents, residence and occuptioan A U-frfi lleepsier Victim Sale. Taking the Heppner reports as lads, we felt that -it would come within the province ol this week's Journal to chronicle the death of one of Priueville's young men, Bruce Oray, who waa supposed for a few days, to lie one of the miss ing who would lie found together willi other victims of the awful Heppner disaster, among the piles of debris that marked the course of the flood. However, Ihc feeling of sadness Hint caino over us, when wo nlmosl felt certain that ihc re port wns true, has given way to n feeling of alwolute joy, upon learn ing that it waa a mistake and in licu of the tit-nth notice, we nre ghitl to slate that Bruce is alive nnd healthy, nnd in our midst, having arrived home safe and sound Monday evening. Hearty hand shakes and congratulations, upon his fortunate escae kept him busy for some lime, after his arrival. At the reiitlenco of tho bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Klliott, on I'p Ocboco, Hundny, June 21st, Mrs. Jennie C1.VkmI to Y. C. Uhtck. Rev. II. C. Clark, pastor ol the M. K. church, officiating. In this city, this morning, to the wife of L. D. Haner, 8 son. Mother and child are doing nicely. On Tuesday June 10th, Mrs. A. Bradshaw died at the jttagc station 30 miles norlh of Silver Lake. Tho funeral services were held in this city last Thursday, being con ducted hy Revs. Alter and Clark. Interrment was had in'the Masonic cemetery. I.MMnfa llrm. Crops nre looking fairly well. The rains this week, did a vast amount of good to the cro of this section. Rev. Childs conducted religious services at our sehoollmuse last Sunday. A heavy hail storm visited us last Monday, which did no little damago to the gardens. Everett Miller and lamilv moov- ed to Bend last week. He will run a butcher shop at that place this summer. T. J. Leach is errecting a wind mill near his house. 'When com pleted it will Iw a great improve-1 nient to his ranch. Aleck Houck and Neil Milligan returned from their lishing trip on the Deschutes, loaded down with tho speckled beauties, among which was two fine dollivardona. Mr. nnd Mrs. lion Holfrich while driving out last Sunday evening, met with quite an accident. The horses became frightened anil start ed to kick, one horse kicked over the tongue and made thing; lively for a while, Mr. Helfrich told his wife to jump out, which she did J without any serious injuries. Ben siayeu wun ute nuggy until n Be came loo tropical, when he jumped out and turned the team loose. He came out with a badly sprained wrist and several severe bruises. The rig was badly dilapidated. Tiny In HemeHtbranea er 0, Hand," On tho banks of fair duliverence Walks our loved one, gone before To the laotl ol cndlcis glory On the blight and gulden shore. Precious one how much we miss time; Mortal tongue can never tell, Hut we know whut'er Is-l.tlls thee Jesus disith all things well, No more sorrow, griel or heartaches Mars thy iM?aeelttl rest so sweet. For we know that thou art learning Ixataons al our Havtor's feet. When we scan thy lile here with us Full id kind and noble deeds Thou hast taught us, loving kind ness Is tbo flower among the weeds, Now to Christ our loving Havior Tby week spirit we commend Knowing in His sacr'd presence All eternity thoul't Stcnd. Composed in 'loving remembrance ol our brother Dayton Bond, who passed from this life April 17tlt 1003, at Prineville, Oregon alter a brief ill nt'M. By bis sister, Marie A. Wil.ev, University Park, Oregon. Paalure lur Hem, Hontes pastured fur 50 cents a week in the Itent pasMiro in Cnsik County1. Hec W. T. Koglc. l.m. A sorrel mare branded with a circle on left slide, with a bar underneath. Has a hole in left jaw alsnit half way between none and eye. Also a small stallion, two years old. Has right ear split, but no I rantts. When last seen were on the Ocboeo alsait 8 miles alsivetown. Reward paid for tboir return, or information as to their whereabouts by Tld. C. A. Cusn, Prineville. ana oraer your new spring suit from the great Oak-Easel of Strauss Brothers Good Talton lor 26 Yeara. CHICAGO. From start to finish good qual ity it the predominating feat ure of all clothes made to order by thia well known tailoring house. No detail is too small to be given careful attention; your perfect comfort ia their aole aim. Call at our store and took over the aplen did assortment of 500 latest and nobbiest patterns. Tewtll quote you prices that will inter eat you. Your satisfaction, as alwayt, absolutely guaranteed. Saloman, Johnson & Co. l Fall into line 1 l SALOMON, JOHNSON & CO. (SUCCESSORS TO C L SALOMON) 2)ry Soods .... J(ardware Stoves New Stylish Shirt Waists and Vinware .". Fancy Trimmings antl.Neck Ribbon ' Lace Curmins Sheep Shears Slimmer Dl-CSS Goods Tahle and I'ocket ol the Latent Styles and Cutlery Trimmings to Match (jnnSi Ammunition, ' ' Percales and Shirtings .; A Henutiflil Assortment at Low Prices Paints, Oils and MuslillS Varnishea A New and Complete Stuck . . . . , Camp Stovea Just Arrived , ... " ' nagon Cover Bedding and Ol All liradea at Low Prices TentB Sroceres Me's and Boys' Furnishings.... New Line ol Summer Hats SUITS f All Grades, New and Up-to-date at Reasonable Prices A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, 'Mnttori, Pork, llacon, Lard, and Country Produce. Mail! St. Prineville, SilAtllKO WAREHOUSE General Storage, Forward, n AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS . Fireproof building 100x000 feet, lo0 feet two stories in height. " Special Attention to Wool Grading and Baling for Eastern Shipments. Dealers in Mack-smith Coal, Flour, Earls-d Wire, Nails, Cement, Lima, Coal Oil, 1'laster, Sulphur, Wool and Grain Hacks and Twine, ,y (Irain and Feed. Highest price paid for Hides and Pelts. Stock Yards with all the Latest and Best Facil ities for Handling Stock. AnMit ft Wmao Warhtue Milling &.', "White Itiver' and ''Dallei Putart." Hunr. Mark Woods (are of "S. W. IV -' t A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. ...manufacturers ol and Dealers In... FURNITURE, COFFINS and CASKETS CARPETS, STOYES, PAINTS and OILS Lumber and al Kinds of Cnilding Material For CASH "Only' Jfencerson -DEALERS IN- WINES, LIQUORS, imi'okteik... vj1VJ2JYO. COUNTRY ORDERS FIRST DOOR SOUTH SOLICITED. POINDEXTER HOTEL. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. WINNER DRUG CO. Incorporated 1903. j Drugs, Stationery anil General Merchandise and Stockmcns' Sole Agent" lor. the . F. Myers Shoes Made Neat nnd lp-to-Iatr . ? t , : Foster & Lehmaa Propriciors. Oregwi. ThOIie 31. & tPollard House Furnishing Goods Supplies 1 t. i