Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 28, 1903, Image 2

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    Crook County Journal.
It'siiiwn) Kvt Tm-HMui Bt
MAII.KV ASH Ill.ACK. l'r.i.rie,.i
W. C. Ill.ACK fcKninR
fi. M. MILKY Makaukr
iMtHlf, Jm.. fm touiMiiic'ufl tlir'ihtlw
Oil Yiin.
witli the iuimcn-.e acreage nvail- in li,M ,t. ,,mmillw havhit
able, last year' ni).!y 10,VX charge l)t ir,,jmj.,rv nrrunire-bushel.-
hol t of !i local demand, j ,m,nl! including ways and moans,
When you ask the raiua-. youw, instructed to report what (no
are told, there' more money in ! gr,w t ,d made nn.l tho proved
raising hay, but the day is not far ! for tl(, celebration. The commit
distant when that will not lie tlu iUv j , nT ,, ,,js ,,V(n.
case, ami tiivorsiti. .1 farming will j mg ad ,, t, r,.,lort j, ,vi
then be a reality in Cr.xik county, j nl:lkf to tho public pat li.-rinu at
A eood market will lie necessary lo I ii, el,.,,, ii,,,,,, ...... i. i .
make the change, of Cotiiw. When ,.d tht. scone ami character of
that day comes ami tho Ochoco t f 10 affair,
and Crooked Kivor vallovs an' till
ed to their full.-st extent, I'line-j """
ville will he a city of inn-awl The crops and pardon are all
trading places and heautifnl backward on account ot cold
homes, and will) all due respect to 'treat in r.
There seems to lw a n-vival in
the northwest, of the prize fight
ing business and the nccounl.s and
apparent encouragement given it
hv our leading pliers, notably the
Orcgonian, Telegram and Journal,
make one wish that pome genius
could invent gaffs on the same
principal as those worn by fight
ing cocks; the fighting rules revised
to allow of their being used, and a
4x4 ring provided, when- tiny
could scrap to the death and In
done. With the reports of President
Roosevelt's ovations reaching u.
daily, it makes m realize that he
must feel a favored man. To take
1 trip such as he has taken, and to
he greeted hourly hv his demon
strative fellow countrymen, anx
ious to get a glimpse of and do
homrge to the Nation's chief exe
cutive, is indeed a great honor;
enough in fact to turn manv a
wise man's head. Still it is but
trifling comp'in-d to the honor of
being an American in America,
and to be governed by men of the
stamp of Theodore Roosevelt.
the Deschutes river and the valley
through which it flows, we will say
that no city on its hanks can
ever take the place of 1'rineville
because of the fact that the coun
try above mentioned is adapted to
a cla- of products that cannot In
raised on the higher lands, com
monly spoken of as the lVsehutes
country, for this na-on and
many others. I'rineviilo will con
tinue to grow and the pessimist
who howls hard luck, will be dis
annulled. Ilnrfttam llMirniit(.
Hay lias been so scan-eat Hay
stack this spring that then' has
not been enough to send "straws" to
the Journal, so we thought we
Mrs. Carniical has been unite
sick but is slowly recovering.
Alva tiilliam nnd Jessie McCall
ister visited friends at Powell
but les last Sunday.
John (ircen and Kdd Tike have
iiiil work in this neighborhood.
They intend going lo Haystack lo
rusticate until haying.
A. T. Yooinu is busy sewing al
falfa seed on his farm.
The horse ride on the desert will
commence about the lirst of June.
Wm Koduian was out from
Princrillc last week visiting bis
Walter Il.lfricli, of Haystack,
visited at McCallislers last week.
The Montgomery brothers have
taken their cattle, an, I aim,! ..(
would send a few so you wouhl j Colonel Smith's to the IWIml...
know we wen- still in existence.
We notice there is a rumor go
ing that Haystack has severa I cases
of smallHix. That is a mistake, for
there never has Wn a case here
and is none at present.
for the summer.
Mr. Messinger will sell his farm
if he can tint! a purchaser, and
move to a warmer climate.
David Weaver and .Mr. Hatha
way were over on the Dcschiiics
last week with line ami h, 1.1k ikl,
Then- is only one thing needed; ing for tadpoles.. They hail ex
ecMent success.
0. Springer,
Coach and
Carriage JfCorsea
Young stallions and mares,
also a few young teams for
Havst.ivk Rltwd Slack Ranch.
Haystack, Oregon.
.!. W. JlOONli,
Saddles and Jfarness
Maker of the celebrated IM! JM'
n i l. mm: op
STOdtllriVK M S
Luteal improved laiiii'
and Stride tvaddln. liitr. r'tiu,
Angoia r l,f., s, (Jrdtir. I!k.
more. writti for uc.
Fhivrvili it,
We want to know
How many children
Hood juiessers.
in Oregon are
We an- going lo give Seventy Dollars in the form of
cash prizes to find out what child can give the host reasons
why KII.KKS 1'IANO IIOI'SK can sell pianos as it does
at from IKI to 1.K less than any oilier dealer on the
The first prize is $25 cash;
The '2d prize is $20 cash;
The ;UI prize is $10 cash;
The 4th prize is $5 cash;
The next ten are each $1 cash.
This offer appears in the nowspnicr8 all over the state,
and, of course, every hoy and girl who reads it, wants to
show what a good guesser he is. So read Hie (iu-sliona we
give and our advertisement in another part of this paicr.
Thev will help you. If you do not exactly understand
anything, ask some older 'rson about it. Then sit down
and write your own conclusions yourself ami send Ihein
to us.
Five years ago last Sunday the
Oregon regiment embarked at San
Francisco and started on their
8000-miie journey to the west
ward, bound for the Philippines,
where I'ncle Sam had in'cmUd
them to help lower the colors of
treacherous Spain. This done
they, were n'quired to jierform an
other' duty. That of suhji-cting
the natives, where freedom they
had not only assured hut secured.
The sons of our state who lost
their lives in this double service
were last Sunday fittingly honor
ed to the dedication of a monu
ment in Riverview Cemetery near
Portland, which was erected at a
cost of tl.lUO.
One often hears the expression
now-a-days, ''Well, when the Co
lumbia Siuthern is extended
further south Prinerille's death
knell is founded" or "the range is
gone and the backbone of the
country is broken, and the good
old days are past," etc., but we
honestly believe that a trip
through the beautiful feitile val
leys naturally tributary to Prine
ville, for all time, in spite of any
transportation line will ! enough
to convince the most pessimistic,
that the future holds much that's
good, not only for our little muni
cipality, but for the tributary
country in question. A trip up
the Ocboco, one of the two valleys
immediately tributary to our oily,
takes one 25 miles tlirou-.-h a
stretch of beautiful farming lands
disclosing a valley varying in
width from one-half mile to three
miles, and containing some of the
most productive soil on earth,
all adapted to the raising of grain,
berries and cereals, and with
many favored spot", where fruits j
Can be grown. This valley also j
has a number of tributary alleys, I
nere worse man ram, and that is a
Humane Scictv. When it comes
to confining horses a week or more
without water, anil lu-aling them
till they are past going, it is about
time some one was looking the
matter up.
All members of Haystack As
sembly I'. A. are csneciallv re
quested to attend lodge on Satur
day evening. June (i, at the Culver
Hall, as injHrtant business is to
le transacted, and part of the pro
gram is to he ice cream and cake.
So don't tail to attend.
(i. H. Osborn is laid up in bed
with a sore arm caused from vac
cination, fiot snialliKix."
Sunday School has li-cii o8t
ineil for some time past on ac
count of the sniallH'X scare, but
we understand there will Ik- Sun
day school next Sabbath.
M. E.
Mr. Montgomery will move his
family to his homestead at Little
river this week, where tlu v will
remain during the summer.
Tin xv
A Long Trip.
Drehnlr Urn
Krotii lien, I Bullelin.
Miss Marian Wiest gave a
charming dancing party last Fri
day nit'ht.
A fl-jry of snow Wednesday
night served to give variety to the
weather this week.
Mrs. Ora Poindexter, of Prine
ville, ai rived here Saturday and
will sis nd the summer at
j home of her father, J. I. West.
Key. Mr. Triplet!, of Prineville,
conducted religious service at the
fiend sch'silhouse Sunday. Then
was preaching in the morning and
a song service in the evening.
The undershot wheel
wagon iiuiiis in general mer
chandise passed through the city
VodnOMh,v en Mute to lm-, (irant
county. The goiKls were Iroin I'cnse
,t Mays, of The Dalles, and were con
signed for the most part lo Kirn
Hrns. ihe Iee merchant. This trip
mpiires lit) miles of travel ami is
one of the longest freighting routes in
America, ft sliows how hjully trans
portation is iimmIhI tor Cntrnl Ore
gon. A Uaudrrliil Uitmvrrf.
One of our leading western phy
sicians on ln-ing interrogated as to
what he regarded as the Is-st rem
edy for all diseases that the Imuran
llesh is heir to, and what is the
Ix-st preventive promptly replied,
Portland Club whiskey, as I know-
it is a pure hourlmn, well matured,
and aged in wood for sale by all
first class dealers.
I there any difference between selling in large
quantities or small quantities?
Can a dealer make bolter prices in one case than in
the other, and if so. in which case? .
Does it pay to ship pianiM and organs in car load
lols. and if so, why?
Is it more economical In ship them in boxes?
Dot's thi save in weight, and if so, what difference
does it make?
Many bright and interesting letters are coming in. and
not a single Oregon child wants to miss the opportunity of
winning a prize. We want to hear from you all.
The gentlemen who have kindly consented lo as judges
of the contest are Mr. ('. J. Owen, 'managing editor of the
Kvening Telegram, ami Mr. Thomas Milbiirn of the adver
tising department of the Oregoniun. They will select a
third from among the business men of Portland, whose
name will la- announced next week.
Contest ches May ill, l!Hi:l. Children HI years old
and younger eligible, u-lters must not contain' over one
hundred words.
Wiixhlngloii StrrW, for. Park.
I'OltlMM), OKN.OX.
Oilier hirst' si ores:
Spiikiini', WumIi Surra-
Sun IraiiclM-o, ( al
nit-iilo, 4 til.
"The fact that a horse is sensi
five to ridicule," said a student of
I the biological department of the
i University of Pennsylvania, "may
the! easily be demonstrated. Take, for
instance, the case of a horse that
is eating out of a nose hag. "H you
stand in front of such a horse, at
tract his attention, ami then, wilh
loud laughter, mock his way of
feeding, he will stou with a look of
t -
-,rwjnw.,,l ul. ....... I U..
j iiivm Mint -oxiii,, mill f
at thel.;i -,,.,, I,;. ,,!
,. ,, "... . , , .T 111' (1, UUIU
StenlleA Heed null did not prove vou ure gone away. "Dog, abo
entirely satisfactory and -Ir. 1 0,j,.c-t to lcin laughed at. Make
Steidle has gone to Portland to , of .. n, tk.y wi1 c,,atl,
purchase a turbine, which will w,.ltl.v(.r th,y ar(! ,,oi Jt .
soon he in ojieration. I()ly wh, thl.y lire in , fl),hl
A. H. (irant, who bad charge of j that they will remain impervious
the I!. S. & L. Co. store at Hay I to the shafts of mockery." Phila-
Creck for several years, arrived in
liend on today's stage and it is un
derstood he will os-n a large store
dclphia Post.
Liili'st Slyliu lit
( tnwtM-.
New Millinery Goods
At tho Old RollaUt IXilHnory Stsro of
Arm" siiA y t)n"-s
Oii ol llh' Iui'u'-mI mot nm'.t ,-lii't-illltn'if I Int. niiil llifM
Mil,,,,. lonwhl to I'i lu.'i III,., "lm I. will l.l,l nl mo
Ili'iilU I' w M le.. Vi will I'l-lilnek mill lillli nl.l IimU
lii'i-. Wo luoi- Sn rtiil Hill, . I li, . evi-i V Ai-illlimilny unit
HiOitoIrt) nl ulili'li ilin, , i.i-r Ni,,.,-!,,! lliiiUi,iti.,
i it; ii mi auk
Mll t.lM UV t'UDAI'
Ml IM l llllllt
lilltlll.S It KIT STtIC
N. A. Tye and
R mill pre '')m: pati:nt
LrlUlllWl J LiiATlll'R SIlOi:
y- $3.50
They are (iuaranteed
We have just nvclvcd a Lomplc Ic In c
riens' l uriilshliiKS, Intlmlliig tints, Shoes, Whirls
Neckwear and vvcrythliiK useful In all the l atest
Things. Call and e.vninlue tlu-m.
N. A. TVI- & IIH05.. I'nqis.
Kcllahlc Mcrclinnts
($)() 9: (D 8
Rlacksmitliing That Pleases
Is The Kind Yon (,cl n1 -
J. ii. wk;i.i;s
(Hiicci-Miir t0
( (H AriT A Dl.KIXS'S
A Slock of Farm Miichinei y i I . i s on hand
Mrs, John McTaarfs
I n
Came this week.
3 p e c t
Don't fail to call nnd
t 12. S t O
c 1-
You will find many patterns nnd Up to-Date Style
At Dr. Hyde's Old Office
Job f'ouldn't Hare mioa4 It.
Incnriiorated 1!I3.
Drills, Stationery and House Furnisliing floods
II he'll hiul Itflmie I'des. They're
W. A. Laidlaw will leave Sun-1 . annoying; uni lluckley's
I, , , ,, ,. , .. c Arnica Halve will cure Hie worst case
.... . o.unioiu .-ouiuerii ,e(, osr Ii. It lisa cii eil thau-
Irngation site on the Tunullo, ! sanils. For Injuries, Pains oi brni i 1 v
mat shelter some hcautifu farms . seven miles to Ihe westwiril of ' eriiioii. it Hie nest snlvo in the
and all these places have In-en "(in
ducted in the past, almost exclus
ively in the interests of tin stock
raising industry. As a conse
quence, the one object 1ms Ic-en
production of hay, and for this
. product all other branches of agri
cultuie have been neglected.
We d'j not believe that tiiere is
one farmer in Cnsik county nor
Eastern Oregon for that matter in
three who could tell accurately
the different products adapted to
the soil of his farm. Xhis knowl
edge comes as a result of a long
experience of diversified farming,
and but few if any, of these ex
periences have been had in Crook
Take for instance, the wheal
raising industry. Any one could
tell that our section was especially
adapted to it, but for all that aii'i
worJu. i'rice 2.c a liox. Cure lmar-
antced. .Sold by Ailniimon t U'innek
A 'KaKinr, Hearing- t'laod.
liend, where he exs-cts to be busy
ten days or so.
Miss Mary Riley, of the Pilot i
Iiutte Inn, has li-n quite ill with !
cerehro-sinnal meningitis since! "ashed down a. telegraph line
Sunday. Fortunately a physician ' ''has. C. Kllis, of Lisbon, la.
was ut hand to give prompt" treat-1 '" fpair. "Stiinding waist deep
ment, and the young lady is ex- i '" '"" '
peeled soon to recover. " , rible cold and cough. It grew worse
'daily. Finally the best doctors in
Near Wetweathcr Springs, half n : Oakland, Neb. Kioiu City nnd Omaha
dozen miles above liend, a crew of , said I had consumption and could not
half a dozen men has a camp and live. Then I hegan using Dr. King's
the mi n are at work some distance ; "cw Discovery tnd -as wholly cured
farther up on the right-of-way and ' '')' '""lea." lV.iti ely gmiranuml
ditch for the Hutchinson jrrj,,.,. , ,,,r ;""Kbs, and all Tlmint anil
l.nng troiiliien l,y Adnnison 4 innek
Co. Price ;i()c and $1,00.
tion enterprise. Progress as yet is
not rapid but it is understood th
work will lie prosecuted on a more
extensive scale soon.
At the meeting Wednesday I
night b) consider furtln-r the mat- H Suits at Gormlev'8
Ready to Wear
' " - a
ter of a Fourth of July celebration
rriocvi Ic-Slmio Stage line
Daily Between Prineville and
Leaves Hhaniko, 6 p. in.
la-aves J'riueville 1 p. in.
First Class Accommodations
Arrives at Prineville 0 a. ni.
Arrives at Hhaniko 1 u. in.
P. S3. 9oak,
Class Heals
at All Hours
35 Cents
-J.3o -ainlslicd. ISooms
You Hill find
lUCVCIJiSof all nood makes
Kainblers. Imperials. Ideals, ami in.'inv
others. A good line of llieycle Hnmliies AT HIIIPI' H.
Watts it Baker, Props.
Marhle and (iianite Monuments
All Kinds of Stone Work
Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
J i i
lf.t':";: ;
The Place
To Save
During the Present Lull in Business
We are making especial sacrifice in all our
Our Gent's and Ladies' I'urnisliinn Depart
ment has the newest things and is very
All mail orders receive our prompt atten
tion. Farm prodece taken in exchange for
Roods at. Market Prices.
A continuance of your patronage is solicited,