Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 21, 1903, Image 3

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    w JLocal cntion
Joint Alli'ii, ul liny Creek, was a
1'rlinvllle visitor Tuesday.
(jMirgo and Nellie Day rutmiiutl
Haturday Irnm lllllshoro.
' Louis Nslsmi, t Dimiliiitmi llinler
iiihii, wss In tltw city Tuiwliiy un liu.l-
Harvey mill PrcsUm Dunham were
down hum tlii'lr Oolnwo liunm Mon
day, trantaallng business,
HiiprrliiUiidiint llismll Iim
pound tin Nth KrRilo ciainlnatliin un
til Jim. 17, I Nt h nml IttUi.
MIm Ail FoeUir lull Wednesday (ur
l'aull fin, wham In goes to teach a
three monllia torm ul i'Ihmi).
Mn. II. K. Nlunn, of Gristly pre
ciuol, hu been iiilu III, but la now
raxrtid on the road ti recovery,
Carey F. Foster left Krlilny lur
Walla Walla, and tithor outside
points, eiwollng to Ua gimti about a
week. ,
All mtrsoiis knowing thetnMlvne in
debtod to Hmltli 4 Clcok will please
sail mid settle as they need the
0. Dawson, the traveling mnii ar
rived In the city Friday anil i t
the taat ol the week Interviewing our
bualnew men,
III ldxlgoa wiahoa to a..iiounce that
eoinmeneiiig with Ke1. 15, the price
ol lead will be rall lu 70 oeuta ier
span, at hia lent yard.
J. T. luitk arrived Sunday Irum
Aahwuod when he haa been lor two
months past, Mr, Doak eiiecu to
peud the aunimer in I'rineville.
Mre.Dura Lynn wishes to an
nounce to the public that she will
do washing nml ironing at reason
able price: Wishing will Ihi delivered.
MIm Una Htewart, ol Corvallit,
whom many remember pleasantly
(mm lormer visits, l to be the gueil
ol Miaa Elisabeth Klliull during the
Festival, Eugene llegisicr.
lira. H. 1'. Belknap lelt Wednesday
lor Hi, Martins fairings on the Colum
bia, when the oea to atay until June
Id when she will go Kaat aa a delegate
to the Superior l,odge of the Degriw
ol Honor.
A license to wed waa iaaued by
County Clerk Smith laat Thurailay In
J. K. liobina, ol Polk county, and
Joaephine (ireen, ol Culver prrcinet,
Crook oouiily,
John 11, llendaraou arrived Iroin
Portland Thuraday. While away
John joined the ranka ol the bone
dieU and Intenda keeping home later
on, Mra. Ilendenoii haa reniaineil i
the valley lor the present owing to the
mallpoi mare.
John Spencer, ol Assinihol province,
Canada, haa purchased about 60 ol
the 100 head ol unbroken horara be
came here to buy, and will receive
these In Ike aouthern part ol the
county. He leavea in about 10 daya
lor thai purpnee,
R. M. Wright, the oontraclor baa
ooenmenood work on Mra. Naomi
Salomon'! new reaidence, near the M.
K. parsonage. The home will have
every convenience and will be among
Frluevllle'e boat reaidencoa, and will
be completed lor oooiipanoy about
June Kith.
B. F. Allen arrived Haturday Irom
Portland lor a abort buaineaa atay in
our city. Mr. Allen rcorU buaineaa
condition! In Portland badly injured
aa a result ol the labor troublet, and
tlut the acta ol the agitutora haa done
modi towarda turning public syinpa
tliy Irom them.
A $1000 gold nugget lying on top
ol the ground and ill finding by u
poor prosiwctor la one ol the itrunge
happening! in Grant county. The
existence of auch a chunk of gold in
proven for it it on exhibition at (ho
Citiien'i National bank in Baker
lien Glisan arrived Sunday Irom
Silver Lake, where lie haa bad charge
ol the J. B. MoCullnch band ol aheop.
He reixirta the aale ol thia band to
Bwllt A Co., and turned them over to
A. J, Nolan their agent laat week
Their band oomprleed 6850 head ol
mutton aheep. Ol tlila number 470
yearlings, and the rent two, three and
four-year olda, and they were said to
be one ol the finest banda ol sheep
over sent Irom Crook county.
Tim traveling public can now real
esaiirnil ul good atopplng places while
in our oily. Mrs McDowell's hotel,
The I'rineville wan re-i'nHl Tuesday
niter li lug tlnirouglily overhauled nnd
renovaled, 1', II. Dunk's restaurant
and rooming hnuto is also doing a
good business, and should for it is u
well conducted establishment. Per
ry I'oindeiter lies not decided just
whim lie will re-owii his hotel, but it
will be some time in tlio near hi tore.
A l.llll. Nlas..
Deputy Sheriff. F. P. Claypool, who
was empowered during the last session
olthe county court to improve and
care lor the Court Houae yard, it hav
inf hauled new dirt and is filling in
and leveling the yard. When done
he will seed the new ground to clover
and blue grass, turn on the watoi and
wait lor a chance to use the lawn
mower author'scd by the county
court. This step towards beautifying
the court house grounds should Inive
been taken a long time ago, for il
there Is ( place in a county scat '.hat
la xpoetud to be neat and attractive,
that piece certainly is the court house
and grounds.
Henderson k Pollard npnud up lor
business lust week,
Klmer Clurk, of Kile, was In the city
Wednesday un business,
liwls MoCiilllator, ol Hlaters, was in
town Tuesday transacting business.
Ladles' Willi Waists In all grades
mid stylos at Kulo'i on, Johnson A Co.
Dr. A, D. Morrison )nade a profess
ional trip to the Ochocn mines Hun
dny. John Hteldle, the Deschutes suw
mill man, waa In the city Tuesdny on
All Allen, of Portland, arrived In
our city Saturday for a few dnys visit
with Irleiuls and relatives,
I. W. Doone left on Monday l'ir
Portland, where lie goes to purchase
goods, and transact other business,
W. II. iliidaoiig, uf Mill creek, was
In the city Inst Thursday on his wny
to (Irissly, wheie he went to slicnr
Win. McCulloch sold his ball Inter
est In the Pnindustcr shaving purlor
thia wink and lelt for Htockton, Calif
ornia. ltobt. Hen, ol Portland, waa in the
olry Tuesday en route to Cline Knlls,
Mr, Ilea is a brother (I Don Boa ol
the Deschutes Bulletin.
The final settlement ol the estate ol
Kd Hnoderly, deceased has been set
(or July Oth. M. It. Klliott la the ad
ministrator ul the estate.
Miss Ktlicl Pliillibor, who has been
visiting relnllves in our county lor
several months lift Thiirsilsy lor
(Icyser, (iiant county, where she tool
lo visit her liilher,
When In need ol lilacksmithiug or
wihnI work give Hslomon, Johiisun A
Co., a call. Their blacksmith "hop is
the best equipped in Interior Or gon
and employs only Hrst-class me-
Tom Stroud, who is empluyiHl by T.
II. Lafolletle, met with a gun acci-
,l,,( H I.,w tlial rneiillijl in Ilia
' 1 1 :.:.... i.i: l.. i..- nr....
lueaofatoo, The gun was disohnrged "r ... h.u
in transloring Irom his shoulder to nisiory oi vine mwiion. neiwrie
I I.nst Thursday at about 11 p. in,
the lire nlnrm sounded a ca.l from the
Newsoin house luimerly occupied by
Ivan Tinner, mid though the lire
companies rescinded promptly, and
made every possible effort to save the
building It burned lo the ground.
However it had been afire lor some
time before the alarm sounded. The
loss was about $100 with no insur
An incident Hint happened during
the progreaa of the blsie provoked
ipiite a bit of amusement, A iniiii by
the name of Hill Whiskey with his
name emphasised on the Whiskey,
had by hard work collected himself
within a respectible distance of the
blnne where he was enjoying the pro
ceedings. The nozxelman seeing his
evolutions undertook to brace him up
with a touch of city water flowing
from a pressure of 100 pounds per
inch. This, Hill Whiskey resell ed,
and immediately made mi attnek on
the nozileman, who' turned on the
stream with telling effect. Dill was
knocked down aeveral times in an el
fort to reach the source ol the harass
ing stream and waa finally rescued by
Policeman Dell, who eaourted him to
the city bnstilo for a short vacation
from his troubles.
Artisan's alleallanl
The Artisan assessments will be
paid this month to W. 0. lllack at
lire Journal office, A, O. Mosier, hav
ing resigned, owing lo Hie prevalence
of smallpon. No meeting has been
held, and the election of a new secre
tary has had to lie postioned.
The Artisan members will please
take notice, and call and pay their as
Mra at Ilia maar .
Advice from northern anil south
ern sections ol the state tell ol
extremely . heavy lcwuee among
lunilw, an a result of enowatorm
which prevailed yesterday and hint
night. A Dillon report nays tens
ul thournnila of young lambs have
fallen beneath the Gi-rcencnn ol the
the ground.
K, II. llatten, a Ht. Paul capitalist,
pasacd through the city Wednesday
on hia way to I lie Deschutes, where
he goes on business connected with
the Drake Irrigtion piojeet.
The Central Oregonian ol May 14th'
tntea that the ipiarantine is moving
long smoothly, with business quiet
in that section aa a result, and all
hoping lur a resumption ol travel and
mail from the north.
11. A. Clemens who has been the
Ileview's efficient loreman lor two
mouths pat left Kiidny for the Puget
Huuiid counliy, where he goes to play
professional bnselmll. Mr. Clemens is
a star In this line as well as beiii;,' a
good job printer.
Henry Hmith in writing to hit
father C, Ham Hmith, states that a
yearling cinnamon bear waa killed by
one ol the Tuniello ditch employees,
short distance Irom camp, and
that there are both cinnamon and
black bear in that section In consider
able numbers.
The Crook County Stookgrower's
Association will hold a meeting at the
Court House on Haturday, June Oth.
A lull atUndnnce is desired as thore
will be ImixirUnt business before the
meeting. The committee ol five ap
pointed at the Inst annual meeting
to ooler with the Cattlemens Associ
ation committee regnrtling range
boundaries will report.
Mur in Irom every direction, detail
ing loenea ol a frightful large per
rent of rwtn and their tender off
spring. The storm haa killed thotmnndn
ol !icep, c8Mx'iully young lambs,
and will do incalcuable damage.
Ranchers, in the section of Fort
llcnlon, Cnncailo and Geyaer have
suffered heavily, and reports of Ions
come in from ovcry eide.
Tlio Oclioco Milling Company re
ceived their new 40 horse power boiler
Friday and commenced Haturday to
install It. The now boiler weighs
8000 pounds and is ol the return
tublar type. The Company will soon
order a new engine to replace the one
they are now using, which went
through the planing mill fire ol last
summer. When they got this and all
their contemplated new machinery in
working order, they will have a very
creditable establishment and perhaps
the best in Interior Oregon. Adrian
Crooks it engineer, '
E. A. Child did not leave last week
as announoed, owing to the uncertai i
weather and some unfinished business.
He will not leave until next week
some tune. He has some luniiture
fur sale yet. A bud lounge, a settee,
some rockers and some common
chairs and other useful utensils; a
Hmith Premier typewriter, also a set
of Encyclopedia ltrittnnica ooirpletc
in 20 vol u in not and a set of Old Testa
ment commentaries as good as new at
hall what tliey cost. He also has two
bicycles and a covered carriage which
lie will sell at a low figure. They are
standard gonda. Call this week or
early next, if you want to seo these
All Iowa congrcwininn says it is
ridiculous to talk ol the Iowa idea
or any other political question in
his state. The people are to huny
making hay while the sun of pros
perity HhineH that all they asked
is that the Government shall do
nothing to interfere witli the good
Indulgent Fattier (dining in
rtntuurant) I presume, Horace
while you were attending that for
eign medical college you formed
the foolish and reprehensible habit
ol drinking beer?
Son Why, yen, father; I just
had to drink it occasionally. All
the other students did.
Indulgent Father Waiter, two
born'! Chicago Tribune.
male ISals- .
An energetic manager for r.ruce to
be 0ienod in this city lor large
manufacturing concern. Salary One
Hundred Dollars ier month extra
commissions and expenses. Five
Hundred Dollars cash security requir-
d. lleat ol references. Address
Mannger P. O. Box 2124 Han Franeis-
oo, Cal I.
A. K. Mathews, ol this city, has a
piece ol reaidence property in Hpoksne
which is a good paying Investment,
I he house is new, has eight rooms
on I modern improvements. The
property consists ol six lots, bam and
residence. He will trade the tame
lur Crook or Lake county farm or
timber land. Addrets A. E. Mathews,
Prir.eville, Oregon.
Pasture for Rant.
4K0 acres one mile above Bulpher
Hprings on Woll creek. Plenty ol wat
er and grass. By fencing would make
excellent range lur cattle.
Write B. C. Hydk Bpokane, Wash,
ace W. R. McFablakd, Princville.
Mrs. Busie Hlayton wishes lo an
nounce that she it selling high grade
millinery cheap, and that on Wednes-
daya and Haturdays tin will have
special sales. The Bargains however
can be found at any time at her store
thia city. Hats retrimmed and
blacked Iree ol charge.
Fruit Farm for Sale.
I offer for sale-niy fruit farm of
lflO acres, situated in the Cove, on
the Deschutes river. There are
2000 trees of assorted varieties of
fruit and a ready market for all of
the product.
T t. McCallistki,
Culver, Oregon
Hawkins Bros, ol Upper Ochoco,
will start their saw mill in operation
Monday March 2.'kl. The lint bill ol
lumber will be sawed for A. B. Bhipp,
a Secial lot ol No. 1 choice lumber.
Their patrons will st all times be
able to secure good lumber in Urge or
small amounts st reasonable prices at
the mill.
Hawkihs Buos.
Putrefying lood in the intestines
produces effects like those ol srsenio
but Dr. King's New Lite Pills expil
the poisons Irom clogged bowels, gent
ly, easily but surely, Bick Headache.
Fevers, all Liver, Kidney and Bowel
tioublea. Only 25c at Adamson A
Five pure blood Hereford heifers
branded with a diamond on the
right hip. They did have a metal
tag in left car, which may or may
not be lost. Twenty dollars each
will be paid for their delivery at
the Hon ney view stock ranch on
Up?r Crooked river, or writing J.
H. Gray. I'rineville, Oregon.
Call far fjaaalr Warrants.
All outstanding Crook County War
rants will be paid on presentation to
the County Treasurer.
M. H. Bell,
County Treasurer.
I'rineville, March 25, 1903.
For Sale
1800 acres ol land. -Buitable lor
arming, grazing, bruit raising and
alfalfa. Oood improvements. Located
on the survey of the Columbia South;
ern extension Kail lioad. Will sell
on e-sy terms. I or particulars write
to F. foRKST, Pnneville On gon.
A llaaaerlwl Dlscaverr.
One of our leading western phy
sicians on being interrogated as to
what he regarded as the best rem
edy for all diseases that the human
flesh is hnir to, and what is the
best preventive promptly replied,
Portland Club whiskey, as I know
it is a pure bourbon, well matured,
and aged in wood for snle by all
first class dealers.
J. H. Burson wishes to announce
that he will buy all kinds ol furs. He
will pay a good price lor all lure prop
erly handled and in good shape. Al-
Badgor hides. Headquarters at
Foster A Lehman's bntcher shop.
Malice la Ntackmea. '
At Wciser, Idaho, . on May 14. tleo.
W. Hayes and Mrs. Etta Horton.
The contracting parties were both
'oriuerly ol Burns.
We, the citisens of Ochoco respect
fully request the sheepmen to respect
the range enclosed by the following
descrilied boundary lines vis:
Commencing at the mouth of Marks
creek thence up Marks creek to the
mouth ol little Hay creek, thence up
little Hay crock to the head or better
known ns the old Miller ranch thence
on a line running in an easterly di
rection to the McC lister liousc or
placer mine on Ochoco creek thence
on a line running in a south easterly
direction to the old Peasley ranch on
Canyon creek continuing on the sum
mit of Lookout Mountain and a'ong
the summit uf Lookout Mountain to
tlio divining nuge netwecn ine neau
waters of Wolfo creek snd Hore-
lierven creek thence along the aliove
named ridge running in a westerly
direction to the head ol Camp branch
thence down Camp branch to its
mouth and place of beginning.
By order nf committee.
The great 0k-Esol sent by Strauss
Bros , ol Chicago, containing 500 sum
pies for men's line tailoring can now
be seen at the store ol Salomon. Johnson-A
Chickens Wanted.
Highest market price in cash
paid for live dozen good hens.
Address W. T. Fogle,
Prineville, Oregon.
This slfaatars la on every box ot the fsrratM
Laxative Dromouiaiiie tom
THE 8 I 8 M OF I I
t,.. 1- 1L. J-V.1. S
Here is the rreit Oak-
Easel now on display at
our store. It contains the
line of beautiful new spring
tailoring samples sent us by
Oae4 Tellers lor 26 Yasra
The Oak-Easet is the
connecting link between the
tailor and the faultlessly fin
ished garments which give
you so much pleasure to
wear. It's really a lesson
in good clothes buying to
see this - great collection
of tailoring novelties.
Prloas lew ana aatlsfaa.
tied avbaalutat sjua.r
I anlaaa, Call seen.
rar Sale.
One registered Herlord Bull, S years
old. B. F. Zkli.,
1-26 Princville, Or,
The Photographer, leaves on Mon
day, May 11, lor Portland, to pur
chase u -to-date photographic sun
dries. Gallery will be closed until
her return, thejfirst week in June. 5
1 enaata Ike dungs at alt wMdi
wet last SMMarsiaa. Isaacs! Wis
si CsrsHsasI aukM It try s sat.
Ik. I utpeneaceS tatM reletf the
lint aoatK aa I aaptsa tatla) a lar
Mra snaths tat! saw I seeeetmetl
wah at psen aaa I sasll take Kefl aat!
tt now tats I saves till! ttwrlSsts"
Female weakness, disordered
mentea, falling of tlie womb and
ovarian troublas do not wear of.
They follow awoman to the thing
of life. Do not wait but tax Wine
of Cardui now and avoid the trou
ble. Wise of Cardui nerer tails
to benefit a suffering woman of
any age. Wine of Cardui relieved
Hrt. Webb when the waa in dan
ger. When yoacntaetotiiecbanffe
of life Mrs. Wtbb't letter will
mean more to yon than it does
But yon may now avma u
aidured. Dniffffists
of Wine of Cardni.
I now.
I suffering the r
I seU II bottles
Meat la
Foster & Lehman
n !-j
A Complete and Choice Line of
Beef, Veal, 'Afntton, Pork, Bacon,
Lard, and Country Produce.
Main st. iKYiiMreg. 'Phone 31.
Fireproof Buildings, 100x600 feet, 150 feet, being two
stories in height.
General Fowarding, Storage and Commissionllcrchants.
Blacksmith coal, Flour, Barbed Wire, Nailg, Cement, Lim
Coal oil, Plaster, Sulphur, Wool and Grain sacks and
Twine, Grain and Feed. Highest price paid for Hides and
Special attention given to Wool trade. First Class baling
and grading facilities. '
Stock yards with all the latest and best facilities for hand
ling stock.
Agents for the Wasco warehouse Aiming to. "Winte
River" and -'Dalles Patent" flour. Best in the Market.
' Ttfark Soods Care S, W. Co.
...rianufacturers of and Dealers in...
Lumber and all Kinds of Euilding Material
For G A S H Only
Henderson & Sollard
City ffiarber Shop.
P0WII d Cyns, Prtprjttn.
JfCoi ana Cold SSaths.
Prinnill: On
General Merchandise
SoOtls e e e e
NewIStylish Shirt Waists
Fanoy Trimmings and Neck Ribbon
Lace Curtains
Summer DressIGoods
ol the Latest Styles and
Trimmings to Hatch
A Beautiful Assortment
at Low Prices
A New and Complete Stock
Just Arrived
01 All Grades at Low Prices
r e
Jfardware, Stoves
and Vinware . ,
Sheep Shears
Table and Pocket '
Cutlery ,
Guns, Ammunition,,
Steel Traps
Paints, Oils '
Varnishes 1
Camp Stoves
Wagon Covers t
- and
and StocAmens' -Supplies
Men's asd Boys' Furnishings....
New Line ol Summer Hats
SUITS oi All Grades, New and Up-to-date
at Reasonable Prices
Sole Agent' lor the
F. Myers Shoes
Made Neat snd Up to-Date