Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 18, 1903, Image 3

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The Inmotis Olyuiilii bullied beer
at Hiulth A Clerks,
Ali'i Minllh, ol Hisleta, win In Uii'
city Hatimluy oil business.
Win. Johnson, nl (Irlrsly, wn n
business vliilur Saturday.
(lint, Hchli'ctit, nl lli'iiil, In mm-iiI iiift
r lew days In I hii oily uii business,
Ladles' Hltlrt Waists In nil grades
ntl styles nl Hitlu i on, Johnson t Co.
A. II. (irnnt ol lli'iiil will) business
visitor (lie lint nl Iho week. '
Win. Arnolil la ilown liom the lies-
hit ranch smllug n low days in our
Mm. 0. I. Wliini'k. nreniupanli'd lay
hor daughter Lurine. rt-tiinnil (rnm
Portland Tuiwlny,
Will Wurxweiler, Ilia merchant left
Wiilwwluy for almrt business trip
to I'urllniiil,
J, II, Ciiriic'.i, nl Hi im in it t l'nilrlo
waa In the city Hiiliinlny transacting
tl). Itny, ol Post, wa In Hie oily
the Inat nl llit week transacting bnsl
T. M. Ilnlilwin relumed home Mutt-
lUy (rum Portland where lie vUltrd
hia Inmily.
Kb ('rtlilrra Ml Wednesday lur
I'ino Mnunlnlil where ho goe to
take crowd ol tiniWr folks,
J. II. limy, nl the Honneyvlow stock
ranch on l'iwr Cr.siked rivor, was n
bnainrai vlailor Saturday.
The Presbyterian Yuiing 1'eoplu's
society will meet nl Mrs. John Wigle '
linine ueil Saturday nl MM p. in.
Smith & ("leek hnvo Iho Innimia
(Mympla llolllitl llocr lor mil' nt l'i
cent pur Uillliv
All tersnns knowing themselves In
debted l Kinith i fleck will please
en II ami settle na Ihey iiml I lit'
Eighth ilrade Kiaminationa will be
held by County School Superintendent
llneiili, nt the oourl bouse, on June 17,
18 nJ It).
Ir. E. 0, Hyde nod wile returned
Monday linm Portland, whore Ihey
hnve lawn na witnesses In the 1'iiliiier
c ae.
Otto dray, wile nnd Why Irlt
Widneadsy l.irSuiumitt Prnirie.wlurc
tlu'y will 'iid n lew duya recreating
on Mr. Orny'a liomeatond.
K. A. Mathews nnil John MrTiiR
gart relumed Monday evening from
tho lloraehcaven country, when'
Ihey liH'iiti'd several liinlicr seekers.
Hlrengtliand vigor come of n good
fond, duly digested. ."Force," n ready-to-serve
wheal nnd bnrley lowl, dd
no bunleii, but auatniua, nourishes
When III need ol Ulacksiiiilliing or
wood work give Salomon, Jnhuaon A
Co., n cull. T.clr hlnekauiith shop la
the brat onuipped in Interior OreRon
nnd employs only tlrl-cl me
chanics. The great Oak-Knaul acnt by Strauss
llron., ol Chicago, cooininiiig !) sam
ples for men'a line tniloring ciui now
ho seen at the atoro of Salomon. John
noil A Co.
The 3t'iitl Mercnntilo Company mel
Tuesday nt the atoro ol Wuriweiler
Tlmnipaon nnd elected A. Tnonipaon.
President, nnd A. II. Clrnnt, Secretary
nnd Treasurer.
0. Springer, ol Ilnyatnck. wni In tho
city Satunlny. Ho announces Unit
the Democrats ol hi precinct will
moot on tho 19th ult fur the pursue
of orgnnliing a Democratic Club.
Tho Kihtli Grade cxiuiiiniitinua
coninicnoed Wednesday nnd will con
tl uo through todny and tomorrow.
They nro being held nt tho court
liouae by Superintendent Iioegll.
Vinco Circloa, a former resident ol
our'scclion pnaaed through the city
Tuesday. Ho in now a resident of
Dufur, nnd hna lawn in the custom
part of tin county on a liorsibuying
, J. Nailor, a prominent business
man of Atlanta, (loorgia, pnaaed
through our oity Inat week en route
to the Deschutes cotintiy, where he
goon to investigate the liuaineaa
A. C. l'almor'i trial ocoured Wednca-
day at Portland. Tho jury dieagrced,
the flunl ballot atiunling H to 3 lor no.
quital. It ia not probable that the
caae will ever come up again for jury
Mini Josephine Andrews oompl t d
very auoceaalul term of aehool nt
Hownrd last Friday. She will wait
until her liater Orn'n ncbool nt Conilia
Flat ia finished, nnd they will thon go
together to their home in tho Valley.
J. H. Duraon wiahoi to aiinounco
that he will buy nil kindnof fura. Ho
will pay a good price lor all fura prop
erly handled nnd in good shapo. Al
so Badger hide. Headquarters at
foatcr t Lchman'n butcher nhop.
WaHtkii vuiinii K In prepare fur
(loveriiinont Pnaitimin, Fine 0in
illga In all Depart ineilla, (Imal Hal
iiriia. Knpid I'roniot ioiin. Kxami
initiiiiia Minn, I'nrliiMilnra Free,
liiter-alale Cor. inat., ('eilnr Kapida,
In. .Im-jll
You nuglit to ace aoine ol the new
orealloiia In woolen contiiliieil In
the great tailoring llneolrttraiiaa lln.,
(Miinigo on diaplay nt the aturo ol
Halouioii Johnaou 4 Co- Call there
whether you am thinking ol ordering
new eliithea or not,
Miaaea Ahbio Ulbaoii njid Wniidn
Uignn returned Tliiiraduy Irnin Kti
gene where thny apiuit the winter.
They left Iho following day lor Miaa
(liUou'a home nt Cold Ipringa. where
Miaa ligiin will ho a gunt for the
iHijt few moiitlia.
liim't Inrgi t the Fotiith ol July
Orange Htalgea neeoiiipmiii'd by
Clvilu ltuwi.ll luf, Wvdueailny by lentil
(or the valley. (Irnugu will go lo
Cniiiatiiek, llungina county, while
Clyde will viait relative null Irienda
ill Irflbnilull. They expect to bo buck
In about tbron weeka.
J. W. Howard nnd wife b it Winlnia.
day lor Hllver Luke. Mr. Howard baa
purelin id alxmt 7(MI head ol Iwel entile
during hia atuy ill our aeetion, and
aaya that ho iagrontly plivuil with the
ipiality ol the atwk.
The MiKay creek nihool, Miaa
Hndio Mnrahnll, teacher picniced laat
Friday nt the T. II. Ulolli tt ranch.
Owing to tho weather, the exoiciaea
were held in Mr. I.nlnllrtl'a bum, in
ateml ol Iho grove na orliiially in
Umiliil. Filly ait weio pnaent, nnd
onjoyiihle time waa rei;ltil by nil.
The Frievuitlo Church Aaaoeiation
will meet nt the I'nion church, Mon
day, June TM, nt 1(1 n. in. lor the pur-
le ol adopting by lnwa and the elec
tion ol olliecra, and whiitovnr bnal
neaa that umy coir o larforo the meet
ing. All inten-ateil pnrtiea nre naked
10 ntleiid. A. Zki.i.,
The liiiliea of tlu I til t it int church
will conduct nil ice cream alaitil mi
tliecoming Kourtli. The proceed
will bo UKtil in the miiiiiti inime of
the llnptiat orgiiiiiintiiiiiof thin city.
I he hullo will haw the neat ol lie
rrcam ami cake on hand, and
ahotilil not Ik' overlooked, na their
i-auw ia a worthy one.
Don't lorget the Fourth nl July
iM'lebratlon. '
Rev. 0. P. Ilailcy, who arrived in tho
city Monday night, IcfJ yeilenlay to
attend the Middle llaitiat naaneintion
nt Mayville. Itev. Ilailcy waa (oimerly
n riuideot ol The Halloa, but now ro-
aidea nt Oakland, Or. It ia hia In
tention to return to thin city thia fall
The Dullea Chronicle.
Mr. Clay A. Hiniiwin Manager
Wiudiinglon Lite Inatiriinco Coin-
innv of New lark hna reeetitlv de-
livercil to Mrs. McDowell Ilia com-
na nica rhork in Botllcment n( Iho
policy which Chna. K. McDowell
had taken Inat Uecenilicr throtij;!!
Mr. Siiiipaon a agency.
Tho United Artianna, held their
regular mii'ting Monday evening, for
the Ural time aincc April (1th. Ollleera
wereelectcil aa lollnwa: Mra. K. II.
Smith, M. A., Mra. Iaoin Clcek. Bnpt.,
Mra. J. W. Iloone, In., Mra. W. T'
Fogle, Hr. Com , Mm. Jamen Sharp,
Jr. Cum., Mra, Coloatino Miller, M. Ci
W. T. Fogle, Sec., Win. Drujicr, Treaa.,
and Dr. Del knap Mill. Fx.
draco Ilelknap returned Friday
from San Joao, California. Hhc re
ocnlly oonipletcd hor llrat year in the
Han Joao conaorvntory ol imiaie, nnd
onmea to upend the anniiiior viaititig
Irie da and rclntivea. Hor uircnta,
Mr, anil Mra, H. A. Ilelknap will not
roturn for about a yonr, wheu
they intend making Prinevillo their
homo once more.
It i reirtcd that Indiana from the
Warm Springs reaorvatio i nre hunt
ing in Klamath county juat ncroaa
tho aoutlicrn border ol Crook county,
nnd nro cnuaing nome Crook oounty
aottlori conaidernblo inconvenience.
Should they got in Crook county thoy
will bo aummnrily dealt with, aa It ia
tho intention ol ShcrilT Smith nnd
Deputy Sheriff Clnypool to rigidly on
forco tho gamo Inwa,
Tho expouaea incurrotl in caring lor
tho inmllKix pnticnta during tho
montlia ol April and May Tench a total
ol about $,raXX). When it ia considered
that this ia only a small fraction ol the
loas caused by the recent plague, it
will be rcadilv icon to what extent
Prinovillo'n businosa interesta were
injured. The great loas howover, is
being compensated for in part, by n
renewed bua:neaa activity which in
good to look upon.
The hailstorm of Monday did some
damage on lower Crooked river, while
on upper Oclioco, the downfall waa
principally rain, accompanied by a
heavy wind. Tho latter blew a good
deal ol the nllnlla down causing some
damage. Jupiter Pluvius seemed to
u nt bin wrath especially on the coun
try from hero to aeverul milea- below
Uiwn, and opened up hia reaervo ar
tillery, sending hail .tones and jagged
pieces of Ion, of damaging nit. How
ever, the lain accompanying the hail
did morn good than the loiter did
lint m, alien taken na a whole.
A number ol lliv local fans met nl
the Journal office Monday evening
and orgiiiiiaed u team Ut bo known as
the I'rinevillc Uasoliall Club. They
propose tndcvcloiN' a strong team lor
the game ol the Foijrth, nnd nlso to
anoure aa many ol her games as possible
Itobt. Myers waa elected Cnptiiin and
W. C, lllnck Manager, and the Hue up
which la a particularly strong one,
will commence practice at once.
W. A. Hiwtli,.ol Prinevillo, aioiil
Wedneadiiy In our city oil hia way to
Lakcview. Mr. Jlooth loft on the
alago Wedneadiiy evening lor Hummer
I.nko where ho will apcud a day lailore
proceeding on hia trip. Ho cxiwctt
to meet hia brother, It. A. Ilooth and
another party at I.akoview, They
will atnrt h ion that place and make a
trip ol inspection ol the Military
llouil Land, which will take them in
to Idaho, It will time the party
about n month lo make tho trip.
Central Orcgotiinn.
Tho Journal la in receipt of the
Ag'icullural College 'catalogue ol 11X12
I'.KKI. This institution ia aituated at
Cnrvallia and baa enjoyed n large
patronage the uist year. It ia n
thoroughly - pincticnl aehool nnd
counts among its atudenta several
Crook County young lulka. They nre
F.dith Hownrd-Zurchcr nnd Hoy
Howard who were both in the grad
uating clues the Inriner finishing n
courae In Household Science nnd the
Intter a mechanical course. Other
students nro Miss Una Stewart (iladys
and (luy Moore, John Howard and
Itidguly Draper.
Hrrrarlllnn limn.
Portland markets arc I ow paying
a higher price lor bee! aUtern, than
hna lavu known lor years. Five
ttt f .i.l Tit) pr cwl U'ing the prevailing
price. The same stivra are selling for
from I.IK) to $4.10 in So.ith Omaha
t the present time, no it will la) seen
that the coast markets are much bet
ter (or cattle than the eastern markets.
Saw Mill Burned.
The Dcrhnm saw mill (Hunted
about ITi miles Jrom nahwood wns
buriiel to the ground hist Wednesday
together with about 5tKI,0tK) feet ol
liimlwr. There waa no insurance,
mid the loan is quite heavy. Mr. Dor-
ham will rebuild nl once, nnd will be
able to utilise some ol the old ma
chinery. w-aal Kales.
Last Wtdncadny'a wool sale at
Shnniko, was an improvement over
tho previoua day na 7."0,0(H) pounds
changed hands, on against 050,0110 on
Tuesday. The Baldwin Land and
Livestock Ciimnany received the
highest price, one choice lot bringing
Hi cents nnd thel. entire clip aver-
nged nlsjut 15 cents.. The Hha.iiko
market hna averaged a cent higher
than it did last year, and has shown
plenty ol buyers in evidence.
OllleTkleTea Al Wark.
KeMirts of depredations of cattle
thieves on herda owned by parties in
the eastern nnd central parts ol the
county keep reaching us, one owner
rcHirting a losa ol 110. Such work
should lie iiivcatigatcd nnd prosecuted
to the fullest extent ol the law, and
will be. The guilty parties arc known,
and any more such work will surely
result in arrests. Needless to say the
marauders are dot Crook County cat
tlemen nor even residents but belong
to all adjoining county, and have
practiced this business lor several
seasons, Such work often times re
sult in a well attended nnd thorough
ly enjoyed necktie party.
Mvaba.1 nhmilfca.
A special stock train consisting of 15
carloads ol sheep, loaded at Shnniko
nnd billed to Omaha, passed over tho
O. R. 4 N. Thursday night, savs the
East Oregonian.
There would have been 32 cars in
this shipmout, but upon arrival at tlio
stock yards, the toverumont inspector
found port of them to bo infected with
the scab in a light form and held 17
cnrlonda for further developments.
These infected sheep were dipiwd Fri
day nud will have to be held lor ten
days before shipment. It was thought
by stockmen that the scab had been
completely stamped out in Shnniko
district nnd this instance come as a
A Uuiinwwr Accident
Lrtst Momlftv while Guy Liifollett
waft drivinp' in from tho I.afollett
much on McKay, accomimniert by his
mother Mrs. T. H. Lnfultott ami Her
bert Hideout, the ten in was fright
ened from ft siugletreo breaking ami
became nnmnnaable. Herbert Hide
out jumped, (sustaining a few bruises
while Guy held to the linea until the
harneHij hroke freeing the horae from
the rig nud was Ihi-ii dragged over the
iliihliii'nl, getting a lew scratch.
Mrs, Liifollett kept her sent In the
biigy r. ml was uninjured. The
harness was so badly torn up, that it
win neees-nry lo buy n new act while
the buggy waa nlso badly used up.
The scone ol the accident waa on the
Mi-Kay road nlstiit a mile from town.
The Ulnla matlaws bald Sllnlnn
l'aniintif"s Oi-rrlopiin-m..
Dr. II. P Ilelknap relumed Thurs
day Irimi Ornnt county, where be
went three weeks ngo on recreation
nnd incidcntinlly to visit the Dixie
Meadows Oold Mining Company's
mine. Their prorty is too well
known to need of description. A good
part nl the stock is owned in our si-c-tlon,
and the doctor brings back Hnt
tering reports Ihnt will do these peo
ple's hearts good. A number of min
ing expert have recently visited the
mine, nnd pronounce it without
doubt s several million dollar procr
ty, as it now etuiuln. Work is pro
gressing satisfactorily. 20 men lieing
employed. They are working in
about 750 lect on the lower drift and
when 100 feet further in, will com
mence on tho upraise t connect with
the upiwr drift. The boarding house,
which is 24 by W) foot is completed
nnd the mill building ii in the course
ol erection. The roller process ma
chinery with a capacity of UK) tonn of
ori ier day will main be on the
ground and will bo in ojairation by
October 1st.
In the meantime the (I rant county
court has appropriated 1000 to build
n ,d improve the county road Irom
Prairie City to the mine, the lormer
place being 12 miles south ol the lat
ter. This sum was augmented by
$850 aubacribed by Prairie City citi
zens, and the comp ia snary-ed of good
outside communication.
. v
Kcnaal fclacllan.
Tho school election held l the
court house Monday was poorty at
tended, ouly a lew freeholders being
present. I. L. Kctchiim'a term as
school director having expired, M. E.
Drink was elec ed in his place to
serve for a period of three years. The
resignation of M. R Elliott as school
clerk 'was not acceptcil, nnd Mr. El
liott consented with some reluctance
w servo another term. He stated that
this was his 11th year, and na i lie
place wns n peculiarly haid one to fill,
with no salary compensation worth
mentioning, only $35 per year being
paid, he thought it should be given to
some other editable person. Tho orlice
ol school clerk is an important one, he
having to handle large sums of money,
and it not only requites honesty but
nlso Inrge bonds, nnd with these
things in view, the bonrd moved thnt
they take some notion to raise the
salary attached to the office. No
further business coming before Iho
meeting, it was ndjourned.
The one not ic able thing about this
Bohool meeting wns the deplorable
lack ol interest which should be
taken in it by the patrons ol our
school. This election was general
throughout the stale, and it would
not be hard to find a great ninny
districts whore the property interests
represent d would bo only a small
fraction of what they are in District
No. one, where the attendance and
interest manifested would make us
ashamed ol ourselves.'
The imKrrane of this meeting was
gieatly added to, by the contemplated
changes and improvement to be made
our school lor tho Coming year, and
while the new otlicera could not be
proved upon, nnd will give entire
satislaction, the vole showed an extra
ordinary lack of interest in an im
portant event.
and order your new spring suit
from the great Oak-Easel of
Strauss Brothers
Good Taller, for 3o Yaara.
From ttsrl lo finish food qual
ity is the predominating feat
ure of all clothes made lo order
by this well known tailoring
house. No detail Is too small
to be given careful attention;
your perfect comfort la
their sole aim. Call at our
store and look over the splen
did assortment of S00 latest
aid nobbleat patterns. We will
quote you pricea that will Inter
eat you. Your aatlsfaction, aa
alwaya, absolutely guaranteed.
Saloman, Johnson & Co.
1 Word came In T.iesday evening
; that Mra. H. P. Donkel, who lives near
; Deachutes, had expired suddenly that
! morning of heart trouble. She waa
an elderly lady and with her Inmily
resided on the Ham Collins place two
milea below Deschutes. Kev. Tripletl
left Wednesday to conduct the Inner
al services, which were held nt the
Ilend school house at 3 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon
A sorrel mare branded with a liar
underneath. Has n hole in lilt jaw
nlsait hall way between nose nnd eye.
Also a iniill stallion, two years old.
Hna right ear split, but i,o I rands.
When Inst seen wero on the Oclioco
about 8 miles alxive town. Reward
paid lor their return, or information
as to their whereabouts by Da. C. A.
Cum, Prineville.
t ll.l H'a pmno sioi hk.
lladfl.liai-era far Htlntlc key In,
Everything in connection witli
the big concern, excepting priced
anil payments conducted on the
largest, broadest biiKincss princi
pals. Hits mi-ana the most ad
vantageous buying opportunities
to you. 1 lie largest number and
greatest variety and bent make of
pianos. The clever little Pianola,
that enables, any one to play any
eomiOMtion on any piano. The
lineal anil best church and parlor
organs. Electric, self-playing pi
ano. SOU) BY THIS iioisk.
All the liest, and every one at a
leas price than can lie obtained
anywhere else. Keep this in your
mind, it will tie a great saving
to you when you' want to buy a
key instrument no matter what ft
is. And if you want to buy now.
you will find many very extra in-
uuccineiite. iiie prices we are
making at prtent on pianos and
organa in order to make room for
incoming shipment are exception
ally low. Keniemlx-r the whereof
Kilers Piano House, Washington
Street, Corner Park, Portland, Ore
gon, other large, Flourishing
stores, San Francisco, Cal., rpo-
k.uic, vt asn., Sacramento, Cul.
Kslrnr Notice.
Come to my place on Hsv Creek.
one grey horse, weight about 1100
IKjunils brand JK on left shoulder and
left hip. About 7 years old. Tho own
er enn recover horse by paying lor
the notice and pasture bell.
It. fAKKisu, June 1st 1003.
. Sheep Wnnled.
All experienced party wishes from
500 to 1000 ewes to handle on the
shares. Has sollici lit range both
summer and winter to run 2500.
Address X Care of Crook County
Journal or call.
A Haulm, Kaarins- a load.
Washed down a telegraph line
which Clias. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, In.
had to repair.- "Standing wnist deen
in icy water," he writes gave me a ter
rible cold and cough. It jrrew worse
daily. Finally the best doctors in
Oakland, Neb. Sioux Citv nnd Omnhn
said I had consumption nnd could not
live. Then I began using Dr. King's
New Discovery md wns wholly cured
by six bottles." Positi ely guaranteed
for .Coughs, Coldn nnd all Throat nud
Lung troubles by Adnmson & Winnelr
Co. Price 50c and $1.00.
Dry Soods ....
Nev;Stylish Shirt Waists
Fancy Trimmings andXecIt Ribbon
Lace Curtains
Summer Dress Goods
ol the Latest Styles am!
Trimmings to Match
Percales and Shirtings
A Beautiful Assortment
at Low Prices
Muslins .
A Sew and Complete 8toelc
Just Arrived
1 1
Ol All Grades at
He's and Boys' Furnishings.
New Line of Summer Hats
SUITS "I All Grades, New and l'p-to-daie
at Reasonable Pricea
A Complete and Choice Line of
Beef, Veal, 'Mutton, Pork, Uacon,
Lard, and Country Produce.
Main st. prineviik,
Slianilro, Oregon
General Storage, Forwardin
Fireproof building 100x600 feet, 150 feet two stories in height.
Special Attention to Wool Grading and Baling
for Eastern Shipments.
Dealers in Blacksmith Coal, Flour, Barbed Wire, Nails, Cement, Lime,
Coal Oil, I'lastcr, Sulphur, Wool and Grain Sacks and Twine,
Grain and Feed. Highest price paid for Hides and Pelts.
Stock Yards with all the Latest and Best Facil
ities for Handling Stock.
AjfeoU (' Wasce. Wnrehnme Milling Cn.'s, "WhiU River1 and "Dsllei Pslmt" ".sir.
Murk Wood tare r "S. W. Co."
1 ...rianufacturers of and Dealers in...
Lumber and all Kinds of Euilding Material
For C A S tf Only
impokteu.... vjlvJrlJVO.
Incorporated 1903.
Drugs, Stationery and House Furnishing Goods
General Merchandise
JCardware, Stoves
Sheep Shears
Table and Pocltel
Camp Stoves
Wagon Covers
Low Prices
and Stockmens'
Sole Agent lor
F. Myers Shoes
Made Seat and Up-tcDate
Foster & Lehman
oreo. 'Phone 31.
& tPollard
tinware .
Guns, Ammunition,
Steel Traps
Paints, Oils