m fid Xocai 97cnion Ladlm' Hhlrt V,il. I In nil griul mid alylna nl Hulu:i mi, Johnson it 'rtmy Koalur rtiiritl Haliiiduy rum Pendleton mid other Iiilmid jii1 . 1'. I). Hiivl, ul Hlalera, upmit Hun dny In our nlty returning home Mwr day. J. W. Iluotiii returned on Hominy's 111110 Irinil n short hiiaineaa kip In l'lirlliiml. Mm, Hliiylon lm received vtiry pretty Him ul ready trliniiii'il hula, mill ultWa llm mm' ul n low price. tJounlV ('niniiitBalniier Milt It Powell wwi In the city Tuesday from lilt Mi' KMy creek homo. Hot'. 0, W. Tr plutl the iii p tii iiHHtnr ! 11 r i t Miitiiiilny (rum u lilolltll'a Rijnlirn lit Draoliutua, K, A. IVnili'r, nl Portland, wna In tlm city the lital ul llm mx'le doing tniainraa with Hi" tobacco iiii'i(diiiiit. W. A. HiKilh, I.. A. Ilmilli mid Urn (Imy, spunl n few tiny, the lint id tin' wink itnglinK l'r trout mi tho Ilea chutes. Jntnca Puller, of l!picr ('rooked river. Win Prlunvillc I'll t i ! vl.ilnr lint Hutiiiibiy. Hum tVlina nml wife Holidayed at tlio lininii u( 3, M. Mniilitiiiin'ry (in liwor Crooked mcr, W. T. Kogln nml i' spent lint Sunday with Mi. Koglc'a iwrcrita, Mr, mid Mis. J. M. Mnnt(iiie y, mi Low er Crookwl river. I). K. Furr, (if rpr Crooked rivir, wn in III city H.ituriliiy mi hit way hniiii? (mm liny creek, where liu went tin biiauioaa. John Ti'iiipk'lon, Kd Ilialsuit mid (I. V, Hu-wart lelt Saturday lor n (cw day's ilny mi tho Dcsclniti'a, in turning Moitibiy. II. Y. Allen ncciMiipuniiil hy hia will) mid Km AH, lelt Inr I'nrlluiul Saturday, mid will remain there din ing the summer. Waller llydo nK'iicd the Piiindcx tcr Shaving parlors Inr hiiaineaa the lint ul ilmweek, mid la enjoying lair patronnge. J. II. Ilcndoraon led Wediiesda fur rortlmid lur almrt alny, mid will I accompanied (in hia huinewnrd trip hy Mrs. Henderson. Mn. Hadio Hill, ol llurin, paaml through our city Hu day mi her way to Hialera, where (he gm-a In vialt her luollmr I'. H. Pavia. All pernmia knowing themselves in llehled to Hlllitll A t'leek will pleaw oall and M'llln ua liny nueil the money. Si Ilialgc wialics to a..nounco 1 1ml enniiiicncing with Fob. 15, the price ul (nil will bo riliaod to 7.r) ccllta ai span, at Ilia Iced yard. Miaa llerlie I'rlne led Tuesday lur her homo in lxiwiston, Idiilm, and wiu aecnniiiiuiel at Inr na Hliimiko hy her uncle, Fanner Powell. A. Williams arrived Mnudiiy Inun Portland, and cornea to till the pu aitlon ol prescription clerk at the Winnek Drug Cuiupuiiy'a atoru. 0. 1. Wiimi'k received hut Sunday a doacn bones l the llueat California oranges and a huiii'l' ul luiiiuua. The Iruit la all ul the heat variety. The persons IHing under Mr. Ilig giua can learn omething to their ml vantage hy calling on C. I. Winnok, at hia place ol hiiaineaa in thia city. Dr. J. H. Rosenberg wile and hnhy .reexported hiiiiio Hiindny Inun the valley, where they have Wen viaiting Irienda and n'lativca. Kil HiiinhriRik luia reaigned iii pu aitinn at tho Winnek Drug Company's store and will ahortly take tho mud in the Inleroata ol a win linalo drug firm. I,yllo & Cobb, the enlorpriaing wioldera ol the paint bruali arc engiigisl at preaont in giving color to the new reaidoncnol fretl rowella. K. V. llattnn, arrivoil Tuendiiy Irum li,.,l r he luu Iwon for acvoial riuva naat, looking over the ceni' mercial Held. He lelt WodnoBihiy lor hia home in tit. Paul, Minn. Mra. MoTiiggnrt, tlio milliner, ro- oeived a lino new line ol millinery tho lint ol the week, und will have a apeolnl bargain Halo tomorrow nml Hatiinlay. Mrf.Doru LymiK wishes to an nounce, to the tmlilio Unit she will iln wiirlimir, nml ironing nt reainm iihle pricw: WiixliinjO" will Ik' do livercil. Major Allrwl F. "Sean, who i well known in thia aootiun.cnmiiuuided tho loyal legion In their parade at Port laud oil the dny nl Preaident Ruoro- velt'a visit. Hlrenglh and vigor come ol a gmxl IikhI, duly digoaleil. "Force," rcady-lo-iierve wheat and barley (owl, iidila no burden, but invlgoralca. When in need ol blaokmnithing or wood work give Halonion Co., a cull. Dick Viuulorvort the I'lini'vllle Hilver I,uke luge inun, nuiiin In Tuea. day Inun Ilia Iimi hoiue anil will Hpeiiil lew iluya In our oily, lining hiiaiiinaM. The High Hchool Hoard will meet next Hatiirday lor the purHie ol dia nuaalug thi High Hulioul hiiildiug and utliur biiaiueaa ruhitlvo to tho High Hohool. 1 Mn, John I'yrua, wu paid $!l,0IXI TueKdiy by Itei'ord Kwper P. II. Do kol llm Knlghla ol Macealiee , lluil mi in iM'ing the amount carried hy luir ilcceiiacd liuahiuid in the orih r, Mra. C. 1. Winnek aniioiincea to the uiiiinla'ra nl Hie Prchyterian Huiiday hi'IhkiI that they may gut thuir liter, .iliiio nt Hi" Winnek Drug atom by (lulling mi Hiindny lielwei'ii 11) anil ll.UUn. in, J. I.. 1iickoy and wile, Mra. lioiiney and Utile aon and John l.uckey ro turned Tuenduy by private convey ance Inun Hhiiniko. They have heen viaiting for two weeka puat ill I'orl- hinil and oilier valley poinla, 0. Ham Hiuitli aecoiupanliHl hy hia fjinily lelt Huturdiiy lur Portland. Mra. Kinith and the children will viait Irienda anil relative lur aiiuei time, liile Mr. Hiuitli goca down to con- aiiiuuiate a ,uaiueaa deal. John HU'idl returiKHl Tueadiiy from Portland, nml other Valley pnint. While away be purcliiiMHl two turbine whecla, eucboKKI hor0Hiwer. They will he uacd by the Deohulea ljuilm Coiupauy in the oporallon ol their plant. There are two aheepaheariug crew at wmk in our couniy nt preaent, (I Kelley'a, whn ia now at T. II. balullet's and K ox'a nt Old. Nye a. Shearing ia much later thia year than uaiiul o ilig In the lateneaa of the aen- allll. AaaeMor II. F. Juhnaon returned WiHluenhiy Inun the Paulina aod lluU'rt Hiuilli aneiit Tuiwliiy ami Wodneailuy in the city. Iln l on the Diwhulea nt ill" iireaent with hia Imuily, He repnrta the tinilwr liuai. iieaa guod, mid aitya . 1 1 a a t- iiiiail of the Diiachlltca people Hull time to angle aome for trout, which are biting good. W, A, llooth expocla lo leave llm llrat ol tho week lor lakeview, where he will he joined by hia brother It, A. Ihmth, of llm llooth-Kulloy lum bering firm, mid party. Tigmher ttliuy will look over the Military Wagon Howl (Irani, and thia will tuke Mr. jlooth away for (he coming auniiiier and lull, HeHirta (ruin Hilver hake arc to the effect that timber aei-kera are arriving daily, hut that nearly all come in hy way ol Iiikeviiiw, Thern'a a cnanee (or the Crook County loentora to niiikn more of an ollint to induce theae people to go i.itn that auction by way Priuuvillc, aa thia ia aurely the moat fuaaitle roulo. John HiKiucoi, the cattleman left WtilucMiluy for the deaert, on a home. Iiuying trip. Hn wnnta tu have bin hand of lioraea ready for ahipni-nt during the firat week in June, and wi I ship (lit-m from Hhaniko over the (I. It. i N. to H,kiiui:; thence to Aa ainiihoi provinee, Canadii, hy way ol llm (Ireiit Northern, Tliouiaa O'Cdiinell mid W. A. llel! met with an accident while nut on the McKny laat Thuraday, with a crowd ul proicc.livo tiuiher loentora, that reaulled ill painlul Injuriei to Mr. O'Couuell, while Mr. Del! waa uninjur- I. In driving along a hill, thcae.il broke, Krcipitatiug Mr. O'Cnnnell into a thicket nl bruali, and he locciv- I a hiully acratvhed and hrlliwd face la'aidoa a aprainel arm. The injuriCN while puiiilul are not aerioua. A. M.Drake ol tho Pilot Unite De velopment Company waa iiuhc city Wcilneadiiy. Mr. Drake aiiyn that hia Company will anon inovo their aaw mill from fiend to a K)int about four utile aluive that place for the purpomi of cutting the timber m-ceaanry for their big flume. A good ninny a - litiona have la-en made lately to the machinery uf the mill, and when in Beaver Crook coiintrica, and report. I working order, it will turn out S0,(Kli) having llniahiHl hia official work there. He li-ntea Mouiliiy lor lllnck Untie, puatnilia, noiirithea, JoIiiihoii & Their blnckamilh "hop ia tho beat euuipiK-d in Interior Or gun and employa only llrat-cluaa chanica. where be will act valiialiona un prop erty. Floyd Itoivell, lorniary the junior partner in Ihollrmol MurriaA Kowcll, ia back again Minul thecoiinter in J. K, Morria' aiorc, Mra. Howell will lie ilnnu Iropi I'pper Crookiil Kivnr in a lewdnya and they will apenil the auiii mer in town. Hum t'ollina returned Inat week from the mater n part ol the county, where he went with a parly ol timber (olka fur the purjaweol iuaiM-ting the tinilair and other reaourcia ol Hint aeetion. They reHirl a plcaaant trip, Ihoiigh they oncoiintorMl aouie anuw. The Journal Job Ollico fiuiahed hut wivk a neat HO piige catalogue lor J. W. limine, which will lie mailed to lira many putnma in the near Inline. Mr. lloono ia a rintler in the hnrneaa iiuil middle line, and ia gradually building up good trade. Dr. II. V. Hclkiiup left Mnudiiy for (Iriinl county, whore ho goes for a twu wivk'a stay at the Ilclkunp mine near Prairie City. Ho will then re turn and eiigngn again in the activo practice ol hia proleaaion. Alex Hnilhiol Hiatera, who recent ly diaaolveil partnorahip with hia hrothcr ItoU'rl, ia having erected a new atore building, in which lie will carry b compute atoca oi general iiierchaiuliae. Thia will make two good trading placea in Sintera. Laat Hattiulay wua a iiiarkinl im provement in a buainosa way over any provioiia day lor aome time pnst, and the goodly number ol tcania and wugona and outaide (oik was a wel- ouiue aiglit. Hiiaineaa is on the mend In our little city and a lew day mora will ace Prinevillo her old aelf agnin. 8 V. Fercival lelt Monday for Paia ley, whero ho gooa to conduct the Cliowniioan Poat lor Win Holder. Mr. Peroivnl luia been employed in Journal Ollico for a u until punt, and iB a coniictent young newapnper man, haviiiiz tirevioualy conducU'd the Shnniao Leader, Hon. J. N. Williamson ia exiawted in l'rii cvillo alaiut June llltli, mid will apeml twu wcek'B in tliia section viaiting old frienda and attending to hia biiBincBB inleroata. The latter part of thia week will be apent hy him in making apeechea fur Uinger Her mann down in Southwestern Oregon. n. F. Sliepphei-d, of File, was in the city Tuesday on huaiucss. Mr. Shepp herd ieorta tho horae rhodero aliout liniala-d and tho hucliaroa bnve iiiovihI to the Desert cuuntry, The cnttlo rhodero will coinnicuce nbout June lat, and the stuck will lie delivered on about the 7lh. Twenty livo bnclums will ride at the cuttle ihodcro. W. A. Hell waa eniplnyeii .Mini ilay nml Tuesday on tlio contest case ol l'eter II. Mnliin vs' Koscoe Knox. Mr. Miihin'B contention is that the liniher claim of Mr. Knox ia more valuable lor agricultural purpose" than fur its timber. leel or mure of lumber. The DchcIiuIcb Mercantile Com pany commenced Tuesday the erec tion of a newtwo-atory store huililing :UI by W. The building will lie situ ated just across the atreel from .the Pilot llutte Inn, and will bo occupied hy a brand new up-to-date stock ol general niciciiaudise. The Deschutes Mercantile Company was incorporate Tuesday with acapitul stock ol $lU,0h0, and will lie tinder tho management ol A. II. (irniit, who is at present acting as assistant postmaster in our city Mrs. Naomi Hulomon inllVrcd the loss ol 3li young '(ry" chickens Satur day night, when boiiio cureless icrson in turning the water in their ditch (rum the main ditch back of the Halo man, Johnson A Co. Store, raise I the heud gate too high and caused a Hood in Mis. Suloiuan's back yunl. The chickens were in coops and we're powerless to escape Irotn the high water. People should lie careful in handling head gates as such work in dicts very unnecessary damage on others. A move is on font among the resi dents ul the district, to build a com motions school bouse some time dur ing the Bummer, on the farm of Ward Cram about half wn- between his resi dence and S. K. Slayton's The residents of Lower Ochooo need such a building, as at the pres ent time it is about nine miles to the first school house after leaving Prine villo traveling up the Ochoco. A Hut) Huraalii. milllnerr " Mrs. John McTaggarl, the milliner, will linvn special wile Friday mid Haliiiiliiy, to which all the Indies of Prliievllle atd vicinity are cordially inviti-d. Thia sale Includi-a some very pn lly things jual received. A WbeepaheMrlllB; llnnlesl. W. W. Hay, of Wurnweih r A Thomson's alore will undertake to enrn a HK) wager next Hominy by shearing III) sheep at Col. Nye's ranch. Tim partiin wagering with Mr. Huy are among the city's lu-st known sportsmen, and the event will be watched with interest. Mr. Kay bus not performed ft day's muiiiial lalmr or 20 years, and il he earns the 910)1, he will likely know that he has been in the the game. 'A snro buck and wriat will perhaps lie his symptoms next Monday, but hn ia a true sport mid deserves to walk away with the prize. cd Hulldlna sioiis tiiuan Rev. K. L. Alter, paator ol the Pros- hytcrinn church, haa been engaged for n week past on a still hunt for a good quality of building stone to be used in the erection ol the new church lor his denomination, and has succculod in locating a good quality of stone, in unlimited amount on the Ilirdsong place on Johnson creek about five miles alsivo town. The stono is of nearly tho same identical quality as that used in the construction uf the Oregonian building in Portland, and can lie quarried easily. It is probable that stepa will he taken in the near future to open thia place up and make the 110110 available for building pur imscs in our cily. A Hallroad Parly Cs-mlitff. A party of railroad men, composed of A. L. Mohler of the 0. 11. il S. Co., K. E. Lytic of the Columbia Mouth- em and T. B. Wilcox, representing tho commercial bodies of Portland, nod several other gentlemen, will lie in our section in a lew Jays. The ohjectivo point is Deschutes, and the motive ol the visit is to look into the merits ol tho 100-mile extension of the Columbia Southern. Mr. Mobler represcntB the Harriman in terests, and it is said that the lutter'a action in favor of the extension will lejiend upon Mr. Mohler's r port. It is interesting to note that thcira investigation will in all probability bring '.hem to our city and cast of ua. While in our locality the party can rest assured ol laiing given every en couragement possible by the ousinesB interests. II. 0. Hkewis, of Portland, but form erly of Sioux Citv, Iowa, arrived in our city Tuesday for the purpose of hiaiiecting, what hud boon represented to him as a great big "gold brick." It seems that during the recent ex- citcmcnt caused by the raise ol (he price of state school lauds, Mr. Skewis contracted the "lover" and at tlio urgent request of some limd sharks, who by the way. he paid $100 per quurtor section for their trouble, he purchased a section of school hind. Thia section lies six miles southeast of town and is nlwut as poor a piece of waste land as can lie found in the county. Together with tho advance payment) charginl by the slate this piece bus cost Mr. Hkewis $500 be sides bis expenses in coming here. Resides this, the land is niortgnged to the Btntc for the remainder of thn purchase price, which mortgage we do not think will ever he lilted. While Mr. Skewis is most unfortii nato in his purchase, and is to be sympathized with, still, he should have known that Prinevillo has sever al n-liahle land locators, who are fa miliar with every loot of ground m the county, who could not only have prevented hia loaa hy being bilked by outside sharks, but could have locat ed him on any amount of laud, that is of good valuo. However, he is only one ol many, who have made the mis take of buying bind in Kastern Oro gon without seeing it or getting re liable information concerning it. rainitlllona Ihnra Crooked Hirer. A trip of a lew miles down Crooked river nt this tuna will convince the most skeptical that tho season is at least a month behind this year. The iilfalia fields are just beginning to look green and are only as far advanced as they were in April lust year, but the past few days seem to have been better adapted to tho growth ol this iruss than before as it (hows signs of milk ing a good crop now. A considerable area ol now ground has been seeded this seasun and will he ready to yield good returns neit year. Thore is an abundance ol walcr for irrigation and it is to be deplored that the Bcason is so bnckwml for if it was warmer there would he enough surplus hay to make amends for the shortage last winter. The fall sown rye needs rain budly and if it docs not come soon the crop will be short although that seen near the road has a good healthy color and ia growing aa well or better than any other crop. Considerable improve ment ia being made on the county roads, yet there is room for more. New ditches are being taken out of the river nud a largo area of good land will be brought under irrigation this summer that has heretofore been dry waste. Miaa Marion Talbot ol the Cliien-I K University lias devised, by tho! niil of science, a bcIichii.' of living on 10 cetila per day. We woitlil like to see, wciii nml x-niy Misa Talbot before we iillempleil to put her scheme in practice. AllelllloH ftlorkmeil. That all the rnnge within the en closed boundary lines is claimed hy resilient and iieighliorhood stockmen, beginning nt J. O. Powell's place on McKay creek thtneo up south fork ol sal ' creek to its lieno fit Hush Hock, thence nroiind the divide in n nr-rtli- easterly direction to Three Hocks tlience to the cniiyon on right hand fork on Mil, creek, thence down Mill cieek and to ttie place ol beginning. Ily order ol committee. For Sale A one-half interest in store build ing and lo', also a one-third interest in a small furm. Fur particulars in quire ol or address I). T, Hlewart, Prineville, Oregon. Lumber $IO Per M. Alter January 1, 1903, we will sell lumber at our mill on the Otlioco for $10 per M. Hawkins: linos, for ftnlc. One registered Herford Hull, 5 years old. It. F. Ztt.L, 1-2B Prineville, Or. Foster & Lehman Proprietors. A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, 'Mutton, Pork, P.acon, Lard, anil Country Produce. Main st. rAwi.ie.ong. 'Phone 31. SilAfli f A COiilPAHV Ik OUk 5 (MES. WIE3--1SsJSr The Photographer, leaves on Mini" tiny, Miiy 11, for rortiand, to (mr- cfme u to-dutc photographic ui ilriira. Gallery will he cloned until her return, the first week in Jur? Ithedfohd's THE GREAT pHLYMEDICINE Tbedfurd'i Block-DnturEt hu saved doctors' bills for more than I sixty tears. I or the common fam ily ailments, such as constipation, indigestion, hard colds, bowel coin plainU, chills and fever, btlidns nesa, headaches and other like complaints no other medicine is nemwary. It invigorates and reg ulates tlie liver, assists digestion, stimulates action of the kidneys, Eurifies the blood, and purges the owols of foul accumulations. It .witir stomach, dizziness, chills, Hf rheumatic pains, smeacne, back ache, kidney troubles, constipation, diarrhoea, biliousness, piles, hard colds and headache. Every drug gist has Thediord's Black-Iiraught in 'J5 cent packages and in mam moth size for $1.00. Never accept a substitute. Insist on having the original made by the Chattanooga Medicine Company. I bclkvt ThedfonTs Blck.Drau$M b the best asdicine on earth. It il sood for say and evcrythki. 1 tave family of twelve children, and for lour years I hive kept them on foot and healthy with no doctor but ttUdt DrsughL A. J. GREEN, lUewara, La. Slianilro, Oxgrorx General Storage, Forwarding AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Fireproof building 100x1100 fwt, l.'iO fret twu xtoriea in hi-itU. Special Attention to Wool Grading and Haling for 1-astern Shipments. DcnliT? in lilnck?niitli Coal, Flour, Barbed Wire, Nails, Ct'ni'-nt, Lime, Coal Oil, I'ln.ter, Sulphur, Wool and (irain Sacks and Twine, drain and Feed. Highcit price paid for Ilidof" and lVltn. Stock Yards with all the Latest and Best Facil ities for Handling Stock. Anenta lur IVua, Warehouse Milling r.', "White Hiver' fln,l ' llall,' liitiit" Hiu-. Mark ftodils tare of "S. W. t'o." A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. ...nanufacturers of and Dealers In... FURNITURE, COFFINS and CASKETS CARPETS, STOVES, PAINTS and OILS Lumber and all Kinds of .uilding Material For C A 5 M Only jffenderson & !Pollctrd -DEALERS IS- WINES, LIQUORS, inroKTi i vjlVJxxlvO. CO'JNTRY ORDERS FIRST DOOR SOUTH SOLICITED. l'OIXDEXTER HOTEL PRINEVILLE, OREGON. City ffiarier Shop, 1 !PoU i Cymt, !Prophttrt. 1 ttVl HU WCU V.U(ldl IPrmttillt, Or, SALOMON, JOHNSON & CO. (SUCCESSORS TO C L SALOJIOX) General Merchandise In Corvallia lust Wedueadiiy, James I). Zurclier of Enterprise, Oregon, and Mm Kilit.li Howard, formerly ol Prineville. The niarringo v:i soleni 'ied at the homo ol tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mra. J. W. Howard and the nupt ial knot win tied by Mra. Humbert ol the Corvallia Christian church. Mra. Zitrcher's old liiend, Miss Una Stew art ol our city, acted as bridetniaid, while Elmer Wills was the best man. A wedding breaklaat was participated in by tho gueata, ahortly after which Mr. and Mra. Zurchor left lor their home at Knterpriro where Mr. Zurcli er is engaged in the electrio light busi ness. Mrs. Zurcher has a host ol friends in Crook county who wish the happy young couple bon voyage over life's sons. At tlie home ol Mrs. Naomi Saiom . on, O. M. l'ringle and Miss Jennie Hoover. Mr. l'ringle i one at Crook conn tic best known residents while Miss Hoover is a niece of G. T. Hoover, of Rye Grass and is lately from the East. They have many friends with whom the Journal joins in liest whiles. 'Dry Soocis . NewgStylish Shirt Waists Fancy Trimmings andNeek Ribbon Lace Curtains Summer Dress Goods of the Latest Styles and Trimmings to Match Percales and Shirtings A Beautiful Assortment at Low Prices Muslins A Sew and Complete Stock Just Arrived Hcdding Ol All tirades at Low' Prices Jfardi ware oves and Tjinware . . Sheep Shears Table and Pocket Cutlery Cutis, Anitiiuuitiiji!, and Sleel Traps Paints, Oils and Varnishes Camp Stoves Wagon ('overs and Xeiita Sroceries and Stockmens' Supplies h 1 g Men's and Boys' Furnishings.... Now Line of Summer Hats SUITS of All Cirailcs, Now ami Vp-to-Uitte at Roneonable Prices Sole Agent- lor the F. Myers Shoes Made Seat and I'li-lo-Pata